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________________ OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS London Edinburgh Glasgow Leipzig Copenhagen New York Toronto Melbourne Capetown Bombay Calcutta Madras Shanghar HUMPHREY MILFORD Publisher to the University
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________________ GES 1952 PREFACE ALLA JAAN HE origin of this book is the connexion of its author, the late rodar an University of Oxford. He was a Government of India Sanskrit Scholar who, having matriculated at Oxford in October, 1911, graduated there in the following year, after taking first class honours in Sanskrit. During his stay at Oxford he also prepared a critical edition, under my supervision, of Bhavabhuti's Mahaviracarta. He then went to Germany where at the University of Bonn he occupied himself chiefly with Prakrit studies under Prof. Jacobi. At Bonn he made the acquaintance of a German lady, whom he married. Perhaps as a result of privations endured during the war, he fell ill and died at Bonn in 1918 After his death his papers were collected and sent to the India Office to be returned to his relations at Lahore. They included a complete manuscript of the present edition of the Mahaviracarta. Hearing of this, I offered to correct and pass through the press, as a memorial to a pupil, the manuscript of this play, the preparation of which I myself had supervised during his lifetime. I accordingly undertook this task, though it was bound to interrupt several others which I had in hand. I little realized at the time how much of my leisure it would consume. But being convinced that all the labour that had been spent on the constitution of a critical text and on the studies connected with it would otherwise vanish and its critical value for Indian students be entirely lost, I resolved to make the sacrifice entailed by this labour of love Any scholar examining the author's introduction, which treats of the author's manuscript material and various cognate matters, as well as his critical foot-notes, will easily be convinced that no classical Sanskrit text has ever been so exhaustively prepared by an Indian scholar. Thus eighteen Sanskrit manuscripts have been collated in preparing
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________________ PREFACE the text; and all questions bearing on it have been more fully treated than in any other Sanskrit edition printed in India. A glance at the table of contents will show how completely the matter contained in the text has been extracted It will be seen, however, that the contents of the volume do not include a translation of the play. This is my doing: though a complete and careful rendering was contained in the author's manuscript material, I considered that its inclusion in the book would be educationally harmful to the many Indian students likely to use it. On the other hand, the actual total contents will probably be considered excessive. Had I been editing the book myself, I should have made it much more concise in various respects. But I have purposely left it uncurtailed, because I wished it to be a model edition showing how a text ought to be edited by a competent scholar, even if he goes to excessive lengths in detail, because such a scholar is better qualified to exploit efficiently the text he is editing than anyone else, and to lessen the labour of those who utilize his edition. 1V Pandit Todar Mall's work is careful and accurate. But even so, the labour of preparing the manuscript for the press has been immense The correction of slips of the pen, wrong Sandhi, erroneous references, and other inaccuracies has been very troublesome, as the writer, being dead, could no longer be consulted in cases of doubt. Much time has consequently been wasted. Most of this correction could only be done in the vacations, and then often in the midst of pressing work of my own. Now that it is concluded, I hope that the present volume may help to inaugurate in India a new era, in which all the best classical texts will be edited anew by Indian scholars with a critical training in method ensuring the production of texts that will furnish a sound basis for further research. A. A. MACDONELL. 13 BELBROUGHTON ROAD, OXFORD. December 7, 1927.
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________________ CONTENTS PREFACE . . . . . . . . 111 vil is xvill Xxx XXI XXI XXIII XXVI xxviii XXIX PART I. INTRODUCTION 1. General account of the Mahavira-carita MSS and their mutual relationship. . . . . . 2. Detailed account of the Mahavira-carita MSS. . 3. Three Recensions for a portion of the Mahavira-carita. 4 Critical principles followed in constituting the Text 5. Emendations . . . . . . . . 6deg Remarks regarding Notes and Appendices . 7 Bhavabhuti's Life and Ancestry : 8. Bhavabhuti's Date . . 9 Bhavabhuti's Writings. . 9a. Verses attributed to Bhavabhuti not yet traced . 10 Chronological order of Bhavabhuti's extant Plays . 11. Bhavabhuti's Literary Characteristics . . a Bhavabhuti as a Dramatist 6 His Humour and Irony. C. His Style . d His Verbal Forms e. His Metres . . . . . f. His knowledge of Prakrits 12. Bhavabhuti and Kalidasa . . . . 13. Bhavabhuti's Self-repetitions 14. Bhavabhuti's Quotations from other Works . 15. Mention of and Quotations from Bhavabhuti in other Works . . . . . . . . . 16. Bibliography of Bhavabhuti's Plays . . . 17. Literature concerning Bhavabhuti . 18. Abbreviations used * XXX XXXI xxxi XXXi1 XXX111 XXXVI XXXVII Xxxvui XXXIX slui xliv xlvii li-luv
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________________ CONTENTS PART II Sanskrit Text with Critical Notes. . . 1-214 PART III . . . Illustrative Notes . . . . . 217-277 PART IV. APPENDICES Appendix A-Text of K for Act V 47 to V.73 279-285 Appendix B-Text of Mr for Act V. 47 to the end of Act VII. . . . . . . . . 286-306 Appendix C-Collations of the manuscripts Mr and Alw . . . . . . . . 307-323 Appendix D-A) Index of Metres employed . -330 (B) Table of Metres employed. Appendix E-Alphabetical Index of Verses. * 331-338 Appendix F-Index of Sanskrit Words . . . 339-347 Appendix G_Index of Prakrit Words . . 348-351 A CORRIGENDA P 21, 1 2, read patthido for patyido P 37, 1 10 >> FETHI for FET HOP P 58, 1 13 , faafafa for farafaifa. 63, 1 9 w for FT P 65,1 4 ,, ofrena for afraga: P70, 1. 10 ya for a 73, 1 2 >> AUTRfa for Tafat P 185, 1 1, affarait for the same word with the final & broken off. P 186, 1 4 , watego for atgo P 192, 1 1 , gre for at
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________________ INTRODUCTION 1 GENERAL ACCOUNT OF THE MAHAVIRA-CARITA MSS. AND THEIR MUTUAL RELATIONSHIP. For the purposes of the present text of the Mahavira-careta I have been able to collate eighteen MSS. Four of these (T, T, T, T) have been consulted only for the first Act, for the copy supplied to me was hopelessly bad, and I could not, therefore, rely much upon its readings. Among the rest, six (K, E, W, Sc, I., Mr) are complete, four (I/, Bo, Alw, Md) end with the fifth Act, three (Cu, Mt, Mg) break off with the 46th verse of the fifth Act, while B was available only for the last two Acts and a poition of Act V, commencing with V. 60 Taking into account the affinities of their readings, the MSS can be divided into two clear Groups, the Northern and the Southern It is, moreover, remarkable that this grouping is also corroborated by the scripts in which these MSS have been written Thus all the MSS of the Southern Group are written either in Telugu (Mt, T,, T) or in Grantha characters (Mg, Mr, T., T.), while those of the Northern Group are (with the exception of K, which is in Sarada characters) written in the Devanagari script. Eleven MSS belong to the Northern and seven to the Southern Group. The Northern has four subdivisions. 1 I, and Bo. I, is dated samvat A.D. 1665=1609, and has an independent value, some of its readings being of great worth The beginning- and the end-colophons in Bo are identical with those in I, Moreover Bo is the only MS which, like I, repeats verse V. 39 with different readings. 2. W, Sc, and I, These MSS are about 50 to 100 years old and are of very little value. Sc occupies a middle position, for while, on the one hand, it agrees with Win giving the same chaya of the Prakrit passages, repeating also its wrong chaya, it agrees, on the other, with I, in giving the same wrong numbers to verses in Acts VI and VII Again, with regard to the readings of the text, at betrays a similar tendency, sometimes agreeing with one and sometimes with the other. 3. Alw and Md. Both are undoubtedly copies of the same original. It is in very rare cases that the copies of both supplied to me show a difference of reading, and when they do, it is to be attributed either
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________________ viii INTRODUCTION to the copyists of their original MS. or to the copyists who made copies for me. 4 Cu, K, B, and E This subdivision represents the oldest text, the first three MSS being each about 300 years old, and the fourth being the copy of a very old MS, which possesses more or less an independent value Cu and K, if not copied from the same original, seem to be separated by only one generation from their common parent This subdivision is of great interest, as it represents two of the three known recensions of the drama. Moreover, it is worth mentioning that whereas in the other subdivisions the allied MSS. cover the same portion of the text, in this subdivision K and E are complete foi Acts I to VII, Cu breaks off with V 46, whereas B is very fragmentary, covering as it does a little over two Acts. Besides, even for this portion two folios are missing. It is also remarkable that K shows, in a few cases, similarities of reading with Mt and T, The Southern Group, comprising seven or (excluding the three Tanjore MSS T2, T3, T4, of which I have too poor a copy to form a correct judgement) four MSS, does not admit of any subdivisions. All the MSS of this Group exhibit independence, one of them agreeing at one time with one and at another with any other at random, though in general terms we may say that Mr and T, agree more closely with Mt Of these Mt, Mg, and T, close with V. 46, whereas Mr extends to the end of Act VII, and represents the third known recension of the drama. The readings of this Group are decidedly superior to those of the Northern, though all the MSS of this Group are of a comparatively very recent date Speaking of the MSS of the Malati-madhava, Bhandarkar remarks .1 Looking to the fact that the groups give readings which are intelligible enough and often equally good, though a shade of difference can be discovered, which renders one preferable to the other, the conviction forced itself upon me that these changes were made by the poet himself at different times, and some MSS have preserved the earlier form and others the later' I am inclined to think that the same remark applies to the MSS of the Mahavira-carita It is likely that before completing this drama Bhavabhuti had his MS circulated among his contemporary poets or critics, who, however, did not show much appreciation of it. This threw the poet into a rage, to which he gave open utterance in his Mal. I. 8 The incomplete text (ending with V. 46) is, I hold, preserved in the MSS of the Southern Group Some time afterwards, Bhavabhuti not only completed the text to the end of Act V, but also went through his 1 See his edition of the Malati-madhava (Bombay, 1905), Preface, p. VI
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________________ INTRODUCTION ix original This revised text travelled to the North, where it now appears in the MSS of the Northern Group But this hypothesis offers one difficulty. If the Northern Group does actually represent the revised text, why should the readings of the Southern Group be at places decidedly superior to those of the Northern ? I am of opinion that as the South was for some time the home of culture and learning, Bhavabhuti's works were more frequently studied there, and these occasional superior readings are to be attributed to the ingenuity of the learned readers. The mutual relationship of the Mahavira-carita MSS can be better understood by the following diagram Archetype Northern Southern TMt Mr Mg W Sc ), AW Md Cu stands for the missing link 2. DETAILED ACCOUNT OF THE MAHAVIRA-CARITA MSS. A The Northern Group. 1. The most important of the Mahavira-carata MSS is K, No 327 of the Raghunath Temple Library of His Highness the Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir. It contains seventy-one leaves with nine lines on each page and thirty-seven letters in each line The MS. is complete, comprising Acts I to VII It is dated samvat 1674 (=AD 1618) A copy of this MS was caused to be made for me by the Government of India. At the beginning it has the colophon om sti-paramatmane namah After this the text of the drama begins. After verse V. 46 the MS reads etavad bhavabhuteh I agre kavi-nayaka-vinayaka-bhattarr apuri. The stanzas are numbered, though the numbers are sometimes wrong, and sometimes omitted Judged by my copy, the original has lacunae in many places, but is otherwise fairly correct. 1 Vide p 78 in Catalogue of the Sanskrit MSS in the Raghunatha Temple Library of His Highness the Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmu. Prepared by M A Stein, Ph.D (Bombay, 1894)
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________________ INTRODUCTION 2 Cu. Cambridge University Library MS. No.. Add. 21151 Reads viracaritra 880' on the back of the title-page. Size 101" x 44". Contains forty-one folios, of which 1, 2, 18, 21, 22, 24, 26, 31, and 32 are missing. Has eight lines to the page, except the last, which has nine Very good and clear Devanagari handwriting. It is not dated, but from its look appears to be a little over 300 years old It is written on two kinds of paper the first, dust-coloured, extends to folio 30, and the second, yellowish, begins with folio 33. Folios 31 and 32 are missing. The MS having been soaked in water has retained distinct traces of this along the margins The paper is very brittle. Some of the folios are mutilated and worm-eaten The right-hand margins are somewhat decayed, though the letters are intact. About one-eighth of Folio 3 has gone along the right-hand side. Folios 17, 18, 25, and 28 are a little damaged along the margin, though this has not affected the text much The last line on folio 23a and the first line on 236 are considerably injured. The right half of the last line on folio 279, and of the first line on 27b, are almost gone Similarly the right half of the first line on folio 28a, as also the right halves of the two lines copied by the reviser to supply a passage in the original, are entirely lost 2 It begins with ta-kutumba-vyavahrtir (I. 11) and ends rti Sriviracarrtram samaptam il subham astu ll It extends to V 46 Act I ends at 11a, II at 20a, III at 26a (folio missing), IV at 356, V 46 at 41a. It numbers verses, though wrongly About a couple of times a number is attached to a prose passage Curiously enough, Act I, verses 24 to 57, are not numbered According to its numbering there are 62 verses in Act I, 38 in II, 44 in III, 59 in IV, 45 in V. The MS has no chaya for Prakrit passages Yellow pigment has been used to obliterate or modify letters Mistakes of dittography have always been corrected by paint drawn across the line. The MS., as it stands, is very correct. All the corrections made or omissions supplied and their number is very largeare the work of only one reviser, as is evident from the different bandwriting, which is very inferior to that of the original scribe, and from the use of a different ink and a finer pen. In one place (after V 5) there is a long omission, which has not been supplied by the reviser.4 The MS appears to have been copied from the same original as K, though with some corrections. Among its orthographical peculiarities the following may 1 Bendall's Catalogue of the Buddhist Sanskrut MSS in the University Library, Cambradge (Cambridge, 1883), does not includo this MS, but it is mentioned as Add Cu 2115 in the Catalogus Catalogorum, Part II 2 These injuries are duly pointed out in the Critical Notes below the text 3 In the variae lectiones the corrections thus made and the omissions so supplied are duly pointed out Vide V. 5, Note 15, on p. 121 of the text.
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________________ INTRODUCTION be mentioned (a) It confuses tu and nu, sv, sth, and y, y and p, v and c, vu, gh, and cc, n and t, (b) sometimes writes kh for 8, 6 for 8, y for 3, sch for sth, (c) interchanges n and n at times, though all such cases are marked by the reviser with the sign (ro) above the letter, (d) often doubles letters after r. v, t, g show the largest number of such cases, while m, y, i, and n the least, (e) retains () before sibilants, though sc and st are also found, (f) uses - in preference to the nasal, though nt often appears, (g) does not use the (s) sign, (b) uses ch for cch, (1) kh and h are very often corrections from sc and d respectively, and in some places these corrections have not been made 3. B No G. 9819 of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Library, Calcutta. It consists of twenty-nine folios, of which five and twenty-eight are wanting, has eight lines to a page It is written in clear Devanagari characters on old Indian paper, does not number verses foi Acts VI and VII, is very correct and in very good condition Though undated, it looks about 300 years old Yellow paint is used in places to obliterate or modify letters Corrections made or omissions supplied along the margins are in a different hand and written with a finer pen. Its chief orthographical characteristic is its use of y for a It begins r-durmanoratha-pararh saha curnayami irti vikatam utpatate. The end-colophon reads evam astu atr nuskrantah sarve saptamo nkah 11 Il samaptam edam viracaritam nama natakam 11 subham astu ll ll rama ll lll 11 Sri-ramacandraya namah il At the back of the last folio it reads gambhura-rad-bharatz-diksrta-sunnilor'sna-yajvanah pusta [-ka-1 m o 5. Mr. S W Kemp, Honorary Secretary to the Asiatic Society of Bengal, was kind enough to inform me that the MS was purchased from one Laksminarayan Kavi of Benares, some time in 1909, by the Government of India, through Mahamahopadhyaya Hara Prasad Sastri'. 4 E. No 68 II B in the Elphinstone College Library, Bombay. This MS. was purchased at Nasik by Dr G. Buhler for the Bombay Government between the years 1866 and 1868, and is mentioned in his 'A rough Last of MSS, bought and copied for the Government of Bombay during the years 1866-68'.? Size 1270" x 54". Folios 50, ten lines to a page It is in good condition and is written in clear Devanagari handwriting on blue paper, with a water-mark giving the name of C. Millington, London, as its manufacturer, and with the trade mark of the firm and the year 1867 as well. The front title-page has vira-rama-nataka-pararambhah 11 00 H and the back one: et vura-nama-nataka sampurnam. The MS is 1 See his contribution, "Two Lists of Sanskrit MSS together with some remarks on my connexion with the search for Sanskit MSS.', in ZDMG, Vol XLII, Leipzig, 1888 (pp 580-59) 2 Vide ZDMG, Vol XLII, p. 554.
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________________ INTRODUCTION dated sala 1789 and gives Balakrsna Ramacandra Pathaka as the name of the copyist It is complete Act I ends at folio 7b, II at 14, III at 185, IV at 26", V at 34, VI at 43a, and VII at 50. Excepting the first Act, which begins with sri-guru-devadatta, all the others begin with srisam vande The end colophon runs Jato yam ankas caramo tra patre samaptam edam viracaritam nama natakam 1 bhavabhutikrtam viraramasya caritam site | Sucari caryanna-yoge ca naksatre uttarabhuste ! lakhatam rumacandrena bhrgau sasthya ca tarane 1 42 i sampurnam rama-candra prasann i samaptah i lekhaka-balakrsna-ramacandra-pathakena likhetam i sake 1789 phalguna vadya 1 somavarata dinan ratrari samaptah subham bhavatu 1 31 31 31 116 16 I vira-rama-nataka samaptah 16161. Corrections made, as also the omissions supplied, are by the original scribe, and are very few It appears to be a copy of a rather old MS, from its writing sth for sch and a few similar characteristics It is very incorrect, though it preserves old readings. Because of the extreme orthographical inaccuracy of the MS, I have ignored all such obvious mistakes of the scribe as do not stand for different readings. Among its peculiarities may be mentioned (a) its use of m for an original pr, (b) writing a as 3T, ddh as dhdh, n as DT, thy for tth, ch for cch, and in some places kh for 8, (c) confusing t and th, m and s, (d) doubling of consonants after r, (e) use of - in place of the class nasal, and (f) retention of before sibilants Prakrit passages are very incorrectly copied It is written with two different pens, though almost certainly by the same scribe The second hand appears with folio 21, line 8. It uses no pigment or paint except on folios 2", 179, 185, 384 It numbers verses, and according to its own numberingwhich is wrong-It has 61 in Act I, 50 in II, 49 in III, 60 in IV, 64 in V, 66 in VI and 41 in VII It is an independent MS, for, whereas at often agrees with the readings of K and Cu, it is inclined to agree more with B and I, in the last two Acts 5 I,. India Office Library, London, MS No 114 c. (Serial No. in the Catalogue, 4136.) Size 10' x 44" Folios 38, with ten lines to a page, except on folio 38a, which has only five The front title-page has biraragha [va] nataka sankchya 900, and the seal of 'E I. Comp's Library', and the back title-page has only the seal. The MS. (as also I, described further on) belonged to Colebrooke's collection and therefore passed to the India Office Library as a gift from him in 1819. It is written in good Devanagari handwriting of samvat 1665 (=AD 1609) on brownish paper, Catalogue of the Sanskrt MSS in the Library of the India Office, Part VII Sanskrit Literature. B, Poetical Literature IV, Dramatic Literature. Edited by Julius Eggeling London, 1904 (P 1,581 )
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________________ INTRODUCTION xui is in good condition and comprises the first five Acts in full. Act I ends at folio 86, II at 156, III at 20, IV at 286, and V at 38a. With a reddishbrown pigment it indicates the names of the dramatis personae and the stage directions. Yellow paste is employed by the scribe to obliterate letters or parts thereof It is very correct, though in a few places corrections are made by the scribe, as also by one or two different hands. Letters obliterated can generally be deciphered In some places it is difficult to say which of the three persons--the original scribe and the two revisershas made the corrections or additions The MS notes some different readings Thus we find vismr above na srui on folio 12b [text page 53, line 13], and along the margins we notice kya-risyanda on folio 10 [text page 2, 1 4], ramsata me on 22 [text page 4, 1 1], dra on 5a [text page 18, 1 2], dbhutah and tho on 64 [text page 22, ll 4, 5), kka on 60 [text page 23] and tta mta on 34a [text page 141] It has a chaya on, and separation of words in, a few Prakrit passages. See text pages 44, 45, and 52 On folio 5a [text page 18] it gives janghastha as the meaning of nalaka, and on 11" [text page 45] nilotpala 1 as that of kandotta It begins ori-ganesaya namah and ends. maha-vira-carte aranyakam nama pancamo nkah 11 5 11 samaptam cedam vira-cartam nama natakam Fortrh svi-kathaparanamno bhattabhavabhuteh Il samvatta 1665 samae varoasa vad baptame 117 11 lakhitam caturbhuja-pustaka ramadaba-kuraksetrz-brahmana vedanti Among its peculiarities may be mentioned (a) omissions of (-) before sth, (b) writing och merely as ch, sth as sch, and hy as sv, (c) doubling of k, g, n and v after r, (d) non-employment of the () sign, ? (e) extieme irregularity in the observance of visarga sandhu, (f) retention of : in preference to its change to the class nasal, and (g) confusion in orthography of the letters p and y, c and v, n and t, v, gh, and cc, tt and nt, & and m, dr and 2, d and tt, dy and gh 6. Bo. Bombay Government MS, No 32 of 1872-3 Size 990" x 41" Folios 31, twelve lines to a page, and on an average forty letters to a line. Condition very good, except that it is worm-eaten on folio 1 First three folios seem to have been soaked with water. Not dated, but from appearance over a hundred years old. Written on dust-coloured paper and in Devanagari characters. Has no chaya. Comprises Acts I to V. Act I ends on folio 75, II on 14a, III on 18a, IV on 246, and V on 315. Does not number verses. Like I, it begins with Sri-ganesaya namah and ends. mahavira-carrte aranyakam nama pancamo nkah 11 5 ll samaptam cedam vuracaritam nama natakam korta sri-kanthaparatamno bhatabhavabhutah rama. Besides, like I, it repeats V. 39 [text page 139] with 1 Only the base of these letters is visible, the rest having been cut off in binding 2 Uses it, however, a couple of times before the word nka at the end of an Act
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________________ XIV INTRODUCTION different readings Seems to have been copied from an old MS, as is evident from its writing e, ar, o, au in the old way. Very incorrect Mistakes are seldom corrected, but when corrections are made, they are in the hand of the original scribe. It (a) confuses - and r, s and ra, m and bh, 2 and 7, 2 and e, (b) uses - in preference to the class nasal, (c) does not generally double consonants after r, and (d) has a few lacunae, the incapability of the scribe to read its original. 7. W. Bodleian Libiary, Oxford, MS. No. 260, being MS. Wilson 2295.1 Size 125" x 45" (size of folios 69 and 70 125" x 43") Folios 70. Folios 1-7, lines seven a page, 8-70%, eight lines a page, and folio 70", six lines Complete for Acts I to VII Act I ends at folio 116, II at 206, III at 265, IV at 37, V at 47, VI at 605, and VII at 706 In perfect condition Written on white paper in very clear Devanagari handwriting Undated, but date 1820 inferable from paper Correct, as it stands, though many corrections have been made and omissions have been supplied by the original scribe Besides these, there are a large number of corrections in a different hand-probably it is Wilson, who is also responsible for some marginal notes in English. Colophon at the beginning Sr-ganesaya namah 11 il bri-sarasvatyar namah ll ll fri-guruthyo namah | Endcolophon reads samaptam edam viracaritam nama natakam II subham astu l Numbers verses, though a little incorrectly According to its numbering there are 60 in Act I, 52 in II, 49 in III, 60 in IV, 62 in V, 63 in VI, and 41 in VII. Written by one scribe only, though with different pens. There is a noticeable change in the thickness of letters on folio 27a Besides the yellow pigment used to obliterate or modify letters, it uses a reddish brown pigment to indicate the number of verses and the names of the dramatis personae. It sometimes paints the stage directions and the words indicating the conclusions of the Acts. Has a chaya on only two passages in Act VI.3 Beginning with Act VI it separates with the (1) mark words in Prakrit passages, not only up to Trijata's speech after verse 8. In Act VII it separates words only in the first speech of Lanka. 8. Sc. No. 481 of the Sanskrit College Library, Calcutta 4 On the back title-page it reads viracaritam nama natakam Size 91" x 4". Seventy-nine folios with eight or nine lines to a page. Written on white paper in clear Devanagari characters. Very correct In very good condition, though worm-eaten in a few places. Complete for Acts I to VII. 1 See Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum ? I have mentioned all these in the Sanscriticorum Postvedicum quot quot in Critical Notes. Bibliotheca Bodleiana adservantur Auc 3 Vide text, p. 155 tore Th Aufrecht Pars I. Oxonu, 1859, * Mentioned as No 242 on p 145 of p 136. Also Catalogue of Sanskrit MSS A Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit MSS in in the Bodleian Library Appendix to Yol I the Library of the Calcutta Sanskrit College, (Th Aufrecht's Catalogue) By A B. Keith, Vol VI Prepared by Hrshikesa Sastri and Oxford, 1909, p 34. Siva Chandra Guz Calcutta, 1903
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________________ INTRODUCTION XV Act I ends at folio 12, II at 225, III at 291, IV at 41, V at 52, VI at 67a, and VII at 786 Dated samvat 1879 (=A D. 1823) Copied near Calcutta by a certain Brahman for Phila-sahaba', at least from two different MSS., though some readings might have been adopted after collation with a third MS. Begins fri-ganesaya namah and ends with the colophon samaptam zdam viracaritam nama natakan il avi inna-pekkhanyjam sama-suhaduhkham vunna-sabbhavan Il annonna-hiaa-laggam punnehu jano janam lahar duhkham deto vi Il suham janer jo gassa vaksaho hor li dara naha dumiana vi vattar thanana-romanco Il sri-lambodaraya namah Il mangalam astui norantaram srumatam ir jate samvatsare nand 9 sarila 7 sta 8 urdhu 1 sammite il cartre masy asite pakse cadhake kuja-vasare 1 sasthyam 6 Sri-viracaritam natulcam subha-dayakam Il srimad-gaura-narendraya phila-sahabaya sammude 2 udvar-gana-gananam ca palakaya dayavate samlrlekha duyah kascut kalikattakhya-samnidhar 3 yad atra vzparitam syal lekhane tat ksamasva bhoh 11 ati vjnaptur esastu srimatsu ca dayanidhe 11 4 11 Has an occasional chaya (in red ink) of the Prakrit passages, and adds a few marginal notes Numbers the first four verses in Act I, and all the verses in Acts VI and VII For the first five Acts agrees closely with W. In many points it also agrees with I, Thus, for instance, it mostly uses the same abbreviations of the names of the dramatas personae as Il, repeats the doubling of consonants after r in almost the same places as I, and writes o in a peculiar way in nearly all those places where I, does it for the last two Acts it has much closer affinity with I., and assigns the same numbers--sometimes wrongly--to the verses as I, does All this points to a decided double origin of this MS. 9 I, MS No 943 a of the India Office Library, London, (Serial No 4135 in the Catalogue 2) On the front title-page it reads Presented by H. T. Colebrooke, Esq', and bears the seal of E. I. Company's Library'. Size 121" x 41". Contains forty-eight folios, of which No 1l 18 missing a blank sheet being substituted Dated samvat 1857 (=A D. 1801) Begins sri-stamberamaglayanaya namah. Ends samaptam adam viracaritan nama natakam Il subham astu II samvat 1857 Has a few lacunae Does not number verses for the first five Acts, and according to its own numbering has 59 verses in Act VI and 36 in VII. Thus its originals were two different MSS. Complete for Acts I to VII. Act I ends at folio 89, II at 142, III at 189, IV at 236, V at 33, VI at 42, and VII at 486. I am inclined to think that the MS. was copied from originals belonging to the seventeenth century, because of the following considerations (a) at the end when giving the date of completion of the copy, the scribe begins 16, then drops 6 and substitutes 8 (then adding 57). 1 Probably Wilson is meant * p 1,581. See above
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________________ XVI INTRODUCTION Evidently the scribe first began mechanically to copy out the date of his original, but afterwards realizing his mistake made the necessary correction, (b) the forms of some of the letters, both simple and conjunct, e.g gg, o, r, jv, jh, ru, rni, sn and visarga, are identical with those occurring in the seventeenth-century MSS, (c) it often writes sch and sth, (d) after rit doubles the consonants g, c, v, dh, k and p in nearly all those places where I does it, while (:) and a appear as ss almost always where they do so in I, It repeats some of the mistakes of I. These last considerations make its remote connexion with I, very likely. 10 Md Copy of MS No. 5-2-22 in the Government Oriental MSS. Library, Madras As the originals of the MSS kept in this Library are not lent out, I had no other alternative but to request Rao Bahadur M. Rangacharya, Curator of the Library, to cause a copy of this MS to be made for me by a capable copyist, and he very kindly supplied to me a copy with collations from two other MSS, Mt and Mg1 In his letter, dated June 10, 1912, the Librarian informed me that the place from which the manuscripts were acquned, the year of acquisition, and the former owners of the manuscripts are not known'. A brief description of this MS., as supplied to me, runs 'The Devanagari MS is written on country paper and contains ninety pages of eight lines each. The MS. is slightly worm-eaten and gives the following as its date samvat 1907 asvina sudi budha-vasare likhayatam bharatapura-madhye subham bhavatu Isrir astu.' The MS. is thus a little over sixty years old, and 18 complete up to the end of Act V According to the colophon it was copied at Bharatapura. 11. Alw Copy of a MS. in the Library of His Highness the Maharaja of Alwar. In good condition Very correct Numbers verses. Written in clear Devanagari characters on a strong Indian paper Occasionally writes y for 3, e for s, and s for kh Its original is undoubtedly the same as that of Md, with which it agrees even in the minutest details. Most important among them are its omission with Md (only) of some passages on p. 17, 1 7, p. 24, 1. 13, p. 78, 1. 13, and the readings surpanakha and nihkrantah for surpanakha and neskrantah respectively The MS is reported to have been purchased in Benares in the samvat 1911 corresponding with A D 1853 No further particulars are available concerning its previous history* B The Southern Group comprises 1 and 2. Mt, Mg. Nos. 5-3-38 and 2-7-18 respectively of the Government Oriental MSS. Library, Madras. As described under Md above, only collations of these two MSS with the text of Md were supplied 1 See below, Nos 1 and 2 of the Southern Group
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________________ INTRODUCTION xvil to me. The following is a brief account as sent to me 'The Telugu Manuscript [Mt] is written on country paper and contains 65 pages of 23 lines each. The paper is wormeaten and the Manuscript is about 40 years old The Grantha Manuscript Mg] is on palm-leaf in 77 pages of 8 lines each The Manuscript is slightly injured and is about 100 years old. Both the MSS break off with Act V 46 3. Mr Copy of the MS. No 379 of the Palace Sarasvati Bhandar, Mysore. The original MS., as M Shama Rao, the officiating Inspector General informed me, Contains 39 leaves, with 8 lines on each page, 64 letters in each line, there are a few lacunae. It is about 100 years old and is fairly correct' Written in the Southern way of using - before a letter which is intended to be doubled Often writes adh for dbhu, 8 for h, v for 8, ru for 7h, tv for ts, and d for o. In Prakrit passages very often reads a for d or, It is of quite independent value In a few cases it agrees with Mt only. Thus both drop passages on p. 68, 1. 11, p 102, .1 6, p 107,1 10, p 108, 11. 2, 5-7, and both preserve a quite different reading on p. 68, l1 8-9. In a few cases in Act V it reads with K 4-7 T, T2, T,, T Copies of the MS No 10702 of the Tanjore Palace Library with collations from MS No 10703 (T) and with very occasional readings from the MSS, Nos 10704 and 10705 (T, and Te respectively) of the same collection The copy has been so very carelessly and incorrectly made that in many cases it was a problem to decipher it, and in a few instances it was very difficult to decide if a certain reading was to be attributed to one MS or the other. Consequently I thought it quite unsafe to depend upon the readings of the copy for incorporation in my text Still, to form an idea of the comparative values of their readings and their relationship to the other MSS of the drama, I have given their readings for the first Act A short description of the MSS is as follows 1 4 T, Contains 55 palm-leaves, 14" x 1" in size Written in Telugu characters with 5 or 6 lines to the page and on an average 55 letters to a line About 250 years old Complete up to V. 46 Begins eri-ganesaya namah. 5. T. Size 16'' x 1". Contains 48 palm-leaves Written in Telugu characters, with 5 or 6 lines to the page, and about 64 letters to the line Not quite so old as T. Ends with V. 46 6. Tg. Contains 36 palm-leaves, sized 13" x 1". Written in Grantha characters Six lines to the page and about 40 letters in a line Injured in many places. Act V is incomplete Has some affinities with T, 7. T. Very modern Consists of 18 palm-leaves of the size 16"x1" Written in Grantha characters, with 8 lines to the page and about 64 letters to the line. Contains only the first three Acts 1 See also p 170 of A Classified Index to Prepared for the Madras Government by the Sanskrit MSS. m the Palace at Tangore. A. O Burnell, London, 1880
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________________ XV11 3 THREE RECENSIONS FOR A PORTION OF THE MAHAVIRA-CARITA When I undertook my research-work on the Drama, two Recensions were known, viz. the one printed in his edition of the play by Ratnam Aiyer with Viraraghava's commentary, and the second given by him (as Sribhavabhutz-kave-pranita-mahaviracaritasya sarvatah pracalutah pathah) in the Appendix and without any commentary All the other known editions, namely those of Trithen, Borooah, Sridhara, Jivananda and Taranatha agreed in accepting this sarvatah pracalitah pathah (universally admitted text') as the authentic text of Bhavabhuti, and said not a word about the Second Recension of the play These two Recensions agree in having the same text for the portion of the Drama from Act I to V 46, after which they have nothing in common, excepting that both consist of seven Acts An examination of the collated MSS, however, disclosed a third Recension, which was distinguished by reading a different text only from V. 46 to the end of Act V. For Acts VI and VII it agreed with the universally admitted text' of the drama. The whole case will be made clear by the following table Acts I to v 46 Act 7 46 to the close of Act V Acts TI and VII L 13. do Ro All manuscripts Recension A of the MSS E, have the same W, Sc, I2, Md, Alw, I, and text, the divergences being Recension B of the MSS. K nothing more and B than differ- Recension of the MS Mi ences of reading Recension A of the MSS E, W, Sc, 19 Both Md, Alw, Il, and ** Recensions Vo Recension B of the B of the identical MSS K and B Recension C of the MS Mr As is clear from the MSS evidence, Bhavabhuti's original work must have come to a sudden close with V 46 Some time later on he revised this portion and brought the Act to a close. The question now arises, which of the three Recensions for the portion from Act V 46 to the end of Act V represents the authentic text? I am of opinion that Recension A does this My conclusion is based on the following arguments. 1. The oldest known MS I, which is dated samvat 1665 (=1609 A.D), runs without a break beyond V 46 and does not mention that the portion of the Act after V 46 is from the pen of a different author. Neither do the other MSS belonging to Recension A come to a sudden stop in the middle of the Act. On the other hand, the MSS of the other two Recensions attribute the part preceding V 46 and that following V. 46 to the end of Act V in clear words to different authors, thus K adds after
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________________ V 46 etavad bhavabhuteh I agre kavi-nayaka-vinayakabhattarr apure, and Mr ascribes V 46 to the end of Act V to a poet Subrahmanya by name. 2. The commentary to Dasarupa II 50 and the commentary to Sahrtya-darpana 416 quote a verse as from the Mahavira-carita (their words are 'viracarite') which occurs as V. 48 in Recension A. Moreover, the-commentary to Sarasvati-kanthabharana V 172, quotes another verse which appears as V. 51 in this very recension. Evidently the authors of these old works on Alankara considered the text of Recension A as the genuine text of Bhavabhuti. 3 Recension A contains a couple of passages which are repeated in the other dramas of the author 2 4 Recension B runs to an unusual length and covers 73 veises Another question that remains to be decided is whether Acts VI and VII are the genuine composition of Bhavabhuti I am well-nigh convinced that they are spurious in accordance with the following considerations 1. Repetitions of verses and portions of verses, as also of prose passages occurring in the first five Acts of the Mahavira-carita are very frequent in the Malati-madhava and the Uttara-rama-carita, so much so that there is no sungle Act among the first five from which passages have not been iepeated in the other two plays Passages with parallel ideas are still more frequent But with regard to Acts VI and VII the case is quite different There are only two phrases of two words each in the Mv, Act VI, which recur in Mal., kalakila-kolahala, Mv, p 173, 1 9 in Mal V 11, and cakramakrama, Mv, p 173, 1 9-10 in Mal V 14. Act VII lacks even that number These very slight repetitions of phrases can be easily accounted for Acts VI and VII of Mv were probably composed by some unknown author, after Bhavabhuti had written his second drama, Malati-madhava, and borrowed from the latter. 2. From all the first five Acts passages have either been quoted or referred to in the Alankara literature, but not even a single reference to or quotation from Acts VI and VII is to be met with 3 In Mv V 38-9 it is Rama who casts aside the mountain-like heap of bones of the demon Dundubhi, but VII. 16 attributes the same act to Laksmana. Surely Bhavabhuti, had he been the author of the latter passage as well, could not have been guilty of this self-contradiction, especially when the two passages are not very far removed from each other 4. The evidence of the Prakrit passages points to the same conclusion. Thus, for example, the treatment of the particles ca and eva 18 very suggestive. In the first five Acts the MSS. nearly always agree in reading 1 Vide Colophon at the end of the MS * Vide Illusti ati ve Notes, b 2
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________________ ca after a word ending with anusvara. In the last two Acts the MSS. always read a in such a case Similarly the Sanskrit word eva appears as evva in the first five and as jevva in the last two Acts Again mahanuhava and vibhusana of the former portion appear as mahanubhava and vihisana in the latter. In declension, the genitive singular maha (=mine), which is not to be met with in the first five Acts, is to be found in the last two, though side by side with me The locative singular termination mmi appears only in the last two Acts 1 5 I would also like to add the metrical irregularity in the word vidravita in VI. 27 d, the like of which is not to be met with elsewhere in his works 2 4 CRITICAL PRINCIPLES FOLLOWED IN CONSTITUTING THE TEXT. In view of the existence of the three different Recensions of a portion of the drama, what method, it may be asked, have I followed in framing the text? Having decided that the Recension A is authentic, I adopted it in the text and relegated the texts of the other Recensions to the Appendices. In the adoption of readings for the portion from V 46 to the close of Act V, I have given preference to the readings of the MSS. I, and E, to the former because it is the oldest, and to the latter because it is the copy of an old MS. and because it has a more or less independent value. But what principles have I followed in constituting the text for that portion which is common to the MSS. of all the three Recensions, 1 e Acts I to V. 46? Now for this portion the MSS divide themselves into two Groups, the Northern and the Southern, the latter representing the original and the former the revised text of the play, as I have said before. I have consequently adhered to the readings of the Northern Group, and in that Group, too, to those of the Subdivision No 4, comprising the MSS. Cu, K and E, which are the oldest and represent the oldest text I have totally avoided the dangerous and unscientific principles of eclecticism, of picking up the best readings from the MSS. of different Groups or of different recensions Though in about half-a-dozen cases I was forced to adopt the readings of the Southern Group (the readings of the MSS of the Northern Group giving no sense), yet even these few cases I have taken care duly to point out in the Illustrative Notes. With regard to Acts VI and VII also (which, however, I was half inclined to exclude from the text as being spurious) I have adopted a similar method, though due 2 Vide paragraph on 'His Metres' below. 1 For 1eferences see paragraph on 'His knowledge of Prakrits' below
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________________ importance was attached to the readings of the MS B of the same sub division Still, even though I have always carefully weighed the evidence, it 18 hardly possible that I should in each individual case have succeeded in selecting the best reading supplied by the MSS I have collated However, I have the consolation that the full critical apparatus attached to the text will greatly facilitate the attempts of other scholars to correct any errors may have left I 5. EMENDATIONS. The text, as fixed by me, contains twenty-three emendations Taking into account the length of the drama and the possibility of corruption in the Prakrit passages, the number is not at all large In all these cases the correction is generally very slight Thus, twenty emendations are concerned with a single letter and the other three with two letters only. Then, again, seven relate to Sanskrit and the remaining sixteen to Prakrit passages Among the latter, nine are cases of the misdirected attempts of the copyists at uniform spelling According to the rules of Prakrit grammar, the Sanskrit particle apt is to be replaced by us, but after an anusvara by pr The copyists, being probably ignorant of this rule, have in seven cases substituted vz even after an anusvara A similar attempt 18 further responsible for two more cases of the preservation of a (instead of ca) even after an anusvara Six more emendations are cases of the correction of grammatical errors in Sanskrit and Prakrit words Two are cases, more or less, of the correction of spelling, thus ekko for eko (p 189, 12), the latter being impossible in Prakrit, and kausalya for kausalya (p. 208,1 10) Two emendations consist in the substitution of atah for yatah (p. 27,1 6, p. 90, 1 7) The remaining four emendations were demanded by the context However, where even a single letter has been emended, I have inserted an asterisk (*) in the text. But where I have merely corrected a faulty spelling in order to observe uniformity, I have not added an asterisk Moreover, full reasons for the emendations made have been given in the Illustratave Notes. 6. REMARKS REGARDING NOTES AND APPENDICES. As regards the Critical Notes, I thought it most convenient to place them at the bottom of the page just below the text, so that the reader can have before him, at the same moment, the entire critical apparatus, and judge for himself the value of the reading adopted in the text It will surely strike the reader that I have been perhaps too profuse in this
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________________ XXII INTRODUCTION matter But this is entuely intentional I have always had before my mind's eye what Professor Macdonell said to me about the remark which a German friend of his had once made in regard to assuming that a MS has a particular reading unless a special statement to the contrary is made ich traue Ihnen nicht". Secondly, I was unfortunately unable to secure the originals of some of the MSS. and had to depend entirely on the copies supplied to me Moreover, in a few cases when the copy of one MS was made for me with collations from two or more other MSS, I could not with perfect certainty assume that the collated MSS had a particular reading when the collator was silent about it Because of this uncertainty I preferred to err on the side of profuseness and have made frequent use of the phrase 'All others', after which in many cases I have added in brackets the names of the MSS., about the actual readings of which I had the slightest doubt However, before this edition is printed it is my intention to consult the original MSS, only the copies of which I have collated. this would go a great way towar ds reducing what would be superfluous in the Critical Notes The MSS. show no uniformity in spelling, so much is this the case that a single MS. spells the saine word differently in different places Such variations of reading have not been included here Then again, mistakes in orthography or omissions of such words in verses as reduce the number of syllables necessary in a foot, errors of dittography (except when they are of some value in deciding the mutual relationship of two or more MSS) have all been ignored The symbol (V) signifies that the MS spells the leading incorrectly in cases when the reading is illegible, I have used the symbol (*) above the name of the MS. or above the reading. In Prakrit passages, however, I have tried to give the exact spellings as they appear in the MSS. It is, besides, necessary to add that where the MSS. Mt and Mg agree with Md, Md only has been mentioned, and similarly when T, 18 stated to have a particular reading, T2, T3, Te are to be understood to have the same, unless various readings of these latter MSS are there mentioned. In regard to the Illustrative Notes I have refrained from being very exhaustive My object has been twofold, firstly, to point out obscure passages and to attempt satisfactory translations of the same. In doing so I have always referred to or quoted from the extant commentaries of the play and have shown the defects in their interpretations. In certain cases where the passages have not become quite clear to me, I have pointed out the difficulties of interpretation and thus prepared the way for further attempts at a better solution. In the second place, I have referred to the parallel passages in the other Rama plays, the Anargharaghava and the Balaramayana in particular, both in order to
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________________ INTRODUCTION XX111 further the elucidation of our text and to show how far the authors of those works are indebted to Bhavabhuti. Another feature of these Notes has been to give references to cognate passages in the three works of the poet I must now add a few words regarding the Appendices The text of the MS K for Act V 47 to V 73 being totally different, had to be relegated to Appendix A The MSS Mr and Alw were received too late to enable me to incorporate their readings with the other Critical Notes, and so their collations appear in the Appendices B and C. To make the edition as useful as possible, I have also added four more Appendices Appendix D (A) gives the metres employed by the author in the order of the verses occurring in the play. Herein I have also included verses that are to be found in the two Recensions B and C Appendix D (B) furnishes the names of the various metres in the order of their frequency. The next Appendix is the Pratika Index, which is sure to be a great help towards locating such verses as have been quoted from our author in various works of Sanskrit literature I had also prepared a full Padanukramani or Index of the Pratikas of the verse-quarters, but this turned out to be too voluminous to be included in the present edition Of lexicographical and critical value are Appendices F and G, which give an alphabetical list of all the important words in the text. All such words as are peculiar to Bhavabhuti, are uncommon or difficult, or are of value in any other respect, have been included These Sanskrit and Prakrit Word Indices have been very useful to me in arriving at the exact sense of words of doubtful or obscure meaning by enabling one to compare the various passages where they occur I sincerely doubt whether a text can be satisfactorily edited and rightly translated unless the editor has previously prepared such an index for comparative purposes. 7. BHAVABHUTI'S LIFE AND ANCESTRY Unlike Kalidasa, Bhavabhuti has not been entirely reticent about himself. In the Preludes to his Mv. and Mal. he gives us some account of his genealogy. Thus we are told that he belonged to a South-Indian Brahman family with the surname Udumbaras', living at Padmapura in 1 Jagaddhara 18 wrong in identifying Padmapura 02 Padmanagara with Padmavati, the scene of the play Bhavabhuti's native place appears from the description to have been somewhere near Chandrapura or Chanda in the Nagapur territories, in which there are still many families of Marathi, Desastha, Brahmans of the Taittirigasakha using Apastamba as their Sutra, and in the county to the south and south-east of which there are families of Tailanga Brahmans following the same Veda and Sutra The river Godavail must have been at or near his native place, from his description of it, as by one familiar with it, in the ninth Act of his play and in the
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________________ INTRODUCTION the country of the modern Berars. They were not only followers of the Tattariya Sakha of the Black Yajurveda, but were also the teachers of their school, they belonged to the Kasyapa gotra, and were distinguished for their piety, inasmuch as they maintained the five fires, observed vows, and performed Soma-sacrifices Fifth in ascent to Bhavabhuti was a certain Mahakavi, who had instituted a Vajapeya-sacrifice. Bhavabhuti's grandfather was named Bhattagopala, his father Nilakantha, and his mother Jatukarni He himself was given the name Srikantha, and if the statement of Viraraghava in his commentary to Mv. is to be trusted, he obtained the title Bhavabhuta' from his patron-king because of his clever use of the words bhava and bhats in the verse 'samba punatu bhava-bhutapavitra-martih'. His teacher was one Jnananidhi (Store of Learning'), and was the best of the Paramahamsas or ascetics of the highest order. The fact that all his extant diamas very faithfully depict court-life leads us to the inevitable conclusion that he was a courtier XXIV Judging by the Benedictory Stanzas in his Mal., the invocation of Siva in Mal V. 1, the oft-repeated mention in Mv of Parasurama as being the disciple of Siva, of Rama (the incarnation of Visnu) as cherishing a love for the followers of Siva, and of Ravana as being a devotee of the same deity, we may safely conclude that Bhavabhuti was a Saiva or at least had strong Saiva tendencies The fact that all his plays were acted at the festival of Kalapriyanatha points to the same conclusion This conclusion 18 further strengthened by Bhavabhuti's departure from his source in making Ravana offer his heads to Siva instead of to Brahma as narrated by the epic from which he borrows his plot But he was probably no very orthodox member of his sect, for we find him saluting the sun in Mal. I. 5 and Brahma in Mv. I, 1. Utt R. Ch In the former place it is introduced without much natural connexion, thus evincing the partiality of a native'Bhandarkar in his Malati-madhava (Bombay, 1905), notes, p 8 1 If the MS K is to be absolutely relied upon, we find therein the mention of a very important and valuable fact, not yet known to us In the Prelude (p 2, 1 9) this MS leads tadamusyayanasya tatrabhavato vajapeyrno mahakaveh simhabhuteh pancamah. If we were to admit this reading as authentio-though there seems to be little reason for doing so, as neither any other Mo MS. nor any of the MSS of the Mal, which repeats the passage verbally, corroborate it-we have to modify our present notions of Bhavabhuti's ancestors I'm reading would make 'the great poet Simhabhuti' the fifth in ascent from our poet Nothing, however, is known of this Simhabhuti 2 Ananta-pandita in his commentary on the verse bhavabhuteh sambandhat', &c, in Arya-saptasati, mentions the verse as leading tapasvi kam gato 'rastham at smerananav tva | giryjayah stanau vande parvati-paramesvarau'. s Mal I 1 invokes Siva, I 2, the headshakings of Ganesa at the dance of Siva, I 8, the river Ganges as she flows on the head of Siva; and I 4, the third eye of SLTA 4 Vide mahesvara-prit in Mo II 9, 10; and sawa-pritya in II. 11 Vide Mu VI 14, 15, and note on the first passage
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________________ INTRODUCTION XXV That he had studied the Vedas and mastered the Upanisads as well as the Sankhya and Yoga systems of philosophy he himself tells us in Mal. I 10 The passage Utt V. 23 may also be a reflection of his own opinion about himself. But even without his own outspoken testimony as to his varied learning, we have sufficient indications of his mastery of Sanskrit literature. His knowledge of Yoga is evident from Vasistha's speech in Mv, pp. 64, 65, from Mal. V 1, 2, 3, and the prose passage yat satyam adhuna, &c, in Mal v 9, 10 His acquaintance with Nitroastra, or Science of Polity, is clear from the discussions of the various schemes against Rama by Malyavan and Surpanakha in the Interludes to Mv, Acts II and IV. His study of Vedanta is proved by his reference to the Vivarta doctrine in Utt. II. 5, 6 (sabda-brahmanas tadrsam vivartam trhasam), III. 47, VI 6, in Mal III 42, 43, and in Mv V 57. Hisundhatamisro hy asurya nama te lokas', &c., in Utt IV. 3, 4, reminds one of Tsopanisad 3. That he was widely read in the Dharmasastras and the Sutra works would be evident from (a) yatah prayascittam, &c, in Mv., p 100, 1. 9, (b) sa mamso madhuparka atz, &c, in Utt IV. 2, (c) na rathinah, &c, in Utt. V 20, 21, and gitas cayam artho, &c, Mal. II. 2, 3 His knowledge of Vatsyayana's Kama-sutra is proved beyond doubt through his quotation from that 1 work in his Mal VII 0/1 (Kusuma-sadharmano hr, &c ) In Mal I 6 the words ayopita-kama-sutram further suggest (by the vyanjanavrtta) that he has followed the principles laid down in the Kama-sutras in the development of the incidents alluded to Thus, eg, we read in Kama-sutra 2 (Part III, Chapter V) When a girl cannot meet her lover frequently in private, she should send the daughter of her nurse to him, it being understood that she has confidence in her, and had previously gained her over to her interests On seeing the man, the daughter of the nurse should, in the course of conversation, describe to him the noble birth, the good disposition, the beauty, talent, skill, knowledge of human nature and affection of the girl in such a way as not to let him suppose that she had been sent by the girl, and should thus create affection for the girl in the heart of the man To the girl also she should speak about the excellent qualities of the man, especially of those qualities which she knows are pleasing to the girl She should, moreover, speak with disparagement of the other lovers of the girl, and talk about the avarice and indiscretion of their parents, and the fickleness of their relatives. She should also quote examples of many girls of ancient times, such as Sakuntala and others, who, having united themselves with lovers of their own caste and their own Vatsyayana-pranitam Kama sutram With Yasodhara's commentary Bombay, 1891. (III 2, p 199) ? Kama-sutra of Vatsyayana. Translated from the Sanskrit. Printed for the Hindoo Kama Shastra Society, Benares, 1883,
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________________ INTRODUCTION choice, were ever happy afterwards in society She should also tell of other girls who married into great families, and being troubled by rival wives became wretched and miserable, and were finally abandoned She should further speak of the good fortune, the continual happiness, the chastity, obedience, and affection of the man, and if the girl gets amorous about him, she should endeavour to allay her shame and her fear as well as her suspicions about any disaster that might result from her marriage In a word she should act the whole part of a female messenger by telling the girl all about the man's affection for her, the places he frequented, and the endeavours he made to meet her, and by often repeating, "It will be all right if the man will take you away forcibly and unexpectedly " I have quoted this passage at great length simply to make it thoroughly clear how very faithfully Bhavabhuta has followed these instructions in his Mal. Thus Kamandaki tells us that she wishes to formulate a plan for herself as a voluntary messenger', and we find her carrying out the above principles in her speech in Mal II 7/8 and in others up to the close of Act II, thereby winning the confidence of Malati, as she tells us in III. 1. For the last line of Vatsyayana's quotation compare Buddharaksita's speech in Mal VII 2 aha so.. saangaha-sahasena sahadhammaarinim kares, &c XXVI He must have also known a certain traditional collection of words like the Nighantus, for we read in Utt. asvo 'eva str, &c., IV. 25/26, and pathitam eva, &c, IV 26/27 Mv. IV 23, and the mention of the various parts of a man's body in Mv. III. 82, V 19, may perhaps indicate that the poet had studied works of medicine. His thorough familiarity with Pauranic literature shows itself pretty often. It would be worth while to examine his relationship with Tantric literature that he must have thoroughly studied it is proved beyond doubt by Mal V. 8. BHAVABHUTI'S DATE. In his Indische Literaturgeschichte, p 222, Albrecht Weber places Bhavabhuti in the eighth century A.D. Leopold v. Schroder expresses himself to the same effect in his Indrens Interatur und Cultur, p. 647. Max Muller in his India, What can it teach us?, pp. 332-5, expressed a similar opinion as to the poet's date. Macdonell in his History of Sanskrit Literature, p 363, says: His patron was King Yasovarman of Kanyakubja (Kanauj), who ruled during the first half of the eighth 1 nipunam nisrstartha-duti-kalpas tantrayztavyah in Mal 1. 18/19 Cf also II, 18 2 Berlin, 1876 4 London, 1888. * Leipzig, 1887 * London, 1900.
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________________ INTRODUCTION Xxvii century' In his Early History of India, p. 308, Vincent Smith mentions 733 as the year of Lalitaditya's coronation, and adds This prince, who is said to have reigned for thirty-six years, extended the power of Kashmir far beyond its normal mountain limits, and about the year 740 inflicted a crushing defeat upon Yasovarman, king of Kanauj' But in his Bhavabhutr and his place in Sanskrit Literature, p 28, Anundoram Borooah, when discussing the date of our poet, says that he 'cannot place him later than the fifth century A.D.' His conclusion is based on the following arguments 1 As we know from his Malati Madhava that he was not a popular writer in his time, more than 100 years must have elapsed before his plays spread to the farthest extremities of India and his reputation became indissolubly tied with the immortal language of our ancestors In the days of the Bala Ramayana he had already become a revered writer. It appears not only from the verse already quoted [Bal. I 16], but from its again introducing Bhavabhuti as a pupil in the beginning of the fourth act I have already shown that there is very good evidence to show that this 18 a play of the seventh century. I cannot therefore place Bhavabhuti later than the fifth century A D.' (p 22.) 2 The Raja Tarangini makes Bhavabhuti a courtier of Yashovarman ---king of Canou). The 114th [? 144th] verse of the fourth Taranga runs thus kavir vakpatiraja-sri-bhavabhutyadr-sevitah gato yayau yasovarma tad-guna-stutz-vandrtam This would make Bhavabhuti live in the eighth century But there is nothing in the verse to show that our Bhavabhuti is referied to in it Secondly the expression vakpaturaja before sri-bhavabhuti clearly shows that this was, according to this authority, the title of Yashovarman's Bhavabhuti, if he at all had a Bhavabhuti in his court But we do not know either from Bhavabhuti's writings or from independent evidence that Srikantha Bhavabhuti was ever known as the Vakpati Raja.' (p. 24) 3. Bhavabhutz preceded Amara Sinha but succeeded Kalidasa' I cannot, however, see my way to agree with him His first argument falls to the ground through the results of the later research which place Rajasekhara, the author of Bularamayana, about 900 A D3 His second is based on the wrong interpretation of the verse from the Rajatarangini, which mentions two distinct poets, Vakpatiraja (author of Gaudavaho) and Bhavabhuti, and not Vakpatiraja-bhavabhuti. The third argument, too, is 1 Oxford, latest edition ? Calcutta, 1878 3 Soe Sten Konow's Essay on Rajasekhara's Life and Writings in his edition of the Karn pura-manari Cambridge, Mass, 1901, VS Apte's Rajasekhara his life and Writings, Poona, 1886.
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________________ XXVIII INTRODUCTION based on the wrong conclusion that Bhavabhuti preceded Amarasimha, for, as we now know, Amarasimha belongs to about A.D. 550,1 I side with Bhandarkar, who assigns the first quarter of the eighth century as the date of our author. I here summarize the arguments advanced by him 2 Kalbana in his Ragatarangine mentions that Bhavabhuti was patronized by Yasovarman, who was subdued by Lalitaditya According to calculations based on this work Lalitaditya-or Muktapida, as he is otherwise called-reigned from A D. 693 to 729 or A D. 700 to 736 But the Chinese annals represent Candrapida, the second successor of Muktapida, as having received the title of king from the Chinese emperor in AD 720, while according to the Rajatarangi ni, Candiapida died in A D 689 As Chinese chronology is more reliable, there must be a mistake of thirty-one years in Kalhana's chronology By applying this correction to Lalitaditya's date, we shall have to assign A.D 724-60 or A D. 731-67 as the period of his reign. Yasovarman, therefore, must have been subdued after A, D 724 or 731 According to the astronomical calculations of Prof. Jacobi, based on the mention of the annular eclipse of the sun, which is mentioned in stanza 799 of Gaudavaho 4 as having happened in the year of Lalitaditya's defeat of Yasovarman, the latter was attacked in A D.731 A certain King I-cha-fon-mo is mentioned by Chinese authors as having sent an ambassador to China in A D 731 This I-cha-fon-mo has been identified with Yasovarman, and here we have the date of Bhavabhuti's patron from a different source The Jaina Rajasekhara mentions the conversion of Amaraja, the successor of Yasovai man, by a certain Bappabhatti between the vilorama era, 807 and 881 (=A D.751 and 755). Thus also we have A D 753 as the approximate year of Yasovarman's death. Bhavabhuti must therefore have lived about the first quarter of the eighth century.5 9. BHAVABHUTI'S WRITINGS. Besides his three extant plays which are universally acknowledged to be his productions--a fact which is also corroborated by his own statements in the Preludes to these works, by the uniformity of style and by the mutual repetitions-Bhavabhuti must have composed some other works as well A native Indian tradition attributes a short poetical work, 1 Vide Dre mdischen Worterbucher von Th Zachariae, Strassburg, 1897 See his preface in his edition of Maiatimadhava, PP XI-XVII 8 Got, Gel Anz, 1888, Vol II, pp 67-8. * Edited by S P. Pandit, Bom Sans. Series, 1887 5 [According to Winternitz, Geschichte der indischen Intteratur, III, p. 281, during the first half of the eighth century, M]
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________________ INTRODUCTION XXIX Gunaratna 1 (consisting of but thirteen verses), to our poet. Excepting verse 1, which is a mere repetition of Mal. I. 2, the poem has nothing in common with Bhavabhuti's style The last eleven verses are of the nature of proverbs such as are usually met with in works on Niti All the verses but the first have been included by Bohtlingk in his Indische Spruche, which may be consulted for references to other works where these stanzas are to be found. Below I append the numbers in Bohtlingk's work. Verse 2 = No. 5033, occurs also in Sarngadhara-paddhatz 502 as kasya pi, verse 3 = No. 6089, verse 4 = No. 2152, verse 5 = No 2130 occurs also in Sarngadhara-paddhatr 295 as anonymous, verse 6 = No. 2138, verse 7 = No 6099, verse 8= No. 4658, verse 9 = No 5960, verse 10= No.5468, verse 11 = No 2445, verse 12 = No 94, but attributed to Vyasa in Sarngadhara-paddhatr 669, verse 13 = No 2153 Bhavabhuti must have, however, composed other works which unfortunately have been lost to us, for a large number of verses ascribed to him are not traceable in his three known dramas. 9 a. The following is a list of these verses (1) in Sarngadhara-paddhatz 8 as bhavabhuteh 43, 2 (No 791), alpatalarr anuyatam, 6, 2 (No 146), niravadyane padyani, 41, 2 (No. 749), darvad yady apr tulyo (2) in Suvrtta-tilaka 4 as bhatta-bhavabhuteh : Commentary on II 37 ajnanad yadi va. (3) in Rasika-jivana of Gadadhara-bhatta III. 22, al-patalarr anuyatam , III. 95, kim candramah pratyupakarao. (4) in Viraraghava's Commentary on Mv 6 samba punatu. (5) in Anantapandita's Commentary on Arya-saptasati tapasvi kam gato' vastham (6) in Rayamukuta's Commentary on the Amarakosa on II 5 10, sa eva rauhusam, on III 1, 64, sarasasupams (7) in his edition of Kavindravacanasamuiccaya 6 Dr. F. W. Thomas mentions the following verses as having been attributed to Bhavabhuti in some works which exist so far only in MSS.. (a) in the Saduktzkarnamrta of Sridhara II 704, usasi guru samaksam , I 109, kam tapasvi gato' vastham, I. 62, gadha-granthepraphulla; I. 57, cudapida-mbaddha-vasukr, I 897, nah-sasara kara 1 Printed in Haeberlin's Sanskrit Anthology, Calcutta, 1847 In three volumes, St Petersburg, 1870-3 Edited by Peterson, Bom. Sans Series, Bombay, 1888 For the translation of verses see ZDMG , Vol 27, pp 63-4. + Ravyamala Series, Bombay, 1886 5 Vide Ratnam Aiyar's edition, p 8, Bombay, 1901 & Bibl Ind Series, Calcutta, 1912
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________________ INTRODUCTION ahata, II. 781, bhuvam gharmarambhe, II 866, laghuni tona-kutire. I. 88, varkunthasya karanka, I 223, bauryam Satru-lcula-Isaya (6) in the Subhasta-haravali of Hari Kavi C11b, 125, nulchrlarr nirastam, 286, 64, bhajena bhavad antakam 10. CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER OF BHAVABHUTI'S EXTANT PLAYS The Uttara-rama-carita seems to have been the last play composed by Bhavabhuti this is indicated by the traditional judgement of the Pandits, who pronounce him to have 'excelled in his Uttara-rama-carita' This view is also borne out by Utt VII 21, which states that work to be the production of the poet's mature intellect', as well as by the fact that in his Prelude to that play he devotes only one line to the description of his family, parentage, &c, which is dwelt on at great length in Mv and Mal. Evidently by the time he began Utt, his fame was firmly established as a poet 2 through his Mal, and he was therefore no longer under the necessity of expatiating on his own high descent or on the vast learning of his preceptor, or on his own acquisitions in the domain of literature 3 Again in Mv and Mal we mark his anxiety to produce diamas conforming to the demands of the public, whose goodwill he was eager to secure. Thus in Mv. I 1/4 we read arya-misrah samadreanti. sa sandarbho bhinetavyah, and in Mal I 5/6. tat parisadam nurdistaguna-prabandhena, &c In Utt I 1/2 his tone is changed and he considers it sufficient to say aryamuoran vejnapayana That Utt. is later than Mv is further self-evident from their very titles. Let us now turn to the question as to which of his other two plays is relatively prior. I am fully convinced that the Mv. was the author's first attempt, as it lacks that power of expression and keen insight into human sentiments which characterize Mal His Mv. is uncouth and clumsy Again in My he does not allude to any of his works, whereas we find him speaking disparagingly of those who did not approve of his productions. This conduct of his is rationally explained if we grant that Mv was given to the public before Mal., and was accorded a very cold reception by contemporary critics. By this hypothesis only can we explain the still fuller account of his family and of his own literary attainments in Mal In the whole of Mal. he seems to be making a conscious effort to parade his mastery not only over Sanskrit, but also over Prakrit. I would like to hazard the assumption that the words apurvatvat 1 Of uttare rama-carste bhavabhuhr vistsyate Notwithstanding his established fame he stall feared criticism. Vide Ut I. 5. 3 Vide Preludes to Mv and Mal
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________________ INTRODUCTION xxxi prabandhasya 1 in Mv. I 7/8 may perhaps refer to My being his first production, while apurva-vastu-prayogena 2 in Mal. I. 5/6 may be understood to mean that he wanted to make up a new theme. Having failed to depict the Heroic Sentiment in My, he took to the delineation of the Erotic Sentiment, which is simpler to treat, and which, besides, appeals more easily to every human being I do not find any force in the only argument advanced by Anundoram Borooah in favour of his view that Utt was written between Mv and Mal, viz 'the fact that its verses agree more with the verses of the Vira Charita and the Malati Madhava than the verses of the Vira Charita do with the verses of the Malati Madhava':3 And when we remember that, firstly, in Borooah's time no critical editions of Bhavabhuti's works were in existence to justify a statement like his, and secondly, that Utt, being a continuation of Mv., should have more affinities with that play, his argument loses its entire force. 11. BHAVABHUTI'S LITERARY CHARACTERISTICS (a) Bhavabhutr as a dramatist We may without reservation concede to Bhavabhuti the title which he, in his Mv I 4, claims for himself, viz 'the master of speech' (vasya-vak) * His command of language, which enables him to express with facility minute shades of meaning, his cleverness in employing words suited to the sentiment, his mastery in depicting the grand and sublime aspects of Nature as discernible in the towering mountains and the thick forests, his delineation of different human sentiments, especially the karuna, bringara, bibhatsa and raudra, his skilful expression of the depth of passion, are simply unsurpassed. Kalidasa, as Wilson points out, has more fancy and is a greater artist than Bhavabhuti. The former suggests or indicates the sentiment which the latter expresses in forcible language.' In his Mv. he aims at depicting the Heroic Sentiment (I 3, I 6) and the grand exploits of the chief characters (I 2) in the play, and though he succeeds in depicting the profoundness of Rama's nature in Act II, the uncontrollable fury of 11e having no compositions preceding it 10 by resorting to a theme quite different to the one treated before . Bhavabhutz and his place in Sanskrit Laterature, Calcutta, 1878 (P 29) + Cf. also Ut I 2 8 In his introduction to his tianslation of Mai, p 4 (see his 'Select Specimens of the Theatre of the Hindus', Vol II London, 1871), Wilson ascribes this to the influence of the mountains of the South, his native land & Of the traditional eulogy, Karunyam bhavabhutir eva tanute, as well as the verse bhavabhuteh sambandhat bhadhara-bhuyeva bharati bhats etat-krta-karinye kim anyatha rodita grava 7 Bhandarkar in his Mal (Introduction, p xii).
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________________ xxxii INTRODUCTION Parasurama in Acts II and III, yet, on the whole, his attempt is a failure It is only a sort of meek heroism which he succeeds in painting. The speeches of Indra and Citraratha in Act VI, which describe the various incidents witnessed by them on the battlefield, create an impression of dull monotony and may suit a poem rather than a drama, inasmuch as they fail to create any dramatic effect. They have been eked out by the poet to a tiresome length simply to parade his knowledge of versification. In his delineation of the karuna rasa, the felicitous expression of pathos, however, he is always at home Still the passages in Mv. V 1 appear undoubtedly to be the attempts of a novice. They lack that refinement and finish which are perceptible even to a superficial reader in his Utt.? (particularly in Act III), and that tenderness which characterizes even his Mal., Act IX His delineation in Mal, of the sentiment of love, passing through the different stages of its development, particularly of the vpralambha singara in Act IX, his skill in depicting the raudra and bubhatsa rasas as exemplified in Act V, are sufficient to justify the claim to a high rank among great poets, but, notwithstanding that, we cannot fail to mark the looseness with which the two Acts V and IX hang upon the general plot of the drama They look like awkward and inharmonious additions to the rest of the plot, introduced more for the express purpose of exhibiting his mastery in portraying the above-mentioned sentiments Bhavabhuti fails to draw different types of character His dramatis personae are the common set of people who recur in nearly all the plavs. and though in their portraiture there are some very original touches here and there, yet one sadly misses the master-hand of the author of the Mrcchakatoka. (6) His humour and wrony. There is one element which Bhavabhuti entirely lacks. its absence in his compositions distinguishes him from Kalidasa, that is, humour His three plays are characterized by the absence of the figure of the Vidusaka, who plays so important a part in all the three dramas of Kalidasa Bhavabhuti loves earnestness He likes to be serious to a remarkable degree, so much so that not a single instance of a hearty joke or a flash of wit is to be met with in any of his three works Whether the omission was intentional or whether he was incapable of portraying a humorous character, it is very difficult to say. When we remember that he was to some extent influenced by the writings of 1 Vide particularly V 28, 56, 61, also IV 11 The main sentiment aimed at in this work is karuna Vide III 1, and the words of the stage-manager in VII 1/2. Karunadbhuta-rasam ca kapicad upanibaddham 9 Vide I 6, where the authoi mentions what he aims at in the play.
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________________ INTRODUCTION xxxiu Kalidasa, of whom he was an admirer, the fact sounds still more strange. It is, however, not unlikely that his personal experiences and the circumstances of his life were to a certain extent responsible for this singular characteristic Wilson, however, is of opinion that the more deeply a man feels, the more prone he is to look at facts and the less able to humour or Jest' But the absence of humour is considerably compensated by his fondness for irony, which exhibits itself to a remarkable extent in his Mv Thus, for instance, in Jamadagnya's speeches on p 59,1 8, p. 61,1 2, p 77,1 1, p 82, 1. 4, p 98, 1 8, in Rama's speeches on p 53,1 3, p 54,1 5, p 127, 1 8, and the following verse, p 138, 1 1; in Vasistha's speech on p 78,1 10, and in Alaka's speech in VII. 1 I have also been able to find one such instance in Mal. VII. 0/1 kaham nama nava-vahu-vrssambhanovaa januam, &c (c) Hus style A defect of his style, which is to a certain extent present in the Mv, but which reached its climax in the Mal, is his use of absurdly long and highly confusing compounds both in prose and in verse and his introduction of long prose speeches Therein he seems to be following the conventional rules of the Rhetoricians Thus in Mv and Mal. he employs the style known as gaudi, which is characterized by the use of long compounds, conjunct consonants, and hard letters, and in Utt, the vardarbhi style, suited to the karuna-rasa, and marked by the absence of heavy constructions and long compounds, and by the presence of soft letters 2 In places we cannot fail to mark his loose constructions, some of which he shares in common with his brother poets and dramatists. Thus in My alone we might mention brahmadyars tridaba-munabhah, I 11, agatam rajare-grhat for rajare-grhat agatam, p 9, 1 15, brahmanaJanasya sanghata-mrtyum, p 20, 1. 5, mama hrtasya, &c, p 59, 17, sada esa panhuda-tthane, p 108, 1. 4, eka-samaya-vyutpannam eka-kriyam, IV 57, and svayam kathayitum, &c, p 151, 1. 14 There are a few more passages which are defective in one way or the other In Mv I 18 we have to stretch dando 'parah to extract a sense from it In I 20 the su of sunirgata has no significance In II 9 stri-ratnam misyate wants upekertum to bring out the intended sense In tac ca gatam, p 189, 1 8, tat stands for ryputvam. On p 201,1 2, apastah lacks a subject In VII 37 the first foot is defective through a construction inharmonious with the next two lines 1 Vide ojo-guna-yukta gaudiya ritih | asyam ca bandhauddhatyam samasa-darrghyam samyuktavarnatvam prathama-trtiyakrantau dvitiyacaturthau yuktau rephas cakaryah -Kavyanusasana, p. 81, 1 24 Cf. also Kavya I 80 2793 C 2 Vide madhurya-guna-yukta vaular bhi itih asyam ca prayena komalo bandho 'samasah, &c -Kavyanusasana, p 31, 1 13 3 Vide notes on these passages
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________________ XXXIV INTRODUCTION But not withstan,ling these shortcomings he possesses felicity and uchness of exp pugion and slepth of meaning', which, according to his own opinion, are the insprutable character istics of learning and skill'? His works display a complete mastery of language. The way in which he gives a necular turn to the VAT-( according as a new idea strikes the mind of the praker or a new curcumstance happens, is an index of his wonderful Command of language "Thius in Jr IV 32 the sage Visvamitra starts with herpeto-shtare nel but realizing that the word damana would Juezils won the feeling of Parasurama, at once substitutes vidita instead In V VI ; Malyirs un proudly talks of the strength of his arm as being canull of erum the enemy. but when his left eye thiobs prognosticat111' n uuturtunut nii. he changes the turn of his speech In My VI 10 Risana talh-hunchtily of his all-surpassing valour, but being filled with uitymel. In additii lent manner. In Mv. VII 4 Alaka expresses her surrin at the chaste Sita leing made to undergo purification, but an after that tht make her look upon it as an instance of the peculiar way of the world. In 1'11 III.26 Vasanti is too much overcome with passion to timesh her weh in the strain in which she had begun, and finishes it in a chatte rent, thougli very appropriate manner, so as to produce a still greater effect. In Thlt VII. 40 a similar close of Rama's speech heightens the dramatic ctfect. In Mal. IX. 54 Makalanda fails to explain the disappearance of his friend, but then all of a sudden comes to realize that it might tue lue to the magical powers of Saudamini 2 Another feature of his style is the singular way of indicating the lepth of a certain feeling ly describing it as incomprehensible and undefinwhile In-tance are Utt I. 33, III. 11, 39, Mal I 21, 33 Another beautiful tirit is that very often the sound imitates the sense He employ's letters which well fit in with the idea intended to be expressed, thuy ondancing its effect. Instances are Mv. I 34, 35, 45 b, II 16 cd, 17c; III, 39, , 1.1', 29, Ut II. 30, V.5, 6, 9, and Mal V 19, VI. 7, 8, VIII. 9, 1X. 9. Again, what lends an indescrihable charm to his style is his fondness for the use of proverbsial expressions, which are the result of his vast experience and close observation. As illustrations we might mention Mv., p. fi,1, 6; 1.12; 1. 23 cd , 1.30c, I. 33 b, p. 20,1 9, II 4d, II. 32 d, p. 59, 1. 12; p. 61, L. 9 ; III. 3d, 111 9ab, p 70,1.1, III. 34 a; III. 35, p. 88, 1. 10; IV. 28; p. 99, 1.4; IV. 27 cd; IV. 33 cd, p. 117,1 11, p 139, 1.8; V. 48cd; p. 145, 1. 15; V. 59; p. 153, 1. 12, p 178, 1. 8; p 208, 1. 6, Mal. I. 8d; I. 17; I. 26 cd; I. 26/27 (snehas ca, &c), I 27; I. 35/36 (na khalu, &c.); II. (paccukkhu-sokkha-darno, &c.); II. 2/3 (itaretaranurago, 1 Vide Mal. 1. 10. Cf. also Mal. I 20, Mv. VI 6, 88.
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________________ INTRODUCTION XXXV &c, and yasyam manas, &c.), II 7b, II. 7/8 (prabhavati prayah, &c), II 11/12 (kuto va, &c), III. 11, IV. 4/5 (vako-pratisthrtanr, &c.), IV 24/25 (na hu so, &c), VI. 18, VII. 0/1 (kusuma-sadharmano, &c, and nakkampadarunasu, &c), VIII 14 cd, X 23/24 (Jayanti, &c), IX 51 cd, Utt I 8, 10, 13 cd, 14cd, 41 ab, II. 2, 4, 7, 110, 19, III. 29, IV 11d, 12 d, 17 a, 18, V. 17, 19 d, 20 cd, 30, 31, VI. 5, 14, 30b, 32 cd His vocabulary. Bhavabhuti's vocabulary is very extensive I cannot help thinking that, like the present day orthodox method of instruction, he must have committed to memory at least a couple of dictionaries He exhausts nearly all the synonyms of the words asthi, sena, rudhira, dhanus, Sarira, usu, nakara, and parvata, as mentioned in the Amarakosa 1 Some of his peculiar and partly favourite words are parayana, pragbhara, dambara, garbha-rupa, jhampa, tuvara, pran-mandala, parrdhirana, khurali nabhyanani, vitanka in Mv.,? paruplava, I 31/32, IV. 3, atathabhava, I 34, malimasa, I 35, ranaranaka, I 44, ardamparya, II 7, utkalrka, III 10, damara, III. 15/16, rallz (Prakrt), III.15/16, gallurana (Prakrit), III. 15/16, purnapatra, IV 1, samravina, V 11, sevadh, VI 18, ladaha (Prakrit), VII.0/1 in Mal , ranaranaka, I 38/39, (also Prakrit) anaranaa, I 30/31, vanula, II 23, konjalka, III. 2, kukali, III 16/17, bhbhisika, IV. 28, kadara, VI. 2/3 in Utt Some of his favourite words in My are vyatukara, anurudh, parunam, prakrta (also aprakita) and vidhu Then again he shows the greatest tendency to use onomatopoetic words, many of which he has himself coined Thus in My we find udbudbuda, tankara, kuttaka, khanatkhanikrta, ucculup, tatkara, 8 in Mal ranaranayamana, I 28/29, ranaranatkara, I 28/29, tharatharayanta (Prakrit), III 12/13, Katakataanta. (Prakrit), III 15/16, ghanatkara, V 34 jhanajhanakkurinio (Piakrit), VI 4/, dhamadhamaanta (Prakrit) VII 1/2, gadgada, IX 3/4, and in Utt. madamadara (Prakrit), IV 1/2, ranatkara, V. 26, Jhanjhanat, VI.2, Jhanayhanayuta, V 5, ranatlcarana VI. 1, barbarita, VI. 4, gulugulayamana, VI 5/6, gadgada, II 30, dumadumayrta, VI 2. Then again I have noticed two incongruous cases in the employment of patronymic words, viz., martravaruna and martravaruni, varlcartana and varkartanz. Coming now to his employment of Figures of Speech we may mention 4 1 It would be very interesting to find out from the words he uses the Lexicons he is likely to have known. Research in this department may lead to some useful results For references see "Index of Sanskrit words' The first three words recur in the other two plays also 8 For references see Index of Sanskrit words', 4 In the case of the figures which do not occur very frequently I have mentioned only the important instances The list given is not very exhaustive.
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________________ INTRODUCTION XXXVI i Upama or Simile in My. I 62, II 24, 31, III. 15, 21, 39, 40, IV. 23, V. 21, 44, VI 8, 44, 52, 53, VII. 34, in Mal. I 42, II 1, 8, III. 4, 10, 16, V 28, VI 6, 20, VIII. 8, IX. 50, X 3, 4, 12, 15, in Utt I 29, 45, 49, III 5, 7, 23, 36, 42, 47, IV. 2, 21, V. 8, VI. 24, 29. A glance at the above passages would suffice to show his inferiority in the employment of this figure to Kalidasa who, according to the opinion of the best critics, surpasses all in its use i Still a comparison of the similes employed by the two dramatists may be of some psychological value I wish to emphasize here a peculiar characteristic of Bhavabhuti's similes, viz. his extreme fondness for likening concrete objects to abstract ideas and at times of living beings to inanimate things) -a quality in which he excels Kalidasa Examples are in Mv I. 10, 22, 62, II 15, 23, 25, 41, V. 20 ab, 38, VI. 440 , VII. 21, 33 b, 2 in Mal IX. 9, in Utt. I. 18, III. 4, 14, 25, V. 16, VI, 9, 10, 19, 22 2. Rupaka or Metaphor in Mv V. 45, VII. 2, in Mal II. 10, X. 2, in Utt. I 38, III 28, IV. 4, 29 3 Utpreksa or Poetical Fancy in Mv I. 12, V 12 cd, 22, 26, 44d, in Mal I 32, II. 11, III. 16, V 10, VI 5, 12, IX. 1, in Utt I 48, III 13, 39 4 Anuprasa or Alliteration in Mv. I 29, II 31, 33 ab, 38 b, 46 cd, III 28 b, 29 b, 31 d, 32 d, IV 530, V 53 b, VII. 33 c, in Mal v 30, IX 16, 43, X. 18, in Utt. II 9, V.5, 9 5. Slesa or Pun in Mv I 50 a (on visva metra), V. 47 (on rama), p 41, 1. 1 (on skandha), p 41, 1 2 (on kulya), p 46, 1 4 (on vamsa), IV. 23 (on dosa and sastra), p 204, 1. 12 (on rajah), in Mal. I have also noticed a few equivocal statements, thus mahabhaga suslista-gunataya, &e, I 35/36, prabhavati nyasya, &c II. 0/1,2/3 6 Arthantaranyasa or Corroboration in Mal. X. 13, in Utt IV. 11, VI 12, 30 7 Nzdarbana or Illustration in Mal. IX 51 cd, in Utt I. 14, V 29 8 Drstanta or Exemplification in Mal I 27, IX 39, in Utt V 20 9 Vorodhabhasa or Contradiction in Mv. IV. 20, 24, in Mal I. 11 VIII. 7/8 (phuridam me vamam, &c ). 10. Pratwastupama in Mv. IV 27 cd, in Utt I. 13. 11. Atrsayokti or Hyperbole: in Mal I. 39. 12 Aksepa in Mv VI 9. 13. Svabhavokti in Utt. IY 26. d His verbal forms As might be expected from a great poet, Bhavabhuti closely follows the rules of grammar, though a few gram Of upama kalidasasya bharaver artha-gaura- gunah van 1 dandinah padalalityam maghe santr trayo Cf. also II, 34, 39 d, 40a, IV 17a
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________________ INTRODUCTION XXXyii matical peculiarities are to be found here and there Thus in Mv alone I have marked two cases of the Present Tense being used in an Optative sense dadate for dadatu in IV. 10, and caramah for carema in IV 45. The opposite use of the Optative for the Present is vrajatu on p. 131, 1 8 On p 51,1 10, the past sense in asit has a peculiar significance 1 On p 13, 1. 9, pasyati possesses a Desiderative sense On p 129, 1. 12, bhavavah is used as synonymous with gacchavah. Two examples of the use of the Parasmaipada for the Atmanepada are vyjayeyam in III. 45 and nuvarteyam in VI. 22. The form fivatave in Utt II. 10 is a Vedic Infinitive. e Hus metres As will be evident from Appendix D (B), Bhavabhuti employs twenty different metres in the composition of the 390 verses of Mv His most favourite metre is the Anustubh or Sloka, in which one-third of the total number of verses have been written. It might be that this form of metie, being the least fixed as regards the quantity of its syllables and hence the easiest, commended itself to him. He has, further, taken liberties with this metre and is guilty of not conforming to the definition in the following cases 2-1. 14 a, 21 a, 29 a, 36 a, 38 C, 47 a, 52c, III. 2 a c, 18 a b, 39 a , IV 16 a, 34 a, 39 a, 40 a, 44 a, 49 a, 51 a, 550, V 13c, VI 2 a, 13 c, 18 ac, 50 c, VII 4 a, 7 c, 15 c, 19c, 22 a c, 28 c, 35 a Sardula-vzkridita and Vasantatilaka follow next in order of frequency, the former claiming one-fifth and the latter one-tenth of the total number of verses. Srkharini and Sragdhara come next and are followed by * Mandakranta and Upagatu. Vambastha, Malyabhara, Gitr and Upendravagra are the least frequent, having only a single verse devoted to each Besides the irregularity in the composition of the Sloka, there is one verse which violates the general rules of Metrics, inasmuch as one single word is to be cut up into two halves, the first going with the preceding and the second with the following foot The case in question is that of the word vrdravrta in Mv. VI 27, where we have to read vidra with the third and vrta with the fourth foot. I would here like to add that in none of his works do we come across even a single Prakrit verse (for which Rajasekhara is so ienowned), and that, in the second place, it is to him that we owe a verse (Mal V. 23) in the Dandaka metre with fifty-four syllables in a foot There are two characteristics which distinguish some of his verses They are (1) that parts of the same stanza are uttered by different speakers, thus in Mv. I 53, 60, II. 50 in Mal I 36, X 8, in Utt I 33, catus -padayor hrasvan anyayoh saptamam 1 Vide note on the word. This metre is defined as . Sloke sastham guru peyam sarvatra leghu pancamam i dva durgham
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________________ Xxxviii INTRODUCTION IV. 24, VII 4, and (2) that stanzas are broken up by the interposition of prose passages, e g. in Mv I 53, II 50, IV. 41, VI. 6, 7, 38, 45, in Mal. III 18, V 25, in Utt. III, 6, 20, 40, IV. 24. f. His knowledge of Prakrits In his Mv. Bhavabhuti uses Prakrit very sparingly, so much so that Acts III and V, and the second half of Act VI are quite free from Prakrit In Act IV it appears in the Interlude, and in two speeches of Surpanakha and Sita, and in Act I there are a few short Prakrit passages The language is very simple and except in a couple of speeches in the whole of the drama the author shows no inclination to use long compounds. The same remark applies to the Utt, where Acts II, V, and VI (excepting the Interlude) contain no Prakrit passages It is, however, quite different with his Mal. in which Prakrit appears in nine out of the ten Acts (Act IX having none), while in Acts III and VII we come across long speeches consisting of big compounds, which sometimes run to at least two lines. It would not be out of place to mention here the important Prakit peculiarities which I have noticed in Mv a. The author confuses the two Prakrits Sauraseni and Maharastri, so that in the case of certain words we find Prakrit doublets, the Sauraseni having been used in some places, and the Maharastri making its appearance in others, thus, eg, we find vattad on p 38,1 2, and vattar on p 47,1 5, disadu on p 200, 1. 14, and disar on p 195, 1, 2, p. 202, 1 3, auha on p 93, 1.3, and aha on p. 88,1 3, jana on p 189, 1.1, p. 209,1 12, and ana on p 187, 1. 5 In one instance I have noticed the Magadhi form kumala 1 appearing by the side of the Sauraseni kumara. The Ardhamagadhi va side by side with the Sauraseni vra is more common. Besides these Prakrit doublets, we find him using in some cases the Maharastri form only in place of the Sauraseni. Examples are veana for vedana, p 38, 1 3, pasara for pasarzda, p 47, l. 7, sajjur for sajjadi, p. 15,1 10, bharia for bharida, p 56,1 3, ohasar for ohasadi, p. 56,1 4, visamvadar for visamvadadi, p 85,1 9, avesia for avesrda, p. 107, 17 It is worthy of note that in all these cases d has been dropped 'We also find the Maharastri forms draha, p 158, 1 6, and kaham b Again, he uses the double Sauraseni forms, as we found in mahanubhava and mahanuhava, abhioo and ahroa, vibhisana and vihisana , pakkha and vakkha , Jevva and evua. In declension he uses the locative termination mmi side by side with the very common ending e, thus we have nokhilammi, p 157, 1.7, Jalammi, 1 See Index of Prakrit Words' foi eferences.
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________________ INTRODUCTION XXXIX p 165, 1. 9, dinammi, p 200, 1 13 In the pronominal declension the double genitive forms me and maha are used. d The three forms valad eva, p 50, 1 6, name tti, p 87, 1 4, and patthede tr, p 160,1 4, deserve consideration e The word apr always appears as vi, even after an anusvara, where the correct form would be pra f. Among uncommon words may be mentioned oheramana, nuvadrda, visatta, kandotta, uvvattida, uvvella, pamhusda, pamhalida g It is remarkable that none of his three works contains even a single Prakrit stanza. 12. BHAVABHUTI AND KALIDASA According to a general tradition of the Pandits the two dramatists were contemporaries, and an anecdote ' is related about Bhavabhuti having taken his Utt for his opinion to Kalidasa, who being occupied at the moment with the game of chess, asked him to read it out. When Bhavabhuti had finished and asked him what he thought of the play, Kalidasa expressed his high appreciation of it, but pointed out that in the verse avrditagata-yama ratrur evam vyaramsit (I 27) the reading evam should better be eva. Though, as we now know, there is no historical basis for this story, * the two dramatists being separated from each other by a long span of time, yet it may be interpreted to mean that Bhavabhuti was an admirer of Kalidasa, whose works he might have often read and whom he imitates in a couple of places Thus when Kamandaki speaks of the love of Sakuntala for Dusyanta, of Urvasi for Pururuvas, in Mal II. 7/8, or of the story of Sakuntala in Mal III. 3, Bhavabhuti might have been thinking of Kali dasa's dramas Abhynana-sakuntala and Vikramorvasi. In Mal., Act IX, Madhava's idea of employing the cloud as a messenger and his address to the cloud in IX. 25, 26 (which remind us of Megh I 9, 10) 18 most probably borrowed from Kalidasa's Meghaduta Again, in the same Act (ver ses 29-34), Madhava's address to the different forest animals puts us in mind of the similar action of the love-lorn Pururuvas in Vikramorvasi, Act IV Besides, I have been able to find out a few identities or at least similarities of expression in the works of the two poets. For instance, gauri-guroh pavanah (Mv VII 27) is found in Sale VI. 17b, estarr 1 I have emended the last two Vide notes ? I have made the necessary emendations. I am indebted to Bhandarkar for this story, which he gives in the Preface, P x, to his edition of Mal.
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________________ INTRODUCTION yuzyethan, Mv VII 35/36, recurs as istena yugyasva in Sak V 13/14, am amhe contemo tam tumhanani hodu, Mv VII. 35 /36, is similar to yad ecchamte tad astu in Sak IV 19/20, viraprasavini bhava, Mv VII 35/36, occurs in Sak IV. 4/5.1 Utt V 20 resembles Sak VII 13, and Mal II, 11 d reminds one of Ragh XI 93 13 BEAVABHUTI'S SELF-REPETITIONS Anundoram Borooah has already drawn attention to the fact that Bhavabhuti repeats himself? These iepetitions are not only to be found in verses, but also in prose portions In verses the repetitions sometimes extend over a whole stanza, and sometimes over two feet or only one I append below a most exhaustive list. a Repetitions of verses or portions of verses Mal Utt. Mv I. 9cd I 5cd I 25 a I. 24 c I. 27 VI. 12 I. 31 a I 24 a IV. 7 IV. 15 IV. 8c III 28 a V gab II 45 a b V 19 a II 29 a V. 32cd II. 31 cd VI 8 a b I 36 a b VIII. 3 I 34 VIII 9 a I 34 a IX 3 b V 54 b IX 6 II 21 V 41 IX 9cd I 18 cd IX. 12 III 31 IX 14 I 31 IX. 20 III 38 IX. 20 a I 40 a IX. 24 a V 40 c IX 24 a b II. 20 cd IX 24cd V. 42 cd * It is, however, likely that these were the usual expressions for the invocation of blessings, hence their recurrence in the works of both Bhavabhuti and his place in Sansierat Lrterature, p. 4. His list, however, is very meagre
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________________ INTRODUCTION xli Utt Mv V 42d Mal IX. 240 IX. 29 d IX. 34 IX 51cd IX 54 a) X 8a IX 54) = X. 8 X. 2 X. 13 cd I, 33 b VI. 35 d III 16 I 14cd V 13 a IV 33 IV. 27 cd I 49 I 19cd, II. 42 cd I 57 a IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I 57 IV.52 IV 13 d III 40 IV 4 VII. 4 cd I 8 I 13 cd I. 15, VI 15 I 16cd I. 17 a I 51 a VI 42 a VII. 15 c) I 17 I 22 I. 32 d I. 42c I 51 a b) = VI 42 a b II. 15 II 19 = V1.5 II 20 III. 26b III. 26 d III 30 C III. 48 d IV 9cd IV 20 IV 29 V. 33 VI. 9 VI 21 a b VI 22b VI. 38 C VII. 1d V 13 V 40 V 40 I. 37 a V. 62 d V 28 b I. 5 d I 14 cd I 18 III 29 II 40 a II. 41 II 46 a b II 41 d V. 30 d I. 19/20 II 42 b, IV. 19,20
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________________ xlu INTRODUCTION b Repetitions of prose passages or short phrases Mal Utt. Mv. I. 5/8 bhagavatah ... I. 1/2 adya ... putrah I 1/5 bhagasamarprtavan vatah .... kurvantu I. 25/26 amrta-var I. 28/29 ter wa caksusoh I. 26/27 snehas ca VI. 11/12 ... etat IV. 1/2 ganadi ... II. 36/37 mantedum IV 1/2 hiaa-bhar II. 33/34 uvvamanta V llc kilakrla-kola VI. 29/30 - hala V 14a Cakram VI. 29/30 akrama VI. 7/8 samagga .. VI. 40/41 mangalam VI. 9/10 vyam .. VII 20/21 abhyudayanam VI 15/16 tat kom atz II. 44/45 .. bhagavatya VI 16/17 aho ... I. 55/56 prasangah VIII 8/9 sakkheva . . II. 22/23 danda I 4/5 sva-Jatz-samayena III 44, V 5/52 I 17/18 godana mangala I. 58/59 I. 25/26 ayam avirala..nama V. 15/16 I. 30/31 manvantara-purana V. 4/5 I 30/31 ha tata . sambhavah V. 23/24 1. 30/31 ayam asuu ... bhagah V. 26/27 I. 30/31 sramani ... tapasi V 27 a b I 42/43 ha maharanya sakhi = III 9/10, V 30/31 VII. 2/3 V. 30 I. 46/47 Jurnaranyam ... 8am sarah II. 3/4 brahma-parayana = IV.9 1. 17 !!!!!!!
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________________ Mal IX. 33/34 T T INTRODUCTION Utt. II. 7/8 dwyastra-sampradaya II. 15/16 unmatta... abhivartate II 19/20 ati-sambhranta yu than II. 26 vrano rudha-granthi III 14/15 hrdaya.. udghatah III. 15/16 kanta. vatsena III 38/39 katham adya. vasite VII..18/19 IV 20/21 bhadyeta vrttam IV 21/22 sarasa * paryayah IV. 22/23 na kenacet. tavya ... akrami I 34 V 24/25 ucch- IV 55/56 IV 1/2 IV 24/25 I 12/13 V 8/9 satyam. khalv asi V. 10/11 prasanna-karkasa V. 34/35 at hr. pragalbhase V 34/35 mayy eva...samvrttah VI. 0/1 udbhranta-devasurani VI 5/6 megha-medurita VI 14/15 sa-rahasya grmbhaka VI 15/16 prakrsta.. mahima VII. 2/3 asamvyjnata dhana niban VII 6/7 apata samvegah Mv. I 47 c V 26/27 V. 26/27 xliu II 30/31 I. 2 II 48/49 II 46/47 V 30/31 V. 15/16 I. 41/42 IV 13/14 II. 33/34 IV. 52/53 14. BHAVABHUTI'S QUOTATIONS FROM OTHER WORKS In his works we come across a few quotations which may serve as landmarks to fix the terminus a quo of the period in which he flourished In Utt VI 30/31 Bhavabhuti refers to the Balakanda of Ram, and quotes two verses (VI. 31, 32) from the epic (I 27, 26-28) Further, Utt VI 36 is a quotation from Ram. II. 95, 5-6 Utt II. 5 appears in Ram I 2, 15 These quotations are mentioned in Weber's article On the Ramayana, the English translation of which by D C Boyd appeared in the Indian Antiquary, 1872. On a closer study, however, of Bhavabhuti's works I have been able to trace two more passages to the Ramayana. They are Mu V 24, which is found in Ram III, 67, 15 (v 1 anvesasi for vicinosi of Mv.), and V. 34 a, which is nearly a repetition of Ram IV. 4, 15. These quotations in Bhavabhuti furnish a most valuable guarantee that the
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________________ xliv INTRODUCTION Ramayana, taken as a whole, existed in his time in essentially the same form as that in which we at present possess at Angiras's view as to reciprocal love being an essential condition for a happy married life is quoted by him in Mal II 2/3 The pas not occur in the Anguras-smrti known to us, but is found in Apas Gr I. 3, 20, where it is mentioned as the view of some' In Mataksara I 3 Vijnanesvara quotes it as from Apastamba, but he ought to have stated that it was the view, not of Apastamba, but of some other Rsi ieported by Apastamba The Rsi whose view he quotes is Angiras according to Bhavabhuti Bhavabhuti's quotation from the Kama-sutra in bis Mal. VII 0/1 I have already mentioned in my paragraph on Bhavabhuti's Life and Ancestry' laghu api vyasana-padam abhiyuktasya kercchra-sadhyam bhavati', My IV.7/8, is a quotation from Kautilya's Artha-sastra, VII. 5 (p 273) 1 samamso madhuparkah, Utt IV 1/2, is undoubtedly a quotation from one of the Grhya-sutras. Mu V. 59 appears likewise to be a quotation Neither of these have I been able to trace 15. MENTION OF AND QUOTATIONS FROM BHAVABHUTI IN OTHER WORKS 2 Mentioned in (1) Kalhana's Raja-tarangini, IV 144,3 (2) Rajasekhara's Balaramayana, I. 16, (3) Ballala's Bhojaprabandha,+ p 96, varanasinagarat ko'm bhavabhuta-nama kavir dvam vartate', (4) Vakpatiraja's Gaudavaho, 799, (5) Aryasaptasati, 36,5 (6) Kavindra-Karnabharana of Visvesvara-pandita (Kavyamala Series, Part VIII, No 2, Bombay, 1891), where the following verse, as an instance of dvrh-samasta-dver-vyastaJatrh is given kudric tanur varatanor bhavabhutur aha, &c , the answer being Malatimadhava Quoted in (1) Uvaladatta's commentary on the Unadisutras 6 commentary on Sutra I 108, Mal VI 10 a b, and on Sutra IV. 18, Mal V. 4d, (2) Rayamukuta's commentary on the Amarakosa commentary on I 75, Mal v 4c, (3) Ksirasvamin's commentary on the Amarakosa, Utt II 21 (= Mal. IX 6= My V. 41), see Prof Aufrecht's paper on Commentare zum 1 I have spoken above of his thorough knowledge of Nits It would be wou th while to examine in detail his indebtedness to Kautilya's work I wish to point out that Baz and Anar. possess not only similarities of ideas with Mv , but also show identities of language. $ Edited by M A Stein Bombay, 1892 + Edited by Th Pavie Callet, 1855. 5 Edited by Jivananda See his Kavyasangraha Calcutta, 1888 BTh Aufrecht Bonn, 1859.
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________________ INTRODUCTION xlv Amarakosa in ZDMG,1874, (4) the Mahanataka of Hanuman No. 46 = My I 18(= Utt. IV 2 . 52 = MV II. 48, No. 69 = Mv. II 36. a In Anthologies . 5 Subhasitavali 1 No 81 = Mal I 2, No 1297 = Mal I 31 6 sarngadhara-paddhatr 2 145, 2 (No 4076) = Mal V 18, 145, 1 (No 4075) = Mal V 16, 134, 27 (NO 3850) = Mal IV 10, 4, 13 No 99) = Mal I. 4, 106, 9 (No 3453) = Mal IX. 42, 12, 7 (No 215) = Utt. II 7, 26, 2 (No 414) = Utt II 4, 4, 5 (No 91) = Mal I 2 7 Kavindravacanasamuccaya 3 105 = Mal IX 15, 106 = Mal IX 24, 107 = Mal IX 16, 108 = Mal IX 17, 167 = Mal V 30, 230 = Mal I 31, 231 = Mal. I 32, 232 = Mal I 34, 233 = Mal I 33, 322 = Utt I 27, 423=Mal II 1, 429= Mal II 3, 465 = Mal I 20, 466 = Mal I 38, 467 =Mal I 41, 468 =Mal. IX 12, 476 = Mal V 10 b. In Alankara works 4 8 Dasarupa 5 I 41 = Utt V 34, I 42 = Utt VI 11, I 55 = Utt II 0/1, II 6 = Utt I 39, II 10 = Utt VI 19, III 15 = Utt III 26, III 16 = Utt I 38, IV ll = Utt I 24, IV 24 = Utt I 35, IV 45 = Utt I 26, IV 54 = Utt III 37, IV 63 = Utt I 27, 35, I 26 = Mal. I 32, 22, II 3 = Mal II 10, II 27 = Mal III 11 , II 34 =Mal II 2, II 35= Mal I 29, II 47 = Mal I 20, IV 18 = Mal v 9/10, 10, IV 32= Mal v 9/10, 18, IV 45 = Mal I 39, 18, 30, 32, IV. 67 = Mal V 16, I 32 = MV III 5, I 55 = Mv IV 0/1, 1, II end, II 1 = MV IV 21, II 37, I 53, II 36, IV 45, III 8, II 10 = Mv I 53, II 12 = Mv III 8, IV 17 = Mv III 8, II 5 = MV II 10, 16 a, IV 22 a, II 53 = Mv IV 22 a, Il 10 = Mv I 37, II 50 = MV II 33/34, 34, II 50 = Mv V 49, II 51 = MV II 38, 38/39, IV 10 = MV II 1, IV 14 = MV II 48, IV 16 = MV II 9, IV 18 = MV II 10, 27, IV 19 = Mv I 39, IV 26 = Mv I 55, IV 29 = Mv I 40, IV 67 = Mv I. 35, IV 68 = MV III 44 9 Sahityadarpana 5 91 = Utt VI 19, 135 = Mal II 2, 187 = Mal I 29, 176 = Mal V 31, 184 = MV III 8, 200 = UH III 5, 214 = Mal V 7, 234 = MV II. 360, 236 = Mal V 16, 237 = Mv I 54, 266 = Mv II. 10. 310 = MV IV 0/1, 312 = MV II end, III beginning, 364 = Mv III 5, 385 = Mal IX 12, 414 = Mal I 20, 416 = Mv V. 49, 418 = Mv. II 33/34 (628), 422 = MV IV 22 a, 483 = Mal IV. 9 d. 1 Edited by Peterson Bombay, 1886 2 Edited by Peterson Bombay, 1888 & Edited by FW Thomas Calcutta, 1912 4 In Kavyadarsa, Vagbhatalankara, Dhvanyaloka, Kuvalayananda, Brigaratelaka, Kavkantha bharana, Sahrdayalila, Crtramimamsa-khandana, and Kavyalankura no quotations from Bhavabhuti's works can be traced The numbeis refer to the commentary on these passages
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________________ xlvi INTRODUCTION 10 Sarasvatikanthabharana 1 I 75 = Mv. I. 55, I. 82 = Mv. II 14, I 104 = Mal. V 22 c, I 106 = Mv. I 35, I 107 = Mal V. 18, I. 138 = Mal V 30, II 17 = Mal VI 10, II 41 = Utt I 9, II 104 = Mal v 10, IV 51 = Mal V 10, II 157 = Utt I l ab, II 161 = Mal I. 38, II. 16. = MV I 18, Utt IV 20, II 161 = Mal V 28, V 139 = Mal v 28, II 161 = Mal IX 54, III 34 = Mal I 37, III 41 = Utt II. 27, III 40. III 50 = Mv. I 45, V 139 = Mal I 32, V 142 = Utt II 10, V. 154 = Utt. V 24, V 155 = Utt V 34, V 156 = Utt III 45, V 157 = Mal v 31 , V 159 = Utt III 5, V. 160 = Mal III 8, V. 167 = Utt V 17, Mv I 31, Utt VI 26, Mal I 31, Utt I 38, I. 9, IV 19, VI 18, Mal IX. 5, V 168 = Mal III 5, My I 30,1 21, Mal I. 18, I 35, IV 8, I. 28, V 169 = Mal IX 9, 33, 12, Mv I. 21, Mal X 23, MV III 24, IV 11, V. 172 = Mal. X 4, III 1. MV I 34, Mal II 11, Mv V 51, Utt. I 39, Mv I 55, V 178 = Mv V. 22, Utt. VI 11, V 187 = Mal. V. 18; V. 195 = Mal v. 28, MV II 49, Utt I 23. 11. Kavvaprakasa 1 IV. 28 = Mal I 25. IV 29 = Mal. v. 7. 16. IV 35 = MV II 22, IV 42 = MV II 31/32, Mal I 18, 33, V 1 = Mv II. 10, VII 3 = MV II 28, VII 4= Mal I 8, 5, VII 5 = Mv II 83, 39, VII 7 = MV II 30, Mal I 39, VII 9= MV II 9, VII. 11 = Mv I 35, Mal. VI, VIII 2 = Mal II 1, X 25 = Mal I 33, X 28= V 31 12 Rasagangadhara p 382, 1 20 = Utt II 27. 13 Kavualankaravrttr 1 I 2, 12 = Mv, I. 54. IV 3. 6 = Utt I 38. 14. Alankarasarvasva 2 p 27 = Mal I 32, p. 122 = Mal I. 33, p 134 = Mv. I 54, p 145 = Mal. I 22 15. Suurtta-tilaka 3 Comm on II 32 = Mal 7.30 16 Aucitya-vicara-carca 4 Verse 13 = Utt. IV. 27, 9, Verse 16 = Utt. V 34, Verse 27 = Utt II 27. 17. Kavyanusasana 6 p 3,1 24 = Mal V 22, p 25,1 2 = Mal I 23, p 27,1 29 = Mal I 39, p 28, 1. 10 = MV II 9, p 31,1 1= Mal V 16, p 41,1 11= Mal. I 31, p 54, 1 13 = Mal II 2, p 56,1 l = MV II. 48, p. 57, 1. 3 = Mv I 35, p 58,1 10 = Mal V 10, p 58,1 25 = Mal. I. 38 18. Kavyapradapa IV 5= Mal I 25, IV 6 = Mal. V 7, 16, IV 13 = MV II. 22, IV. 20 = Mal I 18, 33, V.2 = MV II 10, VII 3 = Mv. II 28, VII.4 = Mal I 8, VII. 7 = MV II 33, 39, 30, VII. 9 = Mal I. 39, Mv. II. 9, VII. 11 = MV I. 35, Mal. V 1, VIII 2 = Mal. II. 1, X. 25 = Mal I, 33, X. 28 = Mal V. 31 1 The numbers refer to the commentary on these passages ? Kavyamala Series, No. 35 Bombay, 1893 Ibid., 1886. Ibid, 1886 The references are to the commentary on these verses Ibid , No 43 1894 & Kavy Series, No 24 Bombay, 1891 The 1 eferences are to the commentary on these passages
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________________ INTRODUCTION xlvii 19 Alankarasekhara 1 II. 3 = Utt I. 9, IX 5 = Mal. I 5, XX. 12 = Mal. V.7, XX 15 = Mv. I 55, XX 24 = Mal . 16 20 Alankarakaustubha ap 30 = Mal I 32, p 46 = Mal I 32, p 118 = Mal. III 15, p 156 = Mal I. 42, p 216 = Mal IX 26, p 281 = Mal I 24, p 289 = Mal I 27, Utt VI. 12; p 292 = Mal III 8, p 294 = Mal IX 7, p 308 = Utt. III 26, p 323 = Mal III 9, p 324 = Mal II 3, p 372 = Mal I. 19, p 373 = II 8, p 416 = V 18 21 Padyaracana 3 p 85 = Mal v 30 22 Citramunamsa 4 p 18 = Mal I 32 23 Rasaratnahara 6 45 = Mal III 11, 67 = Mal II 2, 69 = Mal I. 29, 81 = MV II 1, 9, Utt I 24, Mal v 9/10, 10 a , Utt I 35, 82= Mv I 55 a, 39/40, 40, II 9 a, 27, 10, 83 = MV III 8, II 48, I 39, 96 = MV III 44, 98 = Mal V 16, Mv I 35 16 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BHAVABHUTI'S PLAYS 6 1 MAHAVIRACARITA. Text Editions Mahaviracarta, or the history of Rama,& edited by F. H Trithen. London, 1848, pp 4+ 147. Mahaviracarita Edited by T. Tarkavacaspati with occasional glosses Calcutta, 1857, pp 2+120 Mahaviracarita. Edited with notes by J Vidyasagara. Calcutta, 1873, pp 142 Mahavir acarta. Edited by Anundoram Borooah, with a Sanskiit commentary and a Sanskrit-English glossary. Calcutta and London, 1877, pp 13+ 310 Mahaviracarta. Edited with various readings and notes in Sanskrit by S G. Jyotishi. Poona, 1887, pp 135 + 29. Mahaviracarita, with the commentary of Vilaraghava. Edited by T. R Ratnam Aiyar, S. Rangachalar, and K. P Parab 1st ed , Bombay, 1892, pp 260, 2nd ed., 1901, pp. 260. Mahaviracarita, a Sanskrit drama, with the commentaries of Laksmana Sari, New ed , Madras, 1904, pp 270. Mahaviracarita, with a full commentary by Jivananda. Calcutta, 1906. Mahaviracarta Serampore, 1872 Mahaviracarta, with Sridhara's commentary and various readings. Poona, 1887 1 Kavy Series, No 50 Bombay, 1895 2 Ibid, No 66, Bombay, 1898 SIbid, No. 89, Bombay, 1908 Ibid, No. 88, 1893. 5 Ibid., Part VI, No. 8, 1890. The freferences are to the commentary on these passages From Schuyler's Bibliography' with my own additions
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________________ xlvu INTRODUCTION Translations Mahaviracarita The Adventures of the Great Hero Rama An Indian Drama in seven acts Translated into English prose from the Sanskrit by John Pickford London, 1871, pp. 16+172. Reprinted 1892, pp. 20+172. 2. MALATIMADHAVA. Text Editions. Malatimadhava, with a commentary on the Prakrit passages Calcutta, 1830, pp 175 Malatimadhavae fabulae actus primus cum varius lectionibus, edidit C Lassen Bonn, 1832, pp. 48 Malatimadhava, with a tianslation of the Prakrit passages Edited by K C Dutt. Calcutta, 1866, pp. 148 Malatimadhava, with the commentary of Jagaddhara Edited with notes, critical and explanatory, by R G Bhandarkar. Bombay, 1876, pp 399+76 Bombay Sanskrit Series, no 15 2nd ed., 1905 Malatimadhava Edited with a commentary by J. Vidyasagala. Calcutta, 1876, pp 185 Malatimadhava, with the commentary of Tipurarisuri, called Bhavapradipika, in Telugu Madras, 1883, pp 176 + 128 Malatimadhava Satika Part I. Calcutta, 1886, pp. 60. Malatimadhava, with the commentary of Jagaddhara. Edited with an interpreta tion of the Prakrit passages by Bhuvanacandra Vasaka. Calcutta, 1886, pp. 317. Malatamadhava, with the commentaries of Tripurali and Jagaddhara Edited by M. R Telang 1st ed., Bombay, 1892, pp 402, 2nd ed, 1900, pp. 402 Matatimadhava, with Namyadeva's commentary. Bangalore, 1883 Translations A. English. Malati and Madhava, or the Stolen Marmage, translated by Wilson, vol 2, pp 1-123 B. Bench Madhava et Malati Drame traduit du sanscrit et du pracrit par G Stiehly, precede d'une preface par A Bergaigne. Paris, 1885, pp. 12+ 274. Bibl. Orient Elzevii , no. 42 C German Malatimadhava, em mdrsches Drama von Bhavabhuti. Zum ersten Male aus dem Original ins Deutsche ubersetzt von Ludwig Fritze Leipzig, 1883, pp. 125. D Dutch. Malati en Madhava. Een indisch drama vertaald en verkort door P. A. S. van Limburg Brouwer. In Tijdspiegel, 1871, 1, 418. E BengaliMalatee Mudhaba, a comedy of Bhubabhootee Tianslated into Bengalee from the original Sanskrit, by K. P. Sing. Calcutta, 1859. F. Marathi. Malatimadhava. Translated into Marathi by K. S. Rajvade and revised by Chiplonkar. Bombay, 1861, pp. 152.
