Because the inscription is so worn there may be doubts about the king's name. I think it was Nasir uddin Mahmûd, second son of Altamsh of that name, who reigned A.H. 644-664, of whose time only one inscription has yet been published, viz. by Blochmann in the Jour. As. Soc. B., vol. XLII, p. 248, note [ A.H. 652, at Aligarh]. In spite of the want of any date we are scarcely allowed to think of his elder brother, owing to Mr. Thomas' remarks in his Pathán Kings, p. 84.
In the central arch of the same 'Idgah another old inscription of two lines of Altamsh's reign is said to be, size 2' 9" by 1'.
13. On a loose stone in the courtyard of Bû 'Ali Bakhsh's mosque is a fragment, (the right half not being found) of three lines, size 1' 4" by 1' 23":
محرم سنه سبع وثمانين وستماية
شاه گبهل معزالدنيا سلطان خان ملکه در نوبت بهلول بن مهرابک الانی بر.
The king of the world Muizz ud dunya..........the Sultan,-May (God) perpetuate his reign !-in the time of.........Bahlal, son of Mihrâ (?) Bêg, Alâni... Muharram, 687 (began the 6th February, 1288)."
The name of the grandee is not certain. For other inscriptions of Kaiqobâd see Ep. Ind., vol. II, p. 158, and note 42.
14. About a quarter of a mile north of the fort of Hânsî is the tomb of Walayat Shah Sultan Shahid. Here are two inscriptions of no value; one mentioning the date 713, measuring 1' 10' by 1' 2", in three lines, the other measuring 1' 10" by 5", in one line, being a portion of Qorán, Sara ii, verse 256.
15. At the mosque of the Qutbs (see No. 10) a rectangular sandstone bears eight lines in coarse and indistinct characters; size 3'8" by 11":
الملك لله
تعالی بنده درگاه سبحاني ابا بكر نام جلوانی که پلی الله بتوفيق سرة العزيز است از مریدان پیر دستگیر سلطان المشايخ شيخ ابوالفتح قدس الله . در پایان قطب اقطاب عالم شيخ جمال العمل والشرع والدين طاب ثراه وجعل
الجنة مثواه ونورالله مراقده در وقت جلوس سجاده بندگي سلطان المشايخ
عمره این مسجد راس کنانید هرکه درین مسجد نماز بگذارد بدعای الله شيخ فريد مد اینان [?] یاد کند كاتب حروف رضي قطب نائب قاضي هانسي .
الهامس والعشرين من ماه رجب رجب قدره سله ست وتسعين وثمانماية ستاراش امین [7] بهرال [۴]
"The Kingdom belongs to God!
• By Almighty God's grace, the slave of the glorious court, Aba Bakr by name Jalwâni," one of the disciples of the guiding spiritual chief, the king of Shaikhs, Shaikh
13 In Babar's Memoirs occur also Jalwdnis, by name Isma'il (pp. 338, 486, 487) and Mubarak Khan (p. 491), or RAI Husain, a partisan of Shêr Khan (vide Akbarnama, vol. I, p. 164), and others. I have read Inán (first word of the 7th line) instead of fbds, as has been engraved on the stone.