L. 23.
नगभीरमुचेचोभिनिंदा परवादिमदावलेपः []
उदासितः सपदि येन युधि दिवाच निस्सीमविक्रमधनेन [भ]टाभिमान 24 [वि.] सहमेव फलं न यत्र यस्तादृगव्याधित" सुखय किश्चित् । यथाप्य दानपतिमधिजनोभ्यमेति तत्केसिदानमपि न जातु
अतिलोमहर्षणेषु" [च*] कलियुगवाल्मीकिजन्मपिवनेषु । धर्मेतिहासपर्व्वसु पुण्यात्मा यः श्रुतीर्व्वग्रहणात् ॥ – [24.] प्रिता यस्य स्वर्धुनी
. - [धा] ।
वाणी प्रसन्नगम्भीरा धिनोति च पुनाति च ॥ - [25. ] पितृत्वं यमाखाय पुत्रत्वमगमसूर्य [i*]
ब्र (ब्रह्मेति पुरुषान् यस्य वज्रे" यच प्रपेदिरे ॥
• स्वकीयवपुषो लोकेक्षणग्राहिणि स्वाभिप्राय वाचमिति प्रेमव (ब) खिरे । व्यवाति
फणिनां हरेः प्रियसखस्ताच्चयमारोपितः । (n) वाग्वा दिगन्तमखिलं गत्वा पातालमूलमप्यस्मात् ।
यश []" तो इताहिगडलादमल [म]" - [28.] 29. सूत्रधारविष्णुभद्रेण" प्रशस्ति पणितं [ ॥* ]
"Metre of verses 22 and 23: Vasantatilaka.
4 Rend "मं व्यचिव.
The akshara was originally omitted, and is engraved below the line. The following, which I have added, is not in the original.
• Metro : Arya.
10 Metre of verses 25 and 28 : Sloka (Anushtubb.
54 Read बंग
st Metre : Sardalavikridita.
- ॥ - [23]
(Verse 1.) In Sânḍilya's race was. . . .", in his lineage Viradeva, in his family Pâñchâla; from him was Garga born.
(2.) As he made Dharmas, the regent of the east, sovereign over all the regions, while Indra ruled no other than the eastern quarter, and was even there defeated. by the Daitya chiefs, he laughed Brihaspati to scorn.
(3.) His wife was Ichchha", like love dwelling in his heart. By nature pure and tender, she was like the beauty of the moon.
(4.) Their son was the illustrious chief of the twice-born, named Darbhapani, who, by his innate high rank rising above the three worlds and distinguished by his
ss The akshara in brackets looks like व, altered to . Metre: Arya.
"The akshara was originally omitted, and is engraved below the line.
se One would have expected waferratai.
57 The name, here missing, probably is Vishnu.
se i. e. the king Dharmapala, whose adviser Garga is represented to have been.
i..' desire, love. '