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________________ INTRODUCTION xlix 3. UTTARARAMACARITA Text Editions. Uttararamacarta, with a commentary explanatory of the Prakrit passages. . Calcutta, 1831, pp. 132 Uttararamacarta. Edited, at the request of (and with a preface by) E. B Cowell, by Premacandia Tarkabagisa. With a short commentary Calcutta, 1862, pp. 181. Uttararamacareta. Edited with commentary by Tarakumara Cakravarti. With a preface by B. P Majumdar Calcutta, 1870, pp 208 Uttararamacarita. Edited with Sanskrit notes by Isvaracandia Vidyasagara 31d ed (?), Calcutta, 1876, pp 15 +246 Uttararamacarita, with a commentary called Bhavabodhi by Ramacandra Budhendra. Madras, 1881 (In Grantha characters ) Uttararamacarta, with extracts from two Sanskrit commentaries and notes in English by K B Mande Poona, 1881, pp 75+ 17. Uttararamacarita. Edited by J. Vidyasagara 1st ed , Calcutta, 1881 , 2nd ed , 1889, pp. 268. Uttararamacarta. Edited with copious Sanskrit and English notes by S G. Bhanap 1st ed , Bombay, 1888, pp 212, 2nd ed , 1893, pp 218 Uttararamacarta, with Sanskrit commentary by Pandit B S. Ghate, together with a close English translation and notes by V S Patvardhan. Nagpur, 1895, pp. 12+192 +47 Uttararamacarta, with the commentary of Viraraghava Edited by T. R Ratnam Aiyar and K P. Parab. 1st ed , Bombay, 1899, pp. 174, 2nd ed , 1903, pp. 174 Uttararamacarta Sanskrit text with a commentary by Laksmana Sari Kumbhakonam, 1900, pp 209. Uttararamacarta Jaipore, 1851. Uttararamacarta, with commentary by Tarakumara Cakravarti and a Bengali translation. Calcutta, 1870 Uttararamacarrta, with the commentary of Ramacandra Budhendra. Madias, 1882. Uttararamacarrta, with a commentary by Viraraghava Edited by K. Acharya Bangalore, 1891. Uttararamacarita, with the commentary of Viraraghava. Followed by the Vasantikaparinaya. Mysore, 1892 Translations. A. English, Uttararamacarta. Translated by Wilson Vol I, pp. 275 384 Uttararamacamta. A literal translation from the original Sanskrit by H. Mukho padhyaya. Calcutta, 1871, pp. 84. *789
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________________ INTRODUCTION Uttararamacarta. Translated into English by CH Tawney 1st ed., Calcutta, 1871, pp. 81 , 2nd ed., 1874, pp. 101 Uttararamacarita An English translation by K, K. Bhattacharya. Calcutta, 1891, pp. 142. B. French Le denouement de l'histoire de Rama, Outtara Rama Charta, drame de Bhavabhoutz, traduit avec une introduction sur la vie et les oeuvres de ce poete par F. Neve Brussels and Paris, 1880 C. Hindi Uttar Ram Carta, by L. Sita Rama. Allahabad, 1899, pp 96 Our Ancient Theatre, no 2. D. Tamil. Kusulava nataka by Bradhatten, a translation of the Uttararama carita, Cat. Mack. Coll., p. 218. 17. LITERATURE CONCERNING BHAVABHUTI Besides the Introductions in the editions of some of his dramas (for which see * Bibliography of Bhavabhuti's Plays ') the following works may be mentioned 1. Bhavabhutr and his place in Sanskrt Literature. By Anundoram Borooah. Calcutta, 1878. 2. Theatre Indren. By Sylvain Levi. Paris, 1890. (Particularly pp. 211-16, 219-24, 269-72.) 3 Malati-madhava. Edited by R. G. Bhandarkar. Bombay, 1905. (Preface, pp. vi-xvii.) 4. Bhavabhutz in English Garb, by K. M. Banerjea in Indran Antiquary for 1872, pp. 143-7. Bombay 5 On the Ramayana, by A. Weber in Indran Antiquary for 1873, pp 246-9. 6. Bhavabhuti's quotatron from the Ramayana, by R. G. Bhandarkar in Indran Antiquary for 1873, pp. 123-4. 7. Select Specimens of the Theatre of the Hudus, by H. H. Wilson. Vol. I, pp. 275-384; Vol II, pp 1-123, 323-34. London, 1871 8. A Biblrography of the Plays of Bhavabhuta and of Krsnamnsra, by M. Schuyler in J.A.O.S., Vol. XXV, 1904. 9 A Bibhography of the Sanskrit Drama, by M. Schuyler. New York, 1906. 10. Subhasitavati of Vallabhadeva. Edited by P. Peterson, pp. 77-8. Bombay, 1886. 11. Ueber dre Paddhatz von Barngadhara (pp. 63-4), by Th. Aufrecht in Z.D.M.G., Vol. XXVII. 12. Wrener Zeitschrift fur dre Kunde des Morgenlandes. II. Band. Wien, 1888 (p. 332).
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________________ INTRODUCTION . 13 Kavindrava canasamuccaya. By F. W. Thomas, pp. 60-2 Calcutta, 1912. 14. Miscellaneous Essays. By H. T. Colebrooke Vol III, pp. 123-34. London, 1873 15 Indra What can at teach us 2 By F. Max Muller, pp. 332-5 London, 1883. 16. Indrens Interatur und Cultur. By Leopold von Schioeder, pp. 647-55. Leipzig, 1887 17. A History of Sanskrit Literature. By A. A. Macdonell, pp 362-5. London, 1900. 18. Dre Interaturen Indrens und Ostasiens. By Alex. Baumgartner, pp. 172-87. Freiburg in Breisgau, 1902, 19. Klein's Geschichte des Dramas Bd. III. Leipzig, 1866. 20 Fourth Report By P. Peterson, plxxxvi 21. Les epoques Intterarres de l'Inde By Felix Neve Bruxelles-Paris, 1883 (Occasional references in the chapter headed 'Essai sur l'origine et les sources du diame indien :) 22. Catalogus Catalogorum By Th Aufrecht. Vol. I, p 398. Leipzig, 1891 23 Gaudavaho. Edited by S. P. Pandit Bombay, 1887 Introduction. 24. The Indian Theatre. By E. P. Horwitz Glasgow and Bombay, 1912 (pp. 127 ff). 18. ABBREVIATIONS USED. AB. Abhi Alankarasar. Amara. Anar. Anek. Mahaviracarta. Edited by A. Borooah. Calcutta, 1877. Abhidhanacitamani. Herausgegeben von Boehtlingk. St. Peters burg, 1847. Alankarasarvasva Kavyamala Series. Bombay, 1893. Amarakosa. With the commentary of Bhanuji Dikshit. Edited with notes by Sivadatta. Bombay, 1889. Anargharaghava. With the commentary of Laksmana Suri Tanja-nagara, 1900. Anekarthasamgraha. Edited by Th. Zachariae. Vienna and Bombay, 1893. Apastambiya-dharma-sutra. Edited by G Buhler. Bombay, 1892 Apastambiya Grhyasutra. Edited by Winternitz. Vienna, 1887. The Grhya Sutra of Asvalayana B. I. Series. Calcutta, 1869. Balaramayana. Edited by Govinda Deva Sastir Benaies, 1869. Srimad-bhagavad-gita. A. A. Series. Poona, 1896. Bhattikavya. Edited by Vinayaka Narayana Shastri Joshi and his son. Bombay, 1900. Corrected or correction. Apas. Dh. Apas Gr. Asv. Gr. Bal. Bhag. Bhatt. Corr. 1 References to prose portions in the Dramas are made in the verses which piecede and follow them Thus I. (or I. 9/10) means Act I, prose passages between verses 9 and 10. d 2
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________________ E lu Dasar. DesI. fr. Gaut Hem. Pr. Jv. Kad Kam. Karp. Kathas. Kavya Kavyal. Kavyanu. Kavyap Kir. Kum. Lalit Maha. Mal Manu. Megh Mv. Dasarupa. Edited by Fitzedward Hall. B I. Series. Calcutta, 1865. Kavyaprakasa. With notes by Mahesa Chandra Nyayaratna Calcutta, 1866. Kiratarjuniya. Edited by Durgaprasad and K. P. Parab. Bombay, 1902. Kumara-sambhava. With the commentary of T. Tarkavacaspati. Calcutta, 1871. Lalita-vistara Herausgegeben von Lefmann. Vols I and II Halle, 1908. Mahabharata. Edited by the Learned Pandits attached to the establishment of the Education Committee. Vols I-IV. Calcutta, 1884-9. Mahabhasya. Edited by F Kielhorn. In three vols. Bom. S. Selles, 1880-5 Mahanataka. Translated into English from the original Sanskrit by KaliKrishna Bahadur. Calcutta, 1840. (Gives continuous numbers which I have quoted in brackets) Malati-madhava Edited by M. R. Telang Bombay, 1900. Manava Dharma-sastra. Edited by J. Jolly. Tr. O. Series London, 1887. Meghaduta. Edited by K P Parab. Bombay, 1902. Mahaviracarta. Text edited by Todar Mall. Oxford, 1927. INTRODUCTION Desinamamala. Edited by Pischel and Buhler. Bom. S Series, 1880. from. Gautama Smrti S. B E Series. Vol. II, Part I. Oxford, 1879. Hemacandra's Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen Herausgegeben von Pischel. Vols I, II. Halle, 1877, 1880. Mahaviracarita With a full commentary by Jiananda Cal cutta, 1906 Kadambari Edited by P Peterson Bom. S Series, 1883 Kamandakiya-niti-sara. Text by Rajendralala Mitra B. I Series. Calcutta, 1884. Karpura-manjari. Edited by Sten Konow. H. O. Series Cambridge, Mass, 1901 Kathasaritsagara. Edited by Durgaprasad and K. P. Parab. Bombay, 1903. Kavyadarsa Edited by Premachandra Tarkabagisa. B. I. Series Calcutta, 1863. Kavyalamkara-vrtti Herausgegeben von C. Cappeller. Jena, 1875. Kavyanusasana. Edited by Sivadatta and K. P. Parab. Kavyamala Selles. Bombay, 1894.
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________________ Natya. orig. Pan. Par. Gr. Pick. Prabodh. Pras. prob. Ragh. INTRODUCTION lii Natya-Sastra. Edited by Fitz-Edward Hall. B. I. Series. Calcutta, 1865. original or originally Panini's Grammatik. Herausgegeben von Boehtlingk. Leipzig, 1887. Paraskara Grhya Sutra. Edited by Ladharama Sarma. Bombay, 1946 (samvat). Mahaviracarita. Translated into English prose by Pickford. London, 1892. Prabodhacandrodaya. Edited by Laksmana Vasudeva Panasikar a. Bombay, 1898 Prasanna-raghava. Edited by Govinda Deva Sastri. Benares, 1868. probable or probably. Raghu-vamsa. Edited with notes by S. P Pandit. Bom. S. Series, 1869-74. Ramayana. With the commentary of Ramanuja. Edited by Hema Candra Bhattacarya Calcutta, 1799 saka. (References are to the Bombay Recension as published in this text, except when Goliesio's edition, Parigi, 1843-58, is specified.) Rasagangadhara. Edited by Durgaprasad and K. P. Parab. Kavyamala Series. Bombay, 1888. Mahaviracarta. Edited by Ratnam Aiyar and K P. Parab. Bombay, 1901. revisor. Sahrtya-darpana. Text revised by E. Roer. Translated into English by JR Ballantyne. B I. Series. Calcutta, 1851. Abhijnana-sakuntala. Edited by M. R Kale. Bombay, 1902. Sankhya-karka. Edited by Bechanarama Tripathi. Benr. S. Series, 1883. Sankhya Aphorisms of Kapila. Translated by J. R. Ballantyne. Tr. 0 Series. London, 1885. Sarasvati-kanthabharana. Edited by A Borooah. Calcutta, 1883. Edited by K. P. Parab. Bombay, saka 1807. Ram Ram Rasa. Ratnam Aiyar's text. rev. Sah. Sak Sankh. Sankh. Sa. Saras Siddhantakaumudi. Sisu. SR. sukra Susruta. Trik. Utt. Sasupalavadha. Edited by Durgaprasad and Sivadatta. Bombay, 1902. Mahaviracarta. With Sridhara's commentary. Poona, saka 1809. Sukra-nitro-sara With Jivananda's commentary. Calcutta, 1882. Edited by Madhusudana Gupta. Vol. I. Calcutta, 1834. Trikandasesa Edited by Sadasiva Bajaba Sastri Bombay, 1854 Uttararamacarta. Edited by Ratnam Aiyar and K. P. Parab Bombay, 1899.
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________________ liv Vag Vair. Vas. Vikr. Visnu. Visnu-smrti. VR. Weapons. Yajna Yoga INTRODUCTION Vagbhattalankara Edited by A Borooah. Calcutta, 1888. Vairagyasataka Edited by K. T. Telang. Bom. S. Series, 1885. Sacred Law of the Aryas as taught in the school of Vasishtha. Edited by A A Fuhrer. Bom S Series, 1883. Vikramankadevacarita Edited by G. Buhler Bom. S. Series, 1875. Vishnu Purana. Translated by H. H. Wilson. Edited by Fitz-Edward Hall Vols. I-V. London, 1864-77. Edited by J. Jolly Calcutta, 1881. Viraraghava's commentary on Me. Edited by Ratnam Aiyar. On the Weapons, Army Organisation, and Political Maxims of the Ancient Hindus By G Oppert. Madras, 1880. Yajnavalkya's Gesetzbuch. Herausgegeben von A F. Stenzler. London, 1849 Yoga Aphorisms of Patanals. B I. Series. Calcutta, 1888.
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________________ MAHAVIRA-CARITAM
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________________ om / // zrIparamAtmane namaH // atha svasthAya devAya nityAya hatapApmane / 10 tyatakramavibhAgAya caitanyajyotiSe namaH // 1 // nAnyante sUtradhAraH / 'adya khalu bhagavataH kAlapriyanAthasya' yAbAyAmAryamizrAH samAdizanti mahApuruSasaMrambho yatra gambhIrabhISaNaH / prasannakarkazA yaca vipulArthA ca" bhAratI // 2 // aprAkRteSu pAtreSu yaca vIraH sthito rsH| bhedaiH sUkSmarabhivyaktaiH pratyAdhAraM vibhajyate // 3 // 15 For the initial colophons of all the MSS see 'Introduction'. Folios I and 2 | cett. (+ Ta. Ts). are missing in Cu. Folio 3 begins with samArabho Bo only. p 6,14 | 10 bhISaNaM T. bhISaNaH cett. (+ Th, svasthAya K, I, Bo, W, Sc, Md, Th, I T ). svacchAya : __11 vipulAtha vi.vimalArthA ca Mt 3 hatapApmane K, E, IT, W, Sc, Md, T1 | vipalArthA ca cett. ( + Md, Mg). hatamAtmane Bo hajayAzrite I 10 vIraH K, E, Bo, Se, Md vIradeg I, * sUtrAdhAraH Bo only W, I T. " alamativistareNa add Md only. adya khalu K, Bo, W, Sc, I, Md, Mt | | 18 padaiH T, bhedaiH cett. ( + Ti). aye khalu E; om. II, Mg, Th rabhivyaktaH I, T], w, Sc, I, Md "priya K, E, II, Bo, w, Se, I, Ma ramivyaktI : rabhivyaktaH Bo rabhivyata Mt "priyA* Mt, Mg, Tu. | rativyaktaH ra. 2789
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________________ ACT I 4 sa sandarbho'bhinetavya iti / saharSam / mahAvIracaritaM tarhi prayoktavyamityAdiSTamarthato bhavati / __ vazyavAcaH kaveH kAvyaM sA ca rAmAzrayA kathA / labdhazca vAkyaniSyandaniSpeSanikaSo janaH // 4 // / so'hametavijJApayAmi / asti dakSiNApathe0 padmapuraMga nAma nagaram / tatra kecit taitirIyiNa: kAzyapAzcaraNaguravaH panipAvanAH paJcAgnayo dhRtavratAH somapIthina udumbaranAmAno" brahmavAdinaH prativasanti / tadAmuthAyaNasya tatrabhavato vAjapeyayAjino" mahAkaveH" paJcamaH sugRhItanAno bhaTTago10 pAlasya pautraH pavitrakIrtenIlakaNThasyAtmasambhavaH zrIkaNTha 1 saharSam om. Mt only | 10 dakSiNa I, dakSiNA cett ( + Md, * mahAvIracaritaM K, E, II, Bo, Th, Ma | Ti)., mahAvIravrataM I mahAkaviviracitaM w " padmapura K, E, Bo, W, Sc, I, Mg mahAkaviviracitaM changed to mahAvIracitaM | padmanagara II, Md, Ti Sc 12 rIyiNaH K, E, II, Bo, W,Sc, I,Md ___ nivAsinato K, E, I, Bo, w, orIyAH Mt, Mg, T. Sc, Th, T, Md "mityarthato AdiSTaM , 13 partibhAvanAH T, paNDitapAvanAH "mitvatho'bhihitaM T. Ta, Tg om I, paGgipAvanA: cett ( + Md). * bhavadbhiH Mt, Mg bhavati cett ( + Th, | " dhRtavratAH om Ti only 18 udumbarAH II, Bo udumbarA Mt, Mg, " vAkyaM Mt, T. kAvyaM cett (+ Md, | I, udambarA Md udumbaranAmAno K, Se, T. vudumbaranAmAnA E thino dumbaG Wrongly degyAME lyA cetta TITATTI changed by scribe to ofera niSyanda Mt, Mg, T, So niSpanda udumbaranAmAno w. K, E, Bo, W, I2. II [the latter has also the 16 peyino ra peyaketayAjino , mark - above kya and da and adds kyari- peyayAjino cett. ( + Ta, Ts, Md). syanda along top margin]. ___" siMhabhUtaH add. K only. nikarSa Mt niSpeSa cett. (+ Md, | 18 gArpalasya : gopAlasya cett. ( + Md, T,). * hametAvad T, "haM pariSadametAvad " pavitrataradeg Me pavitra0 cett. ( + Md, T, hametad cott (+T, Md). | T). .
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________________ ACT I 5-7b paMdalAJchano bhavabhUtinIma jAtUkIputraH kavirmibaMdheyamasmAkamityabhavanto vidAGkurvantu / zreSThaH paramahaMsAnAM mhrssiinnaamivaanggiraaH'| yathArthanAmA bhagavAna yasya jJAnanidhirguruH // 5 // nedamuddhRtajagattrayamanyumUla mastokavIragurusAhasamadbhutaM ca / vIrAdbhutapriyatayA raghunandanasya dharmaduhI damayituzcaritaM nibaddham // 6 // tadidaM bhavantaH paripunantu / uktaM ca tena zrotriyaputreNa prAcetaso munivRSA prathamaH kavInAM yan pAvanaM raghupateH praNinAya vRttam / 10 1 padadeg K, Bo, W, Se, Ma, T, degpAdadeg | zirAH Mg degNAmivAGgirAH cett (+ Md, I1, E degparadadeg I | TI) 18 sutaH only for mahAkaveH paJcamaH . OM mantra* K degmanyu: cett. ( + Md, Th, zrIkaNThapadalAJchano T. As in text cott | Ti) T. has a lacuna (+ Ti, T) ___deg degmurudeg Md 'guru' cett (+ Mt, Mg, ' padavAkyapramANajJo add Mt, Mg, Th, | Ti, Ta, 'Ti). Tg only ___10 degpuGgavasya T, ketanasya T, nandanasya batukIputraH Md, Ts. Tg, Mt, Mg | cett ( + Tg, Md) jatukarNa T. jAtUkIputraH cett. 1 "drahAM K, Bo, W, Se "drasye E dUho __ mitrama T, mitradheyama cett. ( + Md, | I, Ia, Ma, T.. T, T3) _12 Wrongly bhavataH paripunAtuE bhavantaH ___ mitimavanto Mg, Th, Th, T "mi | paripunantu cett ( + Ma, 'T) tyatrabhavanto cett. ( + Md) ___13 pravaraH Th prathamaH cett. (+ Md, hariH oM add T. only. ' NAM yathAgirAM Mt oNAM yathA- | " yaH , yat cett ( + Mad) B2
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________________ ACTI7c8 bhaktasya tatra samaraMsata mespi vAca stAH suprasannamanasaH kRtino bhajantAm // 7 // pravizya naTaH / kRtaprasAdAH pAriSadAH / kintvapUrvatvAt prabandhasya kathApradezaM samArambhe' jJAtumicchantiM // 100 5 sUtra' / sa tu bhagavAn dIkSiSyamANaH kauziko vizvAmitra aikSvAkasya rAjarServasiMSThapurodhaso dazarathasya gRhAnupetya svameva ' tapovanaM " pratyAgataH / sa ca " 11 12 vijayi sahaja strairvIryamucchrAyayiSyaJ jagadupakRtibIjaM maithilIM prApayiSyan / dazamukhakula ghAtazcAdhyakalyANapAcaM dhanuranujasahAyaM rAmadeva ninAya // 4 // 1 7 tatra samaranta mamApi K, Bo, Mt, Mg, T1, I1 [has also raMsata me along top-margin ] | T2) tatra samaraMsta mamApi E, Se [ has also a led 5 ink maik = above sta, and adds along margin sata me'pIti sAdhuH ] tatra samarasta mamApi tatra samaraMsata me'pi w tat samalabhanta mamApi Ma 2 *stAH suprasanna K, I1, E, W, I2, Ma, T1, Se [has also the mark = above stAH su and_adds along margin yathAzrute tvatra taditi sAdhu vAco vRvyaH] degskhA | suprasanna Bo, Mg. 8 ramantAm Mt bhajantAm cett ( + Ma, T2). 4 iti add. T1, Tg only. zrotu Mt, Mg, T1 jJAtu cett. (+Ma 6 8 0 micchAmi Mt, T1 * micchanti cett ( + Ma, T2) 9 irti add K only. 10 vasiSThaK, E, I1, W, Md, T1 vaiziSTha Bo, Sc, Ig 11 svameva I1, So (co1r. from svayameva ) svayameva K, E, Bo, W, Ig, Md, T1. 12 hipAvanaM T tapovanaM cett. ( + Md, T2_Tg)* 18 sa ca om. Mt only. 14 vijayI E vijaya T1 vijayi cett ( + Md) 15 sahamarudbhi* Ma sahajamantre * Mt saha ' bho bhoH Mt kRtaprasAdA cett ( + Ma, jamastrai0 cette ( + Mg, T1 10 opayiSyao K, W, Se ). T2) degyayiSyao I1, E, [T2, T3). bhadraM candraM devaM cett ( + Md, kathApravezArambhaM Mt kathApradezaM samA- Ia, Bo, Md, T1. rambhe cett. ( + Md, T). 17
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________________ ACT I 9-10 nimantritastena videhanAthaH sa prAhiNod bhrAtaramAtadIkSaH / kuzadhvajo nAma sa eSa rAjA sItormilAbhyAM sahito'bhyupaiti // 9 iti niSkrAntau / // prastAvanA // tataH pravizati rathastho rAjA sUtaH kanye ca / raajaa| AyuSmatyau sItormile / adya bhagavAna vizvAmitraH zraddadhAnena cetasA vatsAbhyAM praNantavyaH // 10 knye| jadhI kaNiTutAdo ANavedi // raajaa| turIyo hyeSa medhyo'gnirAmnAyaH paJcamo'thavA / athavA jaGgamaM tIrtha dharmo vA mUrtisaJcaraH // 10 // sUtaH / sAGkAzyanAtha evametat / na khalu vizvAmitrAdaSermahattena kazcidaparaH prakRSyate / yasya bhagavatasvaizaGkavaM zaunaHzepha 15 rammAstambhanaM cetyaparimeyamAzcaryajAtamAkhyAnavida AcakSate / 1 Wrongly saha Ma Acet ( + Mt,Mg,I) | 10 sAvAzyAyana Md sAjhAzyanAtha cett fa om E only (+ Mt, Mg, T) 3 rAjA rathasthaH Trathena rAjA T, 11 mevaitat K "metat cett (+ Ma, Th) Teet TTSIT cett ( + Md, T2) | 12 mAhAtmyena Mt mahattvena cett. + kanyake w kanye cett (+ Md, T) (+ Md, T.) kauziko add Mt, Ta, Ts only. | tatrabhavataH T, yasya bhavataH T, yasya 'praNitavyaH E praNamantavyaH T] praNetavyaH | bhagavataH cett_E om yasya bhagavataH .... T3 praNantavyaH cett (+ Md, T.) AcakSate. 'jaha K, Mt, T. nadhA cett (+ Md) | * degzaGkaraM ra zaGkava cett. 78 perantar add the chaya along the 15 ogu K, W, Sc, , Ma Iy margin 19142fa sc Bo, TI ___ mo'pivA Th, T, mo'thavA cett | 18 ityAdya Mt cetyadeg cett ( + Md, Th). (+ Ma) [cett (+ Md, T.). 17 vidaH pracakSate Md "vida AcakSate ' saJcayaH Bo degsundaraH Mt degsaJcaraH | cett. { + T2)
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________________ ACT I 11-12 tasmin brahmAdyasvidazamunibhinAthitazame tapastejodhAmni svayamupanatabrahmaNi gurau / nivAse vidyAnAmupahitakuTumbavyavahati bhavAneva zAthyo jagati gRhamedhI gRhavatAm // 11 // 5 raajaa| sAdhu bhoH sAdhu sUnRtaM hi sUta bhASase / prakRSTakalyANodarkasaGgamA hyete bhagavantaH "sAkSAtkRtabrahmANo maharSayaH / tamAMsi dhvaMsante pariNamati bhUyAnupazamaH sakRtsaMvAde'pi prathata iha cAmuca ca zubham / atha pratyAsaGgaH karmapi mahimAnaM vitarati 10 prasannAnAM vAcaH phalamaparimeyaM prasuvane // 12 // suutH| "dRzyate haritaparisarAraNyaramaNIyaM kauzikIparikSiptamAyatanamRSestasya siddhAzramapadaM nAma / kiM bahunau / sa evAyamAmanAtRtIyaH kuzikanandano bhavantamevAbhyudgataH // 1 tasmina Bo yadasmina Mg tadasmin / 13 iti Bo iha cett cett ( + Md, T2). 14 kimapi ra kamapi cett 2 og To Mt, T, opfato cett ( + Md) 15 vitanute T, vitarati cett (+ T.) 3 zama : zame cett 16 prasuvati T prasuvate cett ( + T.) * munau T, T, gurau cett 17 gaan add T, Do not add cett Begins with takuTumbadeg 0u. ( + T.) bhavati Mt jagati cett (+ Md, | 18 siddhAzramaM K siddhAzramaM corr to si ddhAzramapadaM Cu siddhAzramapadaM cett. ( + TH) satasnRtaM hi T, sUnRtaM hi E, Bo | 19 kiMbahunA om. E, W, Sc, I. Read sUnRtaM hi sUta cett. (+ T.) Torn, Cu. kiMbahunA K, Cu, II, Bo, Md, T.. bhavanti add. Mt, Mg, T, only ___20 itI nUnaM add. Mt only nUnaM add Mg bhagavanti corr. to bhagavantaH by rev, | T] only 21 bhyudgataH K, E, I bhyudyataH II, W, Sc, 1 satyasandhA: add. Mt, Mg only Md bhyudyata I bhyudyavataH Bo bhyupagataH 11 dharmANI T, brahmANo cett (+ Ti). | Mt, Mg bhyuttaH T, bhyupAgataH T, Torn, 18 vAse T, gvAde cett (+T). Cu.
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________________ ACT I 18 raajaa| yadyevamavatarAmo rathAt / kanyAbhyAM shaavtiiry| sUta ucyantAM sainikAH na kazcidAzramAbhyarNabhUmayaH kramyantAmiti // .. suutH| yathAjJApayasi // iti nisskraantH| tataH pravizati vizvAmitro rAmalakSmaNau ca / 5 vizvA / svgtm| rakSonAni ca maGgalAni sudine kalpyAni dArakriyA vaidehyAzca raghUhahasya kuzalaidIkSApravezazca naH / AsthAyAni ca tani tAni jagatI kSemArya rAmAtmano daityArezvaritAhu~tAnyatha khalu vyayAH pramodAmahe // 13 // 10 sandiSTaM ca maithilasya rAjarasmAbhirAcAra iti yajamAno 1 yAvada. T, yadyevama0 cett ( + T.) | E katyAni I, kalpAni changed to ' samava : sahAva* cett ( + TI) kalpyAni with penal, Se kalpyAni cett. sUtaH Cu sUta2 Sc sUta cett ( + Ti) | 12 ca kule Mg, Th,T, kuzalair cett ( + Md) 4 ucyantAM changed to ucyatA Cu | 18 AstheyAni Mt, Mg, T], Ta asthAucyatAM Bo uccantAM cett [( + Md, T2) pyAni changed to AsthApyAni w asthA kenaci0 Mt, Mg, T. kaizcideg cett | pyAni I, prasthApyAni Md AsthApyAni 8 degmAraNya E degmAbhyarNa* cett (+ TH) | cett dhAmitavyA iti Mt kamitavyA iti 14 Wrongly om arfa Bo gafar Mg, Th parikrAmaitavyA iti T. kramya- | changed to ca tAni2 0u_As text, cett alfafa cett. ( + Md) _15 jagatI* w, Se, I, jagataM Bo jagatAM ___yathAjJApayati // yadAjJApayati E, | cett T. yathAdizasi Mt yadAjJApayatyAyu- | 18 wrongly ciptAya Bo only SmAna T, yathAjJApayasi cett. ( + Md) | 17 tAbhyutA E degtAdbhutA ceth ga: add Mg only 18 vyagrAM Ma vyagrAH cett (+ Mt, Mg) 10 su0 Ma. Wrongly omits ca maGgalAni | 19 prakAzaM add Mt, Tr, T, only Bo ca cett (+ Mt, Mg) 20 rAjarSethilasa TI, Tmaithilasya 1 kalyAni Cu kalpyani Bo kalpyANi | rAjarSer cett
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________________ ACT I 14-15 'pi yajJe nimantito'si / kuzadhvajastu sItormilAbhyAM sahitaH preSitavya iti / kRtaM ca tat priyeNa suhRdA // kumaarau| bhagavan kaH putarayaM mahAtmA yamacabhavanto 'pyevamabhyudgatAH // vizvA / zrUyanta eva nimikulasammavA rAjarSayo videheSu / teSAmidAnoM dAyA~do vRddhaH sIradhvajo nRpH| yAjJavalkyo muniryasmai brahmapArAyaNaM jagau // 14 // kumaa| yasya tagRheSu mAhezvaraM dhanuH pUjyate // vizvA / atha kim // 10 kumA / tuH / atha kilAnyadapi tavAzcarya yadayonijA kanyakati // vizvA / vihasya / tdysti| ayaM tu yajamAnena yakSyamANasya me gRham / preSitastena vAtsalyAdanujanmA kuzadhvajaH // 15 // 1spi yajJe om E only mabhyudataH changed to degmabhyudgataH Ou * to'stu Mt to'si cett (+ Ma) | mupagatAH Mt, Mg, Th degmabhyupAgatAH T, 3 zItonirmilAsahitaH sItormilA- mabhyudgatAH cett. (+ TI) sahitaH TH,T, sItormilAbhyAM sahita: cett 10 degjanaka* Mt, Mg, T, "kuladeg cett. * preSayitavya Cu, K, T, preSaDtavya E ___ teSAM dAyAdayo nAma T] teSAmipraveSTavya Mg prahitavya T, preSitavya cett. dAnI dAyAdo cett ( + T.) (+ Md) [cett 12 degvalko On only [rAyaNaM cett. priyasu w, Se, TI, Th priyeNa su0 _13 pArAyaNI : pArAyaNI I degpAbhagavana Ou, K, W, Se, I, Md bhagavan | 14 vizvA .... sakautukaM / atha om. T, changed to bhagavAn I bhagavAna E, Bo Has it, but omits to before faeerto T, bhagavana om. TI | As text, cetta [kilAnyadapi cett (+ Md). ' yaca. changed to yamaca Cu 15 kiJcAnyadapi T., Mg anyat kila T, 8 Torn after H; but probably reads 18 apreifa E, Md, Tu, Tg. Torn, Ou bhavAna, as it has the singular verb bhyugataH | kanyaketi cett (+ Mt, Mg) Cu Hamit cett | 17 sneha T] stena cett (+ T.).
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________________ ACT I 16-18 tadasmina rAjazrotriye vAtsAbhyAM prazrayeNa vartitavyam // kumA / evam / raajaa| tau nirvarNya / prakRtyA puNyalakSmIko kAvetau jJAyate vidam / rAjanyadArako nUnaM kRtopanayanAviti // 16 // dvitIyasya ca varNasya prathamasyAzramasya ca / aho ramyAnayormUrtirvayaso nUtanasya ca // 17 tathA hi| cUDAcukhitakaGkapatramabhitaslUNIdvaya pRSThato / bhasmastokapavitralAJchanamuro dhatte tvacaM rauravIm / mauryA mekhalayA niyantitamadhovAsazca mAJjiSThaka pANau kArmukamakSasUtravalayaM daNDo'paraH paippalaH // 18 // kanye / sommadaMsaNA khu' ede // raajaa| upasRtya / bhagavanabhivAdaye // vizvA' / diSTayA garbharUpakaM tvAM kuzalinamAgataM rAjarSigRhAt pazyAmi / tat pariSvajasva" / aalinggy| ___1 zrotriye Mt yAjJikazrotriya, raaj-| kanye by revisor along margin in Ou nye zrotriye T, rAjazrotriye cett. ( + Ma) | 'kavu Ma, Mt, Mg khu cotha 2 evameva : evame Bo evA, evam cett | 10 ya ede : yade I, ede cett_The 3 ramyA tayo K ramyAnayodeg cetta chaya add. So along margin saumyadarzanI * lAJchita Ma, Mg lAJchanadeg cett khalvetau 1 upahatya om Mg only. (+ Mt'). 12 dighyA om. Mt only maujyA E mauryA cetta 13 rUpaM Md, Mt, Mg, T, rUpakaM cett 5 mAJjiSThakaM I, K, Md mAJjiSTakaM Bo, | 14 rAjarSigRhA : rAjaSI gRhAna corOu, E, W, I, mAjiSTakaM changed to mA- | rected to rAjarSigRhAna 0u rAjarSi gRhAt / jiSThakaM by revisor, Se maujISTakaM Th | Mt. Read rAjarSimAgataM grahAn for AgataM daNDaHparaH E, W, Sc, I, daNDo varaH rAjarSigRhAt TI, T, rAjarSigRhAt cett. T, T, daNDo'paraH cett. 18 Hi ada (by revisor) Cu HATST 'pappalI I only | add Mt only
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________________ 5 10 10 ACT I 19-21 api pravRttayajJo'sau videhAdhipatiH sukhI / gautamazca zatAnando janakAnAM purohitaH // 19 // rAjA / nanvArya' sa' ekaH sukhI saha purodhasA dairghatapasena 'yasyaivaM bhavantaH kuTumvavRttimanupatitAH // kanye / paNamAmo // rAjA / lAGgalollikhyamAnAyA yajJabhUmeH 'sunirgatA / sIteyamUrmilA ceyaM dvitIyA janakAtmajA // 20 // vizvare 10 | bhadramastu // lkssmnnH| jnaantik'm| Arya" seyamadbhuta sUMtirAyI / rAmaH / utpattirdevayajanAd brahmavAdI nRpaH pitA / suprasannojjvalA mUrtirasyAH snehaM karotiM me" // 21 // " 18 1 prayukta Cu pramukta K pravRtta cett 2 gotama E gautamazca T2 gautamazca cett (+T1) nvAryaH W, So * nvArya cett * sa om. Cu, T19 Tg only 5 dairghatamasena Cu, K, E, Bo, W, So dIrghatapasA Mt dairghatamasena II, Ig Md Tg derghatapasena om. T1 * gautamena add Mt, T only. 7 yasyaiva EI yasyaivaM cett. 8 * manupajivitAH E * manupAditA: T1, T2 * manupatitA: cett 9 * bhUmestu nirgatA Sc bhUmiH sunirgatA w * bhUmeH samuGgatA T1, Mt (corr from *bhUmeH samutthitA) bhUmeH sunirgatA cett. 10 This line by revisor along margin, Cu om T1 only 11 janAntikam 12 Arya 2 seyaM K Arya seyaM E AzcaryamiyaM cett * prasUti0 T1, T2 deg sUrtio cett 13 14 rAya // I *rAyIyAH Mt *rAyI cett ( + Md) 15 jvalA in the text is marked (-- --) above, and has UT along bottom margin, Sc 10 *rtiryasyA: 1, Tg *rtirasyA Cu *tirasyAH cett 17 karotu E, Ou (but tu by reviso1) karoti cett 18 me om. Ig only. Has for 4th Pada Tei faufa me mana: Mt only. 19 *
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________________ ACT I 22-24 11 11 raajaa| bhgvn'| ko vAmanugatAvetau ksstriybrhmcaarinnau| pratApavikramau dharma puraskRtyohatAviva // 22 // vizvA / rAmalakSmaNau daashrthii|| kumaa| svinymupsty| guro abhivAdayAvahe // raajaaH| diSTyA mahArAjadazarathaprasUtirdazyate / pariSvajya / nAnyatra rAghavAiMzAna prasUtirvAsayoH kssmaa| dugdhArNavAdRte janma candrakaustubhayoH kutaH // 23 // zrutapUrva hyetadasmAbhiH karNAmRtam / prAptAH kRcchrAdRSyazRGgopacAraiH puNyazrIkAH kosalendreNa putrAH / ye dIptasya zreyasaH pArakAmAza catvAro'pi brahmacarya caranti // 24 // ___10 1 bhagavan om. K bhagavan by nevisor, | rathasya pradeg K rathapra* cett. Cu bhagavana cett 9 vajata E vanya cett. 2 gatau vIrau Tr, T, gatAvatau 10 to add. Mt only. cett. 11 dRSya. K, Cu, E, w, Se, I, Md NAvimau ra No cette dRzya 11, Bo, Mt, Mg, TH * savinayama om. E only. 12 kosalendreNa I, Mt, T, kauzalendraNa caraNau add Mt only. 0u kozalendraNa Bo kausaledraNa E kodaye T degdaye changed to degdayAvahe | zalendraNa W, Se, I, Md kosalendrakha Mg by revisor, Ou o atore cett (+T2) ko lendreNa K 18 dIrghasya Mt dIptasya cett TTT by revisor along margin, | 14 putrakAmA Mg pArakAmA cett. Ou
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________________ 12 ACT I 25-26 tadavabhavatAmariSTanAtimAzasmahe / siddha eva tuM raghUNAM prsuuterukrssH| yAMnmatAvaruNiH prazAsti bhagavAnAnAyapUte vidhau zazvadyeSu vizamananyaviSayo rakSAdhikAraH sthitaH / ___ sAvitrasya manormahIyasi kule teSAmavAptAtmanAM rAjJAM vo mahimA na jAtu vacanaprajJAnayorgocaraH // 25 // vishvaa| azrAntapuNyakarmANaH paavnpraayNkiirtyH|| __ mahAbhAgyavidasteSAM yUyameva svakSamAH // 26 // ___10 skhe| vizrabhya laukikAH saMstyAyAnanupravizanti / tadasmina vikaGkatapracchAye muhartamAsmahe // iti parikramyopavizanti // 1 tadatrabhavatAmariSTatAtimA I, Cu, E, | mahAbhAgya. Cu, K, Bo, Sc, Ma, 'T, Md, T, yadatrabhavatAyanAtA Bo tada- mAhAbhAgya II, E, I, mahAbhogya. W trabhavatA niSpannAziSA kAmamAriSTatA- 10 tapaHkSamAH Mt, Mg vikSaNAH TI timA w, I, tadatrabhavatA niSpannAziSoH | stavakSamAH cett (+ Ty). (corrected in peneal from "ziSA) kAmaM 11 sakhe II, K, W, Sc, Md, T, sakhi Bo gariSTatAtizayamA0 (corr fr tAtimA) sakhaE sakhe changed to sukhe 0u laskhe I, Sc tadatrabhavatAM niSpannAziSAM kAmariSTa- tataHsarve Mg sakhe vIra Tu.. tAtimA ra ___12 vizrAmya Md vizramyatAM Mt vizramya tu I, K, W, Sc, Md nu Ou, Bo u | cett ( + Mg) I tu om_E, T. _13 prAyachAye E, W, Sc prayacchAye , 3 dhAtizayaH Mt, Mg orSaH cett. ( + Md) | pracchAyAyAM Mt pracchAye I, Ou, K, Bo, + yA I, Cu, E, K, Bo, I2, Sc (cour Md, T, from ya0) yan0 W, Md, T, yo mai. Mt, | ___14 degmAzAsmahe Md degmupAsmahe Tu, T, mupavizAmaH Mt degmAsmahe cett (+ Mg). ruNa: changed to degvaruNiH Cu 18 iti parikramyopavizanti ra parikra___ mune T, manodeg cetta myopavizanti Mt, Mg, T., T, sarve pari' evametamAhAtmyaM adds Mt evaM add kramyopavizanti Bo iti sarve parikramyoMg, T, Ta only. pavizanti w, Sc parikramyopavizanti om pAlanaprApta E pAvanaprAya cett Cu, E, II, Md, I. Mg.
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________________ 18 ACT I 26 nepthye| jaya jaya jagatpate rAmacandra jaya // sarve saadulpyogaa| raajaa| bhagavana kA punariyaM devatA // vizvA / astyaMhalyA nAma gautamasya maharSerautarthyasya dharmapatnI yasyAH zatAnanda AGgiraso'jAyata / tAmindrazcakame / tasmAt taMgautamadArAvaskandinamahalyAjAra iti nirdirzanti / atha bhagavAn manyumApa / tasyA pApmAnamandhatAmisamabhyadhyAyata / seyamadya rAmabhadratejasA tasmAdenaso niramucyata // __raajaa| kathamaprameyasahajAnubhAvasAmarthya eSa vatso vaikartana kumaarH|| 1 rAmacandra TI, T, jaya cetta " manyumApa changed to manyunA Se 2 satyaM sUryAkAraNa-wi add Bo only | manyumavApya Mt manyumavApa II, T, manyu3 sakautuka T, sAdbhuta cett (+ T.) AT9 cett ( + Md) [T1, T, aeri cott * bhagavana om T, T, only [( + T.) 18 tasyAH Cu, K, Mt tasyo: tasyA asti om T] asti cetta 10 patnyAma W, Se zarIrama. Mt pA'gautamasya KI, Bo, w, Se, Ou, E, Mt, | pmAnamadeg cett Mg gotamasya II, I, Md, T.. _20 degtAmisra I, Bo, Mg, Tu, T, Wi ' maharSerautathyasya K, Bo, w, Sc, I tAmizra Cu, K, E, Se, Md, I, Mt vaiyathyasya corr. to rautathyasya 0u maharSeH / mabhyadhAt Cu, K degmabhyayAt Mt rautathyasya : maharSerautathyasya muneH Md mabhyadhyAya Bo degmabhyadhyAyata cetta maharSeraucadhyasya I, Mg maharSerAvidhyaskha ___22 tadadya T, seyamadya cett. (+ T.). Mt maharSerAcAryasya T 29 sahajAnubhAva. K, Mt, Mg, T, T, 8 yasyAM TI, Th yasyAH cett. sahagAnubhAva : sahajAnuvadeg corr. to ' taM om. E, TI, Th only. sahajAnupama by revisor, Cu degsahajAnu10 gotama I, I, gautama cett. [Md only | pamadeg cett. (+ Md) 11 degvalambinadeg changed to "vaskandina | 24 degsAmarthasAra T, T! sAmarthya cett. 12 Probably adds taM before ahalyA E 25 eSa om. T, only. 13 syAyai jAra T, Th lyAjAra cett. 28 vatso om. Tu only. vatso cett (+ Ts). 1 jAnanti Mt, T], Th nirdizati w, 7 vaikartanaH kumAraH : vaikartanakulakumAraH I nirdizanti cett. Ou (corr. fr. vaikartanakumAra) : vaikartanaku. 15 tathA Tu, T, atha cett. lakumAraH Bo vikartanakulakumAraH Ti, Ty 16 sa add E, K only. | vaikartanakumAraH cett.
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________________ 14 5 ACT I 27 sItA / sasnehAnurAgaM nivarNA pavArya ca / sarIraNimmANasariso NaM se aNuhAvo // " raajaa| nizvasya / rAmAya puNyamahase sadRzAya sItA __dattaiva dAzarathicandramase'bhaviSyat / AropaNena paNamapratikAryamArya strayambakasya dhanuSo yadi nAkariSyat // 27 // pravizya taapsH| rAvaNapurohitaH sarvamAyo nAma vRddharAkSasaH prAptaH sa kila rAjakAryAH pazyati // 10 kanye / huM rakkhaso" // kumA / mhtkautuksthaanm| raajvishvaamitro| vimRzya 14 Agacchatu // tApaso niSkrAntaH // 1 sasnehAnuvadhaM E savismayAnurAgaM Mg, | 'dAzara "mase Bo candra om E_As Tr, T, sasnehAnurAgaM cett sasnehAnurAgaM fader om Mt mAryayambakadeg changed to degmAryatraiya' sarIradeg K, Bo, W, Se, T, zarIra mbakaM Cu II, E, Ou, I, Md. 'rAvaNasya T], T, rAvaNadeg cott. 'guME NaM omit Bo, T], ThRead | 10 aJjasA add Mt only NaM cett. 11 degkAryArtha T kAryAH cett * aNumIvoH : nubhAvo On aNuhavo | (+ T.) Mt anubhAvo Md aNuhAvIra aNu-| "haM rAkSasaH add chaya, Se. bhAvo I, Bo, w, Se, I, TA ___13 degkamasmAkam T, 'kasthAnam cett. ___ zarIranirmANasadRzo nanvasthAnubhAvaH (+T) adds chaya, Sc. 14 T: add. I, Sc, Ig, Ma T adds Bo niHzvasya I, w, So, I, nizvasya K, | Aha add. T, only. E, Bo, Md, T] nizvasya changed to ni:- 1 tApaso niHkrAntaH W, K, Md tApasI zvasya 0u. niSkrAntaH cett (+ Mt, Mg, T) tApaso * svaH add. TI, T, only. niSkrAntaH om T
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________________ 5 10 pravizya rAcasaH // 12 mAtAmahena pratiSidhyamAnaH svayaMGgrahAnmAlyavatA dazAsyaH / ayonijAM rAjasutAM varItuM mAM prAhiNonmaithila rAjadhAnIm // 28 // dRSTazca taca yajamAnaH sa rAjA / tadvacanAt kauzikakuzadhvajA vanusRto'smi // S iti parikrAmati // ACT I 28 vahAdeg cett raamlkssmnnau| sItormile prati yathAsaGkhyam / Atmagatam / tat kimiyamamRtavartiriva' cakSurApyAyayati // 9 sItormile / tathaiva tau prati / kiM "ti sajjaii imassi loaNAnde me" diTThI // 148 1 rAkSasaH add Cu, E, K only rAkSasaH, but intended to omit, T1. 2 svagatam add. Md only 8 svayaGgRhAdegE svayaMvarAdeg Mt svaya raakssdeg| upasRtya dRSTvA" ca / iyaM sAdbhutAkRtiH sItA / sthAne devasya yanaiH / " RSe namaste / "ayanAmayaM rAjJaH // 4 ofthilIM o w *thila cett 5 jaraTha: T1 only * *manti Bo *mati cett 7 yajama: cett ( + T2) yathAsaGkhyam cett ( + T2) Had 8 AgataM Ou AtmagataM cett yathAsukham T yathAsaGkhyam om E. 15 - 9 me add Mt, To only 10 ki tti I1, Ou, Sc ki ti W, Md, T1 kiM tti Bo kiM ti Mt kirtti I, nhiM ta E fa fak fa fa om Mg 11 majjara E majjadi To To cett, cett 12 imapriM I1, K, I, imobhyi hamissiM T1, T2 imassiM cott. 13 loaNANadinI E loNandiNi W, Sc loNandi, locaNANande upasRtya cett dRSTvA K, Mt dRSTvA ca om. Cu, T1, T2 Read duSTvA ca cett 17 patnI W, Sc, I2 yatnaH cett 18 tau prati add Bo prakAzam add. Mt only. 19 vizvaro add Md, Mt vizvA / vihasya sajja | add Mg vijapyanAmayaM for apyanAmayaM E. * As text, cett. 14 me om Eonly 148 kimiti sajjatya millokanandini me dRSTi: add chaya, Se 15 upetya Mt 16
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________________ 5 16 10 15 tau| 'svAgataMm / ihAsyatAm // api prabhovaH kuzalaM tasya yasyArcayatyasau / mUrdhnA skhalakirITena zAsanaM pAkazAsanaH // 27 // 1 rAca' / upatya kuzalaM svAminaH / sandiSTaM ca vo mahArAjena / kanyAratnabhayonijanma bhavatAmAste vayaM cArthino ratnaM cet kvacidasti tatpariNamatyasmAsu zakrAdapi / kanyAyAzcaM parArthataiva hi matA tasyAH pradAnAdahaM bandhurvo bhavitA pulastya pulahapraSThAzca sambandhinaH // 30 // sItA / haDDI' haDDI rakkha~so " maM patthediM // 9 12a UrmilA / hA " kahaM evaMm // 140 rAjavizvAmitra " cintayataH // lakSmadeg / jnaantikNm| Arya Arya kiM na pazyasi nizAcarapatirdevImimAM prArthayate // 1 svAgatau add Bo only 2 svargatam E svAgatam cett upavizya Mt, T2 laM svAminaH . 4 only 5 ACT I 29-31 rAmaH / vatsa / sAdhAraNyanirAtaGkaH kanyAmanyo'pi yAcate / kiM punarjagatAM jetA prapautraH parameSThinaH // 31 // 6 cett. ( + Mt, Mg) upasTatya cett zakrAdiSu E zakrAdapi cett. vyAstu E *yAca cett " bhavitA changed to bhavatA Md bhavitA kanyAyA om. T1 chaya, Sc. 13 12 patthayadi 11 patyaedi Md, Mt, Mg pattheti T1 Tg patthedi cett 12 a hA dhik rAkSaso mAM prArthayati add [Bo only. tadAhA add evam Bo eva Md, Mt, Mg 8 *makhyazva E praSThAsa cett ' haDDI Ou, E, I2, Se, T1 haDDI 2 I 1, Bo, W, Md haDi2 K. 10 rakaso Ou rakkhaso cett 11 eso add Eonly. hA add. K, E, T1, T2 ebam I ebam cett 14 a 14 kathamevam add chaya, Sc 15 vicintayata: K, Cu cintayatam E cintayataH cett citita: Bo 10 janAntikam om T1 janAntikam by Cu janAntikam cett. ( + Tg). 17 AryaE, W, T1Tg Arya 2 cett revisor, 18 0raNyoni0 E *raNyAnnideg cett
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________________ 5 10 ACT I 32-33 17 lakSma' / atisaujanyAdAryasye tasminnapi nisargavairiNi ni zAcare' bahumAnaH / aivAMkaM yazca rAjarSimanaraNyaM kilAvadhIt // 32 // rAmaH / zatruriti kAmaM vadhyaH syAnna punaraprameyatapasamartivIramaprAkRtaM prAkRtavadarhasi vyapadeSTum // lakSma' / nirastavIrapuruSAcArasya kA tasyai vIratA // raamH| vatsa mA maivam / vidvAnapi tAze'pyabhijane dharmyAtpayo vicyutaH kiM brUmo'ca tadanyadeva na vasantyekaca sarve guNAH / lIlAnirjitaSaNmukhAdbhagavataH zrIjAmadagnyAdRte nirvighnapratipannavizvavijayo vIrastu kastAdRzaH // 33 // 1 atIvasaujanyamAryasya yat Mt atimalayadAra cett nizAcare here T1, Tg nizAcare after veriNi cett 3 nissRja Bo nija0 W, So Ig nisarga cett 2 yo nayIparidhvaMsAt kSAtraM tejo'pakarSati / 4 api add Mt, Mg, T1, Tg only yo naHstrayIo Bo yenasaca T, Missing, 8 nastrayI0 cett ( + Tg)* 6 aicAkaM changed to aivAkaM Cu ecAkaM Ig ecakaM changed to evAkaM W Sc aivAkaM cett racakaM 2789 yo 7 *manaraNaM E *manaraNyaM cett zatruriti kAmaM Cu, K kAmaM sacAriti T kAmazatruriti E kAmaM zatruriti cett ( + T2) ' punaraprativIraMmapra T1, Ta punarapra0 cett C 10 deg prameyatejasamadeg T20 T2 Originally * prameyatapama, and also yA above pa by levison, W * prameyatapasama cett 11 mativIra 12 aprAkRtaM om 13 vIra om. Mt 1 evisor, Ou sat fo1 14 degpuruSasaJcArasya Mt puruSAcArasya cett 16 tasya Ou, K, Mt, T1, T2 tatra cett tAdRzo * Md only ( tAdRze0 Mt, Mg). 17 dharmapathA changed to dharmyAtpayo Cu. 18 * tpatho'pi cyutaH Ma, Mt M *tpatho vicyutaH cott tpa thAdvicyutaH E 19 15 om Mt, T1 only (Tg has at ) Mg only vIra along margin by vIra K vIra cett yadadeg E helA K tadadeg cett lIlA cett 20 21 nirvighnaM E, So, Io nirvighnaM changed to nirvi corrected by revisor to nirvighna cett nirvighna w nirvighna Cu
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________________ ACT I 34-35 raakss| nanu bhoH kimatra cinyate / drAniSpeSavizIrNavajazakalapratyuptarUDhavaNa granthyudbhAsini bhagnabhImamaghavanmAtaGgadantodyame / bharturnandanadevatAviracitasagdAni bhUmeH sutA vIrazrIriva tasya vakSasi jagahIrasya vizrAmyatu // 34 // rAjA / bhagavana yata ete yajJopanimantritAH putradAraiH saha digbhyo maharSayaH sampatanti tata evA~krandakalilaiMH kalakalaH // sarva uttiSThanti // 10 lakSma / " kA punariyaM / antraprotavRhatkapAlanalakakrUrakvaNakaGkaNaprAya hitabhUribhUSaNaravairAghoSayanyambaram / |nepdhye klklH| 10a 1 nanu om Ou, K only 'raajaa|. . kalakala:om II, Md (only) 2 T< in the original, and also 11 bhagavan om Tu only along margin, II drA is corrected by | 1 yata K, Mt, Mg, T, ya Cu, w, Sc, revisor along margin, Ou Cdeg cett I, TI yat Bo Has bhagavate only for 3 vraNaM w vraNa cett. bhagavan yata ete 2 . + grandhya vAmiNi cornected by revisor to 13 yajJeupa0 W, Se yajJopa. cett. [cett the original, and adds 14 digantarebhyo Mt, Mg, TI, Th digbhyo FET along margin above ST, Cu West- 1 evAyamA K, Mt, Mg evAdeg cett mini I granthudbhAsini cett 16 degkrandakalitaH Mt, Mg krandaH E, T, ' bhaGga II, Cu, W, Sc, I, Md bhagna K, krandakalila: cett ( + T.) E, Bo, Mt, TI 17 H97 add Mg, T1, T, only ___ mogha I, Cu, W, Se, I, Md bhIma 7 antadeg changed to antra w Antra K, E, Bo moha TI Md, Mt, Mg, TI, T, antradeg cett. ? 0 Tito Bo, I, 0 Tito changed to 188 gife gives as the meaning, Ionly datto dantodeg cetta 19 degkaGkaNaM w kiGkiNI Mt. degka* degtasraga' changed to tAsugaH |GkaNadeg cett. tasragaw tasrag. cett. * 20 of a changed to ofano w " padhAni T, T, dAni cett. | prelita cett. 10 vIrazrI. 0u Lacuna in K vIrazrI0 4 degghoSayatva. Ou, Bo,W, Mg degghoSavatya. cett | E degghoSatya TI, T, degghoSayantya cett
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________________ 19 ACT I 35-36 pItIcchAditaraktakardamadhanaprAgbhAraporolalada vyAlolastanabhArabhairavavapurbandhoddhataM dhAvati // 35 // vishvaa| seyaM suketo?hitA' bhAyA sundAsurasya ca / ___mArIcajananI ghorA tATakA' nAma rAkSasI // 36 // kanye / tAda bhIsaNA hadAsA // raajaa| mA bhaiSTamAyuSmanyau // vizvA / rAmaM cibuke spRzan / vatsa hanyatAmiyam // siitaa| haddhI eso eva ettha Niutto // raamH| bhagavana strI khalviyam // Urmi / sudaM ajjAe edama // sItA / svismyaanuraagm| arthaMdomuMho eva" se cittabhedo . ___ 1 pIta* Bo, E, w, So, I, pIto deg sA hadA E hadAsA cett. Has also changed to uta. Cu atat cett the chaya tAta bhISaNA hatAzA along 2 go wrongly, E only margin, Sc 3 degghoSolaloladeg changed to degghorola- 10 AyuSmatyau mA bhaiSTam K mA bhaiSTamAkhayAloladeg Cu | yuSmatyau cett + rbandhoddhataM II, Md, Mg doddhataM w, | 11 cubuke E only. Se, I, Mt, E, K, Th rbaDataM changed to 12 haddhI K, E, Bo, w, Se haddhIra cett. doitaM ou 4 - -- T tarataM | 13 Nidyutto u Niutto cett eSa evAca Bo fagman: has also the chaya, Sc seyaM suketostanayA T, seyaM sutA suke yedam has also the chaya, Sc. toca T seyaM suketorduhitA cett.. 16 asado I, Cu, E, Mt, Mg,T, aNado " sundarI surakha ca Bo sundAkhyarakSasaH | Sc, Ia, Md asmado changed to ammado Mt sundAsurasya ca cett. ( Md, T) | w amedo Bo aramado K. 'tADakA Cu, K, Md tATakA cett. ___16 puho K degmaho E degmuho om Md ( + Mt, Mg) muho cetta tAda K, E, Sc, Md, T. tAda21, ' eva Bo eDa Md eva om E eba Bo, Cu, I, Omits this line, W. Has | cett (in Ou it is by rev. along margin) tAdara... khalviyam by rev.along margin, 17 anyatomukha evAsya cittabheda: adds Cu. the chaya, Sc 62
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________________ 20 ACT I 37-38 raajaa| sAdhu satyamailAko raambhdrH| rAkSa / ayaM sa rAmo dAzarathiH / ya eSa' utAlatATakotpAtaMdarzane'yaprakampitaH / niyuktastatpramAthAya straiNena vicikitsate // 37 // 5 vizvA / tvaryatAM / vatsa' kiM na pazyasi brAhmaNajanasya saGghAtamRtyumayataH // raamH| evaM / bhavanto jAnanti / sarvadoSAnabhiSvaGgAdAbAyasamatAM gataH / yuSmAkamabhyupagamaH pramANaM puNyapApayoH // 3 // iti parikramya nisskraantH| siitaa| ammo parAgado evaM / har3I haddhI / uppAdavAdAlI vitra hadAsA mahANuhAvaM ahiddavadi // 10 1 sAdhu om T. only to janasya mahataH saGghAta by nev, Cu. As 0 ya eSaH ou sa eSaH | m text, cett [samatAM cett. T, T, ya eSa om E ya eSa cetta 10 degsamatI Bo degsamalA I samatI Cu * kApAtadeg changed to degkotpAta. u. " patA: Bo gata: K, E gata: changed * degdalane'pya Mt pavane'pya. K degva- | to gatAH // gatAH cett. caneSva. changed to degdarzane'pya. u darza- bhyupagamaH K, E, Bo degbhyupagamaH changed nepya cett. to bhyapagamAH u bhyupAgamAH changed to streNena E strINana Md, T, straiNena | bhyupagamAH w bhyupagamAH cetta cett (+ Mt, Mg, T2) 18 ammA Bo athoaMho T, ammo "kitsati Cu, T, T, kitsate cott cetta 'varatA vatsaH I, kharatAM vatsa W, Sc, | 1 pathigado Bo parAga K parAMd, Mg kharaya vatsa Mt tvaryatAM vatsa | gado cett. 1 eva E only Bo tvarayatAM vatsa kharantI vatsa I 18 haddhI w, Sc haddhI changed to haddhIra kharakha vatsa , vatsa varatAM u vatsa | by rev., Cu haddhI haddhI cetta varaitAM K. | 17 vAdAvili E vAdAvalI T. Orig. 7 mahataH add. Md, I, Bo, E, W, Se, I | vAdAlI, but a along margn by rev to T, mahata: add. by rev Ou. Not add by K,T. | be inserted after dA vAdAlI cett. sampAtaw, Sc, I, saMvAtaH only for | 18 deghAvaM Ou, K degbhAvaM cett. sAtamRtyumagrataH Bo janasaGghAta changed | 19 ahiddavadi K, E hidakA changed
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________________ ACT I 39 raajaa'| dhnuraasphaayN| AH pApe tiSTha tiSThaM // uurmi| aMe dANi saMaM evaM tAdo ptyiNdo|| lakSma / vihasya / pazyantu bhavantastATakAm / hRnmarmabhedipatadutkaTakaGkapatra sNvegttkssnnkRtsphurdnggbhnggaa| nAsAkuTIrakuharadvayatulyanirya duDuDuvanadasRkprakarA mRtava // 39 // kanthe / achariaM acchariMaM / pinaM pinaM No" // raajaa| aho dRDhaprahAritA rAjaputrasya // to ahiddaadi Cu abhiddavadi II, Bo, Se, | to degstADakAM 0u degstAdakI I degstATakAM Mt abhivati , abhivad w ali- | cett. (+ Mt, Mg) davadi , abhivaTTadi Md aho parAgata ___11 Reads saMyogadeg, and has also a below eva / hAdhik2 utpAtavAtAlIva hatAzA yo Cu sambheda ra saMvegadeg cett.. __12 degbhAgA : bhAGgA u bhaGgA cett HETGOTTafarcafa add chaya, Sc 18 dhamadadeg w, se sravadadeg T, 1 rAmaH for rAjA Se, Ti only kha| nadadeg T, vanadadeg cett. 2 OFUITC changed to UIT Ou _14 prasarA Bo, Md, Mt, Mg, Tr, T. sphAlayan ra skAya cett. Reads OTETT, but also underlines #, and 3 tiSTha for tiSTha tiSTha Md, Mt, Mg has a along margin, I, prakarA cett. + aye Ou, K avi Ti, T, ae 16 mataiva Cu only. __16 acchariaMza K, I ari2 Bo dANI : dANI w dANi I, | | accharise acariyaM 0u acaritraME, dANiM cetta sayaME savyaM u sa cett. | w accharicaM, accariaM2 Md, Tu, T. eva Bo jevaH eva cett. _11 piNo I, Bo, Se piyaM piyaM No puDamaM add T, only Ou pina yo E, I, pri No w pira ' pasvido Cu only aye idAnIM samameva | No ra picaM pora Md, T, Azcarya priyatAtaH prasthitaH add. chaya, Sc | mAvayoH add chaya, Sc. 10 tADakA E, K,Ma degstArakAM changed | 18 rAjabhadrasya T, only Cett
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________________ 22 OT ACT I 40-41 raakss| hA' Arye "tATake kiM hi nAmaitat / abuni majjanyalAbUni yAvANaH plavanta iti / nanvadya rAkSasapateH skhalitaH' pratApaH prApto'dbhutaH paribhavo'dya manuSyapItAt / ___ dRSTaH sthitena ca mayA svajanaprAtho TUtyaM jarA ca niruNaddhi kathaM karomi // 40 // vizvA / eSa tAvadoGkAraH // rAkSa / ayi bhoH kimasmAsu vaH" prativacanam // vishvaa| 10 atra sIradhvajo vetA kaniSTho hi kushdhvjH| asyAH pitA" hi kanyAyAH kulaMjyeSThaH prabhuzca saH // 41 // raakss| so'yAha kuzadhvajo jAnAti vizvAmitrazceti // 1 hA om K, T, hA is a correction, | T, pramAro w, I, "pramAraH Md pravArI Cu_Read hA cett (+ T.) | cour to prahAro Sc rAkSasi add Ti, Ta only 11 dUtyaM K only dainyaM cetta 3 tADake E, K, Md tATake changed to 12 etAvadoGkAraH eSa tAvadoGkAro tADake Cu tATake om Mt tATake cett kSAkSasikulakSayasya Bo eSa tAvadoGkAraH (+ Mg) sakalarAkSasasaMhAranigamAdhyayanasya Mt eSa 4 ff om Md, Mt only tAvadoGkAraH cett ( + Md, Mg) samplavante Ti, T, only 13 ayi I, Md, Mt, Mg, T, api cett. 8 pate W, TI, T, only 14 ca for va: Cu only 7 .lita Se, Ty only 15 HITO Bo otto tro cett. prAptodbhavaH in text and ataH along | (+ Mt, Mg) margin, I prApto'dbhutaH T. prApto ga 16 pitA sa eva T, asyAH pitA hi Bo u taa: Sc, Md, E, Cu (corr fr cett ( + T2). prAptotaH) prAtto vaH I, prApto nvH| 17 f E # Mt, Mg fe cett. K, W 18 kule W only ' bhavo hi K bhavo'dya cett. 0998: T, only [(+T.) 10 degpramArI in text and tho along margin, | 20 yaH 0u naH w, Sc, Mt, TT sa: cett. I. pramAtho E, E, Bo pramAdo Ou, Mt, | so'pyAha om Mg only.
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________________ ACT I 42 23 vizvAdeg / svagatam / asyayamavasaro divyAstramaGgalAnAM dAnasya / vartate ca' mAGgalyo muhUrtaH // prakAzam / sakhe kuzadhvaja / mayA hi bhagavataH kRzAzvAd gurucaryavattairadhigatasya sarahasyajambhakaprayogasaMhararNasya divyAstramantrapArAyaNasya vidyAtatvabIjAni " tatprasAdAdarthatazca zabdata" rAmabhadrasya sampUti prakArzyante / brahmAdayo brahmahitAya taptvA paraH sahasrAH zaradastapAMsi / etAnyapazyan guravaH purANAH svAnyeva tejAMsi tapomayAni // 42 // / anugRhItaM raghukulam rAjA cma / diSTyA devadundubhidhvaniH puSpavRSTizca // rAkSaH / AH" / divaukaso'pi rAjaviruddhamanumodante // 5 10 1 ayamavaK yastvayamava0 T astvayamanava T, asthAyamavadeg cett 2 nAdasya Bo only caom Ty only. 4 mAGga Cu, K, E, T1, T2 maGga0 cett 5 bhavataH corr to bhagavataH w 3 6 sarahasyasya Mt, Tg rahasyasya T, sarahasya om Ma, Mg sarahasya cett 7 deg jRmbhakadeg E, W, Sc, Mt 'jambhagastra * jambhaka cett T2 9 * maGgala * for degmantra T only 10 vidyA adhItA: for vidyAlaya jAni Mt only. 11 etA: add Mt only. 12 saMhArasya W, Sc, T1, Tg saMharasya Se darzana I1, I2, Md, T1. Ig saMharaNasya cett 20 gurava: Ou, K, Mt, T1, T2 tat changed to mat Sc T2 tat cett 18 darthataH T1, Tg degdarthataca cott 14 zabdAtmanA ca T1, Tg zabdataca cett labdhAtmanA add Mt only prakAzyante K, E, W prakAzyantI Ou prakAzante Sc, Ig prakAzantAM I1, Bo, Ma, T1. 17 sahasraM Me, Mg, T1, T2 deg sahasrAH cett 18 zaradaratadeg E zaradata* changed to zaradaH tao So zaradA tadeg Mg zaradastadeg cott * pazyan Ou, E, K, Bo, W *darzana underlined in text, and along margin, 19 mat Mt, T1, 15 16 cett. 21 rAma: for rAjA Tg only zraH by rev om. Md, Mt, Mg cett 22 along margin, Ou AT munayaH AH Aha Tg AH 23 * manutiSThanti for "manumodante Mt only.
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________________ 24 ACT I 43-44 5 lakSma / kthm| jhaTityevottappadruta kanakasiktA iva dizaH pizaGgatvAtsandhyAntarita iva niIti divsH| jvalatketuvAtasthagitamiva divyAstranicayai nabho nairantaryapracalita taDitpiJjaramiva // 43 // raajaa| tejobhirdizi dizi vizvataH pradIpta rAdityadhutimavadhIya visphuradbhiH / paryAyavaritagRhItaviprayuktaM 10 sAmarthya rahayati nAyano mayUkhaH // 44 // kanthe / samantado pajjalidavijuJjapiJjareNa ukkamanti vitra loNAI pahAparipphandeNa // 1 degvRta* for "drata Ti only. 13 nAyano II, Ma, Mt, Mg, T, T, ' cAbhAti Mg,T, nirdhAti cett ( + TS) | nAthano du nASanAM Bo tApano cetta 3 divasaM Cu only 14 sammantadI u samidado T, T, * ketuvrata E ketuvRkadeg T. degtketo- samantado cett TTTT, opargatae cett 15 pajulidadeg Md, Mt, Mg palalida' __ "gita va Ma, Mt, Mg gitamiva | | changed to pajjalidadeg 0 yacalida Bo cett. _ pajjalada K pajjalidadeg cett nicitaM Mt, Mg, Th, T, nicathair ___18 vijjupuJja* K, E, Cu (con. fr vijucett vidyut T, taTita T, 'taDita puJja) vijupyuJja W, Se, I, vijjappuJja I, Bo, Md, T . tpaJjara" corr to "piJjara tya 17 ukkha manti in text and also so along ara' E, Md, Th, T, 'tyuJjaka Mt pejara | margin, T. - ubhati Md, Mg ukkamiti K piJjaradeg cett. | Mt ukkhimanti Ti, T, ukkamanti cett __ rAjA add K, E, Se api ca add Mt, _18 loaNA Se, I, lobhaNA : loMg, T, only. aNAI cett 10 degmapavidhya for "mavadhIrya T, Ta only. | 19 pahApanipphandeNa I, I, pahApanippha11 "mukta for yuktaM Tu only. | dagaH Bo pahAparichandeNa corr to pahAe 12 harayati for rahayati Ty only. | nippandeNa cu pahAvaniSyandeza w pahA cett
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________________ 5 10 ACT I 45-47 rAca' / aho durAsadaM divyAsvatejaH / styAyaMtA yena rAvaNapu randarainsaMrambhaM smArito'smi / sarvaprANapravarNamaghavanmuktamAhatya vakSasvasAghaTita bRhat khaMNDamuccaNDa rociH / evaM vegAt kulizamakarod vyoma vidyutsahasrabharturvakjvalana kapizIste ca roSAgRhAsAH // 45 // vishvaa'| abhivandaisva visarjaya caiM rAmabhadra divyAstrANi / brahmendradraviNeza rudravaruNaprAcIna barhirmaru kAlAgnivyatirekiNAM bhagavatAmAmnAyamantrAtmanAM / eteSAM tapasAmivApratirathaistejobhirutkarSiNAmekaikasya jagattrayapramathanatrAraNAvadhiryogyatA // 46 // nepathye / 19 eSa pro'smi bhagavanneSA vijJApanA ca" naH " / divyAstrasampradAyo'yaM lakSmaNena sahAstu me // 47 // vaniSphandeNa So pabhApariSyadeza E pahAparipphandeNa K, Md, T, samantataH prajvalividyutyuJja piJjareNotkramantIva locanAni prabhAvaniSpandana add chaya, Se. W 1 sphurati add Mg only " stvAyati Mt sandhIyatA w, So svAyatA om Mg saMstyAyate 11 stvAyatA cett ( + Tg, Ma) 3 'nena for yena Tg only 4 * dvandvayuddhasaMrambhaM Bo only 5 of for of Bo only 6 * praNava Bo *praNavaH corr to *pravaNa pravaNa cett. 7 * mAhAtmya for *mAhatya Mt only 8 * saGgharSaE, W, Sc, I *tsaGghaTTA cett 9 * haddaNDa for hatkha eDa0 T1 only. eva for evaM Eonly 10 25 11 for T1 only 12 * kapilAe for okapizA Ty only 13 Date T * vandya Tg 14 along margin, caom Cu, Ty only 15 vlAmi0 in text, and I1deg lAyadeg W, Sc, I2 deg lAgio cett 16 pratihataio K, Mt, T1, T2 deg pratirathe ' *vandasva cett cett 17 datsarpiNAdeg for rutkarSiNA T1 only. 18 hi for ca Eonly 19 va: Mt, T1, Tg naH cett arasat T 20 yo'yaM cett. dAno'yaM T2 degdA
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________________ 5 26 10 vizvA / rAmabhadra evamastu // lkssm'| aho prsaadH| jhaTityunmIlitaprajJamaprataM ca zaktibhiH / jyotirmayamivAtmAnaM manye vidyAprakAzanAt // 48 // nepathye / rAma rAma mahAbAho vayaM tvayyAyatAmahe / vizvAmitrAbhyanujJAnAt saha bhrAtrA prazAdhi naH // 49 // kanye / 'devo mantenti / aho accharim // nepathye / bhagavanto divyAstranikAyAH / vizvAmitrAtprApya vizvasya mitrAtpuNyairyuSmAnadya rAmaH kRtArthaH / dhyAtairdhyAtaiH sannidheyaM bhavadbhiH svaM svaM sthAnaM yAtaM yUyaM namo vaH // 50 // lkssm| oNryavacanAdarntaritAnyastrANi // 1 *mastu 2 ACT I 48-50 5 .... prasAda for prasAda: Bo only * pratakaM corr. to pratarka Cu 4 mahAtmAnaM for ofmivAtmAnaM Ty only ho add Mt, T1, T2 aho add Mg only. 6 tathAstu for evamastu Mt, Mg, T1, Tg | (corr fi acchariyaM) Cu acchariaM K, W, manye vidyA om Md only I, aJcari E accari 2 Md aca2 T1 devatAH mantrayanti aho Azyaryam add devadA I devadA Md, Mt, Mg devatAo K devatAo ' corr to devadAo Cu devatAo vi T1, Tg devadAo cett. 9 7 maMtti I maMteti K, Ig maMteMti Md, I1 Mt, Mg matteti Bo matedi E, Sc, Cu (corr fr maMnteti) mistayaMti maMttedi w 8 aho om. T1, T2 only. chaya, Sc 10 nepathye om Mg only 11 bhagavate E ( + Mt, Mg) 12 otpuSpaio corr to *tpuNyai * W bhavanto Md bhagavanto cett. 13 svasvaM Bo svasva E svayaM W svaM svaM cett 14 16 yatra for yAta Ty only. 15 AcAryao for Arya only * dantaritA Cori to davaritA Cu * dantarhitA T1 T dantaritA cett 17 tAnyapi zastrANi Cu * tAnyastrANi acchara 2 1, Bo, Sc acchariyaM2 | cett
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________________ ACT I 51-52 raajaa'| bhagavana mahAdbhutanidhe kuzikanandana namaste / jvalitatapasastejorAzerjagatyamitaujasa__stava niravadhau mAhAbhAgye kRtastutisAhasaH / pramitaviSayAM zaktiM vindanna vAci na cetasi pratihataparispandaH stotA viSadya haNIyate // 51 // ataH' smRhayAmi yuSmadanugRhItarAmabhadrAlaGkRtAya" dazarathAya / vayaM punarAryeNa vaJcitAH yadIdRzena jAmAbA na samprayujyAmahe // vizvA / vihasya / kimadyAyasammAneyamasmAsu // 10 raajaa| zAntam // vizvA / tena 1 hi| zambhorvarAdanudhyAnamAtropasthAnadAyi vaH / rAmabhadrasya purataH prAdurbhavatu taddhanuH // 52 // raajaa| evamastu // dhyAtvA praNamati / TTH: for TT TT, only 10 rAje add I, Bo, E, W, Sc, I, Md, bhagavan om. Ti only T, only mahAtmya. for mahAmRta Se only 11 degrAcAryeNa for "rAyeNa Bo only * kSalitatapasastejo se akalitatapa 12 samprayu. Ou, K saMyu. cetta stejodeg Mt jvalitatapastejodeg cetta 13 vihasya K, E vihasya om cett. pratita Bo pramiti Ma, Mt, Mg, T. 14 degdyApi sambhAnaneyamamAstu E only. pramitadeg cett. (+ T) 1B pApam add Mg pApamara add Ti, Ta viSAyA (cor fr liSAyAM) Cu | 16 teneha for tena hi Md, Mg only viSayAM cett 1 degdanudhyAtadeg Md, Mg dihAdhyAna E ' spandaH Ou, K, Md, Mt, Mg degsyanda nudhyAnadeg cett Se spandadeg cett 18 pasthApana for "pasthAna Cu only. ghRNAyate // hRNIyate Bo, Ma, Mg 19 naH for vaH W, T, only ghRNIyate cett " ataH om. Mg, TI, Th only yataH 20 bhavati for bhavatu T. only | cett. // tadvataH for taddhanuH Bo only. only
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________________ 28 ACT I 52 rAkSa / svagatam / ebhiranyadeva kimapi prastutam // prkaashm| bhoH * kuzadhvaja / kiyacciraM vicAyate // rAjA / uktametat AryoM jAnAtIti // rAkSa / pratyuktametat so'yAha kuzadhvajo jAnAMtIti // rAjA / evametat sIradhvajo jAnAtIti // "nepathye kalakalAnantaram / "sphUrjabajasahasranirmitamiva prAdurbhavatyayato . rAmasya tripurAntakRddiviSadAM tejobhiriiM dhanuH / siitaa| "sampadaM saMsaida mhi // 10 raajaa"| zuNDAraH kalabhena yabadacale vatsena dordaNDakastasminnAhita ev| cett ___1 ciramAdRto'smi Mt cirmnaadrH| 10 rAjA om. W only. Mg, T, T, oferi faeteta cett 1 kuzadhvajo jAnIta iti Ma sIradhva * For this line and the next two | jo jAnAti iti ra sIradhvajo jAnAtIti rAjA / evametat sIradhvajo jAnAtIti om. E, W, So kuzadhvajo jAnAtIti , in the orig, and by rev AryoM jAnA- | Bo, I tIti / rAkSasaH / pratyuktametat / so'pyAha 12 rAkSa add. II, Bo rAkSa / prityuktamerAjA evametat kuzadhvajo jAnAtIti along | tt| so'pyAha kuzava add. Is As text, margin, Cu [T, T. only 3 uktameva tat Bo uktamevaitat K eva- 13 kalakala: for kalakalAnantaram Mt, Mg, metat Cu uktametat cetta 14 rAkSa add se rAjA add T, As * sIradhvajo for AryoM Mt, Mg, T., Tat text, cett ( + T,) only. [K jAnAtIti cette 15 sphurja* E, Sc syurja* I, sphUrja* cett jAnIta iti Md, Mt, Mg jAnAti / _18 nirjitadeg Cu nirmita: cett. * Om. this line and the next, Mt, Mg, " apavArya add w, se svagataM add Mt, T, T, Om. this line only, Bo. For Cu T7, T, only see above As in text, cett 18 sAmprataM saMzayitAmi add. chaya, Se. ' prayukta for pratyutA W only. 19 rAjA Mt, Mg, T], Ta, K vizvA yataH add. K only. rAjAnaM prati I, Bo, E, W, Se, I, Md jAnAti K, w jAnIta iti Md | rAjA in the orig marked above, and mAnAtIti cett. vizvA rAjAnaM prati along margin, Cu.
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________________ 29 5 ACT I 58-55 29 uurmi| avi' NAma evaM bhave // garjitaguNaM kRSTaM ca abhi / hRSTAM lajjitA sItAmAliGgya / didviA vddaamo|| raajaa| saabutm| bhagnaM ca tat // 3 // rAkSa / svgtm| aho durAtmano rAmahatakasya sarvakaSaH prabhAvaH // nA / dolIlAJcitacandrazekharadhanurdaNDAvabhaGgodyata ssttngkaarmvniraarybaalcritprstaavnaaddinnddimH| drAkparyAptakapAlasampuTamila~brahmANDabhANDodara10 bhrAmyatpiNDitacaNDimA kathamaho nAdyApi vizrAmyati // 54 // raajaa| shrssonmaadmiv| ehyehi vatsa raghunandrana rAmabhadra cumbAmi mUrdhani cirAya pariSvaje tvAm / Arogya vA hRdi divAnizamubahAmi vande'thavA caraNapuSkarakavayaM te // 55 / 1 wa E, T, T, wfa cett. ) along margin in pencil, Sc stefato evaM corr to evvaM Cu only, cett ma om by pigment, Ou api nAmavaM degSTAGkAra* I, I STaGkAradeg cett bhavet add chaya, Sc. 14 paryastadeg Mt, Ti, T, paryanta* Mg * hRSTA for hRSTAM w, Sc only. | paryApta cetta lajjitAM om Md only. 1B "mita I, Md, Mg, Tu, T, vRhad ca add. Mt, Mg only. | Mt milad' cetta 7 mAlacya Cu, K degmAliGgya cett. | 16 degdare thA. W only. 7 vaTThAmo II, W, I vaTTAmo 0u, E, K, | 17 "tpaNDita for "tpiNDita. E only Sc, Md vazamo Bo vaDDAmo T1 diyA 18 mAda va for mAdamiva Mg atas add chaya, Sc only ca add T], T, only 19 rAmabhadra Cu, K, Mt rAmacandra cett. 10 durAtmano om II only. khA for khAM E only 11 sarvakakha for sarvaGkaSaH Bo only. 1 madhye for vande T. only. 12 tutart in the text, as also HET! 22 for a T, only 15
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________________ 5 30 10 pravizya rAmaH / kathaMmativAtsalyAdatikramo 'pi // vizva | 'gururbhavAn garbharUpazca te vatso rAmabhadraH // rAjA / ' praNamya / bhagavan // rAmeNa patyA sItAyAH pUrNastA yuSmadAziSaH / asminnevotsave dattA lakSmaNAya mayormilA // 56 // kanye / saasrm| ammahe disaM mha // rAcadeg / svargetam / dRSTaM "draSTavyam // vizvA' / suSThu zirasA bahumanyAmahe / vaktavyazeSaistvasi // rAjA" / nanvAjJApaya // 18 vizvA / duhitarau " te mANDavI zrutakIrtizca" bharatazacughnAbhyAmarthaye // 200 ACTI56 1 kathamapi Ou kevalamiva T2 katha | disa mha cett aho dattAH sma add chaya, Sc mati cett *datikramo'pi cett ( + Tg) 13 2 * datikrAmati prasaGgaH Mt, Mg, T1 3 cett rAjan add Mt, Mg, Tg only 4 0 bhagavAna Cu, E rbhavAn cett vatsarUdeg Mt garbharUdeg 5 arbhakadeg W, Sc 6 vatsaro for vatso w only 7 added by rev, Cu. add cett No taM K 8 rAmopapatyA w, So rAmeNApatya E T2 ammahe cett 10 rAmeNa patyA cett. 9 amu, K ajha amho T1, dimha Cu, Bo, W dehi 11 svagataM by Mg, T1, T2 12 13 14 only ev, Cu svagataM om Mt, Have svagataM cett dRSTaM Eonly. draSTavyaM fo1 ca add Mg cAtra add Tg only suSThutaraM for suSThu zirasA Mg, T1, T2 varitavyaze0 T1 vakta 15 vaktavye ze0 E vyazedeg cett ( + T2) 16 zeSastvasti E * zeSastvamasi Ma *zeSaM afa Mt, Mg, Ti 0zeSastvasi cett ( + Tg) 17 18 rAjA / ... - athAnyena kena om Th only ca add Mt only 19 asfu add T2 only 20 * mabhyarthaye for *marthaye Tg only
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________________ 81 ACT I 57 rAkSa / khagatam / pazyata' vanecarasya sataH kSatriyakuTukhavaiyatyiM brAhmaNasya // raajaa| bhagavana kimatra kiJcivicAryamasti / kinvatra vastuni paravAnasmi // vizvA / kena // raajaa| ekena tAvad bhavataiva // vizvA / athAnyena kena // raajaa| AryasIradhvajena gautamena zatAnandena ca // vizvA / uphsn| "sIradhvajazatAnandayorahaM vivektI // 10 raajaa| bhagavAnidAnIM jAnAti / janakAnAM raghUNAM ca sambandhaH kasya na priyaH / yatra dAtA grahItA ca kalyANaprakRtirbhavAn // 5 // vizvA0 / 19 20 vatsa zunaHzepha" / ayodhyAM gatvA brUhi bhagavantamasmavacanAd vsisstthm| 1 pazya K pazya corn to pazyata Cu | 12 tarhi add Mt, Ti, T, only pazyata om T, pazyata cett eva add Mt api add Mg only. / pazyata add Mt tapasyataH add Mg, T. 14 vadayitA Mt vettA Mg vinetA T, Add nothing, cett [cett cett T, faqat cett. 3 kSatriyakucha Cu, K, Bo, T2 kSatriye kucha 15 bhavAdeg for bhagavA. Ou only. * degkuTumbadeg om W only 16 nidaM for nidAnI E only. vaijAtyaM corn to vaiyAtyaM 01 vaijAtyaM 7 grahItA Ou, K gRhItA cett E, W, Sc, Md vayAtyaM I, K, Ta, Bo, I2 " bhagavan om Ta only. 18 kalyANapratibhUrbha* Mg, T, tulyapratika' vastuni add by rev , Cu vastuni om | tirbha ra kalyANaprakRtideg cett K vastuni cett " evam add K only bhagavataiva for bhavataiva T, only 20 AkAze add E, Mt, Mg, T, Th vicAryamasti add E only only. 10 kena om Th only 21 zepha Ou, K, W, Sc, Md, Mt, Mg | zepa cett. " upahasan K, Md apahasan by rev, Cu apahasana cett upahasan om. Mt, ___22 mavacanAt bhagavantaM vaziSThaM T, T, Mg, T], Ta bhagavantamasmadacanAd vasiSTha cett
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________________ 32 ACT I 58 etAzcatubhya raghunandanebhyo nimergRhe rAjasutAzcatasraH / vasiSThava gautamavacca bhUtvA dattAH pratISTAzca samaM mayaiva // 57 // tadupanimantrya sarvAn maharSIn mahArAjaMdazararthasyAnuyAto vaidehanagara mAgaccha | nadI mama maithilasya ca rAjJo yajJasamAptau 5 vitagodAnamaGgalAH kumArAH pariNeSyantIti // 10a kumA0 012 | svagatam " / priyAt " priyataraM naH // 15& 17 kanye"" / diTThiauM avippavAso dANiM" bhaiNiNaM huvismaidi // rAca / adyapi bhoH " mRta dharmakSaram / anartha eSa" vo" yatkanyeyamanyasmai dIyata iti / 21 1 afugo Cu, K, L, 2 158 dattaH pratISTAca K T21, T2 dattabhA cett. 3 *rAja om Bo only. 4 dazarathasyAnuyAtau dazarathasyAnujJAto w dazarathAnujAto Ig dazarathAnuyAto Mg, T1, Tg dazarazasyAnuyAto cett. videha for vaidehadeg Ma, Mt, Mg only 6 tathA for tadA Mt only tadA rAjJo om Ty only 5 [only 7 mithilasya for mama maithilasya ca T * rAjarSeH Mt only rAmro cett ' * parisamAptau for deg samAptau T1, Tg only. vihitao for vitata T1 Tg only. 10 108 Has Having the hair cut' along maigin, W. 11 paripoSyantIti E pariNeSyanti Md, Mt pariNeSyantIti cett, 12 rAjA for kumA0 Ty only. afargo cett. dattAH pradiSTAca 13 svagataM om. Mt only. priyAt 14 om. K, T1 only. 15 priyaM for priyataraM Ty only. kanyeom E. 10 ditiya BO diSTiA K, Se diSTeA fast E fafg cett I 17 daNiM dANi E 18 ANaM Bo only bhaNiNaM cett 19 vissadi K, Ma havissadi Cu duvissadi E bhavissadi I, Bo, W, Se, Ig T, diyA avipravAsa idAnIM bhaginyorbhaviSyati add. chaya, Sc. 20 Ave'pi E AthApi Md adyApi cett ( + Mt, Mg) 21 bhoH 22 23 dANiM cott ANaNaM Eonly eva cett 24 sAdhye'pi om. Bo. zRNu for zRNuta T, only. eSa Ou, K, T20 T20 Lacuna, Bo Lacuna, Bo vo corr to vai Cu ApatitaH for eva vo Mt vo cett 250ma W, T1T2 Lacuna, Bo iyamanyo om. K * manyastre cett
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________________ 3 ACT I 59-60 paulasyo vinayena yAcata iti vAdhye'pi vo nAdaraH sambandhe sati yat trilokapatinA saukhyaM na taMba spRhaa| gantavyA punaranyathaivaM niyataM laGkApi naH sItayA tanmA bhUdiha vaH purandarapurIvandiprasakto vidhiH // 59 // nepathye klklH| raaj"| tatkAvaoNlaparjanyabhImau vRndena dhAvataH / vizvA / "etau subAhumArIcau putrau sundopasundayoH // 6 // ___ tahasau rAmalakSmaNau prahanyatAmeSa yajJapratyUhaH // to"| yathAjJApayasi // iti vikaTa parikAmataH // knthe| etya dANiM kaham // 10 only 1 vinayena K, Md, Mt, Mg pinayena | 12 parjanyau K, Md, Mg paryanyau corr. to corr to vinayena w pinayena cetta paryanya cu parjanya cett 2 *dhye vidhau nA. Mg .dhye na vo nA. 13 dhAtavaH for dhAvataH I only. T], Th degdhye'pi vo nA* cett. 14 Urdhvamavalokya add Mt only 3 yatra lokadeg Mg kaH triloka E yat | _16 rAvaNAnucarI ghorau yajJapratyUhakAtrilokadeg cett riNI add K, E, W, Se, I saMvartakAlakuca for taba T. only parjanyamImo vRndana dhAvataH add_Mt deg spRhAH for spRhA W only 6 ranyayaiva Md 'ranyathApi T, ranya- ___18 rAmalakSmaNau om T. only. thaiva cett (+ Mg, Mt, T.) " prahanyatAmeSa yajJapratyUhaH K, Cu hanya'laGkA ca vaH T, laGkA ca yat T, tAmetI yajJapratyUhanau Md, Mg pratihanyalaGkApurI Mt laGkApi na: cetta | tAmeSa yajJapratyUhaH T. Ta hanyatAmeSa yajJa 8 a changed to 7: Ca 4: cett pratyUha: cette ' vandI E, Mg vandI corr. to vandi' 18 tau om Bo tau.... payasi om I1 bandhi0 Tr, T, vandideg cetta T, ubhau for to Md, Mt, Mg to cett ___-10 vayaH for vidhiH Tu only (+T) " raajaa|.... dhAvataH om. here, Mt. 19 yadA for yathA' T. only only 20 degpayati E, Mt payasi cett. 11 tatkavitAvakAladeg w, So tatkAva- 1 rAmalakSmaNau for iti T, only kAladeg corr to tatkAlakAla. kaukA- 22 dANI w dANI: dAkhiM cett lakAladeg Mg tatkAvakAladeg cett acedAnI kathama add chaya, Se. 2789
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________________ 34 ACT I 61-62 rAkSa hanta sAviva sampannaM viparyasto vidhirbhavet / tavIkSya kAryaparyantaM mAlyavatyupavedaye // 61 // rAjA / dhnuraasphaalyNn| vatsa rAmabhadra vatsa lakSaNa / agramattaH pramataM vijayasva / ayamahaM parAgata eva // vizvA / vihasya sahastagraham / rAjanito Tehi sahAnujasya rAmasya pazyApratimAnamojaH / brahmahiSo hyeSa hinasti sarvAnAtharvaNastIvra ivAbhicAraH // 62 // iti niSkrAntAH sarve // // "prthmo'ngkH|| 10 1 sAdhveva for sAviva E only. / vihasya by 1er Cu vihasya sahasta2 vedayet for degvedaye Bo only grAhama T, only. 3 manyu0 for dhanudeg Bo only 9 grahaM cour. to deggrAhaM Cu grAhI w, + skAya fon degsphAlayana T. only Se, I deggrahaM Bo, K grAha I, E, Md, Th vatsa om. E only 10 yAhi for ohi Mg only apramattaM for apramattaH pramattaM I, " nihanti for hinasti Mt, Mg, T, only only 13 kaumAro nAmaadd Ou, K,Ma kumArI 7 jayamahaM for ayamahaM E only | nAma add. Bo only
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________________ 5 10 ACT II 1-3 1 ' tataH pravizatyupaviSTaH sacintI mAlyavAn // mAya' / bho' yataH prabhRti sarvamAyAt siddhAzramavRttAntamazrauSaM tata Arabhya 6 // zrIzaM vande // begins Eonly. ' sacinto om Mg only # bhoH Cu, K bho bho E bho cett 4 * stADakeyaM K, Ma stATakeyaM corr to dUrAddavIyo dharaNIdharAbhaM yastATakeyaM tRNavad vyaMdhUnot / hantA subAhorapi tATaMkAriH sa rAjaputro hRdi bAdhate mAMm // 1 // tadanulavAnAM ca bhUyasAM kSaNenaikena vadha iti kimetadazcaryam / vIryotkarSerya damRtabhujAM nirmame padmayoni stasya dvaidhaM vyadhita dhanuSaH zAmbhavIyasya rAmaH / divyAmastropaniSadamRSeryaH kRzAzvasya ziSyA - fazvAmitrAddijayajananImaprameyaH prapede // 2 // " prasahya rAvaNaDiSTamasmahUtasya pazyataH / astradAnAdbhutaM kale prauDhena muninA kRtam // 3 // * khADakeyaM Ou stATakeyaM cett ( + Mt, Mg) 5 *vaddhyadhUnot for *vadvyadhUnot Wonly tADakA K, Ma tATakA cori to tADakA Cu tATakA cett ( + Mt, Mg) 7 tAM w me Mg mAM cett tadanulavAnAM ca bhUyasAM 8 om Mt only 35 only 11 dvaidhyaM for dvaidhaM Eonly 12 ' lakSmaNene fo1 caNenai0 Mt, Mg only 10 kimetadityAdeg for kimetadA0 Sc D 2 naruSaH for dhanuSaH Ma only. 13 api ca add. Md only 14 rAvaNadiSTa corr. to rAvaNadviSTa* W rAvaNAdiSTa Bo rAvaNadveSa Mg rAvaNafag cett. 10 kAleva for kAle Eonly
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________________ ACT II 4 ytH| sItAvandiyahaparibhavastasya rAjJo nirasto nIta cAsmAnprati zithilatAmaikamukhyaM suraannaam| nAndInAdaprabhUti hi kRtaM maGgalaM tailadAnIM sarva prAyo bhajati vikRti bhidyamAne pratApe // 4 // kathaM vAsA zUrpaNakhA prAptI // pravizya shuurpnnkhaa| jeduM jedu "mAdAmaho // 5 // mAlya / vatse AsyatAm / kA rAjasanidhau vAtI // zUrpa0 / NivutAI kila tahiM pANiggaihaNAima / amaM ca / 10 agaMtdhimahesiMNA rAmassa maGgalohAriaM mAhendaM dhaNuvaraM aNuppesi~dama // 1 yataH om Mg only ___13 NiDattAi w NivutAhiM : Ni2 degbandhi0 u degvandI* Md, Mt, Mg | vuttAI cett gvandi cett | 14 pANIggahaNAI, pANigAha Bo 3 nirAso for nirastI Mg only. gRhaNAI E pANiggahaNAI corr to * nItA for nItaM I only. | pANigAhaNAI 0u pANigraha gaeM Se, I, 5 prabhAva for "prabhRti Bo only. pANiggahae w pANiggAhaNAI Ma "sarvaH Mt, Mg sarva Bo sarva cett | pANiggahaNAI K sUrpaNakhA 0u, K sUrpanakhA Md zUrpa- 15 aNaM I, Bo, B asaM cett. nakhA E zUrpaNakhA cett. (+ Mt, Mg) ___16 agathi E, Sc, I agasthideg cett __ prAptA / pravizya zUrpaNakhA om K only | _17 mehisiNA , mesiNA Bo degmaheThe same by rev along margin, Cu. sinA Md, Mt degmehesiNAra mahasiNA cett ___deg zUrpanakhA : sUrpaNakhI Ou sUrpanakhA | 18 lovahAria orig changed to degloMa zUrpaNakhA cett ( + Mt, Mg). hAri on lovahAriya w glovahA 10 jedu corr. to jedura by rev., On jetura riaM cetta [Bo mAhinda cett w jedu jedu cett. ___19 mAhendra mAhedaM E mAhida Cu, 11 kaNi ?" add. Mg only. ___20 dhaNu araM w, se ghaNu (vara om ) I, " jayatura mAtAmahaH add chaya, Se | dhanU E dhaNubaraM Md, Mt, Mg dhaNuvaraM cett 12 sUrpa0 Gu. K, Md zUrpadeg cett (+ Mt, __ pamidaM : ppesidaM I, Md, Mi, Mg | aNuppasidaM cett nirvRttAni kila tatra Mg)
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________________ ACT II 5-7 maaly| yAni' bhuvaneSvataya'sAmAnyAyudhAni tAni" rAme brahmarSibhyaH pariNamanti // sacintam / amoghamastraM kSatrasya brAhmaNAnAmanugrahaH / durAsadaM ca tattejaH kSAtraM ca brahmasaMyutam // 5 // 6 shuurp| mANusametae vi etie kA cintA // mAsya / vAse mA maivm| utpattyaiva hi rAghavaH kimapi tadrUpo jagatyadbhutaM mayatvena kimaMtra yasya caritaM devAsuraigIyate / vastuSvAdadhate ca zaktimRSayo devAzca tarkotarAM 10 mayAdeva varapradAnasasaye brahmA bhayaM no jagau // 6 // api ca / nisargeNa sa dharmasya goptA dharmadUho vayam / aryo virodhaH zaktena jAto naH pratiyoginA // 7 // pANigrahaNAni / anyacca agastimaharSiNA | mAnuSamAtrake'pyatasmin kA cintA add rAmasya maGgalopahArikaM mAhendraM dhanurvara | chaya, Sc_ afaath add. chaya, Sc 10 tadbhUyo I, E, I, Md tadrUpaM Bo, K 1 yAni add. Mt only tadrUpo w, Se tadrUpaM corr. to tayo Cu * *Svata;* I, K, Md *Svama* Bo, | tadbhUtaM Mg Reads rAghavasya caritaM tattaw, Sc, I. Ou (conr 1 Svatarva) Sva- | tkimapya[taM for rAghavaH....jagatyadbhutaM Mt ntargata E Svaprata4 Mt Mg | " masya for "maca Mt, Mg only 28 tAni add Mt adhunA tAvat add. | 1 devAdibhi for devAsurai E brahmaRSi for brahmarSi Bo only [cett | 13 tarkottarA I, Cu, Mt, Mg tarkottataH * sacitaM E saJcitaM w, ou sacintaM | Bo taketarAM E, w tarkatarAM sc taka5 degvastraM for degmastraM Bo only tta rA I tarkantimA Md tattarA K. yat for ca Mt only _* ArthoM K artho Bo, E, Se, Mt atho 'sUrpa* K, Ma zUrpa0 cett. ( + Mt, Mg) | w artho cett. mANasa* Bo mANUsa w, so mA-| 15 yoginaH corr to degyoginA E gyogusa. cett ginaH corr to degyoginAMw yogina corn 'ettiA ra etie Ou, Se etihaw | to degyoginA 0u degyoginaH Mt degyoginAM khatie for vi ettie E ettie cett | Sc yoginA cett
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________________ 5 10 ACT II 8-9 / ko sandeho / jaMha dasamuho IsimauliehiM visardidiTThIhiM ohIra mANalolaMlo aNo NamantaMvadaNo vaTTadi taha jANAmi dAruNo se hiaaveaNAveo Na' evaM viramissadi i // mAlya' / aho nu khalu bhoH / 9 vandyA vizvasRjo yugAdiguravaH svAyambhuvAH sapta ye 1 vaidehasya vayaM ca te ca kimaho sambandhino na " priyAH tannAmAstuM durAsadena tapasA dIptasya dIptazriyaH paulastyasya jagatpaterapi kathaM jAtA hRdi nyUnatA // 4 // 38 athavA " / artha prakeMTIkRte'pi na phalaprAptiH prabhoH pratyuta duhyandAzarathirviruddhacarito yuktastayA kanyayA / utkarSa ca parasya mAnayazasorvisraMsanaM cAtmanaH strIratnaM ca jagatpatirdazamukho dRptaH kathaM mRSyate // 9 // 1 Mg) sUrya * Cu, K, Md zUrpa 0 cett ( + Mt, 2 jahA Cu, K jaha cett visadidiTThIhi K visadiTThIhi 1, W, So, Md visadiDIhi BO viMsadi - TThIhi 1/2 vIsadiTThihi E vidihiM to vIsadiTTihiM Cu. coll 4 uhIra* Cu ohiya* E ohIra cett * localoaNo lolo I, lolaloaNo cett. * *vaNo K vadano Md *vadaNI cott NamantavadaNo om Bo only 7 tahI Ou tahA K teha Ig taha cett 8 si for se Ig only. 9 se add. Md only. 10 evaM for evaM Md, Mt, Mg only. 11 viramasyafe for fvaramissadi Eonly 12 ti E, W, So tti cett. kaH sandehaH yaddazamukho' pISanmukulitAbhirvizadRSTibhi rapahiyamANalolalocano namadvadano vartate / tajjAnAmi dAruNo'sya hRdayavedanAvego na ua farfaufa add chaya, Sc. [na cett na changed to naH 0u ye for na Mt 14 priyaH for priyA Cu only 13 15 tannAmAstu cori to tannAmAstra Cu only athavA om K, Bo, Mg athavA by rev, Cu athavA cett 17 pragaTIo for prakaTIdeg Eonly. 16 18 phale for phala * E only 19 prabho for prabhoH Cu only. 20 utkarSe Md utkarSa Bo utkarSa cott. (+ Mt, Mg) 21 strI by rev. Cu
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________________ ACT II 9 nepathyArdhapraviSTaH pratIhAraH' / yaH parazurAmasya yuSmAbhivAtAharaH prahitaH tenedaM tamAlarasavinyastAkSaraM tAlIpatramupanItam // upaviSya niSkrantiH // mAlya / gRhIlA vAcayati // "svasti / mahendrabIpAna parazurAmo 5 laGkAyAmamAtyaM mAlyavantamabhyarhayati" // bhuup| kahaM pahu bva" dusiliTukkama lihadi // 7 mAlya / 16 "acaiva paramamAhezvaraM laGkezvaramabhinandya bravIti / viditametad vo yadasmAbhirdaNDakAraNyatIrthopAsakebhyastapodhanebhyaH pratijJAtamabhayam / taba virAdhadanukabandhaprabhRtayaH ke'pyabhicarantIti 10 zrutam / tat tAna pratiSidhya savRttimasmaddhitAM ca mAhezvarI prItimanurudhyantAM bhvntH| 1 nepathye'rdhadeg E, K nepathyardha* con to | 14 pahubba dusiliTThakkama I, paDavadussinepathyA: 0u nepathye (om ardha) w nepa- | laTTakkama Bo pahuvvadusikkama corr to pAdhyArdha* cett. | didussIlavikkama cu_ pahuvbausili? q added by rev, Cu only vukkama w pahughaTTaniti pahu rAmAya for rAmasya E only | ghaDhassilivukkama Sc vRdThasiliTakama : + haraH K, Bo haraH corr to pahAraH | pahuvvatumicchasiliTTakkama K pahuvvadusiThThaCu hAra: cetta ** Md. [chaya, Sc. preSitaH for prahitaH Md, Mt, Mg only. | 15 kathaM prabhugRhazrIvyukramaM yathAtathA add. vinyasthA' for vinyastA w only. ___16 zeSaM vAcayati add Mt, Mg only ? ar to foi atato w only 17 og Bo, w oq cett / iti add. Bo only. 18 "madhikRtya for degmabhinandya Mt only utkSipya Bo upekSipya E nidhipya ___19 pyaticara Mt pyacara E pyabhiMg ukSipya Md upakSiSya cett (+ Mt) | caradeg cett 10 niHkAntaH Cu, K, Bo, Md nisskraantH| 20 pratiniviSya for pratiSidhya E only. cett. ( + Mt, Mg) 21 go for ago Mt only. 11 dvipAt for degdvIpAt E only. 22 mahezvaragrI 11, E, I, mAhezvaraprI* 6c, " laGkApatvamAtyaM for khaGkAyAmamAtvaM E | Md mAhezvarIprI* Bo mAhezvarI prI* Cu, only | K mAhezvarIprI. corr to mAhezvaraprI* w. __18 sUrpa K, Md zUrpa. om. I, zUrpa | 2 paddhantAM Cu adhyantu Mt dhyatA cett ( + Mt, Mg) E TW cett
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________________ 5 10 40 Mg). 2 ACT II 10-12 brAhmaNAtikramatyAgo bhavatAmeva bhUtaye / jAmadagnyazca vo mitramanyathA durmanAyate // 10 // iti // / IsisiNAvaTTambhagambhIragamao uvaNAso // mAlya' / aMho kimucyate / jAmadagnyaH khavaMsau / abhijanatapovidyA vIryakriyAtizayairnijai rupacitamaH sarvatyAgAnnirIhatayA sthitaH / vyapadizati naH zaivaprItyA kathaJcidanAsyayA prabhuriva' punaH kArye kArye bhavatyaitikarkazaH // 11 // iti cintayati // 1 sUrpa* Cu, K, Ma sUrya * cett ( + Mt, [Bo only 3 iMsiNAvedambha for IsimasiNAvaTTabha' | garma uvaNAso I, Cu, K (but has space for o) gambhIragama uvabAso Bo gambhIragamao urvvaNaso E Tareyes vAsat So gambhIraguruo vaNAso w gambhIragao uvaNAso I, garma vaNAso Ma vaSTambhagururupanyAsaH add. chaya, Sc. 4 asau for aho Mg only 5 *lvI for *vasau w only. 13 14 sUrya / kiM 13 'cintIdi // mAya / vatse / yadi prapadyeta dhanuHpramathaH ziSyAya zambhorna titikSate saH " / 8 by rev., Ou *madaH K 7 * tapaH for "tayA E only apa for vyapa Eonly. 9 10 orig, but above it by rev, Cu. 11 bhavatyarkazaH E bhaviSyati karkaza : Mt bhavatyatikarkaza: cett [Mg) sUrpa* Cu, K, Md sUryao cett ( + Mt, 13 kiM K, E, Bo kiM corr to kiMra Cu kiM kiM cett dANiM add Mg only cintIdi I1, Ma cintIyadi Cu cintayandi w, So cintIAdi 2 6 *madaH in orig, has also zamaH above at kiM cintyate add. chaya, Sc. zamaH cett, 12 ca add W only Om one kArye Md only kArye 14 *TERRU 15 in cett. 17 Bo cintedi cintI di K 18 pramArthaM Mt * pramAthI Mg * pramAtha: [above it, Se zaH cori to saH, and jAma in red ink
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________________ ACT II 12 Ayodhane cedabhayonighAtaH ___ saMrambhayogAdati hi priyaM naH // 12 // 'anyataravijaye'pi tu kSatriyAntakarazced rAjaputra vijayate 'nainamanabhihatya roSaNo viramet / evaM ca siddha naH samIhitaM 5 rAmanidhanam / aivAkastuM vijayamAno brahmaNyo na brala~SimabhihanyAt / niHzreyasApane " aparA~tamapi zastra praNidadhyAt / evaM ca" duSTataraM syAt // dhuup| ko viseso // maaly| yadi jAmadagnyastAvadAraNyakavato hanyAd rAghavaM hatvApi 10 punastAdRza eva" / sandhAryastu rAjaputraH punarutthA~tukAmaH / taM cet 1 AyodhanaM for Ayodhane I, Md only | 16 niHsamasAdeg corr. to ni:zrayasA. Ou 2 vighAtaH for nighAtaH E only niHzreyasA cetta prayatnaH for priya naH K only. ___7 pannaM for degpanne Mt only TTSIT add Ou only. ___173 parityaktamityarthaH add K only. 5 sfa om E only 18 amRta Bo apasRjanta* E apaData. 6 degntakazced for degntakarazced Mt only | cett vipravRttaM hInazastraM for apasRtamapi 1 yato add. W, Se only zastraM Mt only 8 ofrece for ofHER Md only. 19 oft add Mt, Mg only 1 roSeNa for roSaNo Mt only. 20 aniSTa' for duSTa* Mg only 10 rameta for ramet Cu only. 1 sUdeg K, Sc, I, Md, w zU. cett. 11 eva for evaM E only. (+ Mt, Mg). 1 samAhi. for samIhideg Md only. ___22 ko vizeSaH add. chaya, Se 13 TETO K, Bo, Md 1977deg cett 23 dArawwlka Cu, K degdaraNyato W ( + Mt, Mg). "daraNyarato E, Se, I2 degdAraNyavrato cett. 14 degkazced for degkastu Mt, Mg only. 24 Add a stop all but Cu, E, I, only 14 brAhmaNyo W only brahmaNyo cett. 25 savAyestu rAjaputraH corr to sandhAryastu 16 brahmaRSi corr. to brahmarSi 0u brahma- rAvapucaH 0u sandhAryate rAjapuvastu Mt rSi E, Bo brahmariSi Md brahmaRSiH | sandhAryastu rAvaputraH cett cett ( + Mt, Mg) hatthAna for hatyAtu K only
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________________ ACT II 18 prakRSTatamamutsAhazaktisampadA dharmavijayinaM 'virjayeta sarve taM vijayinamanujAnIyuH / tadaiva haTAkIntinityanibhRtakuMDA devA prasaM yainamadhikuryuH / nityAnuSakto hyasuravijayinAmavamAnataH prakRtikopaH / 5 42 paulastyAparceyapracaNDacairite yaH kArtavIrye muniH sarvakSatrakathAsamApanavidheH prAGmaNDalaM prAkarot / tasmintrayupanItayuktadamanaH syAdutAsatkriye sAmarthye sati dharmasaumyacarito vizvasya rAmaH patiH // 13 // muuN| tado satya dANiM kiM cintidam // 1 prakRSTamanyumu K prakRSTatamamu0 corr to prahRSTatamamudeg Cu prahRSTatamamu0 I 1 prahRSTatamamu0 cett 2 dharmavijayinaM om. Mt only 3 ca add. Mg only 4 * jayet for *jayeta W only vijayeta sarve taM vijayinam / om E only 5 * yinamanujAnIyu: K, W, So degyinaM nirjarA jAnIyu: Mt * yinamanujAnIyuH to * yina nirjInIyuH Ou ofnaM nirjInIyu: cott corr 6 haThAkrAntinitya K, Bo, Mg haThA - krAntinitya changed to haThAtkrAntinitya Cu haThAkrAntyA E, Se hatAkrAntyA W haThAkrAmatya I1, I, haThAtkrAmatya * Md. 7 10 11 deg carito for 'carite Mt only 12 vIryo for 'vIrye Mt, Mg only * viSaye for *vidhe: Bo only 13 16 14 * maGgalaM for deg maNDalaM E, W, Sc only. 15 vyyavinItao for pyupanIta Mt only jhAkriye dujhijhatA'satkriye corr to dujhiye Cu dujjhitAsatkriye K, Md dujjitAH satkriye to dujjitAsatkriye w *dujjitA satkriye Sc, Ig * dujjhitAsmadvayo Mt duntatAsatkriye E deg dusitAsatkriye Bo 17 dharma Ou, E, K, Bo dharmya cett corr 18 [Mg). sUOK, W, Md, Ig zU0 cett ( + Mt, tadA for tado Ig only atya for ettha E only Ma dANiM kiM K, Cu kiM dANiM I1, Bo, kiM dANoM E kiM dANi W, So, I 23 cintitaM w cintitavaM cintidaM tato'ca kimidAnIM cintitam add chaya, Sc cett 19 *pajayadeg for *pacayadeg Mt, Mg only 21 * sAmya' for deg saumyadeg Bo only 20 krudhA fo1 kruddhA Md, Mt, Mg only 8 pratyahItao for prasahyena* Bo only. 9 of GILGITACK: Cu, K, Sc, Mg * vijayinAmavasAnataH w * vijayinAmavasAdamavAnataH II * vijayinAmavasAdavAnanta: E, Md * vijayo nAmavamAnataH Bo * vijayinAmadamAnataH Mt 22
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________________ 48 ACT II 14-15 mAlya / parazurAmottejanaM kartavyamiti // zUrpa / pakvantare mhaadoso|| mAlya / tatrApi zaktitaH pratividhAsyate / kintu tAnyeva yadi bhUtAni tA eva yadi zaktayaH / tataH parazurAmasya na pratImaH parAbhavam // 14 // tadutiSTha / mithilAprasthAnIya jAmadagnyamuttejayituM mahendravIpameva gacchAvaH / draSTavyazca tatra bhagavAna bhArgavaH / gabhIro mAhAtmyAtmarthamazuciranyantasujanaH prasannaH puNyAnAM pracaya iva sarvasya sukhadaH / prabhutvasyotkarSAtpariNativi vezca tapasAmasau dRSTaH sattvaM prabalayati pApaM ca nudeti // 15 // iti nikraantii| // viSkambhakaH // 1 sU0 K, Md pU0 cett. ( + Mt, | changed to vizuddhaca Cu vizuddhazca Bo, E, Mg) W, Sc, I, pakkhantare W, E parakantare Ou, Bo | 10 pracaladeg K, w, Se, Md, Mg prabala Lacuna, K kakkha ntare cett. cett 3 dAso Bo dose I, doSo Md, Mt, 11 tudadeg Bo, Md, Mt nudadeg cett Mg doso cett pakSAntare mahAdoSaH add 11 After this verse add. ya eSaH chaya, Sc utthAya titipAlavaMzagahanAstasmatAkho sthati for "sthate Mt only dizaH kRtvA vizrutakArti lAla " prasthanAya u prasthApanAya Mt prasthA- | svbaahorblaat|sddiipaamth kAzyapAya munaye nAya cetta dakhAzvamedhe mahIM zastavyastatanda tAvaSayaM degndraM dI w degndradvI* cett labdhvA tapastapyate // Mt only praSTa for draSTadeg Md only. ___1 iti om du utthAya parikramya for prazamaci0 for prathamazuci. Mt | iti II, Bo, E, W, So, I, Md iti ra only. viSkambhaH viSkambhavAH Md vizuddheza, K, Md, Mt, Mg vizuddhecca aviSkammaH Mt, Mg viSkambhaka: cett.
