L.b1. कृतें धन पावका: ॥ किंच लक्ष्मणसंज्ञोभू-हदेवस्य मातुलः । गोष्ठिको जिनभक्तश्च सर्वशास्त्र52. विचक्षणः ॥ शृंगाग्रोल्लिखितांव(ब)रं वरसुधासांद्रद्रवापांडुरं सार्थ श्रीजिनमंदिरं त्रिजगदानं
दप्रदं मुं53. दरम् । संभूयेदमकारयन्गुरुशिरःसंचारिकत्वंव(ब)रप्रांतेनोच्छलतेव वायुविहतेामादिश[त्पश्य-] 54. ताम् ॥ ॥ अथैतस्य जिनेश्वरमंदिरस्य निष्पादनपूजनसंस्काराय कालान्तरस्फुटितत्रुटित
प्रतीका55. रार्थ च महाराजाधिराजश्रीविक्रमसिंह: स्वपुण्यरासे (शे)रप्रतिहतप्रसरं परमोपचयं चेतसि
[निधाय 56. गोणीं प्रति विंशोपकं गोधूमगोणीचतुष्टयवापयोग्य क्षेत्रं च महा[चक्र]ग्रामभूमौ रजकद्रहपू. 57. दिग्भागवाटिकां वापीसमन्वितां । प्रदीपमुनिजनशरीराभ्यंजनार्थ करघटिकाद्दयं च दत्त
. वान् । तच्चाचं58. द्रार्क महाराजाधिराजश्रीविक्रमसिंहोपरोधेन ॥ "व(ब)हुभिर्वसुधा" भुक्ता राजभिः सगरा
दिभिः । यस्य य59. स्य यदा भूमिस्तस्य तस्य तदा फलमिति स्मृतिवचनाबिजमपि श्रेयः प्रयोजनं मन्यमान:
सकलैरपि 60. भाविभिभूमिपालैः प्रतिपालनीयमिति ॥ ॥ "लिलेखीदयराजो यां प्रस(श)स्तिं शुद्धधीरि
माम् । उत्कीर्णवा61. न् शिलाकूटस्तील्हणस्तां सदक्षराम् ॥ संवत् ११४५ भाद्रपदसुदि ३ सोमदिने ॥ मंगलं महाश्री: ॥
BY A. FUIRER, PH.D. The small modern village of Pabhoså stands on a cliff about 30 feet high, overlooking the northern bank of the Jamna, in tahsil Manjhanpur, 32 miles south-west of Allahâbâd, and represents the ancient site of the once famous Prabhâsa. The classical hill of Prabhasa, which is the only rock in the Antarvedi, or Doab between the Ganges and Jamnå rivers, is 3 miles to the north-west of the great fort of Kosâm Khiraj, the ancient Kausâmbî, and not more than 2 miles from the present villages of Kosâm Inám and Pali, which formed the old city outside the walls of the fort. High up, in the face of this hill, there is a typical rock-hewn cave, in an inaccessible position. This lofty stone cavern is, no doubt, the stone dwelling of the venomous Näga described thus by lliuen Tsiang in his account of Kausâmbî:-"To the south-west of the city, 8 or 9 li (about 1} miles), is a stone dwelling of a venomous Någa. Having subdued
sh Metro, Sardiilarikrilita. 55 These signs of punetustion are superfluous. FMetre, Sluka (Anushtubh). 54 Metre, Sloka (Anusl.tubh).
Read °वाञ्यिाला.
I The Prabhasa mentioned in the Mauchandelln inscription of Madanavarman, ante, il. I, p. 197& 201, most probably in the modern Pabhor on the Jamna, and not the distant place of pilgrimage in Serath.
A copperplate grant, measuring 7 inches by Cinches, of Maharaja Laskshmana, dated (Cupta)-Sanat 156, was found in this village in May 1891.
Deal, Si-yu-ki, rol. I, p. 237.