Badishåh-1.Ghazi-May God perpetuate his kingdom and his reign l- the mosque of the butchers....was rebuilt. In the month of Ramazan 1090" (that month began the 6th October 1679].
The two last lines being hopelessly worn, the name of the restorer is not legible; the year may perhaps have been sab'in. It is interesting to learn from this inscription that the butchers' masjid erected in 942 H. (Inscription No. 36) was repaired a century and a half afterwards.
41. An inscription of five lines is engraved on a rectangular red sandstone (size 17 by 14 inches) over the northern outer arch of the mosque of Daula Khan in the gashi of the Pathans in Mahim. The building being in a critical condition, the inscription, till lately safe, is now in danger of getting lost :
لااله الا الله محمد رسول الله
الله يا محمد يا نبي
خان والاشان دوله بانیش مغفرت دستگاه دریا خان مسجد مقبره زخان برخوان
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
یا الله یا این عمارت ز بهر رب کریم
ناموری بختیار پدرش سال اتمام را بعقل رتمیز
وه ده
"In the name of the merciful and compassionate God. There is no god but God, and Muḥammad is the apostle of God. 10 God!0 opener !
"O Muhammad ! O apostle of God! " This edifice for the merciful God "Its builder (was) Daula Khan of ele. "His father (was) a celebrated Bakh. vated rank;
.. «Darya Khan whose sins are forgiven. The year of the completion-name with “Masjid [] miqbara zi Khán'mosque wisdom and discernment:
and tomb (are built) by the Khan.'" The letters of the tarikh give 1108 [began 31st July 1696)].
42. Daula Khân, the builder of the mosque of the preceding inscription, erected a tomb for himself in the same year as the masjid. It is now a ruin, and the inscription on its wall being engraved on sandstone (size 2 8" by 1') will be destroyed when it falls. It runs in four lines
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله بنده درگاه رحماني درله خان محمدي مريد كيلاني دانستم که چهار بار بر حق این دنیاء همه فاني ترفیق یافت
رباني در عهد اررنگ زیب در هنگام زندگاني این مقبرة سار ساخت از لطف
سفه یکهزار و یکصد و چهارده هجري باهتمام استا بادشاه ظل سبحاني بتاریخ ۱۴ شهر رمضان المبارک
ابر ولد طيب معمار
In the name, etc. There is no god, etc. The slave of the court of the Merciful Daula Khan Muḥammadi Murid of Gilan
"I knew that the four friends (the Khalife) are over this wholly perishable world -found grace
* Metre-Khafis.