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________________ 44 ACT II 16--17 nepathye / bho bho videha nagarIgatAH 'kulacAriNaH / kathayantu bhavantaH kanyAntaHpuragatAya rAmabhadrAya / kailAsoDArasAratribhuvanavijayaurjityaniSNAtadoSNaH / paulastyasyApi helopaMhataraNamado durdamaH kArtavIryaH / yasya krodhAta kuThArapravighaTitamahAsvandhabandhasthavIvo doHzAkhAdaNDamuNDastaruriva vihitaH kulyakandaiH purAbhUt // 16 // "so'yaM triHsaptavArAnavikalavihitakSavatantrapramAro vIraH krauJcasya bhedAt kRtadharaNitalApUrvahaMsAvatAraH / jetA heramba GgipramukhagaNacamUceMkriNatArakArestvAM pRchana jAmadagnyaH svaguruharadhanurbhaGgaroSAdupaiti // 17 // tataH pravizati sadhairyasammamo rAmaH sItA sakhyazca // 1 rAjakuladeg for kula Mt, Mg only | 11 vihataH for vihitaH K, E only * dhAraNAya for degddhArasAra E only | 19 degkandaH Bo kaNThaiH Mt degkandai: cett vijayaurjitya II, Cu, Mg, W (corr fr 13 OTT for TTT Cu, Bo only. vijayaujitya) vijayaujitya. Se vijayau- 14 api ca add E only rjitadeg E, I, vijayaunitya Bo vijayo- 15 vihata* Se vihatadeg corr to vibitya ra vijayorjitya Mta hitaw vihitaH Mt, Mg "vihitadeg cett _doSA: corr to degdoSNaHw dodhyH| 16 degtantu for degtantra* Mt only Sc ostaat: Bo optou: cett " "prabhArI E, Se, I, pramAro changed __ helApahRta for helopahata Mg only | to degprahAro Cu pramAdI Md, Mg pra"durmadaH for durdamaH E, Mi, Mg only mAtho Mt pramAro I, K, Bo, w * bandhasthavIyo0 u, K, Mt, Mg, Se | 18 "bhRGgI* for "bhRGgi- E only (corn fi. bandhAsthavIyo) gbandhaHsthavIyo I, 19 apayussAe yastA* for deggaNacamUcaE, Bo, I, W (corx ir 'bandhasthavIyo0) kiNastA K only sthavIyo (om bandha) Ma 20 OFTCOT corr to FITTATO Cu 8 orang for 16deg E only. [cett 21 for @ K only. " SaNDa K, Mg SaNDai Mt. muNDa, 22 zeSA ra zeSAdeg corr. to "roSA. 10 stanu Bo, Se, I a cour to ou roSA cetta stara w cett | 4 sasazramo for sadhairyasammamo K only
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________________ 45 ACT II 18 raamH| diSTyA' mAhAbhAgyamahAnidhirbhagavato devasya dagdhuH purA mAmnAyena vizuddhasarvacaritaH ziSyo bhRgUNAM patiH / draSTavyaH sa ca mAM didRkSurapi ca tyatvA hiyaM mugdhayA __ santrAsAdayamAbhijAtyanibhRtaH sneho mayi dyotyate // 18 // siitaa| halA sahoo kahaM dANiM edaim // skhyH| kumAra alaM dAva" tuvarAe // 7 raamH| notsAhaH paridhIraNAvarasyamarhati // 1 dithyA om Mg only farza), Sc (has also feat in red ink " mAhA. Ou, K, Bo, w mAhA. om | above bijayA), I E, Md AETdeg cett ( + Mt, Mg) deg Has ha halA Ou_Have halA Bo, 3 bhargasya for devasya K only E, W, Sc, Ig, Ma TUT K IT * zarAsanasya dayitaH for vizuddhasarvaca- | om II fra: Mt only | 10 sahiA , sahio Md, Mt, Mg Above opfa has of fa in red ink, astit cett 11 NadaM for eda Md, Mt, Mg halA sakhyaH " tyaktA for tyaktvA Cu, Sc, I only. | kAnidhAnasamadama add chaya, Se ' hiyaM Bo dhiyaM E, Sc, I, Md, Mg | " ca add E only fazi Mt feci cett 13 Has no chaya, Sc santrAsAdidayAbhijAtyanibhRtasneho Bo, | 14 notsAhaH paridhIraNavirasthAnAta I, II (has also dayamAdiH along margin) |K notsAhaH paridhAraNavirasthamarhati Ma santrAsAnnijayAbhijAtyanibhRtaH snehe (corr | notsAhaH parAvadhIraNAvarasthamarhati Mt fr santrAsAdinuyamilAtyanibhRtaH sneho) Cu | notsakaH parAvadhIraraenahAya Mg As On , but nibhRtadeg for nibhRtaH Md sotsAhaM (corr fr notsAhaH) paridhIraNAsantrAsAdinubhijAtyanibhRtaH sneho ra santrA- vairasyamarhati Cu motsAhaH paradhAraNavairasya sAdayamAbhijAtyavimRtaleho E santrAsAda-nardati E notsAhaH paridhIraNAvarasya yamAbhijAtyanimatasneho ME santrAsAnija-mahIta Bo sotsAhaH paridhIraNAvarasyayAbhijAtyanibhRtasnehI W (has also dayamA marhati , notsAhaH paridhAraNAM vairasya by rev above faster and afara above #gfa w, Sc
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________________ 5 10 ACT II 19-20 sakhyaH / vAraM vAraM kkhittI kaMdasamatya jIloo viMDidavisamavavasAyasAhasonaM parasurAmo sukhIdi // rAmaH / kimekadezenaM mahAjJAnani dhermahAtmyamupasaMhriyate / maiM eSaH utkhAtakSitipAla vaMzagahanA striH saMprakRtvo dizaH kRtvA vizrutakArtikeyavijayazcAdhyasya bAhorbalAt / sahIpAmatha kazyapAya gurave dattvAzvamedhe mahImastravyastasamudramuktaviSayAvasthastapastapyate // 19 // 46 nepathye / sattvabhraMzaviSAdibhiH kathamapi castekSaNaM vecibhidRSTvA " dRSTividhAtajihnitarmukhairavyAhataprakramaH / rAmAnveSaNatatparaH pairijanairunmuktahAhAvaM kanyAntaH purameva hA pravizati kruddho munirbhArgavaH // 20 // 1 o face for kadadeg E, W, Se only. ' *jI alAo E *jIAloo w *jAaloo Ma, Mt, Mg *jIalIo cett 3 viTTidadeg E NighaTida Ig Md, Mt., Mg fusfez Sc NivAttia w fast cett 4 a E, K a cett. 6 5 parazudeg Cu, E, Bo parasu0 cett suNIyadi for suNIAdi only vAraM vAraM niHjIvaloko nirvartiTILLG sAyasAhasaJca parazurAmaH zrUyate add chaya, Se 7 * deze corr. to "dezena by rev, W 8 mahIo for mahAdeg Bo only. 8 vidheo for * ni0 only. ' *mupasaMhRyate pasaMhiyate cott. mapahiyate Mt mu 10 Has it by rev, Ou 11 ofta for fa: Bo only yaeSaH .... *stapyate om Mt, Mg only. 12 mukti for 13 tatrekSaNaM for 14 petribhio E cett. 15 dRSTo dRSTio Mt 10 vidhAta Ou * vidhAna E ghAta cett cett. muktadeg Ig only trastekSaNaM Mt only vettRbhi0 Mt vetribhi ordRSTvA dRSTi cett 17 * mukhye Bo Bo, W, Sc * dRSTAdRSTa 18 kramaM W 19 rAmA *vi *mukhai.. * sukhe Is * krama Ig krama: cett munirbhArgavaH om I only. 20 purajane o for parijane Ma, Mg only. 21 *va: for ravaM Md, Mg only.
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________________ 1 ACT II 20 rAmaH / nanvata eva ziSTAcArapaddhateH praNetAraH / tat kathamayaM vijJAna pramAyati / bhavatUpasAmi // sa~dhairyavikaTa parikrAmati // sakhyaH / ammo samantado hA deva candamuha rAmacanda hA jAmIdua ti paridevaNAmuhalakAdaruviMgasamatthapariNapalavidaM 5 anteuraM varsei / tA bhaTTidArie saMaM evva visavehi bhaTTidA ama // siitaa| teNa tuvaratIo sambhAvemha veapasariaM ajjau~tam // iti parikrAmati // 1 nanvata for nanvata E only | 15 bhaTTidAriye K bhaTTadAri) Bo 2 oqfa for oafa Md only. bhaTTadArie E bhaTTidArie cett 3 sadhairya vi0 for sadhairya vi. K only 18 saM for sanaM Ou. Lacuna for saaM eva * amo for ammo Bo only K sanaM cetta * Add another TT I, Bo, W, Sc, 12, 17 faqaft 1 fquais Cu, Ma Md One T in orig, but also by rev, faria E faaraft K, Sc, I, fauCu Only one hA K, E vehi Bo, W (corr fr visAvahi) candra for degcanda I, only ___18 bhaTTa" cour. to bhaTTi I, Lacuna for 'jAmAua I, Bo, I, jAmAu w, Se | bhaTTi K aho samantado hAhA deva candrajAmAdugha cett mukha rAmacandra hA jAmAtariti paridevati for tti Se, Md, Mt, Mg only nAmukharakAtarodvipasamastaparijanapralapita' paridevagaNA Bo paridevana : pari- mantaHpuraM vartate / tat bhartRdArike samameva auto cett | vizrAmaya bhaTTArakam add chaya, se 10 degmuhaladeg Ou, K 'muhura : muhara 1 tuvarantI u tuvarattiA E tuvara | tIo cett. Il of Tao K, Cu, E, Sc, I, I, (also add 20 Has also above a by rev., fara along maigin), oferrato cori to ofarojo | I. w vigga Md caga Bo. 1 parizra Bo parisaraantaM by rev., W 12 ANa. for aNa. W only pasari cett 13 puraM (but pus by rev) for deguraM W 22 ajjataM Bo ajjhauttaM Cu ajjauttaM only cott. tena kharAvatyaH sambhAvayAmo vegapra_1 vaDhA I.. K, W, On (corn fr vadaha) | sRtamAyeMputram add chaya, Sc.. vadara Bo bhaTTara E vaha I vahadi 8 degmanti for degmati K, Md, Mt, Mg Ma | only Cett
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________________ 48 ACT II 20 sakhyaH / kumAra avekkha dAva tuvarAvisahalamANavihalidubbhantagamaNaM bhaTTidAriam // rAmaH / sapremAnukampam prtinivRty| nanu kAtareyamatrabhavatIbhireva paryavasthApanIyA // , sakhyaH / sahi sahi surAsuramanya'NasamanthaM tellokkamaGgalaM tuGgaja lachIlaJchaNamimaM savibhamavisaTTaNetakandorTesohAbharatamuhapuNDarIaviSkAridasiNehasambhamA sabadA amha purado vaizesi / tA" kiM ti vijaAbhimuMhe kumAre unbhantAsi // 1 kumAra K, Cu, E, I, kumAra2 cett. lakSmaNa W lakSaNadeg Se, I, degchaNa. 'mANa om E only. | Md glaJchaNadeg cett 3 vihalidubbhanta* im oug and also 1 savibbhamavisaTTaneta , savivamavivighaTTitodhAta along margin, I viha- saTTaNettadeg corr to savidhamaM visaTTantaNetta lidubbhanta* Cu, K, Bo vihalidubbatta w,du savibbhamavisaTTaNetta K, Bo, Sc, I, So vihalidumbhantadeg Md vihaliduSTanta savibhamavisadRNetta w savidhamavisaTTaNetta I, vialiaduvaH // ta - | E savimbhamavisadaNetta Ma * gamaNaM Gu, K, Bo deggamanaM cett. 16 kandoTTa overlined and has dogada. bhaTTadAriaK bhaTTidAriAM ! bhaTTi- | along margin, IL dAri cett. avekSakha tAvattvarAvisaMskha ___17 rI for "rIa Bo, W, Sc only mAnavidhATator3atagamanAM bhartRdArikAm 18 "vipphArida K OfPITRE "viadd chaya, Se thAridadeg w "vityAridadeg cett sapremAnukampI Se, I, saharSa Mt sapre 19 aufa for ao fa 11, Bo, W, 12 only. mAnukampa cett 20 tA om. Bo only 'pratinivRtya I only 21 kiI, Bo,Ou, I, K, Ma kiME, W, Se. 8 mAmanu w, Se, I manu Bo nanu cett 22 tti I, Bo, Ou, I, R, Ma, E ti W, Sc 1 paryapasthApa0, paryupasthApa. K parya 23 himuhe for "bhimuhe E only vasthApa. cett 24 udhantAsi E bhantAsi , umbhantAsi 10 sahi for sahi sahi E only. Md, Mt, Mg garanfe Cu, Sc, I, afe 11 mathaNa : manthaNa. K mahaNa | surAsuramathanasamarthaM trailokyamaGgalaM tuGgajaya lakSmIlakSaNamimaM savidhamavilasannetranIlo12 degsamadhyaM : satyaM w 'samatthaM cett tpalazobhAbharanmusa vistAritane1 ttekhokka I, I tellokadeg K, E, Sc hasambhamA sarvadA'smatpurato varNayasi / tat lellokA telokkau tello Md kimiti vijayAbhimukha kumAre udbhAntAsi taHzeka. Bo. add chaya, Sc cett.
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________________ ACT II 20-21 siitaa| savakhaMtiasantAvakArI parasurAmo ti // raamH| priye svasthA satI nivartasva / AtaGkazramasAhasavyatikarotkampaH kSaNaM sAtA mnggairmugdhmdhuukpussprucibhilaavnnysaarairym| unnatastanapa kuDmalaguruzvAsAvabhusya te madhyasya bivalItaraGgakajuSo bhaGgaH priye mA ca bhUt // 21 // nepthye| bho bhoH pariskannAH kva rAmo dAzarathiH // striyaH / haddhI / so eva eso vAharadi // raamH| tasyAyamanarAlasAhasapracaNDakarmaNaH pratibhinnapuSkarAva10 takastanitamAMsalo vAnirghoSaH karNavivaramAyAyayati // iti parikAmati / sabaH W, Sc sadya I, saccaM E saca " Has () mark above each letter of Bo Et cett bho bho pariskannAH and adds along margin 2 orafy Cu, K, E, W, Md, Mt, Mg - ---- - - - Targetara: E Adds' Eunuchs' khattima. cett. along margin, w 3 santAvakArI ra santApArI w, | | 14 haddhI ra haddhI corr to haddhIra by dev , se salavAra , Ma degsantApakArI Cu haddhI om. E, Md, Mg haddhIra cett I, Bo, Cu, I. 10 eso eva eso I, K, Md so eva + parazuE, Sc parasudeg cett eso changed to eso so eva u sa eva * sadyaH kSatriyasantApakArI parazurAma eso E eNaM etya eso Bo, w, sc eNa fa add. chaya, Sc. echa eso I preyasi for priye Mt only 18 hAdhika enamatraiSa yAharati add antakadeg for AtaGka W only chaya, Sc 1 degsAdhvasa* for degsAhasa Mt only " manarAladeg changed to degmarAla. Cu kathaM for kSaNaM Mt only "manarAladeg changed to on e w kRpadma corr. 'to degkumbha u padma K | manargaladegF manarAladeg cett opao Mtograr cett 18 varmaNaH for degkarmaNaH E only ___10 bhugnyasya E bhayakha I, I glanasya 1 pratipanna for pratibhinna E only. Md, Mg bhumakha cett (+ Mt) 30 degmApyAyati I, Bo, Cu, E "mApyA11 jubo Bo luSo F juSo cett.. yayata W, Sc, IaE, Md mAsphAlayati 12 miE K ca cett. Mt 2789
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________________ 50 ACT II 22 sItA / kA gadI / dhanuSi dhArayantI / annauta Na dAva dumhehiM gantavaM jAva tAdo NAgachadi // sakhyaH / ucatidaM dANiM piaMsahIe rasantareNa lajjAluitaNam // rAmaH / svgtm| jitaM snehena / prakAzam / tarhi muvA dhanurgacchAmi // "nepathye / "bho bhoH pariskannA" ityAdi punaH paThati // siitaa| tado valAdeva dhAraissama // rAmaH / hnt| utsitasya tapaHparAkramanidherabhyAgamAdekataH satsaGgapriyatA ca vIrarabhasonmAdazca mAM karSataH / vaidehIparirambha eSa ca muhazcaitanyamAmIlaya nAnandI haricandanenduziziraH1 snigdho runnynytH||22|| 10 cett 1 jAva tAdo Cu, K, Ma jAva ttAdo jitaM K, E, Md, Mt, Mg jitaM jitaM I, Bo jAva dAdo E jAva tava tAdo | w jAva tava ttAdo Se, I 10 prakAzaM by rev along margin, Cu kA gtiH| Aryaputra na tAvabuSmAbhirga- ___11 punaH add Mt only. ntavyaM yAvattava tAto nAgacchati add chaya, ___12 tAdo Na gacchada sA add Mg only Sc. 13 degspandA for skannA Mt, Mg only __ubattidaM I, Ma ujvalittidaM corr to 1" valAdo for valAdeva Md, Mt, Mg only ujvalidaM u uccalidaME uchalida Bo| tato balAdeva dhArayiSyAmi add chaya, Se udhyADidaM w udghADidaM Se ughattidaM | 15 hanta E, K hanta2 cett I, Lacuna, K. 16 ca om E only * dANIMw dANI E dANiM cetta _11 rasomAdaca corr to rabhasonmAdaca o forego for furto Md only Cu THETETC# in olig; and also " sahie Se degsahIe cett. Foho In| tphAla by rev below it, w rabhasotpAbeginning with fty and ending with khaca K, Md rabhasonmAdazca cett. ( + Mt, pariskannAH kva rA (p 54, 1 II) missing, I | Mg) ' luttaNaM for "tuittaNaM E only ud- | 18 vaidehi for vaidehI* Bo only. ghATitamidAnIM priyasakhA rasAntaraNa | 10 "ziziraH Ou, K ziziradeg cett. sajjAlukham add. chaya, sc. | 20 snigdho in oug., and also svarNI by 8 eurai by lov along margin, Cu. rev, above it, W.
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________________ ACT II 23 51 sakhyaH / eso dippaMntadiNaarAloapecchijjantadehappahAparikkhevabhAsuraM jalantaM surNisidaM parasuM dhAraanto visahalaMbellahudavahasihAsahasmasandehiMdajaDA~bharo" sudUravikkhevAvivaviaMDorudaNDaNibharAbhighA~davihalAvidavasundharo parAgaMdI evaM so saala5 khatiamahArakkhaso // 1 raamH| ayaM sa bhRgunandanastribhuvanaikavIro muni rya eSa niyo mahAniva durAsadastejasAm / Md cett 'esa II, Ma eso Cu, K, T, Se eSa | 12 degkaThorakovAggapiGga lalilADavaTTaraBo sae E | DidabhiuDibhaGga - niSannama- "chabhIsaNadIpyanta* W only sarAsaNo add K only pechijjata for "pachijjanta* Bo, Se, 13 apparavikhevA for sudUravikkhevA Cu Md only only ___ + dehappahA "dehapahA. Bo, W, Se | "viaDou0 Se "viahora Cu "vi"deppahA. ou dehippahA. E pahA I, | aDora cett 15 NIbharANirbharA.w ofNa* Ong oufraea, but f omitted by To K ofura777deg Bo ofuato cett haste, ou degparisavevava* I, parikkheva0 10 degghAta* I, Bo, Cu, Md, Mt, Mg | Lacuna, K degghAdadeg cetta 'jalanta w jakSantaM corr to jalanta. 11 vichAvida : bhiyAtAvahalAniha. Cu jalantaM cett for degbhighAdavihalAvidadeg Bo vihalAvida _' sadiM: "NidaM corr to "zidaM , ofarz cett 18 varAdoga for parAgado Cu only 4 parisuMw parazuM se parasuM cett 10 jeba W, Sc, Md eva K, Cu, E, It, Bo ' lubbela* Cu, E, K degluDuvvelladeg I | 19 eSa dinakaralokaprakSiptadehaprabhAbhAsura lullela Bo degluduvvellaw luDhuvvella Se | jvalanta sunizitaM parazuM dhArayana visaGkhalubeladeg Md | khodellaGghatavahazikhAsahahmAsAtajAbhAraH 10 degsaMhidadeg I, Md, Mt, Mg degsAMhida | sudUravikSepAviddhavikaTorudaNDanirbharAbhiOu degsandehitaw degsandehidadeg cett dhAtavikampitavasundharo parAgata eva saka 11 jaDAmaro jarAmaro On degja-- | lakSatriyamahArAkSasaH add chaya, Sc, bhAro ra jaDAbharo cott 20 nivaho for nicayo Mt only. F2 cett
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________________ 5 10 15 52 ACT II 23-26 pratApatapasIriva vyatikaraH sphuranmUrtimAn pracaNDa iva piNDatAmupagatazca vIro rasaH // 23 // vim / puNyospi bhImakarmI nidhirvatAnAM cakAstyamitazaktiH / mUrtimabhirAmaghorAM vibhraMdivAtharvaNo nigamaH // 24 // ayaM hi kalpIpAyapraNayi dadhataH kAlarudrAnalAtvaM saMrabdhasya tripurajayino devadevasya timaH / brahmakhadmA nikhilabhuvanastomanirmantheyogyo rAzIbhUtaH pRthagiva samutthAya sAmarthya sAraH // 25 // vihasya' / aho svAcchandyavaiciSyamatrabhavataH / jyoti jvAlApracayajaTilaH sabidhate kuThArastUNIroM se vapuSi ca jaTAcApacIrAjinAni / pANau bANaH sphurati valayIbhUtalolAkSasUtre veSaH zobhAM vyatikaravatImugrazAntastanoti // 26 // priye gururayaM tadapasRtya kRtAvagunA bhava // 1 piNDitAo for piNDatA Eonly. 2 * gamaca corr. to *gataca W. savisAyaM 4 dhIra corr bhIma cett 6 om. Mt, Mg only. to vIra by rev " vibhramadivaro w vivadivA cett W vibhramadevA Se G kanyA for kalpA Se only 7 ziSyaH for tigma: Mt only. " nirbandha* for nirmantha* Mt only. 9 vihasya Ou, Mt, Mg, Bo only. 10 chanda Cu, E Lacuna, K cett 11 0mAryasya for *matrabhavata: Mt only 12 bhAti kaNThe fol sannidhatte Mt only 13 *chamba0 jarAdeg for jaTAdeg E only 14 0janAni for *jinAni Ou, Bo only. 15 * sUtra fo1 degsUce W only 18 0zAntyo" for *zAnta* Mt, Wonly. 17 * kueTana corr to kuNThanA Cu paTanA Md *guNThanA cett
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________________ 53 ACT II 27--28 sItA / har3I haddhI parAgaMdo evaM / aJjaliM baddhA / ajjauna paritAasu mam / piasAhasika pasIda // raamH| ayi priye| munirayamatha vIrastAdRzastatmiyaM me viramaMtu parikampaH kAMtare kSatriyAsi / jagati vitatakIrterpakarADUladoNaH __parisaraNasamartho rAghavaH kSatriyo'hama // 27 // tataH pravizati kruddhaH parazuraumaH / parazurA~maH / aho durAtmanaH ksstriybttornaatmjnytaa| 10 na bastaM yadi nAma bhUtakaruNAsantAnIntAtmana stena vyArujatA dhanurbhagavato devAd bhavAnIpateH / tatpuvastu madAndhatArakavadhAvizvasya datotsavaH skandaiH skanda iva priyo'hamathavA ziSyaH kathaM vismRtaH // 28 // 18 eSa me prazamasya karkazaiH prinnaamH| . 1 haddhI ong , and 2 by rev., Cu hadhdhi | land 12 parazurAmaH2 E, Md, Mt, Mg hatI2 cett. Orig parasurAmaH, and e by rev., Cu paraparAgado K, E, Bo parAgato cett. | zurAmaH cetta 3 Sre for Ve E only 18 degkaraNaH for "karaNA Bo only. 44 hA dhik / parAgata eva Aryaputra 14 sAntA for "zAntA. Cu only. paricAyakha mAM priyasAhasika prasIda add | dIzvarasya for vizvakha Bo only. chaya, Se 1 skanda I, Cu skanda corr. to khandaH * api II, Bo ayi cett. | w skanda: cetta vitaratu for viramatu E only. ___ // vismRtaH ra nazyatu Mt_Orig. text na 6 feet for at Mt only zrutaH, and also vismR above it by rev , I, tapasi for jagati Mt, Mg only. ma zrutaH cett. domiH for "doSNaH Bo only. 18 evaM ca add Mg only. deg degcaraNa for degsaraNa Mt, Mg only. 19 prazamadeg for prazamasya E only. 10 rAghava for rAghavaH E only. karkaza for karvazaH I, only.
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________________ 54 raamH| ACT II 29-31 yat kSatriyeSvapi punaH sthitamAdhipatyaM taireva samprati dhRtAni punardhanUMSi / unmAdyatAM bhujabalena mayApi kaSTaM mucchRGkhalAni caritAni punaH zrutAni // 29 // akalitatapastejovIryaprathimni yazonidhA vavitathamadAdhmAte roSAnmunAvabhidhAvati / abhinavadhanurvidyAdarpakSamAya ca karmaNe ___sphurati rabhasAt pANiH pAdopasaGgrahaNAya ca // 30 // ___10 kinvaviSayastAvadAcArasya / / jAma / bho bhoH pariskannAH ka rAmo dAzarathiH // rAmaH / ayamahaM bhoH / ita ito bhavAn // jaam| sAdhu rAjaputra sAdhu / satyamevAkaH khatvasi / anvithataH pramathanAya mamApi pI dAtmAnamarpayasi jAtivizuddhasavaH / gandhadipendrakalabhaH karikumbhakUTa kuTTAkapANikulizasya yathA mRgAreH // 31 // striyH| santaM pAvaM paMDihadamamaGgalam // 1 punardhanUMSi . caritAni om Bo | spandAH for "skannAH Mt, Mg only unmAyatA w, sc unmathatAM Mt9Folho se begins with mo dAzarathiHI, umAdyatA cetta 10 mayaM for "mahaM Ou only madena Cu, K valena cett. 11 mahAn for bhavAn E only + teSA* for kaSTa* Mt 1 yasmA0 for dapI. Mt only. 5 Farfor corr to Fafa Cu 13 opta for ofego Se, I, only. e fararti for Theta Mt only. 14 sataM Sc sAntaM Md santaM cett 7 kinta viSahyastA Bo only | 16 vaDi for paDi* I only. 8 jAma . . . bhavAna om w skannAH 18 zAntaM pApaM pratihatamamaGgalama add . . mahaMbho: om Bo chaya, Sc
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________________ 55 ACT II 32-38 jAma / nirvI / svagatam / ' ramaNIyaH kSatriyakumAra AsIt / caJcA"JcazikhaNDamaNDanamasau mugdhapragalbhaM zizu gambhIra ca manoharaM ca sahajazrIlakSma rUpaM dadhat / drAgdRSTo'pi haratyayaM mama manaH saundaryasArazriyA hantavyastu tathApi nAma dhigaho vIravratakrUratAm // 32 // prakAzamA prAgaprAptanizummazammavadhanuDhedhAkriyAvirbhavat krodhaMgreritabhImabhArgavabhujastammApaivicaH kSaNAt / sajvAlaH parazurbhavazithilastvatkaNThapIThAtithi ghunAnena jagatsu khaNDaparazurdevo haraH khyApyate // 33 // striyH| hahI" hddhii| pajjailido khu" eso // raamH| saMdhairyabahumAnakautukaM " nirvarNya / ayaM saH yaH kila purA sapari only 1 AH add E only | omitted, I, 'vabaddha Mt *parividdhaH Bo ramaNIya corr to ramaNIyaH, rama- | Torn, Ou paviddhaH cett NIya Md ramaNIyaH cett (+ Mt, Mg) 4 kSaNaM I, Bo, Md, Mg kSaNA I kSaNA maNDana Cu,K,Md,Mt,Mg pamaNDala, corr to kSaNaM u kSaNAta cett and above la by rev , W maNDa ladeg cett | ___ sadvAla: Sc, I, only 4 Ti for of W only. 16 orbhavatya. fon orbhavatva. E, Mt, Mg * DETT: for PTT Cu only. 6 TH om Md only " haddhI w, Se, I, E_Orig. haDDI, but Yoga for tao E only 2 also by dev , Cu havIra cett vihasya add. Mt only 18 pajjAlido Cu pajalido I pana9 prAptaH for prApta I only. lido w pacalido E pajjalido cett 10 ofaerie, and also faut above it, K 19 W, 1, Femd cett ( + Mt, ofer, and also fast above it by rev., Mg) W ofert Ma, Mg faut cett. ___20 so I, E, I esA Bo eso cett. 11 krodhA corr. to degkrodhaH w No chaya, Sc bhadra' for bhIma. Mg only. __21 saba for sadhairyabajadeg E only. 13 Ong ogfefferk:; but fae meant to be 22 vigafemi for opinga Mt only.
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________________ 56 ACT II 33 vArakArtikeyavijayAvarjitena bhagavatA nIlalohitena sahasraparivAsarauntevAsine tubhyaM prasAdIkRtaH prshuH|| __ sakhyaH / bhaTTidArie pela hiaabhariaurvamantavahumANo Ni kampadhIragaannaNeNa ohasai bhaavaMdo bhaggavaissa Aullambha 5 bhaittidaaro|| sItA savismayAnaM pazyati / ___ jAma / svgtm| AzcaryamAzcaryam / anya evAyaM prkaarH| kimapi caitadasaMvijJAtapadanibandhanaM mAhAtmyaM saujanyaM ca / saMrambhaigammIradhIrazca paurussaavssttmmH| prkaashm| auM dAzarathe sa evAyamAcAryapAdAnAM priyaH prshuH|| ___1 pAravAra* E parIvAra I -1 14 AuhalamaM I, K, Bo, Md, I, aurivAradeg cett halambhaM cou to auhatambhaM 0u AsAdo * vartitena fou vajitena Se only uvalambhaM w AsAdo uhavalambhaM Sc so28 paripari for pari0 u vAlambhaM E 3 vatsarAntentevA* for degvatsarAntevA. ___1 bhaTTadArao Cu, K bhaTTidArio Bo W, Sc only. bharizachArio E bhaTTidArI cett bhartR* parazuH om E only dArike na khalu hRdayabharitodamabahumAgo bhaTTa for bhaTTi Ou, K, E only. niSkampadhIraguruletIpahA. bhagavataH para'pekkhara Ma, Mt, Mg gAkhu Sa Nokhu zobhagavatsakAzAdupalabha bhaTTAraka: add. Sc pekkha cetta chaya, Sc ' degucharantadeg Bo degvubvamanta* W gucca- ___16 savismaya for savismayAnaM Mt only. rantaH uccarantara uccarantadeg corr 17 AzcaryamAzcaryama om Mt only to degubamanta* Cu degubvamantadeg cett. 18 degdasaMvijJAna I, I, Md davijJAna degmANe for "mANo w only. Cu, K ozefastao W, Sc opifani* "Nikampa pa* I, "Nikkampa | pana Bo degdAjJAta E 19 mAhAtmyadeg for mAhAtmyaM I only 10 "gurufor deggarudeg E only. _20 nisarga* for saMrabha Mt only. 11 zrohasaha Bo, Md ohasai in ong , and 22 deggambhIradhIraM ca Cu gambhIraza also upahasate along margin, I, uhisada | Mt gambhIradhIrasva. E gambhIradhIraH K Cu uvahasara jahasaha K, Sc zrIha- gambhIradhIra cett. sahI w zrIhasaI 23 Ama II, K, Sc, I AH rAmaE AM 12 vado Ou, K, E, Bo vI cett. Md Ama Cu rAma w ama Bo 7 bhagavassa for bhaggavasta E, W, Sc only | 4 degSAdAnAM and dhArA above it, Bo cette
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________________ 57 jaam| ACT II 34-35 skhyH| khaNaM osantassa via AlAvo // astra prayogakhuralIkalahe gaNAnAM sainyairvRto'pi jita eva mayA kumaarH| 5 etAvatApi parirabhya dhRtaprasAdaH prAdAdimaM priyaguNo bhagavAna gururme // 34 // rAmaH / svagatam / kathametAvatApItyAha / aho garvagauravasyAbhogaH // prkaashm| atazca bhagavana divApRthivyorvitataste vIravAdaH / yenaiva khaNDaparazubhagavAna pracaNDa__ zcaNDIpatistribhuvaneSu guruH prarUDhaH / tenaiva tArakariporvijayArjitena dIptiM gatA parazurAma iti dhrutiste // 35 // kiJca / 15 utpatirjamadagnitaH sa bhagavAna devaH pinAkI gurura vIrya yanu na tadgirAM pathi na vyaktaM hi tat karmabhiH / 10 Sc. 1ja I, Se tu u tU Bo una] vasya bhogaH K vastra bhAgaH I, o Md I, Lacuna, K Om E | degvasyAbhoga: cett satassa w sattassa Sc tuTussa E 10 tatazca bhagavana E atazca bhagavana om santassa cett Mt_Read atazca bhagavana cetta kSaNamukusata vAlApa: add chaya, | " divaHspRthivyorvi : divaH pRthivyau vi* w yAvApRthivyarvi* Mt, Mg divaH+ senyai for sainyai Bo only. pRthivyovi. cett. [zrutideg cett _' kRta* Mt vatadeg co11. to dhutadeg 0 1 stuti ra stuti" cour to ati. Cu dhRtadeg cett 18 yattava tagirAmanapartha for yattu na 8 prasAdaM for "prasAda: Mg only tagirAM pathi Md, Mg only 7 tAvatyavajJApI* for "tAvatApI* Md, nanu vyaktaM Cu, K, Mt, Mg 'na' tayaktaM Mg only | w na tayuktaM Bo na tayaktaM cett gardai for garva. E only. ___15vata for tat Cu only.
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________________ 58 ACT II 36-38 tyAgaH saptasamudramudritamahIniyAjadAnAvadhiH satyabrahmataponidherbhagavataH kiM vA na lokottaram // 36 // sakhyaH / jANAdi mahAbhAo garuMaramaNijja mantidum // jaam| rAma rAma nayanAbhirAmatAmAzayasya sadIM samuhahan / aprata_guNarAmaNIyakaH sarvathaiva hRdayaGgamo'si me // 37 // api c| heravadantamusalollikhitaikabhitti ___ vakSo vizAkhavizikhavaNalAJchitaM me| romAJcakaJcakitamadbhutavIralAbhAt ___ satyaM bravImi parirrabyumivechati tvAm // 3 // skhyH| bhaiTTidArie pekkha bhaTTiko sohaggam / tumaM khaM NicaparammuMhI azANaaM vaJcasi // sItA sAnaM vizvasiti // ___10 Cu cett 1 degmaho for degmahI* Sc, I only. | 1 bhaTTa for bhaTTi Bo, E only, satyaM Mg kSatra* Mt satyadeg cett. only. Folio 18 tapo om E only. beginning with TT TETT and ending 4 for for at K only. with priyazcataso ha (p. 62, 1. 4-5) missing, OHT for HTET Sc only 6 og for 7787deg W, Sc, I, only 17 K, E, Sc Om. Md, Mt, Mg 'jAnAti mahAbhAgo gurutvaramaNIyaM | Afagh add chaya, Sc __-18 Nicca pa0w, se Nitapa0 E Nicapa 8 TT# add Md only. cett samuddharana for samudahana Bo only. 10 ati ca om. Mt only. 11 degmuzalo. K, Md muzalo. corr. to 20 atANaw attANaME attANa Fucito Ou Jhetto cett. ( + Mt, Mg). cett 12 aNadeg for 'vraNa Bo only. vaJcaasi K vaJcasi I, I, vazcasi 18 sAJchanaM for deglAJchitaM E only cett. bhartRdArike pazya bhartuH saubhAgyam / vaM " hRdaye parirabbumicche fon parirabbumi-kha nityaM parAmakhyAtmAnaM vaJcayasi add vecchati khAM Mt only. chaya, Se 1 mukhI , "mahI cha muhI cett
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________________ ACT II 39-40 rAmaH / bhagavan parirambhaNamiti prastutapratIpametat // skhyH| dhIramasiNo arttaNo mAhappasohido se viNa // " jAma | svagatam / aho paraguNotkarSa pariNAmagrAhi saujanyapUrtamantaHkaraNamasya rAjanyapotasya' / pAramArthikavinayadurvibhAvatvaMti5 nipuNabuddhigrAhyo mahAnahaGkAraH / aprAkRtasya caritAtizayasya bhAvairatyadbhutairmama hRtasya tathApyanAsthA / ko'pyeSa vIrazizukAkRtiraprameyamAhAtmyasArasamudAyamayaiH padArthaH // 39 // 10 Azcairyam / sambhAvyamiSTaM bhuvanAbhayadAnaipuNyasammAramasya vapuraca hi visphuranti / lakSmIzca sAvika guNajvalitaM ca tejo dharmazva mAnavijayau ca parAkramazca // 40 // 1 bhagavan om Md, Mt, Mg only etat Md, M te'rthe viparItametat Mg prastutapratIpametat cett 4 fast pariNAmagrAhi Mt aho guNapaprastu- |raguNotkarSatatve'pi tatvapariNAmagrAhi Mg 58 tamantaHkaraNa. caritA om. E atto om. K only mAhappa0 I 1, Ma mAhaSya K, Bo mahAyya W mAhayya' mAhApya E, Sc Ig 4 dhIramasRNa Atmano mAhAtmyazobhiase fan: add chaya, Sc " aho guNaparaguNotkarSatve pariNAma - grAhi I1, Ig Md aho svaguNaparaguNotkapariNAhi w aho svaguNaparaguNotkarSapariNAmagrAhi Sc aho paraguNotkarSaparikhAmagrAhi K As K, but grAhI E aho guNotkarSapariNAmacAhi Bo paraguNotka - only 6 No stop, K, W only 7 * bhAvastuti 1 *bhAvAstvati Sc *bhAvyastvati * Mt *bhAvastvati cett ( + Ma, Mg) 8 zayaiH sa bhAvaiH for ozayasya bhAve: K only 9 59 hRtasya I1, K, Bo hi tasya cett *mayapadeg for *mayaH pa0 Eonly 1" ki for Azcarya Mt Azcarya om Mg 10 12 Azcarya cett saptadeg for ofmiSTao Mt only 13 * puNyadAnao for dAnapuNya E only
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________________ 60 ACT II 41-42 ayaM hi| trAtuM lokAniva pariNataH kAryavAnastravedaH kSAMtro dharmaH zrita iva tanuM brahmakozasya gulai / sAmAnAmiva samudayaH saJcayo vA guNAnA mAvirbhUyaM sthita iva jagatpuNyanirmANarAziH // 41 // prakAzam / he bhavatyaH pravizatviyaM vadhUrabhyantarameva // rAmaH / svgtm| evameva // nepththe| sIrathvajo dhanuSpANirita evAbhivartate / 10 gautamazca zatAnando janakAnAM purohitaH // 42 // sakhyaH / bhaTTidArie parAgado evaM tAdo / ehi abbhantaraM pavisa mha // siitaa| svgtm| bhavadi sAmasirie eso de aJjalI // iti nikrAntAH striyaH // 1 ahaM hi corr. to ayaM hi Bo punH| 13 abbhantaraM I, Md amlataraM Sc svagataM Mg ayaM hi cett, abhantaraM w ablattaraM I anantaraM Bo 2 lokAni ca for lokAniva Bo only. | abantaraM ra antara : 3 parimitaH corr. to pariNataH by orng _14 bhartRdArike parAgata eva tAtaH / ehyascube, Bo. i ufaglae: add chaya, Sc. * kAyamasya Bo kAmavANAstra. Md 18 bhavadi , bhavadi K, Bo, Md ateratura cett ( + Mt, Mg). bhaavadI E bhaavidi w avaadi Se, I, yo for kSAtro I, only. 16 saGggAma* I, W, Sc, I saGgAmA dharma for dharmaH F only K, E, Ma saMvarta corr to saGggAma. sAmarthA* for sAmA* II only. by ong scribe, Bo. dAyaH for "dayaH W, I, only. 17 siri w, se "siddhIe E sirie 9 onfe for 03 feelo E only, cett. 10 rantaradeg for "rabhyantara* B only. 18 esA for eso Md, Mt, Mg only. 11 bhaTTa" for mATTa K, E, W only. 18 bhagaviti saDAmazri eSa taJjali12 for V E only. | riti niSkrAntA: add. chaya, Sc.
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________________ ACT II 43-44 jaam|| sa eSa rAjA janako manISI purohitenAGgirasena guptaH / AdityaziSyaH kila yAjJavalkyo yasmai munibrahma paraM vivave // 43 // savRtta eSaH / tathApi tu kSatriya iti ziraHzUlamutkopayati // tataH pravizaMtaH sambhrAntau janakazatAnandau / zatA / rAjana kimatra yuktam // jana / bhagavana / ' 10 RSirayamatithizcediSTaraH pAdyamarya tadanu ca madhuparkaH kalyatAM zrotriyAya / atha" tu ripurakasmAd heSTi naH puvabhANDe tadiha nayavihIne kArmukasyAdhikAraH // 44 // iti parikrAmataH / 15 raamH| tat kimiti bASpAyitaM bhagavaMtA // 1 pramISI for manISI E only 10 degmadyaM for "mayaM 4 only. * yuktaH for guptaH E only 11 kalpyatAM K, Mt, Mg kalpyatA E 3 sadRza for sadRtta Mt only kalpatA cett. *tu om w only 1 atha nu W, So, I, adhama Mt atha 'mutkopayati I, E, Bo, I, "mutko- tu cett parati Md mutkampayati w, Sc, Mi, Mg M. M 13 TUS for HTMt only "mutpAdayati K. 14 iti parikAmataH om Md only pravizataH om. W, Se, I, 18 "mityati I, Bo, w, Sc, I, Mg cano bhavet add E only miti cette banabhagavan om E only 18 bhagavatA K bhavavAta in text and L kimanyat add. Mt, Mg only along margin, E HOT cett
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________________ 62 ACT II 45-46 jAma / na kiJcit / sambhUyevaM sukhAni cetasi paraM bhUmAnamAtanvate yatrAlokapathAvatAriNi ratiM prastauti netrotsavaH / sa tvaM nUtana eva kaGkaNadharaH zrImAna priyazcetaso hantavyaH paribhUta vAna gurumiti prAgeva dUyAmahe // 45 // rAmaH / bhArgava jJAyate' mAmanukampasa iti // jaam| are kimuta bAto'si / amRtAdhmAtajImUtasnigdhasaMhananasya te / kuThAraH kambukaNThasya kaSTaM kaNThe patiSpati // 46 // 10 raamH| "satyameva karuNayA pratikSipto'si // jAma / aaH| "mayyeva (kuTidharaH sNvRttH| are" kSatriyaDimma vaM kila zizurnavavadhUTikApariyaha ityapUrvamupatapyate'smAbhiH / only 1 kintu add Mt, Mg etat add K | 12 kaNTha Sc, I, kaNTha con to kaNThe w kaNThe cetta 2 yaiva w, sc jyeha yeva cett 13 AH add Mt, Mg only 3 yatra loka for yacAloka I, only paricito'si I, pratikSipto'si Bo, * nabotsavaH corr to tatrotsavaH ne-E, w, Se, I, Cu (corn fr bASiptosi) vAtsavaH Md, Mt, Mg netrotsava: cett pratikSiptAsi Ma prakSipto'si Mg A5 zrIrAmAna for zrImAna Bo only. kSipto'si ra pratikSipto'smi Mt * Foluo 19 begins with ntavyaH paribhUta- 1B ki add Md, Mt, Mg only vAn Cu 16 zagreto Mg ugfeo Cu, E, K, B. rUpeNa add Mt only bhRkuTi I, W, Se, Md bhRkuri* I jAma. om E only. "kSare add I, only aye for are Bo only 18 kiJjala for kila I only. 10 degmuta cAto I, K, Se, Md muta 19 deggrahaH sundaraH Mt deggrahasundaraH Mg jAto corr. to muta casto cu muta casto graha cetta w mRta bhrAnto Bo, B, I muddhAnto Mt | 20 iti pUrva* Mt ityApUrvaH ityapUrva 11 oferi foz oferet Bo only. I cett.
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________________ 68 ACT II 47-49 suprasiddhaH pravAdo'yamitiheti ca gIyate / jAmadagnyaH svayaM rAmo mAturmUdhInamAcchinat // 47 // api ca re muuddh| utkRtyotkRtya garbhAnapi zakalayataH kSatrasantAnaroSA5 duddAmasyaikaviMzatyavadhi vidhamataH sarvato rAjavaMzyAn / pithaM tadraktapUrNahRdasavanamahAnandamandAyamAnaM krodhAgniM kurvato me na khalu na viditaH sarvabhUtaiH svbhaavH||4|| rAmaH / nRzaMsatA hi nAma tatra purussNdossH| tatra kA viktynaa|| jaam| "A" kSatriyabaTo / ati nAma prglbhse| ___10 prahara namatu" cApaM prAkprahArapriyo'haM mayi tu kRtanipAte kiM vidathyAt pareNa / dhagiti vitatavAdagArabhAsvatkuThAra pravighaTitakaThoraskandhabandhaH kabandhaH // 49 // 1 "siddha pra* for "siddhaH pradeg E only 1 nRzaM add Bo only ? Mana Mg ofafa com afa 14 nirbhaya for aaH Mg only 7) Bo ofafaefa cett 15 atIva Mt ati hi Mg ati cett care mUDha . .. rAjavaMzyAna om Bo 1 namatu corr to namaya by lev, W namaya api ca re mUDha om K api ca re mUDha | Md namatuya K namatu cett ( + Mt, Mg) by rev along margin, Cu As in text, cett 17 atqo for YTO E only. 4 og To corr to oTTATdeg Cu 18 nyaM corr. to deghaM Cu deg muddAntasya Md, Mg muddAtasya I, __19 nirghAta B. nipAte E, w, Se "muddAmasya cett muddAmakhairakRtyA jhaTiti nipota I nighAta cetta fon degmuddAmasyaikaviMzatyavadhi Mt 20 degdayA con to degdayAH Cu 'dayA 6 degvaMzAna for degvaMzvAna E only gdadhyAt Bo, W, Mt 'dadhyA: cett kAparNa , pUrma: Md, Mt, Mg sacireNa for pareNa Mt only tapUrNatadeg W, Sc degktapUrNa* cetta 22 dhagiti vigata* I, Bo, E, Md dhigimanda only for "mahAnanda Bo only vinata in text and ga above na by rev, 9 degmAna* for degmAnaM Md, Mt, Mg | u dhigiti vigata I, Mg dhigiti vi10 krodhAni E krodhAH Md, Mt, Mg krodhAhi cett. tatadeg Sc dhagiti vitatadeg K, W vitara " tAvat for nAma taca E only. jhaTiti Mt. pratio for pravi0 Md only. puruSasvabhAva. for puruSa Mt only,
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________________ 64 ACT II 50 janakazatAnandau / vAsa rAmabhadra visabdhaM tAvadAsva // raamH| kaSTamanujJAnApekSaH saMvRtto'smi // jAma / api sukhamAgiraMsa // zatA / vizeSatastvadarzanAt / api ca / 5 vaM naH pUjyatamo'tithiryadi punaH sajjAtitheyA vayam / ____ jAma / purodhaH / sucaritavRttaH zrotriyo gRhamedhI yAjJavalkyaziyaH / teca sarva yujyate / kintu nAhamAtithyakAmaH // zatA / kanyAntaHpuramakramAta pravizatA sandUSitA naH sthitiH / jAma / araNyavAsI brAhmaNo'hamanabhijJaH prmeshvrgRhaacaarsy|| 10 raamH| zobhata eva dattabhuvanaikadakSiNasya saamntessvhngkaarotyaaNsH|| jn| pApaM vAJchasi karma rAghavazizAvasmAsanA kthm| pravizva knyckii| devyaH kaGkaNamocanAya militA rAjanvaraH prethatAm // 50 // jnkshtaanndau| vatsa rAmabhadra zvazrUjanastvAmAiyati / tad gamyatAm 1 nAma for rAmabhadra E only 10 tadana for tatra Mg only 2 degbdhaH Mt 'bdhaE degbdhaM cett 11 degtA na E, Md, Mt, Mg tAnta: Mt mabhyanucaH Mg mavajJAnApekSaH | tAna: cett manujJAnApekSa: cetta 1" AraNya. for araNya. Md, Mt, Mg TE: corr to "T# W only na for na E only 19 deggrahAdeg for deggRhA. Se, I, only 'tunaH I, Bo, E nuna: Cu, I, nutaH / ___14 bhana for "bhata Cu, K, W, Sc W, Sc 15 mantAha for degmanteSvahadeg Md, Mt, Mg puna: K, Md tataH Mt ' sabhyAtitheyA w satyAtitheyA Se | sajjAvidhayA Mt sajjAtitheyA cetta 10 prasaH, prasa:-corr. to "tyAsaH Cu amI for vayaM Mg only tyAsaME pAzaH I prAsa: cett. Substitutes for this whole speech 7 vIkSasi for vAJchasi w, Se only. khaM rAvastu purohito hi gRhamedhI yAjJava- 18 degsama for degsanAthe E only. lkAH svayaM ziSyo bhUpatiratra yuktamakhilaM | 1 kAkI in ong , and 2 by rev , ou kinvami nAtidhyadhIH Mt. | kadhukI cett. 15 | only
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________________ 5 ACT II 50 rAmaH / bhagavan jAmadagnya / evamAdizanti guravaH // nAma | do' doSaH / kriyatAM lokadharmaH / pazyantu ca tvAM ' jJAtayaH / kintu na ciraM janamadeSvAraNya kAstiSThanti / gantukAmo 'smi / ato na kAlaH prarikSetavyaH // 10 nAiyataH " // rAmaH / evam // pravizya sumantraH / bhagavantau vasiSThavizvAmitrau bhavataH sabhArgavA - 3 itre"| kva bhagavantau // sum.*| mahArAjadazarathasyAntike // 6 15 rAmaH | guruvacanAd gacchAmaH // 1 ko doSaH om Mg only 2 ca om Md, Mt, Mg only tvA Bo 16 // " dvitIyo'GkaH tvAM om E tvAM cett Cu sumantraH cett 4 jJAtavyaH for jJAtayaH W only * joSaM add. Mt only deg iti niSkrAntaH add Mt, Mg only. 7 sumantraH orig; but 2 also by rev ' bhavantau for bhagavantau W only. ' vaziSTha Cu, E, Sc, I, vasiSThao all cett // 65 iti niSkrAntAH sarve // 10 11 iti add W, Sc only 12 jA re W jAma* re So iti re, bhagavataH for bhavataH Bo, E only itare cett 13 bhavantau for bhagavantau W only 14 suma0 om Eonly. 25 itare for rAma: Mt, Mg only. 10 parazurAma saMvAdo add I, Bo, Cc, Ig parazurAma saMvAdo nAma add W, E, Ma only.
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________________ 5 66 cett 'tataH pravizato' vasiSThavizvAmitrau jAmadagnyazatAnandau ca // vasiSThavizvAmitrau / jAmadagnya iSTApUrtavidheH sapatnazamanAtpreyAn maghonaH sakhA yena dyauriva vajriNA vasumatI vIreNa rAjanvatI / yasyaite vayamayataH kimaparaM vaMzazca vaivasvataH 1 zrIzaM vande begins only 2 upaviSTau add Mt, Mg only 3 vaziSTha0 K, E, Bo, E, Sc, I, vasiSTha0 ACT III 1--2 4 mo'yaM tvAM tanayaipriyaH pariNato rAjA svayaM yAcate // 1 // tad vIra" virama" zuSkakalahAt / idaM tvastu / sajJeyate vatsatarI sarpiSyannaM ca pacyate / zrayi zrocayagRhAnAgato'si juSasva naH // 2 // jAmadagnyazatAnandau ca om. Wonly 5 vaziSTha Sc, Ig viziSTha E vasiSTha0 cett. * vasiSThaH only for vasiSThavizvAmicau K, vasiSTha: in ong and vizvAmitrau along margin by rev., Cu afastararfait cett 7 jAmadagnyaM prati W, Ma, Mt, Mg jAmadagnya cett # bhayo naH for maghonaH Bo only. 9 10 vaMzas for vizvasya Mt only tanayaH for tanayapriyaH Bo only 11 svayaM K svayaM corr to bhayaM Cu zamaM bhayaM by rev along margin Se bhayaM Mt cett 12 vIra 13 om W, Se, Ig only virama 2 for virama Mt only 14 saMjJapyate cori to saMjJApyate Ou saMjJApyate K, W, Se saJjApyate Ig saMjJAyate cett 15 sarpiSAnaM E sarpiSa only fo1 sarpiSyannaM ca Bo sarpiSyannaM cett 16 " the calf is killed, Along maigin the rice boiled,' W 17 zrotriya con to zrotriyaH Cu zrIciya K, Se zrotriyaH om Ig zrotriyaH cett 18 *grahA I2 grahAdeg corr to *gRhAdeg Sc 'gRhA cett
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________________ ___67 ACT III 3-4 jaamdgnyH| aba vo vijJApayAmi kiM na kSame / yadi rAmaH prakRSTa vIryo na syAt pazyantu bhvntH| rAmaH karmabhiradbhutaiH zizurapi khyAtastato bhArgavaH __kasmAt prApya tiraskUiyAmasahano'pyasyAditi prastute / 5 ko vidyAd gurugauravAditi bhavej' jJAtApi vaktA puna na vevAsti yAsthitasya sulabhaveSaM hi vIravratam // 3 // api c| yazasi niravakAze vizvataH zvetaimAne kathamapi vacanIyaM prAya ytkinycidev| 10 kRtavitatirakasmAt prAkRtairutamAnAM viramati na kathaJcit kazmalA kiMvadantI // 4 // vsisstthH| ayi" vAsa" kimanayA yaavjjiivmaayudhpishaacikyaa| zrotriyo'si jAmadagnya / pUtaM bhajasva panthAnamAraNyakazcAsi / 1 kiM nu II, On kiM tu Bo, T, St, I, | bhavejJAtodegw bhavejjAtA I bhavejjAMd kituE kinna K to sc bhavet jJAtA ra vinayakSamo'yaM for kiM na kSame yadi tathAvidhaca for yathAsthitasya Mt only Mt only api ca om W, Mt, Ms only 3 kSameta for kSame K only 10 khetamAre corr to zvetamAne Cu svatatasmAt Mt only mAne I, cetamAne Bo, Mt khelamAne E 5 degpyasmAditi for "pyasthAditi Ma, Mt, | skhe - - - - - zvetamAne cett Mg only ___11 ayi ,, Ou, I, Mt, Mg, E ayi "vindyAd Se, Ma vIryAd Mt dadyAd | om w api K, Bo, Sc, Ma. Mg fant corr to farane w faar | 12 bhArgava for vatsa E only cett. 18 bhUtaM K bhUta corr to pUtaM Cu pUtaM 'bhave jJAtA* I, E bhave jAtA. cori | cett to bhavet jJAtA bhavejJAtA* Bo, Md | " panthAna parazurAmAraNyaka. Bo only.
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________________ 68 tat' pracinu cittaprasAdanIzcatasro maitryAdibhAvanAH / prasIdatu hi te vizokA' jyotiSmatI nAma' ciMtavRttiH samApayatu parazuM ca / tatprasAdajamRtambharIbhidhAnamabahiH sAdhanopA~dhe yasa vIrthasAmarthyamapavivivo parAgamUrjasvalamantajrjyotiSo darzanaM" prajJAnamabhisa5mbhavati / tayAcaritavyaM brAhmaNena tarati " yena mRtyuM" pApmAnam / anyatra cAbhiniviSTo'si / pazya " pariSadiyamRSINAmeSa" vRddho yudhAjit saha nRpatiramAtyairlomapAdazca vRddhaH / ACT III 4 1 tat paricinu I1, Mg tat pravicinu E vatsatarImanu Mt tat pracinu cett 2 citta K, Bo, W, Sc, Mg citta by rev along margin, Cu OmI1,E, Ig. Md * nAzcatasro w, So * nIyacatasro E, Ig nIcatasro cett 4 6 nAma om Md only 7 citta om. Mt yogadeg for citta Mg fa cett. 8 samApayatu parazuzca I, I2 samApayatu parazuzca corr to zamamupayAtu parazuzca Cu samApayatu parazuM ca Bo, E, Sc, K, Ma samApayatu parazutvaM w samApayatu parazuM ca om Mt, Mg 9 sAdadeg in orig and ja by rev. along Cu *sAdadeg only E *sAdaja0 margin, cett. 10 Along margin Ratambhara a kind of Prajnana, this is Vandika', w 11 deg mavehideg for degmabahi: Md, Mt only 12 *padheyao Bo *pAdheya corr to *pAdheyaM Cu oudhavaM E *pAdheya cett 18 of so om Md only 14 pratyAsIdati for prasIdatu Mt, Mg only darzanasamprajJAna 5 prasphuratu ca add Eonly darzanaM prajJAna I1, Bo, Sc, I2, W, Ma darzanam / prajJAna Cu K darzanam / yataH prajJAna Mt prajJAnamamisambhavati om Mg C 15 tadyAcari tadvyacario Ma tathyamAcario Mt tadadhyAcari * Mg taddhyAcari0 cett. 18 taranti w, Sc tarate Bo tarati yena Cu, Ig tarati cett om 17 mRtyu0 E, Sc, I, mRtyu corr to mRtyuM Ou mRtyuM cett ' World' by rev. above mRtyuM w 18 19 pazya 2 for pazya Mt only. *matra vIro, for degmeSa vRddho Mt only
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________________ 69 ACT III 58 ayamaviratayajJo brahmavAdI purANaH prabhurapi janakAnAmagRho yAcakAMste // 5 // jAma / evametat / kintu zatrumUlamanukhAya na punardraSTumutsahe / yambakaM devamAcAryamAcAryAnI cadeg pArvatIm // 6 // vizvAmitraH / yadi guruSvanurudhyase ceyasva mAmapi tataH / kiJca hiraNyagIdRSayo babhUvu_"vasiSThabhRgvagirasastrayo ye / yo'yaM vasiSTho bhRgunandanasva___"mayaM hi tasyAGgirasaH prapautraH // 7 // jaam| prAyazcittaM cariSyAmi pUjyAnAM vo vyatikramAt / na vevaM dUSayiSyAmi zastrayahamahAvratam // 6 // 16 tathA hi| yato vimukterapi mAnarakSaNaM priyaM nisarge tathA ca pazya me| 1 degcArI for degvAdI Mt only janakAnAmadya vo : janakAnAmaGga hai | w, so janakAnAmadraho cett 3 are for a Bo only + Foll 21 and 22 beginning with kaM deva. and ending with vaToH kSatri (p 75, 1_14) | are missing, Cu yANI K, E, W yAnI cett 'tu corr to ca sc vizvAmitra: om Mt only. 1 cintayakha W, Sc only. tataM I, I, taH Bo tataH cett 10 kiJcit for kiJca Mg only 11 vaziSTha E only 12 pi for ye Md only. 13 vaziSTho K, E only 14 meSo for "mayaM E only 15 kheva for khevaM K only 16 tathA hi om. E only. 17 visargeNa E only 18 yasya for pazya E only.
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________________ 5 70 10 vizvA | svagatam / sampUjitaM hi mAhAtmyamuniraMnyaH pade pade / api mamavidho vAcaH satyaM vismAyayanti mAm // 10 // jAma' / api ca bhagavan kuzikanandana / brahmaikatAnamanaso hi vasiSThamizrAstvaM brUhi vIracariteSu guruH purANaH / vaMze vizuddhimati yena bhRgorjanitvA zastraM gRhItamatha tasya yardaca yuktama // 11 // ACT III 9-13 sanAbhayo yUyamayaM ca' karkazaH zarAsana jyAkiNa lAJchano bhujaH // 9 // vasi | svagatam / kAmaM guNairmahAneSa prakRtyA punarAsuraH / utkarSAt sarvatovRtteH sarvakAraM hi ddaSyati // 12 // vizvA / vatsa etad bravImi / 15 ekaivyaktyaparAdhako pavikRtastvaM kSatrajAterapi prAgAdhananiranvayapramathanAducchedamevAkaroH / saptAdhi viprazukrajamapi kSatraM " tadevoDaran vRddhaiH "svaiSyavanAdibhirniyamitaH krodhAdyaraMsIriti // 13 // 1 10 caom E, Bo only 2 degsane for *sana Bo only 3 * muniranti W, Sc only marmavidho Ww, Sc, Ig marmavidhe E mamIvidho cett. vismAyayanti I 1 Ig faar - yanti E, Bo, W, Sc, Ma romAJcayanti Mt, Mg. 6 ca om E, Bo only 7 All read afarge. 8 vizuddha0 coir. to E, Sc, I2 vizuddhio cett vizuddhiow vizuddha0 9 kimatra for yadatra Mt only. 10 neSa: Eonly 11 12 ekaH zaktya for ekavyaktyadeg E only dhAradeg for odhAna* I1, Mg only 13 cisaptAdeg Sc, Ig only 14 tadevojarata Bo I tadaivoddhRtaM Mt tadevoddhRtaM Mg tadevoJcaran cett 15 taio for svaio Bo, Ma, Mt, Mg only
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________________ 71 ACT III 14-15 jAma / vyaraMsiSameva pitRvadhaprayuktAt kSatravadhamahAdhikArAt / kimatra nihvH| parazurazanikhaNDaH kSatrAMtaM vihAya priyamapi samididhmavazcanaH kiM na jAtaH / nibhRtavizikhadaMSTrazcApadaNDo'pi dhatte vigalitaviSavaH sAmyamAzIviSasya // 14 // 'evaM mayA niyamitazcavanAdivAkyaiH kopAnalazca parazuzca punaryathA taiH / "kAlena pArthivakulaiH kakubho maha~gi dagdhotthitairiva vargahanAH kriyante // 15 // "nimitAntarAtu zIrSachedyo rAma iti / athedAnIm etasya rAghavazizoH kRtacApalasya lUtvA ziro mayi vanAya punaH prayAte / Pett 1 4: for free: E only 10 at changed to a I, Md, Mg * SaNDaH Se, I, caNDa: Mt khaNDaH | tAH / etau Mt etA: K : Bo, w, Sc, I 3 sUtaM fou degghAtaM Mt only 1 For these last two lines of the verse * daMSTraH zvApadedro w, Se only. are substituted devasya samprati dhanurmathanena prazamita for vigalita* Mt only satyamutthApitI raghusutena tathA prasahya by viSaya. for viSa E only Mt only Cett as in text, excepting K, for which see 12 and 13 below mAzIviSasya Bo "mAzIviSaya corn | " samantAda fon mahadbhir K only degmAzIrviSasya by rev, W "mAzIviSaya ___13 gaihanIkriyante for "hanAH kriyante Yett. K only [only. api ca add. K only 14 This whole piose line omitted by Mt 9 Wda for WthA Mt only. ekasya fon etasya Mt only.
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________________ ACT III 16-18 svasthAzcirAya raghavo janakAMzca santu mA bhUta punarvata kathaJcidatiprasaGgaH // 16 // shtaanndH| AH zaktirasti kasyacid videharAjasya rAjarSeyaryAjyasya me preyasazchAyAmayavaskanditum / kimaGga jAmAtaram / vayamiha yathA gRhyo vahistathaiva ciraM sthitAH sucaritagurustambhAdhAre gRhe gRhamedhinaH / yadi paribhavastavAnyasmAdupaiti dhigastu naH priyamapi tato dhig bAla~NyaM dhigaGgirasaH kulam // 17 // vishvaa| sAdhu vatsa gautama saadhu| kRtakRtya eSa rAjA sIradhvaja10 " svayA purohiten| na tasya "rASTra vyathate na pazyati na jiiryti| tvaM vidvAna brAhmaNo yasya rauSTragopaH purohitaH // 1 // jAma / gautama vayeva "bahubhiH kSabiyapurohitairbrahmatejasA 1 svasthA sthirAya E only. ___12 medhinAM Mt, Mg only janakapramukhAzca for janakAca E only. 13 na E tat Mt, Mg naH all cett. 3rvataH iyaM for vrata kathaM Bo only. | " brahmaNyaM Md, Mt, Mg only * AH om I], w, SC, I, Md, Mt, Mg ___15 tvayA purohitena om Md only khayA only. purohite-jaa|| for vayA purohitana 6 ore for offer W only E only kasya vA for kasyacid Mt only ___16 rASTra K, Md rAjyaM I, Bo, E, w, videharAjarSe for videharAjakha rAja- | Sc, I, "gopta only for rASTragopaH E only avayasaH for me preyasaH Mt only me 18 tvayaiva E, w, Sc, Mt, Mg vayeva jyapreyasaH for me preyasaH K only. | cett.. ' jyAmava* for degyAmapyava* Md only | 19 bahubhiH om. Mt only. 10 punaH add. Mt only devasya dhanurmathanena 20 ciya om. Md only. satvaM add. Mg only. 4 purohitena Mt purohita, purohita 11 grat Mg only I, purohitair cett. * K only.
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________________ ACT III 19 'sphuritamAsIt / kintu prAkRtAni tejAMsyaprAkRte' jyotiSi prazamyanti // zatA / sakrodham / 'are anaDuna / niraparAdharAjanyakulakardanamahApAtakina / aziSTavikRtaceSTa" / bIbhatsakarmana" / apUrva5 pArSaNDa / kANDIra / kANDapRSTha / kathamasyAmapi dizi pragalbhase / nanu ca re tvamasi "kiM brAhmaNa eva / aho mahAbrAhmaNasyAcAraH / mAtureva zirazchedo garbhANAM caapkrtnm| rAjJAM" ca savanasthAnAM brahmahatyAsamo vadhaH // 19 // jaam| AH svastivAcanika duSTa / sAmantapurohita / api 10 ca* re ahalyAyAH putra / ahaM tava kANDapRSThaH // ___1 spharitadeg Bo phuritadeg 11 sphuritadeg | Added along mangan syAtkANThavAMstu kAK sphuritadeg cett NDIra ityamaraH / kANDaH sAyakaH / sAyakaH 3 kRtana jyotiSA E only prakaraH kANDaH kaGkapatra 3 sakrodham om Mt only. kozAntarAt / zastrAjIva kANDapRSThAyudhi* are re anaGkana puruSAdhama Mt are yAyudhikAH samA ityamaraH by Se puruSAdhama anaDvana Mg are are anaDvana 5 kiM vA Bo kimapi Mt kiM only 1, are anaDvana cetta cett 'rAjanya K, Mt 'rAjadeg cetta __1B mahAn W, Se mahA om at mahA dahana* for kadana E only ' A stop added after degkadana Md only. 16 cApi kartanam for cApakartanam E only. * A stop added here, I, K, E only | 17 rAjJA E only A stop added here, Bo, Md only. _18 svastivAcanika om Md, Mg only 10 A stop added here, Bo, Md only 1 niSTa add Mt only 11 A stop added here, cett 20 duSTa K, E, Md, Mg duSTa om. Mt 11 pAkhaNDIra Bo pAkhaNDa ra pA- duSTa2 11, Bo, W, Sch In paNDa cett za sAtyanta for sAmanta* E only. 18 kANDIrapRSTha for kANDapRSTha Md only | 2 cAre for ca re w only cett.
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________________ ng 74 ACT III 20-21 'zatA' / AH ' duSTa' 'durmukha / bhRguprasavapAMsana / rAjAno guravazcaite mahimnaiva mahAkSamAH / kSamantAM nAma na tvevaM zatAnandaH kSamiSyate // 20 // 1 iti kamaNDalUdakenopaspRzati // basiM. / kaH ko'tra bhoH / prasAdyatAM prasAdyatAmayaM dharvicanirdhUta ivAgniH praNIta pRSadAjyAbhighAraghoraistanUnapAt samidhyamAnadArubrahmavarcasajyotirAGgirasaH // zatAdeg / sasaMrambham / zApodakaM gRhItvA / bho" bhoH sabhAsadaH / pazyantu bhavantaH / Ig 1 zatA 2 8 sakrodhaH prasabhamahaM parAbhighAtAdudbhUya drutataramAtatAyinaM vaH / utpAtakSubhitamarudvimAno vajAgnirdumamiva bhasmasAtkaromi // 21 // 5 na tvevaM om. (verse 20, b) A: om. W, Sc only. duSTha om. Eonly 4 durAtman add Mt only. prasavAsana for prasavapAMsana E only * 0Syati for degSyate Mt only. " vaziSTha: E, So vasiSTha: all cett, but Mt which reads nepathye instead. 8 Only one prasAdyatAM Eonly. * dhavinna changed to dhuvicao Sc cavitra pitR* Mt dhavitrao I1, K, Bo, W, Ig Md. 10 vAKi vAmiH om. Mt, Mg vAgni: ceft. 11 abhipraNItao for praNIta Mt, Mg only. 12 ghora om. Eonly. 13 Only one bho: Bo, Eonly. 14 sakrodhao for sakrodha: Mt only. 15 prasabhamahattarAbhidhAnAdeg prasabhamahaM na bhighAtA in orig, and parA above na by rev w prasabhamahaM ntarAbhighAtA I prasamamahaM parAbhighAtAdeg cett. 16 *dudbhUta* Mg deg dunUtaM Sc dunUya cett. 17 dvighavyamAno I, Ig Md dvipadyamA - mo E * dviSadyamAno Bo * dviSajyamAno W, Sc (Sc marks Sajya and has ghanya along margin) dvidyamAno K.
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________________ 5 10 ACT III 22-23 nepathye / prasIda bhagavan / gRhAnupagate prazAmyatu durAsadaM tapastejaH / jadazarathaH / anyacca / 1 prasIdatu for prazAmyatu Mt only. 2 durAsadaM om Mt only. zlAghyo 'guNairdvijavarazca nijazca bandhustasmin gRhAnupagate sadRzaM kimetat / vidvAnapi pracalitastu yadeSa mArgIt kSAtraM hi tatra vijayAya zamaM bhaja' tvam // 22 // varsi0 / zApodakamapaharana / vatsa zatAnanda / yathAha sambandhI mahArA gaNai Ig only 4 prabalitadeg Mt only. 5 mArce for mArgIt Bo only. cacaM W kAntaM Bo 7 bhajadhvaM for bhaja tvaM W only. 8 vazie for vasi* E only. ' *mapi harana E only. 10 kamapi E only 6 yatkalyANaM kimapi manasA tadvayaM vartayAma svaM jAbAliprabhRtisahitaH " zAntimadhyagni kuryAH / jetuM jaitrAnatha khalu japan " sUktasAmAnuvAkAn 16 asmacchiSyaiH saha sa bhagavAn vAmadevo vRNotu // 23 // 17 " pariSvajya niSkrAmayati // jAmadeg / pazyata" vaToH kSatriyAvaiSTabdhasya garjitAni / tat ki 11 * for svaM Eonly. cAtraM cett 12 * mahita: Md only 13 mabhyagni W only. 14 japat W, K apa Ig2 yaju: Bo japan I1, Sc, Md 15 16 75 20 jayat E *vaktAo for *vAkA E only. gRhNAtu for vRNotu Bo, W, Se only. 17 zatAnandaH add. Mt only. 18 niSkrAmati E, Md, Mg niSkrAnta: Mt niSkrAmayati cett 19 pazya for pazyata Mt only Folio 23 begins with yAvaSTabdhasya Cu.
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________________ ACT III 24-25 mnen| bho bhoH kosalezvaravidehaprasAdopajIvino brAhmaNAH saptakulaparvatahIpagocarAzca sarvakSatriyAH vadAmaH / tapo vA zastraM vA vyapadizati yaH kazcidiha vaH ___sa dapIduddAmaviSamasahamAnaH kalaMyatu / arAmAM niHsIradhvajadazarathIkRtya jagatI matRptastankulyAnapi parazurAmaH zamayati // 24 // nepthye| bhArgava ati hi nAmAvalipyase // jAma / asUyati nAmAyamasmadavalepAya janakaH saMrabdhazca // pravizva jnkH| __10 zatrudhvaMsAtpariNativazad gRtantrapradhAne nairantayaryAdatha ca paramabrahmatatlopalambhAt / kSatriM tejo vijayi sahajaM yaDyaraMsIdidaM tat pratyudbhUya tvarayati punaH karmaNe kArmukaM naH // 25 // __ 1 kozalezvara Bo, Ou, K kosalezvara hi om. E only 1, w, Sc, I, Mg kausalezvara E ko-10 janakaca E only. zalezvara* Md kosaladeg only Mt. 1 gRhyaM tantrapradhAne Bo gRhyatantrapradhAnair 1 "videhopa0 Md, Mg videhezvaraprasA- | w, K gRhyaM taM tatra pradhAna Se gRhyatacadopa. Mt videhaprasAdopa* cett pradhAne I, gRhyatantrapradhAne cetta catriyAdhArAH for sarvakSatriyAH Mt 12 tattvo . corr to "tantro0 // tantro only. Bo, E, W, Ma tatro Sc, I tatvo . + vadAmaH om. Mt only | I, K, Mt, Mg vyavaharati for vyapadizati Mt only. 13 kSatraM II only. ' 'mAnA for degmAnaH w only. 'savalayatu for kalayatu I, E, La, Md, | 14 vijayati for vijayi Bo only Mt, Mg only. 15 yadyaraM* Bo yahyaraM / yadhvaraMdeg E 8 bhArgava , w, Sc, I, bhArgava corn | yavaraMdeg cett. to bhArgavara by rev. Cu bhArgava cett. 16 kArmukasya for kArmukaM naH Bo only
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________________ 77 ACT III 26-27 jAma / bho jnk| vaM brahmaNyaH kila pariNatazcAsi dharmeNa yukta stvAM vedAnteSvacarama' RSiH sUryaziSyaH zazasa / ityAcArAdasi yadi mayA prazrayeNopajuSTa statti "mohAdaviditabhayaH karkazAni bravISi // 26 // jn| aNDabhedanaM kriyate prazrayazceti' / zRNuta bhoH sabhAsadaH / bhagovaMze jAtastapasi ca kilAyaM0 sthita iti dviSatyayasmAbhizciramiha titikSaiva hi kRtaa| yadA bhUyobhUyastRNavadavadhUnotyanibhRta stadA vipre'yasminnamatu dhanuranyAsti na gatiH // 27 // jAma / srosshaasaacpm| kimAttha bhoH kimAtya dhanuriti / "aashcrym| kSavAlokAbhitahutabhukprasphuliGgATTahAsaM hAsyaH 535 bapi ripuziraHzINazA~taM kutthaarm| 14 saam| __1 vacaramamRSiH Md, Mg Svaramata | 10 kilAvasthita K only guruH Mt Svacarama RSiH cett ___11 yathA for yadA Mt only zazaMsa Mg only 12 OFIUT for OFTET Mt only : mohAdeg in the orig , and roSA above | 1 ravyAhatagati K evyAhatagati and 'it by rev., Cu mohAdeg K. Mt roSA cett | | also nyAsti na along margin by rev, Cu + bhayAt K bhayAt corr. to degbhayaH nyAsti na gati : cett. Cu bhayaH cetta 14 wet add Mt, Mg only 'karkaza prabravISi for karkazAni bravISi | 1 hAsyaiH Bo, W, Sc dhRSTaH (a probable Md only Two lines beginning with | correction from hAsyaH ) Cu hAsyaH cett. karkazAni and ending with nibhRtastadA vi 16 ripu om E only (verse 27 below) greatly injured, Cu ___11 zANa. Mt, Mg, Bo zAna. K 'aNDa I, K, I. Md acaE antra W, Se aM Bo antradeg changed to aca Ou. | orng, and zA along margin, so degsthAna 7 oa for a fa Bo only IT, E, W, I, Md 8 HT WT: for at: Cu, K only. ____18 zItaM K zAntaM E, Bo, Md, Mg 9 bhUtadeg for jAta* Mt only / zAtaM cett
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________________ 78 ACT III 28-31 dattotsekaH pralapati mayA yAjJavalkyAnurodhA nmithyAdhmAtaH kimapi jarasA jarjaraH kSatrabandhuH // 28 // jana / svigm| kimatra bhunaa| jyAjiyA valaMyitotkaTakoTidaMSTra mudgArighoraghanaghargharaghoSametat / pAsaprasaktahasadantakavaktRyantrajambhAviDambivikaTodaramastu cApam // 29 // iti dhanurAropayati // virama narapate kathaM vije'smi nvirtyjnyvitiirnngoshsrH| tava palitanirantaraH pRSakaM __ spRzati purANadhanurdharasya pANiH // 30 // jana / sakhe mahArAja dazaratha / asmAnadhikSipatu nAma na kiJcidetat kasya vije paruSavAdini cittabhadeH / . vatsasya maGgalaviruddhamayaM tu pApaH karNe raTana" kuTu" kathaM nu vaTurviSayaH // 31 // nepdhye| 10 15 1 rajasA for jarasA I], w, In only | 10 dhanurasya for dhanurdharasya E only ' savegam E, I, only 11 asmAnavikSipatu Bo assAmadhikSepatu 3 kimalamantra for kimatra E only |E asmAnadhikSipatu cett + valayitvo for valayitodeg Sc, I only | 12 na om Bo only 5 degkoSTi* for degkori* E only * *ghargharadeg E degghurghara Mt degghargharadeg cett 18 Folio 24 beginning with water and 'dhanurAropayate Bo dhanuHzarAropayati | ending with gurI vasiSTha (p 82, verse 39 F dhanurAropayati cett below) missing, Cu kathaJcid for kathaM w only * kaTu om Bo only nirantara ra nirantaraH , nairantaraH | 15 nu I, K, Bo, w tu E, Md na Sc Bo famat: cett / nu om I2
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________________ 79 5 ACT III 32-33 jAma / 'AH durAtman "kSatriyApasada vaTurityadhiMkSipasi / uttiSThotiSTha yAvadvizakalitayakRllomavakSoruhAntra__snAyugranthyasthizukravyatikaritajaratkandharAdantakaNThaH / mUrdhacchedAdudaJcahaladhamanizirArataDiNDIrapiNDa prAyaHprAgbhAraporaM pazumiva parazuH parvazastvAM zRNotu // 32 // pravizvAntare dshrthH| bho bhArgava / eSa" no narapatiryathA sthitaH18 ___1"svaM zarIramapi na sthitaM tthaa| tatra vAkparibhavaiH kRtervayaM sarvathaiva nanu duHkhamAsmahe // 33 // 10 1 AH om K only ___10 TantakaNThaH K, E, Se, I, dattakaNThaH kSatri om I, only I, Bo, Md dattakhaNDa: W, Mg 3 pazada I, Md pasada cett (+ Mt, | 11 zirA K, E, W, Sc, I sirA. Mg) cett + bahudeg for vaTa II only ___ 12 sakta Mg datta Mt rakta cett 5 tyavidhipasi for tyadhikSipasi Sch, 13 prAyaprAgbhArapora K, Md prAgbhAI, only rAdadya ghoraH E prAyAsRgdhArapora Mt yavalomavakSodukAntraH I, Kh. As | prAyaH prAgbhAraporaM cetta I], but has lacuna for tlo Bo degsaka- 14 zastAM E only cett. lomavakSorukAtta E gyavalomavakSoru- 15 zRNotu E, I kSiNotu Mt zRNAtu kAnva. corr. to degyavahakomavakSorukAntra Sc 16 bho bhArgava2 II, Md, Mg bho bho yakRtallomavakSolakAntra. and raha with | bhArgava bhArgava Mt bho bhArgava cett the (P) mark along margin by rev., w 17 eva for eSa I, only yakRSTakomavakSodukAnu I yakRtlomava- 18 sthitaM Mg only soDukAntra Mg vya yakR vazokAntra | torakAntra | 19 svazarIra fon svaM zarIra E only 20 na om E only nAsthitaM Mt na - snAyurgha* w, se degspAyugra. Bo To Be ferd all others. snAyugradeg cett ___21 vAkyAvibhavaH E only 8 degzukla ra zalyadeg Mt. "zukradeg cett | 29 kRtairalaM Md, Mg only 9 jagatka. fo1 degjaratkadeg E only 23 B for nanu Bo only Md
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________________ 80 ACT III 34-35 'jAma / tataH kim| daza / tatazca na kSamyate // jAma / vamayaparaH prabhaviSNuriva mAmavaskandayasi / cetayasva nityaniravagrahaH prakRtyaiva rAmo'smi jAmadagnyaH kSatriyazca bhvaan|| ' dsh| ataH khalu nopekSyase / durdAntAnAM damanavidhayaH kSatriyeSvAyartanne _durdAntastvaM vayamapi ca te kSatriyAH zAsitAraH / sadyaH zAnto bhava kimaparaM damyase sau'dhunaiva kva brahmANaH prazamanaparAH kSabadhArya va cAsnara // 34 // 0 jAma / vihasya / cirasya khalu kAlasya jAmadagnyaH sanAtho vartate yasya yUyaM kSatriyA rAjAno vinetAraH // dsh| are kimatra kAcid bhraantiH| "ajJo vA "yadi vA viparyayagato" jJAne'tha sandehabhRd dRSTAdRSTavirodhi karma kurute yastasya gotA guruH / nissandehaviparyaye sati punAne viruddhakriya rAjA cetpuruSaM na zAsti tadayaM prAptaH prajAviplavaH // 35 // _1 For this and the next line : daza / AjJA Mt aho E ajJo cett jA // tataH kiM tatazca kSamyatAm E only 10 yadi vA om Bo only.. naH Bo na I, w, Se, Md. na om 11 gatajJAno'tha Mt gato, but om K, E, I | jJAne'tha ... sati punar (verse 350) I 3 kSamyatAm K, E kSamyate cett. gato jJAne'tha cett. 4 fer om Bo only __12 kRd for degbhRd Mt only jAma for jAmadagnya, but afterwards 13 dRSTvA dRSTaM E dRSTa (dRSTA om) Bo dRSTAdRSTa. cetta struck out by rev., W only 14 viparyayaiH Sc viparyathai w "viparyaye __ pekSase Bo only ' vApatante Sc, Md only 15 ofta Sc only. s its yo Md, Mg anyo Mt itse 10 ofae E, Sc only | 17 prAtaH for prAptaH Md only. cett cett
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________________ ACT III 36-38 81 vizvA / yuktamAha bho' mahArAjaH / anutpannaM jJAnaM yadi 'yadi ca sandehavidhuraM viparyastaM vA syAt paricara vasiSThasya caraNau / dhruvaM jJAne doSaH kathamaparaSA durvyavahRti vizuddhau cet pApaM carasi na sahanane nRpatayaH // 36 // jaam| dharme brahmaNi kArmuke' ca bhagavAnIzo hi me zAsitA sarvakSapanibarhaNasya vinayaM kuryuH kathaM ksstriyaaH| sambandhastu vasiSThamizraviSaye mAnyo jarAyAM na tu spardhAyAmadhikaH samava tapasA jJAnena' cAnyo'sti "me // 37 // vasi / bhRguprasavAta parAjaya iti priyaM naH / kiM tu" khalu" 19 asmAbhireva pAlyasya prazastatvAtmiyasya nH| asmadgRhe purANasya pazyAcArasya viplavam // 3 // 10 1 asau for bho K only "viSayo for "viSaye K only. rAja I, Ma, Mt, Mg only. " tu II, E, Bo, W, Md nanu K, SC, I. 8 ufc om Bo, I, only. "jJAne ca nAnyo for jJAnena cAnyo Md, + ca add E only It, Ig only. kauzika add Mt, Mg only 16 a: for #Mt, Mg only 'adharma for dharme Bo only "parAbhava for parAjaya E only 'brAhmaNa for brahmaNi Mt only. "tu K, E, W, Md nuI, Bo, Sc, I. 4 kArmuka for kArmuke Bo only khalu om. Mt only "si for hi Mt only. "bAma / sopAlazrama add Mg only 10 nivahaNe vinayanaM for nibarhaNasya vinayaM| 20ca for naH K only. K only. vahe w gahe E, I he cett 11 sambandhakha for sambandhastu E only. * cAraviladeg W only. 2789
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________________ 82 ACT III 39-41 'jnkdshrthvishvaamitraaH| anArya nimaryAda / jagatsanAtanagurau vasiSThe'pi niraGkuzaH / vyAladvipa ivAsmAbhirUpakramyaiva damyase // 39 // jAma / evmvdhuuto'smi| antaryabhareNa vRddhavacanAtsampIDya piNDIkRto hRnmAzritazalyavatparidaihanmanyuzciraM yaH sthitaH / "sphUrjatyeSa sa eva samprati mama nyakkArabhinnasthiteH kalpApAyamarupakIrNapayasaH sindhorivauvInalaH // 40 // diSTyA / nikAraH prApto'yaM jvalati parazunyuriva me ___ pRthivyAM rAjAno dazarathabaile sanyupahitAH / punahAviMzo'pi prakupitakRtAntotsavakarazcirAt kSatrasyAstu pralaya iva ghoraH parimaraH // 41 // ___10 1 This hne and verse 39 om Md only | eva Cu, E, K eSa cett 5 vaziSThe Sc, I only 10 sthitaH E only 3 Folio 25 begins with fa face u: Cu 11 kalyANAya for kalyApAya. Md, Mt, + mirupAkramyaiva Mt bhirapAkramyaiva | Mg only Mg bhirapakramyaiva K bhirapakramyaiva corr. ___12 degmahat for "maruta Bo only. to "bhiH parikramyaiva Cu bhirapakramyaiva cett | 13 kiM 'va add I only. pariharan for paridahana Mt ouly nikAra prA. K, Bo vikAra prA. Mt ya sthitaH I, Ou manmayaH Se yaH nikAraH prA. cett. sthitaH cett. 13 degkule santyuparatAH for degbale santyupahi' sphurjA, sUrja* ou sUrjA, sphUrja | tAH Mt only. cett. | 16 parimaraH I, parimadaH Mt paribhavaH tyeSa 0u, K tyeva cett | Bo parisaraH cett.
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________________ 88 ACT III 42-43 vsi| kaSTaM bhoH kssttm| kAmaM hi naH svajana eSa tathApi dapod ghoraM vyavasyati kathaM nu' bhavedavadhyaH / sandUSitena ca mayA 'sakRdIkSitazced vatsasya bhArgavazizorduritaM hi tasyAt // 42 // "vizvA / abrahmavarcasamivAmmasyazastrasAmarthyamare jAmadagnya mnyse| brahmakSavasamAjamAkSipasi yavatse ca ghorAzaya __stenAtikramaNena duHkhayasi naH pAlyo'si smbndhtH| 10 "atastvAM prati kopanasya taralaH zApodakaM dakSiNaH prAksaMskAravazena cA~pamitaraH pANirmamAnviyate // 43 // jAma / nanu bhoH kaushik| vaM brahmavarcasadhairo yadi vartamAno yahA svajAtisamayena dhanurdharaH syaaH| 1 vazi* Se, I, dazarathaH Mc vasi | bhazitazastra Mg "miva dhazitadeg Mt degmicett vAmasyazastra.K [Mg only tu K, E nu cett. __deg degmarthya jIvalokamivAre for "marthamare ' bhavet sa vadhyaH for bhavedavadhyaH E only | 10 naH pAlyo'pi Mt nAlpo'si Bo + savadIkSi. Mt Lacuna K muhurI- | naH pAlyo'si cetta for cett 11 AtastvAM I, Md astvAM Bo, I, " rduhitara for rduritaM E only. | atastvA corr to antastvAM w yAntastvAM " na syAt for tatsyAt Md only corn to antastvA Cu antastvAM E, Sc 7 vizvA. om Cu only AstAM for AtastvAM K 8 "mivAmbhasyAzastra I mivAmbhasya- 12 cAyamitaraH I, I, pApamitaH Bo zAstra. corn to ofvAtA zastra. Cu | cApamitaraH cetta "nirAlApatA B mivAmbhasyAzastra. 13 degSyate corr. to degSyati cu degSyati E, Sc, I, Orig ofAqTERSTEL, but Bo, W, Sc, I,, Mg oppa I, K, Md. bhisthas struck out and stambhita substituted | 14 degvarI corn to degdharo u degdhano Mt by lev, w mivAmbhasya zastra. Ma "miva | degdharo cett. 62
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________________ ACT III 44-47 ugreNa bhostava tapastapasA dahAmi pakSAMntare tu sadazaM parazuH karotu // 44 // nepathye / ayamahaM bhoH kauzikAntevAsI rAmaH praNamya vijJA pyaami| __ paulastyavijayodAmakArtavIryArjunaviSam / jetAraM kSatravIryasya vijayeyaM namo'stu vaH // 45 // "dsh| 'prApto rAmabhadraH / kathaM hi nAmaitat // jn| hanta bhoH prazastam / anujAnIta / vijayatAM raambhdrH| ayaM vinetA danAnAmeSa vIro jgtptiH| ___ 10 ___ vayaM vasiSThadhaureyAH sarve pratibhuvo'tra vaH // 46 // 18dsh| nanvadyaiva prathitayazasAmUDharakSAvratAnAM yAjyAnAM vo guNavati gRhe rAmabhadraH sujAtaH / jJAnajyotiHparigatabhavadbhUtabhavyAH prabhAvaM ____ "yamANaH "kamapi zizuke'pyaca saMvedayante // 47 // 15 1 pakSAntareNa Mt pakSAntare ca Mg | 11 vazi0 for vasi0 So, I, only. pakSAntare tu cett 18 trayaH fon ca vaH w only 2 yonmatta for degyoddAma K only. 13 dazadeg om K, E dazadeg by rev along 3 "drahaM for "dviSaM Md only margin, Cu Tocett * kSatravIryaskha Cu, Mt, Mg kSAtravIryasya | ___14 bhadraH stu. 1 bhadraH sudeg corr to K kArtikeyasya cett jetAraM... vijayeyaM bhadrastu Cu bhadraH su K, E, Bo, Mt om Bo bhadrastu W, Sc, I, Md. vijayAya for vijayeyaM Mt only. 16 bhavyaprabhAvo for bhavyAH prabhAvaM Mt banaka: for daza Mg only. only. kathaM add. Mt only 1 yaha changed to yaM bra* u yada 8 vizvA* for janadeg Mt, Mg only. cett 7 manujAnIta Ou, E, K degmabhyanujAnIta ___7 kimapi Mt, Mg only. cett. [cett 10 degnAM maya Bo nAmaka* Mt nAmeSa 18 sambhAvayanti Mt only
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________________ ACT III 48 jAma / ehi / manye rAjaputra jAmadagnyaM vijeSyase / sasmitam / na hi vijeyase / durdamo hi reNukApurvasvadantakaH / tathA hi samprati kRtakSatriyakaNThakandarasaratkIlAlanivApita pratyudbhUtazikhAkarAlahutabhugjhaGkAribhiArgaNaiH / etabasmarakAlarudrakavalavyApAramabhyasyatu brahmastamvanikuJjapuJjitaghanajyAghoSaghoraM dhanuH // 4 // // iti niSkrAntAH sarve // ||"tRtiiyo'ngkH|| 1 sasmito I, only. deg Foho 26 beginning with pita . . . na hi vijeSyase om Cu only and ending with sAnu 3 durmado E only paplavA (p 89, 1 1) missing, Cu.. * reNukeyasva0 for reNukAputrastva E only | 10 gajhaGkAri T, Se, II gjhaGkArie B After putraH adds krUrakI by rev , Cu E, K, Mg ghuGkAri* Md kAra only hi add Bo only [only | 7917deg I, E , Sc TTdeg cett | Bo nahIkAri* I, * kandarasaritadeg Cu degkandavigalat Md, | " sasRSTA nAma add I, Bo, W, Sc, I, Mg kandarasarata cetta | Md bhavabhUtiviracite add. E only.
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________________ 86 ACT IV 1 1 nepathye / bho bho vaimAnikAH / pravartyannAM maGgalAni / kRzAzvAntevAsI jayati bhagavAna kauzikamuniH sahasrAMzorvaze jagati jayati ksstrmdhunaa| vinetA kSavArejagadabhayadAnavratadharaH zaraNyo lokAnAM dinakarakulendurvijayate // 1 // a tataH pravizataH samdhAntau vimAnena zUrpaNakhAmAlyavantau / maalyvaan| vatse 'dRSTasvayA divaukasAmekAyanIbhAvo yadindrAdayaH svato vanditvamupaMgatAH // "shuurpnnkhaa| Na hi tumhehiM NirUvidaM visaMvadai / sampadaM ca 10 ukkampida mhi / tA kiM etya karaNijjam // maakhy| yA~sau rAjJA dazarathena prAkpratizrutavarahayA rAjJI bharatamAtA kaikeyI tasyA mantharA nAma paricArikA dazarathasya 1 Begins zrIzaM vande E only / tato Bo ca svato E svato cett. 5 nepathye om_E, Md only 'Indra | 10 degmupAgatAH E, w mabhyupAgatAH K speaks' along margin by rev, W mupagatA: cetta 3 pravartyantAm K, E, Bo pravartyantAmra 11 sUrpa* K, Md zUrpa0 cett ( + Mt, Mg) cett 12 for fe W, Sc only ___ rvize I only _13 tamhehi Bo, E, I, tumhahiM cett. dhanaH I, Bo, Mt, Mg dhAraH I 14 degsaMvadaha I, E, Md degsaMvadvA w 'dharaH K, E, W, Sc, Md saMvadavA sc degsaMvadaddha 1, saMvadadra K 3 iti cUlikA add Mt only. saMva only Bo OM sUrpaNakhA ra zUrpanakhA E, Md zUrpa- 1B mpiaK mpida cett NakhA cett. ( + Mt, Mg). ___18 yo'sau E only 'vRSTa' for dRSTa* W only 17 dvayI Bo dvaya Md yA cett 8 "mekAyatanIbhAvaH K, Mt "mekAyana-(+ Mt, Mg) HI9: cett 18 TYT for TRT Mt only
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________________ 87 ACT IV 1 vAtAhAriNI mithilAmayodhyAyAH sampreSitA mithilopakaNThe vartata iti sampratyeva me niveditaM cArakaiH / tasyAstvayA zarIramAvizya evamevaM ca* kartavyam // iti karNe kathayati // __ "zUrpa0 / kiM maNadha karissadi evaM NAma ti // 5 mAlya / bhidyetaM no savRttamikSvAkugRheSu vizeSatastAdRzasya vijigISoH // "shuurpH| tado kim // mAlya / tato'nena yogAcAranyAyena sudUramAkRSya rakSasAmaGkamupanItasya vindhyakAntAreSvadezajJasya vicarataH sukarANyavaskanda10 nAni syuH / virAdhadanukabandhaprabhRtayo hi daNDakAraNyasabeSu tI kSNAzcarithanti / zakyA" hi "luptaprabhuzakterutsAhazakti chadmanA 1 hAriNI om Bo only 10 sU. K, W, I, zU0 cette mithilAnAma w mithilamadeg Bol tata etena for tato'nena w, Sc only. mathilAma : mithilAmadeg cett 12 rakSasAkamu Bo rakSasAmantikamu w, 3 cAraiH K only Sc rakSasAmaGkamudeg cetta Tom E only _13 lakSmaNa sahAyasya rAmasya rAkSasakha sU. for zU. Md only. add. Mg only. . kiM mamaya K kiM makhadha Md kimaH 14 sukarakAyA* for sukarA Mg only madha I, kimaNadha Bo kimaddhaM E kima 15 saciSa w, Sc. Lacuna E saceSu sAdhA kimu sAdhamA W, Sc cett ' evaM Bo, Md, E evaM cett (+ Mt, | 16 zakyo Ma zaktA Mt, Mg zaDyA Mg) | I zakyA cett TNAmeti all Mss. 8 bhidyate Bo only. _17 luptaprabhuzaktizcha* Md luptaprabhuzaktaradeg sattimi0 d sakkavRttami* Mt, Mg | tsAhazaktiM ca chadeg Mt, Mg luptaprabhuzaktarasadRttamideg cett. | tsAhazaktipachadeg cete
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________________ ACT IV 2 bhisandhAtum / 'anivartanIyazca rAvaNasya sItAsvIkArayaMhaH / sa caivamIpatkaraH saprayojanazceti // 'zUrpa / aha lakkhaNasahAataNe vi' kiM paoaNam // 10mAlyA 5 1vIro'strapAragazcinyo yathA rAmastathaiva saH / chadradaNDaprayogastu yathaikasmiMstathA dvayoH // 2 // pUrNa / mama "dudhe eva edaM Na jutaM pddibhaadi| jaM ca " dUradvidassa dAsarahiNo samidhANakaraNaM jaM ca aNAvaddhavarassa appaDisamAdheaM ityAvara ti // 10 maaly| sa tAvad bhUmyAnantaryataH pratyAsanna eva / sAnucarasu cett cett ___ 1 mabhisandadhAtuma Se degmabhisandagatum | ___12 brahma in orig, chadma by rev., along Bo degmAnAtu, Mt degmabhisandhAtum margin, w. cett 13 sU. K, I, Md only - anuvarta Md, Mt, Mg anivartadeg cett14 dunaM ebara dudipi Bo du dilaM 3 pariyahaH for "grahaH Sc only eba cett sU0 for pU. K, Md only. 15 hAdi Ma, Mt, Mg bhAdi cett sakkha Na* K, E, Md, Mt, Mg lakhaNadeg 16 ca om. K only 11 dUravidassa w, Se, I rAhata ___ mahAattaNe Sc, I, 'mahAattaNe cour to degsahAattaNe w sAhAata : degsahA- 18 dAzaradeg Md, Mt, Mg only attaNe cett. 19 THT for WUT E only 'viK pi cett. 20 appaDisamAdhayaM w apaDisamAdhar 8 pi add II, w, Sc, I, Bo, Md, Mt, E appaDisamAdhe cett... Mg (but not K, E). __ itthaM A w, I, itthaM A corr. to patrItraNam I, K, Bo pioNama ityaM ISe itthiA cetta w, Sc, I, sonA paDoaNam 22 bhUmAnantaryataH E bhUmyAM vartayataH Sc Md bhUmyAM vartayataH corr. to bhUmyAM vartate yataH w 10 mAya" om. I, only. bhUmyAnantaryataH I, K, Bo, I, Md 1vIro'sva.I, K, Md vIrAstra. Bo, 23 sAnucaraH w, Sc, Md, Mt, Mg sAnuw, Se, I, vIracaE. | caradeg cett.
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________________ 5 10 ACT IV 35 ndopasundaputropaplavAt ' tATakAriH kathamanIbaDavairaH / apratividheyaM ca rAmarAvaNayoritarathApi vairam / pazya' / 6 1 putraupamardaka: w putropamardaka: So *putropalavAt cett pAlyaM tasya jagaddayaM tu' jagato nityaM haThAMdezinaH sAmaivaM sati kIdgapriyakRtA zazva viruddhAtmanA / kAnarthIn raghunandano mRgayate devaiH patiryo vRtastasmAddAnamapIha nAsti na bhidA tasyaiSavaH sAdhanam // 3 // "na daNDo'pyadhike zatrau na prakAzaH prakAzate / tUSNIndaNDastu kartavyastasya cAyamupakramaH // 4 // tathA sati sItApahArataH kimaparaM kuryAt / kiJca" / hRtajInirarAtibhiH salajjo 12 yadi " mRtyoH zaraNaM " gato'nyathApi " | mRdito mRta eva niSpratApaH paritapyAyathavA ghaTeta sandhau // 5 // 3 2 ca add Mt, Mg only tATakAdeg W, Sc, Mt, Mg tADakA tasyeSavaH cett I1, K, E, I2, Md tATakA corr to tADakA Cu tArakA' Bo. Folio 27 begins with tADakAri: Cu 4 anArabdhadeg for anAbaddha Mt only 5 pratio corr to apratio by rev, Cu. * pi om Md only 7 pazya om. Bo pazya by rev. along margin, Ou pazya cett 8 nuK, W, Sc, I2 tu cett. ' haThAdveSiNa: Ma, Mg hatAdezina: Mt haThAdveSiNaH K haThAdezinaH cett 10 tasyaiSa va: Cu, W tasyaiva na: Mt, Mg 11 na daNDe'pyadhike Md daNDo'dhyabhyadhike Mt taddaNDo pyadhike Mg na daNDo 'pyadhike cett. 12 tatazca for kiJca Mt only 13 hRtajAya ArAti* Eonly. 14 mRtyo: K, W, So mRtyu: cett. gataH K, W, Se tataH cett tu for pi Mt only paritapto yadi vA for pAyatha 89 15 16 17 Mt only
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________________ 90 ACT IV 6--7 utiSTheta vadhAya naH paribhavaprauna cenmanyunA neSTe tatmasaraM niroDamudadhistigmAMzuvIryo hi sH| kintu prAkpratipannarAvaNasuhRdbhAvena bhImaujasA ___ zatrurvajadharAtmajena hariNA ghoraNa ghAniyate // 6 // 5 anena ca prasaGgena bahanusandhAtavyam // "shuurp| kiM vishr|| maaly| "rAvaNapriyAsi vase kAryajJA ca" aMto niHzaGka__mAveAte hRdayakhedaiH / kSiterAnantaryAdapakuMdapakRtyazca satataM "vidhA rAmaH zatruH prakRtiniyataH kSatriya iti / tRtIyo me naptA rajanicaranAthasya sahajo ripuH pratyAsaterahiriva bhayaM no janayati // 7 // kumbhakarNastu sannayasatsamaH / "kRSimasvApavyasanA vinayAJca / vibhISaNasvAbhigAmikAtmaguNasampanna iti anuraktAH prakRtayaH / 10 1 tattiSTheta for uttiSTheta Bo only 11: yato all Mss. " preddhena tan for prauDhena cena Mt only. 12 degmAvadyate Cu only 3 sarati for degsara E only. 13 bhedaH for khedaH Mt only. + afao for faig Mt only. 14 degdasakadadhRSTazca Md, Mg degdasakadapahAriNA Bo only kRtyA ca M6 degdasakadapakRtyazca K degdapavIreNa for ghoreNa Mt only kRdatyazca 0u degdapadapakRtyazca cett. ghAniSyate I, Cu, K, Md ghAtiSyate 1 This line is greatly damaged in Cu W, Sc, I, Mt, Mg ghAtayiSyate / yI- 16 ripupra I, Bo, E, I, ripuH pradeg cett. tiSyate Bo. 17 kRtrimadeg om. II, E, Bo, w, Sc, I, bahmanufor bahanu Sc only Md only To for o Ca, K, Md only _18 degdapAyAdA for degdavinayAcca Mg only First half of this line greatly damaged, ___ 19 gvAbhigAdeg Cu, K, Ma, Mt, Mg Cu. gkhAgAdeg cett. 1 om. E only. | 20 evaM add. Mt enaM add Mg only
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________________ ACT IV 8 91 kharadUSaNatrizirasastu 'kulasadRzavRttayo rAjAnamupatiSThante yataste vatseneva dhenuM rAjAnamathAn "duhanti / upajApitAzca pratidudyanti prakRtayaH / tadidamantarbhedajarjaraM rAjakulamabhiyuktamAtraM rAmeNa bhedyate / yathoktaM 'laMghvapi vyasana padamabhiyuktasya 'kRcchrasAdhyaM bhavatIti / tatra 5 ca" vibhISaNAvagrataH pratividhAnam " / na" tu prakAzadaNDastUNandaNDaH saMrodhanamapasAraNaM vA syAta / tatra prakAzadaNDamabhinnasakSandhAH kathaM rAkSasAstitikSeran / tUSNIndaNDo'pi prAjJairanumIyamAnaH prakRtiko paiko rAme'bhiyoktari durantaH syAt / saMrodhane tvabhibhavAhihite tadeka 10 1 maicyA kharaprabhRtayazca tadA vikuryuH / nirvAsyamAnamapi taM parivArayeyu svasmAt kharaprabhRtayaH purato vicintyAH // 4 // tatra rAmasyopayoga iti // saGghavRttayo for kulasadRzavRttayo Mt, Mg only 2 yataste om Md, Mt only yatastena Mg yataste cett 3 dUhinti for duhanti Iy only 4 pratihanti Ou pratihanti Bo pratijapanti cett 5 kRtaya: for prakRtaya: I, Ig only * zrabhedyeta Bo bhidyate E, Mt, Mg bhedyeta corr to bhedyate Cu bhedyate cett 7 nItizAstre add Eonly 8 Mg only KE atilaghvao for laghva * Mt only. na add. I1, Bo, E, W, So, Is, Md, 10 ca om. Eonly 11 *grahasya for *grahata: Mt, Mg only 12 kartavyam add Mt. Mg only 13 na for sa Mt only. 14 'tUSNIndaNDaH om Konly. 115,10 prakAzadaNDamabhinna. I1, Bo, I2, Md prakAmaM daNDamabhinnadegE prakAzadaNDa abhinna Cu, K prakAzadaNDaH sambhinnadeg W, Se 17 sAstiSTherana for sAkhitirana Bo only 18 prakRtiko Bo prakRtikopake W, Sc prakRtikopako cett 19 duritaM 20 corr. to durantaH by rev, W. tadekamecyA I, K, Bo, E, W, Sc tadekamecA I deva Md tadeva maitryAt corr to tadaikamaicyAt Cu. 22 purato vivartya : Md pura evaM cintyAH Mt, Mg purato vicintyAH cett
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________________ 5 92 ACT IV 9 1 'sUrya' / 'aho aMguMjIvittaNassa aruAdA jaM rAvaNassa kharamuhANaM ca tulle vikulasambandhe evaM mAMdAmaho cintedi // mAnya' / IdRzaH kulaputrakAcAraH // 10 "sUrya" / viNA kharappamuhehiM vibhIsaNassa kA paDitI // mAlya' / prAjJaH khalvasAvutprekSitaviprakAraH svayamevApasarpeta / upekSaNIyastvasmAbhirna caitanmantavyamaurasaM bhayamiti / " yataH / bAlyAtprabhRtyeva virUDhasakhyaiH sugrIvameSa dhruvamAzrayeta / valiprasAdIkRtabhUmibhAge kumArabhuktau sthitamRmUke // 9 // 12 vibhISaNassa E, Ma, Mt, Mg vihIaura K vibhIsaNassa cett. 13 vatti for vattI Eonly. 14 0 viprakAra: Cu, K * vikAraH cett 15 UtpekSaNIya I sa upekSaNIya E utprekSaNIya Sc, Ig, Md Mg Ong. upecaNIya, and na inserted before it by rev Ca upekSaNIya K, Bo, W, Mt 16 ca tanmadeg K ca tanmadeg cori to caitanma* Cu caiva ma0 E, Mt caitanmadeg cett *vyamaurasAt Mt, 17 *vyaM maurasaM W, Sc "vyamaurasaM cett 10 1 sUdeg for K, Md only 2 a - Left half of this line and the next greatly damaged along the top margin, Cu. Ou aNujAvittaNassa ajitassa E aNujIDataNassa Md, Mt, Mg aNujIvittaNasya Se aNujIvattaNassa cott | 3 agaruadA I1, Ig, Md garuadA K, Ou, Bo garuaddA W, Sc (also mattA an red ink along margin below addA) arUaTA E. 4 kharampamuhANaM below) along maigin by lev, Cu. 5 a for caK Injured, Cu 6 fa W Injured, Cu fa cett. 7 etaM Bo eva E " 2 8 9 ... vimINassa (line 4 Injured, Cu evaM [cett rev. Cu khalu kulAcAra: Mt kulaputrakA cAraH cett. 10 Mg sU0 for 0 Sc, I2, Md, Konly. 11 viNa w viNA Bo viNA cett 18 yataH om Mg only 19 sakhyaM Mt, Mg only. 20 *meva Ou, K * meSa cett. madAdeg for mAdAdeg W. 23 kulaputrAcAraH K kulaputrakAcAraH by 21 yet Eonly 22 vAlI I, W vAlio cett. Ig only. ... 24 * mRzya * Mt, Mg vAlinaM vAvA ( next page, line 3) by lev along top margin, and fa.. yatiSyate na rAmro almost all destroyed, Cu * mRSya0 cett. sthita
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________________ ACT IV 10 98 tatazca vAliMnA yatiSyate / na rAmopaMzrayeNa rAmopaMzleSaNena vA nopekSeta vAlI // ___ zUrpa / 'adha rAmo parasurAmavijeI jaNidavirodhaM vAliNaM vAdidi tado' vibhIsaNarAmasaJjoo aNatyo ti smbhaavemi|| 5 maaly| nanu vtse| yo vAlinaM hanita hatA vayaM "sma stena dhruvaM tatra tu sarvanAze / ekaH sa jIvyAt kulatanturasmai rAmaH zriyaM dharmamayo dadAti // 10 // 10 zUrpa / saanm| evaM piM dAva hodu // 1 satataca K, E tasthazca Mt, Mg | 13 vAliNaM u. E vAlinaM cett. Injured, Ou cett 14 ararafe changed to aparate cu vAkhinA patiSyate w, sc vAlinyA- vAvAdehi Bo, w, Sc, I vAvAdedi cett. patati Mg vAlinA ghAtiSyate Mt. In __15 tato ra tato by rev , Cu tado jured, Cu aferat afava cett. Stop cott after afared E only. 16 vibhIsaNa I, K, W, Se, I vimIna add. all but Mt, Mg only saNa. cett * rAmopazrayeNa II, Ou, K, I sAmo- 17 aNadhthe for aNatyo E only pazrayeNa rAmopAzrayeNa cett. 18 fa E, Sc fer cett 5 No stop here, Cu, E, Bo Stop 19 sma khena Cu ca tena Mt sastana cett. here, cett mopaleSaNena om. E rAmopaleSaNe 20 nAzaH for degnAza K, E only. Mg rAmopazleSaNena cett 21 forara Bo terra W, Sc eft vAlaprasAda.' for vAlI Md only vyAt cett sU0 for pU. K, Md only 22 ppi Bo farei Mt farer cett 9 HTFF add Mt, Mg only 23 dadhAtu for dadAti Mt only 10 atha K, E aho 0u a corr to | * sU0 for zU>> Ou, K, Md only. ada by rev, w adha cett " parasu I, K parazu0 cett. evaM corr. to evaM 0u evaM K, w 12 vijana // vijaI I, Md, Mt, Mg evaM cett. sAya for sAsaM evaM E. vijayI cett | 25 vi all Mss.
