“This edifice was ordered to be built in the time of the honoured king 'Aladdunya waddin Abu-l-Muzaffar Mas'ad Shah, the king-may God perpetuate his reign ........... ....... of Pargana Munk, Muzaffar Mansur 'Ala Badr addaula waddin,
“ (son) of the chief of the Amirs, Pahlawan ashsharq ..., the defunct, the royalmay God increase his .....!-in the middle of Shawwal 643" [began the 19th February 1246).
This is the first inscription of Mas'ud Shah, who reigned from 639 till 644 A. He was the son of Firoz Shah and succeeded Bahram Shah on the throne. The name of the father of the grandee is not quite certain; the latter bore the title Badr addin, which Malik Badr addin Şunqar-i-Rumi (put to death in 639) had before him (Tab. Nás 255). Afterwards the title was bestowed on Malik Nusrat Khan Sungar-i-Sufi. As two persons could not have the same title at the same time-which is specially stated, e.g. in the Riyas assalátin, p. 284--Malik Şunqar-i Şafi must have been named Badr addin, but in the reigu of Mahmud Shah, under which king he was more of a persona grata than under Mas'ud, who permitted the Nizâm al Mulk Khwaja Muhaxzab addin to take all functions out of the hands of the Turkish Amirs. It is not surprising that the name of the Malik of our inscription does not occur in the Tabaqát--- Nágirt among the Shamsi Maliks, for Minhaj addin gives also a defective list of the Maliks of Mahmud Shah's reign, from which Major Raverty concludes that the author intended to continue his work to the period falling within his own lifetime.
Pargana Munk has been identified by General Cunningham (Archeol. Survey of India, vol. II, p. 186) with the old Nicæa of Alexander the Great. It is not mentioned in the Ain, but it occurs once in the Akbarnáma, vol. III, p. 604, where it is said that Akbar gave it to Ziya al Mulk.
13. Over the south door of the tomb of Shaikh Jalal addin in the east of Panipat is a sandstone slab (2 84' by 19") bearing four lines; the inscription is not visible from the enclosure owing to a high verandah which has been attached :
بانی این عمارت فیروز محمد لطف الله افغان بانی پنیر در عهد سلطان السلاطين سکندر شاه بهلول شاه سلطان برم باري تعالی ترفیق یافت تا کنبد حظیره بند کی شیخ المشایخ رالا رلیاء شیخ جلال الحق والشرع رالدین قدس الله سره العزیز براررد بتاریخ دوم ماه شوال سنة أربع وتسعماية
"The builder of this edifice is Firoz Muḥammad LutfallAh, the Afghân. The builder of this religious edifice, during the time of the king of kings Sikandar Shah, son of Bublål Shah, the king, by the kindness of God Almighty, found grace to erect the vault of the tomb of the revered Shaikh of Shaikhs and saints, Shaikh Jalal alhaq washshar' waddin-may God sanctify his dear secret! Dated 2nd Shawwal, 904" (13th May 1499).
• Because Blochmann bas overlooked the fact that Ziyá al Molk is mentioned several times in the Albarndma, I add here briefly what is there said about him, as a supplement to the Ain Translation, p. 497, No. 276. In 994, he served under Shaikh Farid Bukhabf; in 1000 A.H., he became Governor of Monk. Afterwards be and Abd Napir were sent as amb dors to Shah 'Abbes of Persia. In 1011 he became bakhshigar of the army sent against Bir Singh Dev Bandela, the more derer of Abu-l Fazl. In 1012 he was elevated to the rauk of a commander of 700 foot and 300 horse. The Lin dames him only as a chief of 350.