No. 116. वाडिवहना डिकस भिछुनो दानं [*] "The gift of the monk Chhadika (Chhardika ?) from Vadivahana."
___No. 117. L.1. वेदिसकय []सरखितास असवारकस
L. 2. पजावति - नागदता[य] दान [*]' "The gift of Nagadata (Nagadatta), wife of the cavallerist Hamsarakhita (2) (Hamsarakshita), an inhabitant of Vedisa (Vidisi).
No. 118. समिकाये सधितिकार्य दान [*] "The gift of Samika (Svámiká) and of her daughter."
___No. 119. सिरिदिनाय भिछुनया नादिनागरिकाय दान [*] "The gift of the nun Siridina (Sredatta), inhabitant of Nadinagara (Nandinagara)."
No. 120. सोयसस दानं भादनकटियस [*] “The gift of Soyasa (Sauyabasa), inhabitant of Bhadanakata."
___No. 121. रि]वाये उजेनिकाय उपसिकाये दानं [1] “The gift of the female lay disciple Revå, inhabitant of Ujjain."
___No. 122. ---स भिछुनो दानं भयभंडुकियस [*] "The gift of the monk . . . . , pupil of the venerable Bhanduka." .
No. 123. L.1. ---- [ते] कन L. 2. [नो] रूहकस L.3. --[म] --त-स L.4.-रि--
No. 1 =C. 3. पाडुकुलिकाय गामस दानं [*] “The gift of the village of Padukulikå (Pandukuliká)."
. The letters are mostly faint, and the bracketed one is very doubtful.
Possibly another n may have stood in the beginning+See above, Nos. 16 and 103