Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar

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Page 35
________________ (16) Anityatā - Tur - Transitoriness. Antah preraņā -377: UT - Implicit Anitya tadatmya - fra arging - inspiration. Non-eternal identity. Antakrta - अन्तकृत - One who has Anivartin - 34ftafta - Infalliable attained liberation. Anivarya satta - अनिवार्यसत्ता -Inevi Antara - 37R - Discrimination, Intertable existence. val of time, Divergency, Interval. Anivrtti - 31 frafa - Abstinence from Antar muhurta - 37 Tier - Intermuattachment to external objects. hurta. Aniyrtti bādara samparāya. Antara vastra - 3779 - Undergar3iftafa allt F1471 - Stage of ad- ment. vanced throught activity. S-9/1 Antara Karana - 37-roho - Internal Anivrttikaran a - 34freferatu - Ad- operation. vanced throught activity, Invariant op- Fourteen internal possessions - uger. eration, The process of self meditation 37 fue - The fourteen internal through which the soul attains right possessions are as follows -- belief. (1) Wrong belief (2) Desire for sexual Aniyata carin - 3tfern af - An enjoyment with man (3) with woman ascetic with unrestricted movements. (4) with both (5) Laughter (6) IndulAniyatavāsa - fredare - Life of a gence (7) Ennui (8) Sorrow (9) Fear wanderer. (10) Disgust (11) Anger (12) Pride Aniyata vrtti - 3trucafe - Homeless. (13) Deceit (14) Greed. Anrta - 3718 - Falsehood. Antarvarti -3790ct - Intervening. Anrta - 3738 - Falsehood - Speaking Antarala - STARIST - Offsets, Recess. what is non-commendable is falsehood. Antarala marga - अन्तराल मार्ग - Inter T. 7/14 vening passage Añjana - 3959 - Collyrium. Antarātman - 3FTRITT - The interior self. Anka samdrsti - अङ्क संष्टि - Nu Antaraya • अन्तराय - Obstructive meral symbolism. Karmas, An obstruction, Interfering Ankita - Bufa - Harbouring Em functional. bossed. Antara ya 347RrY - Impediment - ImAnkuša - 31659791 - Goad. pediment is placing obstacles in the way Annapāna nirodha - 37746 FRIE of a person's acquiring knowledge. Withholding food and drink is denying 5-6/10 these to the animals when they feel Antarāya-377119 - That which comes hunger and thirst. S-7/25 between the host, the guest, gift and so Antah bhitti - 37:fHft - End wall. on is obstructive karma (antarāya). Antah Kotākoti - 3771: terenife - Antardhyāna -3772167 - To become Inter crore squared. invisible.


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