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________________ 94 ACT IV 11 __ maaly| gamyatAmidAnI vase yatra preSitAsi / sukaraM caitat prayojanaM yadi janakadazarathAntike vasiSThavizvAmitrau na syaataam| ahamapi laGkAmeva gacchAmi // "zUrpa / hA amba tue vi dukkhaM pekhidavam // 5 mAlyA hA vatsAH kharadUSaNaprabhRtayo vadhyAH stha" pApasya me hA hA vAsa vibhISaNa tvamapi me kAryeNa heyaH sthitaH / hA mahatsala "vatsa rAvaNa mahatpazyAmi te saGkaTaM vatse kaikasi hA hatAsi na cirAcInpuvakAn pazyasi iti nisskraantii|| ||visskmbhkH // ___ tataH pravizato vasiSThavizvAmitrAbhyAM saha jnkdshrthau|| rAjAnAvanyonyaM prissvjy| janakaH / rAjana diSTyA vardhase yadIdazaste vatso rAmabhadraH / 10 // 11 // 1 tat for caitat E only | by tev , w dagdhAH E dadhyAH I vadhyAH 2 of Cu, E, K, Mt TET cett cett. thayorantike for degthAntike E only. 11 sva for stha E only * viziSTha E vaziSadeg 0u vasi w| 12 heya I, heya cour. to heyaH Cu devaH afarge cett Bo heya: cetta sthatAm II only. 13 vatsa om Bo only go for 70 Cu, K, Md only 14 kekasi Mt only 'duvanta corr to dukkha Cu dukkhaM K ___1B hRtAdeg for hatAdeg Bo only. duHkhaM cett. __16 pazyasi Ou, K drakSyasi cett 3 pokhidavam , pekhidavam Bo, Sc, 7 viSkambhaH E, W viSkambhaH changed to Ia, w, K pekkhitabam E pekkhidabama viSkambhakaH 0u mizraviSkambhaH Mt, Mg Md pessidavam changed to paissidavam viSkambhakaH cett ___18 vazi* E, Se, I, vasi cet __triziraso for prabhRtayo Mt only. / 10 rAjAnAvanyonyaM pariSvajya am K only 10 vadhA I. Orig. vadhyAH , but : dropped | 20 janakaH om. Md only
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________________ 95 ACT IV 12-14 aprAkRtAni ca guNaizca nirantarANi / lokotarANi ca phalaizca mhodyaani| vIrasya yasya mahatazcaritA tAni ~ nAsmAkameva jagatAmapi maGgalAni // 12 // 5 vsisstthH| vizvAmitra prissvjy| sakhe kushiknndn| asmAbhirayanAzAsyo rAmasya mahimAnvayaH / yat kRtAstena kRtino vayaM ca bhuvanAni ca // 13 // vizvAmitraH / prakRSTapuNyaparipAkopAdAna eSa' mahimA / ke vayametAvataH prakarSasya // 10 'dshrthH| bhagavana kuzikanandana mA maivam / AdityAH kuladevatAmiva nRpAH pUrve' dilIpAdaya stejorAzimarundhatIpatimRSi bhaktamA yadAziyan / pAkaH zlAdhyatarazca bhUritapasAM satyAziSAmAziSastAsAmapyayameva maGgalanidhiryanaH prasanno bhavAn // 14 // 1 Aften aprAkRtA repeats AdityA ... pUrva changed to pUrva w pUrve cett dilIpA (verse 14a), which the 1ev omits bhaktA corr. to bhaktyA Cu and supplies ni ca . . . nirantarANi Cu ___10 "zizrayuH K only 2 vazideg 0u vasi0 cett " pAkaH svAdhyatarazca K, E pAkalAgha3 ca om Bo only. tarAzca cor. to pAkazAdhyatarAzca Ou pA kastakha ca yAzca Mt pAkazAdhyatarAzca + eva for eSa K only cett kiM raya. for ke vaya Bo only 12 ofafoto and also 77 above far by rov, o ganten K, E nader and also ou for only E ofafeto Mtofafzo above ka by rev., Cu praharSakha cett janakaH for dazaratha: Mg only 13 bhagavAn Bo only cett
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________________ 96 ACT IV 16-17 'vasi / satyamIdazo vizvAmitraH / yahAcAM viSayamatItya cetasA vA paryAyAtparamatizAyanasya vA yat / brahmarSI tadiha durAsade samiddhaM tejobhicalati mahatvamaprameyam // 15 // vishvaa| bhagavan maitraavrunn| sanatkumArAgirasau gurU vidyaatpomyau| stauSi cetsatya evAsmi satyasandhA hi te giraH // 16 // rAmabhadre tu nAzcaryametat / mahArAjadazaratho hi tasya prsvitaa| sAkSAtpuNyasamucchyA iva manovaivasvatasyAnvaye rAjAnasvadapekSitena vidhinA gopAyitAraH prjaaH| ye" bhUtAH prathame pavitracaritAsteSAmayaM dhUrdharI 1vIraH kSatriyapuGgavo guNanidhiH zlAghyo dharithAH patiH // 17 // ___ 10 1 vazi* for vasi Cu only 2 cetasA E, Bo tejasAM Md, Mg cetasAM cett 3 brahmarSe Mt only * mahattapo'praw, Se mahattvamapra. Mt, Mg mahattayAmadeg cett. o fato w forato Bo farant cett satyamevAmi corr. to 'satyamevAsi by nev., W satyamevAmi Md, Mg degstutya evAsi Mt satva evAmi cett ' nityazuddhA for satyasandhA Mt only janayitA for prasavitA Mt only deg degsamudhAyA Bo degsamukSayA I samuchrayAd Mg degsamucchayA cett 10 gopAitAraH w only 11 @ K a Sc, Ig. Wanting, Bo it cett. 12 durdharo for dhUrdharo Mt only. _18 vIra0 for vIra: E only
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________________ 97 ja ACT IV 18-19 api 'c| ariSTasvASTrasya prazamanavidhau jambhadamanaH sa vizveSAmIzaH patirapi nikAyasya marutAm / vijetAraM senAH satatamapahantAramasurAn amuM vIraM vave bahuSu samanIkeSu maghavA // 1 // so'yamIdRzaH kathamanIdRzaM prasUte // "vasi / kathamavAzcarya nAma / / marutvantaM devaM ya iha bhagavantaM vijayate vijigye taM rAjA yudhi dazamukhaM haihayapatiH / ' nihantAraM tasya prathitamahimAnaM tribhuvane mahAvIraM jitvA kimiva hi na vatsena vijitam // 19 // daza / tat kimityayaM vidhA bhiyate lokaH // vizvA / eSa vatso rAmabhadraH sajAmadagnya ita evAbhivartate / 10 ya eSaH 15 vIrazriyA ca vinayena ca rocamAno mAnye munAvavanatazca guNonnatazca / Cett 1 api ca om K api ca by rev , Cu | vasi K Oug vasi obliterated by api ca cett. paint, Cu a' | E afer om. cett 2 ariSTavA. Ou, K, Bo ariSTastvA yad for ya I only 10 vijajJe Sc, I, vijace corr to vijine prazama. E prazama. coir to prazamana w vijijJe Ma vijaye Bo vijigye cett by lev, W prazamana cett 11 hihayapatiH for haihayapatiH I, * vinAyasya for nikAyasya E only 12 niyantAraM Bo only vinatAraM Mt only vibhajyate for bhiyata Mt, Mg only senA for senA: E only 14 vinayena Cu, K, Mt vijayena cett. so'yam om Mt only. 15 manye for mAnye Md, Mg only. 9789
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________________ 98 ACT IV 20-28 lajjAM vahana bhRgupatau hRtavIryadarpa ziSyo gurAviva kRtaprathamApacAraH // 20 // tataH pravizato rAmajAmadagnyau // raamH| yad brahmavAdibhirUpAsitavandyapAde vidyAtapovratanidhau tapatAM variSThe / daivAt kRtastvayi mayA vinayApacArasa tat tvaM prasIda bhagavanayamaJjaliste // 21 // jAmadagnyaH / 'aparAdhameva tvayA jAmadagnyasya nopakRtam / puNyA brAhmaNajAniranvayaguNaH zAstraM caritraM ca me yenakena hRtAnyamUni haratA caitanyamAtrAmapi / ekaH sannapi bhUridoSagahanaH so'yaM vayA preyasA vatsa brAhmaNavatsalena zamitaH kSemAya dAmayaH // 22 // raamH| kathaM nAparAddhaM mayA yadAyudhapariyahaM yAvadArUDho duryogH|| jAma / eSa eva vo nyAyaH / asAdhyamanyathA doSaM parichidya zarIriNAma / yathA vaidyastathA rAjA zastrapANibhiSajyati // 23 // 10 15 1 hatadeg Ou, K dhRtadeg Mt hRta* cett . nizamitaH by 1ev., w vatsalena zamitaH * pAdadeg for pAde Bo only cett pacAra Cu, K, Mt parAdha cett. ___12 madAyudha Md, Mg yadAyuddhadeg ME 4 add K only. yadAyudhadeg cett imeva Cu, K iM vatsa cett _13 eva vo K eva only Cu eSa eva " nanUpa. Mt pratyutopa0 ra nopa at ante: cett. except Mt, which omits cett these words 'zastra : sAdhyaM Mt zAstraM cett. 14 nAyaH Bo anyAyaH E nyAya: cett. 'hatAni u hRtAni cetta 15 doSe for doSaM I only. 'hatA corr. to haratA by rev., Cu 16 degcchedya E only. 10 seyaM for so'yaM I only. 17 "riNam w, I only 11 vatsalena zamitaH changed to vatsale 18 bhiSajyati Cu, K, Bo rviSahyati
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________________ ACT IV 24 raamH| ko'hamuktipratyuktikAyAM bhagavataH / tasmAdina ito bhgvaan| jAma / kva punarmayA vAsa gntvym| raamH| yatra tAtazca tAtajanakazca / athavA zAntam / uta" yatra 5 bhagavantau maitrAvaruNakauzikau // jAma / 'imidaaniimshkym| anatikramaNIyazca raajnirdeshH| (r) prikrmy| he bhgvntau| sa eSa rAmaH saumyatvAdacaNDazcaNDavikramaH / yasya pratiSThitaM jaitraM jAmadagnye'pi zAsanam // 24 // 10 "raajaanii| atigambhIraH saujanyohAraH // raamH| eSa vo rAmazirasA praNAmaparyAyaH // srve| ehyehi vAsa // iti pariSvajante // jAma / bhagavana maitraavrunn| eSa jamadagniputraH praNamya kauzikena sArdhamatra bhagavato vijJApayati / I, E, W, Se, I, bhiSajyate Mt, Mg | 8 anatikramaNIyaca rAjanirdezaH om garviSasvati Md Mt only 1 bhavataH Bo only nidezaH K, E, Bo nirdezaH cet dito for "dita to Bo only 10 vizvAmitraH add Mg only. 3 bhagavan corr to bhagavAna u bhavAna| 1 rAjAnau by rev along margin, Cu Bo bhagavan Md, Mt, Mg bhagavAn cett cett farato substituted by K afasfaattAta. om E only mitro substituted by Mg rAjAnI cett zAntI Mt zAtam E, Sc zAntama __12 saujanyagI. for sauvanyo Mg only _13 degvaruNi W only. uta yatra changed to ubhayaca Cu uta om. Mt uta yatra cett. " bhagavatI E bhavato Mt, Mg bhagavatI 7 svagatam add Mg only. [cett | cetta 3 idamidA II, Ou, K ranidAdasA | 15 payati Ou, E, K degpayAmi cett. H2 cett
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________________ 100 ACT IV 25-26 vRddhAMtikramasammRtasya mahato nirNiktaye pApmanaH prAyazcetanamAdizantu guravo rAmeNa dAntasya me| prAgdharmasya bhavanta eva paramaM draSTAra Asana guro labdhvA jJAnamanekadhA pravacanairmanvAdayaH prANayana // 25 // ___5 vasi / adya naH zrotriyANAM "gRhe jAto'si / ___ durvinIne tvayi vayaM duHkhitAH sukhino'nythaa| nisargo hyeSa vRddhAnAM yattu zreyastathaiva tat // 26 // tat paripUta evAsi // vizvA / "apaha~taM te vipraH pApmAnaM rAmabhadreNa / yataH prAya 1 vRtyA' for vRddhA E only vazi* Bo, E dazarathaH ft vasi. 2 sammatasya I sambhavasya changed to cett saMvRttasya by rev., w degsambhavasya Mt ___10 anadyaH for adyanaH W, Sc only sabhRtasya cett. ___11 kule for gRhe Mt only ___12 yannu II K pAthAnaH I pApmAna: Sc pApmanaH yattu coir to yannu Cu yattu cett cett * parama W hi para Mt paramaM celt __10 paripUrita E paribhUta Ma paripUta 'draSTA for draSTAra I only. rett ( + Mt, Mg). 6 labdhA jJAtuma I, labdhA zAnama | ___14 adya naH zrotriyANAM kule jAto'si / Cu, E, Se, Md labdhA jJAnatuma. Bo| duvinAta vatsa add Mt only labdhvA jJAnama* K, W, Mt, Mg lamtA 15 apaha corr to apahataM w ApahRtaM : jAnuma. I apahataM cett ' manvAdibhiH for omanvAdayaH W only _10 te vighraH Sc tejaH Mg te vidmaH cett. prANaman Ma prANinaH Mt prINayan dreNa / yataH . . . parohanti / iti ni, prINayana corr. to proNayat by rev , w kA om. (page 109, 1_14) here ; and sup*ett (+ Mg). plies it after T ata: (p. 127, 1 8) 19
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________________ 101 ACT IV 27 zcitamiva rAjadaNDamayenaso niSkrayamAmananti dhrmaacaaryaaH| kiM punaryadava bhagavAna vasiSThaH prajApAlasannidhau prazasti // _ 'rAmaH / etAni "tAni "bhavatAM sAkSAtkRtadharmANAmRSINAM prasannagambhIrapAvanAni vacanAni // 5 daza / bhagavana jaamdgny| nisargataH pavitrasya kimanyatpAvanaM tava / tIrthodakaM ca vahizca "nAnyataH zuddhimahataH // 27 // jAma / aatmgtm| bhagavati vasundhare prasIda randhradAnena // * jnkH| bhagavana yadi prasano'si tabiyopavezanAt pari10 punIhi gRhAna / "etat pUtamAsanaM bhagavataH // 1 tta va Sc, I, Md, Mt, Mg 'tta va | " bhagavan om E only. changed to degtta iva // taM va cett 18 vanAntaraiH E, K vanaM tava cett damapye Bo only degdaNDo'pyedeg cett 14 degkazca for degkaM ca W only 3 nasA for degnaso Bo only. 1B vAnya0 for nAnyadeg E only. niHkriyAmA : niHkrayamA ra ni 18 zuci0 for zuddhi K only kramaNamA Mg niSkrayamA0 cetta 11 Atmagatam Ou, E, K Om. cett 'punaryadatra Mt only punaratra the rest 18 Omits this line and the next two, E only 'bhagavan Bo bhavAn Md, Mt, Mg __19 degdAne corr to degdAnena by rev , Ou bhagavAn cett ? affo for afer E only dAnAya K dAnena cett 20 janakaH by rev. along margin, Cu pAkha* for pAlana V, Sc, Md, Mt, 21 srabdho* I, w, Ma madhvo* Sc Mg ' jAmadeg for rAmaH Mg only sakSo. Bo samvodeg 0u sacco I, 7 tAni om K, E only zrabdho ra 10 bhavatAM Cu, E, K, Mt, Mg bhavatAM 22 nAnnaH pari ra nAnna pari* corr to om, cett | nAnnaH parideg 0u nAt pari" cett. 11 offto E TRUT" Mt, Mg2 T: add Mt only 'dharmANA' cetta tata for etat Mt only
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________________ 102 ACT IV 28-29 jaam| yadabhirucitaM sUryaziSyAntevAsine rAjanyazrotriyAya // sarva upavizanti // *dsh| janapadabahirniSThA yUyaM gRhasya pariyahAd vayamapi niya'nAH kAryastato na babhUva yaH / "sa iha bhavatAmadyAsmAbhirmanorathavAJchitaH sucaritaparIpAkAtyAptazvirasya samAgamaH // 26 // atra ca / kA te stutiH stutipathAdativRttadhAmnaH kiM dIyatAmavikalakSitidAyine" ca / zAntasya kiM parijanena "mune tathApi putraiH samaM dazaratho'dya vazaMvadaste // 29 // jAma / yUyamIdRzA iti kimcaashcrym| 1prejhaM dhAma yadAmananti "sudhiyaH so'yaM nidhijyotiSAM devo vaH savitA kulasya kimato bhUtyai prazaMsApadam / 40 15 Cu. 1 jAma. om. E only padA' for "pathA. E only 3 vAzine I, Bo only deg degvRktadeg corr. to degvRtti by rev , Cu 3 faufam corr to gyfagfaer by rev, oq qlo cott. 11 "yinaste Mt "yine vAME yine ca __ * daza. om. Mg dazadeg by rev , Cu | cott daza cett. 12 manaH Mt only gRhA* for "grahAdeg I, only 18 preSThaM Mt praSThaM ra tridhaM Bo preddhaM cett tad for sa Mt only. 14 sva. for su. I only ' paripA* for degparIpA K, E, Bo only 1 prazaMsApada I prasaMzApadaM Sc, I prazaM___ stuti - suti corr. to sutiH Cu | sAspadaM W (corr fr. prazaMsApadaM by rev ) K, stutiH cett. | Ma, Mt, Mg prazaMsApadaM cott
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________________ ACT IV 30-32 108 108 yajvAnaH paramArtharAjaRSayaste yUMyamikSvAkavo yeSAM veda ivAprameyamahimA 'dharme vasiSTho guruH // 30 // api c| saGgrAmeSTasamApnidaM diviSadAM bharturdhanuH sAdhanaM saptadvIpaniviSTayUpanicayazreNyaGkitA bhuugRhaaH| zazvatkIrtinibandhanaM bhagavatI bhAgIrathI sAgaraH prakhyAtAni" ca tAni tAni bhavatAM bhUmAnamAcakSate // 31 // vasiSThavizvAmitrau / "apvaary| etadapi zikSitaM vatsena // jAma / rAmabhadra mAmanumodasvAraNyagamanAya // 10 vishvaa| mAmaSyatha 15 16bhavanto'nujAnantu / raghujanakagRheSu garbharUpa__ vyatikaramaGgalavRddhayo'nubhUtAH / 18 bhRgupatidamaina- / itya/kte viramya / bhRgupatividitonnatiM ca vatsaM priyamabhinandya sukhI gRhAnupeyAm // 32 // yajJAna: Sc only 10 zasvat Md, Sc only 2 satya for yUyadeg E only 11 degtAcaritAni for tAni ca tAni Md, 3 deva for veda E only 12 cakSmahe E only Mg only. * dharma Bo only 13 apavArya om Mt only 5 afgro for afar Sc, Ionly 11 mamApya for mAmapya W only Folios 31 and 32 beginning with eginning with 15 TT for Oply Mt, Mg only api ca and ending with sNsaarss| jattha I 1 tatrabhavanto for bhavanto K, B only. (p 109, 1 13) missing, Cu. 18 bhRgupatidamana ... viramya om Mt, ' meSTasamAptidaM ra meSvasamAptidaM I, | Mg only Md, Mg "meSvabhayapradaM Mt "meSTisamAptidaM| " damane for damana E, Md only. | 18 TO Md to corr to auto nicaya. K, E, Bo gyajana Mt |w itya?. cetta nilaya. cett 19 ofascerto for ofafcato Mt, Mg only. ' bhUguhAH W, Sc, Md, Mg bhUmayaH Mt | 20 peyAm E, K, Ma peyA 1, paimi bhUgRhA: cett | w, sc peyI I, Bo cett
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________________ 104 ACT IV 33-34 dsh| vatsa rAmabhadra prasthitaste bhagavAna kauzikaH // vizvA / sAna raammaalinggy| ahameva saumya na tvAM moktumutshe| kinvanuSThAnanityAvaM svAtantryamapakarSati / saGkaTA hyAhitAgnInAM pratyavAyairgRhasthatA // 33 // 5 vasi / gRhAta svagRhaM gantumAgantuM ca kAmacAraH // vishvaa| bhagavana yadyanuruyaMse tadehi siddhAzramapaMdamubhau gcchaavH| tvAM puraskRtya gacchana madhucchandaso mAtuH satkAryo bhaviSyAmi // vasi / kimetAvatyapi bhavAnasmAsu na prabhavati // raajaanau| ramaNIyapAvano brhmrssisnggmH|| 10 ___ anyonyamAhAtmyavidoranyairaviditAtmanoH / virAjate virodho'pi nAma snehe tu kA kathA // 34 // "nepathye / eSA rAmavadhUgurUna vandate // RssyH| vAse jaanki| vIreNa te vinayamAGgalikena patyA 15 vRcadruhaH prazamiteSu mahAbhayeSu / 1 nitvAtsvAtantryamakarSati ra nikhA- | 9 tAvatA bhagavA for degtAvatyapi bhavA. khAtaramapi karSati E nityatvaM svAtantrya- E only mapakarSati cett 10 degNIyaH pA. E, w, so NIyapA. 'tyA' for hyA Bo, I only. 11 degsaGgaH K, E degsaGgamaH cett , svagatam add Mg only. 12 ra0 racai 5 ranyai cett * gRhAtsvagRgaM mAgantu corn to gRhAtva- ___13 sneheSu for snehe tu K, Md, Mg only gRhamAgantuM w gRhA svagRhaM mAgantu E 14 nepathye om Mt only khagRhAtsvagRhaM gantumAgantuM Mt gRhAtsvagRhaM | 15 odraM tvAM vantate w guru vaMdate I, gantumAgantuM cett gurU date Bo guruM vA datte Sc gurUna kAmAcAraH Bo, E only vandate cett dhyate I, Bo, Sc, I, dhyate corr. to | ___16 te om Bo only dhyase W 0dhyase Mt, K dhyatse degdhyeta, " vijaya for vinaya Md, Mt, Mg only ra padaM om. E only 18 mahAhaveSu Mt mahAbhayeSu om Bo yAtuH E only | mahAbhayeSu cett. [cett [Md.
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________________ 105 ACT IV 35-37 kSatraprakANDagRhiNIbahumAnapUjAma UrjasvalAmapi zacI manasA karotu // 35 // rAmaH / svrgtm| acirAt samUlakASaM karSiteSu rAkSaseSvevaM syaat|| RssyH| svastyevamevAsatAM bhavantaH // uttiSThanti' / itre| utyaay| namo namo vaH // jaam| bhavantau jAmadagnyo'bhivAdayate // vsisstthvishvaamitrau| sthiraste prazamo bhUyAt pratyagjyotiH prakAzatAm / achinnazivasaGkalpamantaHkaraNamastu te // 36 // iti nisskraantau| jAma / kiJcit parikramya sthitvA ca / vatsa rAmabhadra" itastAvat // raamH| upazritya / AjJApaya // jAma / yamayA kSatriyochedavizrAntenAvadhAritam / tadetadadhunA dhatte dhanuH kAraNazUnyatAm // 37 // cett out, Bo 1 svagatam om Mt only | 12 avicchinna E only kASiteSu ra karSiteSu E kaSiteSu cett | 13 karNa ra prakaraNa E degkaraNa 3 oda foi osata E only + astvevadeg for svastyeva Mt only 14 vasiSThavizvAmitrau add , but struck uttiSThantu add E only Mi, Mg only 16 vA for ca Bo only ?ogfa Bo only 10 vatsa om Md only 3 itare om E only 10 bhadra om. E only . 9 bhagavantau I, Bo, Md, Mg bhavatI 18 degsRtya E, Mt, Mg degzritya cett bhavantau cetta 19 "vikrAnte Mt only. 10 degdayata coal to degdayati w degdayate 20 tadevama Md, Mg dadetadadeg E tade1 vazi. Sc, I, vasi0 cett / tadadeg cett I Cett
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________________ idhmAdiprayojanamastu prshuH| puNyAnAmRSayastaTeSu saritAM ye daNDakAyAM vane __ bhUyAMso nivasanti teSu satataM laGkAsado rAkSasAH / vidhvaMsAya caranti tatmamathaneSvasyopayogo bhaveta sampratyeSa' sahAmunaiva dhanuSA vatse'dhikAraH sthitaH // 3 // ___10 arpayati // rAmaH / prnnmy"| pratigRhIteyamAjJA // jAma / sAtraM prikrmy| AyuSmana pratinivartasva" iti niSkrAntaH // rAmaH / sbaasspm| gato bhagavAna bhArgavaH / vicintya / " tadapi nA10 mAnyena kenacidupAyena daNDakAraNyAMnI pratiSTheyam / kathaM rAmapriyAd gurujanAdevaM syAt / nyasta zastre bhRgupatau paratantra tathA mayi / kaSTamutsAritAH krUraiyAtudhAnaistapordhanAH // 39 // 16 ___1 diprayojanastu E divazcaprayojanazca | __11 praNamya om K, Mg only Mt divazcanaprayojanamastu Mg diprayo- 13 pariSvajya for parikramya Mg only janamastu cett 13 rAjan for AyuSmana Md only sarito K only idAnIm add Mt only 8 OZRITET E only sabASpagadgadam for sabASpam Mg only. rAkSasaH W only. bhagavana bhArgavaH Md bhArgavo bhagavAna 5 dhvasyo K, E svaskho I, Bo, I, | E bhagavAn bhArgava: cett. (+ Mt, Mg). yasyo w, sc svalpo corr to svasyo ___11 tad om Mt etad for tad E, K Md tanno Mg [cett tad cetta "bhavat I, K, Md bhava bhaveta 18 rayAnAM Bo, Se, I rayAnAM corr. ' tyeSa K, E, Mt tyeva cett to rayAnyAMw 'rakhAnI cett 6 sahAdeg E, Mt, Mg sa cAra satA 19 prati gaccheyam for pratiSThayam E only ca add all but K, E, W deg degkAra I, E kAraH K, Bo kAriH zastra for zastre E only Ma degkArA W, Se, I, 22 978deg for 978deg E only 10 iti dhanuH add Mt only. dhanaH for degdhanAH I only cett
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________________ ACT IV 40 107 107 nepthye| 'Arya aary| madhyamAyAH priyasakhI mAturvo manthareti yaa| sA' prApneyamayodhyAyAstava rAma didRkSayA // 40 // raamH| sAdhu yadasyAM zizujanapravAsavaimanasyaM vicchiota' / 5 tad vatsa lakSmaNa upasarpaya // tataH pravizati lakSmaNaH mantharIveSA zUrpaNakhA ca // "puurpnnkhaa| "AvesiamantharAsarIrA suppaNahA aham / vasi?vismAminagamaNeNa susamAhidam / "aho eso parasurAmavijaI khatiakumArao rAmo / nirvarNya / aho samaggasohaggalacchIpa10 rigaheNa loaNarasANaM sommaM se sarIraNimmANam / bho 1 Arya K, E Arya2 cetta | 15 hitam I, W, Sc, I, hida jhiE 2 priya. manthareti yA om Bo only | hidama cetta 3 opp for oaf Mt only 16 aho K, E amho cett * prAptA seyama0 for sA prApteyama E only. | parazu0 E, Sc, I, parasudeg cetti sAdhu om K only. 18 "vijayI se vijae K vijaI / yadasyAM II, K yadidamasyAM cett cett vicchindyAt Mg only. __19 kumAro E kumAlo ra kumArao cett tAmupanaya for upasarpaya Mg only mantharAviSTA Ma mantharAvaSA om 20 rAmo om Md, Mt, Mg only E, Mt, Mg Houtarat cett. 21 sohaggadeg om Bo only | 22 lakSI* for deglacchI* Sc only 10 zUrpanakhA : sUrpanakhA E, Md sUrpaNakhA I zUrpaNakhA cett (+ Mt, Mg) 23 parigAheNa Sc, I, parigrAheNa K "zU II, Bo, E, W, Mt, Mg sU0 cett | pariggaheNa cetta 12 svagatam add Mt, Mg only rasAaNa I, rasAyaNa : rasA13 ofry for forea Sc, Ig only ana Md rasAaNaM cett (+ Mt, Mg) 14 vasiTra Md, Mt, Mg vasi only E se om Bo only vasiSTadeg cetta | 26 "nimmANaM I, E "NimmANaM cett
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________________ 108 ACT IV 40 dANiM ciraAlavehavadukkhapamhu~sidasaMsArasokkhassa vi jaNassa cAritadhIrasupUridaM puNo vi hiajhaM paripphurAvedi // samAna praNipatya / 'api manthare 'kuzalamambAyAH // 'zUrpa0 / suhaM kusalaM ca / vch| sadA esA" paNhu~datthaNI 5 majamA de mAdA parissajia ANavedi / putta purA paDikhAde duve vare mahArAaM jANAvemi / tasma" me vitihArao hohi / esa tAdassa kajjaleho // " lakSmaNaH / gRhItvA vaacyti| ___astvekena vareNa vAsabharato bhoktAdhirAjyazriyaH 10 "svgtm| kathametadArye tiSThati kaniSThasyAryabharatasya rAjyaprArthanam // "prkaashm| yAtvanyena vihAya kAlaharaNaM rAmo vanaM dnnddkiim| cett 1 dANI for dANi W only. 13 esA om Bo, W, Sc, Ig only * pambhaMsidaE degpamUsida Bo pamha-1 1 paehuitthaNI, paNDadatthaNI K, E, sidadeg cett. | w, sc pahudatthaNI Bo pahudathaNI I, cAriNo for puNo Bo only paeDdatthaNI Md * parisphurA for paripphurA W, I, only _1B rAyaM I, I, rAo w rAyI upasRtya for praNipatya Mt only se rAaM cett api II, K athi Se, I, ayi | 10 tassa E tasya K ettha cett. ___17 iti lekhamarpayati add Mt, Mg only ' api add Mt, Mg only ___18 rAjyasya te for "rAjyazriyaH Mg only o go for Yo K, Md only 19 svagatam ... rAjyaprArthanam om Mt, ' kulaMsaM E kuzalaM K, W, Sc, I, kusalaM | Mg only cett. 20 sthAryasya K, E syArtha* corr. to 10 y for E, K, Md, Mt, Mg only RTY W Enteto cett. 11 vakva , cakva Bo vacha K, E, Md | 1 bharatasya om K only cakU cont. to va w va Sc chu I 22 prakAzama om Mt, Mg only 11 rudA E sadA K, W, Sc sadA 28 degkam K, E, W, S, I, kAma cett cett
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________________ 109 ACT IV 41-43 'svgtm| hA amba kiM kRtaM tvayA AryagamanavaraNena // prkaashm| tasyAM cIradharazcaturdaza samAstiSThatvasau taM punaH sItAlakSmaNamAtrakAtparijanAdanyo na cAnuvrajet // 41 // svgtm| hA pAparaNDe mAtRbandhu / sadA bharatazatrughnalakSmaNAryamukhaiH kRtAm / ambeti vyAhRtiM hitvA kiM kRtaM pApayA tvayA // 42 // raamH| aho prsaadprkrssH| tatraiva gamanAdezo yatra paryutsukaM manaH / na caiSa viraho jAtaH sa ca vatso'nujo nRpaH // 43 // 10 lkssm| diSTyAnumodito'hamAryeNa // raamH| "Arye manthare eSa prasthito'smi // "zUrpa0 / Namo dauNiM bhavado saMsArassa jatya IrisA" vi kappadumA parohanti // iti niSkrAntA // 1 svagatam . varaNena om Mt, Mg only | 11 vatsau nRpo'nujaH / vatso nRpo tvayA kRta for kRtaM tvayA K only anujaH Bo vatso'nujo nRpaH ra vatsA* Aryasya for Arya E only. nujo nRpaH : vatso mamAnugaH w, Sc 3 prakAzam om Mt, Mg only vatso'nugo'nujaH Md vatsa nRpAnujaH I + vIrazca Bo vIravara Md, Mg | 1 arye I ayi w, Se Arye cett cIradharazcadeg cetta 13 ahaM add Mt only 'svagatam ... mAtRbandhu om. Mt only | 14 sU0 for zU. Md only svagatam om. K only 13 dANI W only pApa ra caTape pApa cett ' mAtrabandhu corr to mAtRbandho w mA I bhayavado Bo bhavado I, bhaavado cett tRbandho ra mAtRbandhuH Bo mAtRbandhu cett 8 taM for hRtiM Bo, Md, Mt, Mg only. | 17 Foho 33 begins with frat fa Cu. " prasAdaprakarSa Bo prasAdotkarSaH Mt] 18 degdrumA K, w, sc dumA Md, Mt, prasAdaprakarSaH cett. | Mg degdumA cetta 10 catara ceSTa Mt caiSa cetta | 19 degntA: 0u, w, so ntA cett
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________________ 110 ACT IV 44-47 lkssm| 'aye mAtulo yudhAjidAryabharatasahacarastAtamupasarpati // raamH| diSTyA' kaSTaM c| apariSvajya bharataM nAsti me gacchato dhRtiH / - asmatpravAsaduHkhAta na venaM draSTumutsahe // 44 // 5 pravizya yudhAjinaratau / dazarathamupasRtya / deva zrUyatAM yadekAyanIbhUya prakRtayastvAM vijnyaapynti| bayyAstrAtA yastavAyaM tanUja__snAdyaiva svAminaste prasAdAt / rAjanvatyo rAmabhadreNa rAjJA labdhakSemAH pUrNakAmAzcarAmaH // 45 // daza / sakhe jnk| 1degpriyakalyANakAmAbhiH prajAbhizcoditA vayam / kintu rAmapriyo neha maitrAvaruNakauzikau // 46 // parokSe sukRtaM karma tayoH prItiM kariSyati / mantrajJo vAmadevastu bhagavAnAsta eva hi // 47 // ___10 ___1 ae ra arye E Arya Mt aye | rAjanvatya w rAjanvanto Mt rAjanvatyo / cett cett didhyAra E only diyA kaSTa ca om | labdhaHmaH I, E labdhapremAH w, Sc Mg only lokAH sarve Mt labdhakSemAH cett 3 me gacchato dhRtiH om Se only 8 H Cu (corr fr. "FITRI), Bo, Sc, I, * "zritya II, I "zrutya So sthitya | degmAzca W (corr fr maJca), II, E, K, Md Md mRtya cett. (+ Mt, Mg) zritya / ' santu for rAmaH Mt only deva om. Bo only. deg bhUpataya. II, I prataya. corr to 10 foreto Cu, E fazi Mt futet om bhUpatayadeg Cu bhUtaya Md sarvAH prakRtaya0 ra priye cett Mt, Mg prakRtaya. K, E, Bo, w, Sc - ye for vayama Bo only rAjanvatI Bo rAjanvatye cour to 10 This verse repeated by II only.
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________________ __ACT IV 48-49 111 daza / yadyevaM tadayameva jAmadagnyavijayamahotsavaH prasajyatAmabhiSekamahotsavena // "raamH| idamidAnI katham // 'daza / sumantra sannidhAyantAmAbhiSecanikAH sambhArAH / yazca 5 yenArthI sa tena paryAptakAmaH kartavyaH // raamH| upasRtya praNamya c| ahaM tAvadarthI // daza / vatsa kena // raamH| yo'sau varadvayanyAsastaM tvAM mAtAdya mdhymaa| yatheSTaM nAthate tAta tatmasAdArthino vayam // 4 // 10 dsh| satyasandhA hi raghuvaH kiM vatsa" vicikitsa~se / tvayi dUte'pi kastasyAH prANAnapi dhanAyate // 49 // raamH| vatsa vAcyatAm // lakSma / astvekena vareNetyAdikaM vAcayati // 1 va jAmadagnya .. praNamya ca (line 6 | staM khAM mAtAdya II, K, Cu (corr fr below) by rev along margin, Cu sta vA mAtAdya) stattvA mAtAdya Md vijaya. om. K only |sta tvAM mAtAdya w, SC, I, staM vA OM rAmaH . . . kathama om Mt, Mg only. mAtAdya Bo vAM mAtAdya E degsta mAtA * daza / . sambhArAH om Mt, Mg | me'dya Mt, Mg only. ____ 10 raghavaH corr to rAghava: w rAghavaH "sandhApyantama 0 sannidhIyantAmadegEE raSayaH Bo raghavaH cett sanidhApyantAmadeg cett ___11 vatsa om E only. mabhiSecanIkAH w mabhiSeka 2 12 si for degse Mg only. gmabhiSecanikA: cetta _13 dhanIyate Md, Mt, Mg only. ' paryAptakAmena K paryAptaH E paryA-14 kimAzcarya prANA api for kastasyAH ptakAma: cett gutafu Mt only 8 upazritya I, Bo, I upAzritya E 15 astvekena ... rAmalakSmaNau (p Ire, upazRtya ra upasRtya cett. 11. 3) om Bo.
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________________ 112 ACT IV 50-52 itre| kathamanyadeva 'kimapi / hA hatAH smaH // rAjA mUrchati // raamlkssmnnau| tAta smaashvsihi| jnkH| ikSvAkuvaMzatilakasya nRpaMsya patnI tasmin vizuddhimapi rAjakule prsuutaa| atyAhitaM kimapi rAkSasakarma kuryA dAyaryA satI kathamaho mahadadbhutaM naH // 50 // raamH| taat| satyasandhAH stha yadi vA rAmo vA yadi vaH priyaH / tatprasIdatu mAtA naH pUrNakAmAstu madhyamA // 51 // dsh| evamastu / kA gatiH // jnkH| hA vAsa rAmabhadra hA vAsa lakSmaNa / putrasaGkAntalakSmIkairyavekSvAkubhidhRtam / tvayA tat kSIrakaNThena prAptamAraNyakaM vratam // 52 // 10 1 sarve for itare Mt only | 10 degchale for degkule Bo only idaM add K only 11 tAta Cu, E, K tAta2 cett 3 kimapi by rev Cu 12 degsandhAzca raghavo K, E degsandhAzcara * hatAsmAH I hatAH smaH W, Md, Mt, | yadi vA corr to degsandhA stha yadi vA 0u Mg a ET: Cu, E, K, Sc, I, degsandhAH stha yadi vA Md, Mt, Mg degsandhA samAzvasihi K, I samAzvasihi stha yadi vA cetta corr to samAzvasihi2 Cu samAzvasihira 13 yadi ca W, Sc, I, vA yadi cett 1 priyaH . . saGkrAnta (velse 52) om I. nRpakasya Bo only patnI 0u, E, K tasmina cett 15 me mAtA for tAto naH Mt only / tasmina Cu, E, K patnI cetta 16 bhadra for vatsa w only ' vizuddhamati Bo vizuddhamatI w vi- " raNyaka for degraNyakaM E only zuddhimati cett. 18 nataM corr to vanaM u vrataM cett cett
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________________ 118 ACT IV 52 vatse jAnaki / dhanyAsi yasyAste guruniyogAdeva bharturanugamanam // daza / hA vatse jAnaki / kaGkaNadharaiva rakSasAmupanItAsyupahAratAm // ityumau mUrchataH // 5 raamH| atyApano gurujanaH / kathaM nAmaitat // lakSma / Arya iidRsho'ymaaptikrunnsnehsNvegH| kimatra kriyate / pratiSiddhaM ca naH kAlaharaNaM bhrtjnnyaa| tadalamatisnehakAtaryeNa // raamH| sAdhvAcAraniSThura sAdhu / amanuSyasadRzaste cittasAraH / tahAsa vaidehImAnaya // lakSmaNo nisskraantH|| 10 bhrtH| mAtula yuktamataho gRhasya // yudhAjit / vAsa udbhAntaH saMvRto'smi / patirmRtyorvakte vrajati vanametatsatayugaM vadhUTI rakSobhyo valiriva varAkI prnnihitaa| 1 "viyogA* for niyogA E only |ya mAyAtakaruNa Sc degzo yamapArakaraNaH 'kiGkaNa fo1 kaGkaNa I, only Mt_ zo yamAvayorApAtakaruNaH Mg. ___ jvezaH for vegaH Mg only 3 degmupAnItA I, "munItAdeg 0u degmupa of T8 for ofagt Mt only nItAdeg cetta 10 mAtula K, E, I mAtula cori to + vatsa lakSmaNa add Mt, Mg only mAtula2 u mAtula2 cett patnau for panno Md only 11 putramedeg for yuktamedeg E only gururjanakaH for gurujanaH Mt, Mg 12 vatsa om. I, only 13 vaktaM Mt only. ' zo yamApAtakaruNa I zo yamAyA- " vanametatsutayugaM all but w which reads takaraNa Bo, I, zo yamApAtakaraNaH Cu vanameti sutayuga, a correction from vaname(but : s by rev), K, Md zo yamAyataH karaNaH E zo mAyAtaM karuNa w zo 16 pratihitA Mt only only 2789
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________________ 114 ACT IV 53-54 nirAlammro lokaH kulamayazasA tacce nihataM svasu daurAtmyaM jagadavikalaM viklavayati // 53 // 3 tataH pravizati lakSmaNaH sItA ca // 10 lkssm'| Arya iyamAyA // 5 rAmaH / ita itaH // 5 ' sItA / diTTiyA aNumada mhi ajjeNa // Ba 'rAmaH / sItAlakSaNAbhyAM saha gurujanaM pradakSiNIkRtya / ' mAtula / eSa tAtazca' tAtazca priyApatyAzca mAtaraH / AzvAsanIyAH zoke'smin bhavataiva gatA vayam // 54 // iti parikrAmanti // yudhaa.| saavegm'| kathaM vAraNye vyajAmi || 108 'utthAyAnudhAvati // bhrdeg| anugcchn| mAtula " brUhi kimidAnIM karomi // yudhA / rAmabhadra" apekSaisva pAdaparicArakamaraNyAnucairaM bharatam // 1 corr taca nihata Sc, Ig taca nihataM to tacca nihataM Cu tacca nihitaM Ma |prati Cu mAtula cett 7 caiva nibhRtaM Mg tacca nihataM cett 2 jagadidamaho for jagadavikalaM Mg only. 3 Here add sItA / diTTizrA aNukodidaM hi a Mt, Mg only 4 itaH 20u dUtaH cett 6 6 cett K which lead as in text above excepting the reading anAe for ajjeNa, and in Ewhich reads sItA / diTTizrA gumadityi aAe 5 a All but Cu, E, and K omit it. 8 *mati fo1 degmanti K only 9 saMvegam W only. 10 a itaH 2 I1, Bo, W, Mt itaH corr to mAtula2 Mt mAtula corr to mAtulaM 10 vosradeg for vAra* Md, Mt, Mg only utthAyAnudhAvati om Mt only *nugacchati for onudhAvati Mg only. brUhi om E only. rAmabhadra 1 I, Bo, W, Se rAmabhadra avecasva 11 hatazca E tAta eva Ig tAtazca 12 This speech is found only in Cu and 13 15 cett. 14 pecasva corr. to precasva Cu apekSasva cett Mt * nugataM for onucaraM Mt only.
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________________ 115 ACT IV 54 raamH'| nanvasyApi varNAzramarakSaNe guruniyogaH // bhara / lakSmaNasya zatrughnasya vA tadastu // raamH| kimatra kasyacit svarUciH // bhara / etAvatI mama svaruciH // raamH| aaH| zakyaM nAma mayi tiSThati vayAnyena vA yuktamullachayitum // bhara / hA hA kathaM parityakto'smi mandabhAgyaH // iti mUIti // yudhA / vatsa samAzvasihi // bhara / Azvasya / mAtula" dhArayasva mAm // 10 yudhA / vatsa evaM tAvat // bharatasya karNe kathayitvA / rAmabhadra evamayaM vijJApayati / yadetad bhagavatA zarabhaGgena preSitaM tapanIyopAnAgalaM tadAryaH prasAdIkarotviti // raamH| tduvyucy| gRhANedaM vatsa // bhara / zirasyAropya / Arya // 1 rAmaH / . . vA tadastu (next line) | tyaktI* for parityakto* I, only om Md only 10 samAzvasihi2 I, Md, Mt, Mg samArakSaNo Se only zvasihi cett guruniyogo'stu for tadastu Mt, Mg | " mAtula K, E, I2. Md, Mt, Mg mAtula only. corr to mAtula2mAtulara cett. * bhara0 . . . svaruciH om Se only dhAraya khAm : uddhara mAm Mt 5 mama om II only dhArayasva mAm cett for B. Omits a letter before 18 bhadra om K only fa: which is probably El Cu Et cett 14 evaM bhavantaM for evamayaM E only vayAminavaM pitrA niyukta for vayA- 15 All but Cu, E, K add a here nyena vA yukta Mt only 18 Arya II, Bo, w, Se, I AryaH Ma s om one ET E only. | hA Arya Mt Arya om Cu, E, K. 12
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________________ 116 ACT IV 55-56 ___rAmaH / prissvjy'| matpAdaspaeNSTikayA pratinivartasva / sammati sambhAvaya cirapramUDhI tAtI // bhara0 / ayamidAnImahaM nandiyAme jaTAM bibhrdbhissicyaarypaaduke| 5 pAlayiyAmi pRthivIM yAvadAryoM nivartate // 55 // sItArAmau pradakSiNIkaroti / lakSma / Arya bharata lakSmaNaH praNamati // bharataH pariSvajya vASpastambhaM nATayati // raamH| vatsa tAtau sambhAvaya // bhara / kaSTamadyApi nositaH // iti vIjayati // janakaH / samucchrastha sarvato vilokya / hA hA muSito'smi // daza / ucchRsya / vAsa rAmabhadra na gantavyam / prANAH " patanti paritastamasA vRto'smi marmacchido mama rUjaH prasaranyapUrvAH / zcakSNormukhendumupadhehi giraM ca dehi hA putra mayyakaruNaH sahasaiva mA bhUH // 56 // 15 1 vatsa add Mg only ' matpadadeg for matpAdadeg E only. 3 spaSTideg for degssRSTi* Ou, K only. + prataptau for "pramUDhI E only 'jaTA : na-TA se nAdAM I w jAM Bo jaTAM cett.. " paripUjya for pariSvajya K only * laMsaM for "stambhaM K only 8 vatsa om K only. 'notsasaH Bo nositaH u nocchusitaH cett 10 jayati for vIjayati E only 11 Om one T K only 12 39e om Mt only vaha 13 mA for na Mg na om Md Read na cett (+ Mt) | 14 2 add I, Bo, W, Se, I, only 15 prayAnti fon patanti Mg only. | 18 bhUta for bhUH Bo only
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________________ 117 ACT IV 57 somAdamiva 'nirbhrm| bhoH kva pravizAmIdAnI mandabhAgyaH // iti 'viklavo bharatajanakAbhyAM nIyamAno niSkrAtaH // yudhA / vAsa raambhdr| ekIbhUya zanairanekasamayavyutpannamekakriyaM muktAkrandamitastataH kimidamityugAntanArInaram / etat ' tvatpuramanyathaiva sahasA saJjAtamAvedyate yasmin kardamiteSu" varmasu ghopyAmbubhirdurdinam // 57 // raamH| mAtula pratinivartasva / ayaM ca" vo haste bharataH // yudhA / " anurudhyasva mAmanugacchantam // 10 rAmaH / zAntam / guravo yUyaM naanugntaarH| AtmanA tRtIyena gantavyamityavAyA AdezaH // yudhA / kimhmeko'nugcchaami|api tu sabAlavRddhAH prkRtyH| kiM na pshysi| 1 nirbharama om Mt only __11 degmAvedhate Ma degmApadyate Mt degmA? prato corr to ottato Cu vedyate cett (+ Mg) 3 degbhAgadheyaH for degbhAgya Mt only ___12 te'zru for "teSu Se only 13 bISyAmbubhi . . . anurudhyaskha (une ) * villavo om. I only om K vatsa rAmabhadra Ou, E, Bo vatsa rA-| ___* mAtula E mAtula corr. to mAtulara mabhadra2 I, W, Sc, L, Md vatsa rAmabhadra | u mAtula2 cetta pazca2 Mt, Mg vatsa rAmacandra ra ___15 ca om Bo only ___ zanaio changed to zatai Cu zadeg 16 bharato haste for haste bharataH Md, Mt, Mg only _ ranekarasamapyutpanna* Mt ranekarasa- 17 vatsa add Mt, Mg only [Ou. mapyutsanna Mg ranekasamayavyutpanna cett... " rAmaH / zAntam by rev. along margin, 8 ogni for OTTA Mg only. pApaM zAntaM pApam add Mt, Mg only. hantaitat fon etattvat Mt only 20 anugantavyAH add Mg only. 10 nAva for omanyathaiva Me only | 21 pazyanti for pazyasi E onlr. cett
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________________ 118 ACT IV 58-60 skandhAropitayajJapAtranicayAH svairvAjapeyArjitai chArayituM tavArkakiraNAnete mhaabraahmnnaaH| sAketAH saha sainikairanupatatpatnIgRhItAgnayaH prAkprasthApitahomadhenava ime dhAvanti vRddhA api // 5 // 5 raamH| mAtula mAtula gurubhireva zizavo dharmalopAt paalyitvyaaH| tat 'prasIda nH| pratinivRtya nivayaMtAmayaM mhaajnH|| iti prnnmti| yudhA / vtsotisstthotisstth| eSa' bodhayitvA prajAH kvApi mandabhAgyo gcchaami| 10 tvAM lakSmaNa mahAbAho tvAM ca vaidehanandini / Amantraye nivRtto'smi pApaH kalyANamastu vAma // 19 // 'rudana pratinivRtya / aho nu khalu bhoH pratimanvantaraM bhUtaigIyamAnA carithati / prAtaHpavitra lokAnAmiyaM cAritrapamikA // 6 // iti nisskraantH|| 15 cett 1 tavA' changed to nakA. Cu tavA | Mt bodhayitvA only Mg eSa bodhayi khA corr to eSa vo vaJcayitvA u eSa maithilai* for sainikai Mt, Mg only bodhayitvA nivartayitvA K eSa vo vacca3 mAtula K mAtula changed to mAtulara yitvA cett by rev , Cu mAtula 2 cett * krandana for rudana E only * prasIda Ou, E, K prasIdata cett.. __degntare for degntaraM E only pratinivRtya nivaryatA I, Bo, Ou, w, | 10 rgIya changed to jAya. Ou gIya So, I pratinivarya vatyatA E prati- | cett ga fara niato ma GIGERUGT only ___11 prAyaH for prAtaH Sc, Mt, Mg only nivaLatA only Me pratinivarkha | 12 degnAM priyaM for "nAmiyaM E only nivarvatAra 13 cAritrapanjikA K, E, Md cAritrya6 yudhA by rev along maagun, Cu paJcikA w AcAramambikA Mt cAri eSa bodhakhA Bo eSa vo bodhayitvA capacikA cett ( + Mg). Mg
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________________ 5 ACT IV 61 '' / kathitamAryasya zRGgaverapuravAstavyena niSAdapatinA guhena 1 119 tatpradeza paryantAvaskandino virodharAkSasasya durvilasitam // rAmaH / tena hi virAdhahata konmathanAya sannikRSTaprayogamanuSaktamandAkinIpavitramekhalaM citrakUTaM nAmAcalamupetya 4 munibhirupajuSTatIrthI rakSAMsi nihatya darADaMkA prApya / sannihita gRdhrarAjaM krameNa ' yAmo janasthAnam // 61 // // ' caturtho'GkaH // 1 lakSma* by rev along margin, Cu ' virodhadeg for virAdha0 Eonly * prayoga Cu, Ig Ma, Mt, Mg * prayoga cori to deg prayAga w * prayAga cett 4 tIrthaM for degtIthI W, Se only. iti niSkrAntAH sarve // 5 hantuM racAsi for racAMsi nihatya Mg [only 6 daNDakaM for daNDakAM E only. 7 yo for yAmo E only ' niSkrAntAH sarve om E only ' cAritraM nAma add. all but Ou, E, K
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________________ 120 5 sampAtiH / nUnamadya vatsajaTAyurabhivandanAya malayakandarakulAya mupAsIdati / tathA hi / 4 3 vatsa om Eouly cett 5 zrIzaM vande begins E only. zrI begins W only 2 sampAtiH corr to sampAtiH 2 by rev., Cu cett 15 6 1 tataH pravizati sampAtiH 2 // 6 a ACT V 1 8 paryAya kSaNadRSTaSTakakubhaH saMvartavistArayonIhArI kRtameghamocitadhutavyaktasphuradvidyutaH / ArAtkIrNa khaNakhaNIkRtaguruyoMvoccayazreNayaH zyaineyasya bRhatpatatradhutayaH prakhyApayantyAgamam // 1 // "dUrostivADavasya jaladherullolabhinnAmbhaso rApatitena vegamastA pAtAlamAdhmAyaite / 'vandanAya Ou, E, K vAdanAya paryAyAt Mt pacAdha: Mg payArya * daSTa I *vRSTadeg W, Sc * dRSTa0 cett * naSTa0 om Bo only " vistAraNo Sc vistAraNe * corr to vistAriNo w nistArayo0 Mt vistArayodeg cett 8 * megha0 om. Bo only. 9 * sphuTadeg for * sphura * Bo only. 10 *tkIrNa corr to *tkIrNa Cu *tkirNa *tkIrNa cett I. 11 khaNakhaNIo I1, W, Sc, Is khaNakhaNI Ca khaNIkhaNI E, K kheNaruvaNI0 kaNA kaNI0 Mt karaNA Bo ravairaNU Ma kaNI0 Mg 12 grAsodeg Sc dvAsoo E *grAsodeg corr. to 'grAmo0 grAmo0 I *grAvo0 W cett 13 zyainaiyasya I1 zaineyasya Ou, K, Md yeneyasya Mt, Mg yaineyasya cett 14 pratyAdeg for prakhyA E only 15 api ca add. Ma, Mt, Mg only. 10 ollAsitadeg for delita Mt only lokae for 'lola' Eonly. 17 18 * marutAM E only 19 dhmAtaye E only.
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________________ ACT V 2-5 121 yad vaikuNThavarAhakaNThakuharasphAroccara rava dhvAnoccaNDamakANDakAlarajanIparjanyavagarjati // 2 // pravizya jttaayuH| kAverIvalayitamekhalasya sAnA vekasmina malayagirerdivaH ptaami| yatrAryo nivasati kAzyapaH zakuntaH zailendro'para iva viprayuktapakSaH // 3 // visaMsayantI parigRhya pakSI jAtA mmaapyutptnshrmaartiH| zaktirhi kAlasya vibhorjarAkhyA zakyantarANAM pratibandhahetuH // 4 // tadayamAryoM manvantarapurANagRdhrarAjaH sampAtiH / aho bhaanRsnehH| purAkalpe dUrotpatanakhuralIkelijanitA datipratyAsaGgAtparitapati gAtrANi tapa~ne / avaSTabhyAsau mAmupari tatapakSaH zizuriti svapakSAbhyAM ploSAdavikalamarakSana karuNayA // 5 // 15 1 tataH pravizati for pravizya Mg only. | " zramAya for "zramAtiH w only. veta. for veka. Mt only. 10 Aho Sc, I, only. 3 divaM Mt divi corr. to "rdivaH Cu 11 dhAtuH snehaH E only. "rdivaH cett. 12 tapanti E only. * vAdyo for degcAryoM E only. 13 tapase Mt only zailocApara Md, Mg only. sout Mt only 1 mohA" for ploSA E only. Poget for TU Mt only. 15 Aftez #7Cu om. up to ofernettanadeg changed to "tane Cu tataH nirmalaparisarA (p 124, ] 14) and has aba Md, Mt, Mg 777deg cett. | sArdhapatratruTi: by rev. along margin.
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________________ 122 ACT V 6-9 upasRtya / Arya kAzyapa / vAM jaTAyurabhivAdaye // smpaa| ehyehi vaas| tvayA putravatI zyenI gRdhrANAM ckrvrtinaa| garutmateva vIreNa vinatA naH pitAmahI // 6 // 5 pariSvajya / vAsa jaTAyo / api kAlaviprakarSAnmandIbhUtaH pitRmaraNazoko rAmabhadrasya // baTA / tasya vidyAtapovRddhasaMyogaH 'svA ca dhiirtaa| nyAyyo rakSAdhikArazca daurmanasyaM vyapohati // 7 // smpaa| tRptairvirAdhamAMsAnAM gR]rAveditaM hi me| 10 citrakUTAdyathA rAmaH zarabhaGgAzramaM gataH // 8 // tadA ca zarabhaGgena havyavAhe' hutA tnuH| athopasedivAna rAmaH sutIkSNAdIna munInapi // 9 // jaTA / vADham / adhunAgastyavacanAdrAmaH paJcavaTyAM prtivsti|| sampA / cirAt smRkhaa| AH / asti janasthAne paJcavaTI nAma 15 godAvarItaToddezaH / vAsa jaTAyo viSayabAhulyaM kAlaviprakarSazca naH smRti mussnnaati| kalpasyAdau mama paricayastAvadAsIdudasthAd yAvadviSNorupari caraNazcaurugaGgApatAkaH / ___1 upazritya II, I, upAzritya w, Sc | rAmaH om E only upazrautya Bo upasRtya E, K, Md, Mg vAhe'dbhutA Md, Mt, Mg only. upasRtya om. Mt 'rAma Bo nAma w, Sc rAmaH 5 ayi w ati. Mt api cett. | cett. 3 maraNadeg om K only na I, Bo, I, Md naH E, K, w, Sc + bhadrasya ... mAMsAnAM (19) om. I, na om. Mg bhadraH for degbhadrasya Mt only. 1deg puSNAti Md, Mt pramuSNAti 5 " sA ca dhIratA ra sAvadhIratA E | muSNAti cetta khAvadhIratA Bo khA ca dhIratA cett. | 11 sAnu" for "zAha Bo, E, Ig only.
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________________ 128 jaTA. ACT V 10-13 paryanteSvayavadhivalayaslejasAM yAvadadri lokAlokaH parikalayitA saptamasyAburAzeH // 10 // jaTA / tacaikadA raghuvRSaM vRSasyantI zUrpaNakhA prAptA // smpaa| aho nirmaadtaa| anekayugajIvinyAstretA yasyAstrayodazI / sA kSIrakaNThaM taM vasaM lajjayantI na lajjitA // 11 // tasyAzca karNanAsoSThakartanena' nyavIvizan / dazAnanatiraskAraprazastimiva lakSmaNaH // 12 // 10 " smpaa| tannimitakastahi kazcidanubaMddhaH parairabhiyogaH // jaTA / vADham / ekenaiva ca rAmabhadreNa caturdaza sahasrANi caturdaza ca rAkSasAH / jayazca dUSaNakharabidhIno "mRdhe hatAH // 13 // smpaa| Azcaryam / athavA nAzcaryametaddAzarathau mahat punara15 pAvRtaM vairadvAramiti manyamAnaH sampramugdho'smi / tad vatsa 1 pAMjalarita E, W, Sc priklytH| 3nyatIvizat : nyavIzasan Md nya11, Bo, K, Md parikalayitAH I, pari- vIvizat cett (+ Mt, Mg). saragata: Mt | "stimapi for "stimiva Mg only __ raghunandanaM w, Se raghuvRSa I, K| 10 sampA ... rAkSasAH (below, 1 ra) om. raghu Bo raghuE, I, raghuvRSabhaM Md. I, only 3 zUrpanakhA E sUrpanakhA Md zUrpaNakhA 11 degdanubandhaH w degdavaruddhaH Md degdanucett ( + Mt, Mg) baddha: cett (+ Mt, Mg) + yasya trayo E only 12 ca om K only vRSasyantI for lajjayantI Mt, Mg only | 13 raNe E mRdhe om. K 13 mRdhe cett 5* Omits this line and the next, K | 14 Add one more Azcaryam Mt, Mg only. only. nAsauSTha0 for degnAsoSTha E only | 15 vairemiti for vairadvAramiti E only. 7 kRntanena for degkartanena Mt only. 16 tad vatsa jaTAyo om Mt only
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________________ 124 jaTAyo nAsminnavasare sItArAmalakSmaNAstvayA kSaNamapi mokta vyAH / 5 10 ACTV 14-15 sapatnaH kaSTaM bho nipuNamanupAlyA hi zizavaH // 14 // ahamapi samudre kRtAhnikaH zivatAtipariNatimanudhyAsyAmi // iti niSkrAntaH // 3 4 aro | utpatya gagarnagamanamabhinIya | svasuH sodaryAyAH kathamiva nikAraM dazamukhastathA bhUyobhUyaH svajanavinipAtaM ca sahate / madAndho mAyAvI prabhuramitavIryo 'ntikacaraH 2 ayamaviralAno kahanivahanirantaranigdharnirmalaparisarAraNya - 15 pariNDagodAvarImukharakandaraH satatamabhiSyandamAnameghameduritanIlimA janasthAnamadhyadezago giriH prasravaNo nAma / iyaM ca paJcavaTI | vibhAvya" / aye 4 1 bho K, E no cett zivatAtipariNati Bo, W, Sc, I2, Mg vasejAtipariNati 11 zivatAtiparigrasItAnupariNati rabajAti* Ma sItAnupariNati K. 3 upasRtya add. K only utpotpatya E utplutyaM Mg utpatya cett. eSo'haM pralayamarutpracaNDaraMhaHsatiprathama pibannivAntarikSam / kSepIyo malayagirernivAsabhUbhRtsaMsaktakSitiruhajAlamabhyupetaH // 15 // 5 gagana om. E, K only 6 * nevAdeg for *nivAdeg Bo only 7 kSemIyo W, Sc dvaitIyo Mt kSepIyo cett * *bhyupaimi for obhyupeta: Mt only. 9 *nirakSaradeg E only. 10 nIladeg for * nirmala* Mt, Mg only 11 Begins with raNyapariNa* Cu. *mabhiniSyanda Ww * mabhisyanda K Md "mabhiSyanda cett. ( + Mt, Mg) 13 prazravaNo Cu, Ma prasravaNo Sc, I prakhavaNo cett ( + Mt, Mg) 14 vibhAvya om Cu, Mg only. 12
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________________ ACT V 16-18 125 5 dUraM hRtazcitramRgeNa rAmasa __tayA dizA gacchati lakSmaNo'pi / tataH parivrADuTajaM praviSTo ___ "viviktarUpo dazakandharo'yam // 16 // pramAdaH' prmaadH| paraHsahanairAyuktaM pizAcavadanaiH kharaiH / rathaM vadhUTImAroya pApaH kvApyeSa gacchati // 17 // 'paulsty'| dhIraH pralayeSu ye bhagavato vedasya vidyezvarA steSAmanvayasammavasya bhavataH snAtasya vedaivataiH / je talasadmano'pi tapasA "dRptasya rAjJaH "sato nindyA duzcaritA" ca nAbhijananI jAtA kathaM durmatiH // 1 // 10 1 degTaja pradeg for degTajaM pradeg E only 10 ketanasya for degsambhavasya Mt only 1 vivikta Cu, K dhigvyakta cett __ 11 deva fon vedadeg E only aho add. Mt, Mg only 12 Repeats rathaM vadhUTI . . . gacchati, * pramAdaH pramAdaH I, E pramAdaH corr | but efraces it with paint, Ou to pramAdaH2 by rev, Cu pramAdaH only | 13 jeturnetala* I, Cu, Md, I, jetunaMvala cett Bo jeturvejala W, Sc jeturvaitaladeg Mt, Mg ko'pyeSa E only jetustraitaladeg E jetutaladeg K arare dd E only 14 dIptasya Mt only paulastya E, K paulastya changed to _1 tato fol sato Mt only paulastya2 u paulastya2 cett 1 dukhari* con to duHkhari* Cu only bhagavadeto vaisya , bhagavato devasya 17 tAvatArajanano Mt degtA nAmijaCu, E, K bhagavato vedasya cett nanI Bo degtA nAbhijananI corr to degtA _ vizve w, Se vede Mt, Mg vidyeca nAbhijananI by rev, w degtA ca nAbhi jananI cett cett.
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________________ 5 ACT V 19-20 kathamavajJayA na zRNotIva' / AH durAtman 'nairRtApasada / tiSTha tiSTha / 126 // viSkambhakaH // 12 14 pravizya" lkssmnnH| hA" Arye / " kkAsi / " kaSTaM dazAvipakamanu 10 bhavatyAryo " mArIcAt / tuNDaprotaziraH karoTizikhairA kRSTi sphuratmasphuTatklomaplIhayakRddhRtoSNarudhiranAMyvantrajAlasya te / atyugrakrakacapracaNDanakharotkRttakvaNatkIkasai raGgaiH khaNDitakandharAdhamanibhiH zyenIsutastRpyatu // 19 // 9 ' iti niSkrAntaH / 1 zRNoti for zRNotIva Mt only 2 nairRtA Cu, K, W RtA Bo naiRtAdeg cett. * vivarAdeg for ofzikharAdeg Mt only 4 ay for afg Mt only 5 eSa " mUrta iva krodhaH zokAgniriva jaGgamaH / kRcchrAvibharti hRllekhalajjAsaMveginIM tanum // 20 // *prasphuTadeg Ou, W, Sc, I, 0 tvakspR zat Mt *tprasphuTat cett 6 'to' I1, K, Ma *ddhatodeg Ou, Ig degddhRtoSThadeg Mt Reads .yakratadvatocadeg for *yakRddhRtoSNa* E to W, Sc deghutodeg Bo 7 vAntra Ma, Mt, Mg only. 8 *mAlasya Mt only. om all but K, Md, Mt, Mg * iti 10 viSkambhaH E viskambha: Cu zuddhaviSkambha: Mt, Mg viSkambhaka: cett 11 tataH pravizati for pravizya Mg only hA Arye om Bo only 12 13 kvApi Eonly 14 kaSTa for kaSTaM E only 15 paripAka K vipAka cett ofvipAkAcAryau for * vipAkamanubhavatyArthI Bo 16 bhagavAn add W, Se only ayaM add Md, Mt, Mg only. 17 mArIcAt 19 om w, Sc mArIcazatruH Mt, Mg mArIcAt cett 18 mUrti W only * jvalatdeg W, So *lajjAdeg om E T cett. 20 saMveginI E, K saMveginAM Sc sandezinIM Mt saMveginI cett
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________________ ACT V 21-22 121 12 tathA' hi| Abhugna kuMTIviTaGkaghaTanAsaMsUcitAntaHsphura__ DharyastambhitadurvyavasthavitataproccaNDakopAnalaH / uDUmAvalirammasAmiva nidhirmadhyajvalaDADavo vidyuyaJjitavajagarbhajaladachAyAM samAlabate // 21 // tataH pravizati rAmaH // 'nyakkAro hRdi vakIla iva me tIH parispandate ghore'ndhe tamasIva majjati manaH sammIlitaM ljjyaa| zokastAtavipattijo "dahati mAM nAstyeva yasmina kriyA mANIva punarbhinati karuNA sItAM varAkI prati // 22 // lakSma / "Arya Arya / na khalu lokotarakarmANasvAdRzAH pramuhyanti kRcchreSu // raamH| 1 tathA hi om Bo, w, Se only 10 todaH W, Se tIvraH cett 2 AbhUmadeg w, sc Avima Mg bhugma 11 degsyandate Se degsphAndaze Bo degspandate Bo Abhugnadeg cett cett ___3 dhakuTI*w degbhRkuTI* E, Se degbhuku __12 ghoradhe Bo ghorAndhe ra ghore'ndhe TI* cett. cett __ + tAnta E tAGga Bo tAntaH _13 vahati 0u, I, vaha E dahati all cett. cett but Bo, which om dahati mAM umAyAlarambhasAmiva om Bo only. ___14 yeva w, so NIva cett va punamadhye jva. E, K only bhinatti . . . karmANi (p 128, 1 1) by rey ? faqafera corr. to facefsta Cu along margin, Cu viyudhajitadeg Bo vidyuillitadeg E vidyu-/ __1punarichanatti for punarbhinatti Mt, Mg yajitadeg cett nyakkAro om. Bo only 16 Arya E, K Arya Arya cett " valla Bo tapta w, so vajra ceth | " lokAntara* Bo only. | only
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________________ 5 128 ACTV 23-24 rAmaH / vatsa lokottarANyeva karmANi rAmasya' / yairguprAnyakutobhayAni bhuvanAnyAsan mahAbhISaiva 8 ste sUryAnvaya ketavo nRpatayaH pUrve tiraskAritAH / kalpAnteSvapi yaH sthitaH sa gamitaH sAdhurjaTAyurdivaM " patnIM hArayatA vane yadakRtaM lokaiH kRtaM tanmayA // 23 // ' hA tAta kAzyapa zakuntarAja / kva punastvIdRzasya mahatastIrthabhUtasya sAdhoH sambhavaH // 9 lakSma' / pazyAmIva" tAM pazcimavasthAM tAtasya / yAmoSadhimivAyuSman vicinoSi " vane" vane / sA sItA " mama ca prANA rAvaNenobhayaM hRtam // 24 // ityetadevAbhidhAya vIralokamadhiSThitastAtaH // 18 a * rAmaH / vatsa" hRdayamamAvidhaH khatvamI kathoddhAtAH // 10 1 rAmasya om Mt only 2 tAni kuto cox. to tAnyakuto Cu 3 bhISava K, E, Bo, Md bhIrAva coll to bhIravao Cu bhIravadeg Sc bhIrAna Ig bhIzava I1, W, Mt, Mg 4 *ketoGge for *ketavo Bo only 0 pavicAzayAH for tiraskAritA: Ma only 6 For the last two lines of the verse adyAhaM janakAtmajAmiha vane datvAsurebhyaH punaH taM vaMzaM sutarAM kalaGkavikalaM kRtvA pra . lead by Md only * 7 fer: Mt, Mg only. of E only. ' kathaM pacirAjaH / upasRtya add Md only 8 10 11 mahAtIrtha * Eonly 12 pazyAmi for pazyAmIva Mt only 13 *mAvasthAM K, E, W, Md, Mt, Mg *mAmavasthAM cett 14 nomi Mt only 15 16 17 *stAdRzasya E, Bo only 19 mahAvane for vane vane Mt, Mg only devI for sItA Mg only ityevamabhi0 for ityetadevAbhi Mg only 18 bloke gatastAtaH for 'lokamadhiSThitastAtaH Eonly 18 a rAmaH / ... kathocAtAH om E vatsa K, Bo vatsa corr to vatsa 2 Cu vatsa vatsa cett 20 0 mamAbhidhaH K, Bo * marmabhida: Mt, Mg 'mamAvidha: cett.
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________________ 129 ACT V 25-26 'lakSma / atha kim // raamH| kiM hi nAmaitat kariSyate yadetAvataH paribhavAMtiprasaGgasya tulyaM syAt / prAgeva rAkSasavadhAya matiH sthitA me ___ vadhyA hi te bahubhireva yato nimittaiH / tanmAtrake viha "kRte'pi kutaH zamo me kRtyaM kulasya kadanAt paratazca nAnyat // 25 // "tathApi vaas| pracaNDaparipiNDitaH stimitavRttirantarmukheM pibanniva muhurmuhurjhaTiti manyuruccai lan / zikhAbhiriva nizcarannanupalabdhadAhyAntaraH payodhimiva vADavo dahati mAmatastrAyatAm // 26 // 1 For this speech and the next read as | 'tato for yato E only follows lakSma / atha kim / rAmaH / kiM viha du, Bo, So, I, viha corr to hi &c. Mg rAmaH / atha kim / kiM hi viha w viha cett. &c_E, Mt_Orig. lakSma / atha kim / 'hate for kRte Md, Mt, Mg only raamH|ki hi &c corr by rev to lkssm| kRtaH fon kutaH Mt only atastasmin durAtmani sarvaprakAraNa vairA-1 " samA me corr to zamo me cu samAptaM nRNyamupagacchAvaH / athe kim / rAmaH / ki | K zamo me cett hi &c Cu lakSma / atazca (Atazca Bo, | 10 zamanAt Me only atazca K, w, Sc, MA) tasmin durAtmani | 11 parazca E only sarvaprakAreNa vairAnRNyamupagacchAvaH / rAmaH / 12 tathA hi for tathApi Mt only atha ki / kiM hi &c Bo, W, Sc, K, Ma 13 piNDitaH E, K, I paNDitadeg Md lakSma / atazca (Atazca I) tasmina durAtmani tasmina darAmani piNDitadeg cett (+ Mt, Mg). sarvaprakAreNa vairaanRnnymupgcchaavH| raamH| 14 rmukhaM Cu, K wanting Bo rmukhaH atha ki| rAma / ki hi &c II, I 18 nizcaladeg Mt only. [all cett nAma tat for nAmaitat Bo only 18 degnupamalabdha w degnUpalabhyadeg Cu degnu3 bhavAtizamadeg Mt bhavastapra. I | paccadeg I, nupalabhya Mt nupalabdha* all bhavAtipra. cett 17 degvAhyAfor degdAhyA E only. [cett + saGga. corr. to degsaGgastha by rev , Cu | 13 mAmitadeg fon mAmata K only. 2789
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________________ ACT V 26 m| etAnyattisambhrAntavividhamRgayUthAnyunmatta caNDazvApadakulAkrAntavikaTagirigaharANyaraNyAni dakSiNAM dizamabhivartante / "tadebhireva pathibhirbhavAvaH // 6 rAmaH / 'adRSTapUrvAH khalvamI janasthAnavibhAgAH // lakSma' / nanu tadaiva' tAtamAruNiM gRdharAjamapriMsAtkRtya nirgartayoH paJcavaTyAzramAdAvayoH ko'pi kAlo " vartate " yatI dUravicchibAH samprati janasthAnasImAnaH / yathA caitAnyayataH pratirbhIyajananAnyaraNyAni tathA " nUnamasau janasthAnapazcimaH kuJjavAna" nAma bhavet danukabandhAdhiSThito daNDakAraNyavibhAgaH // 18 130 5 10 2 rAmaH / draSTavya eva sa durAtmA kAntAramaNDUkaH // nepathye / kaH ko'tra bhoH / " paricAyatAmanena" rAkSasakabandhenAnukRSyamANAmaraNye" striyam / 1 etAnyeva hi W, Sc etAnyati all cett 2 tadeva for tadebhireva So only. 3 bhAva: Bo * rvibhAvayAma: Mt rbha vAva: cett etAnyahi Ig | So Cu 4 vatsa add. Mt only. 5 adRSTaH pUrva: Bo adRSTapUrva: cett 0bhAga: E, only adRSTaH pUrvaH E 7 tadeva E tathaiva Mt tadaiva cett 8 tAtamAruNIM w mAritaM Mt mAruNiM cett 9 tAta yadA for yato W, Sc, Ig only 13 * bhayajanAnanyadeg Bo, Ig *bhayajanAnya0 *bhayajanyAnyadeg corr. to bhayajanamAnya0 *bhayajanAnanyadeg corr. to bhayajananAnya0 *bhayajananAnyadeg cett W 14 niyatamao for nUnama0 Mg only. 15 . janasthAna om Mg only 17 18 pazcimataH for deg pazcima: Mg only. kuJjaradeg for kuJja * Mt, Mg only *vAnna bhava E vAnnAma (om. bhavet ) Cu *vAn nAma only, cett. danuja for danudeg E only. TTH: om Mt only. One more paritrAyatAM added by all 18 K 19 21 *mAtmasAdeg for * manisA deg Bo only. 10 niryAtayo: Md, Mg only " kAlo'tivartate Sc kAlo nivartate Ww kAlo vartate cett. 12 20 but Cu, K 22 *vAnna bhava corr to *vAn nAma bhavet 24 durAtmanA added by all but K burA tmanA added by rev along margin, Cu 28 * nAnukRSyao Cu, K * nAkaSya * cett * striyaM Md Mt, Mg only.
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________________ 181 5 ACT V 27-29 ahaM hi zramaNA' nAma siddhA' shbrtaapsii| mataGgAzramavAstavyA rAmAnveSiNyupAMgatA // 27 // raamH| vatsa lakSmaNa gaccha // 'lakSma / eSa gato'smi // iti nikraantH|| raamH| priye hA hA' kkAsi prakira madhurAM vAcamathavA parAbhUtairitthaM vilapanavinodo'pyasulabhaH / anindyaH paulastyo vrajatu parivAdo mayi punar __ 'yato "rUDhe vaire bahuguNamanena pratikRtam // 28 // tataH pravizati lakSmaNaH zramaNA ca // lkssm| tat krUradantakarapatranikRttasatva ___ sAtaniHsaradasUklutakUrcaguccham / vaktaM vapuzca vikRtAkRti dIrghabAho rAryeNa rAkSasakutUhalinA na dRSTam // 29 // Arye zramaNe" / ayamAryaH // 10 15 - 1 iyaM for ahaM E only. | 10 rUDhaM vairaM K rUDhe vairaM corr. to rUDhe 'zramaNA all. vaire 0u rUDhe vaire cett. 3 siddhazabaradeg E only. 11 pratikRtaM K, Md, Mt, Mg pravizataM +pAgataM Cu, Bo pagatA w pAgatA | cett. ___12 zravaNA K, Md, Mt zramaNA cett. gacchaK, E gaccha corr. to gaccha | __13 sampAtitaparadadeg for saGghAtaniHsarada. gaccha2 cett. Mg only. " khtm|... zramaNA ca (1 ro below) ___14 dasta deg Bo dasaksatadeg corr to om. Mt only. degdaspa tadeg Cu degdaralata.I, dasaknuta hA devi prakSatimadhurAM for hA kvAsi cett prakira madhurAM Mg only. 15 degkRta for degkRti W only 7 bhajatu E only. 18 zramaNe all. 9 urat for erat w, Sc only. 17 opeft: for oftef: Bo only. K2
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________________ 182 ACT V 30 shrmnnaa| jayatu devaH // raamH| athAsmatparyanveSaNe kiM prayojanam // 'zrama / zRNoSi rAvaNAnujaM vibhISaNam // raamH| kastaM na zRNoti // 5 zrama / sa ca yadaiva devena kharadUSaNaprabhRtayo nihatAstadaiva bandhubhyaH kasyApi hetoH parikramya' sugrIvasakhyAdRSyamUke vartate / tasyAyamAtmasamarpito lekhaH // iti lekhamarpayati // lakSma / gRhItvA vaacyti| svsti| rAmadevaM praNamya vibhISaNo vijJApayati / ___ 10 viSTibhAgadheyAnAM vayI naH paramA gatiH / dharmaH prakRSyamANo vA goptA dharmasya vA" bhvaan||30|| raamH| vAsa brUhi kiM "sandizyatAmevaMvAdinaH priyasuhRdo laGke zvarasya " tatrabhavato mahArAjavibhISaNasya // ___ jayatu Ou, R, Mg jayatura E jaya | " dRzyate for vartate Mg only Bo jayatira cetta 10 degmAtmaramasamAIto lekha: Cu degmAArye'smata E, Bo, w, Se, I,I tmasamassamarpito lekhaH K degmAtmasamarpito asata' only Mt, Mg athAsmata cetta lekha: cett aNm|... zRNoti (next line) om. | 11 svasti om. Ou, K only Bo. 12 praNamya om. Mt only kathaM for kastaM E only. 13 viziSTa for viziSTa K only. yadaiva devena Cu, K, Mt yadaiva vRtvena 14 dvIpinaH for dvayI naH E only. - devo na yadaiva Bo yadaiva only Mg 16 vai for vA E, W, Sc, I. devAbadeva catt. viziraso for prabhRtayo Mt, Mg : 16 sandizya Gu, K prasandizya Bo only. | pratidizya Se pratisandizyadeg cett. 'apakramya fon parikramya Mt only. // tatrabhavato om Mt tatrabhagavato K dRSyamUkena Ou 'dRzyamUke I, Bo, Mt, | tatrabhagavato corr. to tatrabhavato On tatraMg 'dRSyamUke cett. | bhavato cott.
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________________ 5 10 ACT V 30 lakSma' / yadA laGkezvaraH priyasuhRdityuktamAryeNa tat kimavaziSyate sandezasya // rAmaH / yathAha' saumitriH // 2 zramaH / anugRhItAH smaH // lkssm'| Arye 'zramaNe / kathaya vibhISaNasamparkAdasti kAcidAyIyAH pravRttiH // * zrama / vartamAne nAsti / yadA punardurAtmanA rAvaNApasadenAhriyamANAyAH srastamanasUyAnAmAGkamuttarIyaM tacca nairgRhItam // rAmaH / hA priye mahAraNyavAsapriyasakhi videharAjanandini // iti saMvaraNaM nATayati // lkssmdeg| "Arye kena kasya vA hetostagRhItam // zramaH / RSyamUke rAmaguNapakSapAtAt sugrIvavibhI SaNaha matprabhRtibhiH // rAmaH / " draSTavyA hi niSkAraNapriyakAriNo bhuvanamahanIyamahi 17 1 vADhaM for yathAha saumitriH Cu (by rev along margin), K only 2 *tAH smaH Ma, Mt *tAH sma K *tAsmi Mg * tAsmaH cett OM zramaNe all. 5 4 zramaNA by rev along margin, Ou.. rAvaNenApadeg Mt, Mg rAkSasApasadenApa (prob. cour. fr rAvaNApasadenA) Ou rAvaNApasadenApadeg cett 'hRtAyAH for * hriyamANAyA: Mg degmanusUyAdegE only 6 7 [only. ' *rIyAntaritAbharaNajAlaM for parIyaM Mt only. 9 10 133 11 tacca om. Mt omly. sa only for vAsa C. * rAja om Eonly. 12 Arye om Mt only 13 Rsyadeg Ig R0 Mt, Mg RSya cett 14 vibhISaNa. om. Ou, K only. 15 hanudeg for hanUdegE, W, Se only 10 bhRtinA K 'mRti corr to "mRtinA Cu bhRtibhi: cott 17 by rev, vatsa add. Mt, Mg only 18 of for of Mt only.
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________________ 134 ACT V 31 mAnaste mahAtmAnaH / tacca sItAvAsaH zrutamabhijJAnam / tadRSyamUkamabhisandhAya tAvad gacchAmaH // zrama / ita' itastarhi devaH // parikAmanti // lakSma / hanUmAna hanUmAniti' mahAneSa vIravAdaH / tatrabhavato 5 jAtamAtrasya sataH smudbhaantdevaasuraannydbhutodaahrnnaanynushruuynte| api ca kil| yAjakarSaNe vIrya yahAyau vA samunnate / yahAlini mahAbAho tacca vIre hanUmati // 31 // zrama / evamIdRzo hemagirivAstavyasya tatrabhavataH plavaGgapuGgavA10 nAkavRtyU pateH kesariNaH kSetrasammavaH" sUnurAJjaneyo hanUmAna ___1 tacca sItAvAsa stutama tacca sI-1 ' iti mahAna om Md only tAvAsazrutama. corr to taccasItAvastraM dhruvama | mahAnayaM for mahAneSa Mt, Mg only. ou tacca sItAvAsa / zrutamadeg Bo tacca " tasya w, Sc, I, sataH om. E sataH sItAvAsaH zrutamadeg E tacca sItAvAsa | cett. zrutama I tacca sItAvAsazrutama. corr to 10 samudbhUtadeg for samuzAnta Konly muddAtaca sItAvAsaracyutamadeg w tacca sItA- |ntadevA. om Bo only vAsayutamadeg Sc tacca sItAvAsazcatama Md 11 rANyAzcaryAnyadeg for "rANyadbhutodAtatsa tasyAH saMstutama. Mt, Mg tacca | haraNAnyadeg Mt only. sIbhastraM dhruvama K. 12 yavajrAkarSaNe W, Sc yaddharjakarSaNe Bo * tadRzya I, Bo tadRzya. corr. to/ yaddaalakSaNe Mt yajJakarSaNe cett. tadRSya 0u tadRSya cett, 18 vA om E only. 3 gacchAmaH for gacchAvaH Ou, K only. | 14 nate ra nataM I, Mt nati: cett ita om Md only. 18 tatra for tacca Cu only. parikrImataH Bo parikrAmanti K, 16 hanudeg for hanU. K, Bo only. Md, Mg sarva parikrAmanti Mt prari 17 degvyaH for "vyasya K only. kAmati cett 18 plavaGgAnIka Bo only. Om one TTATT E, W, Sc, Ig, Md 19 tat add. K only. only. 20 hanu. K, Sc only.
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________________ 186 185 ACT V 32 nAma / yasya retodhAH pitA bhagavAna mAtarizvA / tat kiM hamanaikena / ammodhenArikelIrasamiva culukairujulumpanyapo ye yeSAmunkSepahetuH zikhariSu lakuMcodumbaramAya ekH'| 5 brahmastamvaM nivAsadrumamiva rabhasAdiprakartuM kSamA ye teSAM koTyo'yasamAH sutamamarapatevAnarANAM namanti // 32 // raamH| "Arye hassaidakSiNena "sumahAnanisaJcayaH / tatkimetat // zrama / lakSmaNakumAreNa tasya yojanabAhozcineyamabhisRSTA // 10 raamH| sAdhu kRtam // - 1 bhatAna I, only 7 eva ra eka: Cu, Bo eSa: corr to eka: I, eSa: cett. 2 hanudeg Cu, E hanudeg corr to hanUra | vidmaH for brahma Md only hanUdeg cett nArikelI. Ou, K, Bo, Sc, Mt, Mg | " hya* for pyadeg E only nAsikarI nIlikelI* cett. 10 nayanti E, I only. | " AyeM om E only. * culake , K, E, I culuke cet. 12 hastaM da. hanta dadeg Mt, Mg haskhada 5 rucculampantyapoI, rucculumpatpayo Cucett kaccalumpatpayo Bo rucalimpanyapI W| 13 su om E only paccalumpanyayo sc kacculumpantyapo Md 14 nasthi0 for degnami Mt only. kaccalumpatpayo , rAzulumpatpayo F1 lakSmaNa kumAraNa corr. to lakSaNena rAzulumpatyapo ra vilimpantyApA Mt kumAreNa 0u kumAralakSmaNena ra lakSmakavilimpatyapo Mg. Nena only Mt, Mg lakSmaNakumAraNa cett 5 deglIlA for hetuH Mt only 16 mAritasya for tasya K only o algo K, E felgio corr to go ou oufafao for a fato Mt only liku. cett. | 18 sAdhu Cu, E, K, I, sAdhu2 cett.
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________________ 1 136 5 10 lkssm'| 'Arya pazya pazya / 2 * sauhityAtpRthavaH kathanti rudhirotsekA camatkAriNaSTAtkarotkaTamucairanti nalakAstvaGmAMsavisraMsanAt / utsarpanyatha medasAM vikalanAduDuDudA' vIcayacitraM citramudeti ko'pyayamito divyaH zmazAnAlayAt // 33 // 10 pravizya' puruSaH / jayatu jayatu rAmadevaH / danunIma zriyaH " putraH zApAdrAkSasatAM gataH / indrAstraMkRtakAbandhyaH ""pUto'smi bhavataH " zrayAt // 34 // rAmaH / " priyaM naH // 13 dkssuH| rAma" mAlyavatpraryuktena ca mayA yuSmadAsadanAya dUSitamaraNyamAsIt / "alaM vA tatkAlakAzmalyasmaraNena / samprati 1 Arya pazya K, Bo Aya pazya corr to AzcaryaM pazya Cu Arya pazya 2 cett ' sAhideg Bo only ' .STAtkArodeg corr .STAtkArodeg cett. ACT V 33-34 4 * muJcaranti K, E, Mt * mutkati corr " to muccaranti Ou *mutkaTanti cott I only 7 to STAGkArodeg w 5 vilayanAo for vikalanA0 Mt only. 6 * dAnAM caya* for degdA vIcayadeg W, Sc, only. 9 divya0 11, E, Ou, W divya: cett 8 *mAnalAt for *nAlayAt Mt, Mg 10 divyapuruSaH for puruSaH all but Ou, K jayatu jayatu Ou, E, K jayati jayati cett. 11 zreyaM putraH Bo zriyA yuktaH W, So zriyaH puca: cotto 12 raNyamAsIt (l. 12 below) pUto'haM E mukto'smi Mg pUto svakRta om. Ig. 12 a 'smi cett 13 bhavataH zrayAt Ou bhavadAzrayAt Mt, Mg bhavatAM zrayAt cett 14 priyaM naH 2 E priyaM Cu, K priyaM priyaM naH cett 15 bhavatAM zarAt Ma bhavataH zarAt K rAma om all but Cu, E, K. 16 *muktena for "yuktena Eonly. 17 'dAspandanAya Mt only. 18 alaM vA tatkAla0 om. Mt only. 10 kAzmala Cu (co1r. f1. kAzmaya), E * kauzalyadeg W, Sc 'kAma K *kA THE cett. 20 * maraNena for smaraNena E only.
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________________ 187 ACT V 35-36 'tu yuSmatprabhAvAt prabuddhasahajajyotiSaH parokSameva me vastu kiJcit pratibhAti / tacca kaH pratibodhanAya kRtamahopakArebhyaH kathyate / prArthya mAlyavatA vAlI yuSmaddhAne niyujyate / tenApi rAvaNe maitrImanurudhya vyapekSyate // 35 // / rAmaH / eSa eva panthAzcAribasthAnAm / "naitAdRzaH suhRtkArye mAdhyasthyamavalamcane / mamAyasmin mahAvIre sotkaNThamiva mAnasam // 36 // itre"| kvAnyatra rAmadevAdamUnyakSarANi // rAmaH / bhadra" kRtaM saujanyam / adhunA ciraM" nandatu mahA10 bhAgaH sveSu lokeSu // 23dnunisskraantH|| 1tu om E, Bo only. ___10 netAdRzaH E, K na tAvadRzaH corr yo u sahajajyotiSaH cour. | to naitAvadRzaH // na tAdRk w na tAto sahajajyotiSaH w sahajyotiSaH Sc | dRzaH cett sajajyotiSaH Bo sahajajyotiSaH cetta " mAdhyastha. I, K, W, Sc mAdhyasthya degmiva me vastu K, Mt degmeva me vastu Bo, Md mAdhyasthadeg corr to mAdhyasthya. Ou corr to "mevameva u "mevAstu Md, Mg madhyastha E, IT "meva vastu cett. 12 lambya te Cu, Sc only _* kiJcidaca w, se kiJcitra Md ki- 13 vIrya for degvIre Bo only. fara Mt, Mg fafan cett. " danaH for itare Mt only. pravibodhanAya ou pratividhAnAya 15 damUnyakSarANi ... vANe muktavA Mt pratibodhanAya cett (1 5, next page) by rev along margin, Cu. __ yuSmadvArte Sc only 16 TTH add Iz, Bo, W, Sc, Ig only ' vyapekSate cour to vyapekSyate w vyapakSyate | bhadra K, Md, Mt, Mg bhadraM Bo, W, Se, Bo vyapekSate E, Sc, Md abhyupeyate Mt, | I, bhadraM corr. to bhadra I bhadra om Cu, E Mg pyapekSate corr. to pyupekSate Cu vyape add W, Sc only kSyate cett | 19 cira om. all but Ou, E, K rAmaH om Md only nandata u, E, K, Mt banda cett. " cAritrasthAnAM w ciratrasthAnaM Se | " bhAgaH Cu, E, E, Mt degbhAga cett cAritrasthAnaM corr. to degcAricasya_u_sveSu kAleSu : kheteSu lokeSu Mt svasa ra caritrasya cAritra- | skheSu lokeSu cetta sthAnaM cett | iti add. all but Ou, K
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________________ 138 ACT V 37-38 lakSma / Arye vAlirAvaNayoH kinnibandhanA maitrI // 'shrm| kailAse tulite jite tribhuvane dRpyantamabhyudyataM doryuddhAya dazAsyamindratanayaH prakSiya kaantre| sAndhyaM karma samAya saptasu sarinAtheSvatho muktavA nunmuktAya natAya "yAcitavate sakhyaM ca tasmai dadau // 37 // "lakSma / durAtmana paulasya lapAMsana / eSa te kSatriyaparitApino viirysyotkrssH|| raamH| evamunarotarabhavaiizcitrIyate jIvalokaH // ___ 10 bama / "Arye purata eSa" zubho' giriH kinnAmadheyaH // shrm| nAyaM giriyazorAziriva vIrasya vaalinH| eSa dundubhidaityendramahiSasyAsthisaJcayaH // 3 // 1 zravaNA II, Bo aE amadeg cett | 10 yAjitadeg conr to yAcita* Cu only kailAze Sc, I, only. | 1 lakSma om E only. 3 jite pitaM tribhuvane w, Sc jite'pi ___12 bhAvacitrIyate I, Md, Mt, Mg 12 bhuvane 04 site tribhuvane E jite tribhuvane bhAvacitrAyate W, Sc, I, bhAvazcitrIyate cett. * mabhyAgataM Cu, K manyadyataM E corr. to degbhAvaizcicIyate Cu degbhAvaizcitrIyate mabhyudyataM cett. cett. prASiSya Md only | 13 Arya for Arye W only. kavAntare Cu, K, Mt, Mg kacAlaye 14 eSa te w, So eva Bo eta I, eSa ' nadInyathepyo Bo nanAyaco Ma | _18 zudhI K sarInvAtho 0n sarinAtheSvatho ra nadI zudhA corr. to zudho 0u nAtheSvatho cett (+ Mt, Mg) zudhaM Bo zudhadeg cett. japta* for mukta Mg only. 16 opfato for ofra Mt only. * gvAnmuktAyAtha for gvAnumaktAya w, | " degmAhiSya* I, I, Md degmAhiSa* E Sc only | mahiSadeg cett. cett. cott.
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________________ 139 ACT V 39 'lakSma / uparuvAnyanena vAni / tat parihatya gacchAmaH // raamH| nanvehi // _ 'pAdena kSipati // 'zrama / aashcrym| yAtsaGkandananandanaH kapivRSA nirmathya dostambhayo___ yApAreNa nirAsthadasthigirivad devadviSo dundubheH / takakAlamakANDapANDuraghanapraspardhi rundhatpunaH pAdAGguSThavivartanAdayamito nirvindhyamAvidhyati // 39 // " lkssm|... nanvehi om (1 2 below) | kAlamakANDaghamaravana. corr to yatkaMlamaThe rev supplies lakSmaNaH only along | kANDaghasmaravana0 u tatkaGkAlamakANDamargin, Ou uparudeg . . . nanvehi (1. 2 | pANDaraghana. cett below) om E. | rundhatpunaH W, Sc, Bo tuM rundhatpunaH taM Md, Mg idaM ra tat cetta | corr to rundhatpunaH I, rundhanyunaH Ou, E, 3 pAdena kSipate 0u pAdena kSipyate E | I2. Mt, Mg rundhatpuraH ra rundhanamaH corr. iti tat padena kSipati w, So pAdAGguSTena | to rundhatyunaH Md kSipati Mt lakSma / pAdena tipate K 10 faradto md only. fodretto corr. to padena vipati cett nirvidhyaI, nirvadhya Bo ___11 nirvighna K, Cu (prob.corr fr nirvidhya) * * rAma cour to zrama 0u. nirvidhya E nirvindhya. Ma nirvandhya W Arya pazya corr to AzcaryaM pazya Cu | (corr fr fordez) Sc. Azcarya2 Md Azcarya cett. * I and Bo repeat this whole speech "lezeneva tadAzava in the orng text and of zramaNA but with r.1 In this repeated yatsaGkandanaH by rev. along margin, Cu passage for TH I, has TTH and Bo TTH:. lezenaiva savAsaviH Mg yatsaGkandananandanaH For yatsaGkandananandanaH both read klezeneva cett tadApi saH For nirAsadAra girivad 'nirAstharAsthitagirera IT, E, I, ni- | I, reads nirAsthadasthi girIvad, while Bo rAsthadasthigirivad Ou, Md nirAsthadA- | nirAsthadasthi giriva and omats the followsthitagirera Bo, W, Se (In W and So | ing deva. For tatkaGkAlamakANDapANDuranirAstha is a corr. fir nirAsthi) nirA-ghana both read yattatkANDamakANDaghasmasthadasthivadra. raghana. For rundhat I has rundhana, while 'tatkAlamakAlapANDuraghana II, Mt | Bo rundhat And for nirvindhya Bo has yattatkANDamakANDapANDuraghana Md yatta- | nirvidhyadeg, and I nirvina
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________________ 141 ACT V 41-42 141 zizirakaTukaSAyaH styAyate 'sallakInA mibhadalitavikIrNagranthiniyandagandhaH // 41 // 'lakSma / tat kimabhita eva pravRddhapaurastyamArutavihanyamAnakadambAni kAnanAni saGgalitavASpapaTalayA 'dazA parikSiya 5 dhanuravaSTabhya dhIradhAritazarIreNAryeNa "sapadi sthIyate // rAmaH / vatsa kiM na pazyasi / sthitamupanatajammAna bicaiH kadaizcaiH kRtamavikalakaNThastANDavaM nIlakaNThaiH / " uparivighaTamAnaprauDhatApinchanIlaH zrayati zikharamarTenUtanastoyavAhaH // 42 // lakSma / svagatam / api nAmAyamAryaH kenacidrasAntareNa vikssiyet|| sAnda 1 zalla* K only. 11 samprati fon sapadi Mt only vidIrNa. K only 1 rAmaH Mt rAmaH by rev , Cu zrama 3 niSpanda* I, E niyandadeg Cu | cett fareyfa Bo, W ofaele Ig, Md 13 pazya corr to pazyasi by rev , Ou niSyandadeg K, Mt nisyandi Sc 14 garbhavilvaiH rambhaDimbhaiH Mt garbha bimba: cett * lakSma om. Md only lakSma tat om Mt only 1 kadambaiH om. Bo only. ___ paurakha* Bo paulastya. Cu 'pA 18 "matikaladeg for degmavikala* I only. rastya. E paurastyadeg cetta 7 api ca for uparideg Mt, Mg only. Has also ifra in pencil along 17 degmAnaH for degmAna* K only margin, probably as v 1. for g of pravRddha 1B tApiJchadeg Ma, Mt, Mg tApiJcha' and ruta of mArata, con to carry Cu aforest cett 'dhUyamAna* for "vihanyamAna0 Mt only | 19 ziradeg I, zizira I, zikhara dRzA om. Bo only cett deg dhIra. om. E, K, Md, Mt, Mg only | 20 madrau nU0 fo1 degmadre Mt only. 10 degcArita I, caritadeg Sc degcAriNA kSipyeta I, Cu, K kSipyete E w *dhAta : 0dhAritadeg cett kSipyate cett
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________________ 142 ACT V 43-44 nepathye / mAtAmaha nivartasva nivartasva / tvanniyogAdayukto'pi vadhaH sAdhoH kariSyate / pUjyo'si nanu mitrasya yo gurugurureva saH // 43 // lakSma / Arye ko'yam // ___5 zrama / deva pazya pazya / bibhrANazcAru cAmIkarakamalamayaM dAma dataM maghonA piGgenAGgena sandhyAcchurita iva mhaankhuvaahstNdditvaan| utpAtAviddhamUrterdadhadupari giregairikAGgasya lakSmImantaH sImantarekhAmiva viyati javAdindrasUnustanoti // 44 // lakSma / Arya Arya diSTyA prAptaH sa vIragoSThIvinodadAnapriyasuhRnmAghevataH // raamH| khgtm| mahAvIraH sH|| 1 pitAmahara for mAtAmaha Mt only. | 10 degmUrti for "mUrte I, only. nivartasva Cu, E, W, Sc nivartasvara 1 degkAMvasya K degkAGkasya Mg degkAGgasya cett nirvagA* for "niyogA Se only. " jayati for viyati Mt only. 33 degdamukto. K degdamukto corr. to ___13 lakSmaNa by rev along margin, Cu. danukto* 0u degdayuktodeg cetta ___ dRSTyA for diyA W only. * pUjyo'si I, Mt pUjye'pi coir. to 15 sa by rev , Cu. pUjyo'pi 0u pUjyastvaM Mg pUjyo'pi | ___16 gosAvanodadAna K, E goSThIcett. dAnadeg in text and vinoda by rev. along " guruca corr to deggururava Cu only | margin, Cu o jAna cett. o que corr to ope by rov., Cu. _18 priyaH for priya W only 7 vidhANaM cAdeg 0u vibhISaNazcA* B | 1 jyaghavataH 0u (corr fr. mAdhavataH) vidhANacA* cetta w mAyavataH Md, Mt, Mg nyAghavataH pi gaganena for piGgenAGgena E only_ cett. "DikhAt K, Se TikhAt I, Ti-| ..18 svagatam om. Mt only. khAna Mt, Mg "DilAna cett.. 19 degvIrarasaH for degvIraH saH E only.
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________________ 5 ACT V 45 tataH pravizati vAlI // lokAlokAlavAlaskhalanaparivahatsaptamAmbhodhipUraM vAlI / viciSyatparva kalpacibhuvanamakhilotkhAtapAtAlamUlam / paryastAdityacandrastabakamavapatadbhUritArAprasUnaM brahmastacaM 'dhunIyAmiha hi mama vidhAvasti tIvro viSAdaH // 45 // evaM nAmayuktamanurudhyamAnAH pumAMso mahatyayukta gahare pAtyante / yadanena mAlyavatA paulastya maicIdivasamanusmArya tatrabhavato raghu10 dhvajasya nidhane niyukto'smi / aho yahaH / prAtarArabhya mAmanuart faokandhAyAM prasthApya samprati nivRttaH / kaSTaM " bhoH kaSTam / daurAgyAdaribhirnijArjavazucau mAyAvibhirvaJcite dharmAtmanyatithau nijanapi jagatpUjye gRhAnAgate / 1 9 * lasat for *vahat all but K, Mt, 3 Mg only * tamAmbhodhipUraM by rev. along margin, Cu. pUrva *tparva cett 4 *dhArAdeg Cu * tApa Sc *tAtpat 5 Ig degtArA cott. 5 corr to * parva * W lunIo cott. 6 dhunI0 K, Cu ( prob corr fr lunI0) *tpadma* E nAmAyuktaH I nAma yukta E, Ia, Md nAma yuktamanuktadeg W, Sc nAmAyuktamuktadeg K. for f Mt only. 7 vivasti for vidhAvasti by rev, Cu 8 nAma mumukta Ou nAmayuktamukta Bo tAvadanuyukta Mt * mukta for degyuktadeg Cu only 10 faut for To Mt, Mg only. 11 di of divasa effaced with paint and pratizravamao along originally vacant space by rev, Cu pratizrama K * divasama cett 143 Cu 11* nusmArya tatrabhavato also by rev ndhAyAH F, W, Sc, Ig bandhAyAM cott. 13 bhoH kaSTaM bho Cu kathaM bhoH kaSTaM E 12 bhoH kaSTaM K kaSTaM bhoH kaSTaM cett. 14 Originally a short vacant space for daurAtmya vibhi shows the omission * supplied by rev, Cu 15 nirAgasi Mt, Mg 16 CIDIC cett. mahAnAdeg for gRhAnAdeg Md only.
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________________ ACT V 46-47 etasminucitaM na nAma vihitaM vAcApi noktaM " priyaM dhika pApena mayA ripAviva kathaM baddho 'vadhAyodyamaH // 46 // 3 kathitaM ca sampratyeva me cArakaiH / vibhISaNena sugrIvasyApyanAkhyAya rAmAntikaM zramaNA' preSitA / pratipannalaGkAdhipatyazca tasya' dAzarathi mataGgAzramopakaNThe vartata iti / bhavattvavatarAmi / tathA nATayati / kaH ko'ca bhoH / vijitaparazurAmaM satyadharmAbhirAmaM guNanidhimabhirAmaM draSTumabhyAgato'smi / bhavati ca phalavattA cakSuSastatra dRSTe bhavati ca ramaNIyo darpakaNDUnikASaH // 47 // rAmaH / vatsa saumitre | mAmihasthamAvedaya mahAbhAgAya // lakSma' / upasRtya / ayamAryastiSThati / tadupasarpatu mahAbhAgaH // vAlI / api tvaM 'punarasau lakSmaNaH // 144 10 15 lkssm'| atha kim // 10 vAlI / svagatam / sa eSa rAmazcaritAbhirAmo dharmaikaivIraH puruSaprakANDaH / 1 pi nokta... dyamaH has been supplied by rev, Cu 18 nAveditaM fo1 noktaM priyaM Mt, Mg only * ripuryo'dhamaH for vadhAyodyama: Ma Mt, Mg only 8 End here-Cu, Mt, Mg Appendix A 4 * tyeva me W, Sc, Md * tyevameva I, Bo, Ig For K see "tyeva E 5 upasarpataH // zramaNA Bo, W, Sc, E zravaNA I1. tasya om. Bo only. [I2, Md. 7 phaNa0 Sc phaNa corr to phala W phala0 cett. 8 * kaSAya: for nikASa: E only. 6 ' asau only for punarasau E only 10 vAlI om. I only 11 vIra for vIraH E only. 12 puruSaH for puruSa Bo only.
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________________ 145 ACT V 48-51 145 svAnyeva pUrvANi paraizcaritrai ___o'tyadbhutairapratimo'tizete // 4 // prkaashm| rAma AnandAya ca vismayAya ca mayA dRSTo'si duHkhAya vA' ___ vaitRSNyaM tu mamApi samprati kutastvaddarzane cakSuSaH / tvatsAGgatyasukhasya nAsmi viSayastakiM vRthA vyAhRte rasminvizrutajAmadagnyadamane pANau dhanurjummatAm // 49 // 5 raamH| diSTyA yadadya dRSTastvaM satyametaJca yujyate / kinvazastreSu yuSmAsu kathaM rAmo'stu sAyudhaH // 50 // vaalii| vihsy| bho mahAkSatriya / kimitynNnukmpniiyaanvmsmaannukmpse| jJAtA eva vayaM jagatsu caritairvAgbhiH kimAkhyAyate __saMyatto bhava satyamasti bhavataH satyaM manutho bhavAn / zastrairavyavadhIyamAnavijayAH prAyo vayaM teSu ced yAhaste sukhamAstra santi girayo yairvAnarAH zastriNaH 15 // 51 // taditaH sthalImadhitiSThAvaH // 1 vA om E only * vaitRptyaM E vaitAnyaM Bo vaitRSNyaM I, W, Sc, Ip, Md. 3 nAsti w, Se only. 33 hAvane Bo vijaye Md damane I. E, W, Sc, I, * jRmbhate Md only 2789 tyanudeg for degtyananu Bo only 'nyAnasmAnanuE gyAnamAnapyevamanu Md jyAnapyevamamAnanudeg cett. sampatto Bo sampanno : saMyatto cett bhava satyamasti om I, only ' zastraiH svaiH rUpadhIya E only. __10 mAzvasanti W only.
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________________ 146 ACT V 52-54 lakSma / 'Arya yathAha mahAbhAgaH / svajAtisamayavyavasthitA yuddhadharmA iti // vAlirAmau / anyonyamuddizya / kAmaM tvayA saha zlAghyo vIragoSThImahotsavaH / kinvidAnImatikrAnte tvayyavIrA vasundharA // 52 // parikramya niSkrAntau // lakSma / kathamAsphAline dhanuSi kupitaH sAGkandaniH / tathA hi| garjaparjanyaghorastanitamaviratArambhagambhIramanta - guJjana guJjAbhajRmbhAvivRtaH khvishvishvdikckrvaalH| 10 saMrambhotambhatuGgasthita vitatataDipiGgalAGgalaketu yastaM vistArya dapIdapihitagaganotsaGgamaGgaM dhunoti // 53 // nepththe| vibhISaNa vibhISaNa / Aryasya vAlina iva dhvanireSa nUnaM / tasyaiva nUtanadhanastanitapracaNDaH / mauvIravazca kuta eSa bhayAnakaH syAd vyApAritaM kimu hareNa dhanuH pinAkam // 54 // lakSma / Arye ayaM nu kaH // 15 1 Aha for Arya Bo only ___ mantaGgajA. se degmantagujA. Bo 2 svajAtideg repeated Bo only. mantaguMjA I, E, W, Ia, Md 3 degsamA for degdhI E only vibhISaNaH Ma vibhISa vibhI4 nafarra for ofrecerata E only 2 Iy, Bo, W, Sc, Iz 'litH| dhanuSi mamArye kupitaH Bo only | 'tu II, Bo nu cett.
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________________ nepthye| ACT V 55 147 zrama / sa eSa khalu vibhISaNasakhaH sugrIvaH savimarSasaMrambha samprahAramanusarati / sarve ca yUthapatayo girigaharebhyaH sampatanti // lakSma / tena hi samprati mAyAropitavyaM dhanuH // ama / eSa vAlikAyadundubhikaraGkasaptatAlagirimahItalAnyava5 dArya rAmatUNIramadhizayitaH zaraH // madrohAchapathAt prasIdatu matiH paulastyasuyIvayo he vIrAH kapayaH zamo'stu bhavatAmIzaH sa evAsmi cet| rAmAna prAptamahArghavIramaraNasyAzastireSAdya me yo'haM sUryasutaH sa eSa bhavatAM yo'yaM sa vatso'GgadaH // 55 // lm| tadayamanucarAjJAniyantraNonmuktavIrasamayasaGgaladasahyaduHkhanibhRtaiyUMthapatibhirAryeNa ca sapakSapAtavASpeNa vIkSyamANaH "svadrohazapathayantritasazokavibhISaNena yAcyamAnazarIrasauSThavaH prayatna16 niruddhaniSThuraprahAramarmachedavedanAvegaH pariSvaGgavyAjavidhUtasupIva savimarSasaMrambhaM samprahAramanudeg I, w, ' hAdapathA" for deghAcchapathA* Se only SC, I savisarpasaMrabhaM prahAramanu Bo savi- yadaya for tadaya W only, wanting E marza sasaMrambhaM samAhAraM samanu E saviSa- " NAmukta for Nomukta Se only, saMrambhaM prahAramanudeg Ma wanting E 10 satya for degsahya Md only 'mamA0 for mayA E only. 1 pAta. w pAtaM cett 3 ropayitavyaM Md ropitaM corr. to | 12 vIkSa0 for vIkSya E only *ropitavyaM w 'ropitavyaM cetta 13 skhadrohaNapathadeg E, I, saddhorazapatha. * vAlIvadhAya for vAlikAya E only. | Bo svadrohazapatha cett. "girigaharebhyaH patanmahI* for giri- 4 zoka for "sazoka Md only mahI* Md only 15 "niSThuradeg om Bo only o omfa for offto Md only | 18 oynto for ofa yao Md only L2
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________________ 148 ACT V 56-57 kaNThaparidhIkRtastakaNThakanakakamalamAlAguNaH zakrasUnurasyAmapi dazAyAM vIrazriyA pradIyate // tataH pravizataH sugrIvavibhISaNI vAlI rAmazca // raamH| aprAkRtAMbhijanavIryayazazcaribAna puNyazriyaH kulamahIdharabhUrisArAn / evaMvidhAnapi nipAtya kaTurvipAMkaH sarvakaSaH kaSati hA viSamaH kRtAntaH // 16 // vaalii| vatsa vibhISaNa / pazya pazya / suSTu zobhate vAsasugrIvasya vakSasi sahasrapuSkaramAlAguNaH // 10 sugrIvavibhISaNau / apvaary| akANDazuSkAzanipAtaraudraH 'ka eSa dhAturviSamo vivartaH / asmAbhirAyaH zapathairniruddhaiH kathaM vilayaH kathamAsitavyam // 17 // 15 vaalii| rAmabhadra rAmabhadra // raamH| Arya ayamasmi // vaalii| yadAsaktaM" daivAdanabhimatasakhye'pi hi jane mayA" sakhyaM prANairanRNa iva tsyaahmdhunaa| 1 degsva. om. E only. kamala. om Md only. 3 dIpyate for pradIpyate Bo * tAni jaya0 for degtAbhijana Bo only 1 pAkaH corr. to degpAke 11 pAka Bo pAka: cett puSkarasya mAlA E only ka eka I karAla. ka eSa cett 8 OTTO E, Bo, Sc pref: cett 9 : W, Sc deg75: cett 10 vilabdhaH for vilayaH E only. 11 yadArabdhaM W, Se only yadAsaktaM cett. 12 yathA for mayA E only. va om Md only
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________________ 149 ACT V 58 yadanyat sAdhUnAM tava ca guNarAzeH samucitaM prahANe prANAnAM tadapi hi yathAzakti vidadhe // 5 // ' rAmaH savinayalajjAzokastiSThati // sugrIvavibhISaNau jnaantikm| Arye zramaNe / kathamamRtahRdAdivAsmAkaM 5 rAmadevAdeSa vipAkaH // zrama / mAlyavatA kilaivam // iti umayoH karNe kathayati // vaalii| vatsa 'sugrIva // sugrIvo bASpastambha nATayati / vaalii| nanu sugrIva / AH pratikUlikaH saMvRttaH // sugrI / skrunnm| Arya Arya prasIdAjJApaya // 10 vaalii| vatsa kathaya kastavAsmi // sugrii| guruH svAmI ca // vaalii| vaM tu" mama kaH // sugrI / zizuH preSyazca // vaalii| vatsa kathaya ka AvayoranyonyadharmaH // 15 sugrii| vazitvaM vo vazyatA ca mama // vaalii| taM" haste gRhiitvaa| tarhi dato'si rAmAya / rAma nanveSa gRhyatAm // 1 prahAre for prahANe Bo only. ' sugrIvara w, Se sugrIva I, Bo, E, " hi om Bo only | I, Md 3 jAnAti ke Sc only 10 svagatam add w, Se only 11 prAtikUlikaH Bo, w, Sc, IL (prob ___ + Arya ... kathaM om. Ma Arye . corr. fr. pratikUlikaH) pratikalikaH I, smAkaM om Bo pratikulikaH : pratikUlaka: Ma. devaMvi0 "deSadecavi. w, So 12 tu II, Bo, w, Sc, Md nuE, I, deSa vi0 cett 18 om Bo only kilaivamevam E only. 14 taM om Bo only 'sugrIva om Bo only + TTATG W, Sc TTH I, Bo, I, Md stavanaM w only. rAmAya E.
