Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
पेरिज्जतो पुव्वकएहि कम्मेहि केहि वराओ। सुहमिच्छंतो दुल्लहजणाणुराए जणो पडइ ॥ (प्रेर्यमाणः पूर्वकृतैः कर्मभिः कैरपि वराकः । सुखमिच्छन् दुर्लभजनानुरागे जनः पतति ॥)
-Lilavai (v. no. 569)
As the next verse follows this without any introductory words such as “yathā vā”, which Bhoja frequently adds, when giving an additional example, one would expect to find this next verse also in the Lilavai in the same context. The printed edition of the Lilavai, however, does not contain it. This verse when corrected would read as :
आरंभो जस्स इमो णीसासाआस-सोसिअ-सरीरो। परिणाही (? परिणामो) कहँ होहिइ ण आणिमो दड-पेम्मस्स ॥ (आरम्भो यस्यायं निःश्वासायास-शोषित-शरीरः। परिणामः कथं भविष्यति न जानीमो दग्ध-प्रेम्णः ॥)
Now this verse is found quoted in the Vajjālagga with a few variant readings :
आरंभो जस्स इमो आसन्नासास-सोसिय-सरीरो। परिणामो कह होसइ न याणिमो तस्स पेम्मस्स ॥
The words, underlined by us, present variant readings: 'Hosai' and · Hohii' are just two different forms identical in meaning. 'na animo' and 'na yinimo' are (almost) identical. The reading 'asannasasa', however, is not happy. The reading - nisasaasa' of our text is decidedly better and eminently suits the context. The reading tassa, grammatically speaking, seems to be more appropriate. The reading conveys in a telling manner the — viraha-visurana ' (distress or sorrow caused by separation) which is being illustrated.
873) Vaaneapalamamta (?)......
(p. 901) वअणे वअणम्मि चलंत-सीस-सुण्णावहाण-हुंकारं । सहि देती णीसासंतरेसु कीस म्ह दूमेसि ॥ (वचने वचने चलच्छीर्षशून्यावधान-हुङ्कारम् । सखि ददती निःश्वासान्तरेषु कस्माद् अस्मान्दुनोषि ॥)
-GS IV.56