25. Over the central outside arch of the mosque in the gashi, or fort, of the Pathåns at Rohtak the following inscription of three lines is engraved on a rectangular sandstone-size 167 by 12 inches. The garhi of the Pathans is in the north-west of the town, where the road comes in from Hansi :
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم من جاء بالحسنة فله عشر أمثالها و من جاء بالسيئة فلا يجزى از مثلها وما ترفيقي الا بالله قال عليه السلام من بني مسجدا في الدنيا فله قصر في الجنة /۹۳۰ و ...... سنه ۹۴۰
“In the name of God the merciful and the compassionate! He who brings a good work shall have ten like it; but he
“Who brings a bad work shall be recompensed only with the like thereof." My grace does not come through any one but God. He (the Prophet), upon whom may God's blessing be, has said :
He who builds a mosque in the world will have a castle in Paradise.' 96,251 ....." A. 945'” [began the 30th May 1638).
26. On a rectangular sandstone over the central outside arch of the masjid in the Khiábån Mahalla, west of the town Rohtak, is a stone, which measures 13 by 12 inches : the inscription is in three lines, and is worn :
بعون الله تعالی و رسوله بعمارت این مسجد در عهد دولت نصير ..... محمد همایون بادشاه غازي خلد الله ملکه ر سلطانه ترفیق یافت الفقير برهان الجنة والدين محمد جمال ناگوري الچشتي سنه خمس و اربعین وتسعمائة ۹۴۰
"With the aid of God almighty and His apostle for the erection of this mosque in the time of the reign of Naşir ....... Muḥammad Humayun BadishAh-1 Ghazi
"May God perpetuate his kingdom and his reign l-found grace the poor, chief of the Paradise and the faith,
“Muḥammad Jamal of Nagôr, the Chishti. In the year 945" [began the 30th May 1638].
The inscription being much defaced some words are doubtful. Humayun's common title naşir addin does not certainly occur here, though the word after napir is not clear.
The Chishtis are a well-known family of Muhammadan saints. There exist shrines of divers members of it in several places. Chishti saints-khwajagán-i chisht in the inscription on the tombstone of Princess Jahanarå at Dihlt (Proceedings of the Asiatic Society, Bengal, for November 1872, p. 170)-are mentioned in the following published inscriptions :-Qutb addin Khân Chishti, commonly known as Shaikh Khû bû (Blochmann, Ain-Translation, p. 496), the foster brother of Shah Jahangir, in Proceedings, 4. S. B., for December 1873, p. 199; Shaikh Faiz Allah Chishti, ib., p. 200; Shaikh Muhammad ibn Shaikh Mahmûd Chishti, Proceedings, A. S. B., for April 1877, p. 94.
At Nagôr, the birth-place of Muhammad Jamal of our inscription, was a Chishti shrine. A contemporary and fellow-countryman of his was Shaikh Mubarak, the
17 Qoran, Sur. vi, 161 (E. H. Palmer's translation). 15 Qorda, Sur. xi, 90. 19 There follows a group like a rupee-sign turned upside down. 30 See Cunningham's Archeological Survey of India, Reports, val. XIII, p. 51.