enclosure is the following inscription, which originally belonged to the grave of some unnamed noble lady. It consists of two lines and measures 4' 3' by 11"
جثة الماري تمت القبر المستورد الجليله نور الله قبرها رغفر الله لها في
بالتاريخ الحاسي غزت ذوالقعده سنه اثني عشرين ستملية یا ارحم الرحمين [ate] وذلك
"Finished was the tomb of the veiled noble lady,-May Allah illuminate her tomb and may Allah pardon her in the garden of the asylum (Paradise)! O most merciful of the merciful! This took place on the 1st Zil Qa'da, 622 (4th November, 1225)."
It is curious that the word qabr is used as feminine, of course only from its being occupied by a woman. The year 622 falls in the reign of Sham s-uddin Altamsh, as does that of the following inscription, No. 11.
Entering the courtyard of the tomb one meets an undated fragmentary inscription, which has found a place in the wall, facing south, its original position not being known. It is much decayed, and consists of two lines (1'101' by 1'15"). A complement of it must be Mr. Garrick's sixth one
سلطاني گيلاني ] ریفردوس بنده مسعود محمد صفهاني برد
"[61]lani and to Firdaus Sultâni. He was a slave of Mas'ad Muhammad of Isfahan."
In the wall of the mosque of the four Qutbs is a fragmentary inscription of two lines, measuring 1'4'' by 1
بتوفيق حضرت كمال [جمال or] ابن .....
"By the grace of his highness Kamal, son of ........."
11. At the mosque of Bů Alt Bakhsh in the Moghulpara-Quarter of Hansi is a rectangular sandstone, measuring 2' 6" by 6", with two lines
هذا عمارة المسجد العبد الضعيف احمد بن محمد اسمنتي
ربيع الآخر سنه ثلث والعشرين وستماية في المنتصف
"This building (is) the mosque of the feeble slave (of God) Ahmad, son of Muhammad, of Asmand. In the middle of Rabi' II, 623 (began the 1st April, 1226).
Mr. Blochmann remarks that Asmand is a small place near Samarqand.
There are also two other inscriptions over the north and south arches of the same mosque, the first (1'}" by 73) containing the Bismillah, with the Kalima, the second (1' by 7") being a fragment.
12. Half a mile to the west of the town, in the fields, is an 'Idgah and on the left of its central arch (mihráb) is an old fragmentary inscription of two lines (measuring 2' 10%" by 1'), very much damaged. It runs--
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم قال عيسى ابن مريم اللهم ربنا انزل علينا مائده | ناصر الدنيا والدین ابوالمظفر [2] محمد بن السلطان ..........
"In the name, etc. Jesus, the son of Mary, has said, "O God, our Lord, send down to us a table from heaven (to be to us as a festival, cto. ),- Qorån, Stra v, verse 114.