No. 98. ਬਹੁ ਬਿਰਥ ਵਾ[+] "The gift of 8am valita from Kurara."
No. 99. L. 1. ਬੇਬਰ ਬੇਠਿn
1. 2. ਬੀਬ ਵਾਸੀ[+] "The gift of the Sheth Siha (Simha), inhabitant of Kuraghara."
No. 100. ਸਿਧ ਸਿਧਾ ਵਾਸੀ[i] “The gift of the nun Girigutà (Girigupta)."
| No. 101. जितमितये मिनिये वडिवहनिकाय दान[१] “The gift of the nun Jitamita (Jitámitrá), inhabitant of Vadivahana."
No. 102. ਬਸਧ ਵਾਸੇ ਧੁਕਧਸਿਧਾਤੇ []90 “The gift of Dhamata (Dharmadata), inhabitant of Puñavadhana (Punyavar. dhana)."
No. 103. धमदतस भिछुनो दानं प[य]भडुकिय[स।"]" "The gift of the monk Dhamadata (Dharmadatta), pupil of Aya-Bhaduka (AryaBhanduka, No. 16)."
No. 104. L. 1. [ਧਿਧ]ਬਸਾਧ L. 2. ਗੋਬਿਧ ਬ L, 8. ਕੀ(ਬਹਿਸ
L. 4. ਮਿਸਿਸ ਵਾਸ [1] "The gift of Piyadhama (Priyadharma) and Bodhi, the nuns of Kuraghara."
No. 105. पुसये मिनिये नदिनगरिकाय दान [] "The gift of the nun Pusa (Pushyd), inhabitant of Nadinagara (Nandinagara)."
No. 106. L. 1 ਧੀਰ ਸ
L, 2. ਗੇ ਵਾਸੇ [*] "The gift of Himagiri from Pokhara (Pushkara)."
No. 107. ਧੀਥਿਬ ਸਥਿਬ ਵn [♥] . "The gift of Dhammasiva (Dharmativa), inhabitant of Puravikh a(P)." * Probably tware is to be read. # myfur looks almost like yuwafat; bat so No. 192, where the reading, given above, is plain.