“O eye! resign to thy new purpose, for death scarcely allows the soul to become ready."
كني کني
کرش زیبا سخنان اهل دل هرچند بسي کند فراموش
كني کر کار برسم صلحب مش
تكني باسي رنسبت بترکس با کس
"If thou wilt do thy works as a man of judgment, thou must listen to the words of the wise.
"Do evil to no one and nobody will do evil to thee, or whatever evil they do thee forget it."
راحت رسد از ری بدل درویشان
بجوید زیشان نیکي کند ر عرض
آنکه بآئين مروت کیشان خش از خلق نکر همیست با خلق خدای
"Happy is one by whose generous practice the heart of the poor receives quiet
"He belongs to the good people, who does well to the creatures of God and gets reward from them."
در ملک بقا رسیدن و آسودن
بردن تر بفکر باید خاموشي
فنا پیمری خواهي از صحرای باید سخنت بذکر کردي جرخمش
"If thou wilt pass from the plain of perishableness to the kingdom of eternity and become satisfied,
"Thou must preserve thy words and be like a silent one and always have silence in thy mind."
On the top are inscribed the Kalima, Qorán, Sara II, 256, and some other short sentences.
Respecting the Imam Naşir, near whose tomb the inscription has been found, Mr. F. G. Delmerick gives some information in the Proceedings, A8. Soc. Beng. 1873, May, p. 85.
17. Over the eastern doorway of the enclosure of Khwaja Kbizr's tomb, a quarter of a mile north of Sonpat, is a red sandstone, measuring 7' 1" by 1', containing two lines :
رحمة الله عليهما يوم الاثنين شد عمارت دهليز حظیره میان خواجه خضر بن دريا خان سرداني مرتب الخامس عشر من شهر شوال سنة ثمان عشرين
وتسعماية في عهد السلطان العادل الباذل الرائق بتائید الرحمان ابر المظفر ابراهيم شاه بن اسکندر شاه بن بهلول سلطان وسلطانه خلد لتنادا
"The portico of the tomb of Miyan Khwaja Khizr, son of Darya Khan Shirwant -may God have mercy upon both |--Was erected on Monday the 15th Shawwal, 928 [7th September 1522].
"In the time of the just and liberal king, who relies on the assistance of the Merciful, A bu! Muzaffar Ibrahim Shah, son of Iskandar Shah, son of Buhlal, the kingmay his kingdom be perpetuated until the resurrection !"
# The second last words are uncertain.