is the preaching the sacred law-as also for other business, (saying) :-Meritorious is the obedience towards mother and father[meritorious is the liberality) towards friends, acquaintances, and relatives, towards Brahmans and ascetics; (meritorious is the abstention from killing living creatures], meritorious is the abstention from reviling heterodox men. Moreover, the teachers and ascetics of all schools will inculcate what is befitting at divine service, both according to the letter and according to the spirit.”
EDICT IV. A long period, many hundreds of years, have passed, during which the slaughter of animals, the cruel treatment of created beings, the unbecoming behaviour towards relatives and the unbecoming behaviour towards ascetics and Brahmans have only increased. But now, in consequence of the fulfilment of the sacred law by King Priyadarsin, beloved of the gods, the sound of drums, or rather the sound of the law, has been heard, while the sight of cars of the gods, elephants, and other heavenly spectacles were exhi. bited to the people. As bas not happened formerly in many centuries, even so have grown now through the god-beloved King Priyadarsin's preaching of the law the nondestruction of animals, the good treatment of living creatures, the decorous behaviour towards relatives, the decorous behaviour towards ascetics and Brahmans, the obedience towards parents, the obedience towards the aged. Thus, and in many other ways, the fulfilment of the sacred law has grown, and King Priyadarsin, beloved of the gods, will make this fulflment of the sacred law grow still more. Moreover, the sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons of King Priyadarsin, beloved of the gods, will make this fulfilment of the sacred law grow until the end of time, and will preach the sacred law, abiding by the sacred law and by virtuous conduct; for that is the best work, viz. the preaching of the sacred law; but the fulfilment of the sacred law is not possible for a man destitute of virtuous conduct. The growth of this very matter and its non-diminution are meritorious. For this purpose, vie, that they may cause the growth of this matter and may not permit its diminution, this edict has been written. This edict has been written by King Priyadarsin, beloved of the gods, when he had been anointed twelve years.
EDICT V. King Priyadarsin, beloved of the gods, speaks thus :-Good works are difficult of performance. He who is the originator? of good works does something difficult of performance. Now much good has been done by me. If then, my sons and my grandsons and those among my descendants who may come after them until the end of time, will thus follow my example, they will do what is meritorious. But he who will give up even a portion of these virtuous acts will commit sin, for sin is easily committed.
Now a long period has passed, and the officials called the Overseers of the Sacred Law have formerly not existed. Now, when I had been anointed thirteen years, I appointed Overseers of the Sacred Law. They are busy among all sects with watching over the sacred law, with the growth of the sacred law, and with the welfare and happiness of my
. Compare Jataka, iv, 269.76: dhanmabherish chardpress. • Compare F. Hian's account (Beal, p. 106 ) of religions processions at Patna.
The word adikara-adikula bas been completely preserved in the launchra and Kalk versioon alone.