The Apabhramsa Passages From $P 58) The illustration of the Madhyamā nimita variety of Priya-pratyāgama (SP. p. 1105) )
The printed text is as follows;
पिएस हसत्तिपत्तित हेविहविअवळअ पुळउत्तंभिअग तहे सोह हिम हिहिंगअ तख्ख णमुक्कहो सोअहोणंबंधणकउअणाइपण हो विरहहो तरळतुरंगअए ॥
The same verse occurs as the second illustration of Praharsopacaya under Pravasanatarasambhoga (SP. p. 1222). The text given there is printed with a portion of the first line ash the last part of the verse that immediately prcedes it.
It is as follows:
- एसहसत्ति पहुत्तए विहडिअतहवळअपुळउत्तंभिअणत्तेहसोहह । महिअंत क्खणमुक्होसोअहोंत बंधणक उअणाइपण हो विरहहो तरलतरंगवअ ॥
The text may be restored as follows:
पिए सहसति पहुत्तए विहडिअ तहे वलय पुल उत्तंभिअ-गत्तहे- सोहहिं महिहिं गय । तक्खण- मुक्कहो सोअहो णं बंधण - कडअ ॥ इ पो विरहहो तरल- तुरंग-पअ ॥
The Sanskrit chaya :
प्रिये सहसा प्राप्ते विघटितानि तस्याः वलयानि पुलकोत्तभिमत - गात्र्याः शोभन्ते मह्मां गतानि । तत्क्षण - मुक्तस्य शोकस्य नतु बन्धन - कटकानि ननु प्रणष्टस्य विरहस्य तरल-तुरङ्ग - पदानि ॥
The metre is to be identified as Rāsaka.
59. The illustration of the Kanistha - nimitta variety of Priya - pratyāgama (SP. p. 1106).
The printed text is as follows:
बाहजलोल्लिअलोअणपण इण
लइणंवंदणमाण किअहरिसारंभ विअंहिअपुल इक्कंपहरा ॥
पेक्खवि किंतुपहत्तउलग्गेकंठेपर ||
उघुसणविदहिअवक्खओ ।