JANUARY, 1890.]
Northern V. 1785 current: Tuesday, 12 September, A.D. 1727; the 9th tithi of the bright half onded 19 h. 16 m. after mean sunrise.
Northern v. 1785 expired: Monday, 30 September, A.D. 1728; the 9th lithi of the bright half ended 16 h. 43 m. after mean sunrise.
Southern V. 1785 expired: Saturday, 20 September, A.D. 1729.
The year Kalayukta, No. 52, lasted, according to the Sürya-Siddhanta rule, without bija, from 25 August, A.D. 1727, to 20 August, A.D. 1728, and with bija, from 3 October, A.D. 1727, to 28 September, A.D. 1728; and according to the Jyotistattva rule, from 5 August, A.D. 1727, to 31 July, A.D. 1728. Accordingly, Kalayukta was no longer actually current on the day of the date (30 September, A.D. 1728), but it was current at the commencement of the solar year (29 March, A.D. 1728). By the Telinga rule the date would fall in the year Kilaka, No. 42.
(On the way in which 1785 is denoted here, by môdachchhaya, see e.g. Burnell's Palæography, p. 59).
56. - V. 1874. - ante, Vol. IX. p. 193. Nepâl stone inscription of Lalitatripurasundari : Veda-sapta-gaj-ându-mité 1874 Vaikrame sake Suchi-sukla-navamyam Som-anvitâyâm. Northern V. 1874 current: Wednesday, 3 July, A.D. 1816, new style.
Northern V. 1874 expired: Monday, 23 June, A.D. 1817, new style; the 9th tithi of the bright half ended 12 h. 41 m. after mean sunrise.
Southern V. 1874 expired: Sunday, 12 July, A.D. 1818, new style; the 9th tithi of the bright half ended 12 h. 3 m. after mean sunrise.
(c). - Dates in Southern Expired Years, 57. - V. 898. - Zeitschrift D. M. G., Vol. XL. p. 42. Dholpur stone inscription of the Chanhân Chandamahậsena : - (Line 21) ... Vasu nava [a]shtau varshả gatasya kalasya Vikram-Akhyasya [0]
Vaisakhasya sitaya[ro] Ravivara-yuta-dvitiyayar 11 Chandré Rohiņi-samyukte18 lagnê simghasyalo Sobhane yôge 1
sakala-krita-mamgalasya hy=abhů[t*] pratishth=asya bhavanasya 11 Northern V. 898 corrent: Wednesday, 7 April, A.D. 840.
Northern V. 898 expired: Monday, 28 March, A.D. 841; the second tithi of the bright half ended 15 h. 31 m. after mean sunrise ; nakshatra Bharani, and yoga Ayushmat.
Southern V. 898 expired: Sunday, 16 April, A.D. 842; the second tithi of the bright half ended 13 h. 49 m., and the nakshatra was Bohiņi up to 21 h. 40 m., and the yoga Sobhana up to 1 h. 19 m, after mean sunrise.
58. - V. 962. - My Report for 1880-81, p. 9; and Dr. Peterson's Third Report (1884-86), App. p. 149. Date in a MS. of Siddharshi's Upamitibhava-prapancha Katha:
Sri-Bhillamåla-nagarê ... Samvatsara-sata-navakė dvishashţi-sahite=tilaroghite châsyah !
Jyêshțhê si(si)ta-pamchamyâm Punarvvasau Guru-dine (samåptir=abhût 11] Northern V. 962 current: Tuesday, 22 May, A.D. 904. Northern V. 962 expired: Sunday, 12 May, A.D. 905.
Southern V. 962 expired: Thursday, 1 May, A.D. 906 ; the 5th tithi of the bright half ended 16 h. 13 m., and the nakshatra was Punarvasu up to 5 h. 16 m. after mean sunrise.
59. - V. 2011. - Archæol. Suro. of India, Vol. XXI. p. 67, and Plate xvi. J; and Epigraphia Indica, Vol. I. p. 186. Inscription from a Jaina temple at Khajurühô: -
(Line 1)... Samvat 1011 samaye il (Line 10) ... Vaisa (sâ)sha(kha)-sudi 7 Soma-dine ili Northern V. 1011 current : Saturday, 23 April, A.D. 953. Dr Hultasch suggests Rhini-yukte, to suit the motre, Årya.
19 Read sith hasya.