MUHAMMADAN INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE SUBA OF DIHLI. 433 Abu'l Fath,-May God sanctify his dear secret!-has laid the foundation of this mosque at the feet of the pole of the poles of the world, Shaikh Jamál ul-haqq washshar' waddin (ie. Shaikh Jamål uddin),-May his grave be fragrant! May (God) make Paradise his mansion, and may God illuminate his resting place !--at the time when the king of Sbaikhs, Sbaikh Farid,-May God lengthen his life 1-ascended to the throne of the spiritual rule. Every one who prays in this mosque should remember these men in his prayer.
"The writer of the words (was) Raza Quțb, the representative of the judge of Hansi . . . On the 25th Rajab, -- May its power increase ! -896 (3rd January, 1491). The stone-cutter (was) Amin() Bir Lal of Någor."
In the first line, to the left of the words “ The kingdom belongs to God," in smaller characters, the name of the reigning king is given
در عهد بادشاه زمان [2] سکندر شاه بن بهلول شاه سلطان خلد الله ملکه رسلطانه
"In the time of the king of the age, Sikandar Shah, son of Buhlal Shah, the king,--May God perpetuate his kingdom and his rule !"
16. In the north inner wall of the Barsi gate in Hânsi is a rectangular sand. stone, measuring 1' 0" by 1' 1", on which are five lines
بناء عمارت این دروازه متین علوی با مرمت حصن حصین علائی که مورخست سنه اثني رسبعمائة در عهد سلطان السلاطين ابرالمظفر ابراهيم شاه سلطان خلد الله ملکه وسلطانه رد عمل مسند علي حمید خان
مرکل بن کمال [1] مانتتان کمال ردر شقداری خواجه شیخ [!] محمد و بفرمایش
.. في الخامس من شهر ذي القعده سنه ثمان وعشرين وتسعماية كاتب خانزاد نصر مفتی هانسوي
time of the per fort, dated 702 of this solid, high
“The building of the edifice of this solid, high gate, together with the repairs of the strong upper fort, dated 702 A.H. (began 26th August, 1302), (took place in the time of the king of kings, Abu'l Muzaffar Ibrahim Shah, the king,-May God perpetuate his kingdom and his reign l-and during the governorship of the high Masnad Hamid Khan, son of Amanat Khån Kamål and during the shiqdary of KhwÀja Shaikh Muhammad, and by order of Muwa kk al, son of Kamal...., on the 5th Zi'l Qa'da, 928 (26th September, 1522). The writer (was) Khanzada Nasr, the Mufti of Hânsi.”
Hamid Khan is known to have been governor of Hişår Firoza; he was defeated in battle by Prince Humayan A.H. 932 (Akbarnáma, vol. I, p. 94, and Babar's
As we learn from an inseription on the same gate, to the left of the entrance, published by Plochmann in the Proceedings of As. Soc. B., for May 1877, p. 122, and mentioned by Mr. Garrick (No. 6), the correct year of the first fortification of Hanaf was 708, not 702. The repairing of the fort which most probably Muhammad Shh had intended be an outpost against the Moghuls, was wel ons against their final invasion under Akbar.