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________________ 150 ACT V 59-60 raamsugriivo| ko hi pUjyasya gurorvacanaM na' bahu manyate // vimii| aho vistarasthAne'pi dharmopapatiparizuddhaH saGkepaH // vaalii| vatsa sugrIva / atha brahmaputrAdAcAyajjiAmbavataH adhItadharmapArAyaNavacanena kIdRzastvayA maitrIdharma AgamitaH // / sugrii| prANairapi hite vRttiradroho vyaajvrjnm| AmanIva priyAdhAnametanmaitrImahAvratam // 19 // vaalii| rAmabhadra tavApi bhagavataH sahasrakiraNAnvayapurohitAhasiSThAdeSa eva sampradAyaH // 10 raamH| Arya atha kim // __vaalii| tadanena maitrIdharmeNa bhavajhAmanyonyasya vartitavyam / madanurodhAt kriyatAmupanibandhaH / agnisAkSikAcca samayo nAtivartate / sannihita evAyaM mataGgayajJAgniH // __ rAmasugrIvau / bnyonyhstgrhm| puNye mataGgayajJAnau sakhyaM 'nirvRtmaavyoH| mameva hRdayaM te'stu taveva' hRdayaM ca me // 6 // vaalii| rAmabhadra ayaM tu vatso vibhISaNasvayA pratizrutalaGkAdhirAjya eva purataH zramaNAyAH // vibhI / sljjaashngkm| kathaM "jJAto'smi // 15 1 na after gurorvacanaM II, Bo, w, Se, I, I 'nirvRtta I, W, I, nivRta* Sc, Md Md, before, E nivRtta : nivarta* Bo ravihate for "rapihita E only __ mamaiva E only. 3 cater for ogni E only. / tavaiva E only. * hi add W only dAyakaH for degdAyaH E only. ___10 rASTra for "rAjya Md rA only Bo. " kAcca II, Bo, E, I, kazca w, Sc, | 11 jAto for jJAto E only. Md.
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________________ 151 ACT V 60 amnnaalkssmnnau| aho cAracakSuSmatA // raamH| atha kim // vimI / tarhi prasannaM devena // iti praNamati // sugrI / mayAyaviditaH zramaNAvRttAntaH phalitasviti tarkitA5 rtho'smi // rAmaH / he priyasuhRdau mahArAjasugrIvavibhISaNau / eSa vAmidAnI saumitiH // lkssm| Aryo lakSaNo'bhivAdayate // umau| eDhehi vAsa // ityaalinggtH| 10 zrama / atigammIraH 'surasaH svIkAraH // vaalii| vAsa vibhISaNa / tavAyalamidAnI svArthazAlInatayA / evaMpariNAmamevaitaIstu / rAvaNo hi' nAstyeveti mavRtAntenaiva vyAkhyAtam / apatyasnehasAmye'pi piNDopajIvino vizeSato rAvaNahitopasthAnaM dharmaH / svayaM kathayituM samyagvibhISaNasya 15 preyasA yoga iti mAtAmahasya yuktam / mahAnta eva hi tAdezAmagAdhasatvAnAmavinayaparispanditaM jAnanti / pracalanti hi me prANAH / tadavasAnaprapAtalamupanayantu mAM bhavantaH // 1 iti praNamati om Md only | 10 kathayita Ma only.. AryoM I, Bo Arya : Aryo , | 1 preyasA I, Bo, I, Md prayasA E V, Sc, Md preyaso w, Sc __ gambhIra for deggambhIraH E only yuktam om E only * svarasaH E, Bo, W, Se, I, Md svrsH| 13 hi om E only corr. to surasaH I, tAdRzAH samagAdhaE tAdRzA sm| khApa for khArthadeg E only gedha Bo tAdRzAmagAdhadeg cett 6 degtastuE tadastu Md tadvastu cett 15 sthandita for degspanditaM Md only ? fe om E only 18 prapAtala* I, Bo, E, I, prapAtasthala 8 pi om. E only | Sc, Md prayAtasthaladeg corr. to prayAnasthala ' rAvaNo for rAvaNa Bo only I w
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________________ 152 ACT V 61-62 niilprbhRtyH| hA vIra hA maghavanandana mandarAdri niSkampasAra jagadapratimallavIra / uddarpadundubhinizumbhapaTupracaNDado NDamaNDala gato'si hahA hatAH smaH // 61 // iti rudanistAryamANaH parikramya / 'vaalii| bho mahAtmAnaH plvnggmpunggvaaH| sugrIvAGgadayoH prabhutvamiha yat saujanyametaddhi vo mattItyaiva tu nAvadhIryamanayoryaho mahimnaH kSamam / prAptaH samprati rAmarAvaNaraNaH snehasya nirvyaJjaka stasminnaJjalireSa zAntamathavA vIryeSu vaH ke vayam // 62 // kinyc| karNAvarjitadiGmataGgajayugabanhopamadIzca te puchAcchoTadalAsamudravivaraiH pAtAlajhampAzca tAH / kApeyasya ca pauruSasya ca tathA premNo garimNazca yad doSNAmunmathitadviSAM "susadRzaM tanmA" sma vo vismaran // 63 // iti niSkrAntAH sarve // // paJcamo'GkaH // _15 na Sc, I, 1 nIlaprabhRtayaH om Bo only jhampA. I, E, I, Md jhaJjhA w fargento I, Bo, 1, oaspar cett. 779To Bo To Sc. 3 hatAHma II, Sc hatAHmaH Bo, Md, I2 ___10 susadRzaM I, Bo, Md svasadRzaM E, W, hatA saHE hatA maW * vAlI om E only. ___" yA sma I, E, Bo, Md yAdya. w, / prAtaH for prAptaH Bo only. Sc mA (om. sA) I2. reva for reSa Bo only vismarata changed by rev. to vyasarata ' dvandvApa0I, only. 3 cchoTa* I, E, I. Ma chATa Bo| 13 Here end I, Bo, Md. For end sphoTa w, sc. colophons see Introduction.
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________________ ACT VI 1-2 153 'tataH pravizati viSaNo mAlyavAn // mAlyavAn / scintm| ahaha rakSaHpate1vinayaviTapikorakAH paritaH prakIrNA iva / vIjaM yasya videharAjatanayAyAtrAGkuro'pi svasu yAtrA' tau parivaJcituM kisalayaM mArIcamAyAvidhiH / zAkhAjAlamayonijApaharaNaM tasya sphuTaM korakAH kIzAdhIzavadho'nujasya gamanaM sakhyaM tayostena ca // 1 // ayamacirAdeva phalonmukho'pi bhaviteti manye / yato vRddhabudhiranAgataM pazyati / niHzvasya / aho vAmatA bhAgadheyAnAm / 10 vyasane'smina mantrazaktyA yadyatmatikRtaM mayA / alasasya yathA kArya tattatmacyutamAtmanA // 2 // 1 Begins // zrIzaM vande // E. along the bottom margin, w tanayA* Folho s beginning with (1) and | yAcAdeg Sc degtanayAyAcyA tanayAending with kapipuGga (next page, 1.1) | vA E tanayA yacA. missing-B. ofa om E only front add W, Sc, I, only. yAcA tau parivaJcituME, SC, I, yAtrA mAlyavAna om. E only | to paricumbituM w nAsAkarNavikartanaM K. ahaha / raca: om. E only. tatra sphuratkorakAH E only ' tanayAyAvA. corr by the ong kozA. E, K kozA W, So, I. scribe to "tanayAyAcA. yAcA marked 10 niHzvaya Sc, I, K niHsvastha w with (|) above by the 1ev. who adds cyAM | vizvaskhaE.
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________________ 154 ACT VI 3--4 'saanutaapm| sAcivyaM nAma mahate santApAya / yAkaJciArmadAH 'svairamAdriyante nirrglm| tatra tatra pratIkArazcinyo vakre vidhAvapi // 3 // aho durAtmanaH kSatriyavaToH sarvAtizAyi caritam / yat 5 tathAvidhazauryoSamANaM kapicakravartinaM zanaiH saMyamayatA kiM nAma na vihitam / smaraNaM naattyitvaa| uktaM ca kiSkindhAtaH pratinivRttena cArakeNa yat sItAmanveSTumanudizamabhidudruvuH kapipuGgavA" iti // nepthye| "bhrAntIH saptAdhikAnAM pravidadhadaruNairarciSAM cakravAlaiH ___ "praaciiraannmlkssyprsuutirtismunnptraukyaalyessu| ardhapluSTApasarpa janicarabhaTobADhakalpAntazaGkAM laGkAM prauDho hutAzaH saha paridalatA" ca trikUTena lIDhe // 4 // 10 nIcara: 1sAnutApam om E only. 12 prAcIrA* B, K, E, I, prAgvIrA' svarafor khairadeg E only. W, Sc 3 degyanto E only 13 degdrajanicara B, K, W, Se, I, draja* prakAra" for pratIkAradeg E only "tizayacaritaM E only. | 14 degzaGkA B, K, E degzaGkaM W, Sc, I, 6 ofafeto for ofatto Ionly ' zanaiH ra zaraiH E, W, Sc, I, ___1 laDdA prauDho E, K laGkAM proDho B saMyamatA E only only laGkA prauDho Se, I, lAGkAprauDho w " manumArgayanto'nudeg for degmanveSTumanu K 16 paridalatA citrakUTena lI B pari1deg Folio 6 begins with vA iti B lasatA citrakUTena leDhi K paridalato11 AH saptAdhikaza pravi* in the tert | strikUTeta loTe : paridalito'bdhestriand ciH pratIkaM pra added for "dhikazapa kuTo na loThe w paridalitovAstavATena along the top margin, B dhAntAH samA- lITe I paridalito'bdhestrikUTena loDhe dhikAnAM pravi0E dhAntIH saptAdhikAnAM sc lyablope paJcamI adhimArabhyetyarthaH pravi. K, W, Se, I, | added along margin, Sc.
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________________ ACT VI 4 155 pravizvApaTIkSepeNa samdhAntA trijttaa| paritAMadu paritAadu kaNiMTamAdAmaho // iti sorastADanaM patati / mAlya / vatse alaM 'kAtaratayA / kimidamuccairatyAhitam // vija0 / utthAya / kaNiTumAdAmaha / kiM kahemi' mandarbhAiNI / 5 eso khu' ko vi duTuvANaro soMlaM vijia NaraM khaNametaraNa tikkhaM gaharaNikkhevavikkhinaviviharakkhasaloo akkheNa kkhu kumAlaeNa aNuvandhijjamANe tassiM kadantalIlaM kadua ati Nikvanto // __ 1 pravizya paTIkSedeg corr. to praavnnyaapttii| 13 tirakhaNahaNiniriena K ttiB vA pravizya paTAkSedeg F, skhaNahariNivevavikhitadeg E tirakaNahaSo, I pravizya paTakSedeg corr to pravizya raNirakevavikhi (corr fr. "virika) tta B paTAkSetra tArakakkhaNa riNIkhavavikhitta w, sc ' parittAadu B, E parittAtradura tirakakhaNahariNIveva vikhittA I K, I, parittoadu2 parittAadu2 arakeNa I, K asvaNe E akakhena changed by 1ov. to of Titus W. Sc waru w __ 3 kANaTanAkSAnahI K, Sc kANiTTamA- 15 khu w, K kkhu se vavu I kkhu dAmaho I, kAnagmAdAmaha. w kaNi?- | om. E. mAdAmaha E mAtAmaho only K_The _ 16 vandhijja* K, w, sc degvandhija* I, chaya paricAtuM kAnaSThamAtAmAH along | gvatssa. E. margins, W, Sc tassiM B, K tassi E, W, Se tasmiM ___+kAtaratayA B, K, Sc, I, kAtarayA I w karitayA E. ___18 kadanalIlaM w, Se, I, kaTantalIla E 6 utthAya om. B only. aNajja instead, K kahImi B only. [cett. ___19 nnikvnto|| B Nikanto : NiTbhAraNI B bhANI I, bhAiNI kkhu khu cett vutto W, So Nikvanto I Nivyutto K. deg degvANarA, gvANaso w degvANaro 20 The chaya added kAtA ki cett. | kathayAmi mandabhAginI eSa khalu ko'pi 10 sabalAM B sayalaME sajalaM cett duSTavAnaraH sakalamapi -- (dhagdhvA instead, 1 Ei , I, viDhajjiba ScSc) nagara kSaNamAtreNa tarANavANIvigajje B viThajjiaK viDassiw.| kSepavikSiptavividharAkSasaloko'kSaNa khalu 12 mattepaNe corr to "mattaNa B mettaeNa| kumArakeNAnubadhyamAnastasmin kRtAntalIlAM | kasA jhaTiti nivRttaH w, se. cett.
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________________ 156 ACT VI 5 mAlyadeg / skhedm| kiM nAma dagdhaM nagaram / hato'kSaH kumAraH / api ko nAmAyaM kapiH syAt / sasmaraNam / uktaM ca' cArakeNa hanUmAnavAMcIM dizamiti / ahaha / tUladAhaM 'puraM laGkAM dahataiva hanUmatA / api laGkApatestItraH pratApo niravApyata // 5 // vatse api tena sItApravRttirupalabdhA // cija / karNimAdAmaha purado jeba' ko vi makkaDaparamANU tIe saha" mantasanto diTTho / tIe vi ummoci kesAharaNaM zrahiNANaM ti" se " hatthe samappidaM / etti jANAmi // 12 mAlya' / kiM na paryAptam / sAzaGkam / ekenaiva kapiparamANunA tAvadevamanuSThitam / evaM paraHzatAH koTyaH zrUyante samprati suyIvabhujabalaparipAlite kapisarge // trija. / srvitairkm| kahaM tArisI suumAradaMsaNA vi " susiNiDavAhArA vi" mANusI vi sIdA amhANaM rakkhamANaM pi" 15 rakkhasI jAdA // 5 10 1 only 2 ca cArakeNa K, W, Sc, I, cArakeNa only E cApasarpeNa B. 3 4 smaraNa nATayitvA for sasmaraNam E hanudeg for hanUdeg only. prAcIM dizameti for avAcIM dizamiti E only. 5 6 purIM for puraM Eonly. afago K only. 7 jjeva So jena cett 8 makkaDa makkaNDa* W. K, E, Sc, I makkara B 9 *mANu for mANUE only Ig saha B, E, K samaM w, Sc " du:mocia for ummocitra Eonly 12 fa om. E only 10 13 B, K 14 savimarSa B savitarka cett 15 susiNivAhArA K, W, Sc, I. Ong. susiNivAhArA; but f of si has tassa E, W, Sc saI been marked by rev. as intended to be omitted, B susiNadhdhavAhArA E. 18 fa 17 fa cett. All MSS. lead fq.
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________________ ___ACT VI 6 157 mAcha / pativratAmaNa ki nAma viSa dAparantaparivAra mAlya / vatse yujyte'pi| ___ pativratAmayaM jyotiH zantaM dInaM ca ghuyate / vimRshy| athavA kiM nAma sA vraakii| ___ duSkarmaNAM parIpAkaH sveSAmevaiSa dIyate // 6 // 5 cija / karNimAdAmaha padama khu daNDakAraNaparaMnnapariTuiMdavivihamahIMharappadesesu NivAso je amhANaM rakkhasANaM vihA~ro kkhu Nikhilammi jambUMdIve / sampadaM khuiha Naare vi acamo nnivaaso| kA "gadI / ko pddiaro|| mAlya / vAse kimevamatikAtarAsi / pazya / 10 durgo'yaM ca trikUTastadupari nagaraM saptadhAtuprakAra __prAkAraM dustaraiSA niravadhiparikhAyabdhirabhakSormiH / 18 1 yataH add B only. | 12 jjeba B jeva: jeba K, W, Sc, I. dIpaM ca puSyase for dIptaM ca ghuSyate E. 13 vihAro B, E, K vihArA w, Se 3 atha for athavA K only vihorA , + paripAkaH E only 14 jambUdIve B jambudIve E jambUdIpe / sveSAmevaiSa B, E, K khemAmeveSa I K, Se, I, jambUdvIpe W. kheyamevaiSa w, Sc 15 khu B, K, W, I, kkhu E, Se kani? E only. avavamo I, ' pahamaM B paDhaME paThamaM K 18 akkhamo K, E, So paMDhamaM| | akhamo w. W, Sc, I, Along margin by rev. "The "gadI E, K gaI B, Se gai W Rakashasas once people[d] Jamb-Dwipa garI, of now driven from Lanka where are they to go', w. 18 paDI0 for paDi E only 8 degkAraNya. for degkArama K only __19 durgo'yaM ca trikUTa : durga so'yaM ' Orng paranta , but changed to degparanta trikUTadeg B durgo'ya citrakUTadeg K, W, by rev , B parantadeg cett.. | Sc, I, + 10 paricchida B pariTThidaM : pari- 20 sapradhAturmakAraM E only TTidadeg cett durgameSA for dustareSA E only in viviha. om E vihaK viviha 22 vyacci for "pyabdhideg I only cett. 23 radhrakarSAbhiH E only. - 19
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________________ 158 ACT VI 7 vimRza / athavA kimnen| dordaNDA eva dRSyadripudalanamahAsatradIkSApratIkSArakSonAthasya vAmAcispandanaM sUcayan / svythm| ki no vidhiriha vacane'yakSamo durvipAkaH // 7 // 5 vatse vAsasya kumbhakarNasya nidrApagamasInaH kiyadavaziSTam // cija / kaNiTumAdAmaha assiM jevva kasaNacauddahIdiahe cautyo mAso 'parisamato // mAlya / kathamadyApi viprakRSTatamaH kila prbodhkaalH| sasmaraNam / vimRzyamAne tu diSTyA kaniSThavatsa eva dUradarzI yasyAvimRzyakA10 ritApi" zubhodakI / subahuzo'pabhisandhIyamAne kulapratiSThAtantuM tamevotpazyAmi // __cija / sasamdhamam / kaNi?mAdAmaha hatI haddhI / santaM pAvaM paDihaMdamamaGgalam // mAlya / kimiti // dIkSApratIkSyA B, I, dIkSApratIkSA smaraNaH for sasmaraNa E only K, E dIkSAH pratIcyA so degdIcyA 10 yakhAvimR B, E, K, I yasya vimR gaten: corr by rev to ta atat: W. W, Sc. sUcayitvA for sUcayan E only. 1 prAyaH add B only 3 Lacuna for kiM no B 10 vija... kimiti (1 14 below) * asmiM B, K assiM w, Se, II 2 om K only. AssiA 5 B EK SEE, W, Sc, I, ___12 kaniTTa E only. degcauddasI* B only 13 hamIra B, w hanI seI, hadhdhi pari om E only and r for 2E. kila om. B only | " paDihata E only
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________________ ACT VI 8 169 cija / kaNiTumAdAmahassa azaM NaavamaNovaNAso aNassiM jeba "kassiM amaGgale jjevva vismanto // mAlya / vase na tadanusandhAyoktam / evaM kilAvasIyate / yataH na kuvApyanyatra prabalabhavitavyAdayamaho vizuddho nItyadhvA patati na ca ttpoNnthdhissnnaa| yathA svairN| bhAmyaniravadhi viyatyastazikharaM vyudaisyAyaM bhAsvAMtadanugataghasArcirapi sA // 8 // tadana pratIkAreSu kevalamatisandhAnajRmmitamavaziSyate / kRtamaiMnena / vAse avaiSi kimupakramastAvaddevo dazakandharaH // 10 cija / kaNi?mAdAmaha sAmI" khu" sampadaM savatobhaI NAma aTTAlaaM Aruhima tIe rakkhasakulakAlaratIe adhiTTidaM aso vi add. B only 1NayavaaNovaNAso B NaavaaNova- | 10 tatpAnya B, K tatpAtha , tatpApa mAso K, w, Se fvavaraNovaNAso E | E, W, Sc. NaavaaNovasAso I 11 svaira for khairaM E only. 5 abassi B amassiM K aNaMsiME | 12 viparyasta E only aNasiM w, Se, I, 13 vyadasyA E only jjeva B jeba ra jeba E, W, Sc, I 14 kevalamati B, K, I kevakhaM mati * kassi I, kasmiM ra kassiM cettE, w, Se. ___15 metena for "manena K only jjeva B jevva ra jevva W, Se, I. 16 deva0 for "devo w only. jeva E. 17 sAmi E only. visaMtto B visanto: vissanto 18 khu B, F kkhu K, W, Sc, I, cett na tadanusandhAyoktaM K, E, I, tadanu 10 sabatomahavaM B sabbatomahaM K, I, Sc sandhAya noktaM B naitadanusandhAyoktaM Se | sattavomahaME saMvattomaha W netadananusandhAyoktaM | 20 adAlacaMB andolanaMra aTTAla ' vizuddho nItyadhvA K, B vipaddho adAlanaM So abalaw ahAna, mItvadhvA : vizuddhaivotpattyA w, Sc vi- 2 asokavaNikaM B asoavaya 2 zuddhenotpaghaI. | asoavaNi K, W, Se, I,
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________________ 160 ACT VI 8-9 avaNizaM jeva' puloantI ciTThadi / akhaM ca / idohiMmuhaM paunAe esA pautnI sudA / edaM NabharavutanaM aNuhavina kiM pi dummaNAantI sArmiNI devaM pddivoheE| tahiM jevA patthidati // / maaly| vAse strItve'pi varaM sA khala devI" mandodarI yanmatiH pratibodhanAyotAmyati / na punardevo yaH pratibodhito'dyApi na budhyate / tadehi tAvadabhyantaraM pravizya praNidhikRtyaM vicArayAmaH // iti nisskraantii|| // viSkambhakaH // tataH pravizati sotkaNTho rAvaNaH // rAvaNaH / sItAM vibhaavy| mukhaM yadi kimindunA yadi calAJcale locane ki palakadakairyadi taraGgabhaGgI bhuvau| 10 1 jeva B jevva cetta ___ sAmaNI B sAmiNI K, E, So * puloanto B, K puloyaMvo E pulo- | sAmINI w sAmiNi I, ato w puloatto Sc, I, ___10 devaM om w, Sc, I, B only. 3 amaME aNaM K, Sc, I Prob asaM 11 paDivodhedu B paDivoheduM paDichanged to aNaM w. | voheuM w, Se, I, paDivohidu K. 38 Rall Mss 12 jeba all. * idohimuhaM B, E, K ihimuhaM w, | 18 detti K, I, deti E, W, Se 14 devI om E only Sc, I, 15 prabodha* for pratibodha E only. pauttAe esA K, E pauttAe maye 10 prativovito'pyadyApi B pratibodhiesA B upatA esA w, Sc umpattAe to'piE pratibodhito'dyApi K, w, Se esAM I pravibodhito'dyApi I pautti E pautI se pauttI cetti ___praNidhI* E only havi for "havitra B only 18 mizravizrammakaH B viSkambhaka: cett. 78 fa all MSS 19 mukhyaM w only. 8 ayat K, E, W, Scopat B 20 ou B only. "eantI I | dhruvoH K only.
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________________ 161 ACT VI 9-10 161 kimAtmabhavadhanvanA yadi susaMyatAH kuntalAH kimabuMvahaDamvarairyadi tanUriyaM kiM zriyA // 9 // smrnnollaasm| aho halamukhavinirbhinavizvambharAvirbhUtayoSidranamarnubabhatA mama manorathena cirAya phalitam / vimRzya / anukU5 lasya vidheH kilAyaM vilAsaH / sgrvm| athavA ka eSa vidhirpi| piSTvA brahmA mismAdaya bhuvanavibhAgAna vyudasyApi kiJci brahmANaM cAdhikRtyApratimarucirbharaM svaM pratApaM yazazca / 'sUryendU saMvidhAya svayamadhikataraM nirvRtaH syAmahaM cena na syAdAlasyadoSaH sakaruNamathavA ko'nukampyeSu kopaH // 10 // tataH pravizati mandodarI ceTI ca // cettii| ido ido bhaTTiNI / edaM aTTAlaasovANamaggaduAraam / tA" Arohadu bhaTTiNI" // mndodrii| sopAnArohaNaM nATayitvA / rAvaNaM nirUpya / kahaM eso mahArA~ 1 buvaha B, E, K, I, amburuha w, Sc. | 10 bhaTTiNI B, E, Se bhadiNI, bhaTTinI * manubanatA B, E, E, L, manubhavato | w bhaTTidANI K. W, Sc. "aTTAlaa K aTTAla B, adAvilAsaH B, K vizvAsaH E, w, nama I arAvana so abbala w. Sc, I. 12 sauavANadeg B sauvANa W, I, * bhAgAna B, E degbhAgAna K bhAgAta | sovANa K, E, Sc W, Sc, Ig. 13 degduvAraM B degduA K dubAracaM o afao for fafa K only E, Sc duAraMw duAra I. bharaM B 'taraM cett. " tA B, E, K, I, w, Se.. 1 andU B sUryendU cetta 1 bhaTTiNI B, E, K, Se bhadiNI , ca om. B only. bhaTTinI w. 'idora B, E, K ido w, Sc, I, | 10 degrAya. for "rAca B only. 2700
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________________ 162 ACT VI 10-11 adasakandharo urvaviTTho ciTThadi / nirvarNya / kahaM asoavaNi AsammuhaM puloedi / skhedm| kahaM Irise vi' riuvakkhA~hioe sampatte rAaMkajaNiravekkho lakkhIadi mhaaraaadsNkndhro| iti upasRtya / jedu jedu mahArAadasakandharo // / rAva / AkArasaMvaraNaM nATayitvA / kathaM mandodarI / iti pArzva samupave mandau / tathA kRkhaa| mahArAa kiM etya cintidam // raav| kuca // mndo| "riu~vakkhAbhioe" // 10 rAva / sotpAsam / kathaM ripustApakSastadabhiyogazcetyazrutaM zrAvyate devyaa| yo'haM vAbhyAM bhujAbhyAM mRdhabhuvi yugapanmatadigdantidantAna ___ rudhvA dorbhizcaturbhiH sarabhasaMpatitAndikpatInapyarautsam / shyti|| 1 degkandaro E only 12 rAya. B 'rAadeg E, K, Sc, I, 2 uvaDhido w uvaciTThI B uvaviTTho rAjAadeg corn to "rAaw cett ___13 degdazadeg for degdasa Se, I only. 3 ciTThadi B, E, K, I, vadi w, se | ___14 rAya for degrAa B only. * sammukhaM B only sammuhaM cett 18 dasakandharo B, K, W, I, degdasakandaro 'pulovedi for puloedi E only. E 'dazakandharo Sc. irise for Irise E, Se only 10 ottet for deg777deg B only ' vi om. E only. 17 etya add. B only 8 frgo B free cett. 18 freo V fra K, W, Sc, I, TE 8 pAe all 19 pakkhAbhiyoe B vakkhAbhiAe E rAya. for rAma B only. 10 "Nikkhevo se "Nikhevo w hira pakkhAmioe W, Se, I, khAmioe K are cett. ___20 dvAbhyAM for yo'haM B only. / khakIyadi B lakkhIyadi : lakkhI- za sarabhasapatitAna B, E, K saramasamapi adi cett. | tAn w, se saramasaparititAta . 0 ma 0 n
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________________ ACT VI 11-12 dIpyavajjAdicaNDapraharaNa patanakSuNavakSastvaco me tasyApi prAtibhaiyyAdripuriti kalitaH ko'pyapUrvaH pramAdaH // 11 // bhavatu / tathApi zrotavyam / devi sa kaH // mndo'| 'NikhilavalImuhacakkAgugadasuggIvaggesaro 'sahakaNo dAsaraMhI rAmo tri' suNIadi // rAva / kiM sahAnujastApasaH / devi kiM tena taiva // 118 mando' / mahArAa samudAo khu" saGkIdi / avaraM ca " sAaravelAsu seM" viNiversiMca AhRdo NeNa sAjharo Na 10 Niggado bhavaNAdo / tadA tu / saMskRtamAzritya / prAyutAstraM sa kiJcijjalanidhikuhareM yanmahimnA varNAMdhIdAvRtyAvRtya cakrabhramamakhilamabhUt kvAthataH " zoNamambhaH / 5 1 dIpya0 K, W, Sc, Ig sphUrja* B 2 prAtimalpA for prAtibhayyA Eonly. 3 pravAda: B pramAdaH K, E, I, prasAdaH W, Sc. 4 Nikhiladeg K, W, Ig nikhila B, E khila Sc. 5 suggIvaggesa BK suggivAggesaro E_suggIvaaggesaro W, Se suggivagge - saro 6 dRpyadeg E | taivI saH Sc, I, corr to kiM tena te 10 sakafo for sahakaNi* E' only " thI fo1 deghI B only 8 tti B, K, Sc, Ig ti E, W ' kiM tenaM te taivI saH B taivA E kiM tena taivI K kiM tena tena kiM gatena te 11 khuB, E, K kkhu W, Sc, I2. yadi for Adi B only. 11 a kiM gatena te taiva saH taivI saH w. all MSS. 12 sAaraM velAsuM B sAaravelAsu K, W, Se, I M 2 163 sAalekhAsu E W 23 sesA B, K se E sesA 12 sevyaM sse So 14 sappivesi for viNivesi Eonly 15 prAyuktAdeg B, E prAyuGkrAdeg K, W, Sc, Ig. 16 capAdeg for caNA So only. 17 * dAvRtya vyaktacakrabhramadeg E dAvRtyAtya cakrabhrama0 cett 18 kaSataH for kvAthataH E only.
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________________ 164 ACT VI 12-13 unmUrchannakacakraM jhaTiti paridalatkacchapaughaM pramuhyad bhUyaHpAthomanuSyaM sphuTadatularavaM prasphuracchahvazukti // 12 // rAva / saavnycm| kiM ttH|| mando / mahArAa tado a pusametapekkhijjamANatikkhasaraNi5 arapamhalidasarIreNa sAreNa Nikkamia salilAdo savAdavaDaNaM abbhatthina maggo uvdittttho| sAhasieNa uNa teNa sAhinadi hi suNI adi|| rAva / mhaasm| astu / zrUyate / devi kIdRzaH // mndo| mahArAa' valImuhasahassANIdehiM mahIharehiM sedU Ni10 mIadi // raav| devi vipralabdhAsi kenacit / akalitagAmbhIryamahimA kilAyaM pAthonAthaH / pazya / "jabUtIpe'thavAnyeSu hopeSvapi mahIdharAH / yAvantastaiH kukSikoNo'pyasya na dhiyate kila // 13 // 1 degdatulagiriprasphuracchata B degdatula- | sAhijjavitI E sAhijjavittIw sAravaM prasphuracchaGkhaK datulakhaprasphuTacchala | hijjavitti, sAhijjaviti Sc. E, I, datularavaM prasphuTacchA w, Sc. suNIadi B, K, w, Se mazIdI rAya for "rA B only. E Hutaf Iz. rAya for "rAa B only safe for oferece W only. 10 NimmIyadi B NimmIadi K, w * sarIre B sarIreNa cett. Nimmoadi Se, I, sI... E. "sApareNa om. all but K, E _11 pAthaHpatiH 8 pAthonAtha: cett. " pazca om. all but B, K. paDaNaM for degvaDaNaM K only. 18 bamba0 for jamba* E only nana for teNa I only. __ dhiyate w, so mriyate , dhiye K 'sAhibadi tti sAhi ivitti B | dhriyate B kriyate E.
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________________ 165 ACT VI 14-15 api ca / sAhasikeneti vadanyA devyA vismRtaprAyaM jagatyanyo 'pi sAhasikaH / matsAhase tu utputhana dhamanisphuTaprasarpana pratyayakSatajajhInivRttapAdyaH / harSAzrupracuramadhusmitasphuTazrI vaktAjArcitacaraNaH zivaH pramANam // 14 // mando / mahArAa' odhArehi kiM pi aArisI raaNA kassa vi valImuhassa hatyapphaMsAdo uvari jevA ciTuMni te mahIharA jalammi ti|| 10 rAva / sshirHkmpm| idaM tadanaMtIkArya maugthyamabalAnAM yad yAvANo'pi plavanta iti / devi kiM bahunoktena / zrutaM me jAnAti "zrutikavirathAjJAM sahacaraH sa zacyA dhairya cAzaniratha yazo'dastribhuvanam / dA 1 vismRtaMprAyaH B, E, K vismRtaprAyaH kasya for kassa W only Sc, 1, faenata: corr. by rev. to 10 fa om E only. vismRtaprAyaM w. 1 hatthappasAdo B haththappuMsAdo E, K jagatyanyo'pi sAhasikaH om. all but BhatyapaMkhado Se hatthapuNado w hatthapusA. utpuSpa B, I, utpuSya E, W, Sc, K | * zrIvaktA w, B zrIrvaktA K, E, | ___12 jeba E, W, B jeba K, Se, I, Se, I, 13 ciTThanti B ciNDi E ciTThandi * rAya for "rAtra B only. jaM add E only. K, W, Sc forefore Iz 6. viall Mss. 14 tti B, K, I, ti E, W, Sc. akhArisI B, E, K aNArisI w, 15 prati0 for pratI* K only. Sc aNA I. 16 bahunA for bahunotina K only. rAgA B rANI E raaNA K, I 17 jAnAti me for me jAnAti E only. W, Sc TWIT om. Ig 18 zivaguru for zrutikavi* K only.
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________________ 166 ___ ACT VI 15-16 balaM kailAsAdiH kimaparamaho sAhasamapi kSarakIlAlAmbhaHnapitacaraNaH khaNDaparazuH // 15 // nepathye mahAna klklH|| mando / mahArAja parisAehi pritaarhi| iti satrAsamudIkSate // rAva / devi alaM zaGkayA // punarnepathye / bho bho laGkAvArarakSiNo rAkSasAH / data' dvArANi tUrNaM saralatalgurUrazmasArArgalAzca kSeyaM tacchastrajAtaM tadupari nayata svAnyayozcAvata / nIrunDU niryiyAsUna zizuyuvatijanauna vIvaidhAMzcAdriyadhvaM prAptaH suyIvamukhyaplavagaparivRtaH sAnujo rAma draH // 16 // nepathye'viSTA pratIhArI" / bhaTTA eso paDihArabhUmIe ciDhadi seNAvaMdI pahattho viraNavidukAmo // 10 ___1 rAya for "rA B only _10 niryiyAsUna B, E nirviyAna I, parittAehira B, E, K, I, parittA- nirviSAsUna w, so khAnthiyAsUna ra hira w paritAhira Sc. 11 banA for janAn E only 3 devi om. K only [w, Sc. __19 vivadhAzca for vIvadhAMzca E only.. * rAkSasAH B, E, K, I, rAkSasagaNAH ___13 degvRta: B, E, K hRtaH w, Sc " dattaM for datta I, only | degdataH I saralatagurUrazmasArArgalAca B, K, 14 bhadraH K, E, W, Sc, I, candra: B I, saralataragurUrazmasArArgalAzcaw sara 15 ordhapra* B, E, K, I, 'pra* w, Sc. khataragururazmasArArgalAzca Se saralatagu 16 2 add E only. rUpamarArgalAcaE yaM tacchastra B kSepyaM tacchatra* E " bhUmIe B, E, K bhUmie W, Sc, I. ciyaM tacchastra* I, zipyantAM chastra* W 18 seNA gi and below it padi B cipyantAM zastra. se kSipraM tacchastra K seNAvadi E seNAvaI Sc, I, seNAvara W svAnyayocA. B, E, K, I, svAnya- | seNAvadI K. TENT Sc Flau To w 1 vimaviduH orng , but prob. for vidu ' nIrandhvaM B invadhvaM E, W, Sc, I, is intended to be dropped, B vikhavidu indhava ra. | E, K fanufag W, Sc, I,
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________________ 5 ACT VI 17-19 rAva / kathaM senApatiH prahastaH / pravezaya // pratI / tahA / iti niSkrAntA // tataH pravizati prahastaH // prhstH| aho manuSyapotasya tAvadatyUrjasvalaM caritam / tathA hi / 'bhImaM goSpadavaDila' paritaH kallolamAlAkulaM 1 15 2 pAthonAthamupetya mantharaMtaraM laGkAnivaDekSaNaH / skandhAvAramasau nivezya viSame sauvelamUrdhni svayaM kaizcivAnarapuGgavaiH parivRto'dhyAste puraH prAGgaNam // 17 // 5 puro' nirUpya / kathamayaM laGkezvaraH / 'upasRtya | jayati jayati 10 laGkezvaraH // rAva' / bhadra senApate kiMheturayaM kalakalaH // prahadeg / svgtm| kathamadyApyanabhijJa eva devaH / bhavatu / kAryamAcaM vipayAmi / prakAzam / puraM niHzeSaghaTitakapATAramAvRtam / rakSA cAptairbhaktimadbhiH kauNapaiH paritaH kRtA // 18 // rAva / kimiti // prhdeg| svgtm| kathaM saivAvasthA / bhavatu / prakAzam / deva laGkezvara / manuSyapotamAtreNa sAnujena purI tava / rudhyate'dya' yathA sArravIvadhAdyapi durlabham // 19 // 1 bhImaM changed to bhISmaM w bhImaM cett 2 * lambya for olA K only. mantharataraM W, Sc, I2, B mantharatalaM E zailazikharaM K 4 puro nirUpya W, Sc, Ig, K, B puro 'galokya E 5 167 om all but B * vizeSadeg for niHzeSa Bonly 7 8 upasRtya | jayati jayati laGkezvaraH .kapATadeg K, W, Sc, I, E *kavATadeg B * vRttaM for "vRtaM So only 9 * te'dya K "te sma cett sAradeg B, E, K, Ig sAraM W, Sc. 10
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________________ 168 ACT VI 19-20 ___ pravizya prtiihaarii| bhaTTA' eso ko vi valImuho rAmassa dUdo' ni bhaNi' paDIhAradese' ciTuMdi // rAva / saavdhm| valImukhaH / pravezaya // prtii| tahA / iti niSkramyAGgadena saha pravizya / taM prati / eso bhaTTA / / uksappa // aGgadaH / upasRtya / jayati jayati paramamAhezvarI laGkezvaraH // rAva / tusovAnuco bhavAna // aGga / "nahi nahi // rAva / tarhi kasya // 10 angg| laGkezvara zrUyatAM yo'haM" yadarthamAgatazca // dRpadrAkSasacakrakAnanamahAdAvAnalasyAjJayA dUto dAzarathestadIyavacasA vAmAgataH zAsitum / sItAM muJca bhajAvarodhanarahadAyAdaputrAnvitaH saumitrazcaraNau na" cetadiSubhiH zasiyase durmadaH // 20 // 15 raav| shaasm| valImukho'pi vAcATaH / kiM vaktavyam // 1 bhaTThA K, w, Se, B bhadrA, mahA-| " mukhaM for degmukhaH W only. 10 bhaTTA uvasappa A, SI, bhaTTA upasaNa rAmakha for rAmassa B only. E bhaTTA uvasarpa w meM nuksappa B. 'dUto B, E dUdo K, W, Se, I. 1 mAhe* K, w, Se, I mahe* B, E. * fa for fa E only. | 19 nahi B mahi nahi cett. bhaNIcaE masinaw bhaNi cett 13 rAva / tahi kakha / aGka | om. E 'paDi* for paDI* E only. only. " "dese B, E, K "deza w, Se, I. " yo'yaM for yo'haM E only. 'ciTThidi Sc, , ciTThadi cett. 18 ca for a E only.
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________________ spraSTAraste'dya mUrdhAnastayorabhimataM vada // 21 // rAvadeg / sakrodham / kaH ko'tra bhoH / yatkiJcidvAdino'sya mukhaM 5 saMskuryAt // 10 ACT VI 21-22 169 aGga / ahaM yatkiJcit syAm / tvaM tu siddhAntamevArvadhAraya / tatpadAnanakhaM kiM vA tattIkSNeSu mukhaM natAH / 15 prahadeg / deva dUtaH kilAyam / kimatra krodhena // rAva / etanmukhasaMskAra eva tapasvinaH pratyuttarIkaraNam // aGga' / udromakUpasphuraNamabhinIya / yathAsaGkhyaM' tIkSNakrakacaviSaM makrUra nakharapragalbhavyApArapramathitasirAbandhazithilaiH / zirobhiste digbhyo valimanupahRtyaiva kimahaM nirvairteyaM syAM cena raghupatidUtyena paravAn // 22 // " ityutsutya niSkrAntaH // "rAva" / nirUpya / aho jAtisulabhaM cApalamapratIkAryam // graha | deva nidezAkSaramAlikApariyahAyotkaNThate hRdayam // 11 12 1 *meva dhAraya for *mevAvadhAraya B | suraNa* So udromakUpaH spuraNa udro only. makUpasphuraNadeg W, K, B. 2 tatpAdAbjanakhaste SA tantIcNeSu mukhaM tava B tatpAdADavana ivaM ki vA tattIcNeSu mune tAH E tatpAdAbjanakhaM kiM vA tattIisameSu mukhaM natA: K, W, So, Ig * spraSTAro'caiva B spaSTAraneya E sraSTAraste'dya corr. to spraSTAraste'dya w spraSTAraste'dya K, Sc, Ig. 4 ntarIrakaraNaM B degtarIkaraNIyaM *ttarIkaraNaM K, W tarIkAraNaM Sc, Ig. upedrakUpaH sphuraNa E udromakUpa 5 * *mabhiprIya for degmabhinIya Bonly 1 deg sakhyaM for degsaGkhyaM Bonly. ' o viSayamae for ofviSama B only " vyApAraM for "vyApAradeg Eonly 10 nivarteyaM syAM B, K nivarte yatsyAM W, Sc, I2 11 ityutva E, K ityatya, ilu B. 12 raav|... nideza: (1.1, next page) om. K. nivarteyaM syA E itvAtva W, Sc
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________________ 170 ACT VI 23-24 raav| kimacApi praSTavyo nidezaH / boTacantAmabhito'rgalAni bhuvanaprakhyAtasAroddhataiH pAlanatA paritoDerarANi ca paravyAkSepibhI rAkSasaH / maNDyantAM ripuSasmarapraharaNAlaGkArabhaGgayA bhujAH khaNDayantAM ca muhurvivalganavRthotthAnotkaTA markaTAH // 23 // prh| yadAjJApayati mahArAMjaH // iti nisskraantH|| ___ nepadhye mahAna kalakalaH / sarve sasandhamamAkarNayanti // punnepthye| vadhyante'sapuGgavAH pratibhayAbhogaiH plavaGgAdhipai__baMdhyante ca vitardikAH pratidizaM kRtairadomardhabhiH / chine ca bahiHprapitsava ime madhye krudhAndhAH kSaNAd bhidyante puragopurAH pratidizaM kSipnaizca gaNDopalaiH // 24 // rAva / "Urdhvamavalokya sakrodhamutthAya ca / kathamete tapasvipakSapAtA 10 1 nivezaH for nidezaH E only. thotpAnodeg E yocchAnodeg Sc * covyantA K, w, Se, I, toDyantA thotthAno cett_ E HEUTIT B or HEITTO: E only. __ to'rarANi B to raNAni E, K, 10 sasambhramamAdeg E, K, Sc samdhamamA W, Sc, Iz. W #FETAT IZ. * bhImAkSasaiH for bhI rAkSasaH E only | | 11 badhyante I, bandhyante E vadhyante cett. 10 sapa0 K, w, Sc strepa. I degstapa0 / madhyantAM w, sc maNDyantAM cetta E degsura* B praharaNAlaGkAramayA E, K praha- ___13 pratimabhayA* for pratibhayA' E only. raNaM / laGkAramajhyA B praharaNaM vikSobhya | 14 naTo cor | 14 ore to corr to OTET B OTG cett bhajhyA w, Se "praharaNaM vikSobhyante bhajhyA I, 15 kSipyante B chaidyante E chidyante cett ? After farita W and Sc and after ___16 UrdhvamavalokyasakrodhamutthAya ca K vikSobhyante I. add tahevi khamabhyantare Urdhvamavalokya sakrodhaM : sakrodhamutthAya praviza / ahamapi tAvat kaizcimakAracakaH | Urdhvamavalokya ca B Urdhvamavalokya sakro(om. last :12) | dhamutprekSya ca w, Sc, I
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________________ 171 ACT VI 25-26 danAtmajJA vAsavapuraHsarA divaukaso'pi matsareNa vikSobhyante / tahevi tvamabhyantare praviza / ahamapi tAvat kaizcihorbhiH pramattAna lavagaparivRDhAna dikSu vikSiya dau ___ ranyaiH piSTvApi yuddhAbhinayavidhi Tau tau tpsvimrohau| 5 ziSTaiH kRSTvA svacetaHpratiphalitavRthArandhramAtrapraviSTAna duSTAMstraviSTapAnayapagatakarUMNastaiH piparmi svakArAma // 25 // iti vikaTaM parikramya niSkrAntaH // tataH pravizati rathena saparivAro vAsavaH sUtazca // 10 "maatliH| deva divaspate / yathA tAvadadhilaGkameSaH saMvartaprakaTavivartasaptapAtho nAthormivyatikAbhimapracaNDaH / nirghoSaH sphurati bhRzaM para sahasra vyAvalagatmabalagatAgatAnapANAm // 26 // 15 tathA tarkaye yuyutsayA niryiyAsati naktaJcaracakravartIti // cett 1 matsareNo Se matsariNo w matsareNa | piparmi B, E, K, I, vibharmi w, Se. / 'kArA sthAdvandhanAlaye add. along fagara W, Sc fasitzant cett margin, Sc __3 bhyantaraM B bhyantarameva E bhyantare | 10 pariSkramya for parikramya B only. cett. 11 mAtali: om B only + "vinaya. for "bhinaya K only. 12 divasya te B, Sc divasate cott gatau : degmadau I, naTau cett. 13 pralaya by rer above saMvarta w.. "kRSTAna B kRSTA 1, kRSdA cetta 14 parasahasra corr to paraiHsahasra B 1 karaNesteH B karuNarataHE kara- paraHsahasra. cetta maste I, karaNastaiH K, w, Sc. ___16 sapA K, W, B strapAdegE, Sc, I.
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________________ 172 5 10 15 dRDhataramabhiyogaM vIkSya 'rakSovinetA saha tanujasagarbhapreSyarakSaH sahasraiH / sarabhasamararANi drAgapAvRtya vidrA vitanikhilavanaukA nirgato'yaM nagaryIH // 27 // zabdazravaNaM nATayitvA / AH ka eSaH kauveyAH kakubhaH kvaNatkanakakiGkiNIjAlamAlinA vimAnena sarabhasamita evAbhyeti // suutH| nirvaNaM / deva bhavataiva gandharvarAjyAdhipatyAbhiSekakRta mahAprasA dacitrarathaH // 20 ACT VI 27-28 are | sUta pazya' pazya / 1 ' tataH pravizati vimAnAdhirUDhazcitrarathaH // citrarathaH / jayati jayati devarAjaH // vAsa' / gandharvarAja samaradidRkSAnirbharaM kiM cetaH // citra | tadapi // vA / kimanyat // citra | alakezvaranidezaH // vAsa / kIdRzaH // citra / durbodho janidivasAnmama pravRddhaH kosyAdhiH prabalatamo'thavA trilokyAH / tasyedaM nidhanadinaM vidhervilAsAt kalyANI pariNatirastu vAnyathA vA // 28 // tadavagantumahaM prahitaH // THE THR cett. racyo for racodeg Ig. sagarbhya for "sagarbha0 Eonly. * *precya for *preSya only. * * maulinA B mAlinA cett. * vinA vimAnena add. Bonly. " rAjyAbhiSeka E rAjyAdhipatyAbhiSeka W, Se, I2, B * rAjyAdhipatyAbhiSeke K. 8 9 10 cetaH / citra om. K only. tataH anyadapi add. W, Se only. duvAdo durbAdho cett
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________________ 178 ACT VI 29-30 vaas| sakulyAnAmayeSa manorathaH // citra / kiM citram / sahajAH kila te mithaH zatravaH / kRtrimatApi nidhipuSpakAdiharaNavRttena durvRtasya suprathitA / athavA' / yAvaMtrilokyAM kila jantujAtaM tat sarvamasyoddhataduzcaritraiH / karthitaM zrIraghunandanasya prItyA vidhatte vijayapratIkSAm // 29 // vAsa / nirUpya / gandharvarAja yadidamadhityakAtaH suvelAdrerakANDa eva prabalakilakilAkolAhalamukharitaharinmukhaM valImukhacakrama10 kramamevocalitaM tathA manye patitameva praharaNairiti // citra / devarAja pazya pazya / ayaM rakSonAthaH kSitidharazirobandhuratare rathe tiSThana prsstthH| pradhanarasaniSNAtamanasAma / muharjIvAghoSairbadhirayati dikprAntazikhari__ pratidhvAnAdhmAtairgaganavivarAbhogamabhitaH // 30 // 15 1 sakalAnA kulyAnA K saku- | B hAlAhalarakharaM for kolAhalamukhariTTT cett. taharinmukhaM K. *pa kApaharaNATakavRttena durvRttastha B| cakra samevo K degcamamevA puSpakAdiharaNavRttairna durvRttasya ra puSpa- | cett. dAI durvRta E puSpakAdihara ___ cakitaM E calitaM cett. NavRtte?vRttasya w, Se, I. 10 pazcaE pazvara cetta 3 athavA om. K only. 11 purogAgresarapraSThAgrataHsarapuraHsarAH added along margin, Sc * athApi yAvat for yAvacilIkyAM ____12 prabalarasa. B pradhanarata E pradhaK only. narasa K, w, Se, I, kAntaB kAta: cett. ___13 manasA : manasAn ra manasAM kilakila 1 kilakilAdeg cett. cett ' haribukhaM E, W, Se, I, karibukhaM | 4 degnamA F nAmA0 cett.
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________________ 174 174 ACT VI 31-32 vaas| gandharvarAja na tulAdhRtastAvadanayovIrasamayocitaH parikaraH / sAvegam / sUta' sUta sAGgAmika me rathamupahara rAmabhadrAya / ahamapi gandharvarAjAdhiSThitaM vimAnamevAdhitiSThAmi // iti tathA karoti // / suutH| yadAjJApayati devarAjaH // iti nikrAntaH // citra / devarAja kathamapratisandheyaM tumulam / tathA hi / rakSobhirvipinaukasAM parivRDhezcArAdapAstakrama muSTAmuSTi kacAkaMci praharaNaprakSepamUDhAtmabhiH / prArabdhaM raNakarma durdharamithoniSpeSazIryahapu10. niSThyUtAsajharIbhireva saraNirduHsaJcarAbhUdyathA // 31 // api c| vIrANAM ruNDarUNDapravighaTanapa?sphAradordaNDakhaNDa___ vyApArakSiyamANapratibhaTavikaTATopavarmaprarUDhaH / kUTaH ko'pyeSa yuddhAjirabhuvi jaraThazcitrakUTAnukArI lIyante yatra zatruprapatanavivazaH koTizaH zUrakITAH // 32 // 15 1 sUta E sUta2 cett. 5 me om. E only. 3 degmupAhara B degmupahara cett. * devaH devarAjaH cett. degmatisandheyaM K, w, Se, I, sandhayaM B degmasi sandhayaM E... degkaca B kaci cott. ' prArabhara prArabdhaM cett. 8 oare to for oftto K only. 1 sariNI : saraNir cett. 10 nuNDanuNDa B ruNDauNDa I, raNDatuM E ruNDatuNDadeg K, W, Sc. 11 paTaladeg E , paTu" cett. 12 sphurad E degsphAradeg cett 13 degvarSA for degvarmadeg E only 14 jaThara B jaraThadeg cett. maprati
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________________ 5 10 15 ACT VI 33-35 are | gandharvarAja ita itaH / prAsaprotapravIrosvaNarudhira parAmRSTabukkAjighatsA 1 prakANDAsthisnAyusphuTataravilakSyAntanivahAH // 34 // citra' / devarAja apUrvo'yaM rakSaH pateH saGgrAmAvataraNasargaH / tathA hi / dhAvatRprAdhirAjApratimatanuruhacchAyayA vAritoSNAH / vizrAmyanti kSaNArdhaM pradhanaparisareSveva muktAbhiyogA dhIrAH zastraprahAravaNabhara rudhirodgAradigdhAkhilAGgAH // 33 // ito'pi / pratIkSante dhIrAH pratimukhamurorbhiH sarabhasaM vipakSANAM hetIH pratiniyatadhairyAnubhavataH / vidIrNatvagbhArA dalitapizitAdhimani ita om Ig only ' prAsaprota B, K, Sc, Ig prAtaH prota w mAsapota E * vAritoSNAH B, E, K vAritotthA: W, Sc, Ig 4 cett muktAmiyAndhA B muktAbhiyogA cett * marobhiH I 5 surAbhi: E * murobhiH 6 preyAH saGgrAmasImanyanujazatavRto" meghanAdo'pi pArzve vAme'nyatra pravIreSvatirviSamamado bodhitaH kumbhakarNaH / kaikasyA bandhuvargo'pyayamativikaTaH pRSThatastiSThamAno' dhyAste madhyaM" niSaNo rathazirasi bhRzaM vindhyavaddurvigAhaH // 35 // 7 hetiH E hetI: cett *nubhavaH sa *nubhavataH cett vidIrNa W vidIrNa' cett 9 *bhArAn B *bhArA cett 10 *zita w zitAdeg cett 11 sthinAdegE * sthisnAyu cett 12 175 *lakSyAMla* E prekSya: W, So vrato Sc, Ig *lacyA ntra cett. preSyAH cett. 14 vRto cett 15 navaMSamamado bo0 E, K, Ig mado dvoo W, Sc 10 vikramyA B 17 madhyaM B, E, Ig 13 0 viSamagavakaTamado bo0 B. kaikasyA cett madhye K, W, Sc.
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________________ 176 ACT VI 36-38 vAsadeg / gandharvarAja evamabhiyogoDuraM dviSantamabhivIkSyApi niuAkampa eva rAmabhadraH / athavocitamevairtat / yataH na kampante jyAmaruti kila vAti pratidizaM samunmUrcchatsArAH kulazikhariNaH kiJcidapi te / na maryAdAM te'pi pratijahati gAmbhIryagarimasphurArbrahmANo'kalitamahimAno'mbunidhayaH // 36 // citra' / devarAja pazya ' / bhaktiprahaM kathamapi yavIyAMsamutsRjya cApAropavyayAGgulikisalayaM meghanAdakSayAya / 'lakSyIkRtya pradhanakuzalaM sAnujaM rAkSasendraM jIvAM bhUyo raghupativRSA sparzataH saMskaroti // 37 // kathametadatiduSkaramiva manye / tathA hi / Akramyaikaikamete rajanicarabhaTAH koTizaH zastravarSe - bhIsvavaMzaprarohaM pidadhati paritaH satkriyAyaugapadyAH / athavA kiM nAma duSkaram / etAvapyutprabhAvAvakalitamai himaprAbhavau yuddhabhUmAvindhAte zatruzastrapravida naphala spaSTai bANAbhiyogau // 38 // 5 10 15 1 *meva tat E 2 mAbhAgya * E * bhevaitat cott. gAmbhIrya cett dvAhmANI B, KI, dvAbrahmANo E *dvArbrahmANo changed to dvAgbrahmANo Se *dvAgbrahmANo changed to dvArabrahmANo W. 4 pazya 2E only. ' lakSyI' K lakSmI * E, W labI 0 B, Sc, Ig. 6 sparzanaiH B sparzata: E, W, Sc, Ig sparzataH K. 7 saGkaroti for only. 8 rajanIo for rajanio Eonly. ' *yogadeg for degyoga Eonly. 10 0 mahimadeg B, K, Se * mahimA W, Ig * mahi0 E. 11 bhImAdeg corr. to * bhUmAdeg Sc. 12 *spRSTadeg for * spaSTa Eonly.
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________________ 5 10 15 ACT VI 39-41 smntto'vloky| 'aho kathamete vanaukaso'pi mahati sapatnasaGghaTTe svabhidhAnayogameva vyAkhyAnti / paJcaSAH kevalaM rAmabhadrapAdamUlamAsevante / tathA hi / sugrIvaH syandanasyAye sAGgadAH pRSThataH punaH / SA jAvAn bhAvI laGkAdhIzo'pi pArzvayoH // 39 // vicintya / ' hanUmAn punaH kanIyAMsaM kAkutstham / savimarzam / varameta evobhayathA rAmabhadrapAdapadmopasevinaH / yatastAvadeteSAM svAmibhaktizca dhairye ca vyAkhyAte gAtramakSatam / rakSo'bhiyogastvanyegaM dRzyate dainyamapyalam // 40 // baasdeg| gandharvarAja mAnuSe loke vAtsalyaM nAma kevalamakhilendriyavazIkaraNacUrNamuSTiH / " yataH / saumitriH kRtahastatAprabhRtibhinyUno na " kaizcidguNaiH sAreNApi punaH prasiddhamahimA zauryauSmaNA rAvaNiH / ityaM tulyatare kila vyatikare rAmasya rakSaH prabho - zvAnyonyaM zaravRSTireva valate dRSTistayorvasalA // 41 // 1 2 aha for aho E only. saGghaTTe B, K, Edeg sanyahe Lg saGgare jAmbuvAn E jIvavAna I 8 W, Sc. 3 svAbhidhAna E, B, W, Sc, I, svasanidhAna K. 4 vyAkhyAnti B, E, K, Ig khyApayantaH W, Sc ' so'GgadaH B sIGgadaH so sAgadAH E sAGgadaH corr by rev. to sAGgadAH w sAGgadAH K 6 paJcaSA K, E, W, Sc, Ig agre tu B N 2789 T hanUdeg B, E, K, Sc, Ig hanu0 W. ' kanIyaH saM for kanIyAMsaM Bonly. jAvavAn B jAmbavAn K, W, So 10 detayoH for 'deteSAM B only 11 vyAkhyAto for vyAkhyAte W only. 12 daivamadeg fo1 dainyamadeg K only. 13 177 yataH om Bonly. 14 kacideg for kaizcideg only 10 zauryoSmaNA B, E, K, I, zauryagraNI W, Sc.
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________________ 178 ACT VI 42-44 citra / devarAja yuktamevaitat / evaM vAtsalyamanurudhyapi nimahAtmAnaH / saamutautsukym| pazyatu devarAjaH / saumitrANavajairadhikataramamI marmavedhaM praviddhA dhAvantaH mAdharendrA iva rajanicarAH zerate yuddhasInni / rakSonAtho'pi putrAna katicana patitAna vIkSya rAmA bhiyogaM sanyajyAniSTazaGkI nipatati tarasA meghanAdopakaNTham // 42 // tadetadatyAhitamAzaGke / 10 vAsa / gandharvarAja kimatra nAmAtyAhitam / aparicchedyamahi___ mAnaH kilaite kkutsthkulprrohaaH| tathA hi| paraHsahasraM rajanIcarendrA yathAsya vIrasya kilaikalakSyam / tathA raNeSvadbhutavIragoSThI bhUSAyamANo dazakandharo'pi // 43 // ___ citra / devarAja bahubhirekasyAbhiyoge'pi zubhodakatetyetadabahuvyaktiniSTham / scmtkaarm| ito'vardhatA devarAjaH / rakSonAthe sarabhasamito nirgate viyahecchuH zubhyatyuccai raghupatizaraiH kIlitaH kumbhakarNaH / kumbho'yetAM piturupanatAM vIkSya vasthAM vapuSmAna garvaH kiM vA nipatati javAjaGgamaH kssmaadhrendrH||44|| 15 20 1 zaGkA for degzaGkI E only | " ito dhAvatA for ito'vadhattA E only. ramasAt for tarasA K only. 7 vapuSmAna garvaH K, W, Sc, B vapuSmA3 kAku for kakudeg E only. | nAtaH : capuSmAn vaigaH I. + sahasra for "sahasraM E only [only. | vA nipatati K, W, Sc, I, B vApi 6 degdakAni etadadeg for "darkatetyetadaE | patati 2
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________________ 5 10 15 ACT VI 45-47 samanta / aho chidrasaJcAritA markaTajAteH / yataH / uddizyArAddazarathakulAGkaramAdyaM patantaM " dRptaM kumbhaM mRdhabhuvi kapiH ko'pi madhye rurodha / savizeSaM nirvarNya / kathaM sugrIva eva / savicikitsam / doH stambhAbhyAM sarabhasamathApIDya vikSipya bhUmau krAntvAyenaM pratighavivaMzaM mASapeSaM pipeSa // 45 // 1 sAzaGkam / 3 'etanirIkSya nipapAta ca kumbhakarNaH sugrIvamugrataravidrutiragrahIcca / unmocya so'pi nipuNaH svamamuSya nAsAM lajjAM svasuzca yugapat kila nizcakartta // 46 // vAsadeg / gandharvarAja ita itaH // ahaha / idamatiduSkaraM pratisaMvidhAnamApatitamasya raghuzizoH / tathA hi / *cAratA for saJcAritA E only. 2 dRptaM B, E, K saptaM I satyaM W, Se kopakrodhAmarSa prAtadhA kudhau laghuraghupatireSa rAkSasAnAmardhibhuvi kiM ca kumArameghanAMde / kimapi caritamadbhutaM vyatAnIt sapadi yathA pratighAndhatAmadhatAm // 47 // 6 fat added along margin by Sc 4 0 vivazaM E, K * vivazo cett 5 evaM nirIo for etannirI* Eonly ita om K only 0mapi bhuvi E *madhibhuvi cett 8 9 179 * nAde B, E, K, I, 10 nAdaM W, Sc. W only. madhattaM corr. to *madhAntaM Sc. deg duSkara W, So *tAdbhutaM for *tamadbhutaM madhAtA B, KI, * madhAtaM W * madhattaM E 11 * duSkaraM E, K, I2 dukara B. 12 pratisaMvidhAna w, So, K, B prati - sAndhAnao E pratizaMvidhAna0 I2. N 2
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________________ 180 ACT VI 48-49 yAvanmantraprabhAvAhuradhigamagatIna meghanAdapraNunAyapi ni durbhedyAnAgapAzAna vihagaparivRDhAstraprayogAyadhUno .. tAvadrakSovinebA punaratirabhasaM marmaNi krodhabhUmnA gADhaM viddhaH zatadhyA hanumati sahasA mohanino' nyapa tat // 4 // citra0 / devarAja ayamavAdbhutataro vimardaH / yadA tu bhrAturmohamadhigamya bhAvilaGkezvarAdakramameva karuNavIrAnubhAvabhAvitacitavatistathAvidhasyApi darzanotsukaH samarudhyata paritaH kumbhakarNapramu khayA rakSaHpRtanayA tadA punaridameva pratyakArSIt / tathA hi / 10 purAM' jetA pUrva tripuravijaye yAmudavahat sthitiM tAmevAyaM raghupativRSAzritya vapuSA / kSaNAdrakSonAthAnujamiSubhirAchidya kaNaza zcamUM bhasmIkRtyApyanujamabhiyAtyutsukatamaH // 49 // nirvarNya / aho" vAtsalyamahimA raghupuGgavasya yena punarviSayI15 kRtamAtrAmevAnujasyAvasthAmabhijAnAti sma / parito nirUpya / saharSam / diSTyA svasti raghukulakumArAbhyAmetAbhyAmutpazyAmi yatastAvadeta ___1 varadhigamagatI K degdurdhigmgtii| mukhayA F pramukhayA cett. B duradhigamanatI degdaradhigamagatI. tathA hi om. B only I, degdanadhigamagatI* w, Sc purAM K, E, W purA B, I puraM Se. * vRDho'stra* , I degvRDhAstradeg cett 10 jitA Se jetA cett. 3 zataghyAM E zataghyA cett 11 mevAdyaM w * "nighno'bhyapaptat B gananonyapanta mevAyaM cett. K, E, I, "ni pyaptat w, Se. 12 nAtho'nuja : nAthAnujadeg cett. rAdakramameva B, E, K radakramameva 13 gANla B, K, Se, I, I radattakramameva so racakramameva cour.| bhasmIkRtyAnujadeg w bhasmIkRtvApyanujadeg E. to radattakramameva w. 14 avo : aho cetta samaradhyate B samanurudhyata sama- 1B mAtrAbhave anuja 2 degmAcAmevAnuja rudhyata K, W, Se, I cett
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________________ 5 10 ACT VI 50-51 yorasmin vyasanamahArNave yAtudhAnAdhIzenApi saparivAreNa kumbhakarNavadhAt sambhrAntam / punaretau nirvarNya / kathamadyApi pramugdhAveva / viSamo vyasanavyatikarastAvadApatitaH / yataH / bahucchalAni rakSAMsi ripavastUvarau svayam / eSavasthApi kapayaH sahAyAste'pi viklavAH // 50 // tat kimupakramaM daivamatreti na ' jAne // vAsa' / gandharvarAja kimevamAzaGkase / pazya / jAmbavatpratibodhitaH kilAyamacintyamahimaprathimA prAbhaJjaniH / samprati " 10 1 utsphUrjaTromakUpaH" pralayaparimilatpAMsuvarSAnukArI kiJcignIpucchApratimavivalanApAstanakSatracakraH / bhUmnautsukyAnurUpavyavasitiradhikaM paryavanutya gatvA kvApi prAjJaH kSaNAdhIt kamapi girimasAvAharanAjagAma 114911 1 rasmina B * ranyasmin cett 2 * vyasana * om. B only " viSamo vyasanavyati B, E, K viSamo vyanavyati, viSame dhyAnavyatio W, Sc. 4 12 6 *vastUvarau B, K varau E * vastavaze So * vastvavazau W 5 eSAvasthAdeg cett eSavasthAdeg E deva cett degvastavarau I *vastu | cett. 12 deva 7 jJAyate B jAne cett " jAmbavatpratio B jAmbatpratio K jIvavatpratio E, Sc, I, jIvatpratio w. prathamA I *mahimnA prathamaH w mahimnAM prathama : Sc 10 hi add E only 11 prasphUrjao K utsphurja * E utsphUrja * 181 13 14 * kUpa: W, Sc, E * kUpa B, K, Ig * tyAMsu B, E, Se, I *tyAMzu W, K degGkhamAGgadeg EdegGkhamAgra0 cett 15 0 vivakarAdeg B * vivalanAdeg cett 16 9 * himaprathimA B, E, K mahimA | cett paryumpalyut paryavatya cett. 17 *masau vAhayannAdeg B *masAvAharanAdeg
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________________ 182 ACT VI 52-53 citra / vibhAvya / sollAsam / devarAja pazya' pazya / yathA candrAlokaM kumudanivahazzumbakamaNiM duSatsArastatvAmRtamapi bhvaammonidhigtH| tathA sambhAvyaitau hanumadupanItAdrimalaM ___ jhaTityujjammete kimapi gahano vastumahimA // 52 // dakSiNato vibhaavy| kathameSa laGkezvaraH kalpAvasAnanirmAdaM pAtha' iva pAthonAthasya rAkSasabalamAkarSana punarabhyamitramabhyeti / vimRzya / samprati tu dharmayuddhasambhAvanA / pratihatabahutarapradhAnavyakti rAvaiNameghanAdazeSametadrAkSasabailametAvayubhau na "gaNyate kiM punaH 10 paraHsahasramayasapakoTAH / punarlakSmaNaM nirvarNya / "eSa tu zANotkIrNo maNiriva ghanAmbhodamukto vivasvAna niHkozo'sijhaTitivigalatkacukaH pannagendraH / dIvyatyuccairlaghuraghupatiH kiM nu vA syAt kimanya divyoSadhyA jayati mahimA ko'yacinyAnubhAvaH // 53 // 1 pazya pazya B, E pazya only, cetta madhyeti corr to degmabhyeti w. 1 rastattvAmRta ra rastatvAmRta* B 10 degvanA / prati B degvanApratideg cett. rastatvAM mRta rastatvAmRtvAmRta II 1 rAvaNa E, I, rAvaNa K, W, Sc, B rakhAmRta w rasuvAmRta Sc. 12 degbalametAvapyubhau B, E, K, I, degbalavyetau 1 degvyaitau cett metAbhyAmavagaNitamityetAvapyubhau w, Se * bhante E, W bhete cett. 18 gayete B gaNyante K, W gaNayante kalpanA, kalyAcett. E, Sc, Iz. 'pAtha w pAtha cett 133 kiM punaH om. all but E, K 'balamAkarSana B, K, Sc degbakhaM mAkarSat | | 14 eSa B, E, K evaM w, Se eva I, W, I, 'balaprakarSana E. ___ bhyamitramadeg B, E, K, I, bhyamiyama | 18 ghanAntAdimukto B ghanAmbhAmukto E w bhyamitrama. changed to bhyamiyama se | ghanAmbhodamukto K, W, Se, I. Added along margin: jaivastu netA yo 16 dIvya. K, E, Sc, I divya W gacchatvalaM vidviSataH prati / so'bhyamicyo | dIpya B. bhyamitrIyo'pyabhyamitrINa ityapi sc jagati : vayati cett
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________________ 5 10 15 183 niruupy| kathaM prakrAntameva kapirAkSasanAsIracarayorbhaTayoH punarA yodhanam / tathA hi / 1 ' zitairvANaireke mRdhabhuvi pare tIkSNana kharaiH kriyAsAtatyenAhama hai mikAkrAntamanasaH / mitho vidhyanti sma' prabalatamasammardavidalat'kSitikSodaH piSTatakasurabhivakSastaTabhRtaH // 54 // savizeSaM nizcitya / tAvadantaramanayorbala yoradhigaMsya mAnaprAtaH sandhyayoyIvadandhatamasArUNAlokayoH / tathA hi / pratikSaNamiyaM rakSaH pRtanA kSIyatetarAm / ' tathA tathA lavaGgAnAM senAnantaguNaidhate // 55 // vAsadeg / gandharvarAja punarito mahat kadanamupakrAntam / rakSonAtho raghUNAM tvaritamadhibhuvA rAvaNirlakSmaNena invIbhUya prahRSyadbhujabala mahimAviSkRteSvAsa zikSau / divyAstrANAM prayogaM" pratikRtimucitAM cAzruvAnau mitho'mU mUrcchatkalpAvasAnajvalanaparibhavaM sainyayoH paryadatAm // 56 // ACT VI 5456 5 2 zivai0 E, I, zitai cett Added along margin ahamahamikA tu sA syAt parasparaM yo bhavatyahaGkAraH Sc 3 vindhyanti E, W vidhyanti cett 4 sva E sma cett 9 tathA B, E, K, Ig yathA W, Sc. *nAmana 10 .nAM senAnantaguNaidhate B *nA taca guNaidha K nA ta guNedhate E ntaguNaidhate W, Sc nAnantaguNaidhate 12 11 * teSvAsadeg E * teSvAsa K * tazvAsa* B *tezvAsadeg prob co11 to *teSvAsadeg w degtezvAsadeg Sc, Ig 12 zastrA B divyA cett 13 prayogaM B, E, K, Ig prayoga W, Sc 5 * citicoMde K * citicoda: W, Sc, I *camAdhUlI B * piSTAtaka K, So, Ig piSThAtaka w piSTAntaka B piSTAta E. Also added along margin piSTAtaH paTavAsakaH ityamaraH Sc. cAnuvAnI B 15 7 degdantarasenayorvalayodeg B 'dantaramana - | cApnuvAnau W, So yorvalayo' cett [gamyamAnaM W, Sc. paryadAtAM KI paryadAttAM Ww, So 8 .gaMsyamAnadeg B, K, Ig * gamyamAna E | paryaTAtAM E pArSadAnI B 14 caSNuvAna K, Ig cASNuvAnau E
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________________ 184 ACT VI 57-59 . cigha / devarAja duravabodho'yamanayormahAvIrayormiyovimardaH / tathA hi| veDAbhiH kakuMbhaH pRSakanikarairyoma vidhAkhaNDitai deharvidviSatAM dharAtalamapi pracchAdayantau ciram / kurvAte 'zrujalAvilekSaNapathAnyetAvakANDoccara. dromAJcAni savepathUnyapi muhurvANi naH pazyatAm // 7 // savizeSaM vibhAvya / kathaM pratyakSAnumAnAbhyAmupalabhyamAnamekameva vastu viprakRSTAntara sampadyate / tathA hi| 10 asmAd rAvaNavRttaud rAghavavRttaM tu dazaguNaM vIkSe anumanye'nantaguNaM pArzvapatatkauNapendravinipAtaH // 5 // parito nirUpya / sktukaashcrym| yAvanto rajanIcarAH praharaNodbhUrNagujAketavo _yudhyanto'bhimukhAH sphuraDjamadAdhmAtAH puro nirgtaaH| prakSiptAzuMgajAlapakSayavanAdhUte pratApAnale citraM dAzaratheH kSaNAchalabhatAM yAnti sma sarve'pi te // 5 // 15 deva B devarAja cett. 10 asmad H asmad corr to asmAd w vIryayo* B vIrayo cett.. asmAd cett. B Added along margin. veDA tu siMha- _11 vRttAntAd B, E vRttAd cette nAdaH syAdityamaraH Se. 12 vIkSya for vIthe E only * kakudaH / kakula K kakuma: cett 13 jAkatavo Sc, B jAkaitavo w pRSaka pRSatka. cetta jAH ketavo E, K, I bhRzaM for ciraM B only. 14 te'bhi / nto'bhi. cetta ? ou for B, E, W a fy K, S, Ig | 10 ostalo E, K, Sc, Ig, B outo W. 8 degmAnameva ra "mAnamekameva cett. | 10 pratApAnale K, w, SC, I, pratApAmale kRSTataraM vaSTAntaraM cett. | B pratApAne E
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________________ 185 ACT VI 60--62 savimarzam / evaM kileyaM pAJcabhautiko sRssttiH| trailokyamayaparyApnaM rakSasAM sthAtumayadaH / yeSAM te kevalaM bhUmau vililyuH paJcatAM gatAH // 6 // vAsa / gandharvarAja pazya vismayanIyavipralambhau kilAmU rA5 vaNarAvaNI / ytH| etAbhyAM rAghavAbhyAM sakutukamiSubhizchidyamAneSu mUrdha svekasyaiko'yanantaH kimu sadRzaguNo varNanIyaH parasya / etatsampazyatorayaticiramanayoH ko'pyacinyaH prabhAvo 'yatrotsAho na dhairya viramati na zirazchedataH patriNo'pi 10 // 61 // nepathye / bho bho rAmabhadra kimadyAyupekSase "durvRttamenaM kathaM caikakriyAsAdhyametAvantamartham" / "avadhAsva tAvat / bhavAna sItAM lokastribhuvanagataH prItimucitAM ___ kanIyAna paulastyaH puramamaratAM svAM punarayam / 15 kimatrAnyat sAkSAtkRtaparamataslo munigaNaH prasAdaponmIlanmudi manasi zAnniM ca labhatAm // 62 // lilyuH paJcavatAM K vilisyuH paJcatAM | 10 bho bho ... kanIyAn (. 14 below) pazya2E pazya cett. [cett | 3 rAvaNarAvaNI B, E, K rAmarAvaNau // bho B, E bhoH w, Se, I. w, sc rAvaNa I 12 durvata . . . tAvat (next 1) here __ 'sadRzaguNo varNanIyaH B, K sadRzaguNaivarNanIyaH / sarasaguNau varNanIyau w, | _13 caikakriyA* E vaikakriyA* Se, I, Sc sadasaguNau varNanIyaH I, vai kriyA' w. itthaM sampa0 B etatsampa0 cetta " degmatha for degmartha E only. nyaH pra. B, K, SC, I, 'tyaM pradeg E | 15 This stop in I, only ' yano yatro cett. [antyapraw 16 pravadhatsva E avadhatva cett. 3 vitarati : viramati cetta Ir Here added nepathyAbhimukhamavalokya / ' chedataH K, Sc, I, B chedane E| durvRttamenaM kathaM caikakriyAmAdhyametAvantamarthachedana: corr to pachedataH w. / mavadhatva tAvat in B | om K only. om B
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________________ 186 ACT VI 63 citra / nizamya / kathameSa divyarSigaNo 'pyetayorvadhAya rAghavau tvarayati / athavA durvRttazAntiH kasya na manaHprasattyai / sasambhramAnutautsukyam / devarAja pazya' / I AbhyAM brahmAcyutAsrasmaraNasurabhibhirmArgaNai rAghavAbhyAM mUrdhAnavicchidAne rajanicarapate rAvaNezvA krameNa / pazcAdrakSaH kandho mRdhabhuvi vivazaH so'pi rakSo'varodhaH kSoNyAM zrIdAzarathyoH zirasi ca viyataH puSpavarSaH papAta // 63 // vAsadeg / nepathyAbhimukhamavalokya / sollAsam / gandharvarAja pazya tAvat / 10 ete kila tribhuvanazacordazakandharasya nidhanavRttAntazravaNena pramodanirbharAH " sahamaharSayaH sumanasaH " kamapi " mahotsavamanububhUSanto mAmeva pratIkSante / tad gacchAmyeteSAM manorathasampAdanAya / tvamavRtAnta nivedanena priyasakhamala kezvaraM prINaya // iti parikramya niSkrAntAH sarve // 5 1 zAntiH K * prazAntiH cett 2 prakhattyai B, K 3 prItyai E, W, Sc [prase Ig pazya 2 B pazya cett. smaraNadeg cett 4 smaraNaM E 5 rajanI rajanio cett * * cAkrameNa B 7 kabandho B, E, K 8 rakSo virodhaH E 9 varSeH B 0varSa: varta w * vRSTiH E. // SaSTho'GkaH // krameNa cett kabandhau W, Sc, Ig rakSo'varodhaH cett K, Ig varSa Se 10 nepathyAbhimukhamavalokya om B only 11 samarhaSaya: E sahamaharSayaH cett 12 kamapi E, K, B kapi corr to kamapi w kapio Sc, Ig sumaho0 E maho0 cett 14 * manubhUvato E * manububhUSanto cett 15 pratIcyante pratIkSante cett 18 prINaya E, K, W, Se prANaya Ig 13 prINIya B
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________________ 1 zrIzaM vande begins, Eonly. 2 rAya B nAca cett ' tataH pravizati zokAkulA laGkA // laGkA / saakroshm| hA mahArAa ' ' dasakandhara tellokavIralacchIpaDiggahaNadullalida / hA salarakkhasaloapaDivalaNasatyadumaMdabhudaNDa / hA pasuvaipadajualacaNovaijujjantamuI mu~ha punnddrii| 14 a 15 0 hA kekasIputtati 5 vacchala / kahiM " mae " tumaM pekkhido / hA kumAra kumbha / hA vaccha" mehaNIda / kahiM 3 4 dasadegE, K dazadeg cett Tadd B only ' talloka' B tellokadeg E, KI, tellokka Sc telokka* W. 8 * * paDigAhaNa* B *paDiggahaNadegE, K * DiggAha I *Diggahadeg So * parigAha w. 7 10 11 12 13 15 *pA* E *pAdadeg cett. 'juyala* B *juala * cett. 14 aJcaNo E caNo0 cett. 148 cett. ACT VII 1 *bhuzra0 cett / hA bandhu sAyala* B sanala0 cett *vAlacaNa* B *vAlA cett. * saMmatya * B * samatya cett. 'dussadadeg B dummadadeg cett. bhuya B *pajudeg all MSS yujanta* B * jutta* E 0jujjanta0 16 * muddha* Bonly 17 E 18 19 *rIya B 20 cett. 23 ruddha add. between *junjanta and 16 BET cett. 22 kIkasI * corr to kaikasI B kaikasI0 22 0 tilaya B mudda ... putta (1 5 below) om. K ogo for *muha Bonly rIzradeg cott 29 30 kekasI W, Sc, Ig 0a0 K aragadeg W, Se *vatsala E 24 25 kahaM I, kahiM cett 26 mae K, Ig *ntIlea w * ja* E 0asA Ig *vacchala cett. 187 W, Sc 7 pecchida K pekkhidadeg cett 28 asa K, Sc aNa E, W, Ig vatsa E NAda B * tilaca maye E sa eva B vaccha cett *NAha E *yaNa* B *NAa cett se
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________________ 188 ACT VII 1 si / dehi me paDivaaNam / parito vilokya / kahaM ko vi Na 'mantedi / Urdhvamavalokya / hA duTudevaMduvilasi kosa evaM' pariNadaM si / ahavA ko ettha bhavadI uvAlambho / ataNo eva ducaridaM edN| viprinnmedi|| iti sAnukrozaM roditi // tataH pravizatyalakA // alkaa| aho kathamasya rakSaHpaterapUrvaH ko'yayaM dshaapripaakH| yadetAvAnapi rakSaHsargaH kSaNenaiva vibhISaNamAcazeSaH saMvRtaH / zabdazravaNaM nATayitvA / parikramya / kathaM kanIyasI me bhaginI pratyayabhartR virahavyathAvidhurA krandantI laGkA / upasRtya / bhagini samAzvasihi 10 samAzvasihi // lngkaa| vibhaavy| kahaM vahiNiA me alA " // al| 18 bhagini samAzvasihi samAzvasihi / evaM kileyaM lokayAcA // 1 degvayaNaM B degvaaNaM cetta 11 edaM om. E only. 2 to'valokya E to vilokya cett. | 12 degNamadiE degNamedi cett. 8 T W T E T cett. 13 parI* K parideg cett + mantedi K, W, Sc, I mantadiE 14 rakSasaHsargaH B rakSAsargaH cett mantehi B. 15 samAzvasihi K once only. 5 deva B "deva. K, w, Se, I, 18 maha B me cett. deva. om. E "duvilasa kIya B duvvalasitra kIsa 17 alayA B, E alaA cett K, W, Sc, I, vilAsa kIsa E. 18 bhagini samAzvasihi samAzvasihi ' evaM B, K, Sc, I evaM E eca corr om. E. to evaM w. 19 samAzvasihi samAzvasihi B samAbhavado om E only zvasimi samAzvasimi w samAkhAsi samAabba: eba cett. khAsi I, samAsvami samAkhami Sc 10 duccidaM / ducaridaM cett. samAzvasihi ra.
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________________ ACT VII 1 189 lngkaa| ayi' vahiNie kudo me AsAso / juvaijaNamesesA saMvutta mhi / ekko" uNa kulatantU kumAravihIsaMNo' ciTThadi ti suNIadi / so vi maha mandabhAiNIe adhaNaMdAe riuvakkhaM jevva sevedi // 5 ala / ayi" bhagini" mA maivam / na khatvasmAkaM sa ripupakSaH // lngkaa| kahaM vizra" // al| yasya ripuH sa gatastaca gatam / samprati tu nisargasuhRdasmAkaM tribhuvanAvanaprasiddhasandho dAzarathiH // 10 lddkaa| aashvsy| kahaM Iriso" vi // al| IdRza eva // lngkaa| kahaM amha "sAmisu Iriso vipariNado // cett. 1 api se ayi cett. // api se ayi cett. 5 NIeE "Nie cett. 19 bhAgiNI E bhagini K bhAgini 3 yuvad B juva. cett * mettesasA B mettasesA K, w, So | 13 sa ripupakSaH... dasmAkaM (1. 9 be"mettasesI I, "metasesA : lovv) om E only 4. eko all Mss __ aw via cett tanta E tanta cett. vibhIsaNo B vihIsaNI E, K, I. ___1B bhuvanAvanaprasiddhasambandho ra bhuvanI | vanaprasiddhaM sandho B bhuvanaprasiddhasambandhI Se, I, vihisaNo w E, W, Sc, I ? add W, Sc only. suNIyadi B suNIadi cett.. | 10 Iriso E, Se, B iriso w riso ' adhama B, K adhaNadeg cett 1 hIriso K. 10 rivupakkhaM B riupakkhaM W, Sc, I, | " sArisu B sAmisu K, W, Sc, I, riuvakkhaM K riupakhe E | sAmIsuE.
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________________ 190 ACT VII 1 ala / 'ayananusandhAne kimevaM bhASase / shRnnu| raghukulatilake'smina bhAtRmAhitIye kimapi pitRnidezAhaNDakA sampraviSTe / yaducitamamunA te rAkSasAnAM vinetrA vihitamayamazeSaH karmaNastasya pAkaH // 1 // skaa| huM tuma uNa Irise patyAve kahaM etya uvaDiMdA si' // al| avadhatsva / ahaM kila vaimAtukeNa paulasyena gandharvarAjAMccitrarathAdamuM vRttAntamupalabhya ziSTabandhupratibodhanAya vibhISaNasya ca laGkAbhiSekasAkSAtkaraNAya rAvaNApahRtavimAnarAjasya 10 purakasya ca rAmabhadropasthAnopadezadAnAya sandiSTA // lngkaa| ammo kahaM bhaavado pasuvaiNo vi mitaM gidhANadhivaI soM evaM uvacaradi rAmabham // I erise K. W, 12 1 ananu for apyananu E only 10 degbhadraprasthA' for degbhadropasthA E only. 2 degkAna B degkA E, K, W, Sc degko I | 11 sAla B sandiSTA cett tuNaE uNa cetta 18 amA E ammo cetta + Irise E, w, sc irise B Irise 13 NidhANAdhivaI B NidhANAhivaI patyAve B, K, Sc pathavi E patyAve w, Sc, I NidhANAhavaI : NidhANA vivahI ra * uvaTThadA w uvaridA : uvahidA 14 sayaM B sanaME, K zAnaM I sAdhe B, K, Sc, Iz. | w socaM Se na Sc fe cett. 15 evaM E evaM cett. 8 degmAtRkaNa B, E, K mAtrakeNa w, | 16 degcarAde E degcarati w, Se degcaradi Sc, I, | B, K, I. ___deg rAjAJcideg w, Sc, B rAjAci0 " bhaI B bhadaME degbhadraM K, W, Sc, K, I rAbaci
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________________ 191 ACT VII 2-4 ala / ayi kimatrAzcaryam / idaM hi tatvaM paramArthabhAjA. mayaM hi sAkSAtpuruSaH purANaH / vidhA vibhinnA prakRtiH kilaiSA cAtuM bhuvi svena sato'vatINI // 2 // lngkaa| kahaM amha' sAbhigA rakkhasaNAMheNa radaM Na 'odhaaridm|| ala / ayi sarale / zapamahinA kila mUrchanmohaH so'pi nAparAdhyati // nepathye klklH| ubhe sasamdhamamAkarNayataH // 10 punarnepathye / samavardhata bhostrijagaJcarANi bhUtAni / vasvarkarudrasahitaH svayameSa sAkSAd vRddhazravAH samabhinandati sAdhu sAdhvIm / agnipravezaparinirgamazuddhabhAvAM sItAM raghUttama bhavasthitimAdriyasva // 3 // 15 ala / kathamete divaukaso'pi dazakandharagRhanivAsavyasanakaulInazaGkApanutyai kRtapAvakapravezanirgamanAM sItAM devImabhinandanti / ahh| pativratAmayaM jyotiryotiSAnyena zodhyate / idamAzcaryamathavA lokasthityanuvartanam // 4 // / api E, I, ayi cetta ___ adhA : odhA cett paramArtha K, W, Sc, B paramArdhaE | samadhatta B samavadhatta cett. yAmArtha* I. ' bhavasthi* B, E, K bhavatsthi w, 3 amhANaM B amha K, Sc, I, brahma | Sc, Is E, W. 8 graha E gRhadeg cetta * nAdeNaw degNAheNa cett sItAM devI E, K sItAdevI cett..
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________________ 192 ACT VII 4-5 zabdazravaNaM nATayitvA / lngkaa| kahaM maGgalatUrakhamissA o gIdIo NisamIanti // ala / nepthyaabhimukhmvloky| kathaM sItAvizudhyanumodanAthamavatINIbhirapsarobhirdivyarSigaNaizca rAmabhadranidezena niSpAditAbhiSekaka5 lyANo vibhISaNaH puSpakaM puraskRtya rAmabhadramabhyeti / tadehi tathAvidhasahajamahimamahanIyacaritamahAnubhAvAMvalokanena cakSuH kRtArthayAvaH // iti parikramya niSkrAnte / ||mishrvisskNdhkH|| tataH pravizati pArzvagatahanUmatsugrIvaH sasItAlakSmaNo rAmaH // 10 raamH| kiM cirAyate vibhISaNaH // tataH pravizati puSpaka puraskRtya vibhISaNaH // vibhISaNaH / anuSThitaH kila mayA rAmabhadrAdezaH / tathA hi satkRtaM mAtalimanu ajanagaladanasamvakiNAGkagaNDasthalAH skhalatkanakakaGkaNaM niyamitaikaveNIbhRtaH / kSamAtalavivartanAtimalinAmbarA mocitAH prayAnti kila sasmitAH sma suralokavandistriyaH // 5 // Cett 1 rAva B rava cetta hanU B, K hanuE samIanti B Nisamianti | | grovaH E, K grIva B NisAmI nAnA Se pisammIanti ra Ni 10 cirAyate E, K cirAyito B sAmIantI w NisamIanti / 11 degsaMlava E sapadyava* I, sambhava 3 mahanIyacaritadeg om. K only cett. * degcarita* w, Se, I, B caritra : 12 degkaGkaNaw 'kaGkaNaM cett * bhAvaloka* Se degbhAvAvalokadeg cett | pariSkramya E parikramya cetta 13 sasmitAH B sammitAH E, K sammitA viSkambhaH viSkambhaka: cott | Sc, I sammitA changed to saMsitA w. " tataH pravizati ...cirAyate vibhI- vandi. K, w, Sc, I, vandI B SaNaH om. W, So, I only. | degvandhI E.
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________________ 5 10 15 ACT VII 6-8 193 upasRtya' / jayatu jayatu rAmabhadraH / deva' etadavasAnaH kila nidezaH sampAditaH / 'kArtasvarAbhirdRzyAbhiH patitAbhizca sAmpratam / vandIrbhiriva tAH kArAH zRGkhalAbhiralaGkRtAH // 6 // ayaM ca puSpakanAmA sa" vimAnarAjaH / asaMruddhagateriSTapravRttervaMzavartinaH / manorathasyAnuguNaM sarvadA yasya ceSTitam // 7 // rAmaH / sAdhu laGkezvara sAdhu sampAditam / sugrIvaM prati / sakhe vaikartane kimacAvaziSyate // sugrIvaH / 2 nirvyUDhA " praguNavibhISaNAbhiSekAt // 8 // samprati tu droNaM pratyAharato " hanUmataH savizeSaM gRhIta K, Sc, Ig= utkhAtastribhuvana kaNTako 'tidRSyahordaNDAJcitamahimApyayaM nikAraH / devyAzca pratizamitastathAca sandhA 1 upasatya Sc upasRtya celt 2 jayatu 2 B jayati 2 W jayati E, karA: E 8 3 devA: E deva cett 2789 4 eva tadavasAnaH W etadavasAna: cett kArtasvarAbhi0 W, Sc, B kArtasvarIbhi0 E kArtasvarobhi0 I2 karmInnarAti K * patitAbhizca B, K pratItvAbhica patAbhizca I, patAkAbhizca W, Se 7 riva tAH kArAH B kArA K redhitAH kAra: So kAraH w 'redhitI: kArAH I * redhitAH devi tAH * redhitA 9 10 zRGgalAdeg B zRGkhalA0 cett tA E 13 degGkRtAH / sa om. E only. 11 *NDocita E *NDAcita cott. 12 nirvyUDhA B, Ig nivyUDhA K nirbaMDhA nirvyUDha So nivyUDha * vAdiyA harato cett 14 cett. corr to nirvyUDha: W NAdriM pratyA hanudeg E hanUdeg cett
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________________ 194 ACT VII 8-9 pravRttirdumanAyate kila kumArabharataH / taM prati vAtAharaH pravi. sRjyatAM prAbhaJjaniH / svayamayalaGkiyatAM vimAnarAjaH // raamH| yadabhirucitaM priyavayasyAya // iti tathA kRtvA sarve vimAnArohaNaM nATayanti // 5 sotaa| apavArya / lakSmaNaM prati / amhehiM sampadaM kahiM patthIadi // lakSmaNaH / devi raghukularAjadhAnImayodhyAM prati // siitaa| avi samato so vaNavAsassa avahI // lakSa / devi adyatanameva dinaM tat // sarve vimAnagatiM nirUpayanti // siitaa| saabutm| ajjauta ede uNa kadamA dUrAdo 'aNiddhArida10NiyoNA vittharijjantasAmalataNA parisarA dIsanti // rAmaH / sasmitam / devi naite bhuvAM parisarAH kintu sAkSAt kilASTamUrtestasyaiSA mUrtirammayI prathamA / gItaH sAgara iti nRbhiraparichedyAtmagAmbhIryaH // 9 // siitaa| jo amhANaM jeTasasurehiM kiNismANo ti" vuTTaparampa 1 prakRti : pravRtti cett. NiNosA I, "NiNoNaM E dakSiNoddezA PAriya pravisRjyasRjyatA ww 'dakSiNoddesA Se. pravisRjyatAM cetta vittharijjanta B visthArijjanta K 3 pachIadi B patthIadi K, So, I, avivArajantadeg Sc, I, avivArajanA pathIadi atyiadi w w avitharijantadeg . * vaNadAsasa : vaNassa W vaNavAsassa 10 degsAmalattaNA B degsAmalattaNa K, W cett. sAmalattana I sAmalataNadeg Sc degsAtataH for tat B only. malatanA nirUpa w, E, B rUpa K, Sc, I. 11 santi B disanti / dIsanti cett. 1 aNiddhArida B, K aNiddhAriW | 12 sasmitam om W, Se, I only. aNiddhAridadadeg Se aNidhAridadeg F 13 ti E, W tti cetta aNiddhAzirada I. 14 vuTu K, W vaTTa I vaTThadeg Sc "NikhosA ra NimomayA B | vuDhaE.
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________________ 5 10 ACT VII 10 11 195 rAe 'suNIadi / edassa' majke' vi kiM edaM dUrappasAridaM dhavalaMsuvia' ahiNavatiAsu bhUmisu dIsaMi // lakSma' / devi / unmUIdacchamalayAcalatuGgazRGgaprAgbhAraniSpatitanirbharapUra bhojaH // 11 // lkssm.| Arya tA* evaitAH / nAtidUra eva tAvadAsAM sa "jI15 rNakandaraH / 1 sotsAhaM dhRtazAsanaiH sakutukairvRkSaukasAM nAyakaidikparyanta dharAdharendrazikharAkhyAnAyya nirmAApitaH / kalpAntAvadhivandanIyamahimA lokasya seturnavaH 1" kIrtistambha ivAyamAryacaritasyAmbhonidhau lakSyate 10 // 10 // rAmaH / aGgulyA nirdizan / vatsa suNIyadi B suNIzradi K, Sc, I2 vandanIya B, K nandanIya E suNIdI sudiadi 'corr to sudIadi | 'vandhanIyadeg W, So, Ig. 10 kIrti W etA bhuvaH (ro below) etA bhuvaH paricinoSi milattamAlacchAyAndhakAritatuSAranikuJjapuJjaH / 2 etassa B edasa E edassa cett. 3 majje B majjha I, mabhjha W majja Se majhe K mapta E 5 4 dUra pasAdeg E va B viE 7 6 * mAsu K, W dIsa B, So dUrappasAdeg cett via cett * kaNAsu cett. dIsaI K, E, W dosa Ig 8 pitaH B, K, I, yitaH E, W, Se 9 o 2 om K. 11 caritasyAlacyate'mbhonidhau B 0caritasyAmbhonidhau lakSyate EIg caritastvambhonidhau lakSyate So racita (corr by rev fiom 'carita0) stvambhonidhau lakSyate Ww. 12 ... 13 * kuJjaT: K *bhAra: W 'puJjAH cett *bhAja: cett 14 15 tA devaitAH E nAtisundara w 10 jIrNaH kaliH B tA evaitA: cott. nAtidUra cott. jIrNakandaraH cett
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________________ 196 ACT VII 12-13 gIjarjaritAsu dikSu vadhire tatsphUrjathusphUrjita yoni bhrAmyati duSprabhaJjanajavAdabhe'pyadabhre muhuH / AkSiyAndhayati dumAndhatamase cakSuH pravizya kSapA yatrAsIt kSapitA kSarajjalabhare vaksAralakSIkRte // 12 // / sItA / khgtm| aho pmaado| kahaM maha mandabhAiNIe duDhadevvehi' ede vi mahANubhAMvA IrisaM avatyantaraM aNuhAvidA // vibhI / deva rAmabhadra / dRzyante kilaitAH kaaveriitiirbhuumyH| yatparyantamahIdhrasImni kuhalImAdhvIkadhAroMjharI hRSyatpUgavanIghanIkRtatalaistuGgairjarachAkhibhiH / lakSyante vividhAzramAH sthiratapaHsvAdhyAyasAkSAtkRtabrahmANo nivasanti yatra munayaH kalpasthiteH sAkSiNaH // 13 // yato nAtidUra eva kilAvAcyA lopAmudrApariSkRtaparisare dIyati kaumbhasambhavaM jyotiH // 10 ___1 sarasax K, w, I, garjAgarja-1 10 avardhataraM for avasthantaraM E only ritA Se garnamarjaritA E 11 aNuhAvido B aNAhAvidA I, 2 tamase changed to degtamasi W | aNuhAvidA K, E, W, Sc.. 3 furto for To E only 12 kuhalI* B, E, K, I, kuhalo Sc * bhare B. K, I, 0dhare E, Se degdhare | kahalo in text underlined and sumano along changed to ETT W. margin, W vaksAkSya. B, I vatsAkSya E ___13 degdhArAjharI* B, K dhArogArI E khasAra K, W, Se. degdhArogirI 1 degdhArogirad V, Sc. lakSmI* B lakSI cett. 14 plavagavalI0 for tyUgavanI* E only 1 "devehiM B, K, I, debehiM E, So | 1 degjalai. w talai* cett devahiM w. sa B E fa cett 16 kila om w only . bhAvA K, Se bhAvi B vhAvA 17 degbAdhyaM for degvAcyA E only. E, W srAvA 13 degsaraM B, E, K sare W, Sc degsara I
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________________ 5 10 ACT VII 14-15 rAmaH / kathamatikrAntamAgastyazramapadam / ayaM vArAM rAziH kila marurabhUd yavilasitai - rayaM vindhyo 'vandhyotavihRtirAdhmAnamajahAt / 'viliye yatkukSisthitazikhini vAtApirvapuSA sa kAsAM vANInAM munirakalitAtmAstu viSayaH // 14 // tadaprameyavibhavA vizvantarAtmasAkSiNaste' mahAtmAnaH kutazca nAbhivandyAH // sarve tathA kurvanti // sAnujastvaM prajAM zAdhi kalpAntasthAyi te yazaH / AkAze / nAmApi rAma gRNatAmamRtatvAya kalpatAm // 15 // rAmaH / AkarNya / kathamazarIriNyA girA paramanugRhIto" mahAmu nivandAruH // itare'bhinandanti // vibhI / deva" raambhdr| etAstAH pampa paryantabhUmayaH yAsu bahoH 15 kAlAdanubhUyamAnAnyapyabhijJAnAni balAccakSurAkarSanti / tathA hi / *styamAzramaH 1 *styAzrama E, W, B K, Sc, Ig Agastyasrama' along maigin by rev., W 2 6 sasmaraNaM add. B only. vandhyoddhatadeg B, K vadhyota E vandhyater I yenAhRta W, Sc. 4 * dhyAna E, Ig odhmAna0 cette afer for viliye Eonly. * vizvambharAdeg B vizvantarA 12 vi vAntarAdeg K, E, W, Sc 7 om Wonly. 5 8 nAmio W, Se nApyabhi0 cett jastaM E * jastvaM cott 197 10 kalpyatAM E kalpatAM cott. 11 *to'hamAzIrbhiH B only. 12 itaro'bhinandati B itare abhina itare ndati I itare abhinandeti E abhinandanti K, W, Sc deva om Eonly. Adds Pampa' along margin by 13 14 lev, W 15 v nyabhideg E, W * nyapyabhio cett 10 0 karSayanti E *karSanti cett.
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________________ 198 5 15 siitaa| svgtm| kiM NAma mahadeg uttarIaM' ajjauttreNa haNumantassa hatthe diTTham // raamH| ssmrnnm| he' devi / tadA kila" vaiklavyAdapahiyamANAyA bhavatyAH prabhraSTamanasUyAnAmAmuttarIyamasmAbhiH prathamamabhijJAna10 mAsAditam / ACT VII 16-17 bANenaikena viddhaM vilasati puratastajjarattAlakharADaM so'pi krIDAkapitvaM kSaNamiSunivahairanvabhUdaca vAlI / saumitriH pAdaghAtadiha hi sakutukaM prAkSipat 'kUTamasthAM kAbandhaM dRSTamasmin hanumati bhavataivottarIyaM ca devyAH // 16 // 1 dRzoH zaracchItakara prakAzaH purastadeg E 2 pAlI w vAlI cett 13 " kAye'pi karpUraparAgapUraH / svAnte'pi sAndrAmRta kumbhaseka - stadA yadAsIt kila" dRSTamAtram // 17 // sItA zRGgAralajjAM nATayati // margin, W. 5 ghAtairiha B dhAtAdiha cett maha W. 7 puratasta0 cett 4 * kUpa in original and 'r'|' along kAvaMcaddAnaM ma0 kAvaMcaMdaDhama 12 kAbandhaM dRSTamadeg cett 6 maha K, Sc, B saha I2 saha corr. to yaM B rIcaM cett 8 hanudeg K. 9 E hanUdeg W haNUdeg Sc, Ig he om. B_only. 10 kila om K only. 11 * nAmAGkitamuo K * nAmAGkamudeg cett 12 prathamamabhijJAta B prathamamabhijJAna0 K, E, So prathamabhijJAna Ww prathamabhe jJAna0 I 2. 13 kArye Ig kAye cett 14 khalu B kila cett
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________________ 5 10 15 lkssm| 'aary| ACT VII 18-20 gRdhrarAja tAtasya mitraM kila staM pApamasmin sahasAnubadhnan / gAvaM jarAjarjaritaM vihAya yazaH zarIraM navamAlalambe // 17 // siitaa| svgtm| kahaM 'maha kAraNAdo tArimANaM pi" mahAguMbhAvANaM Iriso atyAviseso simIcjhadi // sugrIvaH / deva atikramyante kilaitA daNDakAsImAnaH / yaca te'pi svasuH karNanAsauSThavicicISayA / sAnulavAH kvApi yAtAstrimUrdhakharadUSaNAH // 19 // sItA / vepamAnA / ammo kahaM puNo vi te" jeva" rakkhasA suNIanti // 9 rAmaH / devi alaM zaGkayA / abhidhAnamAcamavaziSyate zarAsanasya TaGkArAt saumiceH kevalaM kila / rakSasAM pralayaH siMhagarjanAddantinAM yathA // 20 // 1 Arya B, E, K ayaM W, Sc AyA Ig 2 mama B mahaM E maha cett simmIdI 4 28 fa all MSS 3 bhAvANaM BSc guhAvANaM E *nubhAvANaM K, W. 4 0 vizesi I * viseso cett 5 * * lete B * letA cett 7 daNDakImA : E daNDakAsImAnaH cett rev., W. 8 ' Dandaka' added along maigin by kampamAnA for vepamAnA K only. om. B only. om. W, Sc, Ig 11 EK jjeva Sc, Ig 10 simI adiBI vinAbAda K | jela W NisAmI adi W, Sc. 12 vi 199 hantinAM K, W, So * IntinAM B dantinAM I2. 13 sItordhvamavalokate add. Bonly. B * hantino pra
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________________ 200 ___ACT VII 20-21 niruupy| kimanyAdazIva gatirasya vimAnarAjasya // vibhii| deva atyuccaiH kilAyaM sahyaH sAnumAna / 'enamatikramya gamyate kilaayryaavrtH| tadatikramaNAyedamapi madhyamalokasAnnidhyaM kiJcidukati // / lakSma / draSTavyaH kilotamapuruSamadhyamapadalAJchito "lokH|| sarve "uccairgativegaM nirUpayanti // rAmaH / nirUpya / svismym| ___ yaH pUrveSAM naH kulasya pratiSThA devaH sAkSAdeSa dhAmnAM nidhaanm| vayyAH sAraH ko'pi mUrtI vivasvAna pratyAsannaH puSpakArohaNena // 21 // sarve kapotakena praNamanti // sItA / uccairnirUpya / "ammo kahaM diNammi vi tArAcakkaM vidha edaM dIsadi // 10 1 dRzI caE dRzIva cett deg madhyama om. here, w, Se ouly 2 uccaiH B atyuccaiH cett 10 madhyama add here, w, Se only. 3 ' Sahya mountain' added along mar- | 11 atyuccai ra uccaiH cetta gin by rev., W. 12 rUpa K nirUpa0 cett * tad add. B only 13 yaH pUrveSAmanvayasya B yaH pUrveSAM naH gaMsyate B gakhate I, gamyate cett ku lasya K, E, Sc, I, Text as in K, but Orig. faretto faafa, but faafa Et added along margin, prob. meant as is meant to be omitted, B kilAryAvartaH | av.l for naH W. cett. "Aryavartta' added along margin " deva B, E devaH K, W, Sc, Ip. by rev., W. 18 roha. B, E, K, Sc ropa0 W, I, 'duhyati for "dujjhati E. 16 kapodeg B, E, K, I, kApo. w, Sc muTabacAtma changed to draSTavya / // vismayaM ada. E only. evottama. B draSTavyaH kilottama. cetta | 13 degcakraM B degcakkaM cett
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________________ 201 ACT VII 22--24 raamH| devi tArakAcakramevaitat / ativiprakarSAdravikiraNapratihatacakSurbhirna dRzyate kila divase sa vimAnArohaNAdapAstaH // sItA / sakutukam / kahaM gaNavADiAe 'phullAI 'kusumAI va 'dIsanti // 5 rAmaH / samantato'valokya / kathamaparichedyadigvibhAgamiva sammati jagat / ytH| saMstUyante viprakojhaumA nopAMdhayaH sphuTam / AntarikSAH punaramI sarvataH sadRzA iva // 22 // sugrI / deva bhrAtuH sauhArdena vidheyIkRto yadRcchayA diganteSu 10 vicarannabhyupapannavAnasmi / tathA hi| udayAstAcalAvetau "yakroDe bAlyavArdhake / visambhAJcandrasUryAbhyAmatIyete vinirbhayam // 23 // avadhatAmito devH| kailAsAJjanazailAvetau tulyonnttvprinnaahau| ___ candanamRgamadalepaM gamitau kSoNyA nu" vakSojau // 24 // itazcAyaM kAJcanAcalaH / paratazcAyamabhaGkaSazikharaH zikharI gandhamAdanaH / tataH paramaMgamyA mAdRzAM bhUmayaH // 15 1 mevai tat K, W, So, I, "metat B, E. | parito add. B only. " rohaNAdapAstaH B, E, K_ 'rohaNA- dIsanti B disandiE dIsandi dapAsta , rohaNadayAsta Sc rohaNa- | cett dayAsta changed by rev. to degrohaNe dIyAsta nopadhAyaH Wonly. 10 yatkor3e ... zailAvetau (1 14 below) 3 gayaNa B gaNadeg cett.. om. E only. * phullAI B, Sc kutlAI 5 phullAI | 11 kailAsA W, K, B kailAzA Sc, I. phullAIw phullAhaM I 12 nu B, K, E na w, So na I, " kusumAI B kusumAI w, Se, I, | 13 "zikharaH B, K ziraH cett. kusumAI ra kusumA E. 14 zikharoE zikharI cett va B, K, L E , W, Sc. 15 parasmAdagadeg W, Sc paramaga cett.
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________________ ACT VII 24 rAmaH / 'parito 'vilokya / sasambhramAdbhutam / kathamekapada eva sarvamaho cakSurgocaraMm / 'aparicchedyA ca sargasthitiH // sItA / 'ammo edaM kiM pi" AdipuruvaM khArisaM jeva' dIsai' Na mANuso NAvi pasU // rAmaH / devi azvamukhaM kinnaramithunametat / prAyeNaitAsu bhUmiSvevaMvidhAnAmeva bhUyasAM pracAraH // vimI / kathaM sammukhamevAbhyeti / prAyeNAlakezvarainidezadhAriNAnena bhavitavyam // nepathye / deva dinakara kulamaNe rAmabhaT / bhavantamekapi nacalezvara10 nidezAdupazcokayituM sAketaM prasthitayona" sukRtapariNAmAdantarAla eva cakSurviSayo'si / tannidezapAratantryamapi bhUyase guNAya " yat purANasyaiva" puMso vyaktiparyayaniSThaM mahaH sAkSAtkite // iti pradakSiNIkRtyAmivandete " // sarve nirUpayanti // AUA 5 1 parito vilokya / sasambhramAdbhutam om. here, B only. 2 vilodeg K, W, Sc, Ig valo0 E 3 *caram E, K vara: W, Sc, Ig. apario B, E, K pario W, Sc, Ig parito vilokya / sasambhramAdbhutam added here by B. In this passage, which it wrongly repeats further on, B reads only 4 sasambhramam. 68 for all MSS. 6 saMdipuruvaM TupuvaM E, W, Sc divvaM puruSaM B. 7 adi asA E, W, Sc, B aNA K, I2. jeba W, Sc, E, I2, B ' dIsa W, Se, I2, K, B 10 11 jevaK. 14 * mithuna W, Sc, I2, K, B sammukha B, E, K, Sc, Ig nidezadeg B, E KI disai cha. * yugala E. samunmukha0 W. *rAdeza 12 W, Sc. 13 byona B, E, K, I, yorAvayoryI yorAvayoyIcA Sc. w yat B, E, K, Sc, Ig tat W. 15 syaiva puMso vyakti E, K *syaikazo vyaktideg B *syaiva puMso'bhivyakti W, So, Ig. * kRtya vadante kRtyAbhivandete cett 16
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________________ 5 10 15 punarnepathye kinnaraH / Apannavatsala jagajjanaM taikabandho vidyanmarAla kamalAkara rAmacandra / janmAdidhairmavidhuraiH sumanazca koreM - rAcamyatAM tava yazaH zaradAM sahasram // 25 // tatraiva' kinnarI | ACT VII 25-27 6 yAvat phaNIndrazirasi kSiticakrametad yAvat punaryahaM gaNaiH zabalaM vihAya H " / vaidehi tAvadamalo bhuvaneSu puNyaH zlokaH prazastacaritairupagIyatAM te // 26 // 7 vibhI / deva / itare / priyaM priyaM naH // 9 rAmaH / laGkezvara cirasaJcaraNAdava naH anurodhaM" tarkaye / tad varamito madhyamalokasAnnidhyena gantum // te te surasindhudhautadRSadaH karpUra khaNDojjvalAH pAdA jarjarabhUrja valkalabhRto gaurIguroH pAvanAH / 1 jjanataika B, E, K *jjananaika Sc * nekao in the text and na by rev along *jjananeka Ig margin, W 2 janmAdeg E, K, B, W 3 dharma0 B, E, K carma Ig 4 tatraiva 5 janyAo So, Ig *karma V, So om. B only. gRhadeg for grahadegE only. vihAya : B vihAya cett 6 " loka w lokaH cett dampatI mandAcaM nATayataH // 8 Om. one priyaM K only 9 naH E, K, I na W, Sc naH 203 rodha Ig 11 vAriNAM vaimAnikAnAM B. 100rodhaM B, K, W, Sc rodhe madhyao for madhyama0 E only. 12 sAnnidhyanaM gaMmana prastutamanusandhAtuM B *sAnnidhyena gantuM cett 13 bhRto B, E, K, Sc, Ig dhRto changed to "vato by rev., W.
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________________ 204 ACT VII 27 navAlokaniraslamohatamasAmadhyAtmavidyAjuSAM yatra brahmavidAM nisargamadhuraM jAgarti saumyaM mahaH // 27 // lakSma / Arya kathamete bhuvAM parisarAH saMstutapUrvA ivAnyaviSayamAhitvaM na kSamante cakSuSoH // 5 rAmaH / nirUpya / sasmaraNAvagam / vatsa tA evaitA gurUNAM kauzikapAdAnAM saJcaraNena pavitritaparyantAstapovanabhUmayaH / yatra tu tatrabhavato yAjJavalkyAntevAsino dvitIyena videhAdhipatinA saha tat tat saMlApAmRtapramodamanubhavatAM gurUNAM lAlanI yAbhyAmAvAbhyAM bAlyocitamulalitam // 10 sItA / svagatam / kaNi?tAdo ni" suNIadi // iti paritaH saspRhamAlokate // raamH| laGkezvara nocitamidAnI gurucaraNapaGkajarajaHpaviciteSu parisareSu vimAnAdhirohaNam // nepathye / bho bho rAmalakSaNau / sa bhagavAna kRzAzvAntevAsI 15 vAM samAjJApayati // ubhau / vimAnAdhidevatAmiGgitena "saMstambhAya niyujya / avahitau svaH // margin, W. 1 vidhaM for "madhura E only 12 suNIyadi B suNIadi cett * 'Himalaya' added by rev. along | 13 deglokate B, E, K, I, lokyate cour to lokate w deglokyate Sc. 2a oqft Cata B ogatarelo cett 14 To: om. W, Sc, I, only * Adds 'Tapovana' along margin, | | 15 parisareSu om. E only. 18 * bhavato B, E, K bhavatA W, Sc, I 16 bho E 'saha om. B only bhoH cett. * Om. one ad E, W, Sc only. 11 saMstambhAya B, E stambhAya cett. ' bhavatA B bhavatAM cett. 18 svaH B, E, K, Se, I, staH w. 8 lAlanIyAbhyAm om. E only. Appears to take vafeat : as a part ' kahaM add. E, W, Sc, I, only. of stage-direction , for, unlike all other 10 tAdo add. E only MSS joins faryze and waferit in Sandhu 11 tti B, K, I, ti E, W, Sc. and reads niyujyAMtAtI w.
