makapote save chatupade [4] yepațipogam-no-eti na-cha-khâdiyati [] Ajaka-nâni edakâ-cha sukali-cha gabhini-va pâyamînâva[5] avadhya potake-cha-kâni âsammâsike [] Vadhikukute no kaṭaviye tuse-sajîve no jhâpayitaviye dave [6] anathaye va vihisayeva no jhâpayitavive [] jivena jive no-pusitaviye [] Tisu-châtummâsîsu tisyam [7] pumnamasiyam timui divasâni châvudasam pamuadasam patipadam dhuvâye-cha anuposatham machhe avadhye no pi [8] viketaviye[.] Etâni-yeva-divasâni någavanasi kevaṭabhogasi yâni-amnani-pi-jivanikâyâni [9] no-hamtaviyani Athamipakbkye ehk vudasâye pamnaḍasâye tisâye punâvasune tisu-chântummâsîsu [10] sudivasâye gone no-nîlakhitaviye ajake eḍake sú kale e-và-pi-amne nilakhiyati nonilakhitaviye [.12] Tisâye punâvasune châtummâsiye chatummâsipakhaye asvasa gonasa lakhaneno-kataviye(.12) Yava-saḍuvisativasâbhisitasa-me etâye amtali. kâye paṁnavîsati bamdhanamokhâni kațâni[.13]
pote gåmakapote save-chatupade ye-patibhogam-no-eti na-cha khâdiyati [5] Ajakâ-nâni edakâ-cha sûkali-cha gabbiuî-va pâyamînâva avadhya potake-cha-kâni [6] âsammâsike[.] Vadhikukute nokataviye [,] tuse-sajîve-no-jhârayitaviye[] Dave-nnathay-va [7] vihisâye-va no-jhâpayitaviye [] jîvena-jive no-pusitaviye[.] Tisu-châtummâsîsu tisiyam [8] purnamâsiyam timni-divasâni châvudasam-pamnadasaṁ pați
padam dhuvaye-cha-anuposatham machhe avadhye [9] no-pi-viketaviye [.] Etâni-yeva divasâni nâgavanasi kevaṭabhogasi yaniamnâni-pi[10] jîvanikâyâni nohamtaviyani[.] Athamipakbaye châvudasâye pamnadasâye tidye punåvasune[11] tisu-châutummâsîsu sudivasâye goneno-nilakhifaviye ajake eḍake sûkale e-va-pi-amne[2]nîlakhiyati no-nîlakhitaviye [.] Tisâye-punâ vasune châtummâsiye chatummásipakhâye asvasa gonasa[13] lakhane-no-kataviye [.] Yâva-saduvisativasâbiisitena-me etâye amtalikâye pathavati[14] bamdhanamokhâni kațâni .15]
King Piyadasi, beloved of the gods, speaks thus:-" After I had been anointed twenty-six years, I forbade the slaughter of the following creatures, viz. parrots, starlings, alunas, Brahmanî ducks, swans, nandimukhas," gelatas, jatukas," ambákapilikas, terrapins, boneless fish/ redareyakas, gangåpuputukas, sankuja-fish tortoises, porcupines,* panasasas, spimoras, balls set free,(?) okopisdos, rhinoceros, grey doves," village-pigeons, and all quadrupeds, which are not used" nor are eaten. She-goats, ewes and sows, (i.e.) those which are with young or in milk, must not be slaughtered, nor their young ones, (i.e.) some (of them) which are less than six months old. Caponing cocks is forbidden; husks, containing living animals, must not be burned; forests must not be burnt out of mischief or in order to injure (living beings); living creatures must not be fed with living creatures'. At the (full moon of each) of the three seasons and at the full
29 Read patibhagam.
According to the smaller Petersburg Dictionary the Nandimukha is mentioned as an aquatic bird in the Bhava
Jatuka, no doubt, means 'a bat. But I must confess that I do not understand, how bats come on this list, as in general they are neither eaten nor used in any way. Possibly the flying foxes which otherwise have the separate name manthala or rageada, may be meant. These are eaten at least by low-caste people, like the Kâțkaris. Their flesh is forbidder. in some of the law-books, e.g., Gautama, xvii, 34.
42 Gâmakapote is, of course, the blue rock pigeon, found in most villages and towns, especially in the wells.