[JANUARY, 1890.
Northern V. 1650 current : Monday, 11 September, A.D. 1592.
Northern v. 1650 expired: Friday, 31 August, A.D. 1593; the full-moon tithi ended 17 h. 55 m. after mean sunrise.
Southern V. 1650 expired: Tuesday, 20 August, A.D. 1594.
The year Subhakfit, No. 36, lasted, according to the Sürya-Siddhanta rule, without bija, from 21 March, A.D. 1593, to 17 March, A.D. 1594, and with bija, from 28 April, A.D. 1593, to 24 April, A.D. 1594; and according to the Jyotistattva rale, from 4 March, A.D. 1593, to 28 February, A.D. 1594. Accordingly, Subhaksit was actually current on the day of the date (31 August, A.D. 1593); and by the Surya-Siddhanta rule without bija and the Jyotistattva rule it was also current at the commencement of the solar year (28 March, A.D. 1593). By the Tålinga rule the date would fall in the year Vijaya, No. 27.
52. - V. 1684. - Dr. Peterson's Third Report (1884-86), App. p. 337. Date of the composition of Råmarshi's Nalodaya-tiká, of the time of Sultan Sahi Salamal? :
Vèd-amga-rasa-chamdr-adhyê varshê másê tu Madhave 1 śukla-pakshê tu saptamyam Gurau Pushye tath=ôduni || 13 [u*]. Suratranê tatha Sahi-Salamê sâsati kshitim Pattan-akhyê mahå-durgê Rajasalyê cha rájani I 14 [l1] Yuvarajé Bhôjarajé ... Northern V. 1664 current : Sunday, 4 May, A.D. 1606.
Northern V. 1864 expired: Thursday, 23 April, A.D. 1607; the 7th tithi of the bright half ended 11 h. 7 m., and the nakshatra was Pushya up to 5 h. 55 m. after mean sunrise.
Southern V. 1664 expired: Monday, 11 April, A.D. 1608.
53.- V. 1886.- Professor Eggeling's Catalogue, p. 82. Date of a MS. of an Agnishómpaddhati (written at Benares): -
Samvat 1686 Bahudhanye-nâma-samvatsaré Sråvaņa-sukla-saptamyam Guru-vAgard taddinê Káśyam ...
Northern V. 1686 current : Sunday, 27 July, A.D. 1628.
Northern V. 1686 expired: Thursday, 16 July, A.D. 1629; the 7th tithi of the bright half ended 19 h. 54 m. after mean sunrise.
Southern V. 1686 expired: Wednesday, 4 August, A.D. 1630 ; the 7th tithi of the bright half ended 18 h. 55 m. after mean sunrise.
The year Bahudhanya, No. 12, lasted, according to the Surya-Siddhanta rule, without bija, from 20 October, A.D. 1628, to 16 October, A.D. 1629, and with bija, from 27 November, A.D. 1628, to 23 November, A.D. 1629 ; and according to the Jyotistattva rule, from 1 October, A.D. 1628, to 27 September, A.D. 1629. Accordingly, Bahadhủnya was current on the actual day of the date (16 July, A.D. 1629) and also at the commencement of the solar year (28 March, A.D. 1629). By the Telinga rule the date would fall in the year Sukla, No. 3.
54. - V. 1770. - Dr. Peterson's First Report (1882-83), p. 94. Date of the composition of Bhimasena's Sukhôdadhi :
Saṁvad-grah-asva-mani-bhi-jõâtë masë Madhau sudi
trayôdasyår Soms-vård samapto-yam Sukhôdadhiḥ 11 Northern V. 1779 current: Thursday, 30 March, A.D. 1721.
Northern V. 1779 expired: Monday, 19 March, A.D. 1722 ; the 13th tithi of the bright half ended 15 h. 56 m. after mean sunrise.
Southern V. 1779 expired: Sunday, 7 April, A.D. 1723; the 13th tithi of the bright half ended 9 h. 38 m. after mean sunrise.
55.- V. 1785. - RAjándralal Mitra's Notices of Sanskrit MSS., Vol. VII. p 57. Date of the composition of Bhaskararüya's Saubhagya-bhdskara (composed at Benares) :
Modachchhiyû-mitîyâm śaradi sarad-sitây-Abvine Kalayukte
sukló Somo navamyâm-atanuta Lalita-namasahasra-bhashyam ! 11 I am unable to identify this Sultan. In Professor Bhandarkar's Report for 1882-88, p. 227, verse 8, we have the name adhi-Salema.