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________________ 205 ACT VII 28-29 punnepthye| purIM yathAsthitau yAtaM vilambethAM ca maantraa| arundhatIsahacaraM jyotivI sampratIkSate // 26 // ahamapi tRtIyakAlakriyAnusandhAnaparavAna muhUrtabvayenAgata 5 eva // ubhau| yathAjJApayanti guravaH // punarvimAnaM sampratiSThate / rAmaH / aho mahAtmAno'pi vAtsalyaparatantrAH / yanmahinA tapaHsvAdhyAyayorlavazo vibhakte' samaye tvaayaagmnmnurudhynte| athavA yuktamevaitat / yataH karuNApAratanyeNa mRdusvabhAvAste 10 tapovanarurUSu taruSu ca kiM manutheSu / vizeSatastu rAjJAM" mArtaNDavaMzyAnAM gRhe nau janma kevalam / zastrAstrajJAnamukhyastu saMskAro'smAnmahAtmanaH // 29 // itre| yathAha rAmabhadraH // vibhI / vilokya / kimidamakANDa eva nIhArajAlairiva kSamAra15 jobhirAcchAdyante kakubhaH // sarve savismayaM pazyanti // rAmaH / savitarkam / manye prAbhaJjanerasmatpratimupalabhya mAM pratyudyAtIva sasainyo bharataH // 1 bathAM B, K, Sc, I, betAM E, W | kAle B samaye cett. ca om. and reads mAtaraH for mA- 9 degdhyate // dhyante cett. ntarA E. 10 ruruSu B guruSu E, W, Sc, I2 ___3 ca add after "tI. before degsaha E | degmRgeSu ra. only 11 degSastu E, I, Satastu cett. 0vI B, K mI E, w, Sc mI I, 12 rAjJA : rAjJAM cett. / sampratiSThati B pratiSThate cett. 18 vilokya om. B only. 'vAtsalya B, E, K, SC, I, vAtsalye w | " pratyudyAtIva B, K, I, pratyupayAtIva 'vibhakta : vibhakta cett. | w pratyupAtIva Sc pratyuhyAvatIva E
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________________ 206 ACT VII 30 pravizya 'hanUmAn / sapAdapaGkajasparza praNamya / deva / sthito dhyAyanantaH kimapi caritaM svena bhavata zciraM vAtImenAmatha madupalabhya prclitH| jaTI cIrI rAmetyamRtavibhavaM nAma rasayana' muhurharSobhAntaH prakRtisahito'bhyeti bharataH // 30 // rAmaH / sollAsam / aho cirAyAyuSmatsauhArdamupalabhAmaha iti sarvAnandAnAmupari vAmahe // lakSma / sautsukyam / sakhe mArute kutrAyaH // . hanU / ya ete sainyasya purataH paJcaSAstanmadhye puraHsaraH sAnujaH 10 sa mahAtmA bharataH // lakSmaNo nirvrnnyti|| siitaa| nirUpyA kahaM akhAriso jlebva dIsai // vibhii| "haMho vimAnarAja / cirAya" bandhujanadarzanAliGganasambhAvanAdinA mithaH pramodamanubhavanvete" mahAnubhAvAH / tata kSaNaM virama // sarve vimAnAvataraNaM nATayanti / 1 hanu hanU. cett. * 319 E, W Het cett " gAya ra dhyAyadeg cett. 10 disad : dIsaha cett. 3 metA ra menA. cett. 11 aho ra haMho cett. + racayana ra rasayana cett. orig., but struck out, B harSoddhAntaH B, K, Sc, I, harSobhrAntaHE 'cirAya cett hovAnta changed to harSoddhAnta by nev , w. 18 0jana. om E,K only. cirAya vapuSmatsau. E, I, cirAyAyuSbhatsau. w, sc cirAya vapuSmana sau* B 14 mithaH B, E, K mitho'Gga w, Se cirAryayuSmatsau. K. HET I, farert further on in the passage sarvAnAndA w sarvAnandA cett.. wrongly repeated, Iz. amAB, E, K aNA* Se, I, | | 15 degbhavantyete bhavanveta cett. assAw. | 16 degnAvaraNaM B nAvataraNaM cett.
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________________ 5 10 ACT VII 31-32 tataH pravizataH katicanapradhAnapuruSaparivRtau bharatazatrughnI // rAmaH / sarabhasaM' pAdapatitaM bharatamutthApya' / ehyehi vatsa / anubhAvayati brahmAnandasAkSAtkriyAmiva / sparzaste' jaTharAmbhojaprasphurannAlakarkazaH // 31 // iti nirbhaya visRjati / lakSmaNaH sapAdapatanaM' bharatamAliGgati / zatrughno rAmalakSmaNAvabhivAdayati // ubhau / kulasthitimanuvartasva // sItA / kumArA' jedvANaM bhAduA rAmaH / vatsau bharatazatrughnau / 1 asmAkaM vyasanAmbhodhAvayaM potatvamAgataH / kapIndro'yaM ca laGkendro mitraM" dharmahite rataH // 32 // tat pariSvajataim // iti sugrIvavibhISaNau darzayati // bharatazacughnau tau pariSvajya mitho " " yathocitamupacarataH // bharataH / Arya " kulaguruna" bhagavAn maicAvaruNiH siMhAsana15 gRhe " sampAditasakalAbhiSekasambhAro bhavantaM pratIkSate / " yathA jJApayatyAryaH // sarabhasaM E, K, Sc, Ig sarasaM corr. to sarabhasadeg B. sarabhasaM W 2 * mutthApya B * mutthApayati cott ' sparzaste jaTharAdeg B, E, K, I2 ste'dya varAdeg W, Sc. 4 bhoje E 5 * vadanaM E *mbhojadeg cett. *patanaM cett sparza - bharatazatrughnau daNDavat sItAM praNamataH // abhimadA hoha' // * varNasva w vartasva cett 7 kumArA B, K, Ig kumAro E kumAra W, Sc. 8 hoha B, K hondu W, So hoda E doha 207 9 * nAmbAdhAvayaM pAtatvamAgataH E nAmbhodhAvetau potatvamAgatau K 'nAmbhodhAvayaM potatvamAgataH cott. 10 mitra B mitraM cett 11 *jata E *jataM cett 12 mitho om. W only. 13 yatho is a coir, fr. mitho w 14 kula om. K only. 15 o B T K of cett. 16 17 gRhe B, E, K yadA B yathA cett. grahe W, So *graha I2.
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________________ 5 ACT VII 32-33 1 rAmaH / svagatam / kauzikapAdAH pratIkSaNIyAH / sa ca bhagavAn' maitrAvaruNirevamAjJApayati / bhavatu samayocitaM pratikariSyate ' // prakAzam / yathAjJApayati kulaguruH // sarve parikrAmanti // 208 10 tataH pravizati ' vasiSTho dazarathakalatraiH ' saha caryamANArundhatI ca // vasiSThaH / svagatam / 10 kSamAyAH 'sukSetraM guNamaNigaNAnAmapi 'khaniH 'prapannAnAM mUrtaH sukRtaparipAko " janimatAm / kRpArAmo rAmo bahiriha dRzA" pAsyata iti pramodA tasyApyupari parivartAmaha ime // 33 // bhavatu / tathApi lokayAcAnuvartanIyA // prakAzam / vadhvau kosalyAsumitre // ume| "ANavedu kulagurU" // vasi / diTyAkSa pratinivRttavatse sthaH // ume| tumhANaM AsisAgaM pahAvo // 18 1 bhagavAna cott. bhavAn B ' *kariSye E * kariSyate cett. 3 prakAzaM om Eonly. 4 vasi0 K, W, I2, B ' .traiHsahacaryadeg B * 0cairupacaryadeg cett. 6 9 sudeg B sat K 7 svaniH w khaniH cett # prayatnAnAM E prasatInAM K prapannAnAM cett. vazi0 E, Sc sapacarya mUrtiH K mUrta: cett. 10 ko'JjalibhRtAM B cett K sadegE, W, Sc, Ig. *ko janimatAM Sc dRzA pA0 B, E, K dRzopA W, dazApAdeg Ig 12 lokacayAdeg E lokayAcAdeg cett 13 kosalyAdeg E kauzalyA cett 14 ANAvedu B, I, 11 | vedu cett 15 16 *gurU B guru: E guru cett 0kSatadegE, K, Ig . cataM W, Se aNavedu K ANa *cata * vRttavatse B, E, KI, vRttau vatsau om. B. 17 W, Sc 18 staH E, W sthaH cett. 19 AsisANaM K, W, So, B asisANaM E AsIsANaM I2.
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________________ 209 ACT VII 33 arundhatI / kaikeyIM vilokya / vAse kaikeyi / kimevamatidurmanAyase // kaikeyii| amba' maha mandabhAiNIe adhaNNadAra salo vi 'loo evaM kolINaM bhaNadi' jaM vacchANaM pavAsajaNaNI mamajaNaNI mantharAmuhe 'Asi / tA kahaM vacchANaM mae" 5 muhaM pekkhidavam // aru / vatse alaM vRthA kauliinshngkyaa| AryamitrairayamarthastadaivAntareNa cakSuSA sAkSAtkRtaH // srvaaH| kahaM vin|| aru / mantharArUpadhAriNyA zUrpaNakhyA mAlyavavacanAdetad vi10 hitamiti // srvaaH| aho rakkhasANaM dutAbhioo jogihaTidaM avalA. jaNaM pi19 20 vAdhedi // 1 amba om B only. | 11 mae before vacchANaM B, after, K, W, * maha after mandabhAraNIe B maha before. | Se, I mae om_E cett. 19 rayamevArtha ra rayamarthadeg cett 7 adhama E, K, W adhaNa. B 13 daivAntareNa add B only ardhasma Se, I, 11 pratyakSIkRtaH B sAkSAtkRtaH cekt. + loo om. B only 15 zUrpaNa w zUrpana E sUrpaNadeg cett 5 bhaNadi om. B only. 10 vilasita E vihitadeg cett. vatsANe E vacchANaM cett " duhratAbhiyoo B, W duTutAbhioo 'majjana B majjhama : maruma ra K, Sc, I, duTThadAbhitrIo E. madbhUmadeg W, Sc, I __ 18 giha B, E, K ihadeg w, Se miha I, muheNa B muhe E, K, I muhaM w, | ___10 aNaME jaNaM cette ' AsI : Asi cert _134 vi all Mss. 10 vatsANaM w vecchANaM : vacchANaM cett. I 20 vAdhadiE vAdhadi cett Sc 2789
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________________ 5 210 ACT VII 34-35 vsideg| huM maGgalasamaye'lamalaM yatkiJciduktaiH / kA punaradyApi rAkSasAbhiyogavAtI // 10 raamH| 'vasiSThaM viloky| sollAsam ' / sa eSa bhagavAn maitrAvaruNiH ' / yaddarzanAt kimapyetad dravIbhavati me manaH / 'rAkAsudhAkarAlokAdindukAntopalo yathA // 34 // lakSmaNaM prati / vatsa ita itaH // ubhau / upasRtya / bhagavan kulaguro / rAmalakSmaNAvabhivAdayete // vasi / 1 6 cakSuSAM svasvasamaye saMskAra trayamAnutAm / vatsau nayena dharmeNa jJAnena ca puraskRtam // 35 // aru'| iSTairyujyethAm // ubhau krameNa sarvA "mAtRrabhivandete // srvaaH"| tau nirbharaM pariSvajya mUrdhnupAghrAya / jaM amhe " cintemo taM tumhANaM 16, hodu // vasi / vatse vIraprasavinI bhava // * tajravI sItA upasRtya " vasiSThaM praNamati // dukta: B, E, K, I *duHkhakaiH Ww *duHkhakaiH Sc. 2 vazi0 vasideg cett. * sollAsam om. here, Bonly. 4 saom. Eonly. * sollAsam add. here, Bonly. 6 tadravI W atareadi praNamati // ekAt for rAkA Eonly. 8 *palA W *palo cett tadravI0 B, K, Se ubhAvarundhatImabhivandete" // 9 *vAdayete B, K vAdayate E *vAdayeti 1 vAdayAvaha iti W, So. 10 yamAtA K cayamanutAM B *laM samAnutAM E, W, Sc, Ig 11 vAdete E vandete cett 12 mAtarobhivante for mAtRrabhivandete 13 T: add B only. [only. 14 cisotaM B cintomo So cintemo cett 15 vazio Sc, I vasideg cett
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________________ 5 10 15 1 aru' / sItAM nirbharamAliGgya' / lopAmudrAnusUyAhamiti tisrastvayA saha / pativratAzcatasro'ca santu jAnaki sAmpratam // 36 // sItA' zvazrUrabhivandate // 5 svaaH| jAde' kulapaDiTThAvadAra appasaviNI hohi // nepathye / ' pravartantAM paurAH pratisadanamadyotsavavidhI" 6 ciraM sve sve karmaNyatha samavadhattApyadhikRtAH / yathoktaM sambhAraM punariha vidhatta' vijavarAH kRzAzvAntevAsI kuzikapatirAjJApayati vaH // 37 // vasi. / AkarNya / aho" bhAgya mahimA vatsasya yad bhagavAn kauzikaH svayaM siMhAsane samabhiSektuM samprAptaH // itare / priyaM priyaM naH // ACT VII 36-37 Folo 28 begining with gya / lopA - mudrA ( line r-2 above) and ending with *metAvanubhUtotsavapra (page 213, 1. 11) miss 2 sItA om E only [ing, B. 3 jadi corr. to jAda W jAde cett 4 * DiTThA KI, paDiThThAGkaa Sc paDiTThAkA Ww paDiTAva tataH pravizati saziSyo vizvAmitraH // 14 vizvAmicaH / "satrapratyUhazAntyai dazarathakarataH " karSatainaM mayA" yad " yatsvAnte saMvimRSTaM tadanuguNavidhau " yacca vaiyaMgyamAsIt / 5 hohi W, Sc, Ig hoi K * pravartyatAM K pravartyatAM E W, Se prakaryatAM I hohI E. pravartantAM * vidhau ciraM W, Se vidhizviraM cott. 8 kRtAH E, K kRtaH cett. I P 2 9 dhattA E dhatta cett naH E va: cett 11 ayaM add. W, Se only 12 priya priyaM K priyaM cett. 13 zatru K sacadeg cett. *katara: W karataH cett mayAca K mayA yad cett yatsvAnte vio K yatsvAnte te vi0 yatsvAnte saMvimRSTaM W, Sc yatsvAM teM taM vi0 E. 17 18 10 14 211 15 10 vidho I *vidhau cett arrao E vaiyagyadeg cett
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________________ 212 ACT VII 39--40 taddevasyAnuguNyAt prayatanavibhavaizcAdya rAjye'bhiSicya zrIrAmaM nitAnAM phalitamiti muhuH sampramodAmahe 'ntaH // 3 // __ iti parikAmati / 5 vasi / sa eSa kauzikaH / kSAvaM prAkRtikaM tejo brAjhaM yasya vizithate / lokottaracamatkAranidhestasyAdbhutaM na kim // 39 // vasiSThavizvAmitrAvupasRtyAnyonyamupacarataH // vishvaa| bhagavana maitrAvaruNe kimadyApi pratIkSyate // 10. vasi / yathocitamATriyatAm // "vizvA / divyrssignnmuddishy| nirvaya'tAM rAmabhadrasyAbhiSekaH // munayaH yathocitamAcaranti / nepathye dundubhidhvaniH / "sarve savismayamAkarNayanti // punrnepthye| nRtyanvapsaraso meghaiH sicyatAM medinItalam / vitaranvaca puSpANAM varSa kalpadrumAH svayam // 40 // sarve savismayaM puSpavRSTiM "nirUpayanti // tahevasthAnuguNyA. E, K, w, Sc te nu , na cett. devasthA ca guNyA I ' vasi0 K, w vazi0 E, Se , I, rAjyAbhi0 : rAjye'bhi. cett. 10 vAna Sc gvana cett. 3 rAma E, I rAmaM cett. 11 vizvA. om. E only. + nirvatA. K, w, Sc nivRtAdeg F 12 savai savismaya.... svayaM (1 15 below) nivRttA I om. W, Sc, 12 deg sampramodAmahe naH ra sapramodAmahe taH] 1 vismayamAka ra vismayakAmAkadegE. / sampramodAmahe ttaH, sampramodAmahe naH 13 natyanya K. E. W, Sc. prAzatikaM K, w, sc prAkRtakaM E 14 degtalaM ra tatkaME. prakRtika I 1 nirUpa E, K rUpa0 W, SC, I, ' vidhe: nidhe cett. ____ 10 puSpA ra pupyA. E .
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________________ 5 10 15 ACT VII 41-42 vsideg| kathaM salokapAlo bhagavAn pAkazAsano rAmabhadrasyA- ' bhiSekamanumodate // kRtAbhiSekamaGgalo raamH| 'vasiSThavizvAmitrAvupasRtya | gurU abhivAdaye // ubhau / rAmabhadra' guNArAma bhrAtRbhistvaM puraskRtaH / ikSvAkumukhyairbhUpAlaizciramUDhAM dhuraM vaha // 41 // 8 itare / tathAstu // ityanumodante // vizvA / vatsa rAmabhadra // rAmaH / AjJApayantu guravaH // vizvA0 / visRjyetAmetAvanubhUtotsavapramodau' sugrIvavibhISaNau / puSpakaM ca saGkalpasamayasulabhaM rAjarAja mevAzrayatAm // rAmastathA karoti // vizvA / vatsa rAmabhadra / nirvyUDhaM guruzAsanaM gurutaraM dharmo'pi saMrakSito rakSaH saMharaNAJcikitsita manorogA trilokI kRtA / siddhArthAca surAH sahAnujasuhaddAreNa rAjyaM punarlabdhaM kiM karaNIyametadadhikaM zreyastadayucyatAm // 42 // 1 vasideg K, W, Se vazi0 E, I2 2 *bhadra K, W, So bhadraM rudra 2 *sRjyatA E sRjyantA K, I, sRjyetA W, Sc. 4 Folio 29 begins with modau B nivyUDhaM nirvyUDhaM cett 213 8 6 suhRddAreNa B, E, Is suhadvAreNa W suhadAreNa K. suhRtadvAreNa So
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________________ 214 ACT VII 43 raamH| ito'dhikamapi zreyo'sti / tathApIdamastu bhagavatpAdaprasAdAt / bhrtvaakym| kSmApAlAH kSINatandrAH kSitivalayamidaM pAntu te kAmavarSA vAvAhAH santu rASTraM punarakhilamapAsteti sNpnnssym| loko nityaM pramodaM vidadhAtu kavayaH zlokamAnaprasAdaM samAvanto'pi bhUnA parakRtiSu mudaM sampradhArya prayAntu // 43 // vizvA / evamastu // iti niSkrAntAH sarve // // saptamo'GkaH // 10 1 pAsveti B pAstati cetta | bhUmnA parakRtiSu mudaM sampradhArya prayAntu loko B, E, I, loke K, W, Sc. K, W, Se, I, E (but prakRtiSu for parakRtiSu) vidadhatu kavayaH K, E, W, Se nida- bhUti raghupaticaritazrAviNaH samprayAntu B. dhatu kavayaH I bhajatu kavijana: B For end-colophons see Introduction'
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________________ samAptamidaM mahAvIracaritaM nAma nATakam //
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________________ PART III ILLUSTRATIVE NOTES ACT I Page 1, 1.3 The word svastha occurs only thrice in the drama In the other two passages, p 49, 1, 2, and III. 16, it clearly refers to mental "ease'. In the present case it appears to have been used quite differently-more in its etymological sense, 'abiding in one's self', 'self-dependent'. Cf sve mahimni pratisthtah So also VR., svasminn eva sthataya ananyadharaya , and Pick, self-existent'. hata-papmane. Jv. offers a rather fanciful alternative sense "who has destroyed the world-evils, viz. the demons' (nasrtane kalusani papa-rupani gagadupaplavani asuradine vi yena) 1. 10. tyakta-krama-vibhagaya is a rather difficult compound, because of the uncertain mutual relation of its component parts. It may be dissolved as tyaktah kramasya vibhago yena, 'free from participation in order', or in other words, about whom it is impossible to assert what he piecedes and what he follows So does SR. Jv. explains it as free from the natural order of bith, existence, and death. I, however, prefer to dissolve it with VR., AB, as tyaktah kramas ca vibhagas ca yena, 'beyond rank and division'. Pick. translates it as. who is without parts and beyond all rank'; and adds in a foot-note: This is an address to Siva, as the one supreme God, who is neither before nor after the others (tyakta-krama) and who is without parts (vibhaga). But kramavibhaga may be taken as a tatpurusa compound, meaning participation in order, 1. e. the triple division of the Hindu gods, in which Siva takes the third place in the character of Rudra'. Cartanya-Jyotise is evidently meant as an epithet to distinguish him from the jada and tamasa matter as also from the inanimate would. The word has created a great difficulty for the commentators, nearly all of whom have misunderstood the sense. VR. is uncertain, and besides the right interpretation, offers two more (a) who is revealed (nyotisa) by the knowledge of Yoga (cartanya), and (6) who is the revealer of all knowledge, and compares tacchubhra-jyotisam jyotih. Sr. : 'who shines with knowledge'. Pick. also offers two alternative meanings: (a) the light of the soul, and (6) whose glory consists in his knowledge.
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________________ 218 NOTES Verse 1. VR tries to find a hint in the stanza at the plot of the play. Cf. Slokarh kavyartha-sucalcarh' in Dasar. III 4; Sah 284 In devaya he finds an allusion to Ramadevam ninaya (verse I 8 below), in hata-papmane to the deaths of Vali and Ravana, in tyakta-krama-vibhagaya to the extraordinary strength of Rama beyond his years, and consequently to his victory over Parasurama; and lastly in cartanya-jyotise to Rama's celebrity as a hero. 1, 11. nandi. For definition see Sah. 282. adya Khalu, &c. Cf. Utt I. 1/2, and Mal. I. 5/6. Cf. also Anar composed for 'bhagavatah purusottamasya yatrayam upasthaniyah sabhasadah', and Pras. for 'sanharasya yatrayam'. l. 14. prasanna is undoubtedly used here in its lhetorical sense. Prasada is one of the ten Kavya-gunas ; for which see Kavya. I. 45, Sah. 611; Rasa. p. 56, Kavyal III. 1, 6; III. 2, 3; Vag. III. 9, Saras. I. 79, and Kavyap. VIII 11. Cf. prasada in VII. 43 below. bharati. Cf. Kavyap. I. 1; Kum. VI. 79, Kathas. VI, 1, 56. I do not think the word here refers to the Bharativrtti, for which, howevei, see Sah 285; Dasar. II. 55, 57; III 4, 5; cf. also Utt. III 6/7, where the word occuis. 1. 15. aprakrtesu That it has my meaning (extraordinary') is clear from us passages where the word occurs Two of them, however (p. 17,1 6), desei ve special mention, because aprahrta is used there in contrast with prakrta. VR.'s rendering, 'not-Prakrt-speaking', is impossible. Virah rasah. See Sah. 234; Dasar. IV. 66. 1. 16. bhedarh, &c. As far as I know none of the writers on Rhetoric subdivides the 'Heroic Sentiment' into 'subtle' and 'manifest', though Vamana in his Kavyal. III. 2, 8 classifies artha as vyakta and suksma. I agree with VR. in understanding that the author here refers to the Sentiment as being present in its latent form in Vasistha, Visvamitia, and others; and as clearly manifested in Rama, Parasurama, and others AB interprets pratyudhar am pratipatram abhrvyaktark sphutarh suksmarh bhedarh vibhagyate vwicyate and explains : yatrarkasyapi virarasasya rama ravanadi-puti a-gatasya suksma-bhedah sphutikrtah'. SR, explains likewise. But their method of construing words is evidently forced. Page 2, 1. 1. sandarbha. Cf. Utt VI. 30/31. 1. 2. atyadistam, &c. Cf. Bal. I. 5/6 1. 3. vasya-vacah Cf. Utt. I. 2; VII. 21. Kavyam. For definition see Sukra IV. 3, 60, Sah. 3, and Rasa. p. 4. 1. 4. vakya', &c. The compound is very pithy. Literally, which is a touchstone, as it were, for rubbing the flow of words against'. For the idea cf. Raghu. I 10. 1.5. asta daksinapathe, &c. Cf. Mal I. 6/8; Utt. I. 1/2. 1. 6. Carana-guravah. Carana in this context can hardly mean anything but the Vedic School'; and the more so, because the Taittiriya School of the Black Yajur-veda is mentioned just before. These Brahmans were not only the followers, but what is much more honourable, the teachers of the School'.
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________________ ACT I 219 AB's rendering carane acarane dharmanusthane gur avah is not possible. In his Preface, p v, he says. "As I understand, it means that the family of Bhavabhati was not only "versed in the Taittuiya Veda ", but also "great in the observance (of Vedic rites)". On p. iv he criticizes the commentators who make it mean (a) disciples of Carana' (a teacher), or (6) great by metres'. I agree with him, but do not know which commentaries are referred to by him. See also Jagaddhara's explanation on Mal p. 6 (commentary). 1. 7. pankta pavana. 'A respectable Brahman who, being very learned, always gets the seat of honour at dinner parties, or who purifies by his presence the pankti or persons who sit in the same row to dine with him '- Apte in his Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary. See also Jagaddhara's commentary on Mal p 6, where he quotes from Manu, III. 183, 184, 186. Of also Visnusmrti, lxxxui. 1. pancagnayah See Manu, III 185. 1 8. tadamusyayana See Pan IV. 1, 99 Page 3, 1. 2 vidan-huriantu. Cf. Utt. I 1/2. See Pan III 1, 41. 1. 3 parama-hamsas are a particular order of religious mendicants. Cf Caturvidha bhiksavas te huticaha-bahudakau | hamsah paramahamsas ca yo yah pascat sa uttamah |--Mahabharata. 1. 4. yathartha-nama, &c. The latter half of the verse is repeated in Mal. I. 9. 1 5. manyu-mula The meaning of the word manyu is doubtful here. Commentators differ in their interpretations. AB interprets at as soka', and so does Pick, who translates it by 'sorrow'. SR gives darnya (miserable state') as the meaning, and VR. offers as alternative senses darnya and kopa However, they all agree in explaining it as referring either to Ravana in particular, or to the demons in general. 1. 7. viradbhuta-priyataya clearly refers to the poet's love of the two Rasas VR. is wrong in explaining it as 'because of its (ie the work's) containing the Heroic, the Marvellous, and the Erotic Sentiments', and in asserting that it gives the reason for uddhrta-jagat-traya-manyu-mulam. Pick. is likewise mistaken when he translates. 'through his great love for the hero he composed it'. Cf. the parallel passages Anar. I. 6. voradbhuta is repeated also in Anar. III. 24; and Bul. I 2. Priyata is repeated in II. 22 below. srotriya. Cf. p. 9, 1. 1 below. See Pan. V. 2, 84. Cf. the definition. janmana brahmano gneyah samskararr dvija ucyate | vidyaya yati vipratvam tmbhih srotrya ucyate | See also Tripurali's commentary on Mal. I. 7. srotryaputra is repeated in Anar. I. 8/9. 1. 9. paripunantu, i.e. by listening to it. 1. 10. prathamah kavinam. Reference is to the adr-kan, Valmiki, cf. udyah kavir asi: Utt. II. 5/6 Cf. kavrtvavatara-prathama-tirthasya: Anar. I. 6/7, Cf. also Utt. III. 48. Page 4, 1. 1. samaramsata. The MSS. evidence is in favour of the reading samaranta, 'were brought together', from the root r with sam; but the regular
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________________ NOTES Aorist form would have been samar anta An attempt has, however, been made by VR. to justify it, by 1esorting to the much-abused rule of Panini 'bahulam chandasi'. 220 1. 3. apurvatvat 1. 5. sa tu, &c 1. 6. svam eva is against the majority of MSS. But sayam eva gives no sense here. See Ram I. 19-22 Cf apurva-vastu prayogena Mal I. 5/6. See Ram I. 18. Page 5, 1. 6 prastavana. For definition see Dasar. III. 7, and Sah. 287 1. 10 Sanskrit chaya yatha kanistha-tata ajnapayati. 1. 13. sankasya-natha. 1. 14. transankavam. Bal. I. 26 See Ram I. 70, 3. See Ram. I. 57-60 Cf. Anar I. 21; II 36, saunahsepham. See Ram. I. 61, 62 1. 15. ambha-stambhanam. See Ram I. 64. Cf. reference in Bal I. 27/28. ity-aparimeyam, &c. Cf. the similar language in Bal II. 3/4. Page 6, 1. 1. brahmadyars, &c. The construction is faulty, though common. Brahmadyarh is to be construed only with tridasa and not with munibhih (thus, brahmadyars tridasair munibhis ca) Cf sapeksatve pr gamakatvat samasah. Cf. Anar. I 47. nathita-same. 1. 2. svayam upanata-brahman. See Ram I. 67, 17 (Gorresco's Edition) 1. 11. Kausihi. See Ram I 34; also Skanda-purana sthanam bhojakatam nama prapto gadhimahipateh | yatra sa kausiki nama nadi trailokya-visruta. Cf. also Anar II 25/26. 1. 6 saksatkrta-brahmano, &c Cf saksatkrta-dharmano, maharsayah Utt. VII. 1/2. 1. 7. Verse 12 Cf Kir. III. 7. 1. 12. ayatanam rses, &c Cf Anar II 13/14. siddhasramapadam See Ram I. 29, 32. 1. 13. atmana-tritiyah See Pan. VI 8, 6. Cf Sak I 9/10. Page 7,1 2. na kars cit, &c. Repeated in Utt IV. 22/23 1 5 svagatam For definition see Dasar. I. 58; Sah 425. 1. 7. kusalarh. The syntactical relation of the word is not clear to me. Most probably nah gives a clue to the solution of the difficulty and we ale to supply asmabhih kusalar asmabhih would then mean 'by me, the clever one', i. e. by me cleverly. AR. construes it with nah and interprets. nah mama kusalar mangala-mantrar diksapravesah. But it is to be questioned if kusala has ever this sense. Pick., when he translates 'prosperous acts which cause the death of demons must be done by the skilful on this good day', is much nearer the mark. But for the overwhelming MS evidence against it, Mt.'s reading 'ca kule' would be preferable. Page 8, 1. 5 nimikula. See Ram. VII. 59. See also I. 28 below. 1. 7. yajnavalkyo, &c. This half-veise is repeated in Utt IV. 9. Cf the parallel Anar. III. 13; and the still closer parallel II. 87. Cf. also Bal I. 22 Brahma-parayana is repeated in Utt. II. 3/4.
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________________ ACT I 221 parayanam. Cf p 23, 1. 4, and p. 150, 1. 4 below. For the meaning see Amara III 2, 2, Abhi 839; and Anek IV. 85. 18 yasya, &c Of Anar II. 86/87. 1 10 atha, &c Of Anar II. 86/87. Page 9, 1 5 Irtopanayanau. For the ceremony see Apas. Dhar I. 1, 2; and Manu, II. 36-38 19 Verse 18. This verse is repeated in Ult IV. 20, and Mahunataka II. 3 (No 46). Quoted in Saras. II 161 to illustrate the aharyabhinaya. For the parallel description see Ram. I. 22, 6-11. 1 10 tvacam rauravim. See Manu, II. 41; Apas. Dhar I 1, 3, 5; Gaut I. 16 Cf. Anar. IV 27. 1 11 maurvya mekhalaya. See Manu, II. 42. adho-vusas ca. See Apas Dhar I 1, 2, 39-41 , I. 1, 3, 1, Gaut I. 21. 1. 12 panari, &c Cf Bal I 53, where aksa-sutra-valayan is repeated dando .. parppalah. See Gaut. I 23. Manu, however, differs, and prescribes the alternative staff of vata or khadira, see Manu, II. 45-46. Apas. Dhar I. 1, 2, 38 piescribes badara or udumbara. dando 'parah. I am not sure of my iendering of the phrase "another staff', i e staff, other than the bow', may be freely rendered by as well as a staff' So also render VR and AR I am, however, inclined to emend the reading to dando 'pare, 1. e. 'in the other (hand) there is a staff' But for that there is no evidence, except that it has been mentioned in his commentary by VR. as a v. l. 1 13. Sanskrit chaya saumya-darsanau khalv etau 1 15. garbha rupakam A peculiar word; recurs on p. 30, 1. 2, and IV. 32. The sense, however, is clear. Cf Bal VI. 33/34, Anar I 15, VI 9/10; Utt VII. 7/8. Cf. also gavbha-ruva in Utt. IV, 26/27. agatam. Mark its unusual position before 1ujars-grhat. Page 10, 1. 2 gautamas ca, &c. This half-verse is repeated in II. 42 below; and in Utt. I. 16. For Satananda see Ram I. 50-51. 1 5 Sanskrit chaya pranamavah. 1. 7. Su-nirgata. I fail to realize the force of the particle su here. For the allusion see Ram. I. 66; Anar III. 58 1. 10 ganantikam. For definition see Dasar I 58, 59, Sah 425. 1. 12 Verse 21. This verse is quoted in Saras V. 168 to illustrate patu samskara and in V. 169 to illustrate caksuh-prite as conducive to prema-pusta Cf. Utt. I. 9 Page 11, 1. 8. dugdharnavad rte iefers to the well-known legend of the churning of the ocean of milk and the appearance of the fourteen jewels. Cf. Ragh. I 12, Kor V. 30, Anar. VII. 42/43. For the names of the jewels see Bal VII. 36. Cf. the similar idea in Mal. II. 11/12; and Pras. p. 54, 1. 19. 1. 10. rsyasrngopacarazh. See Ram. I. 14. Cf. Anar. I. 50; and the still closer parallels Anar. V 1; and Pras. p. 70, 1, 21.
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________________ 222 NOTES 1. 11. kosala. See Ram. I. 5. 1 12. diptasya sreyasah par akamak. VR.'s rendering, 'desiring to study in their entirety the radiant Vedas', is far-fetched. Page 12, 1. 1. arastatati, a Vedic word. See Pan. IV. 4, 143, Cf. the same suffix in sivatati, p. 124, 1 7. For a similar phrase cf. Anar. II. 39 (svasthyam undhatasmahe). 1. 3. martravarunr. See the Sanskut wond Index' for the double forms marti avaruna and ovarun.. Cf. also the forms vaikartana and "tani. 1. 10 sakhe nsramya, &c. The passage is not quite clear. Why did the people first rest themselves outside and then enter their houses ? Page 13, 1. 3. asty analya, &c. For the story see Ram. I. 48, 49, Anar. II. 6/7. 1. 6. andha-tamisra. "Blind-darkness', especially of the soul; see Sankh. 48. It is also the name of a division of Tartarus or the infernal regions, the second of the 21 hells to which those who seduce the wives of others and enjoy them are condemned. According to Bhavabhati, persons committing suicide were condemned to this hell ; see Utt. IV. Apte in his Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary. See also Manu, IV. 88, 197; Yajna. III, 224, Vienu-smrti, xlm. 3. 1 7 seyam adya, &c. Cf. the close parallel Anar. IL. 6/7. 1. 8. sahajanubhava. Repeated in Anar. I. 18/19 , III. 28. Page 14, 1. 1. upavarya. For definition see Dasar. I. 59; Sah. 425. Sanskrit chaya sarira-nrmana-sadrso nanv asya 'nubhavah. 1. 6. aropanena, &c. Cf. Anar. II. 39; Bal. III, 27; Mahanataka I. 24 (No. 24). 1. 9. pasyati. Note the desiderative sense. 1. 10. Sanskrit chaya hum raksasah, 1. 12. agacchatu. Cf. ah agacchatu, Anar. III. 33/31. Page 15, 1. 3. matamahena, &c. For such a duty of the minister see Kam. IV. 41-45. For the definition of a mantron see sah. 80, Dasar. II. 40. 1. 4 ayonyjam, &c. Cf. the parallel Anar. III 42. 1. 9. amrta-varter wa, &c. For the idea see Mal. I. 25/26; Utt. I. 38. 1. 10 Sanskrit chaya Kim ata sanjate 'smu locananande me drstih. sayar. We should rather substitute the Sauraseni form sajjadr for sanjar. Page 16, 1. 5. Verse 30. Cf. the parallels Anar. III. 42, III. 44. This verse is quoted in Saras. V. 168 to illustrate the udrta samshara. 1 7. kanyayas ca pararthatar 'va, &c. For the thought of. Sak. IV 22. 1. 8. pilastyao, &c. See M[unu, I. 35. 1. 9. Sanskrit chaya ha dhik, ha dhik, raksaso mam prarthayate. 1. 10 Sanskut chaya ha hatham eram. I. 14. Verse 31. This verse is quoted in Saras. V. 167 to illustrate the udatta rasa. sadharanyat. As she is still unmarried, Srta's hand may be asked for by any suitor. She is so far their common property, as it were. Pick.'s because
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________________ ACT I 223 of her unmairied state' is but a free rendering. I do not agree with VR., who construes the word with anya and explains any other may ask for her, being homself equal to others'. Page 17, l. 1 tasminn apr, &c. Cf. the similar speeches of Rama and Laksmana in Anar III. 38/39. 1 4. Anaranyam. For the story see Ram VII. 19, cf also Anar VI. 58. 1. 10. na vasanty ekatra, &c. For a similar idea cf. Bal. I. 36; Kum. III. 28. Page 18, 1. 2. Verse 34 Cf. Mal. VIII. 9, where dran-nispesa-visirna is repeated. Cf. also Anar. III 40. This verse is quoted in Saras. V. 172 to illustrate mahabhagya, one of the nayaka-gunas rudha-vrana. Repeated in Anar. VI. 69, cf. also vrano rudha-granthih in Utt. II. 26. 1. 11. Verse 35. For the story see Ram. I 25 and 26. This whole verse is quoted in the commentary to Dasar. IV. 67 as an illustration of the bibhatsa rasa. It is also quoted in the commentary to Kavyap. VII. 11 to illustrate raudradau ca rase vyangye kastatvam gunah', and in Saras I 106 to illustrate that ghrnavat-smylz-hetutva, present in the verse, is not a fault, for at well fits in with the bibhatsa rasa, meant to be delineated here. Page 19, 1. 1. pragbhura is a good illustration of the influence of the Prakuts on Sanskrit. The word pabbhara, of which our word is only a conventional sanskritisation, is mentioned by Hemacandra in his Dest. VI. 66, and occurs in Karp. II. 33 in the sense of 'a mass, large quantity'. Cf. also Anar. IV. 10/11; Bal. II. 57/58; VII. 47/48. It possesses three different meanings (see Boehtlingk and Roth's Worterbuch), in two of which it is known to Bhavabhuti. They are (1) the summit of a mountain'; cf. Mv. VII. 11; Mal. IX. 15, Trk. IL. 3, 2, Pras. p. 144, 1.5; Kathas. II. 4, 45; 6, 11; or 'the fore-part of anything'; cf. Mal. V. 19; (2) 'inclination, tendency'; cf. Lalit. p. 188, 1. 2 (chapter XIV). Its commonest meaning, however, is (3) a "heap', 'a large quantity', cf. Mal. V. 29; Mv. I. 35; III. 32. Varr. Miscellaneous, 16; Anar. V. 6; VI. 45; VII. 63; Bal. IV. 57; Pras. p. 135, 1. 5; p. 145, 1. 5. 1. 6. Sanskrit chaya tata blisana hatasa. Jv. is quite wrong in rendering it as 'let the wishes of this terrible one be frustrated'. In Bal. III. 3/4 bhisana hadasa is repeated 1. 8. crbuka-pradese, &c. Cf. Bal. III. 4/5. 1 9. Sanskrit chaya ha dhik esa eva 'tra myuktah, 1. 10. stri, &c Cf. Anar. II. 56/57. 1. 11. Sanskrit chaya srutam aryayaitut 1. 12. Sanskrit chayu anyatomukha evasya cittabhedah Neither VR., who explains his object is other than her murder', nor Pick, who translates the nature of his mind is unlike others', has understood the point of this speech. Rama is pained to find that he has been asked to kill a lady. For this sense of citta-bheda see III. 31 below.
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________________ 224 NOTES Page 20, 1 1. Verse 37. This verse is quoted in the commentary to Dasar. II 10 to illustrate the sattvika guna called sobha (nice ghrna) to be found in a Hero. Utpata That the word means 'a poi tent' becomes clear from a compai ison of the passages, for which see 'Sanskrit word Index' 1. 4 niyuktas tat, &c. Of the parallel Bal III. 3/4, III. 5, and Anar. II. 62 15 vrulnanajanasya, &c Notice the peculiar phrase, which really equals brahmana-jana-sanghatasya mrtyum For the story see Ram. I. 25, 26 1.8 Verse 38 Cf. Anar. II. 58, II 62. For a similar thought cf. Utt. V 23 1. 11 Sanskut chaya aho parugata eva | ha dhik, na dhak | utpata-vatali ura hatasa mahanubhavam abhrdrarati Page 21, 1 2 Sanskrit chaya aye rdanim svayam era tutah prasthitah. 1. 4. Verse 39. This verse is quoted in the commentary to Dasar IV. 19 to illustrate marana, one of the vyabhrcari bhavas For the story see Rum I. 26. 1. 8 Sanskrit chaya ascaryam ascaryam | priyam pryam nah. Page 22, 1 1 na arye.. plavante. This passage as well as verse 40 below is quoted in the conumentary to Dasar IV. 29 to illustrate visada, one of the ryabhucari bharas 1 1. ambune majjanti, &c. Cf the parallel Piakrit passage in Bal. VIII. 31/32. 1 6. dutyam. I have adopted this reading only on the strength of the MS K. dainyam' (1. e. 'helplessness'), read by all the other MSS, is very nearly the same thing as gara (old age), or at least the direct result of old age. So piactically darnyam loses its force and reduces the reasons advanced to only one It is, besides, difficult to understand what other "helplessness' he was labouring under dutyam gives an excellent sense, his position as a messenger is to him the chief hindiance Compare the same reason and under similar cu cumstances mentioned by Angada in VI 22 below 1 7. omkarah Cf. the parallels Bal III 78, IX. 39/40. ayr, &c Cf. the parallel Anar III. 43/44. 1. 11 The readings sa and nah (of Mt) in place of he and sah would be preferable. Page 23, 1. 1. divyustrao. For the story and description see Ram. I 27, 28. According to the story of the Rum. I 55, they were revealed to Visvamitia by Siva ; and in Vienu. I, 15 also they are mentioned as sons of Krsasva himself 1. 2. prakasam. For definition see Dasar. I 58; San. 425 1. 3. bhagavatah, &c. Cf. Anar I. 40/41 , Ut I 14/15; V. 15; VI. 15/16 ; Bul. III. 7 sarahasya', &c. Repeated in Utt. VI, 14/15. 1. 4. devyastra-mantra parayanasya. Repeated in Anar. II. 8/9; III 20/21. Cf. also Anar. I. 40/41. 1. 6. brahmadayo, &c. This verse is repeated twice in Utt. I. 15 and VI. 15 See also Ram. I. 21, I. 26-28.
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________________ ACT I 225 Page 24, 12 Verse 43. Cf. Utt. V. 14; Bal I 41. 1. 4. ketu. 'Banner', VR., 'Ray of light', SR. and AB. 1.11 Sanskrit chaya samantatah prapvalita vidyut-punga-ponjarena utkramanta wa locanani prabha-parispandena. Viru-punga-pinarena Repeated in Bal II. 58/59 ukkamanti, 1 o start from the head'. Eyes are said to start' when one is startled or frightened. Or probably the word might mean their sight fails'; cf. the use of the root ut-kram with the word ayuh Pick translates 'issue forth' Ratnam Aiyer's text reads ubbhamanti (='wander') Page 25. 1. 1 ravana-purandara', &c. See Ram VII. 27/29. 1. 3. Verse 45. This verse is quoted in Saras. III 50 to illustrate the anubhuta-visaya upamana Opravana' The word occurs in Mal. I. 17, 'As he bent forward with all his might', Pick., 'Possessed of all strength', A 1 8. pracina-barhrs. One of the Plajapatis, see Vi8nu. I. 14 VR is wrong in giving the alternative meaning of 'Indra', who has alieady been mentioned 1. 9. kalagmo F ire of destuuction', Pick 1.14 sampradayah. All the commentators translate it wrongly. VR, AB., and Pick. by 'gift', and Jv by collection'. That traditional knowledge is the right meaning is clear from p. 150,1 9, where the word recurs Of also the expression vidya-prakasanat in verse 48 below, and karmuka-vrdya-sampradayah in Anar I 40/41. For this sense of the word see Utt v. 15, VI 15/16 drvyastra-sampradaya is repeated in Utt II 7/8 Page 26,1 6 Verse 49. See Ram. I 27. 18 Sanskrit chaya devata mantrayante aho ascaryam. 1 10 vrsvamitrat. . vsvasya mitrat Cf the same play upon the words in Bal. III 2/3. 1 12 Verse 50 cd Cf Utt VII 11 cd. Page 27, 14 pramata-visayam. The weight of the MSS evidence is for the reading pramita-vrsayam, the sense of which, as applicable in this passage, I do not understand ; pramita-visaya sakte means 'power of a limited range', but this is exactly the opposite of what the king wants to express The later substitution in the MSS of the simpler pramata in place of the original pramitz, particularly when the dropping of a single letter affects the change, is very probable AB explains prameta-visayam by sugraham, and SR by parmito Visayo yasyah. 1 5 pratrhata-parispandah Parispanda etymologically means 'movement', here evidently effort to speak or to think Cf Maha I 153, 8 (line I 5969) Cf the expressions valtra-parispanda (=speech) in Maha. I 61, 3 (line I. 2233); vakya-parispanda (= speech) in Pras, and buddhi-parispanda (= thought) in Maha. XII 341 (line XII. 12961) VR suggests two meanings (1) pratihata kancit pravrttir api yasya, (2) pratrhata racana yasya Jv. explains. vhatvakprasarah. Pick, translates with his utterance impeded', and adds in a note : 2789
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________________ 226 NOTES 'I have some doubt about this, for the compound may be translated, "having trembling produced", ze being filled with fear, still the general meaning of pratihata is obstructed, impeded' AB's rendering 'free from heart trembling' (parispandah) is not possible 1. 5 Iuniyate. The majority of the MSS read ghrniyate (1 e becomes disgusted with) For the word ghrna see Amara I 7, 18, and III 2, 32, and the commentary thereon which quotes from Haima and Vacaspati But ghirniyate is not known to me as a denominative Cf, however, the word ghrn in the sense of pity in Anek II. 138. I prefer the simple and commoner honiyute Cf Bhatt II 38 1. 6 Atah. The MSS favour the reading yatah, which, however, does not suit the context. "ya' is in the Jaina MSS substituted for 'a' Thus our reading probably goes back to a Jaina original. Cf. the identical case on p. 90, 1. 7. I 12 Verse 52 See Ram I 31, 66. Page 28, 1 7 Verse 53. This veise is quoted in the commentary to Dasas. II 1 to illustrate the daksa Hero, it is quoted also in the commentary to Dusan II 10 to illustrate the sattvika-guna called daksa-sobha mentioned in a Heio sphur jad-vajra is repeated in Bal I 41 sphurjat Pick. translates 'gleaming'. For the description of the bow see Ram. I. 75, 76 18 tripura. The three cities of gold, silver, and iron in the sky, air, and earth built for the demons by Maya and burnt down by Siva, cf. Kum. VII. 48 ; Megh. I 56. 1. 9. Sanskrit chaya sampratam samsayrtasmi Page 29, 1. 1 Sanskrit chaya apr namawam bhavet. 1. 3. Sanskrit chaya drstya vardiramahe 1. 4 bhagnam ca tat Cf the parallels AnaIII 54/55, Bal III. 75/76 1. 5 aho, &c of the parallel Anar III 55/56 1. 7. Verse 54 Cf. the parallel Anar III 57, where the first line is nearly repeated , Pras. p. 63, 1 19; Anar. VI. 52 b, and Bal. IV 20 a ale a close paraphrase of the first line Cf also the parallel speech of Laksmana in Anar. III. 54, and the parallel verse Bal. I. 46 This whole verse is quoted in the commentary to Sah 237 to illustiate the adbhuta rasa , in Kavyal I 2, 12 to illustrate the gaurliyu rits, and in Alankarasar p 134 to illustrate the figure adhaka. 1. 9. drak-paryapta, &c This third quarter of the verse is to me quite obscure. The exact meaning of the word paryapta as also the mythological allusion in the stanza create the difficulty Brahmanda is evidently Brahma's golden egg, broken into two at the beginning of the creation (see Manu, I 12), but when the two shells were joined (milat) I do not know SR. explains. drak satvaram paryapte yathayogye samyogocite ye kapalayor brahmandavayavayoh sampute tabhyam milat samyunjanam yad brahmanda-bhandan tasya udare, &c AR. reads paryasta for paryapta, and explains drag zhatite paryastabhyam
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________________ ASTI 227 viksiptabhyam vrghatstabhyam iti bhavah kapalasamputabhyam samputakarabhyam andardhabhyan milato yungato brahmanda-bhandasyodare, &c Jv also substitutes the reading paryasta, and comments drag zhatite paryastayoh parasparopan patatayor itr yavat tankaravegad itu bhavah kapalayoh urdhvadho 'vasthitavayava-visesayor dyavaprthrvyor ati bhavah samputayor anyonyavaranabhutayor ata yavat mulat sangacchad brahmandam eva bhandam adhara-vrsesas tasyodare, &c VR reads paryasta for paryapta and mita for milat, and is the most intelligible the shrillness of which is whirling round and accumulated within the vessel of the universe, resembling (mita) the hollows of a skull suddenly broken' Pick translates the harshness of which is concentrated and whirling within the hollows of the universe, blending with the cavities of the sky, which is suddenly overcast' In his translation of Alankara-sar (published in ZDMG , vol LXII, 1908) Prof. Jacobi translates the third line as dessen zusammengepferchtes Ungestum im Bauche des Welteies wie in einer flugs geschlossenen Schachtel umherurt' 1. 12 Verse 55 This verse is quoted in the commentary to Dasar IV 26 to illustrate the esta-praptikrta avega, which is one of the vyabhucar bhavas. It is quoted in Saras I 75 as an instance of bhavrka, and also in V 172 to illusti ate the mixture of sabda-gunas like bhavika, prasada, preya, and of sabda-dosas like punarukta, viruddha, Foriyanuyogatva, and vyarthatva The first line is repeated in Bal. X 65. Page 30, 1 1 hatham ati, &c Of Mal VI 16/17 1 4. Verse 56 of the parallel Anar III 56 1 6. Sanskrit chaya aho datte svah 1 10. duhtarau, &c Of Anar III 56/57 Page 31, 1 11 Verse 57 This verse is repeated in Ut I 17 Its first quarter is repeated in Utt I. 51, VI 42, VII 15 Page 32, 1. 3. dasarathasya. Mark the genitive case. 1. 5 godana. AR takes the compound as meaning "cow-giving', and quotes Ram I. 72, 21-24 to support his contention See also the Preface in his edition, para. 6 But the passage he quotes simply mentions that at this ceremony presents of cows were made. It does not contradict the technical meaning which I give to it, and which is, besides, strengthened by Asv. Gr. I. 18, 1, and Mallinatha on Ragh. III 33 See also Manu, II. 65, cf Utt. I. 17/18 1 7. Sanskrit chaya drstya arpravasa danim bhagininam bhavisyati Page 33, 1. 1. paulastyo ... tr. Almost repeated in Bal. II. 20 1 3 gantavya, &c Of Anar III 60. 1. 4 pur andara-purideg, &c. Cf VII. 5 below 1.6 Verse 60 See Ram I 30. I. 10 Sanskrt chaya atredanim katham. Page 34, 1.2 vrparyasto vidhar, &c. The sense seems to be. Well, Subahu and Marica have begun well and may succeed in their object Or probably fate may be reversed , so I must wait here till the end.' VR gives four Q2 Page 34, 1.2 vipary and may succeea the end. VR
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________________ 228 NOTES alternative meanings of vidhi, one of which is possible He explains The course of things, viz the situation which is so far unfavourable through the murder of Tadaka, the snapping of the bow, and the marriage of Sita with Rama--all this may change' 1 9 brahma-durso. Brahma is 'Veda' according to Jv , SR and AB, Brahman caste' according to VR, and the Supreme' according to Pick 1 10 Atha, vana Cf Av II 24 ACT II Page 35, 1. 2 yatah prabhrti, &c. Cf. the parallel Anar IV. 6/7 1 4 durud daviyo, &c. This verse is quoted in the commentary to Dasar IV 10 to illustrate sanka, one of the vyabhicas a bhavas 1 13 prasahya. I do not agree with the commentators, all of whom regard it as an adverb (and not as an absolutive) and construe it with krtam, which is so far removed from it in the sentence Their mistake originates in taking dvrsta as an adjective and making it qualify asti a-danadbhutam I maintain that duista is a noun here, and the verse-quarter ravana-dvrstam prasahya is as complete in itself as the second one That dvrstam is a noun is corroborated by the reading dvesam of the MS. Mg Page 36, 1. 2. sita-vandi-graha , &c I think the sense is The king was threatened with the forcible abduction of Sita, in case her hand were refused to Ravana (cf I 59 above), but the sage, by conferring the divine knowledge of missiles upon Rama, endowed him with an indomitable strength, and thus removed from the king's mind the remotest likelihood of such a treatment being accorded to Sita' VR's rendering, the insult was not minded (aganztah) by the king' is doubtful Jv offers an alternative meaning which is extremely far-fetched and impossible. He explains "The mental pain (parbhava) of that king in keeping Sita like a captive in the palace, because she could not be married for want of a worthy husband, has been dispelled, inasmuch as Rama has broken the bow and thus removed from the path the only obstacle, viz the fulfilment of the hard condition 1 3. arkamulhyam. The word is quite clear Elamukha is one having his face turned only in one direction'; hence, 'partial' From it our word is an abstract noun The commentators misinterpret it, one and all, in rendering asman prati arkamukhyam as 'our sovereignty over the gods' 1. 4. nandi-nadu". "Sound of rejoicing' refers to deva-dundubht dhvani, p 23, 1. 11. VR reads nundi-danao and explains it by nandi-sraddha, which is quite out of place. 1. 7. Sanskrit chaya Jayatu jayatu matamahah. 1. 9 Sanskrit chaya nirurttani kila tatra panigrahanani anyac cal agastrmaharsina ramaya inangalopaharkam mahend am dhanur-varam anupresitam.
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________________ ACT II 1 10 Agatth. The sage Agasti or Agastya is alluded to Though the Ramayana mentions the gift of this bow to Rama during the latter's exile (Ram III 12), yet we know that Bhavabhuti is hardly ever faithful to the details of the epic story. 229 Page 37, 1. 3 amogham astram, &c Pick has not grasped the force of the first line, for he wrongly translates 'A weapon that fails not and the favour of Brahmans belong to a Ksatriya, and that glory of a Ksatriya, when united with divine knowledge, is difficult of approach 1. 5. Sanskrit chaya manusa-matre api etasmin ka cinta. 1. 10. brahmabhayam, &c. A second interpretation is also possible by reading brahma bhayam as two separate wolds (thus, brahma bhayam) and taking no as a genitive singular. The sense then is. 'Brahma spoke to us of a danger'. See Ram VII 10, and of Ragh X 48. Page 88,11 Sanskrit chaya kah sandehah | yatha dasamukha isanmukulitair vsmaats-dratibhar mudrayamana-lolalocano namad-vadano vartate tatha janam daruno 'sya hrdaya-vedanavego nawam viramisyata sts | 12 chiramana. All the commentators seem to render it by 'apah syamana in Sanskrit. Thus Pick translates it as 'robbed' Jv follows him AB explains musyamanany asphutadarsanans, VR as with his eyes turned inwards (to his mind)' SR. reads 'Ohamana' and renders it by 'apahiyamana' All are evidently wrong See Hem Pr. IV. 12, according to which ohtramana must be rendered by mdrayamana But how a man can sit dozing with rolling eyes (lola-locanah) I fail to understand Probably we should lead alola for lola. 1. 3. veanaveo which equals vedanavegah is vedana+avegah and not vedana+ vegah. For veana, which is the Maharastri form, we ought rather to substitute the Saunaseni word vedana. See Hem Pr. I 146. 1. 5. Verse 8. Cf. the parallels Anar. IV. 9, 10. visva-srjah For the names see Manu, I 35, 36; Visnu. III. 1. 1. 10. Verse 9 This verse is quoted in the commentary to Kavyap. VII. 9 to illustrate the artha-dosa called sakankaa, because we have to supply upekatum after stri-ratnam in the last line. It is quoted also in the commentary to Dasar. IV 16 to illustrate garve asuya, one of the vyabhicars bhavas Page 39, 1. 4. svasti, &e Cf the similar language in the beginning of a letter in Bal V 2/8. mahendra-dvipa. See Vunu II. 3. 1.6 Sanskrit chaya katham prabhur wa dushetakramam likhatr. dussruttha-kkamam. Note that the MSS give a variety of readings VR. points out that a letter should always be addressed to the king first and to the minister next Here, however, it opens with an address to the minister Malyavan, hence the non-observance of the customary order. The reading surt-bhatta-kkamam of AB 's text, noticed also in his commentary by SR, is not to be found in any of our MSS. 1.7 atrava . . . braviti. This is certainly a part of the letter's text. The fact is also corroborated by the MSS. Mt and Mg, which add sesam vacayati
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________________ 230 NOTES before atrawva See v. 1 at the foot of the page For mahesvara as an epithet of Ravana cf. Anar III 46, 49; and for parama-mahesvara cf Bal. I 51/52 I. 10 sadvrttin, &c Two reasons are mentioned Virtuous conduct and 'our love for the followers of Siva in consequence of which we have taken a vow to protect them, demand this of you. asmaddhrtam is ambiguous. hitam may mean "agreeable' or 'placed', hence asmaddhrtam may either be agreeable and dear to us, or implanted in us'. I prefer the second. For manesvariin pritim cf. sarva-pritya in verse 11 below Page 40, 1. 1. Verse 10 This verse is quoted in the commentary to Dasar II 5 to illustrate a dhirodatta nayaha, and in commentary on IV 18 to illustrate garva, one of the vyabhicas bhavas. Quoted in the commentary to Kavyap. V 1 and in the commentary to Sah 266 as an illustration of vyangya-vacyyos tulyapadhanya, 1. 4. Sanskrit chaya isan-masrnavastambha-gambhira-gamaka upanyasah 5 jamadagnyah khalv asau may either be a complete sentence in itself, or jamadagnyah may be the subject of the verb vyapadisati in vei se 11 1. 9. kurye' karye The MSS as usual have no avagraha sign We may consequently read either karye karye, with regard to all actions', or what is decidedly superior, kurye' kurye, with respect to what we should do and what we should not'. 1. 11. Sanskrit chaya kim cintyate. 1. 13. yadi, &c. Cf. Anar IV. 15 Page 41, 1. 8. anyatara-vgaye, &c. In verse 12 above Malyavan has disposed of only one case, 1. e. if both kill each other. Here he talks of another possibility, 1 e. when one of them gains a victory over the other. 16 mhsreyasapanne, &c This is a difficult passage. It is rather doubtful to whom nihsreyasapanne refers and what the exact meaning here of apasrta is Apasrta, from the 100t sr with apa, means etymologically 'moved away', withdrawn'; and so, in sense, comes very near to partyaktam, which is mentioned by the MS K as the meaning of this word here. See the vl on p. 41. The general duift of Malyavan's speech is this 'If Rama is victorious over the world-hero Parasu ama, he will not kill that poor Brahman, for Rama honours Brahmans. But the danger is this that, having thus become conscious of his own insuperable valour, he will think of subduing his prosperous (nrhsreyasapanna) enemy, Ravana, who to him is a demon' But if Malyavan really means this, and the word mhsi eyasapanna refers to Ravana, I do not understand why Sarpanakha in her next speech asks him how far that would affect their situation, that having been already mentioned by Malyavan. By adding na after sastram the meaning becomes clear. "Rama would not employ even his drawn weapon against Parasurama who has attained to final beatitude'. He has no object in killing a sage. In this way, Surpanakha's speech too acquires significance. But we have no authority for this insertion of the negative particle.
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________________ ACT II 231 1 8. Sanskrit chaya ko vsesah 1 9. hatvapi, &c The construction here is uncertain for lack of punctuation Nearly all the MSS agree in having a stop after eva, but they have no mark of punctuation either after rajaputrah or punar-utthatu-kamah. The meaning would be somewhat changed by adding a stop at either of the two places, though the general sense would not be much affected Sandhai yah may also mean'ought to be checked' For utthatu-kama see Kam VIII. 13 Page 42,1 1 utsahasakti. One of the three saktrs, the other two being mantra and prabhava See note on p 85, 1, 2 below 1 2 anujaniyuh Of Anar VI 9/10 1 3 prakrti-kopah That the word refers here to the natural enmity' between the gods and the demons I have very little doubt. Malyavan here simply repeats what he has already expressed by nitya-nibhrta-kruddha devah. See also II. 7 above. VR renders it as 'the disaffection of Ravana's subjects', which, however, is never mentioned, and is quite out of place Pick. gives likewise a wrong alternative sense, the enmity of then subjects, i e of those whom the demons have enslaved' So also Jy, who by prakrti understands the people of the three worlds 1 5. paulastyapacaya', &c. See Run. VII 31-33, MV II 16 * Kartavirye See Visnu IV. 11, Maha. III 115, Mv II. 16-17 1. 6 sara-ksat, a', &c Cf. Anar IV 54, VI 66 19 Sanskrit chaya tato 'tredanim kom cintitam. Page 43, 1. 2 Sanskrit chaya paksantare maka-dosah It would be a great calamity as detailed above (p. 41, 1. 10 ff) Pick wrongly understands it to mean, if Rama kill Parasurama, Malyavan will incur the guilt of causing a Brahman's death'. 13 Verse 14. VR offers two more far-stretched interpretations. (1) if the same are the elements of which his body is made up as those aforetime, if the same are his powers as of old, then we, &c. ; (2) if the same are the elements of body and the powers of Paiasurama as those of Rama (both of them being the incai nations of the one Divine Lord), then we, &c. This verse is repeated in the commentary to Sar as I 82 to illustrate ojas, one of the karyagunas 1. 13 Viskambhaka. For definition and varieties see Dasas. I 53, Natya. XVIII. 34, 35, and Sah. 308 Page 44,1 2. bho bho, &c. Of a similar speech in Bal. IV 56/57 For the story of Parasurama going to visit Rama, who had snapped Siva's bow, see Mahu III. 99; Rum I. 75. 1. 4. Karlasoddharao. See Rum. VII 16, Mv. V 37 Cf Anas IV 26, VI. 3, 41; VII, 47, 48; Bal. I 44, 47, II. 15, X 33; Mahanataka VI 96 (No. 432), VII. 15 (No 452) This verse is referred to in the commentary to Dasar II 5 in illustration of a dharodatta nayaka nonata-dosnah Repeated in Anar. VII. 135. Cf. Anar III. 39, Mahunataka IV. 16, 18 (Nos. 453, 455).
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________________ 232 NOTES 1. 5 rana-mado 1. e the pride of being the greatest warrior. Kartarir yah Cf. Bal II 15, IV. 34, 38. 1. 6 yasya, &c in Mv II. 49. Cf the parallel Anar IV 22, as also the similar language ... 1 6. Luthara-prarighatita, &c This is a difficult compound because of the uncertainty of the mutual relationship of the component parts. doh-sakhadanda-mundas creates a difficulty I dissolve it as huthara-prayighatitah doh-sakha-danda yasya, ata eva mundah It is doubtful if munda is a noun (= head or trunk) or an adjective (= lopped, stripped), but probably the latter, the construction of the whole sentence being then pura yasya krodhat kulyakandarh (saha) tarur va huthara- mundo vihito 'bhut. Mark here the pun on the word shandhah, (1) shoulders, and (2) trunks of the tree Kuthar a in the case of the tree may mean any axe, but in the case of Kartavii ya refers to Parasurama's axe Cf. the parallel passage Bal. IV. 38. 1 7. kulyakandarh Kulya has two meanings (1) members of a family (hule bhavah), and (2) bones. Both are possible here. 2 1 8. trik-sapta-vara. Cf p 44, 1. 8, II 19 below. Cf also Anar IV. 25 Bal II 13, 21 Cf Megh I. 57, Anar. IV 47, Bal. II. 15, IV 29, 1.9 krauncasya, &c. Pras p 72, 1. 3, 12 1 10 gana Cf. Kum I 55; Megh. I 38, Mv. II 33. 1. 11 sva-guru, &c Cf Anar IV 54 Page 45, 16 Sanskrit chaya hala sakhyah katham danim etat. inclined to drop hala, following only the one MS I, as it is redundant. 1. 7 Sanskrit chaya kumara alam tavat tvaraya I am 1 8 paridhirana. The MS evidence is in favour of this reading. But the word is not found in the dictionaries Probably it means 'delay', as may be gathered from the context The girls ask Rama not to make haste, but his valour cannot biook delay. paridharana, the reading of some MSS, means 'endurance'. Boehtlingk and Roth's Worterbuch mentions our passage and gives 'Ausdauer', 'Aushalten' as the meaning Page 46, 1. 1. Sanskrit chaya varam varam nihksatrikrta-samasta-jiva-loko nirvartita-visama-vyavasaya-sahaso 'yam parasuramah sruyate. 1. 2 nuvvadida-vrsama-vavasaya-sahasah. Literally, who accomplished a daring act in the form of a difficult undertaking' According to Hem. Pr. IV. 62 mvvadida may also be rendered as spastikrta, the sense of the compound would then be. 'who showed his daring in a difficult task. The compound is almost repeated in Mal. VI 15/16. 1 4. utkhata, &c. Cf. Anar. IV. 32, 35, 39. vamsa. A pun upon the word, which means (1) family, (2) bamboo-tree. 1. 6. sadvinam, &c. See Ram I. 76. Cf. Pras. p. 72, 1. 10, Bal II. 23; IV. 41; and Mv. p 61, 1. 3 below. 1. 7. astravyasta, &c. Cf. the parallels Bal. II. 37, IV. 41 1. 12. kruddho munir bhargavah. Repeated in Anar. IV 19.
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________________ ACT II Page 47, 1 8. Sanskrit chaya aho samantato ha deva candra-mukha rama-candra, ha jamatar' st pardevana-mukhara-katarodvrgna-samasta-paryanapralapitam antah-puram vartate | tad bhartr-darike svayam eva vynaraya bhartr darakam. 233 1.5 vattas. We should rather substitute the Sauraseni form vattade 17. Sanskrit chaya tena tearamanak sambhavayamah vega-prasrtam aryaputram For tuvarantio see Hem. Pr IV. 170 For pasaram the correct Saurasent form would be pasaridam Page 48, 1 1 Sanskrit chaya kumara aveksaeva tavat tvara vernkhalamanavshvalstodbhranta-gamanam bhartr-darkam. 15 Sanskrit chaya sakhs sakhs surasura-manthana-samartham trailokyamangalam tunga-jaya-lakemi-lanchanam mam savibhrama-vikasita-netra-nilotpalasobha-bibhran mukha-pundarika-visphareta-sneha-sambhrama sar vadasmakam purato varnayasi | tat kim str vyjayabhamukhe kumare udbhruntusi 1. 6 visatta May be rendered as dalita or vikasita in Sanskrit. See Hem. Pr. IV. 176 Cf. Karp II. 4, Bal V 70/71, Pras. p 38, 1. 2. kandotta A desi word meaning a blue-lotus, see the v. I. at the foot of the page, and Desi II 9 Cf. Karp III 8. Page 49, L. 1. Sanskrit chaya sarva-kaatriya-santapa-kari paraturama t 16. tri-vali Cf. Kum I 39, Kavyal. V 2, 15 1. 8. Sanskrit chaya ha dhil sa evaseo vyaharati. 19. pratibhinna. Pick translates 'clashing against each other' pushar avartaka. Cf Megh I 6, Kum II 50. Page 50, 11 Sanskrit chaya ka gatih. arya-putra na tavad yusmabher gantavyam yavat tato nagacchats. 13. Sanskrit chaya udvartitam idanim priya-sakhya rasantarena lapalutvam. 15 bho bho, &c. See p. 49, 1. 7. 1. 8 Verse 22 This verse is quoted in the commentary to Kavyap. IV 35 to illustrate autsukyodaya 1. 6. Sanskrit chaya tato balad eva dharayisyam. The form valad eva deserves notice. 1. 9. vira-rabhasonmadah. Rama is here considering the bright side of Parasurama's character, and so also in his subsequent speeches. He has not as yet been roused to anger. It is only after he has met Parasurama that the struggle between the two opposite feelings of honour due to the great sage and anger at his violent conduct begins (see verse 30 below) I, therefore, take the compound rabhasonmadah (as also do VR., AB, and Apte in his Dictionary) to mean 'rapturous joy'. Pick., however, renders 'anger at the violence of a hero'. vira is 'the hero' Parasurama and not 'heroism' (as SR. understands it). 1. 11 harcandanendudeg, &c Cf Utt. III. 11. Page 51, 1 1. Sanskrit chaya, esa dipyamana-denakaraloka-prekeyamanadeha-prabha-parksepa-bhasuram jualantam sumsitam paratum dharayan vernkhalodvella-hutavaha-bikha-sahasra-sandehita-jafa-bharah sudara-vikepaviddha-vikatoru
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________________ 234 NOTES danda-nirbharabhrghata vihralita-vasundharah paragata eva sa sakala-ksatriyamaharaksasah. 1. 2. I doubt if we should render uvvella here with udvestata as given in Hem. P IV. 223 13 Urudanda'. Pick. mars the whole beauty of this description of the gait by taking danda to mean the staff', which, to say the least, has not been even once mentioned in the play Cf Mal. VIII. 8/9 (sakkhevaviddha-vradaniorudanda) Page 52,1 2 pindatam upagatas ca, &c cf Utt VI 19. 1. 5. atharvano ngamah Of I. 62 above 1 7 kalpa See Manu, I. 64-74, Visnu I. 3 dadhatah halar udranalatram It is not likely that the thiee gods Kala, Rudra, and Anala are referred to here Cf, however, I 46 above I agree with the commentators in interpreting it as 'assuming the shape of fire, in the form of all destioying Rudra', which is corroborated by Anar. VII 18, where the phrase kalarudranale occurs, and which the commentator Laksmana Suri explains as pralayugnau Cf also kalagnindra in Bal II, 62, VII, 30, IX 48/49 For fire at the end of a kalpa see Visnu I 3 1. 10 rasibhutah, &c Cf. II 41 below 1 11. aho, &c Cf Anar IV 26/27 Verse 26 Cf the close parallel Anar. IV 27, Pras p 71, 1 21 Page 53, 1 1 Sanskrit chaya ha dhik ha dhk par agata eva aryaputra parrtrayasva mam | prya-sahasaka prasida The first part is repeated on p 20, 1. 11 1 4. Verse 27. This verse is quoted in the commentary to Dasar. IV 18 to illustrate garva, one of the vyabhrcari bhavas. 1 6. darpa handulao, &c Of My V. 47, Anar III. 41; V. 32, VI. 55, Bul. II 24/25, Mahanataka VII 50 (No 487) 1. 9. aho duratmanah, &c Of Anar III 35/36 I. 10 Verse 28. This verse is quoted in the commentary to Kavyap VIII 3 to illustrate the kavya-dosa called apratita Cf tutra-bhavato devad bhavani-pateh in Anar. IV 23. Page 54, 1 6 Verse 30 This verse is quoted in the commentary to Karyap. VII 7 to illustrate bhagna-prakrama As demanded by the two respective thoughts in the first half of the verse padopasangrahanaya ought to piecede abhinava-dar pa-ksamaya karmane Cf. a similar idea in Utt V. 26 1. 13. satyam, &c Repeated in Utt V. 8/9 1. 16. gandha-dvipendrao Cf. for the last half of the verse Mal V. 32. Cf. also the close parallel Anar. IV 28. kumbha-kuta kuta is a projection or prominence; hence kumbha-kuta means the projection of the temple', in other words, the projected temple'. Pick, translates kuta by 'hammer-like ', VR and SR by peak-like', AB. by bollow'; while the commentator Tripurari on Mal. V. 32 explains it by collection'.
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________________ 235 ACT II 1. 18 Sanskrit chaya santam papam prathatam amangalam Page 55, 11 asit Parasurama has known Rama only through hearsay Now he finds those past descriptions of him to be quite true He is thinking in the past as it were, hence, the past tense But some interpret it-and this 18 decidedly better-as referring to the certain and immediate death of Rama, and so to Parasurama's mind he is already a past entaty Pick, however, wrongly translates this pleasant one became the son of a Ksatriya' niyak, &c., is quoted in the commentary to Kavyap IV. 42 as an illustration of kala vyatyaya 1 2 Cancat-panca-sikhanda Cf Utt V 2 1.5 dheg aho, &c Cf Utt V 19, Anar IV 35. 1.7 Verse 33 This verse is quoted in the commentary to Kavyap VII 5 to illustrate that in the raudra asa there ought to be employed vikata-varnatva and dirgha-samasatva. Of pragaprapta-parabhava in Bal. III 76, and kanthapitha in Pras p 67,1 13, p. 69, 17 1 10 hhanda-parasu Cf II. 35 below. See Amara I 1, 31 ha dhik ha dhak prayvalitah khalo esah 1 11 Sanskrit chaya 1 12 ayam sa. parasuh. This passage is quoted in the commentary to Dasar II. 50 and to Sah 418 to illustrate samlapa, which forms one of the characteristics of sattvati vrtti Of Bal II 29/30, 34/35 Page 56, 18 Sanskrit chaya bhartr-danske preksasva hrdaya-bhrtodvamad bahu-mano nekampa-dhira-gurutvenapahasati bhagarato bhargavasyayudha-lambham bhartr-darako 17 asamonata-pada-mbandhanam Repeated in Utt VII 2/8 1. 8 am parasuh. Quoted in the commentary to Sah 418 as a continuation of the quotation from p. 52, 11 8-5 above Page 57, 1. 3. Verse 34 This verse is quoted in the commentary to Dasar. II 50 to illustrate samlapa, which forms one of the characteristics of sattvati vrtti 11. Sanskrit chaya ksanam upa-santasya wa alapak 1. 3. astra-prayoga-khurali-kalahe. khurali is not a very common word, and means 'military exercise or practice of arms' In this sense the word is found in V, 5 below, Bal. IV. 14/15, 16/17, Vikr VI 46 Khur ali-kalaha is repeated in Anar. IV. 24. AB., however, reads thus als kalahe and very fancifully interprets, 'skilled (khural) in the use of missiles, was vanquished by me in fight (kalahe); so also Pick. Jv explains kalaha here by 'envy' gana See note on p 42, 1. 5 above 1 4. kumara An epithet of Kartikeya. See Amara. I. 1, 40. Of Ragh III. 55, V 36. 1 10 khanda-paraku See p 55, 1 10 above 1. 15 Verse 36. This verse is quoted in the commentary to Dadar. II. 1 to illustrate the prayam-vada characteristic of a Hero. Cf the paraphrase of the first two lines in Anar IV. 29. sa bhagavan, &c. Of Anar. IV. 29
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________________ 236 NOTES Page 58,11 tyugah sapta samudra, &c Cf p 61, 1 3 This line is quoted in the commentary to Sah 234 to illustrate a dana-vira 1 3 Sanskrit chiya gunuti mahabhugo garuha- amaniyam mantr ayitum This passage is almost repeated in Mal IV 1/2 1 5. Verse 37 This verse is quoted in the commentary to Dasar II. 1 to illustrate the madhu a quality of a Hero. 18 Verse 38 This verse is quoted in the commentary to Dasar II 51 to illustrate par rartaha, one of the characteristics of the sattrati vrtti. The Prakrit rendering of the first line is repeated in Bul X. 26/27 1 12 Sanskrit chaya bharti - darzhe preksasva bhastuh saubhagyam | tvam khalu nitya-par anmukhy atmanam vancayasi Page 59, I. 2. Sanskrit chaya dhura-masrna atmano mahatmya-sobhato 'sya vinayah, 1. 4. rajanya-pota. Repeated in Anar. IV 35/36 I 6. aprakrtasya, &c mama hangs a little loose in the sentence. I am sure it is to be construed with hrtasya (thus hrtasya mama) Malyavan has already said that Rama's ahankara can be grasped only by men of very sharp intellect. Ordinary mortals fail entirely to realize his inner nature. He emphasizes the same view in this verse, and proceeds Although I know full well that he is no ordinary person, and excels all by reason of his marvellous deeds, still I fail to fully comprehend his real nature in general (or his ahankara in particular). But this much I can say with certainty that he is some uncommon hero in the body of a child' Pick construes mama with bhavarh, and translates. Though he is attracted by the marvellous acts of me.. still he exhibits indifference towards me', which, however, not only does not fit in with the context, but also falsely attributes indifference to Rama which he has not yet shown in the least. Jy explains it similarly, and as an illustration of Rama's indifference, refers to his words, 'Embrace is contrary to what you have commenced'. AB. explains anastha as lack of trust' Though Rama has captivated his heart, yet he cannot trust him entirely Rama is not what he outwardly looks, a mere child, but a great hero and so fit to be dreaded. 1. 11. osapta-bhuvanabhayao. Repeated in Utt V 33. dana-punya-sambharao. Repeated in Mal X. 20. 1 13. satturka-gunao See Bhag XVII, XVIII Page 60, 1. 2. tratum, &c. This verse (41) is repeated in Utt. VI. 9. Cf. a similar tone in Utt VI 21 1. 5. avzrbhuya sthrta iva. Repeated in Utt. VI. 22 1. 9. eta evabhuvartate Repeated in Mv p. 97, 1. 13; Utt. VII 1, Mal. 1. 19/20; Anar. II. 37. 1. 10. gautamas ca, &c. The second half-verse in I. 19 above and Utt. I. 16. 1. 11. Sanskrit chaya. bhartr-darzke paragata eva tatah | ehyabhyantaram pravrsaman. ded.
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________________ ACT II 118 Sanskit chaya bhagavati sangrama-eri esa te 'njalsh Page 61, 14 aditya-biayah, &c 1 10 metarah padyam ar ghyam 1 11. madhu-parkah Laterally 'a mixture of honey' A1espectful offering made to a guest or to the bridegroom on his a111val in the house of the father of the bride Its ingredients are curds, milk, and butter mixed with honey. See Apas. G. V. 13, 10; Asv Gr I 24, 1, Par. Gr. I. 3, 5 1. 12 putra-bhanda Cf Utt IV 25, Bal II. 63, Anar IV 40 1. 15 km it, &c This passage is nearly repeated in Mal. VI 15/16 Page 62, 1. 2. sambhuyeva, &c The first half-verse is repeated in Mal V 9 13 ratem prastaut Cf the parallel in Ke III 7. 14 kankana-dharah. kankana 18 the thread worn by the bridegroom round the wrist at the time of marriage and unloosened usually a week after. See Amara II 6, 108 Cf Mu II. 50; Mal IX. 9, Utt I 18, Ragh. VIII. 1 (vraha-kautuka) 18 amrtadhmata, &c samhanana means 'body' 19. hutharah, &c Mark the guttural letters imitating the sense. hambu-kantha. The neck marked with three lines like a shell is considered a sign of great fortune. See Amara II. 6, 88 See Amara II. 6, 88 Cf Ram. I. 1, 9. 1 11. mayy eva . samvrttah Repeated in Utt V 34/35. Page 68, 1 1. suprasudhah, &c See Maha III. 115-122 1 2 Jamadagnyah, &c Cf. Anar IV. 52 Cf. I 14 above, and Utt IV 9. Cf. Anar. IV 60 The first half-verse is repeated in Utt VI. 21. See Amara. II 6, 70 237 14. Verse 48. This verse is quoted in the commentary to Dasar. IV. 14 to illustrate augrya, one of the vyabhicari bhavas. It is also repeated in Mahanataka II. 9 (No 52). 1. 6 pitiyam. This word evidently goes with krodhagnim VR., AB., and Pick. translate it as 'you also gave offerings of that blood to the dead ancestors', but the construction does not admit of this interpretation, cf. Anar. IV. 17. = 1. 9. at nama pragalbhase Repeated in Utt. V 34/35 1 10. Verse 49 This verse is quoted in the commentary to Saras V 195 to illustrate the utthapaka variety of the sattvati vrth For the first line of the close paraphrase in Bal. VII. 86 and the parallel in Anar. IV 86 namatu capam According to Pan IV. 8, 135 capa is neuter, and so our word is in the nominative singular. Amara, however, makes it both masculine and neuter. The sentence has caused a great difficulty to VR, who besides the right one, gives two more fanciful interpretations, viz (1) capam mam namatu= namayatu, and (2) capam tu nama namaya. For capam see further note on the word in III 29 I 12 dhagstr. Cf. Utt IV. 24, Anar. VII. 31 kuthara-pravghatta, &c. Cf. the parallel II 16 above. 1 18. kathora may also mean 'well-developed'. So VR. Cf. for this sense Utt. I. 49; VI. 25, Mal. I 2, VI. 19, S. I. 20.
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________________ 238 NOTES Page 64, 1 5. sajjatztheya, &c Of the parallel Bal. IV 50/51 I. 9 aranya-rasi, &c Cf. a similar idea in Utt V 27/28 1 13 kankanao Cf IV. 51/52 below, Utt I 18 The cutting short of the vira rasa in Rama and Parasurama in this way is, according to Kavyanu P 68, called akanda-ccheda 1 15 svasru-janas, &c Of for the sense the parallel Anar IV. 63/64 Page 65, 1 3 kintu na ciram, &c Cf the parallel Anar IV. 59/60. 1 6 pavisya sumantrah, &c. This whole passage up to the end of this Act is quoted in the commentary to Dasar I. 55, and to San. 312 to illustrate anasya. ACT III Page 66, 1. 3. ista-purta. For the definition of this compound see Abhi 834, 835 1. 4 vasumati, &c. Cf. Anar. I. 38 15 vamsas ca varvasvatah. All the MSS but Mt agree in reading visvasya for vamsas ca, which, however, gives no sense. The commentators make useless efforts to get some sense out of it by twisting some words and supplying others Thus AB yo visvasya tribhuvanasya vivasvatah suryasyapatyam varvasvatah dharmah sasaka ata bhavah. SR. explains varvasvatah .. [yah] visvasya sarvasya jagatah [manya uti sesak]. I here adopt Mt's reading. 1. 6. parinato may also mean 'bending low in salutation'. 1. 7. tad .. kalahat Repeated in Anar III 51/52. 18 sannapyate vatsatari See Manu, V. 41-42, Vas. IV. 8. Of also the parallel Utt IV 1/2, Bal I. 38 For vatsatara see Ragh III. 32. 1 9. Srotmya srotrya-grhan VR. offers a second, though improbable, interpretation by reading srotriya srotriya grhan, and explaining the second srotriya too as a vocative, which, however, makes the first one redundant zusasva nah Favour us, i e, by staying here and accepting our hospitality. Page 67, 1. 1 Atra vo vijnapayam, &c This passage is not very clear, kim tu is the reading of nearly all the MSS, but kim tu never begins a sentence unless to modify a previous statement. None such has, however, been made. I prefer with the MS. K to read na for tu The main point is whether we are to punctuate after ksame and construe it with atra vo vinapayami, thus making the whole a complete sentence in itself. Yadi ramah prakrsta-viryo na syat will then depend upon what follows in verse 3. But in that case the exact force of prakrsta-viryah is doubtful, because if Rama is aprakrsta-viryah, the argument advanced in the verse applies with still gieater force. But probably we must understand it then to imply that it is beneath Parasurama to fight with the aprakrsta-virya Rama At any rate, I prefer this construction. Without a mark of punctuation after ksame, the whole sentence kem na ksame
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________________ ACT III 239 yadi ramah praks sta-viryo na syat would depend upon vyhapuams, and the following veise is to be taken then as giving the leason for kim na ksame Translate then, 'Why shall I not forgive, if', &e 1e 'I would certainly forgive, if', &c. Pick reads km tu and explains the whole as, 'I will consent to stay, if Rama admits that he cannot contend against me' But his translation, 'I beg your pardon' for atra vo vynapayams 18 impossible Page 67, 1 6 nulabha dvesam VR's rendering 'such that a quarrel therein is just (nyayya-kalaham)' is not possible 18. yasas, &c. I take it as locative absolute. It may also be taken as the simple locative, thus, kamvadants... yasasi vacaniyam prapya, &c. naravakase. This word is difficult. Laterally, 'free from space or scope. With VR I interpret it as 'free from scope for censuie'. Or probably it means 'leaving no space for anything else', so fully has it pervaded the various quarters svetamane Fame is, according to the tradition of the poets (kavi-samayas), regarded as white See yasass dhavalata in Sah. 590, and yaso-hasyayoh sauklyasya in Kavyanu. p. 8, 1 29 Cf. Mal. II. 9, Pras p 23, 1 29, p. 150, 1 10, Anar I 35 For the first line of the paraphi ase in Anar II 65 a. 1 11 kasmala kimvadanti. Cf. the same expression in Utt. I 42, and kamvadanti in Mal I 35/36 1. 12 ayudha-pisacika. Cf the repetition in Anar IV. 42/43, and Bal IV 0/1. Page 68, 1. 1 ctta-prasadanih, which gives calmness to mind'-Pick. Mantryadi-bhavanah See Yoga I. 33, and the commentary thereon. prasidatu. 'Smile on thee'.-Pick. But AB. renders it as vimala bhavatu, and so also prasada (below) as 'freedom from impurity' (kalusya-vigama) 1. 2 visoka, painless' (dukkha-raksta), AB.; but which destroys all grief', VR. viska jyotismati. For the definition see Yoga I 36 and the commentary thereon 18 tambhara Cf the word in Prabodh. IV. 4/5, for its definition see Yoga. I 48 bahih-sadhana. See commentary on Yoga. I. 49. VR. explains it as 'worldly as well as Vedic means other than Yoga', and quotes 'Janausadhi tapo-mantrair yavatir ha siddhayak | yogenapnote tak sarva nanyar yoga-gater vrajet'. 1. 4. plavoparaga For uparaga see Yoga. IV 16 and the commentary thereon, viplava 18 explained by VR as 'anger, infatuation, envy', and so on; and uparaga as 'passion, avarice, pride, ignorance', and the like. AB and SR. translate it as the 'demon (rahu) of misery' VR. quotes Parabara Llesanam tu kaaya-karam yogad anyan na vidyate'. 'Jyoth-punjam nerukaram laksayen antar-yotuo darsanam. Of the verse muktidam bhavet'. 1. 7. Verse 5. Cf. the parallel Bal. I. 60, where the first line is almost
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________________ 240 NOTES repeated This verse is quoted in the commentary to Dasar I 32, and to Sah. 364 to illustrate varna-samhara. 1 8. nrpati Jv understands this to refer to Dasanatha loma-padah. VR. unnecessarily interprets this literally as with hair growing on his feet', and refers it to yudha-ght. He adds that in old age hair grows on the feet Page 69, 1 7 heranya-garbha See Manu, I. 9. rsayo babhuvuh See Manu, I 35-36 1. 12 Verse 8 This verse is quoted in the commentary to Sah 184 and to Dasar IV 17 to illustrate amarsa, one of the vyabhicari bhavas It is also quoted in the commentary to Dasar II 1 to illustrate the sthira quality of a Hero, and in the commentary to II. 12 to illustrate the sattvika-guna called stharrya 1. 16 tatha ca pasya me Of doubtful syntactical connexion. Two constructions are possible either (1) when it goes with what precedes, in that case it would mean, 'see, it is so also in my case'; or (2) when it is construed with what follows, the sense then being, and see that you are my kinsman'. Page 70,11 sanabhayo, &c. The force of the second two lines is probably this. 'you, my kinsman, bid me do one thing; but ny bold arm bids me do another Which, then, should I follow? Well, my arm is nearer to me in relationship, and so its bidding should be preferied and carried out.' 1 7 brahmarkatana. Repeated in Bal I 56. 1. 13. sarvato-vrtteh. AB reads sarvato vrtteh. sarvaharam. Recurs in Mal. I. 17, I 31/82. 1 15 eka-vyaktyaparadhaois evidently'insult done by one person (Kartikeya) which resulted in the death of all the Ksatriyas', and not outrage done to one person'as Pick, takes it, for eku loses its real force in that case 1 16 adhana-nu anvaya-pramathana is a rather strange compound Niranvayapramathana is quite intelligible, destioying something so as to leave no posterity behind', but what is adhana? I think it refers to the conceived babes', for pramathana could not have been called niranvaya had these unborn babes also not been destroyed AB, however, translates adhana by effort, exertion', and so does Apte in his Dictionary. AB. further renders niranvaya as 'unjust (asambaddhad anyayyat)', which cannot be the sense here. Cf. III. 15 below, and Anar. IV. See Ram I. 75. 1 17. trih-saptavadha. Cf. MV II 17, 19, 48. 1. 18. urddharh, &c. Cf. Anar. IV. 42/43 Page 72, 1. 2 atr-prasanga clearly refers to the outrage committed by Rama's breaking the bow of Siva Jr., however, explains. 'let the Raghus and the Janakas not be subjected to any ill-treatment further than Rama's murder'. 1. 3. yajya is the yajamana or the person for whom and at whose expense the sacrifice is performed. VR. takes it as an adjective meaning 'venerable'.
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________________ ACT III 241 1. 6 sucarta guru-stambhadhare VR ienders this "supported by the huge pillars of holy deeds'. 1 7. yadi, &c Cf. a similar thought in Bal IV. 68 19 krtakrtya, &c Of Anar I 22/23, II 11/12 I 10 purohita is one of the sahayas of the Hero, see sah 83, Dasar II 41. 1 11. Verse 18 See Kam IV. 32, Sukra II 78-80. Cf Anar II 12. Page 73, 1. 4 maha-patahu. Foi the names of the five great sins see Manu, XI. 55 15 kandira A term of reproach See Amara. II 8, 69 kanda-prstha is likewise a term of reproach one who is faithless to his family, caste, eligion, oi profession', &c See Amara. II. 8, 67 Cf also the definition. 'sva-Zulam prsthatah kortva yo var parakulam vraget | tena duscaritena 'sau kanda pistha ato smrtah || asyam apr dis, i e with respect to your behavioui (acara) 1. 9. svasti-vacanika is a person who lives by the proceeds of officiating at sacrifices Page 74,1 5. dhavitra is a fan made of deer-hide See Amara II. 7, 23 16 pranita Consecrated by the recitation of Vedic mantras See Amara II 7, 20 prsadajya is ghee mixed with coagulated milk. See Amara. II. 7, 24. tanu-napat. Literally, son of the self'. See Amara I 1,53 The word is redundant here, unless it be taken as referring to a particulai form of Agni The MSS Mt and Mg are conscious of this redundancy and so omit the word The reading wva "bhiprao is from Mr which, I have now found, is decidedly the best. The base and the nominative singulai of the word tanunapat are identical. This has led AB. to take the word here as a base and join it to samidhyamana, thus rendering the whole as 'burning with the fire (of wi ath)', &c. 1. 10. parabhrghatad udbhuya The meaning of udbhuya is not clear here. In his Drctionary Apte mentions to rise in arms' as one of the meanings of the root, but no passages are referred to I doubt if more than a few cases could be quoted in support of this meaning Still for want of anything better I am forced to follow him I am, however, inclined to correct the reading to uddhuya (= having been shaken, or roused) The sense of the word 'para' is uncertain. Is it an adjective = 'highest' or a noun = 'an enemy'? 1 11 atatam (atatena vrstarnena sastradina ayrtum silam asya Taranatha's Vacaspatya) Literally, one who is endeavouring to kill somebody', see Amara III 1, 44. There are six kinds of such desperadoes (1) the incendiary, (2) the poisoner, (3) one with a drawn weapon, (4) the thief, (5) the robber of land, (6) the seducer of another's wife. Cf. the definition from Sukra agnado garadas car 'va sastronmatto dhanapahah | Ksetra-dara-haras car'tan sad vidyad atataynah'. Cf. a similar definition in Vas III. 16 It is considered no sin to kill any one of these criminals. See Manu, VIII 350-351, Vas III. 17. For atatayun see Anar. II. 56 2789
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________________ 242 NOTES For his presence there with Vamadeva and others santi refers to the santi-patha performed in the beginning of all the celemonies even at the present day See Ragh XI 62, Kam. IV. 32. 1 12 vrnotu Not a happy selection of the verb. Page 76, 1. hosalesvara-videha Page 75, 1. 10 jabali see Ram I. 12 Mt's reading is much better, but the evidence of only one MS does not suffice for its adoption in the text sapta, &c. Cf. Anar IV 51/52. 1. 2. kula-parvata. For the names see Visnu II 3 dvipa For the names see Visnu II 2 1. 3. Verse 24 This verse is quoted in the commentary to Saras. V 169 to illustrate a tamasa Hero 1. 5 aramam, &c Cf. Anar. IV 50, and the close parallel Anar IV 56 1. 10. grhya-tantra-pradhane. AB and SR take this as a Bahuvrihi compound depending upon may, which they supply. That is evidently wrong For, firstly, they have to supply a pronoun, and secondly, they have to construe nairantar yat (which they are forced to take as an adverb) with upalambhat The similarity of construction with the other ablatives, all of which mention the various reasons for the cessation of glory' demand my way of construction. grhya-tantra-pradhane nan antaryat gives an excellent sense besides. grhya-tantra is repeated in Anar II. 17 Cf I 8 above 1 12 vijay sahajam 1. 13 tvarayate, &c. tvarayati karmane corresponds in sense with the etymology of karmuka, for which see Pan. V. 1, 103 Page 77,1 2. tvam, &c. Cf Anar. IV 45. 1 3 tvam, &c Of the close parallel Anar III. 13. vedantesu refers to the Upanishads (cf. Vik amorvasi I. 1) and among them to the Bihadaranyaka 16 prasrayas cete. When 'ca' is used to express inconsistency between two statements it is used in the second Cf Mahabhasya on Pan III 2, 102, Sak I. 15. 1 10 namatu dhanuh Of namatu capam in II 49 above. Page 78, 1 1 yajnavalkyanurodhat. SR and Pick. wrongly translate 'by the schooling of Yajnavalkya' 1. 4. Verse 29 Notice the harsh sounds imitating the sense 18 repeated in Utt IV. 29 1. 6 vaktra-yantra is repeated in Bal. VII 22 18 SR leads grmbhu-vidambi katodara as two compounds. This verse capam. It is here quite clear that Bhavabhuti uses our word in the neuter See note on p 60, 1 2. 19 Verse 30. Cf. the close parallel Bal. I 57. For the Parasmarpada in virama see Kavyal. V. 2, 85. Page 79, 1. 2. Verse 32. Note the harsh sounds imitating the sense Cf. the parallel passage V. 19 below. For a similar tone cf. Mal. V. 34 For
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________________ ACT III 243 the different words denoting parts of the body see Amara. II 62-68, Visnusmrti, chapter 96, Abh. 604 ff Of Bal V. 77. 1 8 snayu-grantha is lepeated in Mal V 14, and granthy asthe occurs in Mal. V. 84; Anar II 54 1 2 vaksoruhantra The passage needs more light from the MSS The present ones note three leadings (a) vaksoduka (the oldest MSS), (b) vakaoruka, and (c) vaksoduka But unfortunately none of them gives any sense The Dictionaries mention no such word as duka, duka, ruka, ruka, or the like. The difficulty was known to W, which has also 'rula' along the margin. 'vaksoruha' gives a good sense, but the word is applicable generally only to the female breast The reading 'vaksobukantra' would be faultless if 'buka' or 'buka' be the same as 'bukka' (= the heart). 1 7. esa no, &c, 1 e this king is dearer to us than our own body 1. 10 dukkham asmahe. Does this also mean 'we can hardly remain quiet'? Page 80, 16 durdantanam, &c. Of Manu, VII 17 17 dundantas tuam. found in any of our MSS 1.9 ka... kwa when repeated like this in co ordinate sentences imply 'great incongruity' or 'great difference' between the objects contrasted Ragh. I 2, Sak II 18, Kr. L. 6 Cf SR mentions another l 'durdantatiam' not 1 13. viparyaya See Sankh Su. III. 37 1 16 raja cet, &c Cf in this respect the law in Manu, VII 20-24 Page 81, 1 3 par cara, &c Cf. Bhag IV. 34 1 12 bhrgu... nah. Cf a similar tone in Bal. II. 38/39 Page 82, 1. 2 mrankusah is to be construed also with depal, meaning 'without a goad' 1 5 vrddha-vacana Cf. vrddharh in III 13, and cyavanadi-vakyarh in III 15 above. 1. 6 hrn-marma, &c. Cf. Utt. I 30, II 26, III 37/38, IV 8 1.8 aurvanalah Cf V. 2 below, Sak III. 2a. 1. 11. dasaratha-bale santy upahstah is the leading of all the MSS. but Mt. 'The kings on earth depend upon the strength of Dasaratha', he being the most powerful of them all And so if I slay Dasaratha, I might be said to have conquered all the Ksatryas, or probably, if I succeed in slaying him, I could surely, and with perfect ease, slay all the others. This is the likely meaning I am, however, inclined to adopt Mt's leading emending its uparatah to upagatah 'prthwvyam rajano dasaratha-kule santy upagatah" gives an excellent sense All the kings on earth find themselves at present in the house of Dasaratha, having been invited to join the mariage ceremony. I can, therefore, now engage up n the twenty-second slaughter of the entire Ksatriya race Page 83, 14. saked All the MSS but Mt read mulur' instead. Then 1 I have now found this leading in Mi. R 2
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________________ 244 NOTES seen again and again' has no sense here But what Parasurama intends to express is this: 'If I but cast one single angry look at him, he would be reduced to ashes'. Only Mt's sakrd' expiesses this idea. 1 6. a-brahma-varcasam, &c. An Avyayibhava compound, the negative particle a'having the sense of abhava' oi negation. For the different senses of such compounds see Pan II. 1, 6. 1 9. palyo 'sr. Mt's reading 'palyo 'pr' is, however, preferable. 1. 10 atas tvani, &c Cf. for the second half-verse Bal I 52. 1 11. prak-samskar a-vasena Visvamitra was formerly a Ksatriya and consequently an archer He had attained Brahmanhood by virtue of his hard penances See Rum I. 51; Anar. I 22 samshuras are the impressions of a former existence or even of an earlier period of the same one. 1 13 Verse 44 This verse is quoted in the commentary to Dasar, IV 68 to illustrate the matsarya-vibhavo raudra-rasah 1 14 sva-jatz-samayena Cf. Mv. p 145, l. 15, Utt. I 4/5 Page 84, 1. 6. vijayeyam The root ge with the preposition vi is usually Atmanepacla , but is here used in the Parasmarpada 1 10. vasistha-dhaur eyah. Literally, 'headed by Vasistha' 1 13 yijyanam 20 All the commentators interpret yagya here as 'iespectable' I adhere to the meaning given to the word on p 72, 1 3 above The substitution of 'no' for 'vo' would give a better sense 1. 14 zsiuna-jyoth, &c. Of the parallel Anar II 34 Page 85, 1 3 Verse 48 Notice the harsh sounds imitating the sense Of the paraphrase of the first line in Bal. IV 57, Pras p. 78, 1. 7. Cf also Utt. V 9. ACT IV Page 86, 1 1 bho bho varmanikah, &c Of Anar IV 56/57, 65 This prose passage and the following verse are quoted in the commentary to Dasar I 55 and Sah. 310 as an example of culiha 14 abhaya-dana-vrata-dharah. Cf sak. II 16, Anar III 31, IV 40, cf. also for the second half-verse the close parallel Anar V. 24 1 5 dinahara-kulendu. Cf Utt VI 8, Anar VI. 50 1 9. Sanskrit chaya na hi yusmublurr nirupitam visamvadatr sampratam cotkampitasma | tat kem atra karaniyan. For visamvadar we should rather substitute the Sauraseni form visamvadadi. yusmabhir niruptam refers to Malyavan's words on' p 40, 1 1 Pick wrongly translates it as 'that which you intended is not effected'. 1 11. yasau, &c. Cf. Anar. IV. 14/15. prak-pratisruta For this occasion see Ram. II. 9. Page 87, 1. 4. Sanskrit chaya kom manyadhve karsyati evam nama itr. Cf. the parallel passage Anar. IV. 14/15,
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________________ ACT 1V 245 nama ttr. All the MSS read nametr, which evidently is a mixture of Prakrit nama' and Sanskrit atr', and this mixed form is wrong Prakrit. I have corrected it to 'nama tte'. See a similar wrong form 'patthdetr', p. 160, 1 4, for pattheda tta? 1 5. bhidyeta, &c Cf. Utt IV 20/21 no Cf also the word in II 6 above no sad-urttam Pick has been misled to take it as no 'sad-urttam, as is clear from his translation four bad desires would be frustrated in the house of Iksvaku, especially against such a conqueror' 1 6 vngisu. For definition see Kam. VIII. 6-11 The word occurs also in Anar. VI. 5/6, 11/12, 16/17. 1 7. Sanskrit chaya tatah korm 1. 8 tato 'mena, &c. Cf. Anar IV. 14/15. yogacara-nyayena. The word yogacara appears to have been used in its etymological sense, an act of fraud'. SR takes it correctly "yogacarasya chalacaranasya nyayena yuktya kapata-yuktya atyarthah'. The explanation of AB 's commentary is quite unintelligible to me. He renders yoga-sevaye 'va yathoktam madhavena yogunusthanen'adara-narrantarya-dirgha-kala-sevitena ... madhumatyadi-samadhi-labho bhavati VR is equally fanciful when he translates. by the employment (acara) of the expedient practicable (nyaya) out of the four expedients (yoga)'. It is, however, likely that 'yogacara' is a proper name and refers to an old teacher and the method oi practice taught by him Only one Yogacala, a disciple of Buddha, is known, and I do not know what connexion this word has with him, though VR finds here a reference to the religious practice 'samvara' taught by that teacher. Jv thinks that the method referred to is the resort to a forest to escape from the nearness of men' 'By the plea of practising meditation', as rendered by Pick., has likewise no bearing on the context 1. 11. prabhu-sakti and utsaha-sakti sakti' or regal power has three parts or elements (a) prabhu- or prabhava-sakti, the majesty or pre eminent position of the king himself, (b) mantra-sakti, the power of good counsel, and (c) utsaha-sakti, the power of energy See Amara II 8, 19-20, Kam XV. 1, 32, Abhr. 785, of Ragh. III. 13, VI. 33, XVII. 63, Sasu II. 26, Anar V 5, 31/32. Page 88, 1. 3 Sanskrit chaya atha laksmana-sahayatve 'pr kom prayoganam For aha here the Sauraseni form adha would be preferable 1 6. chadma-dandao. Also called tusnin-danda. For darzda see Amara II. 8, 20; Ablu. 736, Yajna. I 345 For these two kinds see Kam XVII 9-12 1.7 Sanskuit chaya mama duyam eva etad na yuktam pratibhata | yac ca durasthrtasya dasarathinah sannidhana-karanam yac canabaddha-varrasyapratisamadneyam stri-varram atr 1. 9. itthra-veram For the five causes of enmity see Kam X 16 1 10. bhumyanantaryatah. For the definition see Kam VIII 18, and for the view that such a monaich is also an enemy see Amara. II 8, 9.
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________________ 246 NOTES sanucara Cf I. 60, II 1, and p 33, 1. 10 above II. 1 above. Page 89, 1. 1 tataharih Cf 1 3 Verse 4 Maly avan heie deals with the four upayas or 'expedients' as known to the authors of works on Politics (a) sama or conciliation; (b) dana or bribery, (c) bheda or sowing dissension, and (d) dunda or attack See Amara. II 8, 20; Abhi. 736, Yajna I 345, Manu, VII 108, 109, 200, Sukra. IV 1, 24-47 Some, however, enumerate seven, including the so-called three hsudi opayas (a) maya or deceit, (b) upeksa or neglect, and (c) indra-jala or conjuring See Kam XVII. 3, Abhi 738 For the duty of a minister to decide on the expedient to be employed see Suka II 95. 1 8 dando 'pyabhyadhike, &c. The MS evidence favours the reading na dando 'py adhike, which is faulty, for if the advisability of a danda against a strong enemy is at all denied, there does not arise the question whether the 'danda' should be 'open' or 'secret' 1. 14 sandhau For alliance and its various kinds see Hitopadesa, chapter on Sandhi; Kam. IX. Page 90, 1. 3. prak-pratipanna Cf. V. 37 below 14. ghanisyate For the form see Bhatt. I 22, XVI. 9 and commentary thereon, and Anar. II 39 1. 5. anena ca, &c The meaning is quite clear If Rama is brought into conflict with Vali, as is the object of Malyavan, there is much to be thought out, viz. how the different kinsmen of Ravana and Vali would behave, how they can be rendered helpful to the scheme in hand, and so on Pick. 18 absolutely wrong in translating it as 'by this alliance much would be effected', because, for one thing, no alliance, is being discussed here. 1. 7. ato All the MSS read yato, which has no sense here. Evidently the reading is due to the influence of the Jaina MSS, which write 'ya' for 'a'. Cf the similar case of atah, p. 27, 1 6 above, and the note thereon 1.9 Verse 7 Enemies are of two kinds (1) the sahaja or natural, and (2) Artrima or those created by acts A natural enemy is one who is boin in the self-same dynasty with the king, and an enemy other than the natural falls under the second head See Kum VIII 56 Cf also Kam. X. 17 and p 178, 1 14 below. Thus here Rama is the krtrima and Vibhisana the sahaja enemy. Does the author here speak of only two classes and define the krtrima-satruta of Rama by giving two instances of his hostility, or does he speak of three classes as VR takes it, viz (1) prakrta or enemies because of the opposite natures and duties (cf II 7, and IV 3a), (2) krtrima or enemies by having actually wronged each other, and (3) sahaja or enemies from among relations, as having a common claim to the inheritance? The construction of the first two lines is vague The difficulty lies in the fact as to how Rama is a twofold' enemy. VR construes hsatriyo ramah kster anantaryat prakrt-myatah satruh, satatam apakrd apakrtyas ca (krtrimah satruh), and thus brings out clearly the distinction between a prakrta and a krtrima enemy. But the fact that he has to supply the word krtrimah,
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________________ ACT IV 247 and has, very unnaturally, to join prakrtz-nyatah with ksiter anantaryat only go against his constiuction. SR explains prakrtz-niyatah as of naturally controlled senses' (svabhavena vusikrtendriyah) and does not explain the twofold nature of the enmity Pick 's consti uction is the most natural, but his rendering of prakrti-nyatah is extiemely doubtful He translates Rama, who is ever doing us evil and who is oui oppressor as there is no intervening territory between us, is in two ways our enemy, being by nature well-governed, and being a Ksatriya'. For ksiter anantaryad apakrt see Kam X. 17. 1 11 trtiyo me napta For this genealogy see Ram. VII 5,9 sahajo. I think this word qualifies ripuh and bears the technical sense. See note on verse 7 above SR. and Pick., however, render it by 'biother'. 1 12 pratyasatteh, 1 e nearness of his relationship with Ravana Being a biother and a claimant of the inheritance he is a cause of danger Jy, however, understands the word to refer to the neainess of Rama' who would help Vibhisana 1. 13 kumbhaharnas tu, &c For his propensity to sleep 'see Ram VII 10, and for his discourtesy' see Ram. VII 9 1. 14 Abhagamikatma-guna. For these qualities see Kam IV. 6-8 prakrtayah Perhaps this word too is used here in its technical sense, for which see Amara. II. 8, 17-18, Kam VIII. 4. Page 91, 1. 1 kharao, &c See Kam. IV 12. yatas te, &c It is not clear who that instrument (vatseneva) of Khara and others is 1. 2 upajapitas ca, &c. For upajaprta see Amara II. 8, 21; cf Manu, VII. 197. Probably Pick. is right in translating, the subjects are disaffected and conspire together'. AB. rendeis similarly 1 3 antar-bheda-jargaram. Cf Anar. II. 7/8, VI 9/10. abhiyukta-matram, &c. See Kam IX. 30, 33, XVII. 40 1.4. laghv apr, &c This quotation comes from Kautilya's Arthasastra, VII 5 Pick translates, 'a cause of calamity, however small, is easily brought about against one who is attacked'. Cf. the parallel in Kir II. 50-51, Kam X. vyasana 'Evil habit', VR; dissension', Jy. For the different kinds of vyasanas see Kam XIII, XIV. 1. 5. prakasa-danda. See Kam XVII. 10-12 16 samrodhana. See Suhr. IV 1, 86-94. apasarana See Sukr IV 1, 98-107. abhinna-sambandhah Pick.'s rendering who are unbroken in their attachment' is also possible 1. 9. abhibhavat. '(If he is imprisoned) by force', Jv , 'By reason of the insult', VR. Page 92, 1 1. Sanskrit chaya aho anusivitvasya agurukata yat ravanasya khara-pramukhanam ca tulye 'pi kula-sambandhe evam matamahas cintayati. 1 4. Sanskrit chayavina Khara-pramukharr vrbhisanasya ka pratupattah. 1. 6 upeksaniyah See Kam. XVII 14.
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________________ 248 NOTES 1.7 bilyat, &c The version of the Ramayana is, however, different, for which see Ram. IV. 5 1.8 asrayeta See Kam VIII. 61. Page 93,1 1. tatas ca, &c The passage is a little corrupt. The negative particle na before 1amopasi ayena might better have been omitted. All the commentators are silent about the fine difference, if any, between wpasraya and upaslesana VR, however, under stands the first as referring to Vibh Tsana's duect refuge and the second to his indirect refuge thiough Sugriva, which I doubt ramopusrayen, &c. See Kam VIII 60 ramopaslesena Cf Anar. VI 6/7 1 3 Sanskrit chaya atha rumah paraburama-vijayi janita-vii odham valinam cyupudnyati tato erbhisanu-1 ama-samyogo 'nartha ate sambhavyama 1 9. dadatz Mark the use of the present tense in the optative or probably the future sense dadutu would have better fitted in with the context. 1. 10. Sanskrit chaya eram ape tavad bhavatri. Page 94,1 1 sukaram car 'tat, &c Cf p 106, 1. 6 below 1 4. Sanskut chaya na amba tvaya api duhanam preksutavyam 1 6 Verse 11. This yei se is quoted in the commentary to Saras V. 169 to illustrate an ainatya. Mark the kar una rasa here. 1. 9. na cirat, &c VR fancifully explains You will see your three sons (by your side in the world of the dead)'. Page 95, 1. 6 Verse 13 c d. Repeated in Utt. I. 32 c d. 1 8. prakrstao ... mahima. Almost verbally repeated in Utt. VI. 15/16. 1. 13. pakah slaghyataras ca Mark that Mt's reading is much better. I. 14 guna-nidhih. vidhah is the reading of the majority of the MSS. For the meaning then see verse 17 b below. But compounds ending with nidhr are much commoner, cf. e. g. guna-nidhih, verse 17 below. It is not probable that Bhavabhuti wrote guna-nidhih there and mangala-vidhah three verses before that. I therefore adopt Mt's reading. yan nah, &c. Cf. the parallel in sense Anar I. 18 d. Page 96, 1. 2. yad vacam, &c. Cf. the parallel I. 51 above; and for the first line cf. I 25 d above, and Anar IV 68. 1. 3. paryayat param atasayanasya. "Beyond the excellent of the excellent', VR. Jv., however, takes par yayat as a finite verb, imperfect, thud person singular, of the verb yu with the piepositions par and u 1. 8. satya Note that Mt's reading stutya would be preferable. 1. 10. samucchraya Collection', Pick, and SR. Page 97, 1. 2. tvastra. Identified with Vrtra. See Trik. II. 8, 22, Bhagavata-purana, IV 9, 18. 1. 5. bahusu samanakcesu. See Ram. II 9, and cf. Anar. I 24, 2 1. 8. Verse 19. Cf Mv. I. 45; II. 13, 16, and Bal. VII. 5. 1. 12. dvidha bhidyate By the mighty steps of Rama, cf. a similar idea on p. 48, l. 2, and Anar. VI. 27/28.
