Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 02
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India

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Page 416
________________ COPPER-PLATE GRANT OF VAIDYADEVA, KING OF KAMARUPA. 355 (3.) His minister was Yogadeva, who was versed in the Sâstras and the prowess of whose arm was manifest. (4.). Of this king of mighty power the son was Râma pâla, who was the moon (produced) from the ocean-like Pâla family and who wielded the glory of empire. As befitted one of his name (yathávat), Råmapâla (yena) spread glory through the three worlds, by gaining the country of Janaka," (as Râma gained Janakabhu, the child of Janaka, i.e. Sita); and by killing king Bhima, as Râma killed Râvana; and by crossing the ocean of war, as Râma crossed the ocean. (5.) Bodhideva was Ramapâla's faultless minister, the abode of truth. By his wondrous qualities he was known throughout the world as one without an equal. (6.) His wife was Pratâ padevi, the resting-place of virtue, good fortune and good report, whose beauty was boundless, and who was the embodiment of her husband's joy. (7.) To him was born of her the renowned Vaidyadeva, who was endowed with the highest happiness, and in whose lake of leaping glory the mountain of Siva (i.e. Kailass) appeared as it were but a lotus-sprout. (8.) Hearing from astrologers and mendicants of the auspicious juncture of Vaidyadeva's birth-time, his enemies' soldiers forthwith gave up food and sleep and courage, and were stupefied. And, further, by the waters of joy that sprang from the eyes of his gathered friends was extinguished the fire-like splendour of the hostile multitude. (9.) This Vaidyadeva was the minister after his own heart of the famous king Kumarapala, who was the son of the king Râma, and who delighted in the glory of empire. The deer which is formed in the orb of the moon will run away through fear of being swallowed by the lions represented on the palace, which is made of gold from diadems of the enemies of this (Vaidyadeva). (10.) This Vaidyadeva was the sun in the lotus-like assembly of ministers; the ocean of spreading fame; by reason of his natural generosity he was the Lord of Champaka (ie. Karna); he was the moon among the lily-like minds of good men. (11.) And on the occasion of Vaidyadeva's (yasya) victory at the battle in Southern Vanga," if the elephants of the eight quarters did not run away terrified by the shouts from the enclosure of boats, it was because they had no place to run to (i.e. the shouts of the rowers pervaded all space!) Moreover, if the spray, thrown up by the downward strokes of the upraised rudder-oars, had remained fixed in the sky, then the moon would have become spotless (being washed clean by the spray). (12.) He (Vaidyadeva) chief among the virtuous, sternly keeping in mind the kingdom in all its parts, was minister, dearer even than life, to king Kumarapala the Lord of Gauda, who was like the sun in the might of his arm, with his great glory filling the three worlds, and like Vrihaspati in his wisdom. (13.) The aforesaid renowned Vaidyadeva was appointed ruler by the Lord of Gauda in the room of Timgyadeva, who had been treated with honour in the East, and of whose disaffection the Lord of Gauda had heard. 79.e. Mithila. To take janaka" father" would spoil the play upon the word. I cannot identify the name. Anuttara "complete" may qualify "victory." For Nauváța see Dr. Hultzsch,-Ind. Antiq. vol. XV, p. 309. 2 z 2


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