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________________ ACT IV 1 13. sta evabhartate See note on II. 42 above 1. 16 avanatas ca and unnatas ca. Mark the rhetorical figure Virodha. Page 98, 1. 1 lapam vahan, &c. Cf. Ragh. XI. 90 1. 4. Verse 21 This verse is quoted in the commentary to Dasar. II. 1 to illustrate the vinita quality of a Hero Cf Anar IV. 58 1.8 aparaddham eva, &c. Said nonically Cf. Anar. IV. 58/59 19. Verse 22 This verse is referred to in the commentary to Dasar. II. 5 to illustrate a dhira-prasanta Heio; it is also referred to in the commentary to Sah 422 to illustrate sankapts, which forms one of the characteristics of the arabhati wrths 1 11 dosa. Mark the pun upon the word, which means (1) physical derangement, (2) moral blemish Cf the word in IV. 23 below. 1. 14 nyayah I am inclined to emend it to nyayyah 1 15. Verse 23 words 249 Note the beautiful simile and the puns on the different Page 99, 1. 1 ko 'ham, &c Cf. the close parallel Anar. I. 81/82. 1 11 rasa, &c Repeated in Utt. IV. 21/22 Page 100, 1. 7. yat tu sreyas, &c The sense is not quite certain. To what tat exactly refers is doubtful I think it lefers to vinitatva Vasistha means to say that sages like him are only displeased at ill manners and pleased at the good behaviour of men like Parasurama Stall, humility is a great virtue, brings happiness in its train, and as such must be practised. Now because Parasurama has given expression to his humility, his sin of transgression against elders has been atoned for Commentators explain it differently. 'What, however, is virtuous, consists in that (viz. your resort to expiation)', VR. But no expiation is prescribed He is simply declared to have been purified Pick.'s 'but what is thy happiness, that same is ours', is not possible either Jy's lendering is very vague and may be interpreted either as for (our) natural desire is that whatever is desirable to elders (should be allowed to lemain) as such', or, 'for the desire of elderly persons is this, that whatever is virtuous (should always remain) as such' 1. 9 prayasctiam iva, &c. The MSS read dando in the nominative case, which is grammatically incorrect Two constructions are allowable. (a) prayascrttam va dandam aps enaso makrayam amanants, &c, or (b) prayscilam wa dando 'pi enaso nuskrayam ti amananti, &c. I have followed the first one as it involves the lesser emendation, only the change of dando to dandam. Page 101, 1 1. kim punar yad atra, &c The MS evidence favours the leading kim punar atra, which, however, is not possible, because the leading then introduces a question to Vasistha, who has already expressed his opinion in the matter, and so is redundant, and secondly, as a question, it ought to have been answered by Vasistha, which it is not. 1. 2 praja-pala The reading praja-palanao of the MSS. is not possible. 1. 6. Verse 27 The second half-verse is 1epeated in Utt I. 18 Cf. also the parallel Utt IV 10/11
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________________ 250 NOTES Page 102, 1 7 sucarita-paripaka Repeated in Anar I 7. Cf. for the idea in this line Utt. II. 1b 1.9 stuti-pathaddeg Cf I 51, IV 15 above 1 10 aukala-hsiti-dayinc Cf. II 11, 19, 36 above, also p. 61, 1 3 Page 103, 1 6. bhagirathi See Ram I 43-44, Maha. III 107-109 Cf Utt I 23 sugarah. See Ram I 39. 19 unumodasva, &c Cf Cf Anar I 20 the close parallel Anar IV. 62-63 1 11 raghu-janaha, &c Cf his words in I 13 above Page 104, 1 3 kintu anusthanadeg This verse is repeated in Utt I 8 Cf Anur II 19, cf. 'gahasthah. nanahutagmh syat', Vas, grhasrumi vavahikagnau paku-yajnan kuryat sayam pratas ca 'gnihotram, Visnu-smrti, ct also the quotations agnin adadhita and yavaj-jivam agnihotram juhuyat 1 5 grhat sva-grham, &c. Vasistha thereby means that Visvamitra is always welcome to his house, which the latter should consider as his own. Cf the close parallel Anar IV 63 1 14 vinaya-mangalika. Cf Anar. VII 136 Page 105, 1 1 ksatra, &c. VR offers a second reading hsatra-prakandagrhini-bahumana-pujam, and suggests that ksatra-prahanda-grhini may be taken as an epithet of Saci, but how is India then the best of the Ksatriyas' (Ksatra-prahanda)? . 13. samula-kasam kasitesu For the form see Pan III 4, 34 1. 8. pratyag-jyotih. Repeated in Anar. III. 23 Page 106, 1 9. tad api nama, &c. Mark the expression of this desile by Rama, and the ingenuity of the plot, in that the author makes Manthara enter at this stage to convey to Rama the two boons which her mistress desires to be fulfilled, one of them being (as Rama desnes) his start for the Dandaka forest Rama's speech only prepares us for the entrance of Manthara, as no character should, according to the dramatic formula nanadistasya pravesah, enter upon the stage without its entrance being first hinted at Page 107, 1. 4 sudhu yad, &c i e it is likely that through her we might know that our mothers are not sorry for our long absence from home. Of Anar IV. 65/66; also pravasavarmanasya in Anar I. 38/39. 17 Sanskrit chaya avesita-manthara-sarira Surpanakha aham | vasisthavisi amitra-gamanena susamahitam | aho esah parasurama-vyjayi ksatriyu-kumarako rumah | aho samagra-saubhagya-laksmi-parigi ahena locana-i asayanam saumyam asya sarira-nirmanam | bho danim cira-kala-vardharya-dukkha-pramusta-samsarasaukhyasyam janasya carntra-dhira-supuritam punar api hrdayam parisphorayati avesta is the Maharastri form, the correct Sauraseni is avesida. vasittha, &c. Cf p. 91, 1. 9. Page 108, 1. 1. pamhusida. The leading pamhasid of the MSS is incorrect I have emended it to pamlusida See Hem. Pr IV. 75, 184 in accordance with which pamhusida may be rendered vsmrta and pramusta respectively.
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________________ ACT IV 251 1 3. api, &c Of Anar. IV 65/66 1 4 Sanskrit chaya sukham kusalam ca vatsa sada sa prasnutastani madhyama te mata parisvajya ajnapayati putraha pura pratinatau dvau varau maharajam japayama | tasyah me vignapti-harako bhava esa tatasya karya-lekhah The construction esa sada for sada esa would be pieferable I am, however, now inclined to read vacchaldae sa instead of vaccha sada esa. panhudatthani Cf Utt III 16/17. 19 astv ekena, &c Of Anar. IV 66, Mahanataka III. 8 (No. 97) Page 109, 1 4. matr-bandhu bandhu in such cases is a term of reproach Cf the similar expressions ksatra-bandhu, brahma-bandhu, &c 1 12 Sanskrit chaya nama idanim bhagavate samsaraya yatra adrsa api halpadrumah prarohanto Page 110, 1 7 Verse 45 This verse is quoted in the commentary to Dasar II 1 to illustrate the rakta-loka quality of a Hero 1 10. caramah Mark the use of the piesent tense in the sense of the optative. If it is used here for the future, as the present sometimes is, the sense is also clear But we should have rather expected carema for caramah Cf note on dadati, p 91,1 7 above Page 111, 1 1 yady evam, &c of the close parallel Anar IV 56/57 18 yo 'sau, &c Literally, 'begs to receive back the deposit of the two boons' See Ran II. 9 1 10. satya-sandha Cf. IV 51 below 1 13 astu ekena, &c See IV. 41 above 1 10. Verse 49 Of Anar. IV. 67 Page 112, 1 13 putra-sankranta', &c cf Ragh I 8, III 70, VII 68 This verse is repeated with variants in Utt I 22 I 14 ksira-kantha. Repeated in Anar. I 40/41, Bal VI 30, and My V 11 Page 113,1 1. dhanyasi, &c Of Anar IV 68/69. 1 6. apata-haruna-sneha-samvegah Almost verbally lepeated in Utt VII 6/7. 1 7 pratusiddham ca, &c See IV 41 above 1 13 Verse 53 Of Anar IV 69. raksobhyo valir wa Cf. Utt I. 49 Page 114, 1 2 gagad avrkalam. Cf Mal IX 20 16 Sanskrit chaya distya anumata asmi aryena The MSS Cu and K read azgae and E aae, and so must be rendered into Sanskut as aryaya But Sita here evidently refers to Rama's consenting to her accompanying him We should naturally then have the masculine word ajena I have, therefore, emended the reading. Page 115, 1. 1 asrama For the four orders of life see Manu, II 36, III 2, VI 1, and VI 33 respectively. 1 11. yad etad, &c For the story see Ram. II 112. Of Anar V. 2/3. Page 116,1 1 mat-pada-sprstakaya Cf sva-sarira-sprstikaya in Anar V. 2/3.
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________________ 252 NOTES 1 4. nandigrame For the story see Ram II. 115 1. 10 adyapi, &c Of Utt III 38/39, VII 18/19 1 11 muszto 'smi. Cf Utt. I 47/48 1 13 Verse 56 Cf the parallel Mal IX 46 tamasa irto'smi may also be read as tamasa'urto 'sma 1 15 giram ca dehr Cf Mal IX. 23. Page 117, 1 1 hva, &c Of Mal IX. 20 14 ancha-samaya-vyutparnam The syntactical relation of this compound is uncertain. Grammatically it qualifies puram, but how can a town originate at different times? I think it is to be understood as equivalent to anekasamaya-vyutpanna-kriyam (and sanarr ekibhuya eka-riyam). If so, it is another case of Bhavabhuti's loose constructions 1. 6 trat. The force of this pronoun is not at all clear. VR. points out - that the words may either be taken as spoken on behalf of Janaka, who considered his entue property as the possession of his son-in-law; or, that tvat may be understood as a distinct word in the ablative case signifying on your account' I think the substitution of tut would remove these difficulties and give a much better sense Page 118,1 1. Verse 58 For the stoly see Ram II 45. 13 sainikaih Mt's reading is much better 1 13 manvantara For the definition see Manu, I. 79, Amara. 1. 4 22. Page 119, 1. 1 hathitam usyasya. See Ram. II 50 misada. For the definition see Visnu I. 13, 34-36, Manu, X. 8. 1. 3. viradha-latakonmathana For the story see Ram III. 1-4. 1. 4 mandahine-pavitra-mekhalam. See Ram II. 98. citrakuta For the story see Ram. II 56 1.5. dandakam prapya See Ram III. 1 AOT V Page 120, 1 2. Sampatz Sampati and Jatayu were the sons of Garuda, the former being the elder and the latter the younger of the two. See Ram. III. 14. 1. 2. malaya-kandara-Zulayam. Or else, as Pick. translates it, 'our home in the caverns of the Malaya mountain'. 1. 5. vyakta-sphurat is a difficult compound, because of the uncertainty whether (a) vyakta is to be taken as an adverb modifying sphurat (= clearly flashing') or as an independent past passive participle; and whether (b) vyaktasphurat is an epithet of vidyut, or whether it is the effect of the huge flappings, just as mocita and dhuta aie. I think sphurat gives us the clue to the solution of the difficulty. Unlike those other words sphurat is a present participle, and
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________________ ACT V is to be taken as an epithet of vidyut, while vyakta, a past passive participle (like dhuta and mocsta), is to be understood as describing the effect. 1. 6 khanat-khanikrta An onomatopoetic word, the usual form is khanakhani-krta Here, however, the first form is used because of the exigencies of metre 258 1 8 Ullola-bhinnambhaso. The waters of which are mixed with huge billows', AB, 'the waters of which are thrown up by huge breakers', Jv., 'the waters of which are divided by huge waves', SR Page 121, 1 1 vaikuntha-varaha For this Boar-incarnation of Visnu see Vienu I. 4. For a close parallel of this line of Anar. VI 76/77 1 7. vprayukta-paksah Formerly the mountains had wings and could fly about Indra clipped their wings Of Kum I 20. 1 10 vibhoh VR remarks Time has been called vibhu either (1) because it possesses sufficient power to destroy objects, or (2) because of the view which is held that 'Space and Time are mightier than the Lord' (dik-kalav isvarad atiricyete), or (3) because, in accordance with the couplet, 'kalah kalayatam aham', Kala is a manifestation of Visnu 1. 12 manvantara-purana Repeated in Utt I 30/31 For his age see Ram. III 50 VR. and SR translate it as 'the oldest in this manzantara", and Jv as 'older than a manvantara' 1 14 pura-kalpe See Ram IV 56 Page 122, 1 7. vidya-tapo-vrddha may also be read, though not preferably, as vidya tapo vrddha or vidya tapo-vrddha This compound is repeated in Anar III. 57/58. 1 10. sarabhangasramam, &c. Sre Ram III. 4 1 11 tada ca, &c See Ram III 5/7 1 12 atha, &c. Cf. Anar V 4 1 13 agastya-vacanat See Ram III 13-15, Anar V. 4. 1 17 tavad asid, &c. 1 e he was familiar with the highest regions in the sky and the most distant regions on the earth 1 18 anos caranah refers to the second of the three studes of Visnu in his Dwarf-incarnation Of Vikramorvasi, I 19; Sak VII 6 Page 123, 12 lokalokah Name of a mythical mountain that encircles the earth and is situated beyond the sea of fresh water which surrounds the last of the seven continents Beyond lokaloka there is complete darkness and on this side of it there is light It thus divides the visible world from the regions of darkness' (cf. Ragh I 68), Apte in his Dictionary See Visnu II. 4, 94-99 Cf V 45 below 1. 3 vrsasyanti For this denominative form see Pay VII 1, 51 Cf Ragh XII 34, Bhatt IV 80. For the story see Ram III 17, Anar. V 4/5 18 tasyas ca, &c. Cf. Anar V 4/5 1. 9 dasanana, &c. Literally, 'implanted on her the edict of an insult to Ravana'. Mark the reference to the Edicts All the commentators fail to note this sense of the word, which becomes clear from the verb nyavivisat.
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________________ 254 NOTES All render it as 'fame', thus, e g. Pick translates, 'obtained, as it were, the fame of an insult to the Ten-headed one' For the story see Ram III 18 prasasti is repeated in Anar VI 79 1 12 Verse 13 This veise is repeated in Utt II 15 For the story see Ram. III 20-30 1 14 mahat punar, &c. Cf Anar V 4/5 Page 124, 1 3 Verse 14 Anar V 5 1 7. samudre, &c Cf V Swatati. Of the parallel p For the first half-verse cf the close parallel 37 c below 12, 1. 1 above For the first half-veise cf Bal VI 56 swatati iecurs in 1 10. Verse 15 Mal. VI 7. I 14 ayam, &c. The passage is repeated in Utt I 25/26 Cf. a similar description in Mal. IX 3/4. 1 15 megha-medurita Repeated in Utt VI. 5/6. -Page 125, 1 1 duram hatah, &c Cf Mahanataka, III 59 (No 148) and the close parallel Anar V. 7 For the story see Ram III 43, 46 1. 6 parah-sahasi arh Cf Anar V 8 See Ram III 49. 1. 9. dhartarah, &c See Ram III. 50. Cf Ana V. 9. 1. 10 snatasya veda-ratarh I think the reference is to the three classes of snutahas (1) the vidya-snataka, (2) the vrata-snatuka, (3) the vidya-ratasnataka, Ravana being a vidya-vrata-snataha For the definitions of these see Manu, IV 31, and Kulluka's commentary thereon, which quotes from Hairta. 1. 11. jetur, &c. For the story see Ram. VII. 22. Cf. III. 32 above nartala-sadmano. nitala is one of the seven lower regions In the list, as given in Aruneya Upanisad I, the name does not, however, occur. 1 12 nabhajanani A peculiai negative compound from the noun abhijanana. Page 126, 1. 3 tunda, &c. Cp. Mv III. 32, Anar V. 11, Bal. VI 3, Mahanataka, III. 76 (No. 165) 1 5. atyugra, &c Cf Mv. VI 22. kikasa See Amara. II. 6, 68 1. 9. kastam, &c Cf. Anar V. 11/12. 1 10 muricat Marica, at the request of Ravana, had transformed himself into the spotted deer and allured Rama. See Rum III. 36-43 1. 11 murta wa krodhah Mark Bhavabhuti's characteristic of likening persons to abstract ideas Cf I. 10, 22, 62, II. 15, 23, 25, 39, 41; V. 20, 38, VII. 21, 33 1 12. hrllekha Jv, SR, and AB. agree in taking this compound as an adjective in the sense of 'piercing or touching the heart'. Page 127, 1. 2 vrtanka is the loftiest point or pinnacle. See Mal X 7/8; Vikr. V. 77, hence, bhrukuti-vitanka means 'lofty' or 'deep frown' It is repeated in Pras. p. 18, 1 8. 1. 4. madhya-palad-vadavo Cf. Mv. III. 2; V. 2, 26; Ssu. I. 20 1. 5. chayam samalambate. See Kavya. II. 65.
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________________ ACT V 255 18 Verse 22. This verse is quoted in the commentary to Saras V. 178 to illustrate bhavanam tria-tandula-prakarena sankarah hrdr vajra-kala wa Cf Utt I. 47, Mal. IX 37, MV III 40. 1. 9 ghore 'ndhe, &c Cf Mal IX 8, 20, 46, Utt III 38 1 10 tata-vipattayah tata evidently refers to Jatayu, foi Rama is here enumerating the insults received at the hands of the Raksasas The allusion here to the death of Dasaratha, as understood by SR and AB, is quite out of place. Of the reference to Jatayu in verse 23 below and also the words tata kasyapa on p 128, 11 Foi Jatayu's fight with Ravana see Ram III 51. dahati mam Cf. Mal IX 20 1 11 marmaniva, &c. Of Utt I 47. This appears to be a pet phrase of Bhavabhuti, as it occurs very often, thus, for instance, in Mv. alone, in I 39, III 10, 40, IV. 56, p 128, 1. 12, p. 147, 1 10 Page 128,1 1 lokottarany eva Said in iony For lokottara see Utt II 7 1 2 akuto-bhayani recurs in Utt II 15/16, Anar II 16 abhisu Cf srsu I 22 1 6. ka tata. sambhavah Repeated in Utt I 30/31 tirtha-bhutasya Of I 10 above. 1 9. yam osadhim, &c. This verse is boriowed from Ram III 67, 15 with slight alterations 1. 12. hrdaya-marmavidhah, &c. Cf. the repetition in Utt III. 14/15 Cf. also Utt I. 8,9; V. 25/26 Page 129, 1 2. paribhavatiprasanga Literally, 'insult of outrage', hence, outrageous insult, oi insulting outage 1 9. pracanda-parpindatah, &c Of III 40 and V 21 above. Page 130, 1. 1 atz-sambhranta-vividha-mrga-yuthao Cf. the repetition in Utt. II 19/20 Punmatta .. abhrvartante. Repeated in Utt. II 15/16. 1 3 bhavavah Mark the peculiar sense of this verb here, 1 5. arunr. This epithet of Jatayu deserves notice He is named after his uncle Aruna, the brother of his father Garuda Jv. defends it by quoting the well-known veise bhratrnam ekajatanam ekas cet putoavan bhavet | sarve te tena putrena putrino manur abravit. For the story see Ram III. 68 1 6 ko 'pr kalah Sometimes kom means 'long' as applied to time, especially in combination with khalu, oi api or wa. Cf. ko 'pr kalah in Mal 0/1, ko 'pr kalah in Ratnavali, III (first speech). 1 7. pratibhaya. Cf. VI 24, Anar. I. 26 1 8 asau ... vbhagah. Repeated in Utt I 30/31. Kunjavan nama Ram. gives it the name Krauncaranya See Ram III 69 1. 10. kantara-manduka. Literally, "frog of the forest', hence, he who does not leave the forest, as a frog the tank of its residence, it may be out of fear. Cf. Kupa-manduka' in Anar. VII. 84, a term of reproach applied to a person who has had no experience of the world at large and knows only his own neighbourhood.
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________________ NOTES 1 11. raksasa kabandha. For the story see Ram. III. 69-71 Page 131, 1. 1 Sramana nama, &c Repeated in Utt I. 30/31. siddha. Or, probably, 'possessed of the eight supernatural powers called siddhis, enumerated in the veise anima laghima praptih prakamyam mahima tatha isatram ca 'vasitiam ca tatha hamar asayita It cannot here lefer to the class of semi-divine beings called Siddhas (mentioned also in Kum I. 5), for the simple reason that she is a Sabari. See Ram. III. 74, 6, where the commentator Ramanuja renders it as siddha-yoga, as I do 1. 7. lapana-vinodo 'py asulabhah Repeated in Utt. III. 30. 1.8 rajatu We should have 1ather expected vrajati. 1 11. krusa 'Cruel', Pick, 'sharp', SR; 'hard', VR and AB 256 1. 12 nihsarad-asrh Repeated in Anar VI. 68 kur ca-guccham 'Bunch of hair between the eyebrows', VR. 1. 14. raksasa-hutuhalma refers to Rama's speech on p. 130, 1. 10. Page 132, 1. 6. bandhubhyah, &c Cf. IV. 9 above For the story see Ram. III. 72. parikramya. Mt 's leading would be preferable Page 133, 1 8 anasuya-namanham. The garment was given to Sita by Anasuya during the former's short stay in the hermitage of Atri. See Ram II 118 She dropped it when being carried off by Ravana See Ram III 54 Cf. Ana V. 25/26 It is shown to Rama by Sugriva See Ram IV 6 1.9 maharanyadeg, &c Repeated in Utt I. 42/43, III 9/10, VII. 2/3, Anar. V. 22/23. Page 134, 1. 1. tac ca sita-visah The passage is very corrupt. The weight of the MS. evidence favours the leading adopted. 1. 4 hanumun See Ram IV. 4. Cf. Anar II 7/8 vira-vadah. 'His name is often repeated by the brave', VR, 'is the title of a great warrior', Pick., 'vira iti vadah uktih', AB., 'virataya pravada ty arthah', Jv., 'vira iti vado vacanam mahavira ity arthah', SR. 1. 5. jatamatrasya, &c. For these stories relating to his life see Ram. VII. 35 samudbhranta. Cf. Ram. VII. 35, 25 Repeated in Utt. VI (first speech) 1 7. vayra-karsana. Either (a) the thunderbolt-wielder, or (b) he who destroys (his enemies) with his thunderbolt 1. 9. hemagiri-vastaryasya, &c For the genealogy of Hanuman see Ram VII. 35 and IV 66. Cf. Anar. V. 50/51 1. 10 ksetra-sambhavah sunuh One of the twelve kinds of sons mentioned by the Hindu Law-books, being the child of a wife by a relative duly appointed to raise up issue to the husband. See Manu, IX. 167, 180; Yajna I. 69, II. 128 Cf. Anar. VI. 6/7 P. 135, 1. 3. culuka The Dictionaries give the word as culuka. See Abhi 598; Anek. III. 37; Medinikosa, K 85 evidence favours the reading culaka. 'mouthful'. Cf. Pras. p. 110, 1. 14. But our MS. The meaning is either 'handful' or
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________________ ACT V 257 Ucculup. To agitate, Apte in his Dictionary 1. 4. yesam utksepahetuh, &c. The sense is not very clear. What can be their motive for tossing the mountains about? I think the author alludes herein to the sportive nature of the monkeys Just as they, out of love of mere sport, shake and toss the trees about, so they toss the mountains too and with equal ease. If so, we should have rather expected the genitive case instead of the locative szkharisu SR understands it to mean who climb up the mountains for the sake of biead-fruit and figs, or in other words, it is but natural to climb the mountains' Pick translates, and the cause of whose leaping on the mountains is this forest of fig-trees'. Both are distinctly wrong, for, climbing up the mountains, and that, too, foi the sake of fruit, is nothing very extraordinary From the context it is clear that the poet purposes to mention some very marvellous feat in this line too as in the two others which precede and follow. 1. 9 Yojana-bahoh See Ram III. 71, 13. crta. See Ram. III 72 Page 136, 1. 2. sauhatya This word belongs to the purohrtadrgana. See Pan V. 1, 128 For the meaning see Amara. II. 9, 56, Abhe 426. The word is differently explained by the commentators; thus suhtatvat, SR, ucitasamyogat, AB ; susthu hitam agnav ahitam ata yavat tasya bhavas tattvat, Jv.; because of (Kabandha's) satiety (with the flesh of animals devoured)', VR For the different words occurring in the verse cf Mal. V 17. 1 3 tatkara. Of Pras p 14, 1. 5 nalaka See Abhr. 627, Susruta, ndana-sthana, XV (last verse) sarira-so y (middle). 1. 5 dryah. See Ram III. 71 1.8 Verse 34. The first line is quoted from Ram IV. 8, 14 (Gorresio's edition). In the Bombay edition the line is found in Ram IV. 4, 15, where drteh is read for sryah. sapat refers to the curse of Sthala-snias, for which see Ram III. 71 1. 9. idrastrao. See Ram III 71 Page 187, 1. 4. vyapeksyate. anubadhyate samsagyate, SR ; pratipalyate yusmad-ghata ata sesah, AB. , 'adheres closely to his friendship', Pick Mt.'s reading is decidedly better. Page 188, 1.3 Verse 37 Cf Bal. II 48, VII 11. karlase tulite. See Ram. VII 16 Cf. Megh. I. 58 See note on II. 16 above nte tribhuvane. See Ram VII. 18-25. 1 4. praksipya, &c. See Ram VII 34 1 5. sandhyam karma. Of p 123, 1. 9 above 1. 7. esa te, &c Said in irony. 19 ctriyate zava-lokah. Cf. Anar. I. 48/49. 1. 10. purata, &c Cf. Anar. V. 24/25. 1. 12. yasoraser wa. According to the kava-samayas, fame is always depicted 2789
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________________ 258 as white See Sah VII. 590-591 and note on III 4 above 1 13 dundubhi For the story see Ram IV. 11 Cf Anar V 25 Page 139, 1 2. padena ksipati See Ram IV 11, 85 14 yat, &c. See Ram IV 11, 47. Cf Mahanataka, IV 50 (No. 224), sankrandana-nandanah is repeated in Bal III 48 nirmathya, &c. Cf the parallels Mal VIII 9, 10 15 asthe-grad may also be lead as asthi gu-vad 1 6. kankala. Cf. Mal VIII 9 NOTES Of Mal II 9, Dasa-kumara-carta, p 2, praspardhi See Kaya. II. 65 1 7 nir vindhyam Ram. I 65, and IV 11, 85 only mention that Rama cast it ten yojanas distant But ou reading is confirmed by A's reading in Appendix B, p 13, foot-note Page 140, 1 1 prasanta, &c Of the parallel Utt II 19/20. 1 2 rsyamaha-pampa, &c. See Ram III. 73, IV. 1. 1. 3 matangasama-padam See Ram III 73 VR 's rendering, possessed of a little quantity (gandhi) 1 4 aya-gandhih of ghee' is absud 16 sesa 'Valety or excellence ', VR., 'excellence', Pick and SR.; tapasam visesah is lendered as 'great ascetics' by AB 1.8 Verse 40 This verse is lepeated in Utt II. 20 Cf. also Mal. IX 15 a, 24, Megh I 20, Anar V. 27. 1 13. Verse 41. This verse is repeated in Utt II 21, Mal IX 6 Cf the close parallel Anar. V 20 Page 141,1 1 sallakinam. See Vikramorvasi IV 23, Utt III 6, Mal. IX. 32 1 3. abhuta eva. The syntactical relation of this phrase is not very certain. It may he joined either to (a) pravrddha; or to (b) vihanyamana, or to (c) pariksipya puurastya-marutu 15 dhunur, &c 17 garbha bimba prasavesu kalikasu, SR (canin) 1. 8 avikala. Of Mal IX 17, 25, 41/42 Anar I 24/25 Cf Mal VII 1/2, Anar V. 23/24 garbhasthesu bimbesu prasinesu, AB, garbha-bimbesu VR. 1eads arambha-bemba and renders bimba by 'signs Not discordant, harmonious Of Srsu. XI. 10 For the dancing of the peacocks cf Anar V 27. Cf also the kavi-samaya in Sah 590. meghu-dhranesu nrtyam bhavati ca sikhmam. 1. 9. Upar-vighatamana may also be read upar vighatamanaR Cf Utt I. 33, Mal. IX 24, Anar V. 21. nilah See the kavi-samaya 'meghanam krenatawa' in Kavyanu, p. 10, 1. 14. 1. 11. apr nama, &c. Cf the thought in Megh I. 3, and Anar. V 22/23 rasantarena, i. e. by the sentiment of love (vpralambha-srngara), for a definition of which see Sah 212. Page 142, 1. 3. mitrasya. See V 37 above,
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________________ ACT V 259 16 Verse 44. Cf Utt v. 11, Anar. V 30/31 Foi dama dattam maghona cf Anar V 81, for mahan ambuvahas cf. Utt III. 48 caru camakarao may also be iead carucamakarao 1. 8 Utpataviddha-murteh All the commentators except VR have misunderstood the force of this epithet Vali's body is dazzling with the necklace of red-lotuses. He is, therefore, like a mountain of red-chalk with fire burning on it. For this sense of utpata compare the different passages where it occurs. Ab. and Jv. render it as 'whose body is contracted in an upward flight', SR. as who has cast his body forward for an upward flight', and Pick., as 'which has been rent by upheavings' 1. 11 vira gosthi-vinoda-dana-priya-suhrt From the comparison of passages it is evident that vira-gosthi (literally 'assembly of the heroes') means the meeting of the heroes either in fight or in assemblies Here, as well as in V. 52, it has clearly the former sense and may very nearly be translated by "fight'; while in VI 43 it possesses the latter meaning, though the former is not quite inapplicable Jy seems to understand it rightly VR iendeis vira gosthivinoda as 'fight, for it causes delight to the assembly of heroes'. SR.'s interpietation 'he who is fond of the tales of heroes and is noble minded' is very wide of the mark. Pick. translates 'a friend, who kindly affords a meeting of warriors' AB remarks that just as duinkers love to give duinking parties, so he loves to give fights. Vira-gosthi-vinoda is repeated in Anar. IV 34 (where the commentator Laksmana Suli explains it as yuddha-vihara) Cf. viragosthi in Anar. V. 31/32. Page 143, 1 3 Verse 45. Mark the beautiful comparison of the universe to a tree, the different parts of which are likened to the various divisions of the globe. 1. 6 brahma-stamba Of Mv. III. 48, V. 32. 1 8. ayukta-gahvara. Unworthy deeds are here likened to a pit. If a person commits such a heinous deed as Vali has been made to under take, he falls into the pit of evil actions, from which there is no escape One such deed is followed by another, and all hope of his moral salvation is lost. Jv. renders it by 'hell, earned by unworthy deeds ', and Pick. by "unseemly pit'. 19. yad anena . . . asme This passage is referred to in the commentary to Dasar. III. 22, where it is laid down that the unworthy actions of a Hero ought either to be left out or otherwise described. See also commentary to Sah 304 1. 10. grahah The demon', as rendered by Pick., is wrong mam anubadhnan. "He has been urging me'-VR Page 144, 1 4. urbhisanena, &c. See p 132, 1. 3 above. 15 pratrpanna-lankadhrpatyah refers to Rama's calling him the Lord of Lanka', p 132, 1 12. 1. 8. Verse 47 Mark the play upon the word Rama Cf. a similar pun in Mahanataka I 6 (No. 6). 1. 10 bhavate ca, &c. The sentence is very condensed Literally it means 82
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________________ 260 NOTES there is caused a pleasing rubbing of the itching in the form of pride' In other words, just as itching, when rubbed, causes a pleasant sensation, so his sight awakens a pleasant feeling of pude, for the proud warrior is glad that he has found another as mighty as himself, and that he can acqune still greater fame by fighting with him and vanquishing him Cf Susu I. 48. 1 18 dharmaharah A hero matchless in holiness', Pich. dharma228aye eho riso 'trdhur m uh, sR cha muto-dharma-irah, Jv. Page 145, 1 1. Sruny era, &c le no other hero can surpass his wonderful actions. His own later feats can excel hus former 14 Verse 49 Cf Aner. V 45. This verse is quoted in the commentary to Dasar. II. 50 and to Sal. 416 as an illustration of itthupuha, which forms one of the characteristics of the sattrat ortti. In both these works at is mentioned as being quoted from om drama (ynthu ira-carte) 1. 7 rsruta". Which is famous for the humbling of Jamadagnya', Pick., Jv , and SR. 1 10. kintv asastrosu, &c cf a similar idea in Bul II. 38,39. 1 13 Verse 51 This verse is quoted in the commentary to Saras V 172, to illustrate mahubhagya, one of the qualities of a hero. For the second half of the verse of Anar. V 48 1 14. satyuem asti blurratuh What you say is true' refers to Rama's speech in the last half of verse 50 satyum mununyo bharun The exact sense is not clear. But prubably he means you are a human being and so in a fight you resort to weapons; but I am a monkey and it is not customary with my race to tahe up weapons'. "If, however,' he adds, 'you insist upon my taking up arms, these mountains shall act as weapons for me' I 15. sastrair ar yaradhuyamuna. Literally weapons do not intervene in our victory', which may either mean that 'the weapons of the enemy do not stand in the way of our victory over him'; or that. weapons do not intervene as the instruments wherewith we achieve victory'. Single-handed, and without the help of weapons, we vanquish our enemies. 1. 18. tad atah, &c. Cf. Anar. IV 55/56; V. 50/51; and Utt. V. last line. Page 146, 1. 1. yathuha, &c Cf. Anar. V. 48/19. 1. 9. gunjan gunjublu. Mark the alliteration. 1. 10 samrambhottambhao. 01. 'standing high because of erection through anger'. 1. 11. vyastam May be taken either as an adverb modifying vistaryu or as an adjective qualifying angam. Thus Jv. (= reversed ') and SR. (= irregularly ') take it as an adverb, while Pick (= expanded') and AB. (= 'perplexed or agitated') as an adjective. 1. 15. nutana-ghana-stanita ? Repeated in Mal. IX. 3. Cf. p. 46, 1. 10 above; Utt. III. 6/7, VI. 17 Cf. also the Prakrit rendering ghanatthanidapaanda in Bal. III. 63/64. Page 147, 1. 1. sa esa, &c. Cf. Anar. V. 50/51.
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________________ ACT u 261 1 3 tena hr, &c Cf. Anar V. 50/51 1 4 esa, &c. Cf. the close parallel Anar V. 52. cal-kayao Cf. Ram IV, 12, I7 16 Osapta-tala Of VII 16 below See Ram. I 66 1 7. mad-drohac-chapathat Pick 's translation, 'take an oath at my death', is impossible The phrase is highly elliptical It means "Swear that you shall be calm, and remember that, if you break the oath, you would be as guilty as by turning traitors against me' See also sva-droha-sapatha, l. 13 below. 1 10. yo 'ham, &c Valt here names his successors. Sugriva is to take Vali's place and Angada that of Sugriva 1 12 anucarajna refers to the first half of verse 55 above sangalado I am doubtful about this leading, though all the MSS have it It means 'melting or flowing in them', hence 'piesent in them! All the commentators read sanga-lasad. SR. renders sanga by prasakti and AB by abhilasa Pick. translates "plainly visible in the assembly' 1 14 sva-droha-sapathao See note on 1 7 above 1 15 parsvangao, &c See Ram IV 22 Page 148, 1. 4. Verse 56 Pick translates The change that brought the death of such as these is painful indeed Alas' death, all-injuring and cruel, works mischief 15 kula-mahadhara For their names see Vesnu II 3, Tmk II 3, 4 Cf Ragh XVII 78 16 vipakah is here the result of actions, done in this life or even in the previous ones' Pick. translates it by 'change', which may be possible of verse 57 below 1. 12 vivartah. Cf. Anar I 25, I 50 Page 149, 1. 6 malyavata, &c See pages 90 and 91 above Page 150, 1 2 dharmopapatti-parisuddhah Literally pure because of the adoption of piety'. 1. 6. Verse 59. A fine definition of friendship Is it a quotation ? Cf., however, the parallel Mal I. 12 The verse is quoted and translated in his Indische Spruche (4316) by Bohtlingk. 1 11 tad anena, &c. See Ram IV. 5. mad anurodhat 'At my request ', Pick 1. 12. Upambandhah Oath', Pick But that it means 'bond of friendship' becomes evident from l. 15 below agne-saksikac ca. Cf. Anar V. 33/34 See Ram. I 61 1 16 mameva, &c Cf Asv Gr I 21, 7, Par. Gr I. 8, 8, San Gr II 4, 1; Atharva-Veda III. 8, 6, VI 94, 2 1 17. tvaya, &c Cf p 144, 1. 3, and note thereon Page 151, 1 1. cara-caksusmatta See Kam XII 27-28 1 3. tarhr, &c. The sentence is rather vague I think devena refers to Rama. It may, however, be taken as referring to Vali.
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________________ 262 NOTES Of p 144, 1 1. His desire for the sovereignty of Lanka. For salinata 14 mayapy aviditah 1 11 startha cf Utt VII. 19 The construction of this sentence is faulty 1. 14 svayam kathayitum, &c 1 17 alasana, would either mean that I may pass my last moments there', or 'that the last ceremonies may be performed there' Page 152, 19 naradhiryam, &c 'It must not be slighted, and this will be in keeping with your greatness', Pick 1. 10 snehasya niryanjakah qualifies ranah Pick. translates 'to test your friendship'. AB. construes it with angalih, which does not bring out the intended sense 1. 13 karnavarta is translated by Pick.: 'those destructions of the two pairs of sky-guarding elephants bereft of their ears' din-matangaja. The eight elephants who guaid the eight cardinal points. For their names see Amara. I 3, 3. Cf. VI. 11 below 1. 15. premno garimnas ca. Literally 'excess of love'; hence, 'excessive love', AB ACT VI Page 153, 1. 2. raksahpater, &c A beautiful comparison, explained at length in verse 1 below. 1. 4. Verse Cf. Pras p 5, 1. 16. 1. 7. gamanam. asmat-partyagena vipaksasrayanam, Jv. 1. 8. vrddha-buddhir, &c Cf the parallels Bal V 4/5, Anar. VI 16/17 See also Kam. IV. 28-31, which requires the presence of this qualification in a minister. 1. 10. mantra-saktya See note on p. 85, 1 2. 1. 11. alasasya, &c Cf. Mrcchakatika I. 49 (siddhir nalasasya) Cf. the parallel Bul. I 25 Page 154, 1 2. Verse 3 1. 4 aho, &c. 1 7. yat, &c 1. 9. bhrantih, &c. The first two lines of the verse are not sufficiently intelligible to me. All the commentators interpret bhrantih as 'whirls' and render our passage which produces whirls with its red cncles of flames more than seven in number' Fire possesses only seven flames, whence its name saptarais (see Amara. I. 1, 56), but our phrase 'more than seven' is used here simply to express the idea that fire was burning there very furiously. It is extremely unlikely that saptadhikanam qualifies praciranam. The syntactical connexion of praciranam is very doubtful. I construe: saptadhikanam arcisam arunath cakravalaih praciranam bhrantih pravidadhat. The high flames marred the outlines of the city enclosures. VR. and SR read drag-viranam, AB. prag Cf. the parallel Anar. III. 55/56. See Ram. IV 40-45
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________________ ACT VI 263 viranam, Jv. drak-karanam in place of praciranam. Cf. the account as given in Ram V 54 1 11 degudgadhao may also mean 'excessive, great', and qualify sanka', thus, 'udgadha-kalpanta-sankam' may also be translated, so that a great fear', &c. 1 12. ca trakutena. B and K read citrakutena instead, which, however, is not possible here Trikuta is, according to Ram V2, VI. 39, the name of the mountain on which Lanka was situated , oi perhaps the name of the foit as mentioned probably in verse 7 below. Citrakuta has no connexion whatever with Lanka, though it may, if understood quite literally as 'with variegated peaks', be taken to refer to the mountain Trkuta. Moreover, trihutena occurs not much further on in verse 7 below, where B and E. have both the same reading trkutah. It is very unlikely that Bhavabhati spoke of that mountain here as Citrakuta and there as Thaluta. I have, on this ground, made the necessary emendation Page 155,1 1 Sanskrit chaya partrayatam pantrayatam kanistha-matamahah 1 4 Sanskrit chaya kanistha-matamaha kim kathayam mandabhagini esa Khalu ko'pr dusta-vanarah sakalam vidahya nagaram ksanamatrena tiksna-nakharaniksepa-viksipta-vrvrdha-raksasa-loko ksena khalu kumarakena anubadhyamanas tasmin krtanta-lilam krtva Thatrti nuskrantah 1. 6 akkhena, &c See Ram. V. 47. 17 kumalaena We should rather substitute for this Magadhi the Sauraseni form humaraena tassim, &c Literally 'having practised upon him the play of death'. Cf. kaanta-lilardam kareda in Mal III. 15/16. Page 156, 1. 5. apr, &c Of Anar. VI. 10 1 7 Sanskrit chaya: kanistha-matamaha purta eva ko`pr markata-paramanuh, taya saha mantrayamano drstah | tayape unmucya kesabharanam abhijnanam rty asya haste samarpitam etava, janami 1 7. tie saha, &c See Ram V 34-35 1. 8. tie vr, &c. See Ram. V. 38 1. 10. kapi paramanuna Of. padati-paramanuna in Anar. I. 27/28. 1. 13. Sanskit chaya. katham tadrsi sukumara-darsanapi susnigdha vyavaharapi manusi api satasmakam raksasanam api raksasi jata susinddha-vvahara may also be su-snigdha-vyahara, 'of sweet speech'. 1. 15. rakkchasi Literally 'demoness', hence, annihilatoi Page 157, 1. 2. patwratamayam gyotah Repeated in VII. 4 below, and in Bal X. 8/9. 1 5. Sanskrit chaya. kanistha-matamaha prathamam khalu dandakaranyaparyanta-paristhita verdha-mahidhara-pradesesu nwasa evasmakam naksasanam vrharah khalu nikhile jambudvupe | sampratam khaly rha nagare'py aksamo nwasah ka gatah kah pratrkarah. 1. 6 viharo. "Pleasuie grounds, Pick. 1. 10. durgo'yam, &c Or: 'here is the fortress Trikata' For the con
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________________ 264 NOTES struction of a fort and a ditch surrounding it cf. Kam. IV 57, and Sukra. IV. 6 For the situation of Lanka see Ram V 2, VI. 3 Of Bal VIII 5. With its seven walls like the seven elements of the body sapta-dhatu. Pick Page 158, 1 3. vamaksi-spandanam. The throbbing of a left member of the body in the case of males foibodes inauspiciousness and danger. Of the verse anga-daksina-bhage tu sastam prasphur anam bhavet | narinam tu vihito vipar yayena phalagamah 1 4 kim no, &c 'What can our destiny be in connexion with these words? Its sad change is unbearable', Pick 'How is it that our fate, which is to have a bad end, is unable to bear even these words ? Jv 15 kumbhakarnasya, &c. See Ram VI. 60 1 6 Sanskrit chaya kanstha-matamaha asminn eva krsna-caturdasi-duase caturtho masah par samaptah 1. 9 a-vmrsya-karta. That is, his alliance with Rama 1 10 kula-pratistha tantum, &c Cf Anar. VI 9/10 1. 12. Sanskrit chaya kamstha-matamaha ha dhik ha dhik | santam papam pratihatam amangalam Page 159, 1 1 Sanskrit chaya kanistha-matamahasyayam nava-racanopanyaso 'nyasminn eva kasminn | amangale era visrantah | nadeg. Can it here stand for navadeg? annassim, &c. As it indirectly means the destruction of our entire family save Vibhisana 1 3 na tad, &c 'It was not after due consideration', AB., SR. 'It was not because I wished it', Pick. 1. 4 Verse 8. This verse is very difficult The exact force of this beautiful comparison is not clear, though the general sense seems to be, that Ravana's policy and his keen intellect cannot fail except through great misfortune Mark the defective construction Just as the sun does not descend save on the setting-mountain, so his policy cannot, save on the powerful destiny; while the author means, save through the powerful destiny The compounds nityadhva and tat-pantha-dhisana are 1hetorically defective, inasmuch as the upamanas and the upameyas should have the same position in both, thus, either nityadhva and taddhsna-panthah or adhva-nitch and tat-pantha dhisana would be correct. The passage has created a still greater difficulty to the commentators because of their wrong readings visuddhawotpattya and tat-papa-dhisana 1. 6. degravadhi vya may also be read as oravadhi-vyadeg. 1. 8. kevalam atasandhana-jrmbhitam Jy substitutes the reading ramah sumate-sandharana-niti, not found in any of our MSS. 1. 10. Sanskrit chaya: kanistha-matamaha svama khalu sampratam sarvatobhadram nama attalakam aruhya taya raksasa-kula-kalaratryadhisthitam asokavanikam eva pralokayan testhati | anyat ca | to'bhmukham pravrttyaisa pravrttih sruta etannagara-vrttantam anubhuya kim ayi durmanayamana svamini devam pratibodhayrtum tatraiva prasthata tr.
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________________ ACT VI 265 savvato-bhaddam The Matsya-purana gives the definition sodasasra-sama yukto nana-rupa-samanvrtah aneka-srkharas tad-vat sarvato-bhadra ucyate. 1 11. asoa-vana Sita was imprisoned here See Ram. V. 15 Page 160, 1. 3 padwohedum "To inform him of his danger', Pick. To give him sound advice', JV, AB. 14 patthida ttr. See note on nama tti, p 84, 1. 7 above. 1. 12 Verse 9 The figure of speech herein is aksepa of the parallel Bal. II. 17. yadi calancale, &c. Cf. Narsadha-carta II 8 Page 161, 1 5 athava ka esa Cf. Press, 195, 1 20 1. 6. Verse 10 All the commentators read bhuvana-vibhagat, which is syntactically preferable. I tranglate adhrkrtya with Jv., as having subdued' Foi this sense of the word of Bhatt VIII 20, Pan I. 3, 33, and 'satrum adhrkurute' in Siddhanta-kaumudi (tinantatmanepada-prakarana under adheh pra sahane) SR interprets it as 'vidher adhikare samsthapyeti bhavah', which has practically the same meaning. AB's construction is very complex He explains 'I would crush the entire universe, would then to a certain extent drive away even Brahma from his portion of the world, would myself make my own sun and moon by virtue of my unparalleled and brilliant glory and fame' (asmat bhuvana-vibhagat brahmanam kancid udasya, svam apratima ruci-taram pratapam yasas ca admukrtya suryendu samvidhaya). Pick, translates 'And then from this division of the world raise up another, and give Brahma his place of authority, and after making his peerless and brilliant glory and his fame into a sun and moon', &c. 1. 9 sakar unam. Pick, understands this to be the stage-direction, which is impossible; for then the foot falls short of four syllables. Jv. supplies aha after it. I wonder why they failed to notice the simplest construction which takes it adverbially as dependent upon anukampyesu, as I do. 1. 12. Sanskut chaya ita ato bhartretad attalaka-sopana-marga-dvarakam tad arohatu bhartri 1. 14 Sanskrit chaya katham esa maharaja-dasakandhara upavistas tisthate katham asoka-vaneka-sammukham pralokayate | Katham idrse'pr mpupaksabhryoge samprapte raja-karyanrrapekso laksyate maharaja-dasakandhar ahl Jayatu jayatu maharaja-dasakandharah ). Page 162, 1, 7 Sanskrit chaya . maharaja kim atra cmtrtam. 19 Sanskrit chaya: mpupaksabhiyoge 1. 12 degdrg-danti". See note on din-matangaja, p 152, 1 13 1. 13 dik patin. That is, the gods who preside over the eight cardinal points. For their names see Amara I 3, 2. Page 163, 1. 5. Sanskrit chaya. nikhila-valamukha-cakranugata-sugrivagresarah saha-kanistho dasarathi rama ate sruyate 1 8. Sanskrit chaya: maharaja samudayah khalu sankyate aparam ca sagara velasu sarnyam vinivesiya ahuto'nena sagaro na nergato bhavanat. 1. 11. samskrtam asritya As a general rule ladies speak Prakrit. See
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________________ 266 NOTES Dasar II 60. They may, however, speak Sanskrit See Dasar. II. 61 Cf. also San. 432. 1 11. Verse 12 See Ram. VI. 21 of the parallel Mahunataka VI 76 (No 402). Page 164,1 1 Unnurchat "Rushing this way and that', AB. 1. 2 prasphur ato 'Plainly visible', Pick 1. 4 Sanskrit chaya maharaja tatas ca punhha-mats a-preltsyamana-taksnasara-nkara-pahsmalta-sarit ena sagas cna niskramya salilat sapadapatanam abhya9thya marga upadestah sahasilena punas tona sadhyata atz sr uyate Cf Ram VI. 22 Bal VII 34. 1 5. pamhalida See Hem P. II 74. 1. 9. Sanskrit chaya, maharaja valinukha-sahasi anitar mahadhar arh setur nu miyate Of Ram VI. 23. Page 165, 1. 3. Verse 11 Cf Anar. II. 8, VI 43, Mahanataka IX. 66 (No. 581) Cf. also the reference in Bal. I 51, 59, II 14, 31, V 7 Utpusyato. rikasat', AB , 'rardhamuna', SR. , 'which kept growing up, Pick. Verse 14 Run. VII 16, 84 mentions, however, that Ravana propitiated Siva with sumans and other stotras, and that he offered his nine heads to fire to win a boon from the god Biahma (Rum VII. 10, 10-12) But it is nothing very extiao1 dinary to find a worshipper of Siva, as Bhavabhati was, mutilating the fact to a certain extent. Cf. also Sisu : sur o'tiragud dasamam cihar tisuh, &c 1. 5. harsasruo. A beautiful metaphor. Ravana compares his faces to lotuses, with beautiful blossoms (smita) and full of honey Smiles are often hkened to blossoms. AB. explains it as 'unanda-jala-bahularh smita-sudhodbhasitarh mama vadana-kamalarh', and entirely spoils the beauty of the line. 1. 7. Sanskrit chaya maharaja avadharaya kim apz anyadrsi racana | kasya apr valinukhasya hasta-sparsat upary era trsthantr te mahidhar a gala at Cf reference in Bal VII 43/44. 1. 10. Yad gravano, &c Of Bal. VII 55. 1. 13. dhari yam, &c. Cf I. 45, VI 11 above yaso, &c. Cf. II. 168: V. 37 above Page 166, 1 2. hsur ato, &c Cf. the preceding verse snapta-carana. Repeated in Anar. VII. 113. 1. 4. Sanskrit chaya maharaja paritrayasva par ati uyasva. 1. 7. argalah is in the accusative case, governed by the verb datta 1. 8. ksepyam tac chastra-gatam. Weapons are divided into four classes. (1) mukta, or those which are thrown; (2) amukta, or those which are not thrown; (3) muktamukta, or those which are both thrown and not thrown, (4) mantramukta, or those which are thrown by spells. See Natrprakasiku II 11 as quoted by Oppert in his Weapons, SC, P 10. ksepyam here is the same as kta weapons, which are twelve in number Cf. the same work, II. 17-18. 1. 9. vnvadhan A fort should be well supplied with provisions. See Kam. IV. 58; IV. 60.
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________________ ACT VI 267 1 12 Sanskrit chaya bhartah esa pratihara-bhumau trsthati senapatih prahasto vijnapayitu-kamah Page 167,1 2 Sanskrit chaya tatha 1 5 gospada Literally, mark of a cow's foot in the soil, also, water filling up such a mark, hence, a small puddle. For the form see Pan. VI 1, 145 Cf gospada-vad vrlanghita in Anar VII. 80. Of also Bal. VII 18/19; Mahanataka V 54 (No 291) 1. 7. skandhavaram, &c See Ram VI 4, Kam XVI 1 Cf. Anar VI. 5/6, Mahanataka VII. 4. sauvela-murdhan See Ram VI 38 1 14 puram, &c. See Kam. IV 57 1. 15. raksa, &c See Kam IV 62 1 18 Verse 19 See Ram VI 41 Page 168, 1. 1 Sanskrit chaya bharta esa ko'pr valimukho ramasya duta utz bhanitva pratihara-dese tisthate Of Ram VI 41 1. 4. Sanskrit chaya tatha | esa bharta upasarpa 1 12 duta Foz the definition and varieties see Sah. 86-88. 1. 13. sutam, &c Cf Mahanataka VII 41 (No 478) Page 169, 1. 1. aham, &c . 'I am of little account', Pick. Verse 21 I think natah and sprastarah are to be construed with onakham and mukham respectively; thus tat-padabja nakham natah and tat-tiksnesumukham sprastarah SR construes kim te nata murdhanas tat-padabja-nakham tat-tiksnesu-mukham va sprastas ah 1. 4. yat-kenord-yadinah vain speaker, Pick., who talks nonsense', SR Cf. Bal IX 46/47 mukham samskuryat The intended sense seems to be 'He defiles his own mouth by talking so derogatorily about us Just as all impure articles are purified by the application of suitable methods, so let his face be likewise punfied by a method suited to it, namely, by giving him slaps or the like'. Jy explains. 'let his mouth be purified, so that he may not utter such expressions again, in other words, let propei punishment be accorded to him'. AB. renders it by disfigure his face', and SR. by 'punish'. For the story see Ram. VI. 41 For the legality of such a punishment administered to an ambassador see Ram V 52, Mahanataka V. 75 (No 312), VII 32 (No. 469). 1. 7 tapasvrnah may also be translated as of the ascetic', referring to Rama's mode of living. See also p 170, 1. 14, and VI. 25. 1. 9 tiksna-krakacao Cf. the parallel V 19 above 1 12. nevarteyam The verb is usually employed in the Atmanepada. Page 170, 1 2. argalani The word is neuter here, while in VI 16 above it is feminine 1. 5 muhur may also be construed with vralganao urvalgana-ortho-tthana "askandanenarva misphalonnatya', AB, visesena jalpanaya vrthotpatanaya ca', SR. 1. 13 pura-gopurah See Kam IV 57.
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________________ 268 NOTES gandopalarh. See Amara II 3, 6 Cf Anar VI 44 1 14 hatham ete, &c, prepares the audience foi the entiance of Indra and others Page 171, 1 4 daksaih may also be construed with anyarh 1 4 yuddhabhinayao, &c That is, they are not real heroes 15 se acetako, &c thi viphalam randhu a-matram sumanya-cchd am itu yarat rumena mama zau(-1upam ir bhuras tatra pravistan madusi aya-tyagena rama paksapata-pravistan itu bharah', Jy, who have merely taken advantage of my neglect, which is tuvial, but is reflected in their own minds', Pick 1 10 yathu, &c Cf. the description in Anar VI 22/28 I 11 degvuar taparinamah', Jv , dancing'. SR, AB 1 12 vrbhrama 'Grace', JY Page 172, I 6. kauveryuh halubhah. Kuveia, the god of wealth, is the guardian of the northern quarter See Amara I 3, 3. Cf Kun III 25. 18 bhavatarrat Cf. Kid, p. 177, 1 3 Page 178, 1 1. suhulyanam, &c Kuveia is the son of Visravas by Idayida, and thus the half-brother of Ravana See Ram VII 3-5. 1 2 sahajah, &c The commentatois render sahajh as brothers' and Irtomata as 'wickedness' oi'ciaftiness' Monier-Williams, too, in his Dictionary gives 'shrewdness, cunningness' as the meaning of the latter word I agree with none of them All of them are evidently wiong, inasmuch as they have failed to recognize that Citiaratha speaks here of the twofold enmity between Kuvera and Ravana. The words sahaja and hrtrima are here employed in their technical sense. See Kam VII 56 and note on IV. 7 above. Both of them are 'natural' enemies, being brothers, and Ravana is also guilty of 'created' enmity by reason of his acts of violence against Kuvera 13 midhu-puspakadro, &c. See Ram. VII 11, 15 Cf. Anar VII 150; Bal I 51, V 7 The nine treasures of Kuvera are mahapadmas ca padmas ca sankho mahara-hacchapau muhunda-kunda-nilas ca kharvas ca mdhayo nava Cf. also mdhanudhavai, p 190, 1. 11 below 1.6 kadarthrta Cf. Anar. II 20; VI 37/38. For the form see Pun VI. 3, 101. 1. 9. Tolakila-kolahala". Repeated in Mal V. 11 hart. For this meaning of the word cf. Ragh III 30 1. 10. Ocakram akrama. Repeated in Mal V. 14 1. 13. prasthah Pick, adds in a foot-note 'A better reading would be prestha = very dear to 1. 14. muhur-riva-ghosazh Pick.'s translation with the ceaseless screams of living creatures' is based upon his ignorance of the word niva for a bowstring'. Cf. V 37 below. Page 174, 1 1. na tula-dhrtah. See Ram. VI. 102. Cf the law mentioned in Utt. V. 20/21. 1. 6. apratisandheyam. The .commentators read atosundheyam which they differently explain: parayitavyam, SR, atisayena sandhatam arham paryavek
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________________ ACT VI 269 saniyam eto yavat, Jv , "how are we to avoid this turmoil ?' Pick But there is no desire on the part of Citraratha to avoid this turmoil', for, as he himself has said in VI 28 above, his object is to follow the fight to its close and bring the news to his master He simply wonders at the mighty confusion that rages there in the hand-to-hand fight of the warriors. 1 7 arad apasta-kramam Who have suddenly broken their ranks', Pick 1 8 mustamusti, kacakaci For the forms see Kasika on Pan V 4, 127 Cf. Sukra IV. 3, 77 Bal X 19 Cf Ram VI 43 mudhatmablurh qualifies both 1aksobhah and parrdharh After their senses had been stunned by the weapons huiled, a confusion arose and was followed by a hand-to-hand and 'hair-to-hail'fight Pick wiongly translates Whose senses are stunned by blows of the fist, and diagging of hair, and the discharge of arms. 1. 12. Verse 32 Cf. Mal. VIII 9 1. 13 vkatatopao A case of transferred epithet The bodies have been so called, because the warriors are extremely proud of their strength 1 14. Chtrakutanukari The reason why the heap of corpses is compared to the Citrakuta mountain is not clear Does this mountain refer here to the Trikata mountain as AB understands it? 1 15. dyante 01 'lie buried' Pick. translates "luik' Sura-Mitah kita is a term of contempt to express insignificance. Probably pity is also expressed. Here it might refer to the timid nature of the warriors Jy renders it by 'ksudrah', while SR and AB by 'kita-sadrsah' Pick, translates 'reptile-soldiers' Of asi apa-kitah, p. 182, 1 10 below, rajanya-krita in Anar IV. 53/54 , kapi-kita in Anar VI 6/7, manusya-kata in Pras p 18,1 21. 1. 3 tanu uha The rendering 'han' by AB is fanciful 1 5 bharao is construed by AB with rudhira = 'profuse blood' 1. 7. pratimukham. 'In front', Pick sarabhasam Does it not rather mean 'joyfully'? 18 pratinryata-dharryanubhavatah. AB, Jv., and SR agree in explaining pratinyata as 'firm, unshaken' Jy renders anubhava as prabhava Pick. translates each one in the pride of his valour' 1 9. Whara dalita' Pick. seems to read bharadalata chinna', &c SR and AB. dissolve the compound as chinnasu dhamanzprakandasthe-snayusu sphutataram vrlaksyah, &c, which does not seem to me to bring out the author's meaning very clearly 1 14 vame is to be construed with parsve of the preceding line and anyatra to be understood as referring to daksine The construction (daksine) parsve and anyatra vame, as done by SR and AB, is very unnatural. bodhetah kumbhakarnah See Ram VI 12 1. 16 ratha-burasi. See Ram VI 95 Page 176,1 5 gambharya-garimao The oceans are so vast and fathomless that they seem to be the manifestation of Brahma Waters are known to be the first creation of the Creator. See Manu, I. 8; cf also Sak I. 1. Pick.'s interpre
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________________ 270 NOTES tation, 'the greatness of whose waters is seen in their vast depth, is founded upon his ignorance of the above belief Cf. the close parallel Anar I 9 1 13 eharham SR, AB, and Jv. construe it with paroham. 1 14 parituh I construe it with pidudhati as corroborated by metrical evidence, rather than with sathryn-yaugapadyah Jv reads yodhane instead sathya refers most probably to the destruction of the enemy, as explained by the commentators name' 1 17. phala-spustu We should have rather expected spasta-phala Page 177, 12 szabhudhana-yogam 'The fitness or propriety of their Having been frightened by the attack of the enemy, most of them have fled into the forest, while only about half-a-dozen have been left behind. Their title ranaukas or 'dwellers of forest' is hence very significant translates. 'declaring their respective names' SR interprets stabhidhanayogam as atmano numnam prayogam and explains that the monkeys speak aloud their names and then fight. These two interpretations are also possible See Ram. VI. 59, where Rama is described as asking Vibhisana to give him the names of the chief wanors Pick $ Used only in the Atmanepada. See Kar yul. V. 2, 3. eram, &c Cf p 208, 1. 6 1 15 valate Page 178, 1. 1 1 14 ranesu sapeksuti c'p yumakuti at sumasah 1. 16 bahubhn, &c. Cf. the paraphrase in Anar VI 37,38 1. 20. kumbho'p. See Rum. VI. 75-76. Page 179, 1. 1. Chidra-sancarita. Cf. Chidram nirupya sahasa pavisaty asankah: Hitopadesa, I. 81. 1. 3. kapih, &c. See Ram. VI. 76. 8 1 8. etan, &c See Ram. VI 67. 1 11. lapam svasus ca. Surpanakha, when bereft of her ears and nose, always felt shame at her dishonourable position, being the only member of the house possessed of that deformity. She needed no longer to have that feeling, as Kumbhakarna too was reduced to her plight. For this fight see Rum VI 67 1. 16 yatha, &c Pick, who interprets pratigha in 1 6 above as resistance', and translates this passage as, whereby he has brought blindness upon the enemy', is wrong, Page 180, 1 2. vihaga-parirdhustra. Literally, the missile of the chief of birds, that is, Garuda Garuda is the enemy of the serpents and so the nugupusas could be destroyed only by the Garuda-weapon Page 180, 1. 4. sataghnya. For the definition of sataghni (literally the hundied-killing) see Kesava as quoted by Mallinatha on Ragh. XII. 95. Cf also Vijayaraksita's definition: 'ayah-hantaka-sunchinna sataghni mahati sila' 'Supposed by some to be a sort of 10cket, but described by others as a huge stone studded with iron spikes and four talas in length.' Apte in his Dictionary. See also Oppert's Introduction to Nitiprakasika, p. 10-12, where the form of this weapon is discussed at length; and Oppert's Weapons, &c., p. 22. Cf. Ragh. XII. 95.
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________________ ACT VI 271 17. karuna. Laterally, whose internal feelings are mixed with the perception (anubhava) of compassion and heroism SR. renders it likewise. viranubhava may also probably be heroism and dignity'. bhavita may also be translated as 'purified' Page 181, 1 4 bahucchalam raksams Repeated in Anar V. 22/23. 1. 7 jambavat-pratibodhitah See Ram. VI 74 Page 182, 1 2 cumbaka-manim, &c Cf Utt IV 21; Mal I 25/26, Ragh XVII 63 1 8 sambhavana | prats The commentators read "sambhavanaprati", which SR interprets as dharma-yuddhasya sambhavanaya karanena prathata vinata, &c Pick translates: though its chief men were numerous and unshackled by scruples of honourable warfare' 1 12 hatti-vigalat" may also be read "shatiti vigalat Page 188,1 4 kaya-satatyena'pi is to be constiued with ahamahamikakrantamanasah In spite of the fact that then activity is unceasing and that they do. not stop even for a moment in their discharge of arrows or the giving of blows, still then minds are full of rivaliy against the other warriors, and they wish to be still more active in their attacks upon the enemy SR wrongly construes it with vidhyanti sma, for, as he takes it, ap entirely loses its force. Pick too follows him and translates. 'pierce each other with repeated blows' ahamahamika. For definition see Amara II 8, 101, it recurs in Bal VIII 1. 16 prstataka See Amara II 6, 139 17. tavad antaram, &c The sentence does not fully bring out the meaning of the author When explained in the light of verse 55, it means that just as at the approach of the morning twilight, the darkness of the night goes on decreasing in the same proportion as the light of the dawn keeps increasing, similarly every succeeding minute, the army of the demons diminishes more and more, and that of the monkeys seems to increase in the same ratio 1. 9. kayatetaram. For this comparative form see Pay V. 8, 56. 1. 12 ravasir laksmanena. See Ram. VI 86-89 1 14 dwyastranam, &c. Ravana and Meghanada have to endure the divine missiles hurled at them, while Rama and Laksmana have to submit to a coresponding retaliation from them 1. 15 sanyayoh, &c. In other words, the flames produced by the clash of weapons far surpass in their brilliance those at the time of universal destruction Page 184, 1 3 ksveda 1 10. Verse 58 Of 'heroism' See Amara II. 8, 107. Anar VI. 63 vrtta is here synonymous with 1 14. puro. AB. takes this as an adverb and interprets it as 'in front 1 15 pratapanala. Repeated in Pras. p 24, 1 22, 23 Page 185, 1. 4 vismayaniya-vpralambhau pralambha refers to the illusion
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________________ 272 NOTES mentioned in the following verse viz the appearance of a new head in place of the one which was severed It is wrongly interpreted as in odhah by SR, Pick seems to have followed him, foi he translates the compound as, 'excite wonder by their combat'. I 12 chrisyarlo py anantah. See Run VI 107, which mentions regarding Ravana that a new head sprang up the moment his first one was cut off kim u sadrsa-quro, &c The sentence is not very clear to me The exact force of lam here I fail to understand Again sadi sa-guno creates another difficulty. If understood to mean that one and an exactly similar head sprang up in the case of Meghanada too. Just as countless heads instead of one in the case of Ravana, the idea does not find its corroboratun in the Ramayana Page 186, 1. 4. mahmucyutustruo, &c Pick translatey effectual hy help of remembering the immortal arms of the supreme. For his employment of the vrulmustra see Rum. VI. 108. ACT VII Page 187, 1. 2. Sanskrit chuyu : huu mahumlju lushunilhara trailokya-viralak-m2-puty uhana-dur lulitu, lu suhala-sul seisalohu maqualan samartha-cluumuudaUludanda lut sekurite-ul-yurum nume N -HUJAhri-mukha panduthu ha haihase-putra-tiluhu i hi vundhujana-ratsula | kutra mityu tram prchantar yuhhu kumura kumbhaharuhu vatsa meglunuda kutsusi | dehr me patracanum | latham ko'p na mantray te hua duxta-durvu-durcilasita hasmud cvam parinatum asr athavu ko'tru bhavata upulambhal atmana eva duscurtam etad viparuamat: 14 pasuraro, &c Of VI 14, 15 above noraunantro In Sau, aseni p is changed to v, hence the emendation 1 5 lckasz, &c See Rum. VII. 9. Page 188,1 11 Sanskut chuyu huthum bhagini me'lahrt I 12 lohutyutru. Cf p 211, 1 12 below. Cf. also Munu, IX. 25, 27, XI. 183; Mul. IV 6 7; VI. 8/9 Page 189, 1. 1. Sanskrit chuyu ay bhagini kuto mut asrusah yuratz-jananatra-sexu saniyttu'smiehrh puruih kulu-tantuh kumar a-vibhisarus trxthatati s? 4yate | so'pi mama mandu-bhaginyu adunyataya ripupaksum eva sevate 1. 7. Sanskrit chaya: kutham rru. 1. 8. tuc ca, &c. The construction is faulty. Probably tat stands for mapupahsatvam. Cf. a similar case, p 203, 1. 13. 1. 10. Sanskrit chuyu. hatham drso'pi. 1. 12. Sanskrit chuya: katham asmakam svumisv idrso uzparnnatah viparnado may also be read ur parinado = Sanskrit api parinatuh Page 190, 1. 4. yad ucitam, &c. : said ironically. 1. 6. Sanskrit chaya: hum tvam punar idrse prastare katram atro'pasthitu'si. 1. 11. Sanskrit chuya: aho katham Bhagaratuh pasupater apr mitram nidhana.
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________________ ACT VII 273 dhipatrh svayam evam upacarati ramabhadram. ridhanadhrvar See note on p 173, 1. 3. Page 191, 1. 4. tridha vibhinna refers to the three gunas of Prakrti. sattva, rajas, and tamas. See Bhag XIV. 5. 1. 6. Sanskrit chaya. katham asmakam svamina raksasanathenartannavadharitam 1 7. sapa-mahimna. For this curse see Ram. VII 17. 1. 13 agne-pravesao, &c. See Ram. VI. 116 Cf. also Anar. VII. 1. I 15 katham ... abhinandanti Cf Utt I 6, Bal. X. 3. 1 18. patwratamayam gyotir. See note on p 157, 1 2. Page 192, 1. 1. Sanskrit chaya katham mangala-turya-rava-misra gitayo nasanyante. 1. 5. vibhasanah, &c See Ram VI 121. 1 15. skhalat-kanaka-kankanam, &c. having been separated from their husbands they never toiletted their hair, which they wore in one single braid, and having grown extremely emaciated, then golden bracelets slipped down while they were engaged in the act of tying up the braid 1. 17. sur aloka-vandu-striyah Cf. I. 59 above Page 193, 1 7. manorathasyanugunam, &c. Of Ragh XIII 19. 1. 11. kantaka Of Sak VII 3, Ragh XIV 73, Manu, IX. 260 1 3 sandha, &c. Of p 144, 1 5; p 150, 1. 17 above Page 194, 1 5 Sanskrit chaya asmabhih sampratam kutra prasthiyate 1. 7. Sanskuit chaya. api samaptah sa vana-vasasyavadhih. 1. 10. Sanskit chaya aryaputra ete punah katama durad anirdharita-nomnonnata vrstiryamana-syamalatvah parisara drsyante. 1 12 asta-murter. the eight forms of Siva are the five elements, the sun and moon, and the sacrificing priest, as enumerated in the verse galam vahnis tatha yasta suryacan dramasau tatha |akasam vayur avani murtayo'stau pinakinah. Of also Sak. I. 1. 1. 13. aparicchedyao may also be dissolved as aparicchedyam atmano gambhiryam yasya 1. 14. Sanskuit chaya. yo'smaham gyestha-svasurarh krtanirmana itr w ddhaparamparaya sruyate etasya madhye 'pr kim etad dura-prasaritam dhavalamsukam wabhinavatrna-cchannasu bhumisu drsyate 30 amhanam, &c. Cf. IV. 31 above, and Ragh XIII. 3. See Ram I 38-41. Page 195, 1. 1 edassa magghe, &c. See Anar. VII 18/19 1. 4 sotsaham, &c See Anar. VII. 21; 80 Page 196, 1. 5. Sanskrit chaya. aho pramadah | kathan mama manda bhaginya dusta-darvair etav apr mahanubhavav idrsam avasthantaram anubhavitam 1. 12. mahadhra. For the form see Kavyal V 2, 36. 1. 13. Topamudra-parskrta'. See Anar VII 95. 1. 14. kaumbha-sambhavam jyotuh kumbha-yoni and kumbha-sambhava are the epithets of the sage Agastya, because of his having been born of the jai wherein 2739
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________________ 274 NOTES O10 the seed of Mitra and Varuna had fallen See Rum VII. 57. Cf. halasa-janman in Arai VII. 16, 89. Lopamudra is his wife Page 197, 1. 2. ayan zuram, &c., refers to the fable according to which Agastya is said to have drunk up the ocean, because it had offended him and because he wished to help Indra and the gods in their wars with the demons called Kaleyas who had hidden themselves in the waters and oppressed the worlds See Muhu I. 104, 105 Cf Anar. VII 16, 89; 95, Bul. I. 28; VII. 19; 20, IX. 36, Bahinutulu VI 88 (No 414) 1. 3. ayam undhyo, ac, refers to the second fable in accordance with which he is said to have humbled, at the request of the gods, the Vindhya mountain which, through jealousy of mount Meru, began to rise higher and higher, so as to olostruct the path of the sun and moon. See Mahu. I 104 Cf Anar. VII. 16, 89, Bul. I. 28. 1.4 milye, &c., 1 efers to the thud fable of his devouring the demon Vatapi who, with his boother Ilvala, oppi essed the worlds See Ram. III. 11, Maha. III. 99 Cf. But I. 28, II. 51 1 8. uhasc Foz the definition see Dasur I 60. 1. 13 Prandau See Pun III.2, 173 1 15. bulut, &c. Of Utt. II 27-28 Page 198, 1. 1 zunenulihena, &c. Cf p 147, 1 1 above 12 som, &c Cl. ibid 1. 3 suumitrih, &c. The line contradicts p 139, 1. 5, where Rama and not Lukemana casts aside the skeleton of Dundubhi and not of Kabandha I am inclined to take this contradiction as an argument in favour of the conjecture that the two passages do not belong to the same author. 1. 4. dretam, &c. Cf. p 133, 1 3 above 1. 6 Sanskrit chaya hem nama mamottariyam aryaputrena 11 6-7. kanumato haste da stam 1. 11 Verse 17. Cf Utt III 11, Mal IX 22. 1. 3. sundrumrtuo. Of. Mal I. 22. Page 199, 1 5. yasah-suriram. Iepeated in Anar. I. 6/7. 1. 6. Sanskrit chuyu : katham mana harunat tadrsayor api mahanubhavayor udrso'rasthu vese80 nisamyate. 1. 11. Sanskrit chaya: aho katham punar apr ta eva ruhsasuh sruyante Page 200, 1. 2. salya Cf. Ragh. IV. 53. I. 3. aryurartuh. For the boundaries of this region see Manu, II. 22 1. 5. uttama-puruario refers to the Dwarf incarnation of Visnu Cf. Sak. VII. 6; Viks amorrasi I. 19. 1. 18. Sanskrit chaya: aho hutham dine pr tarahu cahram ivartad drsyate. Page 201, 1. 2. savimuna". The commentators read sa vimanadeg. apastah: the sentence is faulty because of the absence of the subject As I understand it, we must supply atz-viprakarsah hinted at by ati-viprakar sat occurring just before. Jv., however, disagrees and supplies rauk instead. Cf. a similar case, p. 189, 1. 8.
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________________ ACT VII 275 1. 3. Sanskrit chaya katham gagana-vatrkayam phullana kusumaniva drsyante 1 10. abhyupapannavan the usual meaning of the word is taken pity on, pitied', but it seems to have been used here in the very different sense of known'. 1 15 ksonya nu, &c. Cf. Megh. I. 18. Page 202, 1 8. Sanskrit chaya: aho etat koom apy adrstapurvam anyadrsam eva drsyate na manuso napi pasuh. 1 5. kinnara. Cf Kum. I 8 1 9. eka-pinga is one of the many names of Kuvera and literally means, 'having a yellow mark' (in place of one eye) His eye was thus changed, through the curse of Parvati, on whom he had cast an evil eye. See Ram VII. 13 1 10 upaslokayrtum. Cf Anar. I 9/10. Page 203, 1 4 sumanas cakorair, &c Fame is here compared to moonlight, which the cakora birds are, according to the harr-samaya (Jyotsna peya cahorarh, Sah 590), said to drink. Cf. Anar I. 36, VII. 70; 110. 1. 7. yavat, &c. Refers to the common Pauranic belief that the earth rests upon the hoods of the serpent Sesa. See Visnu II 5, 20, Mahanataha I. 31 (No 31); Bal I 48; VII. 40 Cf. the similar tone in Anar. VII. 153. I 12 tad varam ito, &c. Cf. Anar VII 85/86. 1. 16 karpura-khandogvalah may be dissolved either as Khandair uzvalah or okhanda-vad uvalah; preferably the latter Cf. Anar. VII. 60/61 1. 17 pada is to be understood as pratyanta-parvatah See Amara II. 3, 7, though a pun upon the word is also likely gaura-gus oh pavanah. Repeated in Sak VI 17 gauri-guroh is repeated in Anar. VII. 23/24 Bal. X 31. Page 204,1 10. Sanskrit chaya kanistha-tata iti sruyate 1. 12 Prajah. Mark the pun upon the word, which means (1) dust, (2) pollen. Page 205, 1. 4. trtiya-kala-kriya refers to the prayers and rites performed in the evening, as distinct from those in the morning or at noon 1. 7. aho, &c. Cf. the similar idea on p. 178, 1. 14 above 1. 16. manye, &c. See Ram. VI 125-27. 1. 17. wa. The reading rha of the commentators, though not found in any of our MSS, is decidedly better Page 206, 1. 2 svena The syntactical position of this word is uncertain. AB. construes it with pracalntah. 1. 5. prakrtz-sahtah. Pick.'s translation, with his whole nature' is ridiculous. That prakrti here means "subjects' is evident from sa-sarnyo, p. 205, 1 17, and from the parallel passage samam anyabhes ca prakrtibhas ca in Bal X. 95/96. 1. 11 Sanskrit chaya. katham anyadrsa eva drsyate. Page 207, 1. 9. Sanskrit chaya. Kumarau jyesthayor bhratror abhimatau bhavatam, T?
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________________ 276 NOTES Page 208, 1.8 krparano ramo. Mark the alliteration Pick.'s tianslation, pleasant by reason of his mercy', is not possible arama is not an adjective here, as is evident from the context, where the author has employed all nouns like hsetz an, Zhanih, paripakah. Cf. gunarama in verse 41 below See note on p. 213, 1 5 19 pramodat, &c. Cf Anar. I 22/23 1. 10 loka yatra See note on p 191, 1 2 1 12 Sanskut chaya ujnapayatu hulaguruh 1. 14 Sanskut chaya yusmaham asrsam prabhavah. Page 209, 1 2 Sanskrit chaya amba mama mandabhuginya adhanyataya sahalo pz lola ezar haulinam bhanati yad ratsayoh prarasa-janani madhyama-janani mantharanuhhe asit | tat hatham zatsayoi maya mukhan pi eksitar yam 1 tadanantarent, &c Cf Anar VI 20/21. 1 8 Sanskrit chaya hatham eva 1 11 Sanskrit chuyu aho 1aksasunum dustatabhiyogo yo grha-sthitan abala. Janam api vadhute Page 210,1 5 indukantopala Cf Mul I. 27, Utt VI 12, sisu. IV 58 Singara sataha 21 1 12 istau, &c cf sah. V. 13/14 1 14. Sanskrit chuyu yad ayam cintayanus tad yusmaham bharatu Cf Sak IV 19/20 1. 17 livu-prasavini bhara. Cf. Sak IV 4/5, Utt I. 9/10 Page 211, 1 5. Sanskut chaya Jute kula-pratrsthupaka-daraka-prasavini bhara. 1 11 prarar tantam .. vdhar I have here followed the reading of W. and Sc., though in it the verb-form does not harmonize with the imperative, second person plural, of the two following lines The reading pravartyantum ridhah of K is giammatically defective; while the grammatically correct prarartyatam , udhh of E. is metrically impossible. 1. 4 I'er se 38 See 1. 13 above Page 212 I 6. ksutram &c. Cf Anar. I. 22. 1 14. nriyantu The MSS read nrtyanti I have emended the reading to bring it into harmony with the other verbal forms in the verse. Page 213, 1 5. gunarumu. Ct guna-drumuramo in Bul. IX. 13; and gunarama in Pras., p. 2, 1 17 1. 11. msrryetam, &c. See Ram. VI 128 1. 12 puspakam, &c. See Ram. VI. 127. Cf. Anar. VII. 150; Bul. X. 103. 1. 15. niriyudham guru-Susanam. Cf. the close parallel Anar VII. 151, Pras p 157, 1 4. 1. 16 ciktsitao, &c. Cf. VI. 28 above, Anar. VII. 151. Page 214, 1. 2. bharata-vukyam is the designation of the last verse or verses in a drama, which embody a benediction. 1. 4. ate means 'a calamity of the season'. They are usually said to be six: (1) excessive rain; (2) drought; (3) locusts, (4) rats ; (5) parrots, and
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________________ ACT VII 277 (6) foreign invasions Cf the definition aturstir anavrstah salabha musaka sukah | pratyasannas ca rajanah sad ete atayah smrtah Some read for the second line of this definition. sva cakram para-cakram ca saptarta itayah smrtah, making the total number seven. Of Ragh I. 63, Malavikagnimitra V. 20. 1. 5. vidadhatu havayah, &c of the close parallel Anar VII. 152 apta-prasadam prasada is one of the kavya-gunas For its definition see note on prasanna, p. 1, 1. 14 1 6. sankhyavanto, &c. Cf. the close parallel Anar. VII. 152. bhumna may be construed either with sampradharya or with mudam prayantu. Paraphrase * sankhyavanto'pr parakrtisu bhumna sampradharya mudam prayantu. Pick's rendering 'may the learned go forth and teach men to delight in the compositions of others' is not possible krtisu krti, literally, 'a work or deed', means hele 'a literary work or composition'
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________________ PART IV APPENDIX A After giving in full the text of V. 46, as given on p. 143 of Part II, K notes etAvada bhvbhuutH| agre kvinaaykvinaaykbhttrairpuuri||, whereafter it adds a different 5 text for the last few syllables of the third foot and for the whole of the fourth foot (V. 46) . . . . . . naviditaM kintu krUratayAnayA sphuTatara kravyAdasakhyaM mayA // 46 // ' It then proceeds 10 1 sAnuzayam / ahh| mArtaNDAnvayamaNDalaikatilake bAle'pyacintyasphura lokAtItaguNaprathinni kimapi prvyktshauryaakRtii| dharmanAra durmadAntakaraNe pApaM vyavasya kathaM pApaH samprati vipratIpacaritaH svAmiSTasiddhaHpadam // 47 // " 15 savimarzam tadanena prabandhanAsanmaitrImahIruhaH phalegrahiriti manye / gItaM ca puraaviniH| vidveSAdapi sajina varaM duSTaissaha priitiH| candanavRkSacchedAdapi viSavRkSasya lAlanA viSamA // 48 // sasphuraNotsum / rAmaM nirvarNya / aho vIrAGkarasthAnyaiva mudrA / tathA hi| dRDhA muSTiH sajjIkaraNavakarAle'pi dhanuSi sthirA dRSTirduzcaritacapalavarmaNyapi mayi / karaSTaGkArAtipraguNaguNasaMskAracaturaH prasanno vizvAsthaH sukhayati tathApyeSa mahimA // 49 // " 148K. According to K, No 80 I have, which was sent back to India without my however, corrected these numbers to bring knowledge them into uniformity with those in the ____19 Continuation of Vali's speech rest of the text So I have also corrected the spellings, with the same object in 3 O K View I have, however, purposely re 49 K. frained from any emendations till after the revision of the collations of the MS. BI No.40 .
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________________ 10 280 SUPPLEMENTARY PASSAGES tanna sambhAvyate kila kSatratUbaramAce tAvadetAvAna mahimnaH prkrssH| sasmaraNam / kathamaho gRhIto'smi cirasya pratyabhijJayA yat kila rakSAkulotpAtadhUmaketurAvirbhaviSyati dazarathadAreSu saptamo vaikuNThAvatAra ityASI vyAhRtiH zrutipathamavatIrNava / sa evaiSa iti caritAnyevAsya pratyAyayanti / tathA hi| surakSmAbhRtsAra tripuraharadhanvAcchinadayaM zizuH kSatrocchittiprathitamapi jigye bhRgupatim / trimUrdhapraSThAza pradhanabhuvi naktaJcarabhaTAn kSaNena prAmRkSajjaTharakaraTAhAniva karI // 50 // vimRzyamAne tu maiyamidamupakArAya / ytH| agAdhagAmbhIryamatiprasannaM nirsttejo'ntrcaakcikym| 'yamindriyANA suhitatvahetur mahaH pustAdadagAvisate // 51 // " AkAze / bho bho rAvaNa mama tAvadanena tIrthana mitrArtha prANAn lakSAtaH karasthameva 15 zreyaH / tava tu duzcaritamahimA kiMparIpAkaH / yasya te sAkSAdvizvasRjaH suto janayitA devo'pi jetA purA dhyeyaM daivatamAtmanaiva zirasAmutkartanaM saahsm| chandaHzeSakaraM zrutaM kimapara zayAH patiH kiGkara stasyAyaM kupathaH smRto'pi sahasA hRmarma bhinte mama 52 // " 20 athavA nirvANakAlaH kila vttejsH| svissaadm| varsiThavAta zravaNaprasaGgAd ___ yadRcchayA zrotrapathaM prvissttaiH| divyarSigoSThyAM kila tiSThamAnaH santapyate tvaJcaritaiH pulastyaH // 53 // " 25 nepathye / bho bho raambhdr| dharmatrANAya pApIya paripeSAya kevalam / ___bhavAdRzAmunavo'yamiti tattvavido jaguH // 54 // " 'prAmagraja. K. 2 No. 49 K. vimRSya. K. + yame ra. No. Hp K. No. 43 K. TK reads vazi. * No. 48 K. 9 No. 55 ra.
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________________ SUPPLEMENTARY PASSAGES 281 atH| pApaH pitryasyApi rAyo'pahatI sodaryaNAM svasya bhAyAbhikazca / rakSomicaM tvayyanArya vidhitsuH pUrNacchadmopekSyate kiM kapIndraH // 55 // vAlI sotpraasm| kathamete sugrIvapakSapAtinaH zAkhAmRgAH pratibhidyamAnAH prazAsitAraM protsAhayanti rAmabhadram / sasmaraNAvalepam / bhartustANDavaDambare viSamitAvasthAnamadrIzvaraM drAk kAmyaM nayatoH kSaNa tulayatoH kSmAMtatprasaGgAt punH| saMskAraM zatakoTikuTTanazataH pitrAmuhattI tayor bAhoreSa hi zAsitA kimapara tvasmAdapi zroSyate // 56 // vikaTaM parikAmati // lakSma / Arye kastAvadAkhaNDaleH khaNDanenAbhISTaM manyate // zrama / etasyaitanmitrasya ca dAyAdau sugrIvavibhISaNau // 15 lakSma / vilokya / kathaM caraNaspRSTa va marmaNi krudhyati prAyaH paurndriH|| zrama / vatsa subohat yat tejastejo'ntarotkarSadarzanena dIpyati // 10 raamH| 20 ayaM vIro vArAmadhipatiSu sandhyAvratavidhiM vidhitsuryadrakSaHpatimabhRta kkssaantrcrm| apUrvo'yaM dRSyadripadalanabhaGgIprakaTana gaha-pordaNDahira garvagarimA // 57 // savitarkam / nirUpAdhikaH kilAsmin prtiikaarH| ayaM dRptaH kiM naH parigatamayaM duhyati paraM sakulyo , naitat prabhavati nidAnaM vizasane ayaM rakSomitraM bhavatu kisanenAra mAdhakaM sudurvRtto dahyastadapi paratantrasmaraNataH // 58 // svimrshm| idaM kila kSatradharmatantraM yadAhnataH savAmotsavAna viramediti / evaM ca kRte sa rakSaHpatirmitravyasanAdutsAhazaktyA hIyate / hInotsAhasya ripoH prabhumantrazaktI api prAgiva na prabhU bhvtH|| 30 lakSma / yadi dhriyate // 25 No number, K. 2 Lacuna, K 3 marSam K..
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________________ ____ 282 * SUPPLEMENTARY PASSAGES rAmaH / tadA atulabhujabalaprAthatopatra dRpte tanmitreDa mahatarAyAriNi kaarysiddhino naatinirpaayaa| ato'tra kiJcidupayoruddha pratividhAtavyam // vaalii| sdRssttikssepm| etAvubhAvapi nipIDya dRDhaM bhujAbhyAM rakSAprabhorupaharAmi praasuklyau| athavA kimnen| utpAdya satvaramamuM girimRSyamUkaM tairdumanorathaparaiH saha cUrNayAmi // 59 // iti vikaTamutpatati // zrama / sAvegam / vatso samavadhattam / kuhanAvapathikasya dazakandharasya mitraM kila durAtmA saandniH|| lakSma / ssmbhrmm| Arya acamanApAna kizcid vyavasthati / tadatra praaptkaalmaadishvaaryH|| 15 rAmaH / zarasandhAnaM naayitvaa| vatsa pazya / zAkhAmRgo nirapadhipAdhatAH samdhAmakAstravazametya mudhaiva dRptH| AkalpameSa zarapaJjaramadhyavatI lAkapitvamAdhigacchati digvadhUnAm // 60 // 20 iti visnati // 10 nepadhye yadA vIrastIkSNairiSubhirabhinaddhaH pravivazaH __ svamAtmAma tasmAt pariharayituM naashkdym| srve| samAkarNya / sautsukyam / tadA kim // 25 puna pththe| tadA glAnarmukto raghupatitirAna cchede prAyazcittaM vyadhita kila dehAntamucitam // 61 // zrama / didhyA prAtahatamamA lam // sakSama / nUnamucitajJAnAmagraNIH kila kapigrAmaNIH // ___30 rAmaH / kathamevaM vRttam / bhavatu / vidhivilasitaM ko vAnyathayeta / 'Urdhvamavalokya / kimetadakANDa eva kalpAntaEiRMeroi lAkolAhalaM kapicakramakamamito'mimukhamAlokyate // Here begins M8. B. 2 K bere adds TTH:
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________________ 5 10 SUPPLEMENTARY PASSAGES shrmdeg| deva ayamasau kathaM kathamapi jAmbavatA pratibodhyamAnaM pratyagrapitRviyogavihalaM vatsamaGgadaM puraskRtya hanumadvibhISaNAbhyAmanugamyamAnaH katipayapradhAnavyaktiparivRtaH kaniSThaH kapirAjo deva sabhAjayitumabhyeti // lkssm'| sakautukam / Arye vivicyAdhigantumIhe // zrama0 / 20 sarve / sapraNAmam / jayati jayati devo rAmabhadraH // raamH'| bhadrA itthaM sAnAtkRtavyalAkaH kimanuyuJje // vIraH so'yaM suparvacitibhRdiva samuttaptakArtasvarazrIH saurirvame pizaGgasphuritatanuruhI dhUmilAyo hanumAn / pArzve'pyatrAJjanakSmApatiriva zanakaiH saJcariSNuH kanIyAn rakSonAthaH plavagaparivRDhAH pRSThato'mI nalAdyAH // 62 // tataH pravizati hanumadvibhISaNAbhyAmanugamyamAnaH saparivAraH sugrIvo jAmbavatpratibodhito'Ggadazca // sugrIvo jAmbavatomukhamIcate // 15 jAmba' / deva dAzarathe kiM prAkRtamiva sugrIvaM bodhayasi / svasvapApmAnurUpAM phalapariyatimanuvate kila janmabhAjaH / sugrIvaH / savyalIkam / 1 bhavAn dharmo dharmapravaNamatireSa pratidinaM bhavAn dhyeyo dhyAtA punarayamanAvarjitamanAH / bhavAn zAstA ziSyaH punarayamatandraH kimaparaM bhavAn sevyaH sarvairupadhibhiraya sevaka iti // 63 // . daNDavadena praNipAtayati // rAmaH / sasambhramamutthApya pariSvajya ca / sakhe vaikartana / eka eva nau pradhAnapuruSaH prasavitA savitA / tat kimupacAraiH // 25 sugrI0 / deva yadyahamanugrahapAtraM tadaGgadasya plavaGgAdhipatyadAnena mAmanugRhNAtu bhavAn // rAmaH / vihasya / kimacAnugrAhyam / 2 sarve / sAdhu sugrIva sAdhu // ayaM vatso guNaiH svAdhyaH pitRbhAktaparaH / vatsalazca vAda kiM vidheyamihAdhikama // 64 // * Kreads pAvetyacA0. rAmaH om K. 8 283 4 Kreads rAma: for sugrIvaH K om. this number.
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________________ 5 284 10 15 20 25 SUPPLEMENTARY PASSAGES 30 ma / vibhISaNaM nirdizya / so'yaM bhavatpadAmbhojamakarandArdramAnasaH / vibhISaNo dRSTipAtaprasAdArthI pratIcchati // 65 // rAmaH / ehi laGkezvara nAtiricyate kila bhavAn vatsalakSmaNAt // hanUmAn / sasambhramamupasTatya / rAmadeva | iti pArzve samupavezayati // lalATapa-yarNabhUtalaH / kairyadhikRtiM lipsurhanUmAn praNamatyayam // 66 // rAmaH / bAhra prasArya / sAnandavASpagadgadam / ehyehi / uktasRSTirbhavamUlA bhaktacaryotsuko'pyaham // AJjaneya mahAbAho tamAmAliGga mA ciram // 67 // tathA kRtvA sarvAGgasparza rUpayati // hanumAna satrIDaM tiSThati // rAmaH / nirUpya / sacamatkAram / sakhe hanUman / kimetadatisaMstavAdviSaya mAtrataH saGgrahaM nivartayati me dRzaH kimapi cittamAkarSati / matiM jaDayati sphuTaM cetanAM vimanyadapahantyahaha vastumAcAdaram / 68 // hanUmAn vaicityaM nATayati // zrama | sAvegamupasRtya / deva tadidaM yanmayA prAgAveditaM sItAdevyAH saMvyAnamanasUyA - nAmAGkam // iti darzayati // rAmaH / sasambhramau hastau prasArya gRhItvA nirvarNya / savASpam / hA priye vaidehi // saMvRNoti // purva kiJcidatha dRSTvA / aho vidheH krUratA / yataH / tathA sA hAritA kAntA yathA vAtApi durlabhA / rundhe ca tadabhijJAnavIyetkAmazrabhirdRzam // 69 // iti dhyAnaM nATayati // zramadeg / aho durucchedaH kila snehapAzaH yastAvadevaMvidhaniyAko mahAtmano 'pi vidheyIkaroti / tathA hyayaM devaH / cuH sAndraromAJcavama piSTA nirbharaM paryapAstaH / kimapi kalitakAntaM khAntamAnandahetodhabhirapi vAH sambhramaM naH karoti // 70 //
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________________ 285 SUPPLEMENTARY PASSAGES rAmaH / svagatam / aho kimetadavasthAvizeSo'nyathaiva kizcidanubhAvayati / tathA hi / nivRttiH pratyekaM bhavati karaNAnAM svaviSayA tathA sarvANyatra smRtijanakatAmeva dadhati / atasmiMstadbhAvaM bhajati jaganaivamiti cet kathaGkAra sarva pariNamati kAntAmayamidam // 71 // lakSma / acintyaH kilAyaM mohamahimA yastAvadAryamapi viSayIkaroti / tat kimatra pratividhayam // rAmaH / saMstabhyAtmAnaM cakSurunmIlya nirUpya ca / sakhe hanUman kimevamatidurmanAyase // hanU / dimataratudaNe bhavatprasAdAsAditakapisAmrAjyo vatsAGgadAnugataH sugrIvo 10 manmukhena bhavanta vijnyaapyti| vayaM dhanyAH sarve raghupativRSA yAna smitasudhAcisonApyatha samanugRhNAti vcsaa| anUdyaitat sarva patati mama cetasviti vidhau nidezAlaGkAraM punaravanate mUrdhni vibhRyAm // 72 // 15 raamH| sadRzaM hi nAmaitat / bhavAdRzaM suhRdamapAsya kena vAnyenaitadanuyoktavya / kasya vaanysthaatraadhikaarH| kintu prathamadarzanaM priyasuhRda ityanurudhye // jAmba / yadabhirucitaM prabhaviSNave / Urdhvamavalokya / sampati tu lalATantapastapati tigmAMzuH nakhampacaJca panthAH / tathA hi| namaH zUnyaM bhUnA prasabhamatitApavyatikare kulAyAnte vizrAmyati giti vRnde chadabhRtAm / bhuvo'pyetA dUraM viralaviTapikSmAdharadarI'jharItIra khApaM dadhati nikurumbe'pi pRSatAm // 73 // tat kimatra prAptakAlamityAjJApayatu devaH // rAmaH / idameva / kimanyat / yad yUyaM sArdhameva priyasuhRdA laDvezvareNa samucitA 25 yAhAkRtyAyayatantAM ahamapIha mataGgAzramapada eva zramaNAnirdiSTaparisareSu vatsahanUmayA saha samayamam palAyA / iti parikramya niSkrAntAH sarve // // pnycmo'ngkH|| 20 1 K reads maninApa 2 K has a lacuna 3 K has a lacuna for jha
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________________ APPENDIX B After V. 46 the Mysore MS. (hereafter called Mr) has a text which differs entirely both from the original and from the Kasmir MS (called K) This new text corresponds with the one to be found in the edition of the play edited 5 by Ratnam Aiyer (hereafter called A), Bombay, 1901. I have collated Mr with the printed text, the variae lectiones of which I have given in foot-notes. The MS reads: 1"avazthaM ca zreyakhinA bhvitvym| yazaHsantAno me vizadazaradindudyutinibha___10 prakAzo vizvAntarvilasati digante vismaraH / vayANA lokAnAmadhipatirajayyo janayitA tataH zreyomUlaM sujanacaritaM me'bhirucitam // 47 // anatikramaNIyaM ca suhatkAryam / tadevamubhayataHpAzena rajvA baddhaH sampramugdho'si / "iti savicAraM parikramya rAmaM dRSTvA / aho acintyAbrutamahimAnubhAvamapratihatAnanda15 zaktikamaprAkRtamidaM kimapi jyotiH / api ca / manye paurANikeSvaprasarga prakaraNeSu prakhyAtAH / satyametadve" khalvetasyaiva tejolezavilAsarUpANi nAnyasya / atyugrodanaveladdhagadhagitajagaddAharaudrAdhikAra kroDakalpAntakAlajvalanavilasaduddaNDacaNDAyitAni / saMvatArambhasarvaplavanayanamahAvagrahavyagradharmya prAgbhArodAraghoraskhaladumihirolajjRmbhitAMni // 48 // 20 1 See 'Bibliography'. ** Continuation of Vali's speech A adds mayA. Mr does not number verses + suhAdAkyam A. sammugdho A. iti om. A. ' avalokya for dRSTvA A. manA for nanda A. keSu prasaGgaprakaraNeSu A 10 prakhyAtam A. 11 satyametasyaiva A 12 degvalgaddhaga. A 13 degduddAma A. 14 degmahAvyagrahavyagrahogha. A. 16 roddAma 16 jvaladu A.
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________________ 287 VARIANTS IN ACT V paradevatAM' pratipattipUrvakaM bhktimminiiy| yathAyaM nidhyAtaH sphurati hRdi sambhAvitaparaH__ shsrbrhmaannddprlypunrudbodhvibhvH| tathA manye nUnaM jagadavanahetoravatarana' gato devaH sAkSAjjagati bhuvi nArAyaNa iti // 49 // dhik taM nimatahetubhUta 'jagatkAryAbhinivezaM / yata etAdRze mahAtmani mahat pApaM krtumdhyvsitm| parityajyatAmidaM sauhArdam / nAsti me pratyavAyaH / tathA hi / adharmo dharmatAmeti hyAdRte prmeshvre|| dharmo'pyadharma eva syAttamanAdRtya bhAvitaH // 50 // 10 punaH svissaadm| mahAvIrANAM vAnarendrANAM rAkSasendrANA ca samakSaM bhAlyavantaM prati pratibakAsa yuddhavaimukhye sati kathaM te mahAtmAno manyerana / cirArjitaM ca vizvavyApakaM mahad yazo lupyeta / ayazazca loke sarvatra pracuraM syAt / vicinya / evaM kriytaam| samAmabalenaiva vAlI yudhyata iti kadAcidasti me prsiddhiH| tathaiva me pratijJA ca / satya pratijJazcAhama / 'balAgatAlagajenAsAdhyaM kiJcit pratyAyanaM prArthatA raambhdrH"| 15 punaH savimarzam / aho mahAprabhAvasya rAmasthAsAdhyaM nAma kiJcidasti / yena dundubhidehaH pAdAGguSThena vIryAt paramAviddhaH / punarvicintya / tarhi sAvanaM kiJcit pratyAyanaM prArthatAm / tataH svAvamAnasya hetubhUte pratyAyane rAmo na pravartate / tathA ca naH18 siddhaM samIhitaM saGghAmavaimukhyam / punarvimRzya / saviSAdam / aho mahAtmAnaM prati kathametAdRzaM vacanaM vaktakAmo'smi / kimanena pratyavAyasaGkalitena vakramArgeNa / atha 20 saGgrAmanivRttani Rjureva mArgo nissklngkHkshcidaalocniiyH| vicintya / shrssm| 1 devatAprati A. 2 ravataraM A jjayati A * suhRtkA A : mad A. 0 apayaza A 7 kimatra samAdhAnam add. A 4 kAci A 9 tathaiva add. A. 10 karma add A. 11 bhadrataH A. 12 vAdana . 13 vindhyAt A 12 sAvacam add A. 16 tarhi sAvajJaM om A. 16 degmAnahetu A 17 varteta A. 18 A reads a: after farsi 10 saMvalitana A 20 tataH for atha A 1 degvRttau for degvRttaM ni A 23 reSa A 23 ca add. A. 24 For kazcidA. . . . niskalaGkaca A reads tyajyatAmidamadhyavasitam / kintu jagatpUjyo bhavAnatithirasmAkamAgata iti bamAnapurassarameva sAkhyaM kriytaam|
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________________ 288 ayameva RjumArgo niSkalaGkazca / vAnarA rAkSasAzca yathA tathA vA jAnantu / punarvimRzya / saviSAdam / lokaprasiddhaM vAlirAvaNayoH sakhyaM rAmo jAnAti / adyatanaM 5 ca mAM prati mAlyavataH prArthanaM samIpAgatasya rAmasya karNapathaM gataM syAt / tathA ca rAvaNasauhRdaparityAginaM mitradrohiNaM mahApApinaM matvA na mAmaGgIkuryAt / kadAcit samaye prApte rAvaNamiva mAmapyayaM parityajediti ekTiva' buddhizca tasya syAt / ato durghaTaM tena sakhyam / 'tATasthAvalambane ca rAmasya mayi mitradrohazaGkA tadavasyaiva / mahAtmanazca tasyAvazyamabhinItena mayA bhavitavyam / kA gatiH / samyagadhicintya / pUrvacintitaM 10 balasAdhyaparIcAvyAjena samAnabalena samprahAra iti pratijJAparipAlanadharmaH ' yena mayi rAmasya mitradrohazaGkA na syAt / yataH sarvApekSayA satyapraticatA balavatI / ata eva zAdibhiH pratirodhena caNDAladAsyAdikamapyAcaritam / na " cedevamavamAnahetutayA rAmasya prakopahetuH / mahAprabhAvasya 12 mAdRze kiyAnavamAnaH / kiJca mahatsvevAparAdheSu mahAtmanA prakopaH / ato mAdRzAnAM vAGmAtreNa kopaM na kariSyati / 15 tasmAt tenaiva vyAjena saGgrAmaH pariharaNIyaH / 9 niHsImaM " nirayAnubandhi ca nirAkuryAmahaM " sauhRdaM niHzeSAzca ni nijapadAnuzyantu nazyantu vA / mandI mAlyavatA vimohitamanA mandodarIvallabhaH kiM kurmo mativibhramAdiha mahAvIreNa vairAyate // 52 // 17 ayaM ca rAmaH sambhASaNayogyaM " svalpAntarAkhaM " prAptaH / rAmaM prati / svAgataM mahAvIrasya // 20 1 " protsAhanaM A, " samIpagatasya A vAnararAkSasAca A 4 mAmayaM 4. B 8 VARIANTS IN ACT V sAntvanairabhisampUjya santyajyAnucitaM vacaH / saujanyasindhunAnena sakhyameva samaJjasam // 51 // 0nIyA ca A. *parIcAvyAvena tadIyahRdayadUra bhUtasyaihikAmuSmikaprasaGgI dUrata eva / atatadapecayA sAva pratyAyanaprArthanameva garIyaH / na cAsina pace rAmakhAnAzvAsaprasaGgaH * itakAryaviruddhaM. For tArakha (1.1x below) A reads : 7 " 10 =22 222 = 11 12 'cedavamA A. tasya add A. " mAdRzaiH A 1* niHsAraM A 15 .13 iti add A yena mayi . * na syAt om A tathA for ata A. 17 * pratijJAnu A. * kuryAmidaM A 10 yogya: A. samprAptaH A,
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________________ 289 VARIANTS IN ACT V rAmaH / idAnImahaM mahAvIraH saMvRttaH / yato mahAvIralAbhena madvAhubalaM sAphalya manubhavati // vaalii| dhigastu me mahAvIratA' yena mahAvIradharmaH parityaktaH / sa eva khalu dharmoM vIrasya yajjagatpUjyAnAM bhavAdRzA paritoSaNam // 5 rAmaH / madvAhubalasAphalyasaMvAdanaM mama paritoSaNahetureva // __ vaalii| mayA kizcid vijJApyamasti / tatra bhavAn madhya grahamavadhArayatu / raamH| kiM tat // vAlI / etAvantaM kAlaM samAnabalenaiva me samprahAraH / ataH samAnabalale kiM tat pratArAnugRhmAnAH // 10 rAmaH / kena' karmaNAMcabhavataH pratyayaH syAt / vaalii| vRkSAntalIMnamUrtiH praNihitamanasA samyagAlokya lakSya vakSasyAbhogayukte mama nizitazarAn muJca nAtha" prahAram / tacced bhidyata dattaprasaramapi bhaveta pravyarthatApi yadvA tenAzake nirAse nanu tadanumatastulyasAro mama syAt // 53 // rAmaH / sakrodham / A durAtman vIrabandho tRNaprAyaM malA mAmapahasasi / athavA kva vApahAsayogyatA / tathA manye satyaM savAmabhIruNA tvayA prANaparitrANAya kazcid vyAjaH parikalpitaH / kiJca yadi pAratyaktasaGghale bhaviSyasi / tadA khayA mayi mahAna drohaH prayuktaH syAt / yata evamapahAse'pyudAsInaM mAmasamartha mahAvIra 20 20 manyeran / tadA" ca loke mahAnapavAdaH syAt / nizvasya / 19 degzaGkAnirA. skhA: A 1 degvIratAm A rAmaH om Mr 3 degphalyaM for phalyasaMvAdanaM A * toSadeg for "toSaNa A 'nuyahabuddhyAva A kiJcit for kiM tat A ke for kena Mr 3 karmaNA tatra ' vAlI om. M. 10 zaraM A gADhaprahAA. hAA tavA. for vA. A. 1 tathA manye satvaM A, nep| sayaM M. 11 degsaMrakSaNAya fon paritrANAya A 13 gamiSyasi A hasase'pyu A. vIrAH A tathA A 22 niHzvasya A 3789
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________________ 290 VARIANTS IN ACT manorvaze jAtAH prathitayazamo bhUmipatayo manAgapyeteSA caritamapavAde na patati / trilokIvistArI' prabalaparivAdakajanaka "stRNIkAraH ko'yaM ziva ziva mano me vyathayati // 54 // 5 vaalii| aatmgtm| hanta mahaviparItam / yadanukUlakhena mayA cintita tat pratikUla __ saMvRttam / etAvatparyantaM yuddhe kRte devatAdroha iti sthitam / idAnoM tu yuddhaparityAge __ mahAn droha ityApatitam / aho visaMvAdaH / asmin paramezvaradRTyA mama khAtmani paramanikarSabuddhiH sthitA / asya tu mayi mahAvIrabuddhyA paramotkarSabuddhireva / ato madIyaduruktyA mahAntamaparAdha manyate / ata eva madIyaduruktizca na vaamaatrm| prkaashm| 0 mahAnubhAva mayi svajanapratipattyA madIyadurukta kSamyatAm / kiM prekSAvantaH parIkSante dAvAnale "zaktirati vA na veti / tadehi savAmabhUmiM gacchAvaH // rAmaH / vatsa lakSmaNa zabaryA saha sugrIvavibhISaNau gavA mad vacanAt brUhi / ___ "bhavadarzanAya prasthitasya me madhyemArga vAlinA samAgamaH samprAptaH / tadatikrame ca mahadanaucityam / tato muhUrta vilambaH sahyatAm" iti // 15 lkssmnnH| yadAjJApayatyAryaH // / iti niSkrAntaH // rAmaH / dhanurAsphAlayan / saharSam / hantedAnImasmadIyadhanuSaH prAdurbhavati drAgabhyAgatanirbhayapratibhaTanAgalbhyanirbhedana bhrAjamavidhUtabhUtaninadaprAgbhAravAn" bhairavaH / 19 udbhUtapralayA dbhUtezabhImAata20 krIDAnirbharasambhramabhramasamujjRmbhAya bambhAravaH // 55 // vistAriprabala A " spaNI 1 , tRNI A. * eva adda * vRttaH ... 'siddham / 'mahAdroha ' paraM nikRSTabuddhiH A 8 klica A , tazca Mr. jana prati Mr; zvanaprati A. // dahana add before zakti A 12 vA na on. A 13 atoA 11 degdIyaM dhanuH prA. A 13 jaGgama. 16 "vibhIta 1 degvad bhIravaH A 18 A has a lacuna for the last two feet | of the verse. 10 gyaM dura* A.
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________________ 291 VARIANTS IN ACT V ____291 api c| dRpyajjambhAriDimbhapraharaNagiriSu sphUrjadujjRmbhidIvya-1 hambholipardhinIbhirguruSu madiSubhirmImamabhyAgateSu / taddhATIbhamabhUbhRdbahadupaladRDhAghAtavidhyaNDabhaGga __ sphAyanAGkAraheturbhavatu mama bhujAstambhagambhIrasAraH // 56 // kintu punazca pUrvabuddhyA vAlinaH sabhAmavaimukhyaM kadAcit sambhAvyata iti payaryAkulaM me hRdayam / bhavatu sarva drakSyAmaH // iti niSkrAntAH sarve // // pnycmo'ngkH|| tataH pravizati sampAtinIma vAnaraH // 'sampAtiH / aGgadena vAnararAjasUnunA preSito'smi / "sampAte vAlinaH plavaGgamAdhIzasya vRttAnto na vijJAyate / tadanveSaNAya dizi prasthitA" vAnarAH / tvaM ca 1 RSyamUkaM gatvA vicAraya" iti / tatra ca sugrIvavibhISaNAbhyA saha kRtasakhyo rAmabhadrastiSThati / tatraivAyaM vRttAnto viditaH syAt / agrato'valokya / ayaM hanUmAnita 15 evAbhivartate / yAvadenaM pRcchAmi // tataH pravizati hanUmAn // Bhnuumaan| AdiSTo'smi mahAtmanA rAmabhadreNa / "bho hanUman / vAlinaM gaveSayitu sugrIvavibhISaNau prasthitau / ahaM ca lakSmaNena saha" tatrAnveSTuM gacchAmi / tvaM ca kiSkindhAsamIpaM gatvA vicAraya" iti / kva vAlI mayA draSTavyaH / na kevalamidaM rAmakAryam / 20 yato mahArAjasugrIvo'pi dhAturyazonAzasambhAvanayA dhAtaraM yuddhArthamAnetuM samantAda 1 "vidyu0 for degdIvya A 10 dizi add A 2 obhyAhateSu A 11 plavaGgamAH prasthApitAH fon prasthitA 3 vindhyANDa A vAnarAHA * bhujakha. A 12 Rzya Mr RSya A 'punazca om A 19 gatvA om Mr. 6 cyAmi A. 14 rAmasti A sampAtiH om Mr 18 hanUmAn om A prekSito Mr preSito A 19 degcandreNa for bhadreNa A 11 tatra add. A Mr adds YT which it afterwards stukes out 18 dhAtRyazo A U 2
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________________ 202 VARIANTS IN ATT VI viSyan' 'paryati / puro'valokya / ayaM mampAtirita evAbhivartate / etanmukhena jnyaatvym| 'upasRtya / sampAte kva prasthito'si // sampA / evama / iti kathAyitvA / tvaM punaH kva prasthito'si // inU / evam / iti kathayati // 5 smpaa| vidita mayA veditavyam // hanu / mayA ca vijJAtavya vijJAtam / yAvad rAmAya nivedayAmi / aya rAmo lakSmaNena saha vAligamApana ita evAbhivartate / yAvadupasapImi // iti nisskraantii| // zuddhaviSkambhaH / 0 tataH pravizatyadhijyadhanvA kAlapepaNacyayo rAmo lakSmaNazca // rAmaH / hanta kimetat / na jAne kva gato vAlI vAnarendraH / pUrvayurahaM vAlinA' ___ saha savAmabhUmimabhiprasthitaH / sa ca madviSayAbahumAnAnmAM pratyupacArArtha purogamanaM pArzvagamana ca parihatya parivAra ca kiSkindhAM sampreSya 1 ekAkI pUrvata eva mAmanugataH / aha cApraticchanneva saGghAmabhUmiparyantamAgataH / adyAvazya draSTavyaH / puro'valokya / 5 saharSam / ayamasau vAlI // satkhara dhanuSi bANa sandhatte // vAlI vA sugrIvo vA" vibhISaNo na" dRzyate / anucarAzca na dRzyante / tasmAdayaM vAlIti nizcinomi / pUrveduzcakAkI sthitaH // viSya 3. viSdhana .. 11 cApratIkSameva A paryaTati A. 12 For adyAvazyaM .. dRzyate A reads 3 upadatya om. 11 tatra yuddhAramAya pRSThataH samAlokito na kathayati A. dRSTaH / Azcaryam / tatastaM bahuzo'nviSyApi viditaM vijJAtavyaM for vidhAtavya | kvApyapazcan nairAznarthamUkamahamAgataH. vijJAtaM A. 18 dhanuSi after bANaM add A ca add. A. 1" lakSmaNaH / mama tu saMzayo vartate vAlI ca for vAsinA A / eva add. A. 15 iti add. A. " prakhitauA. 16 rAmaH add. A. 10 samprecya Mr sampreSya A. 11 Mr maA. add. A.
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________________ VARIANTS IN ACT VI 293 pravizya hanUmAna / sugrIvo'yam / na hantavyo na hantavyaH / rAmaH / AH aakRtisaamyaadnrthheturvipryyH|| tataH pravizati sugriivH| sugrIvaH / na dRSTo vaalii|| raamH| sakhe sugrIva vibhISaNaH kva gtH| anurAva gatAH // sugrI / ekata evAnveSaNe vAlI na dRzyata iti nAnAmukhA vayaM prasthitAH // tataH pravizati vibhISaNaH // vibhISaNaH' / na dRSTo vaalii|| hanU / svAmin vAlino darzanamasmAkaM kutaH / ganadAna api vAnarAstatra tatrAnvi10 Syanto na pazyanti / rAmaH / tarhi RSyamUkaM gamiSyAmaH / kinkhamoghasya bANasya kizcinacyaM prdrshniiym| niraparAdheSu ca na prayoktavyaH / ki karomi / puro'valokya / ayamito nAtidUre vRkSakhaNDe kacina nAgaH1 saJcarati / ayameva lakSmIkartavyaH / mRgayA ca rAjJA dharma eva / sAvadhAnena mayA bhavitavyam / yato mRgajAtirdhanurdhara dRSTvA palAyate / ato vRkSaviTa15 pAntarita eva bhUkhA nihAmAyenam // niSkrAnto rAmaH // sugriivvibhiissnnau| aho vAlI kva" gataH sthAt / parasparaM vimRzataH // pravizva sambhrAnto raamH| hanta mahad vaishsmaaptitm| mayA vANena tIkSNena mRgo hRdi vidaaritH| adrirAjapramANena vAlirUpadharo mRtaH // 1 // 20 20 agrato'valokya gatvA vicArayAmi // tataH pravizati divyapuruSaH / 1 hanudeg M1 hanU A 2 AH om A 3 AkRti A sukRti Mr + sugrIvaH om Mr 5 degcarA vA A sa for vAlIA vibhISaNaH om Mr darzanaM durlabhamasmAkam for darzanamasmAkaM kutaH A. 'Rzya Mr RSya A. 10 SaNDa Mr khaNDe A 11 mRgaH A. 1 lakSyIya 13 mayA om A. 14 eva om. A. 15 hani for nihaniA 16 iti add A 17 A reads a before vAlI. 18 degmApAditam A 19 mRgaH A. 20 tadagrato for agrato'valokya A. 21 pravizya for tataH pravizati A,
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________________ 204 VARIANTS IN ACT VI divyapuruSaH / vijayIbhava raamcndr| munikA devo vA bhavatu nanu jammArirapi vA vidhAtA bhUtAnAmapi bhavatu yadvA kamalabhUH / tathA dehasyAnte svayamanugRhItasya bhavatA mamAye kasteSAM prabhavati mahinAmatizayaH // 2 // raamH| kastvaM mayA ma vijJAtaH stoSi mA parayA mudaa| kutUhalena saGkAntamaMtastattva prasIdatu // 3 // divyapuruSaH / ahaM kina vasundharAdhIza mahAbalAnAM vAlI vinetA "vrvaanraannaam| madAndhabhAvena mayAbhipanno matagazApena kuraGgabhAvaH // 4 // purA kina madonmattatayA matagamunI maryAdAmanavekSya tadIyAzramaparisare dundubhidehaM' viciptavAn / tadrudhiraparyuSitaM nijAzramAgaNaM dRSTvA sa muniH zazApa / "durAtman vIradarpaNa khalvevamakArSIH / anenAtikramaNena "dehasyAnte kuraGgarUpaM labdhvA vIradharmaviruddha 5 kutsitaM maraNaM prApsyasi" iti / tato mayA manirbahuzaH prayatnairanunIta. punaranujagrAha / vedAntajAlaparizIlanalabdhavarNoM vedAntarAyavikalo'yamananyabhAvaH / devAsurairapi durUhatamena tena dehAntamanyaduravApamavApsyasIti // 5 // 0 sa evAyaM zApo yadaha saGgrAmabhUmi prati vAmanugacchannantarA mRgo bhUtvA svarUpaM ca vismRtya plaayitH| sa evAyamanugraho yattava prasAdAd brahmAdInAmapyalabhyamaizvaryamavAptavAmasmi / tadeva bhavadanugrahabalAdupanataM zAzvata pada gamiSyAmi // rAmaH / tathAstu / "iti niSkrAnto divyapuruSaH // rAmaH" / vatsa lakSmaNa vibhISaNena saha kiSkindhA gatvA vAlinaH kRtottarakriyaM sugrIvaM vAnararAjye'bhiSiccha katipayadinaireva matsakAzamAgaccha / vibhISaNa bhAtRvya - - divyapuruSaH om. MT, A. vivayImava A. 3 mantadeg A. * dati A. vana A. manapekha.. 7 Vi add. A ___ krameNa .. ' dehasyAnte . . . bhUtvA svarU' (1. 20 below) om. Mi. 10 anugrahato mAmupagataM A. // iti om. A 12 rAmaH om. Mr. 13 divasaireva A.
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________________ VARIANTS IN ACT VI sanakarzitasya sugrIvasya samAzvAsanAya tatraivAstAm / ahaM tu sugrIvabhRtyaiH katipayaivAnaraiH paricaryamANa RSyamUke vatsyAmi / mayA khalvayodhyAyAM pratijJAtaM caturdaza varSANi * nagarapravezaM na kariSyAmIti vRSTikAle mAsacatuSTaye vyatIte bahu kAryamabhivartanIyam // lakSmaNaH / yadAjJApayatyAryaH / sugrIvasya rAjyanantarameva tvatsamIpamAgamiSyAmi' / 5 tAvatparyantamime vArnarAH paricarantu / sItAviyogaduHkhitasya tava samAzvAsanAya RSyamUkaguhAyAmavasthApitaM sItAbharaNamarpayiSyAmi / pUrvedyustvadAgamanasambhrameNa tvadupacArarvyAvRttairetaiH tvayA ca suhRtsamAgamainasantoSAtizayena tatkathAlApavinodavyayatayA ca vismRtaM tat " // niSkrAntA lakSmaNAdayaH // rAmaH / parikramyAvalokya ca / ayamasAvRSyamUkaH / ArohaNaM nATayitvopavizya / "ahaM tAvat kRtsnaM nizicarapateH pauruSabala haThAkrAnte mitre plavagakulamukhye vinihate / 16 "kadA bhasmIkuryAmahamahaha" laGkAmavikala kadApi kravyAdA " jagati --19 naSTA mama ruSA // 6 // mAyAmAtramitaH paraM tasya balam " tatpratIkArAya kazcidupAyazcintanIyaH / puro'va15 lokya" / ki" adbhutaM jyotiritomukhamabhivartate / samyag vilokya" / aho bhagavA 21 1 nagastyaH samprAptaH // 10 20 agastyaH 1 2 yAM A 4 kArya nirvarta A. * rAjyAbhiSekAnantaradeg A G 7 tataH pravizatyagastyaH // 24 / zradyaivAsmatsuhRdA vizvAmitreNa sandiSTam / " yanmayAdhiSThitaM yatnAd yAtudhAnavadhAdikam / jaganmaGgalakAmena rAmasya caritAdbhutam // 7 // bhRtyaH A Rzya0 Mr RSya0 1. khalvadhosyAdhAM Ma khalu mithilA 8 17 a sakAzamahamA A su add Mi vanacarAH A 9 Rya0 Mr RSya A 10 bharaNajAlaM ca samarpayiSyanti A. 11 vyApRtaideg A 12 *gamadeg for ogamana0 A. 13 etat A * vRzya * I hanta A 10 hastau nipIDya A 17 14 15 17 a * mahata Mr * mahaha A kadAdi M1 kathApi A 18 dUti add A 19 * vRSyao A Mi has a lacuna, A has none 20 avaziSTaM adl A 21 savismayaM add A. 22 etat add A. 23 vibhAvya A. 24 agastyaH om Mr 295
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________________ VARIANTS IN ACT VI tadetad bhavato viditam / atra' devAsurANAmapyapradhRSyaM divyAstrajAtaM sAcAdevAsmAmirdatam / tataca kutazcit kAraNAd bhavadAzrame niciptaM mAhendraM dhanurvaraM ziSyamukhena yAcitam / taca bhavatA mithilAgatAya rAmAya preSitam / tacAdayaH prabhAvapramoditanA mAlyavatA protsAhitasya nAmadagnyasya hastAd vaiSNavaM dhanurapyAnIya 5 dApitam / yacAnyadapecitaM tat sarvaM mayA saGkalpena' sAdhitam / idAnabhitApadapaziSTam / mAyAvino rAcasA bhavanti / yathA rAjadado na bhaviSyati tathA prayatatAM bhavatA" iti / parikramyAvalokya ca / sarvayA netrAnandaM janayati / rAmasyAgrato'vataraNaM 10 15 20 296 ayaM rAmaH nATayati // rAmaH / sasambhramamutyAya / bhavagana abhivAdaye // manorathAH sidhyantu // aga / upavizataH // rAmaH / aho mahAn prasAdaH yat svayameva bhavAna agastyoti // aga / kimanyadIyaM kAryam / asmadIyatapovinnakAriNAmeva vadhe pravRtto'si / te ca mAyAvinaH / atasteSA mAyAbalaM jJAtvA tadvijaye pravartitavyam / 1 mAyAbalamavijJAya mahAbala manAgapi / mAyAvinaM svaM manasApi na cintayet // 8 // ' dadAmi te divyaM cakSuH // ' iti kamaNDalUdakena netre pa mArjayati // rAmaH / hanta laGkAvRttAntaH pratyayaM pratibhAti // aga / kiM pazyasi // rAmaH / rAvaNo rAcasarAjaH sarvaprakRtibhiH parivRto mantrayate // rAvaNaH / mAtAmaha " kimatra kRtyam // 1 tatra 4. pracodita ... 3 eka add. A. * pratyAyanaM bhavet 5 For ayaM. 2 janayati A rends & hima ayaM rAmaH kAmapratimatanu zriyA nevAnandaM janayati janAnAM adhiyAm / verse: taH paricitacidAnandaparamazriyA brahmAnandaM mama manasi nityaM prathayati // I number this verse as 7 a. 6 Agatya A 7 prati spadhI for svaM and lacuna, A. 8 ato add. A. iti om. A. 10 mAtAmaha add. A. 9
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________________ VARIANTS IN ACT VI 297 maalyvaan| tvayA yadyat kRtyaM kapaTavidhinA tattadakhilaM 'pravRttaM durdaivAdahaha viparIta pariNatam / mahAvIro vAlI tava ca paramaH pauruSabale' madAmAto hanta kharitamabhiyAto vinihataH // 9 // vayaM ca 'agrataH sthAtumapi na zaktAH / ytH| asmAkamapi loke dAvaprakampyau mhaablau| rAjA vAnaravIrANAM rAmazca kSatriyAntakaH // 10 // . dayorapi rAmo jetA' / avadhAritameva pUrvamasmAbhir yo vAlinaM hanti hatA vayaM 10 tena" iti / parantu ekavAraM tUSNIndaNDaH prayojyaH / phalaM tu daivAyattam / prakAzadaNDastu rAme na prasaratIti "prasiddhameva // rAva / tat kathyatAM yatte manasi vartate // mAlya / idAnImeva me cArairAveditaM RSyamUke rAmaH katipayaireva vAnaraiH paricaryamANaH pratikAta / lakSmaNastu sugrIvapaTTAbhiSekAya kiSkindhAM prsthitH| sa ca katipayai15 divase rAmasakAzamAgamiSyati / vibhISaNaH punIsacatuSTayaM sugrIvasakAza vatyatIti / idAnImanyonyaviprayuktau raamlkssmnnau| parAsnAbhAve prsprshaayyoH| chadmadaNDaprayozcat saphalo bhavitA tayoH // 11 // raavH| sa kIdRzaH // 20 mAlya / yadA tAvalakSmaNaH sugrIvasakAzAdRSyamUTTET tadA madhyamArgamindrajitA lakSmaNasthAgrato mAyAsItAyAH zirazchedaH kartavyaH / tadA lakSmaNo muhUrta mohamApatsyate / - 1 kimatra katyam add A. prayukta A. 3 paramaM A. + balaM A. . jayAthIM yuddhAya A. for A. rAmasya add. A. / tayo A. vijetA A. 10 ca add. A. 11 evaM add. A. 1 punarapi add A. 18 Mi, A read rAmeNa for rAme na. 14 siddha fon prasiddha A 15 Mr reads kathayatAM. 16 Rzya Mr RSya A. 17 praviSTaH A. 18 sa om. A. 19 dRzya Mr dRSya A
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________________ 298 VARIANTS IN ACT VI savAmaprayojananivRttyA nirutsAho vibhISaNazca sampatsyate / tadAnImindrajitA muhatIsarAle lakSmaNo jetavyaH / atidhIramyApi puruSasya svajJAnaviSaye Akasmike' vA sampanne vinipaate'tidaarunne| __ aGgAre vAghiNAkrAnte jAyate vikala manaH // 12 // 5 "tvayA ca vidyujihvamAyAnirmita sItAziro rAmasyAgrato nikSeptavyam / tataH so'pi ___ mohamApatsyate / tataH pragiva samAzvasanAdavilambena jetavyaH / / raav| yadyapi yuktaM tvayAbhihitaM idaM tu sambhAvyate / kadAcit pratyakSAparAdhAdviguNitakopI' tadavasta rAmalakSmaNau bhavetAm / tadA tatsanidhAnaM asmAkaM anartha hetureva // mAlyaH / tadA yuddhaM kRtvA mrtvymsmaabhiH| tadartha "rAkSasabalaM bhavantamindrajitaM 10 "vAnugacchatu / kumbhakarNazca prabodhayitavyaH / rAva / kiM sarvavinAzopAyaM cintayasi / sarvathA rAmalakSmaNasavidhAnamAlalaH ___pariharaNIyameva // mAlya / kva vA nigUDhapradeze nilIno bhavitumicchasi sItApahAranimitta mahAvare jaagrti| mAtRgarbha praviSTAnAmapi naH sarvathA punH| . rAmarUpAnmahAmRtyorna mokSa iti me matiH // 13 // audAsIlabdha / kathitamaraNApekSayA vIradharmeNa mRtyuH zlAghyaH / daNDa eva zaraNamasAkam / atra ca tUSNIndaNDaH prayoktavyastasya siddhau dhruvo jayaH / prakAzadaNDe mRtyuzca yataH zreyazca zAzvatam // 14 // 15 - 20 / 1 vAdi. 1. 'muhatIdrAmo for muhAnsarAle / 'caald. A + khana jJAna .. ." "kasmikopasampa... yata adi. A. - zvAsAda.A. kopo Mr kopI A " tadvatstha dhairyo A. Mr has a lacuna 10 amAkaM om. A. 11 mAya. om. A. kartavyama for kRtvA martavya .. " mAya add A " ca sarva ald . 1 cAnu / 11 Nau sa0 1 degnns| 17 nigaDhaM pradeg 11 gUDhapra0 . 17 hAri ni0 " hArani0 A. 1 na Mi naH A. 20 na om. Mr. 1 kutsita. A. 22 yazaH A.
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________________ VARIANTS IN ACT VI 299 audAsInye mRtyurazreyazcApavAdazca / ato ythaasmaabhirbhihitmnumiiytaam| jayo vA mRtyuvI bhavatu niyataM me matamidaM ripAvaudAsInyaM manasi na smaadhaanmyte| anArambho nityA vipaditarathA cedaniyatA tadAnImudyogo nanu puruSadho bahumataH // 15 // "iti // aga / sarva bhavatA pratyakSamavagatam / itaHpara rAkSasaceSTite vizvAso viSAdazca mA bhUt / apratihatadhaiyo vijayasva rAkSasAna / AdityahRdayaM te vijayapradamupadizAmi // upadezaM nATayati // 10 rAmaH / varSAkAle vyatIte rAkSasAnAmunmUlanaM mayA saGkalpitam / tat katipayaireva divasabhaviSyati / ag| priyaM me // rAmaH / kintu lakSmaNaH katha rAkSasaceSTitaM vijJAsyatIti paryAkula me hRdayam // aga / lakSmaNavibhISaNayoravinAbhAvena bhavitavyam / sa eva sarvamAvedayiSyati / 15 tasya rAkSasamAyA rajAvonaiva prtykssaa| ataH kSaNamAmapi lakSmaNo vibhISaNazca pRthagAbhiyetAm / vAnarabala ca sarva sannaddhameva tiSThati / tat kila mahatA rAkSasabalena yoddhaM bhUlokamavatIrNa devatAnIkameva / tadetat sarvamadyaiva lakSmaNAya sugrIvavibhISaNAbhyA ca sandizyatAm / aha ca nijAzrama gmissyaami| iti utthAya / saharSam / hanta tvayedAnIM laGkAdvIpagataM nizAcarabalaM kRtsna parAbhUyate didhyA satvaramasmadIyatapaso vighno vinirdhUyate / ullAso mana --- diviSadAmuccairupAMdIyate samyakpAlanazIlanena jagatAM saukhyaM samAdhIyate // 16 // 1 degsInyaM tu A " ca om A. ' madanihitamayatAm / * rambhe A 6 dharmo A. ' iti orm A ca addA / anugRhIto'smi add A 7 aga. om. A. 10 rAmaH om A. 11 vibhISaNa A 13 sImAgA A. 19 A leads this eva after pratyakSA 14 degmAtraM (om api) A 15 vibhISaNena lakSmaNo na moktavyaH for lakSmaNo . jyetAm A 16 tiSThatu A 17 devatA Mr only devatAnIkameva A 18 iti om A 19 degkulaM A 20 manasIziturdi A 21 pAdhIyate A 22 Ma has also sthI above dhI. samAsthIyate A
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________________ 5 300 VARIANTS IN ACT VI katicit padAni gatvA samantAdavalokya / hanta bhoH / katipayadivasairasmin pradeze garnatAM vAnarendrANAmaTTahAsardizo vidizazca vidArayiSyanti / bibhyadbhUparirambhakoNapavadhUnirbhinnagarbhika__ bhrshonaavitbhiimbhaaNggrimnyujuutdbhojyH| yasapreSakadudbhavapravilayaprArambhasambhAvita svargIkaH pratilambhasambhRtatamaH sambhArajambhArayaH // 17 // idaM ca te laGkAkiSkindhayorantarAlaM nizAcarazavairalaGkariSyate / udbhUtapratibhUpabhUmivibhutAvibhraMzadbhAvanA maavidhnvdiiynirbhrbhujaasNrmbhsmbhaavitm| uyajheravabhArabhAvitabhavanabhaGgabhaGgImilaamIronaTabhUri lAragarbha dhanuH // 18 // iti niSkrAntAH sarve // // ssssttho'ngkH|| tataH pravizatyAkAzayAnena prahRSTa indro dazarathazca // ____ 15 indraH / mahArAja cirAta paripUrNo'yamasmanmanorathaH / ayaM tavAtmajo mahAtmA" raambhdrH| hatyA hanta dazAnanaM satanayaM sabhrAtaraM sAnvayaM hitvA straiNamaho nihatya tarasA sarva ca senaagnnm| datvA tatra vibhISaNAya namate laGkAdhirAjyazriya tattvAkhyAyini jAtavedasi tataH sItAM priyAmAdita // 1 // dshrthH| aho bhagavatA havyavAhanena mahAna prasAdaH pradarzitaH yadAtmAnaM praviSTAmapi tadavasthAmeva sItAmaDhUnAdAya "sugrIvAdisamakSaM supara gadAlavidya rAmAya samarpitavAn / 20 rasikau A. bhAva. A. nyagbhUta A. + damolayaH A. / svabhaugaprati. A. / yati A. sambhAra A. raNitaMprA. Mr raNitamA A. " masmAka mano* A 10 kila add A. 11 mahAtmA om. A. 11 rAmacandraH A. 13 andho M. aho A " sugrIvasamadeg A. 15 samApita Mr samarpita
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________________ VARIANTS IN ACT VII indraH / kastasya pratikUle karmaNi 'vartate anukUle karmaNi' vA na vartate / tadIyapauruSAvaSTambhena hi sarvalokAH kRtArthaH // dazadeg / itthaM bhavanto rAmasya pauruSAtizayaM stuvanti / mama tvetAvadeva bahumataM yadAraNyavAsAt pratinivRtya' sItAlakSmaNAbhyAM saha cemeNa puramaiyodhyAmAgata iti / 5 anena' " priyagamyaikavidhAnena 9 10 15 purastAt kaikeyIvacanaparipATIparavaitA purandhrIsadhrIcA gahanapadamadhyAsitamitaH / punaH prAptaM dRSTvA kuzalinamayodhyApuramimaM punajItaM manye puruSapariNAmaM sucaritam // 2 // 10 indraH / rAmacandrAnubhAvena cayo lokAH punajItAH / anyatra " bhAva jAnannapi vyavaharasi / pitAputrabhAvo hi mAnaM" gopayati / 15 nepthye| bho bhoH sAmAjikAH " tvaryantAM tvaryantAM rAmabhadrasyAbhiSekAya / ayaM kila rAmacandra paTTAbhiSeka mahotsavadidRkSayA svargalokAdavatIrya saprinaSTe nabhomadhye pratIkSate 20 mahendrasya" prAptaH" praNayabhara madhAsanagato mahAbhAgaH kAmaM surapariSadudgItavibhavaH / mahAnandodre kaplavabharaparAdhInahRdayo 20 mahArAjaH sAcAd yumaNiriva dIpyA dazarathaH // 3 // | bhagavAnarundhatIpatiH prakRtivarga tvarayitvA ratnamaye pIThe" rAmacandraM nivezayati / tat prastUyatA " maGgalAni / indraH gandhavI ghanarAgabandhamadhuraM gAyantu kAntasvaraM gambhIrAbhinayaprayogacaturA nRtyantu rambhAdayaH / dIptAni tvaritAH kirantu paritaH puSpANi vidyAdharA divyA dundubhayo gabhIraninadAH kurvantu kolAhalam // 4 // ' jagatAmupakArI rAmacandraH add A 2 pravartate A. 3 karmaNi * pravartate A. ' sambhavati Mr stuvanti A 6 om A. yadaraNya A 10 nivRttaH A. punarayo A. f add A. 10 dharmekapradhAnena A. 11 purA tat A. 9 12 13 14 putrasya mahimAnaM A 15 tvaryatAM tvaryatAM A. 16 *paratA Mr paravatA A asya prabhAvamajAnanniva 4. 18 17 Sekotsavadeg A. 301 * candrasya rAjyAbhio 4. 19 * hendreNa A prAptapraNaya A. 20 indraH om. A. 21 sItAsahitaM add. A 22 yantAM A.
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________________ VARIANTS IN ACT VII daza / dicyA vasiSThAdibhiH sItAsameto rAmacandraH sarvebhyaH sAgarebhyaH ' nadIbhyazca samAnItaiH puNyodakairabhiSikto divyamAlAmbaradharo divyacandanairanulipto divyAbharaNairalaGkRto divyena kirITena virAjamAno divyAMsanopaviSTo divyayA rAjyalakSmyA virAjate | saphalamA saJjAta me' cakSuH // 5 indraH / AcAra iti rAmacandra paTTAbhiSeko mayi' mataH / na punarasyAbhiSekeNa rAjyAdhikAraH kriyate / anena hyavalambitAnAmapi rAjyaM karastham / 10 'aya tAvadari" hatvA " svarAjye vinivezitaH / vibhISaNaca dharmAtmA laGkArAjye'bhiSecitaH // 5 // sugrIvaH kila kiSkindhArAjyalakSmImavApitaH / asAdhyamidamatyantamanyasya manasApi vA // 6 // 13 nepathye kalakala: " 302 10 15 20 pRSThato'valokya / aho bhagavAna mahezvarI " brahmaNA saha satvaramita " evAbhivartate / pratyudgamanenArAdhayAmaH " " iti niSkrAntI // // zuddhaviSkambhaH // tataH pravizatyabhiSikto " rAmaH sItA" vasiSThAdayazca // vasiSThaH / 14 2. y sarvabhyaH add. A divyasiMhAsanato A 4 rAva A * jAtaM A. AkalpAntamanekakoTiguramaiteAdarerAnandaM gamayannanekavirbhavAn divyAnadivyAnapi / AtmIyAnupalAlayanaviraterezvaryavizrANanerAzIrvAdaparamparAmanubhavannasmAkamAstA bhavAn // 7 // 8 C A reads me before saJjAtaM 7 indraH om A utsava iti add. A. 9 bahumata: for mayi mataH A. 10 4. 11 dIna A. 12 13 14 1J 16 17 18 19 20 21 svAdeg 4 kalakalaH om. Mr indraH om Mi indumauli: A ca add A Mr has also vaH above *maH. add. A. ca add. A. 'mananta0 A. * vibudhAna A ma: A.
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________________ 303 VARIANTS IN ACT VII vishvaamitrH| AlokAlokazailAdavikalamavanImAtmakIrtiprakAzai rAzApAlAnubhAvagrasanagurutarairanvitAmAdadhAnaH / AjJAmAtrAvazeSAnapi ripunRpatInAttagandhAnapAsya nAcandrArka dhariyAmanubhavatu bhavAnAdhirAjyapratiSThAm // 8 // raamH| anugRhIto'smi // siitaa| paramarddhaviNANANamuNINaM Na visaMvaaD vaaaa| avi' / diTThAje hi paDiTThiAtihuvaNe seTThA hisArAsala duhrArambhaparammuhAsaharidhANiTThAparItaM td| NaTThAsesakaDorakibbisamahAkaTThAvi lUNattada saTThA siddhamurArisaGkarasuraMjeThANa hAvattaye // 9 // arundhatI prati / bhaavU arundho deau visa eva amhANaM Na ArisaMauNaM / gahaM kuNaati aho amhANa bhAaheam // tataH pravizatyAkAzayAnena brahmaNAnugamyamAno mahezvara indradazarathau ca // 15 indrH| sakhe mahArAja pazya pazya suhRdbhAtRbhiryathocitaM sevyamAnasya sItAsametasya rAmacandrasya darzanIyatAm / zatrughnaH zaradindukundadhavalaM chatra dadhAti svayaM sugrIvazca vibhISaNazca vibhRtaH pArzvadvaye cAmare / sAnandaM vyajanena vIjayati ca vairaM sumitrAsutaH suprIto yuvarAja eSa bharataH sIdhyopacAre sthitaH // 10 // daza0 / etAdRzaM rAmabhadraM pazyAmi // rAmAdayaH sarve sakharamutthAya "bhUyobhUyaH praNamya mahezvaraM vaidikastovairArAdhya baddhAalayastiSThanti // 20 1 zailodadeg 1 zailAda A 2 razcitA A. 3 degmAtrAdaze A. + matthaA 5 "vimANaM Mr vimANANaM A 'vatraNaM Na visaMvadada A. A om the rest of this speech avi... bhAaheam (hne 13 below). bimba A. 1 svIyo A 10 aho mamAnanyasulabhaM bhAgyaM yad add. A. FTETG add A.
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________________ 10 304 VARIANTS IN ACT VII mheshvrH| suprItA vaya bhavadIyacaritAdbhutena yat tvayA rathomRtyugrasta jgjaatmubjiivitm| punarjAtA hame lokAH punItA ima prjaaH| punazcate cayo vedAH punaryajJAdikAH kriyAH // 11 // 5 etAvatkAnena tvayA jagatAmupadravo nirstH| adya prabhRti paripAlane tvaadhikaarH| etAvantaM tvayA kAlaM yuddhshrddhaavlmbitaa| dharmadAnadayAvIra svAmidAnImupasthitAH // 12 // yad' bhavAn vasiSThavizvAmitropadiSTamArgeNa lokarakSAdhvare dIrito bhavatu / sarve santu paraspara sumanasaH sAndrapramodA janAH santuSdhantu samIhanapraNayanaiH sambhAvitAH saadhvH| sadyaH siddhimupaitu' sajjanamanaHsatkAryacintA sadA sAyamprAtaramI tavaiva vibhavaM samprArthayanto janAH // 13 // loga rAma vayA yatnena saadhitm| 15 sukhI bhava cira jIva sarvatra vijayIbhava // 14 // saujanyaikarasena sAndranibhRtasnehena saumitriNA sAkaM karmasu sAvadhAnamanasA satyena dharmeNa ca / sarvAnandavidhAyi sAdhucaritaM sarvAtmanAsAdhayan ___ saurAjyAtizayena sarvasujanavAghyo yazasvI bhava // 15 // ' 20 bharato" yauvarAjye 'dhikRtaH zatrughnena saha tava yazaH smpaadytu|| indraH / sakalabhuvanAbhirAma rAmacandra tava prabhAvana punaH svArAjye pratiSThApito 'smi / sarve vedA" nirupadravAH sampannAH / nizcintAca sarve lokAH / rAma prati add A dhana add A 3 vatA kA * nirAsitaH A . yuddhavIro'valambita: A vIrAH A. tad A. samIhita. A. s afa orig., but also Mr "mupetu . ___10 vivayaM A. 1 yantAM A 1 dvijAHA 18 degkutUhalaM Mr kuzalaM A. 14 api add A 15 rAjyAdhiA 16 tava om A 16 "tiSThito A. // lokAA. 18 nizcitA A. 19 "devA:A. beside it,
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________________ *305 10 VARIANTS IN ACT VII hRdyAnadyaprabhRti bhuvi naH kalpayiSyanti hanta kSoNIdevA muditamanasaH sarvato yjnybhaagaan| rAjJAM yogyastvamapi bahubhI rAjasUyAzvamedhai riSTvA yaH samadhigamaya sphAramAnandamasmAn // 16 // 5 daza / vatsa raambhdr| tvayA lokakavIreNa dharmaniSThena dhiimtaa| naro mama samo nAsti na bhUto na bhaviSyati // 17 // ekastAvattavAraNyavAsamUlaH zoka etAvantaM kAlamavasthitaH / idAnImahaM tmaanndmnubhvaami| tavAraNye vAsAna mama hRdi mahAzokavikale na kiJcit svAraskhaM tridazapadalabhi'pyalabhata / vayi pratyAvRtte punariha mahAnandabharite na dhatte bhUmAnaM mama manasi niHzreyasamapi // 18 // - itaHparamiSTatamairiSTApUrtarikSvAkuvaMzajAnAmasmAkaM zAzvataM padaM parikalpaya / vaya' 15 zreyaHsantAnasiddhimAzAsmahe / zAradaH sugrIvAgadapramukhAn yathocitaM sambhAvya prjaarkssnnmvlmbkh| AdityairabhirUpadhAritamahIbhArairudArapai rAvirbhUtaguNAnubhAvagurubhirdharmeNa guptAH prjaaH| AptarAtmahitAvadhAraNacaNairArabdhanivAhakai rAdiSTena pathAnupAlaya mahImAcakravAlAcalam // 19 // vasiSThavizvAmitrau vinA na kiJcidapi tvayA mntryitvym| vasiSThArandhatIjAne vizvAmitra mhaamune| yuvAmazeSakAryeSu yuktau sthAtAmatandritau // 20 // vsisstthvishvaamitrau| anugRhItau svH|| 26 mheshvrH| sarve bhavanta daheva nityotsavAH santu / vayaM ca khaM svaM sthAnaM pravizAmaH // niSkrAntA mheshvraadyH||. rAmAdayaH sarve yathocitamupavizanti // 1 ekatastAvattvadIyAraNya A " "mUlazokaH A idAnIM mahAntamA A + vAse A lAbho A. zazvataM Mr zAzvataM A ' ca bhavataH add A 8 yat add A. vaziMr vasi A. 10 mheshvrH| tayorabhimukho bhUtvA add A. 11 tau for vasiSThavizvAmitrau A 12 iti add A. 4 2780
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________________ 306 VARIANTS IN ACT VII vizvA / kiM te bhUyaH priyamupaharAmi / raamH'| kimitaH paraM priymsti| "durjayA jagadAtaGkahetavo rAkSasA htaaH| pradAyAcA ca praviSTA zAzvatI mayA // 21 // 5 tathApIdamastu / bharatavAkyam / sAhityodayasambhato vijayatAM sabhUya sArasvataH sAro yatra samantataH sahadayaH smbhaavniiyodyH| samyagbhAvitasaMvidhAnataralaH so'yaM sudhAsundaraH sandarbho viduSAmamandahadayAnandAya sajAyatAm // 22 // iti niSkrAntAH sarve // // sptmo'ngkH|| 10 1 rAmAdayaH / "avazyaM ca zreyarikhanA mayA bhavitavyam" hantavyA. iti vAlivAkyAdArabhya bharatavAkyaparyantena } jayate / granthasandarbhaNa subrahmaNyakavinA kRtsno'pi * sndaaytaam| kathAzeSaH puuritH| tasya polajalA* Mt adds . kica / asmin nATake candrasya veGkaTezAryatanUbhavasya veGkaTAmbAvAliprakaraNe "daurAmyAdaribhiH" iti garbhasambhavasya drAgevAdvaitAtmajJAnasiddhirastu / lokaparyantena granthasandarbhaNa bhavabhUtinA tri- A has in a note asmin ... kathAzeSaH bhAgaparimitA kathA viracitA / tataH | pUritaH / and omits the rest..
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________________ APPENDIX C This appendix gives the collations of the two manuscripts Mr and Alw which were received too late to be collated before the constitution of the text. Doubtful readings are indicated by a query (?). ACT I Readings of Mr Readings of Alw __Page I Beginning zrIhayagrIvAya | Page I Beginning zrIgaNezAya namaH namaH / hariH oM / mahAvIracaritaM nATakaM | -1 II alamativistareNa added before prArabhyate // -1 10 tyaktakarmavipAkAya - adya 1. II adya khalu omitted -1 15 vIrasthito | P2, 1 4 nissanda-15 padmanagara ___P 2, 1. I zvaH for sa -tarhi mahAvIra--17 udumbarA brahma caritaM -1 2 degto'trabhavaniH-15 deghaM| P3, 1 6 degmuru0 pariSadametAvadvi0 --padmanagaraM-16 taitti-| P4, 1 - tat samalabhanta mamApi -1 6 rIyAH-11 pardantipAvanAH -somapI- | svayameva.-] 8 sahamaruni thinI dhRtavratA-19 paJcamaH omitted - P5, 1 13 sAGkAzyAyana 1 10 degkIrtiH nIla | P. 6, 1 3 degmabhyudyataH-16 ca sumaGga___P. 3, 1 1 padavAkyapramANajJo added | lA--1. 9 asthApyA before bhava-jAtukarNI-1 2 miti P 8, 1 2 preSitavya -1. II kanyeti. bhavanto-1 3 degNAM yathAGgirAH-18| P. 9, 1 10 deglAJchitamu0-1 1 degSTakaM dUho |-1. 12 daNDIyataH pe0-1 15 rUpaM P4, 1. I tatra samaranta mamApi-1 2 Pro, 1 I pravRtta.-1 3 degtamasena - tAsu pra.-1 3 pariSadaH-14 kathAprave- | 1 10 Azcaryamiya zasamArambhaM zrotu:-1 6 svayameva-18| PI, 1. II kozale. vijayI.--1. 10 degghAtaM zlA. | P 12, 1 9 mahA.-1 10 vizrAmya - __P5; 1 8 bhavAna -kauziko added | 1 II degmAzAsmahe -iti parikramyopavibefore vizvA --] 10 jaha -1 12 mUrti- | zanti omitted sundara:-1 13 mitrAdRte RSa..-1 14 P 13, 1 3 gotamasya.-muneH added yatra for yasya. | before dharma ----15 gotama.--] 6 degtAP. 6, 1 2 degdazagurumi.-1. 6 degdarkasa- | mizra-18 jAnupamasAma. x2
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________________ 308 APPENDIX C Readings of Mi mAgamA bhavanti added betore bhagaH - satyasandhAH added before sAcA:- tathAhi / - 1 12 P 14 ailled tefore tamAsi - (1.11 AyuSman | krAntaH added before -f added after dRzyate.:- tasya omitted 1. 13 nUna added hiefore bhava0 - 0 maivAbhyupAgataH. 1 1.-1. 3 P 7, 11 iti added before kanyA0. - 2 kenaci 0 -kramitavyA iti. - payati -17 ca kule fi kuzalair- -18 AstheyAni - 1. 10 prakAza added before sandiSTaM samuddhatA ta utpana P. for dharma. bhagavam omitterl -1 3 yasya - 15 tau for kumA0 0dayAmahe -- 1.7 samA. --- 1. 10 vRkSa - 1. 11 zrI kAmuko balendreya. P. 12, 11 bhavatorariSTa tu omitted. -- 0rSAtizaya:.-16 iti added after verse 25 -- 1. 8 evaM added before azrA0. -19 mahA 10 iti sarve vizramya P 15, 110 ki ti. - imasi P 16, 19 pathadi --} 10 hA omitted - eva. - cinta0 for vicinta P.17 1 5 kAmaM zatruriti - -1 7 tatra fix tasya. P 18, 13 degbhaGgamoghaH - 17 rAjA / kalakalaH omitted, * Readings of Alw 11 zarIra - 2 aNubhAvo : added before Aga0-ni: * P 19, 1 5 tADakA - 1. 9 haDDI 2 19 muho omitted. 18,1 ref:. -1 2 preSitavyaH. --ca omitted - priyasuhRdA - 1 4 degmabhyupAgatAH - 1.6 vRthavIradhvajo - 10 zrUyate fior atha - 11 kanyeti. 1' 19, 1.5 degtADako0- 1 12 tvaratAM vatsa. P 20, 15 mahataH added before saGghA Pg.] 1 rAjanyazrI0 -16 yat added - 1 8 gatAH - 1 9 gamAH - 1. 10 niHbefore dvitIya:-1 11 mauJjyA krAntaH - 1 11 degvAlI.- - 1 12 bhAvaM dIso for 'daMsaNA - 1. 15 rUpa linaM | abhivaTTadi - 13 one fas omitted. rAjarSimAgataM gRhAn 13 P21, 13 DakAm - 1. 7 prasarA 18 acaritraM piaM No Pro, 11 pravRttayo -13 sa nAma fun nanvArya sa ekaH -- gautamena ulded before dIrgha dIrghatApasena -] 7 blAdbhidya -- 1 10 Azcaryamidama P22, 11 tADake - hi omitted - 14 vaH -- 15 pramAro - 1. 10 zIra0 P 23, 1 2 maGgalyo - 1 3 sarahasya omitted - 1; zabdatazca outted prakA mAnA0 1 12 ardds svagataM befine ilAdayo. - 1. 8 degnyadarzana zantA -- 1.6 munayaH. P. 24, 1.4 0gita iva -- 15 *tpaJjara 1.6 rAjA mutted. -- 1. 10 ubhati P 26, 11 omitted.--), 8 P. 27, 15 mastu aferie - haNAyate. manye vidyA -- 19 bhavanto. rAtrI added before daza0 - 1.9 vihakha omitted. --- 1 6 yataH -- -- 1.8 saMyujyA..
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________________ APPENDIX C 809 Readings of Mr Readings of Alw kauzikAbamasaM tyAyamanupravizanti -1 u P 28, 1 3 jAnIta iti -1 4 jAnIta vaikaDUta-iti omitted iti -kuzadhvajo jAnIta iti -1 5 P 13, 1 1 jaya omitted after rAmacanda | vizvA rAjAnaM prati for rAjA -1 2 bhagavan omitted.-1 3 asti P 29, 1 1 eva-1 3 lajvitAM omitted omitted -SerAcAryakassa.-15 omitted | |-vadAmo-1 1 degmitadeg -1 12 rAma -"mahalyAyai jAra-indraM jAnanti for | candra nirdizanti -16 manyamavApa-tasyAH pA-| P 30, 1 3 taM added before praNamya pmanA zarIramandhatAmisramabhyayAt -18 P 31, 1 1 "triye ku0 -"vaijAtyaM - eSa vainakulakumAraH 1 12 gRhItA ___P 14, 1. I savismayAnu0 -khu for NaM | | P 32, 1 2 dattapratiSTA -1 3 maharSIna se-1 3 nirvarNya nizvakha ca -18 praNi- omitted -15 degSyanti (omits iti)--18 hitaH -1 9 degkAryArthI vaH.-1 12 vimRzya ___P 33, 1 6 degparyanya -1 8 hanyatAmetau omitted yajJapratyUhanau-19 ubhau for tau P 15, J. 3 svayaGgahA -1 6 ca added before ko -11 degvanugato'smi- 9 ____P 34, 1 6 grAham -1 12 kaumAro nAma added before prathamo vartima cakSu.-1 10 svagadeg added before kiM-1 II diTThi-1_12 upetya for upatyaH -ca omitted.-yamasAvuddhatA- Readings of Mr (contenued) kRtiH . P 19, 1 2 degvapurdoddhata -19 haddhI2(1) ' P. 16, 1.4 upavizva for upasatya.-1.9| -. II evaM omitted -1 12 bhaoM abbhattheda for patthedi.-1. 10 evam - P 20, 12 svagadeg added before ayaMci0 for vici.-1 II Speech leads 15 varasva-mahataH added before savA Arya pazya devImimAM nizAcarapatiH prArtha | -1 8 gatAH-] 9 degpagamAH -1 II yate.-1 13 mA maivaM for vatsa | amhahe before ammo-ido parAgao for ___P 17, 11 ati hi saujanyamAryasya- parAgado-One haddhI omitted -uppA13 rAjAnamana-5 kAmaM zatruriti tavAavalI-1_12 sA added before ---punarativIramaprameyatapasamaprA.-1 9 hadA -vaha dharmAtpatho'pi cyutaH | P 21, 1 2 ajje fon ae dANiM -- ___P. 18, 1 3 mogha* for degbhIma -17 patthiI .-16 kulya0 for degtulya -7 bhavana dRta -1, 8 digantarebhyo.-evAya- | prasarA-1 8 accariara piNo2 (1) mAkrandakalitaH.-bhagavan added -1. u P 22, 1.2 samplavante for lavanta iti - 115 pramAro-1 6 dautvaM.-17 svagataM
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________________ 310 APPENDIX C nti Readings of VII Readings of Mi ardiled before eSa.-sakalarAkSasahAnini-, sIradhvanI fon Aryo -]. 4 This line and gamAdhyayanasya adiled after or: --1 11 sathe next omitted -1 6 degkalaH.-]. " for hi. --! 12 vizvAmitro jAnAti kuza- rAjA / vilokya added before sphU0 - dhvajoti. tyazruto.-1. 9 sva. added before sampadaM. ___P. 23, 1. ! svamantrANAM - 2 yAni -sampanaM.-saMsada.-1. 10 zuNDAlaH for mayA-1. 3 bhRzAzvA.-sarahasA 29, 1. : ea have.-1 3 lajjitA ___omitted.--- jumbhakaprayogopasaMhArasya-1. 4 iSTAM ca-vaDDemo.-15 Atmadeg for svaga tAni matprasAdAdarthataH zabdAtmanA ca for tama -1. 9 degparyasta --1. II rAmacandra tatpra . . ca.-15 prakAzantAM.-1.7 P. 30, 1 "tikAmati prasaGgaH-1. 2 "sahasraM -1 8 nyadarzana.-1 1 dRSTvA forrAjana added before guru0.-ayaM for te - diyA.-1.2 sva. for A..-manutiSTha- 1. 9 taM added before praNa -1 4 pUrNA yuSmAkamAzi.-1 6 amho-18 suThutaraM ___P 24, 1 1 idAnI added after katham bahu-stvasti --] + nicitaM namo.-1 5 taritpiP 31, ] 1 tapasyato for pazyata -kuTa-1 6 api ca fir rAjA-19 degpramuktaH. bi.-1.3 bhagava0 - 9 upahasana omitted ---]. pajjalia.-ubbhamanti -] 12 -tarhi added before sIra-manadAyala loaNNA -pahA omitted. -1 12 gRhItA.- pratibhUrbhavA -1. 13 ___P. 25, ! styAyate-1. 6 degkapilA AkAze added before vatsa -1.7 visarjaya ca amitted-1 8 proha- P 32, 1 2 pratiSThA -1. 3 brahmarSIna eDarakSomaru0 -] 10 pratihate ---1 12 -rathAnuyA' -1 4 videha -mama and rAmaH for nepadhye ca omitted -11 svadeg added before di. P 26, I ! rAmabhadra omitted -tathAstu bhaNINaM havissara -1. 8 mamA0 for dharmA for evamastu.---1. 2 mahAprasAdaH-] 6 P 33, 1 1 *dhye vidhau nA -1. 3 khayi yatA--1. 8 aho added before nyathApi-laGkA ca yat-14 degvandI. deva.-manteditti. - aho omitted.-1 |-1.6 tat omitted.-kAvatau kAla..acariam 1. 8 tad omitted - hanyatAdeg for rAmala... P. 7.1. ! avatamAhAtmyanidhe for / maNau prahanyatA--1. 9 kumA for tau-- mahA.--1. 3 vRta..-1.5 degspandasto..- yadAjJApayati bhagavAna for yathAjJApayasi. 1.6 utsphUha for ataH saha-rAdadded P 34, 1 2 yupapAdaye,-1. 4 vatsa before daza -1.7 saMyujyA .-1.9 vihakha rAmalakSmaNau pramattamapramatto vijayakha - _omitted.-1. pApaM (t) added after zAntaM.1.6 sahastagraham omittod.-17 to'bhyehi -1, 14 rati added before yAkhA. -1.9 brahmadraho.-nihanti.-1. 10 degNa_P. 28, 1. camanA tosi.-1. 3 | strIprabhavAmila.
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________________ APPENDIX C 311 ACT II Readings of Mr Readings of Alw P 35,1 2 bho omitted.-1 3 tadArabhya | P 35, 15 degDakeyaM-16 tADakA.--] 8 lakSmaNena.-bhRzA.-]. 12 degmapra- | 1. 10 naruSaH / ___P 36, 1 2 degvandI-1 6 sUrpanakhA.___P 36, 1 2 degbandIgRhadeg -1. 3 degmaikamatyaM | 11 sUrpanakhA.-1. 9 sUrpa0 -ttA - -14 ca for hi-1 6 puro'valokya | pANigAha -1 10 degmahesinA-mAhindaM added before kathaM -17 One jedu omitted | -1 II ppesidaM -kaNi? added before mAdA -18 ita P 37,15 sUrpa0 -mANasa-11 tadbhaadded before Asya - 9 NibutAi - yo.-1 9 tatkentimA haNamaGgalAd -aNaM a-1 10 agasthia. P 38, 1 1 sUrya0 -daza:-1 3 se added -hAraM kaaM mahenda - I pesiaM after Na -] 10 prabhoH omitted P 37, 1 4 hi for ca (first) yad for ca P 39, 1 1 deghAraH preSitaH -1. 3 niH(second).-15 metto eva so kahiM tassi krAntaH -1 6 sUrpa-dussiTThakkama -110 ettiA cintA -1.7 tadbhUta.-1 8 degmasya | mahezvaraprIti -1 1 kica-] 13 ato for aoN. | P 40, 1 4 sUrpa0-11 sUrpa -kira ___P. 38, 1 1 iesiupaamadalehi - P 41, 1 1 degdhanaM-14 samAhideg--- diTTivisehiM oharipramANaloa loaNo | 1 6 brahmariSi0~-1 8 sUrpa0 ---1 9 degdAra-12 vaTTai. Nyavato. ___P. 39, 1 1 nepathye'rdha00) -1. 2 preSitaH | P. 42, 1 1 prahRSTa-1 2 yinaM niyAtenaitat.-1. 3 ityupanikSipya.-1 4 zrIma- nIyuH-haThAkrAmatya -1 3 mavasAdavAhendra.-15 degyAM mAlyavantamamAtyama.- nantaH -1 9 sUrpa0 -kiM dANiM 1. 6 kiti paSadadappadusaliTTha lihi- P 43, 1. 2 sUrpa0 --kakkhantare -1. 1 1.1 punarvAcayati / nanu added before atraiva bhavAn -1 II pracalayati -tudati - -paraM mAhedeg:-1. 9 degpyaticara.-] 10 | 1. 12 utthAya parikramya for iti -ni:tAn omitted.-sampratyasmaddhitArtha ca mAhe- krAntI / zvaragrIti -1. 13 iti omitted. P 44, 1. 4 degyorjitya -17 parA:__P. 40, 1 4 deggarI -1.5 bhoH added | 1 8 pramAdo after aho.---1.1 degmadaH for zamaH -1 II P 45, 1 2 mAhA omitted -1. 4 tyaktA dANiM added after kiM.-cintIaha.- dhiyaM.-1 5 saMntrAsAnnijayAbhijAtyani1. 14 ziSyakha. bhRta-1 6 sahiI .-18 paridhAraNA ___P. 41, 1. 1 "rnipAtaH.-1.3 tu omitted | P.46, 1. 1 jAa-1.2 a for anaM -vinayeta.-1 5 degkazced.-brahmarSi.-|-1 rAmAnveSaNa ... bhArgavaH omitted.
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________________ 312 APPENDIX C Readings of Mr 16 panno'yamapavidyamapi --na added after zastra - sa no duSTatara: for duSTatara -1, 9 yadi matted. -- sa to1 hanyAda rAghavaM rAghavaM added after hatvApi - 1 10 sandhAstu omitted P. 42, 11 sarva f1 dharma0 - vijayate - taM jAnIyuH / tathaiva rAva haThAt kAntiH -- 13 hyaMvaradeg fir hyasura 1. 5 opajaya0 - caritaM vIrya - 16 prAdmaGgalaM prAtanot. -- 1 sAdarnitAsmajayaH - 18 dharmya - 19 ado - kiM 17 hanta 2 - dANiM NicitraM. P. 50, 1 3 P 4314 zastrANi - 1 6 prasthApanAya --] 7 bhavAn 1 8 prazma 110 va 112 utthAya for iti. - 1. 13 fasfacer:. -15 I. 44, 1, 2 .nagaragatarAjakula0 helAprahita - durmadaH -- 1.7 degdaNDaSaNDa.. - rahitaH. P 45, 11 divyA omtted - 1 3 zarAsanasya dayitaH - 15 bhRtasneho - 11 halA omitted - ebam -1 8 notsavAH parAvadhoraNA Readings of Alw P 47 1 3 hA hA deva -1.4 muharaH - 1. 5 P 48, 11 1. 5 deg mahaNa - tejJotra - 16 visada -11 degvityAridadeg -1 8 ki ti ubhbhantA0 P. 46, 1.1 ka a for "kada0 -0jIva0 -- viTia0 - 1-1. 2 aaM omitted.--suNIcara.(.-13 degmupahrIyate. 14 utpAla0 for utkhAta - 15 *vijayaH sAdhyazca bAhI'.-. - 1. 6. kAzya0 - munaye 101 gurave - mahIM zastra - 17 viSayaM labdhvA tapa0 -1 10 dRcyupaghAtaH 111 purajane 0. P.47, 11 nanvevaM zi0 - praNetA kathama. -1 2 api added before pramANa 1.3 amhI. e. - etra added after samantadI. hA ti - vaTTadi -- 18 krAmanti -- 2 deggamanaM. - kumAra 2. P. 49, 11 degsandAva0 1 5 deg kumbhadeg for * padma lamasya. - 1.8 haDDI omitted eso fit so vyayata. sahie. - . - 1.6 valAdo 11 degrali P. 51, 1 1 esa - pejitapahA0 13 degsaMhida- --- 1.4 degghAta jeva 1 52 111 vihasya omitted P 53, 11 gato --12 sAhasa 19 parazurAma: omitted 1 13 na zrutaH www P. 55, 1. I vAma mugdhapragalbhaM omitted - 17 *vidhAvirbhava.. - - 1.8 caNaM - 11 kkhu - 1. 12 parIvAra, P 56 1 3 pekkha2 - 1 4 bhAvazrI -- 1.7 jJAna - 18 zrama P. 57, 1 1 o0 - 17 zvatyavajJApItyAha -- 1 16 yattava tadvirAmanapathaM vyaktaM. P 58, 12 kiM fo1 vA 1,5 nAma added b*fore nayanAH - 1. 8 'muzalo.. - 1. 13 vacesi - niHzva0 (2) I P 59, 1.1 pratiprastuta -13 guNaparaguNotkarSatve pariNAma.. -11 hi tasya P 60, 12 ni ca pari0 - kAmavAzAstra - 1 11 abhrantaraM - -1, 13 esA. - 1. 14 niHkAntAH - iti parikrAmati omitted.-1 15 bhavatA.
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________________ APPENDIX C Readings of Mr added after deva - rAmabhadda. - 14 degdue - 0 muhara - palaviaM amhANaM rADalaM -15 bhaTTi - bhaTTAraM hi added after te - avyauttam - 7 - sura P 48, 11 pekkha. - varAkkhalattamarAlavadhubhantaH - 1 3 prativRtya -14 oufertavyA - 15 One sahi omitted samattatelloka' - tuGgavitraalacchIla imaM vilo antI Isivibbhamaviasattaaitta - 1 7 bhariamuhapuNDarIkavitthA - rihasaMbhamA A - 18 vica himuhe - P_49, 11 A -13 deg sAdhvasa0 -15 deg kumbhadeg for degpadmadeg - 16 mAna - 1. 8 pAraspandAH - 19 haDDI 2 - so omitted --vAharadda -1 10 prabhinnapuSkalA - * maGgalo. -1. 11 iti parikrAmati omitted. -ayya 3 P. 50, 11 gaI / iti dhanuSi utta. - tAva - 1. 2 Na aJciyi.. - 1 utti - sahie - luttaNam - 1. 4 prakAzam omitted - 15 parispandAH 1. 6 vahulAvo evva - 17 hanta2 / samAvasihi 2 - 1.8 ityuktasya - 111 rastri.. P. 51, 1 1 hA added before eso. - *loaduppecchavaraThadehappahADAmaro jalantaM suNisi - 12 avahadeg. - 1 3 deghia. - vaDApahADAmaro - 0 vi0 - 0 ga P. 52, 1. 1 degkarasphuradeg -13 savismayam omitted - 1. 4 degdhirvRttAnAM ca kAlamiva zakteH - 1.7 kalpanApAya.. - vidadhat for dadhataH - idrAnanatvaM - 1 8 ziSyaH for tigma:.*-1.9 of GATE. 110 bhUya 313 Readings of Alw P 62,111 kiM added before mayyeva - bhRkuTi0 P 63, 15 duddAntasyai0 - -1.7 degmAnakrodhAH - 10 namaya - 1 11 dadhyAH - 1 12 vigata P 64, 1 9 AraNya - 1 10 sAmante aha0 - 0tprAzaH P 65, 1 2 ca omitted - 1 11 niHkrAntAH - 12 parazurAmasaMvAMdo nAma added befo10 dvi0. Readings of Mr (contenued ) sthita iva samu0 -1 11 svAjanyadeg - 1 12 lo bhAti kaNThe - 1 15 zAntyAstanoti - 1 16 dupazrutya - 1 12 gao P. 53, 11 ayyaDanta - 12 pasIa sAhasi -14 degmadhivIra - 15 paritApa: - 16 tapasi for jagati kIrtiH darpa - 7 paricaraNakaro'yaM rAghavaH -19 parazurAmaH omitted - - durAtmanaH omitted ---1, 13 skanda for skandaH - kathaM na zrutaH - 114 eSa eva me. P 54, 13 teSAmu0 for kaSTamu0 - 1.4 sRtAni - 1 11 parispandAH vAna - 118 ama0 -] 12 bhaga P. 55, 1 1 svabhAvaramagrAcaH khalvasauca -14 To vihara0 - -16 rAma rAma added after prakAzam - 11 nisumbha0 - 18 stambhAvaviddhaH caNaM - *thila: tatkaNTha - 1 11 One haDDI omitted-- pannalio. - 12 mAnaM ni0. 1. 9 P 56, 1.4 vitra added after ohasad.
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________________ 314 APPENDIX C Readings of Mr - AuhalambhI omitted-17 gambhIraca pau0 -18 Ama P. 57.1.1 parisattarosassa for Usa 0. -13 guNAnA. 15 kutaH for dhRta0 - 19 dyAvApRthi.. P. 58, 1. 2 cacabrahma -13 gurusu ramadeg -mantium - -17 api ca omitted - 1. 12 pekkha pekkha bhattukho - 1 13 zrattaNaM vacesi. P. 59, 1. 2 dhIramaMsalo "usale se uvaNAso - 13 skarSitve'pi pari0. - 14 bhAvyastu nipuNa - 1.5 deghaGkA ragranthiH . - 1. 9 sAmarthasAra:: -1. II Readings of Mi P. 62, 11 kintu added after kiJcit. -- 1 6 dUyamAno added after jJAyate.17 kimu bhrAntodeg corr to kimudbhrAnto0 ---] 10 zrAH added before satya - 1 12 *grahaH sundara itya0 | P 63, 11 degmitihAseSu gI0- 1. 2 macchinat - 1 5 degdurdAntasyai0 - 0 vaMzAna - 1 6 tadvRttapUrNamRdadeg - - mAnakrodhAmeH. - 1. 8 Fust tatra omitted - 19 nirbhaya added after AH - 1. 10 namaya. - 1. 12 jhaTiti 0. P 64, 11 srabdhaH - 12 degmabhyanujJA.. -1. 3 in sukham - -15 tataH for punaH - 1 6 tvaM tu purodhAH sucaritazrociyo - 1 7 tadatra - 1.8 degtAntaH sthi.. -19 grahavyavahArasya - 1 10 prAza -1 15 stvA samAiya * vyasaptabhuvanA - 13 lakSyaMca P. 60, 111 gao - tAo. - eva added before pavi0 1 13 svagatam omitted. - bhAvara. - 0rieso P 61, 1.1 eva 15 vara hi vatre. 1. 6 tu omitted. - 19 kimanyat added after bhagavan - 1 12 bhANDaM - -- 1 15 tat omitted.- .- kimityatibAppA Readings of Mr P. 66, 12 upaviSTa added hefore vasi0 . - deg.--1. 2 degztai afa:.: - 1 6 tanayaH priyaH -- zamaM for svayaM. -17 cAstu for tva. .-1.8 taraH. P. 67, 1.3 rAghavaH corr. to bhArgava:.1. 5 bhave jJAtA vivektA. - - 1 6 tathAvi gha. - 1.7 kica. - - 1.8 degtacetamAne. P. 68, 1. x aftfag. -orat:.pratyAsIdati -1. 2 0zokkyo - yoga P. 65, 1. 2 ca omitted. -- 1 3 janapadeSu na ciramArasya kAstiSThantIti gantu - 1. 4 ceptavyaH - 15 iti niSkrAntaH added afte1 evam - 16 bhagavataH - 1 10 itare for rAmaH ACT III Readings of Alw P. 66, 15 vizvasya for vaMzava -1, 6 bhayaM for svayaM -- 19 zrotriyaH zro0 P. 67, 11 tu fo1 na.-14 yasmAdi P 68, 1 1 citta omitted nAma omitted. - 1. 3 mavehi sAra - 1.4 degviddha0 omitted. -1.5 tayacari0. P. 69, 1.2 P. 70, 1. 18 P. 71, 18 to for tai:. kaste. 1. 8 degpi for ye. yadeg for svaicya0.
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________________ APPENDIX C 815 Readings of Mr Readings of Alw vRttiH -samApayatu parazuM ca omitted - P 72, 1 3 AH omitted-videharA1 3 padheya. -1 4 degdarzanaprajJAnamabhisaM- jarSe -1 4 degyAmavaska-1_10 khayA vadati / tadA dha0-1.1 degNAmatra vIro purohitena omitted -1. 13 kSatriya omitted yudhA-18 tyai roma | P. 73, 1 3 rAjadeg for "rAjanya ----19 ___P 69, 1 6 mamApi tataH kiJcit - | duSTa2 (1) 1 10 meSo'pi tasyA-1 13 veva- P75 1 12 niHkAmayati. 1. 14 tathA hi omitted ____P 16, 11 zale-1. 4 skhalayatu - _P 10, 15 marmabhido-romAJcayanti | 1 II tantro* for degtattvo -1 6 api ca omitted.-1 10 kimatra | P77,1 3 degcaramamRSiH -15 roSAdadeg -1 11 degddhRtam | -ll II-13 hAsAkSepam . . . .liGgATTa ____P11, 1 1 degvadhAmarSaprayuktAt roSakSatra | omitted -1. 14 degsthAna for degzANa 13 degcaNDaH -15 nizitadeg for nibhRta. | P 78, 117 tu for nu -daNDo vidhatte -1. 8 degthaitau / devasya P 19, 1 1 pazada -1 2 degvakSodusamprati dharmathanena satyamutthApitI raghusu-kAntra-datta for degdanta ---14 sirA tena tathA prasahya / -1 II nimideg . . .| -1 9 tairalaM athedAnIm omitted.-1. 12 ekasya - P 80, 1 8 no'dhu-1. 15 prAtaH 1. 13 chattvA . ____P 81, 1 2 One yadi omitted.-1 10 ___P 12, 1. 4 punaH added before nAmA jJAne ca nAnyo-1 12 nu for tu-113 -1.1 tat for naH -1. 8 tapo.-1. 9 | This line and verse 39 omitted 'gautama vatsa-rAjA omitted. ___P 82, 1 7 degtyeva sa eSa-18 kalyA__P73 1 1 spurita0-1. 2 zA. for | NAya maru-1 13 parisaraH prazA-13 kApuruSa added before nirapa P 83, 1 4 muhurIkSi0.-1 5 na syAt 1.6 nanvare khamapi kiM-asi added after P 84, 1 5 degdraha for "dviSam -1, 6 eva.-mahA omitted.--17 cAvakarta- kArtikeyasya -18_ abhyanujA -1_13 1. 9 T: onutted drasta jA. ____P.14 1 2 prakRtyaiva.-1.5 nepadeg for P 85, 1 3 galat for degsarata-1.1 vasi.-1. 6 vAbhipraNI-18 One bhoH niHkrAntAH -18 saMsRSTo nAma added omitted.-] II degdudbhUta drutagatirAtadeg before tRtI. ___P. 75, 1. I bhagavan prasIda2-1 3 muniza for nijaca.-1 6 kSatraM -zamanAya. Readings of Mi (contenued) ----1.1 yadAha. te added before mahA. --1. 12 gRNAtu.-1. 13 niSkrAmati.- P 16, 1. 1 messandehavasa1, 14 pazcantu bhavanto vaTorakha patri0 1. 3 vApyupadiza-1 4 degduhAmAviSa
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________________ APPENDIX C Readings of Mi -ca omitted 1 8 samihANa - a for ca P 89, 1 * samAhe - vatse added after tAvad (p88, 1 10) sundopasundo - paplavAJca - 1 3 'vezinaH . - 1 4 manAM -15 devairapi prArthitaH - 1 6 nAstyeva tat fo1 tasyeSavaH - 1.7 daNDo'pyabhyadhike - pravartate - 19 degNDaJca - 1 10 syAt fo1 kuryAt - - 1 12 mRtyuM - tu for opi - 114 degtapto yadi vA P 90, 15 prakAreNa -17 tato 114 yastu svAbhigAmi - enam added after fa. P91, 11degdUSaNaprabhRtayastu saGghavRttayo rAjAna nopatiSThante / yatastenaiva vatse 12 - 13 bhetsyate- -1 5 *NasyAvagrahaH - sa for na. -1 8 * kopanaH -1.9 dina - 1 12 pura eva ci P. 92, 11 garu - 1, 2 a for ca . - asosadeg for kuladeg. - 1 3 khalu added before kula - 1.5 vikAraH - 1 6 caiva mantavyamaurasAd.- - 1 7 sakhyaM -1 8 deg meSa. - 1 10 mRzyadeg 7 1. 94. 1. 6 deg dUSaNatriziraso.heyasthiti:.:-19 kekasi. dracyasi .1. xx mizraviSkamAH. .-1 - 13 deg dveSiNaH- 16 sUrpa0 - P_90, 1 9 degdasakkRdaSTazca - 1 13 kRtrima omitted 317 Readings of Alw : - 1 12 mRtyuH - tato'nya0 - 7 yato P91, 114 tvAgA - 11 yataste omitted - 12 pratijamanti 14 na added before kRcchra0 15 sa for na -110 'maitryAt -1 12 faqe: dama-vi _P_92, 11 sUrya - jIutta - 14 sUrpa 0 - - 15 *vikAraH - 16 utprekSa P93,110pA0 - 12 vAliprasA3 sUrpa0 - parazu - 1 ro sUrpa _P_94, 1 2 yadA - 1. 4 sUrpa0 drakSyasi - 110 niHkrAntau 18 I. 93, 11 tatrasthazca haniSyate -na | madA0 omitted.--degpAzradeg --degpakheSeNa - 1.3 sAsraM Sasvati added after sUrya..--aha - viaajaNiaviroha - -14 vAvAedi. - rAmavihIsaNa - 15 bho for nanu. 1.9 dadhAtu -- 1. 10 vi for pi -hou -19 P95, 19 praharSa - 1 13 pAkazlAghyatarAzca - 114 vidhi0 P 96, 15 mahattayApra0 - 18 tsatyamevA0 P_97, 1.7 vasi omitted-19 vijize -115 vijayena - 1. 16 manye. P98, 11 hatadeg 1. 6 degparAdhas - vatsa tvayA -1 10 hatAdeg 1,13 1 14 eva omitted - 1. 15 rvi P. 99, 1 1 bhagavan - 16 idamidamidA0 - 114 payAmi P100,14 prANaman - 1. 7 yantu . - 18 paribhUta. - 19 citta iva. P. 101, 11 degdaNDo'pyedeg - 1. 2 punaratra -- 1. 3 bhavatAM omitted--0dharmINA - 18 Atmagatam omitted. 1. 9 janakaH omitted
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________________ 318 APPENDIX C. 4 . Readings of Mr Readings of Alw P. 93, 1 3 hanta for yasya.-1 12 yadA- P 102, 1. 4 degmeSasamA.-15 nilaya rAdhayan.-] 13 pAkastasya ca yAca. -bhUrgRhAH . P 96, 1 6 degvaraNe -1.7 ro'Ggiraso P 103, 1 6 zaskhata -11 degtAcari guruH -mayaH.-] 8 degzuddhA -1.9 asya | tAni tAni ---ll. 12-13 durdharo vIrakSatriya P 104, 1 6 degdhyeta.-]. 1 sneheSa _P 97, 1 4 vinatAram -prasabhamapadeg P 105, 1 6 bhagavantau-1 10 ni:krA-19 jijJe-1 12 vibhajyate.-1 14 |ntau-1 II vatsa omitted. omitted-1. 15 vijayena. ___P. 106, 1 4 degmathane svakho-bhavat ---1.5 yeva satA-1 10 ca added after . P 98, 1 3 jAmadagnyarAmabhadrau.-1.7 kathaM. tatra for tat tvam -18 kimaparAddhaM vA P 107, 1. 4 yadidamayAM-1 6 sUrpatvayA.-nanUpa -1 9 guNavAghyaM -1 13 nakhA -17 sUrpa-vasiSTha:--18 amhI yAvadAyudha0 -yadArUDho.-] 15 riNaH -1. 16 bhaviSyati -1 10 rasAanaso. ___P 108, 1 1 degpamhasida--. 3 rAmaH ____P 99, 1 4 uta omitted -1 5 degvaru | 5 va . ANavedi omitted ---] 6 etya Ni -]. 6 svagadeg omitted before dadeg- P 100, 12 vIravara-1 4 he for rAma fou rAja-1 10 degjanyagodvA0 - hA.-19 degnugo'nujaH -1 13 niHkrAntA 1. II rAjadeg for rAma.-1. 13 bhavan - ___P IIO, 1 5 degmupasthitya -1 12 priye "varaNe.-1. 14 degmacabhavato. | kalyA P. 100, 1 2 prAyazcittamihA -1.3 P. III, 1 8 degsasta khAM. hi paraM for paramaM.-1 4 iti added after | ___P 112, 1 3 samAzvasihi2-1.4 verse 25 -1 5 vatsa added before adya tasmin patnI-1 10 tAto for mAtA -17 yattu ___P 13, 1 6 degkaruNaHsneha -- 9 niH___P Tor, ! 1 "zcitta dva-daNDo'pye krAntaH -1 10 mAtula2 -niSkriyAmA0 ---2 bhagavatAM-1 3 ___P. 114,1 1 nihita -15 ita omitted. brahmaNAM for degdharmANAmRSINAM -18 svaga -1 3 sItAM . . . rAmaH (ine 5 omitted). for Atmagatam.-1. 10 no added before -1.4 This line and the next omitted. - guhAna.-bhavataH. | 18 samAzvasihi2. _P. xo2, 1. 1 bhavate added before sUrya 115, 1_14 ropya2. -1. 8 api for patra.-1.9 "tirikta - P. 116, 1 12 na omitted. 1. 10 yinaste.-1. 1 muneH.-1. 13 ki- P 17, 1 2 ni:krAntaH.-1 3 rAmamAsa.---. 14 adhipatiH for sudhiyaH.- bhadra2.--1. 6 degmAvedhata 1. 15 kimito.-"sAsadama. ___P. 118, ! 5 mAtula2.-bharato hara
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________________ APPENDIX C 319 Readings of Mr Readings of Alw P 103, 1 4 meSvabhayapradaM -15 bhUtayaH --. 6 prasIdata -prativRtya niva--1. 9 degdakha mAmaraNya -1 10 pyadhunA 1 8 eSa vo vaJcayitvA-1 15 niHkrAntaH. -1 13 This line omitted-1 14 vi- P. II9, 1, 3 prayoga -11 niHkAjayonnataM ntAH -18 cAritraM nAma omitted before ___P. 104, 1 5 svagRhAta svagRhAn -- | catudeg prakAma-1 9 degsamAgamaH -1 II vidhAjate -1 12 abhivandate -1 14 vijaya -1 15 mahAhaveSu Readings of Mi (contenued) _P. I05, 1 3 Atmadeg for svagatam -1.4 | marpayati added after leho-19 degjyasyate svasti vo'trabhagavan evamAstAm / iti | -1 ro This line omitted utti-1 6 bhagavantau-1 12 upasatya | P 109, 1 1 prakAzam omitted -1. 2 -19 degnApi dhA. This line omitted --1 4 This line and ___P 106, 1 1 ayamimA0-0nastu - | the next two omitted-19 ceSTa14 degmathane tasyo-1.6 iti dhanuH added | vatso'tra me'nugaH-1 3 degmaM avarohiMda before arpa0 -1 gRhI* for pratigRhI. | mhi -18 pariSvajya -idAnIm added aften | P II0, 11 Arya fon aye-1 6 pratini0 ---1. 9 api for tadapi -1 10 | sarvAH added before prakRta -1 10 lokAH "STheya.-ca added aften kathaM sarve pUrNakAmAzca santu -1 13 degvaruNi. ___P. 107, 1. 2 degturno-1 4 sAdara P III, 1 1 degjayotsavaH -1. 2 vena pravRttyAM zizu.-daurmanasyaM -1.5 samupa- | added after yo yadarthI mahotsave tattasmai sarpaya.-1. 6 mantharAveSA omitted.-11dIyatAm -1 3 This line and the next khagadeg added before A -AviTTha mhi | two omitted.-1 8 mAtA me'dya for vA sarAsare-aham omitted -18 | mAtAdya -1 12 ucya for vAcya hiam -aMho.-viaI.-19 degkumA- | P 12, 1 1 degmanyathaiva-18 Arya for ro.-1 .10 jaM for bho tAta-1 10 degdata.-1. 12 after lakSmaNa __P. 108, 1. 1 degpamusia - hiae samA- added atyApanno gurujanaH / kathaM hi nAmaivisaI added after jaNassa.-1 2 saccaritta- tt|-1 13 degbairikSvAku. dhIrassa suara tor cA . . . rida - P II3, 1 4 ubhau for ityubhau -1.. gveda.-1.3 upasRtya for praNipatya.-a | vatsa lakSmaNa added before atyA.-16 -api added before kuza -14 a for | Arya omitted -karaNaH tApasaMve-11 ca.-esA saA.-15 veda-1. 6 tattha ca omitted-ambayA for bharatajananyA - tumaM me.-1.7 eso de tA:-iti lekha- | 1. 8 "niSTha. sAdhu omitted -1. 10 sada
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________________ 320 APPENDIX O Rendings of Mr Readings of V sameta --'. 11 vatsa omitted --sampramu- samucchukha omitted ---| 12 one more na gdho.-- 1 12 yati vana gantavyam aldest ----1. 13 prayAnti ---1. 14 ___P. 114, 1. : naH parivRtaM.-1 2 viva- ratyapUrvaH.--116 iti added aften tense sayati -1. 6 abjeNa-1.gurUna for pa6. guru vanaM.-1 10 degmati.---! savegaM.-' .17, 1 : nirbharama omitted --vizA. vora - "nugacchati -1. 12 idAnI ki tor pravizA' -bhAgadheyaH -- 2 anu---1. 13 avekSa-pAdacAra -degnugataM nIya ---1. 3 paJca added aften degbhadra -- ___PHE. I. 2 vA adled befone zatru - 1. 4 ranekarasamapyatsanna:-1.7 degmApadyate. 1. 3 rAmaH omitted. ---1 4 bharadeg omitted -1. 9 vatsa added betore anu0 ----1 10 ---15 picA added atten vA.-niyukta zAntam . . . degntAraH omitted --1. II --- 1 vakta evAsi-1. 8 samAzvasi- mbAdezaH ---! 12 kima. . . . tu omitted hiM2.-! 9 samAzva-udhara for dhAra- P 18, I. 3 maithilaira0-1. 4 ito for yakha.-1 10 iti added belone bharatasya ime -1. 5 (one mAtula omitted-16 -karNe omitted -evaM bharato vi0.-1 1 iti added after tavyAH -naH omitted - dhugaM-tadetadAryaH -1. 13 deghANa tad pratinivarvatAmayaM.-1.8 One uttiSTa vatsa -1. 14 hA Arya rAma / iti for omitted.-1 14 prAyaH pavitrA-vadhiArya.-16 rAmaH omitted kA __P. 116, 1. 1 vatsa added beture matpAP II9, 1 2 darpavilasi0 ---1 3 nyA. -sapadi tor samprati.-1 2 ciraM pramugdhau : thAya.-1. 4 degkUTAcalamu.-15 RSibhiH -1 10 tau added atten iti -1 II / --hantuM rakSAMsi -1 6 yAyAM. ACT V Readings of Mi Rearlings of Alw P. 119, 1.2 vatso baTA -vAdanAya. 120, 1. 2 degvAdanAya. --1. 3 degmupa-mupasIda-1. 4 paryAyAt.-1sIda-1 6 ravairaNakRta ----17 prasthApa. "yuta for "dhutadeg (8)---"syura.-1.9degkaNA- | Prar, 1 2 degdhyAno'.-17 zailo kaNI-1. zalo yA vRha cApara.-1.9 patataH amA. P. 12x, I. x valI-1.5 vetasina P. 132, 1. 16 na smRti puSNAti. -divo vyapAti ___P. 123, 1. 2 'layata:.-1 3 degvRSabhaP. xax, I. gvAdayate --1. 6 maraNa sUrpanakhA-1. 8 degvIzasan.-]. 10 degdavaomitted.--1.1 sA for khA.-18 satyasandhakhabhAvo'pi dau-1. ro gyadA.- P. 124, 1. 6 no.-." svajApi0 for
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________________ APPENDIX ( Readings of Mi 112 *yAnRSIniti - 114 ciraM - 116 zivatAti0 - ma - pramuSNA0 P 123, 12 parisara gataH - 1 3 rAmaM for raghuvRSaM - 1.5 deg kaNThakaM - vRSasyantI -1 8 asyAzca -1 10 deg starhi danukabandhapare0 - 111 ca omitted 113 raNe for mRdhe - -114 Azcaryam 2 12411 na omitted here and added after .lakSmaNAH. - tvayA caNamapi omitted - 3 degdaryANAM - 16 no - 1.9 degti mAzAse - utplutya - 1 12 cepIyAna - 113 degsaktaM citiH - 114 0 nIla0 fo1 * nirmala - 1 16 madhyagato - 1 17 vi bhAvya omitted P125, 11 vA mR0 -14 ityukta rUpI - 15 aho for the fist pramAdaH -17 ko'pyedeg - 18 aho added before pau0 -19 dhAtAraH - devasya vizvezvarAdeg - 1 10 ketanasya -111 degturvetala - * dIptasya. - rAjJo'sya te - nanI. 12 tApaja Readings of Alw P 126, 11 yoti vA netApada -- 1 3 vivarAkRSTasphurattvagvasAdeg - 1 4 snAyvA0- 15 rAta kRtta - 18 zuddha | viSkambhaH -- 1 9 dazAparipAka -1 10 mArISazatru. -- 1. 12 deglekhilajjA 0 P 127, 1 2 II * bhRkuTI* - * tAntassura 180120-1 9 ghorAndhe -1 pIha chinatti - 1 12 One Arya omitted. --] 13 stAdRzAH zaccheSu pramu khanti. -1 321 8 fa::-1 15 * bhisyanda - 1 17 prazrava 125, 14 dhigvyakta0 - pramAdaH omitted P_126, 1 1 naiRtAdeg - 13 degsphuTaklo - 17 niHkrAntaH -1 TO ayaM added before HTdeg - 15 One hA P 127, 12 *bhRkuTI0 P 128, 13 fauftar: (17) omitted - 1 12 vatsa 2 - 1 8 For atha kim substituted atazca tasmin durAtmani sarvaprakAreNa vairAnRNyamupagacchAvaH / 19 atha kim | added after rAmaH P 129, 1 7 hate'pi - -19 ufucasti0 - 0rmukhaH P 130, 15 niryAtayoH - 19 bhavet omitted --] II One more paricAyatAM added before pari0 - durAtmanA added befo10 rAkSadeg - 1 12 deg nAkaSya - yastri yam P_131, 13 gaccha2 - 14 niHkrAntaH - 1.9 praviza0 - -- 1 10 zravaNA P 132, 11 jayati -15 ca devAdyadaiva kharadeg -- 1 12 pratisandi P 134, 1 zvAsaca tama0 -1 2 gacchAvaH -1 3 ita omitted - 1 4 mAneSa vIra - 11 deg nnatiH. P 135, 13 nAlikelI. culuke - 14 likuco0- - eSaH - 15 vigrastambaM - 10 sAdhu2. P 136, 13 deg mutkaTanti 1-1.7 fear! puruSaH - jayati2 - 19 bhavatAM zarAt P. 128, 1.2 bhIzava - 1 3 pUrvaiH 1. 4 khiraH - 1. 6 degstAva - mahAtIrtha | - 110 priyaM2 -1 11 rAma omitted
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________________ 322 APPENDIX C Readings of Vr Readings of Alw bhUta ---1 8 mi tA -- 1 11 "SThitavAn 137, 1. 1 degmevAstu kiJcinna prati - tAtaH ----1_12 degmarmacchidAH 5 sthAnam -16 na tAdR0-0dhyasthama ___P_129, 3 2 nAma tat --16_Lacuna ' 19 bhadraM.--adhunA nanda mahAbhAga -1 10 for ke khiha - 17 zamanAt ---1 8 tathAhi / iti adderl befine danu niHkAntaH / ~~~-1.9"NDitasti --- ormukhaH - In Lacuna ' P. 138, 1 4 kacAlaye--1 5 nadIfor nicarana - labhya bAhyAntara-1 12 nAthe --! 9 bhAvazi0 --1_10 zubhragimAmita riH ---1 13 degmAhiSyasyA / _P 130, ! 2 rAraNyAni ---1. 17 bhi- P 139, 1 1 taM for tata - 3 AzcavibhAvayAmaH ----] 4 vatsa added betore : ryama2-16 yattattkANDa ---17 nirvipadRSTa- --- nAbhI gAH --15 Laeuna for | dhyamA0 / manu tadeva tAta.-cemAnya -11 bhayaM P. 141, 1 2 nisyandi-1 3 lakSa jamayantyaraNyA ----1 8 degmayamevAso - omitted ----15 dhIra omitted -1. II "kSipazcimataH ---- 19 bhavet omitted --bhAga pyate rati for "vibhAgaH - 1 10 kAra* for kA- P 142, ! 3 pUjyo'pi() --- II vitAra - -1_n durAtmanA added after , noda omitted -1 12 nyAyavataH --13 degmAnena.. -danu on rAkSasa --- 12 degraNya- parilasatsa0 ---1 6 lunI P 143, 1 8 mAma yukta --! 13 mahA_P 13, 1. I tu tor hi-1.3 gacchara nA -1 8 prajati.-mama for mayi -19 P 144, 1 2 baddhA yodhamaH.-15 rUDhaM vaira - .1 12 degsRkpatakUrca -1 13 zravaNA tAyatadIrgha P_145, 1 6 nAsti -17 vijaye ___" 132, 1 3 deva added before zRNo | to1 degdamane --] II nIyAnamAnapyevamanu -1.5 degdUSaNaviziraso vini0 --1. 6 P. 146, 1 6 niHkrAntI --] 13 vibhItorapakramya.. . dRzya ---17 marpako --- SaNaH for vibhISaNa vibhISaNa 1. 8 zrIrAma ---praNamya oruutted ---1 13 P 147, 1 1 savimarSasaMrama prahAra -- tatrabhavato omitted 13 ropayitavyaM -1. 2 girigaharebhyaH .P. 133, 1. 1 tataH.-1. 3 rayaM yadAha patAhI --- 12 degsatyaduHkha0.---1. 13 degpAtaM sImitra--1. 4 to'si --- atha for : vA0 --1_14 zoka for degsazoka kacaya.-1.7 rAvaNenApa-1.8 Gkitama 148, I. I kamala oritted --~-J_13 1.9 rAjapuni ---1_10 punaH added before | paddhaH. saMvara.-1. II kaya kena vA.-tatsaGga- P. 149, 1. 8 degkUlaka:.--1.9 One Arya hItam - 12 -1.14 vatsa sandraSTa. omutted. P. 134, I. - tatazca sItAvastraM tamabhi- P. 150, 1. 18 ghirASTra.
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________________ Readings of Mr 13 jJAnam - tadRzya * - 2 gacchAvaH ito for itastarhi - sarve added before pari0 - -1 4 rAmaH added before tatrabhava *NAni zrU0 - -15 -1 7 degdvajralakSmaNe nnataM - 19 plavaGgama0 - pateH APPENDIX C IO 'yUthAdhi 14 P 135, 13 lumpatyapo * lIlA for hetu : - likuco . - Lacuna for ya ekaH - 15 stambAnnivAdeg - 18 hasta omitted - 1 9 kumAralakSmaNena 136, 11 sAdhu kRtaM AyeM for Arya - 13 muJcalanti - 14 medaso vilayanA0 -15 divyazmazAnAnalAt - 17 divyapuru - One jayatu omitted - 1 8 striyA:- -19 bhavadAzrayAt - 11 rAma omitted - dAskanda nArthamuSita' - -1 Lacuna for kAzmalya -1 P 137, 14 degtiSA ne rAvaNamaitryaM parocamevAstu ki0 2 pratividhAnAya rudhyAbhyupeyate -1 5 eva omitted caritra - 16 na tAdRdeg - 19 ciraM omitted P 138, 15 nadInAthe0 - 1. 6 nAthi tavate - tu for ca - 17 kulapAMsana omitted - tApio for paritApi0- - 18 api added before vIrya.. - 19 degtaravIrabhAvo ataatafated - 1 12 so'ya for nAyaM P139, 11 eva added before vartmI0 -1 iti added before pA0 - pAdAGguSThena - 1 3 One more Azcaryam added ni4 nandanena kapinA ni0rastamastribhiriva deva - 1 6 rundhannabhaH - 2 -15 1. 2 Lacuna for ndhya 823 Readings of Mr (contenued ) P_140, 12 Rzya - tathAgrato 13 cirazUnye sanni0 - 0 somacamasAdivividha vizeSa0 -1 4 deg kara AstI0 - 0ridhmAnAmAjya0 17 zrama gandhaH (P 141, 12 below) omitted P 141, 13 kimihAmita - pravRtta0- 14 kadambakAni degdhUyao fox ofvihanya0 - -1 12 -degpATaladeg - 1 5 degSTambhadhArita sapadi - samprasthIyate - 17 jRmbhArambhaomitted --2 DimbhaiH - 18 matikala - 19 api ca for upari - vikaTamAna0 - tApiJcha0 - 1 10 degmadrairnadeg P 142, 11 pratinivartasva fo1 nivartasva - 11 degstaTitvAna - 19degmAntadeg nivartasva - 1 11 One Arya omitted - pradhAna0 for degdAna0 1 13 saH omitted P 143, 13 paripatatsa0 - -1 4 deglopAta - 15 * mukhapatadeg - 16 tu for hi - 18 tAvadayudeg fo1 nAmAyu0 - nipAo - 19 pratipatti for * divasa -1 IC raghUdvahasya - dugrahaH - mabhindan - ndhAyAH. - nirAgasi - nAvehitaM pApa pratyuta dAruNaM vyavasitaM sakhyaM kimetAdRzam / For the further text of Mr see Appendix B -1. II Y 2 Readings of Alw P 151, 1 3 iti praNamati omitted - 110 svarasaH -1 12 degtadastu -1 15 preyasA omitted. P 152, 117 niHkrA0 - 1 18 mahAvIracarite AraNyakaM nAma added before paJca0 MS Alw ends here -
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________________ 2 anuSTup 73 3. 4 5 6 vasantatilakA 13 21. 19 22. " 7. 8. mAlinI 9 upajAti 10. anuSTup 11. zikhariNI 12. 13. zArdUlavikrIDita 14. anuSTup 15 16 " " Act I ** 13 17. 18. zArdUlavikrIDita 19. anuSTup 20. "1 11 17 " A INDEX OF METRES EMPLOYED a. in Text: Acts I-VII. APPENDIX D 23. 33 24. zAlinI 25 zArdUlavikrIDita 26 anuSTup 27 vasantatilakA 28. upajAti 29 anuSTup 30 zArdUlavikrIDita 31 anuSTup 32 33 zArdUlavikrIDita 34 11 Act I 35 36 anuSTup 37 38 39 40 41. anuSTup 42 upajAti ,, 13 vasantatilakA 11 43. zikhariNI 44 praharSiNI 17 43 mandAkrAntA 46. zArdUlavikrIDita 47. anuSTup 48 49 39 50. zAlinI Act I 51 hariNI 52 anuSTup 53 zArdUlavikrIDita 34 55 vasantatilakA 56 anuSTup 37 13 58 upajAti 59 zArdUlavikrIDita | 60 anuSTup 1 61 " 11 62 indravajrA Act II 1. upajAti 2 mandAkrAntA 3 anuSTup 4. mandAkrAntA 5 anuSTup 6 zArdUlavikrIDita 7. anuSTup 8. zArdUlavikrIDita 9. 10 anuSTup 1. hariNI ""
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________________ 825 Act II Act III APPENDIX D Act II 45 zArdUlavikrIDita 46 anuSTupa 12 upajAti 13 zArdUlavikrIDita 14 anuSTupa 15 zikhariNI 16 sragdharA 48 sragdharA 49 mAlinI 50 zArdUlavikrIDita 18 zArdUlAtIDita Act III 1 zArdUlavikrIDita 2 anuSTupa 3 zArdUlaTita 4 mAlinI 26 mandAkrAntA 27 zikhariNI 28 mandAkrAntA 29 vasantatilakA 30 puSpitAyA 31 vasantatilakA 32 sragdharA 33 rathoddhatA 34 mandAkrAntA 35 zArdUlavikrIDita 36 zikhariNI 37 pardUlavikArita 38 anuSTupa 39 , 40 zArdUlavikrIDita 41 zikhariNI 42 vasantatilakA 43 zArdUlavikrIDita 44 vasantatilakA 45 anuSTupa 46 , 47. mandAkrAntA 48. zArdUlavikrIDita 24 AryA 25 mandAkrAntA 26 , 27 mAlinI 28 zArdUlavikrIDita 29 vasantatilakA 30 hariNI 31 varatAtala 32. zArdUlavikrIDita 6 anuSTupa 1 upajAti 8 anuSTupa 9 vaMzastha 10 anuSTupa II santAtalakA 12 anuSTupa 13 zArdUlavikrIDita 14 mAlinI 15 vasantatilakA 34 vasantatilakA 16 17 hariNI zArdUlavikrIDita 37 rathoddhatA vatAtalA anuSTupa // 19 40. . Act IV I zikhariNI 2 anuSTupa 3 zArdUlavikrIDita 4 anuSTupa 5 mAyabhArA 6 zArdUlavikrIDita 1 zikhariNI | 8 vasantatikhakA 21 praharSiNI 22 vasantatilakA 23 mandAkrAntA 24 zikhariNI 5. mandAkrAntA 41, mandAkrAntA 42 anuSTupa 43. upajAti 44 mAlinI
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________________ 326 APPENDIX D Act IV het IV +2 anuSTup 43 // Act r 12 anuSTup 13 . 14 zikhariNI 15 praharSiNI 16 upajAti 1 17 anuSTup 18 zArdUlavikrIDita 45 zAlinI 9 upavAti 10 indravajrA IT zArdUlavikrIDita 18 vasantatilakA 13 anuSTupa 14 zArdUlavikrIrita 15 praharSiNI 16 anuSTupa 17 zArdUlavikrIDita 18 zikhariNI 19. 20 vasantatilakA 46 anuSTupa 48. , 20 anuSTupa 50 vasantatilakA 5aa anuSTupa zArdUlavikrIDita 22. zArdUlavikrIDita 23 anuSTupa 53 zikhariNI 34 anuSTupa 35 , 56 vasantatilakA 57. zArdUlavikrIDita 25. zArdUlavikrIDita 26 anuSTupa 59. anuSTupa 61 AryA 28. hariNI 29 vasantatisakA 30 zArdUlavikrIDita 23 // 24 anuSTupa 25 vara 26 pRthvI 27 anuSTupa 28 zikhariNI 29 vasantatilakA 30 anuSTupa 31 , 32 sragdharA 33 zArdUlavikrIDita 34 anuSTup 35 // 36 , 37 zArdUlavikrIDita 38 amuSTupa 39 zArdUlavikrIDita 40 mAlinI 4.. // Act v * zArdUlavikrIDita 32. puSpitAyA 33. anuSTupa 3 praharSiNI 3. Prict 36 anuSTapa 5. zikhariNI 6. anuSTupa 38. zArdUlavikrIrita 39 anuSTupa 10. mandAbAntA 4. zArdUlavikrIDita 44 sandharA
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________________ APPENDIX D 327 Act VI Act v 45 sragdharA 46 zArdUlavikrIDita 47 mAlinI 48 upajAti 49 zArdUlavikrIDita 50 anuSTupa 51 zArdUlavikrIDita 52 anuSTup 53 sragdharA 54 vasantatilakA 55 zArdUlavikrIDita 56 vasantatilakA 57 upajAti 58 zikhariNI 59 anuSTupa 60 , 6r varanA 62 gArdUlavidIrita 63 " 13 anuSTupa 14 praharSiNI 15 zikhariNI 16 sragdharA 17 zArdUlavikrIDita 18 anuSTupa 19 , 20 zArdUlavikrIDita 21 anuSTupa 22 zikhariNI 23 zArdUlavikrIDita Act VI 46 vasantatilakA 47 puSpitAyA 48 sragdharA 49 zikhariNI 50 anuSTupa 51 sragdharA 52 zikhariNI 53 mandAkrAntA 54 zikhariNI 55 anuSTupa 56 sragdharA 57 zArdUlavikrIDita 58 gIti 59 zArdUlaniDita 60 anuSTupa 61 sragdharA 62 zikhariNI 63 sragdharA 25 sragdharA 26 praharSiNI 7 mAlinI 28 praharSiNI 29 upajAti 30 zikhariNI 31 zArdUlavikrIDita 32 sragdharA 33 // Act VI zArdUlavikrIDita 2 anuSTupa 3 " 4. sragdharA 5 anuSTupa Act VII 1 mAlinI 2 upajAti 3 vasantatilakA 5 pRthvI 6 anuSTupa 34 zikhariNI 35 sragdharA 36 zikhariNI 37 mandAkrAntA 38 sragdharA 39 anuSTupa 40 , 41 zArdUlavikrIDita 42 sragdharA 43 upajAti 44. mandAkrAntA 45 " 7 sragdharA 8 zikhariNI 9 pRthvI 8 praharSiNI 9 AryA 10 zArdUlavikrIDita II vasantatilakA 12 zArdUlavikrIDita 10 sragdharA
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________________ Act VII 328 APPENDIX D Act VII Art VII 4. zikhariNI 24 AryA 34 anuSTupa 25 vasantatilakA 35. , 16 sragdharA 17 upajAti 27 zArdUlavikrIDita 37 zikhariNI 28 anuSTup sragdharA 19 anuSTup 29 , anuSTup 30 zikhariNI 40 // 21. zAlinI 31 anuSTupa _22 anuSTupa | 42 zArdUlavikrIDita 33 zakhariNI | 43. sragdharA b. in Appendix A by MS. K. Act V. 47-73. .t V Act V Act y 47 zArdUlavikrIDita 56 zArdUlavikrIDita 65. anuSTup 48 AryA 57 zikhariNI ___49 zikhariNI 67 , 50. . 59 vasantatilakA pRthvI 5. upendravatrA anuSTupa 52 zArdUlavikrIDita 6r zikhariNI 10 mAlinI ___53. upajAti 62 sragdharA 7 zikhariNI 54. anuSTupa 63. zikhariNI 55. zAlinI 64 anuSTup 73 , c. in Appendix B by MS. Mr. Act V. 47-VII. Act v Act VI 47. zikhariNI 52. zArdU citinen 1. anuSTupa 48. sAdharA 53 sragdharA 2. zikhariNI 49. zikhariNI 50. anuSTupa 55. zArdUlavikrIDita 4 upavAti 56. sragdharA | vasantatilakA. 66 60 , Act V
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________________ APPENDIX D 329 Act VI 6 zikhariNI 7 anuSTupa Act VII I zArdUlavikrIDita 2 zikhariNI 3 9 zikhariNI / 10 anuSTupa 4 zArdUlajiDita 5 anuSTupa Act VII 14 ajuSTup 15 zArdUlavikrIDita 16 mandAkrAntA 17 anuSTupa 18 zikhariNI 19 zArdUlavikrIDita 20 anuSTup 21 , 22 zArdUlavikrIDita 13 , 15 zikhariNI 16 zArdUlavikrIDita / pArdUlavikrIDita 8 sragdharA 9 zArdUlavikrIDita 10 // II anuSTupa 12 , 13 pArdUlAdIDita
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________________ 330 No 2 Metre anuSTup zArdUlavikrIDi vasantatilakA 3 4 firefont 5. sragdharA 6 mandAkrAntA 7 upajAti 8 mAlinI 9 praharSiNI 0 hariNI 11 zAnI grat 13 zrI 12, 14 indravannA 15 puSpitAyA 16 rathoddhatA 17 | vaMzastha 18 mAnyamArA 19 ftfa 20 upendravajrA B TABLE OF METRES EMPLOYED Act I Act II Act III Act IV Act V 1-1 Total II 6 30 8 IN I 5 6 3 3 2 .. ---- : 8 8 2 31 3:16 27 18 96 38 j APPENDIX-D I I : 100 I 3 M J 1 13 7 13, 10 2 IO cl 27 5 3 : Act Y. 17 tri At VI A1t VII 3 3 413 35 131 1 5 9 5 19 77 J 39 31 . gyynyyv I 8 4:15 21 3 +++ I 2 N 5 I Grand Tot il 2 28 13 5 4 4 4 w Total Number 6250486146 267 176343 123 390 Appendiv A Act V 17-78 Act V 6 3 2 9 I : 27 Appendix B Mis version 2 : Act VI Act VII Total 3 : 10 18 8 9 22 # 14 50
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________________ APPENDIX E ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF VERSES Verses occurring in Appendices A and B are marked with an asterisk. Moreover, those of Appendix A have the letter K (= Kasmir MS) and those of B the letter Mr ( = Mysore MS.) added in brackets after the verse number. kalitatapastejovIrya0 akANDaSkAzanipAta *agAdhagAmbhIrya ajasragaladasrasamplava 0 azI vA yadi vA viparyaya *atyugrodagravellaDaga0 atra sIradhvaja vettA atha svasthAya devAya * dharmo dharmatAmeti anutpannaM jJAnaM yadi yadi anubhAvayati brahmA anekayugajavinyA antardhaiyabhareNa vRddhadeg antraprotavRhatkapAla anyonyamAhAtmyavido anviSyataH pramathanAya apariSvajya bharataM api prabhorvaH kuzalaM api pravRttayosit aprAkRtasya caritAti0 aprAkRtAni ca guNaica bhajanavIrya aprAkRteSu pAtreSu abhijanatapovidyA amRtAdhmAtajImUta II 30 | amoghamastraM catrasya v. 57 | ambhodhenArikelI. V. SI (K) | *ayaM tAvadari hatvA VII 5 ayaM tu yajamAnena III 35 * ayaM dRptaH ki naH V48 (M1) ayaM raconAthaH citi0 I 41 II5 V 32 VII 5 (Mr) I 15 V 58 (K) VI 30 *ayaM rAmaH kAmapratima * aya vatso guNaiH slAghyaH ayaM vArAM rAziH kila VI 7a (M1) V 64 (K) VII 14 ayaM vinetA dRptAnA III 46 *ayaM vIro vArAmadhipatiSu 57 (K) II 23 IV 18 I I V50 (M1) III 36 VII 31 V II bhRgunandanastri III. 40 rUdrasya prazamana I. 35 artha prakaTIkRte'pi IV 34 | zrAntapuNyakamINaH II 31 | asaMruddhagateriSTa0 IV 44 asAdhyamanyathA doSaM astraprayogakhuralIkalahe I. 29 119 astvekena vareNa vatsa asmAkaM vyasanAmbhodhA *asmAkamapi loke dvA II 39 IV 12 56 | asmAdrAvaNavRttAd 13 | asmAnadhicipatu nAma II II asmAbhirapyanAzAsyo II 46 | asmAbhireva pAlyasya II9 I 26 VII 7 IV 23 II 34 IV 41 vii 32 VIIO (M1) VI 58 III 31 IV 13 III 38
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________________ II 44 III 13 IY 57 VI 46 III 16 VII II VI 61 II 12 (IIT) 59 I 58 VII. 21 III 15 IV 54 III 33 *maha tAvat kRtsnaM nizi. ahaM hi amaNA nAma 'AkalpAntamanekakoTi *Akasmike vA sampanne Akraya kekamete rajanika AtaGkathamasAisavyati AdityAH kuladevatAmiva *AdityairabhirUpadhArita AnandAya ca vismayAya thApannavatsala bagajana AbhusabhukuTIviTaGka AbhyAM brahmAcyutAstrasmaraNa Aryasya vAlina iva dhvani *A lokAlokazailAda ikSvAkuvaMzatilakasya idaM hi tattvaM paramArtha gapUtaH sapatna iha samadazakuntAkrAnta *utaraSTirbhavAyUlA Traire garbhAnapi utkhAtakSitipAlavaMza utkhAtAstribhuvanakaNTako uttAlatATakotpAta uttiSTheta vadhAya naH chi pani utpattirjamadamitaH sa utpattidaivayajanAd utpattyeva hi rAghavaH utpuSyanaladhamanisphuTa utsitakha tapaHparAkrama utsphUrvadromakUpaH prakSayA APPENDIX E IT 6 (Ir) visyamAtathida 7 ekavyaktyaparAdhakopa II 7(1) ekIbhUya zanairaneka 12 (Ir) etannirIkSya nipapAta 138 etasya rAghavazizoH II 21 etA bhuvaH paricinoSi IT 14 etAbhyAM rAghavAbhyA II 19 (IT) *etAvantaM tvayA kAlaM __149 etAvubhAvapi nipIDya VII 25 etAvatubhyo raghunandanebhyo ___V. 2 ' ete te surasindhudhauta' I 63 evaM mayA niyamita 14 eSa tAtaca tAtaca II 8 (Ir) eSa no narapatiryathA IV 50 eSa prako'smi bhagava0 VII 2 eSa mUrta va krodhaH III 1 eSo'haM pralayamarutpracaNDa _V 40 eTehi vatsa raghunandana v 67 (K) kanyAratnamayonijanma II 48 karNAvarjitadiGmataGgaja. II 19 kalpasyAdI mama paricaya II 8 kalpApAyapraNayi dadhataH ___137/ *kastvaM mayA na vijJAtaH IV 6 kA te stutiH stutipathA. III 32 | kAmaM guNairmahAneSa / . II 36 kAmaM tvayA saha vAghyo I. kAmaM hi naH svajana eSa II. 6 kArtakharAbhirdRzyAmiH VI. 14 korIsAratamekhalasya II 22fmarAvaM VI ET *kimetadatisaMstavAviSaya VII 23 LLILOLLILIT I 45zavAnImAtI vayati VI. 18 (Mr) | kailAsAlanIlA II 25 VI 3 (MI) IV 29 III 12 III 42 VII 6 IV. 33 v. 68 (K) III 48 IV. 1 VII 24 uhizArAhazarathakalA *jabUtapratibhUpamUmi
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________________ kailAse tulite jite kailAsoddhArasAra tribhuvana0 kaizciddorbhiH pramattAn kau tvAmanugatAvetau catrAlokakSubhitahutabhuk kSamAyAH sukSetraM guNamaNi0 cAca prAkRtikaM tejo citerAnantaryadapakadapa0 cmApAlAH cINatandrAH veDAbhiH kakubhaH pRSatka * gandhavI ghanarAgabandhamadhura gabhIro mAhAtmyAtprathama0 garjatparjanyaghora stanitama gaja jarjaritAsu dicu badhire cakSuSA svasvasamaye caJcatpaJcazikhaNDamaNDana caturdazasahasrANi cUDAcumbitakaGkapatrama jagatsanAtanagurau janakAnA raghUNAM ca padabahirniSThA yUyaM jambUdvIpe'thavAnyeSu *jayo vA mRtyuvI bhavatu jJAtA eva vayaM jagatsu jyAjiyA valayitotkara jyotibAlApracayajaTila: vvalitatapasastejorAze0 hariepIpa jhavittadrutakanaka tatkAvakAlaparjanya0 tatkrUradantakarapatranikRttadeg tatpAdAbjanakhaM ki vA tacaiva gamanAdezo * tathA sA hAritA kAntA APPENDIX E I II V9 T37 | tadasmin brahmAdyaistridaza II 16 tadA ca zarabhaGgena VI 25 III 24 tapo vA zastraM vA vyapadizati I 22 tamAsi dhvaMsante pariNamati I 12 III 28 | *tavAraNye vAsAnmama hRdi VII 18 (Mr) tasya vidyAtapovRddhasaMyogaH V 7 VII 33 V 12 VII 39 tasyAzca karNanAsoSTha VII 18 II 14 V 19 I 10 IV 7 tAtasya mitraM kila gRdhra0 VII. 43 | tAnyeva yadi bhUtAni VI57 tuNDaprotaziraH karoTizikharAH VII 4 (M1) turIyo hyeSa medhyo'mi0 II 15 53 tUladAha pura laGkA * tUSNIndaNDaH prayoktavya0 VII 12 tRptairvirAdhamAMsAnA VII 35 tejobhirdizi dizi vizvataH I18 II 32 tenedamuddhRtajagattrayamanyu0 13 teSAmidAnIM dAyAdo cayyAstrAtA yastavAyaM III 39 cAtuM lokAniva pariNataH I57 * trailokyakuzalaM rAma IV 28 | trailokyamapyaparyAptaM VI 13 | coyyantAmabhito'rgalAni VI15 (M1) | tvaM na: pUjyatamo'tithi 0 V 51 tvanniyogAdayukto'pi III 29 | tvaM brahmaNyaH kila pariNata II 26 tvaM brahmavarcasadharo yadi tvayA putravatI zyenI I43 I 60 | * tvayA lokaikavIreNa 29 vAM lakSmaNa mahAbAho VI 21 datta dvArANi tUrNa sarala* IV 43 dadhati kuharabhAjAmaca V 69 (K) | danunIma zriyaH putraH 333 VI 5 VI 14 (Mr) V 8 Isr I 48 | * tvayA yadyatkRtyaM kapaTavidhinA I 44 I 6 I14 IV 45 II41 VII 14 (M1) VI 60 VI 23 II 50 43 III 26 III 44 V6 VI 9 (Mr) VII 17 (Mr) IV 59 VI 16 V 41 V 34
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________________ 331 APPENDIXE "diTThA je hi paDiTTi AtihavaNe nAyaM giriyazorAzi 138 I fr) nikAraH prApto'ya jvalati III 41 diyA yadadya dRSTastvaM 1 nimantritastena videhanAthaH durgo'yaM ca trikUTa matadupari : niyUMDha guruzAsanaM gurutara VII 42 *durjayA jagadAtaDU III. *nivRttiH pratyeka bhavati VI (K) durdAntAnAM damanavidhayaH ___III 34 nisargataH pavitrasya IV 27 dubAdho anidivasAnmama ___128 nisargeNa sa dharmasya II.7 vinIta tvayi vaya 26 *niHsIma nirayAnubandhi ca / 52 (31) dUra hatacitramRgeNa rAma 16 nRtyantvapsaraso meghaH VII 40 dRrAhavIyo dharaNIdharAma III naitAdRzaH suhRtkArya dUgedvelitavADavasya 12 nyakkAro hRdi vakIla va dRDhataramabhiyogaM vIkSya 27 nyasta zastre bhRgupatI IV 39 * dRDhA muSTiH sajIkaraNa. 49 (K) patirmRtyorva te vrajati IF 33 __ *dRSyaJjammAriDimbhapraharaNa | 56 (111) pativratAmayaM jyotiH VI 6 dRSyadrAvamacakrakAnanamahA. I 20 pativratAmayaM jyoti. VII 4 dRzoH zItakaraprakAzaH VII 17 pararAkhaDA traghAta III 14 dolIlAdhitacandrazekhara I 54 *parasparavinAbhAve I. II (ari) daurAtmyAdaribhirnijArja 46 paraHsahasraM rajanIcarendrA VI 43 *drAgabhyAgatanirbhayapratibhara 155 (311) paraHsahanairAyukta ___v 17 drAnippeSavizIrNavajra. 1 34 ; *parimukulitacakSuH sAndra 70 (K) dvitIyasya ca varNasya ___ I 7 pariSadiyamRSINAmeSa vRddho / III. 5 dhAraH pralayeSu ye bhagavato 18 parokSe sukRtaM karma IV 47 *dharmacANAya pApIyaH / 54 (K) , paryAyakSaNadRSTanaSTakakubhaH dharma brahmaNi kArmuke ca III 37 *pApaH pitryasyApi rAyo / 5 (IN) na kampante jhaJjhAmarUti VI 36 pAlya tasya jagadvaya tu IV 3 na kucApyanyatra pravalabhavitavyA' ___ 8 ' piSTvA brahmANDamasmAdatha VI 10 na tasya rASTraM vyathate III 18 puNyAnAmRSayastaTeSu saritA IN 38 na vasaM yadi nAma bhUtakaraNA. II 28 puNyA brAhmaNajAtiranvayaguNaH IV 22 nadaNDo'pyadhike zacI ___IV. 4 puNya matadayajJAmo nandigrAme vaTAM bibhra IY 55 puNyo'pi bhImakI II. 24 nanvadya rASasapateH skhalitaH I 40 putrasarAtalamAkai manvayeva prathitayazasA III. 471 *punItA ime lokAH VII. IT (Mr) *namaH zUnyaM mUkhA prasama. V. 13 (R) | puraM niHzeSaghaTita VI. 18 mAnyatra rAghavAiMzAta I. 23/ *purastAt kaikeyIvacana VII. 2 (MR) IV 52
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________________ purAkalpe dUrotpatanakhuralI. purA jetA pUrva tripuravijaye purIM yathAsthitau yAtaM paulastyavijayoddAmadeg paulastyApacayapracaNDacarite paulastyo vinayena yAcata prakRtyA puNyalakSmIkau pracaNDaparipaNDitaH stimita pratikSaNamiya rakSaH0 pratimanvantara bhUtai pratIcante dhIrAH pratimukha* pravartantA paurAH pratisadana0 prasahya rAvaNadviSTa prahara namatu cApaM prAkprahAra0 prAgaprAptanizumbhazAmbhava prAgeva rAkSasavadhAya matiH prAcetaso munivRSA prathamaH prANAH patanti paritastamasA prANairapi hite vRtti prAptAH kRcchrAdRSyazRGgopa prAyazcittaM cariSyAmi prAyuGktAstraM sa kiJcinnala0 prArtha mAlyavatA vAlI prAsaprotapravIrolvaNarudhira priyakalyANakAmAbhiH priye hA hA kvAsi prakira pre dhAma yadAmananti preSyAH saGgrAmasImanya0 bahucchalAni racAsi bAlyAtprabhRtyeva virUDha * bibhyadbhUparirambhakauNapa bibhrANazcAru cAmIkarakamala0 brahmacatrasamAjamAcipasi brahmAdayo brahmahitAya taptvA APPENDIX E vs | brahmendradraviNeza rudravaruNa VI49 | brahmakatA manaso hi vasiSTha VII 28 brAhmaNAtikramatyAgo III 45 | bhakti kathamapi yavIyAMsa II 13 | * bhartustANDavaDambare viSamitA I59 * bhavAn dharmo dharmapravaNa I16 bhavAn sItAM lokastri V 26 bhIma goSpadavadvilaya VI55 bhRgovaMze jAtastapasi ca IV 60 bhrAntIH saptAdhikAnAM pravi madrohAcchapathAtprasIdatu VI 34 VII 37 madhyamAyAH priyasakhI II 3 | manuSyapotamAtreNa II 49 * manorvaze jAtAH prathitayazaso II 33 V 25 | * mayA vANena tIcNena 17 marutvantaM devaM ya iha bhagavantaM IV 56 | mahApuruSasaMrambho V 59 * mahendrasya prAptaH praNayabhara I 24 | mAtAmahena pratiSidhyamAnaH III 8 | mAtureva zirazchedo VI12 | * mAtRga praviSTAnA0 V 35 * mAyAbalamavijJAya VI 33 * mArtaNDAnvayamaNDalaika IV 46 mahAbhAgyamahAnidhirbhagavato V 28 mukhaM yadi kimindunA yadi IV 30 | munibhirupajuSTatIrthI TI 35 | munirayamatha vIrastAdRza0 TI 50 | * munivI devo vA bhavatu IV 9 yaH pUrveSAM naH kulasya pratiSThA yato vimukterapi mAnarakSaNaM yatkalyANaM kimapi manasA yatkiJciddurmadAH khairamA I42 yat catriyeSvapi punaH VI 17 (MI) V 44 III 43 335 I 46 III II II TO VI 37 56 (K) V 63 (K) VI 62 VI 17 III 27 VI 4 V 55 IV 40 VI 19 V 54 (M1) VI I (Mr) IV 19 I 2 VII 3 (Mr) I 28 III 19 VI 13 (Mr) VI 8 (Mr) V47 (K) II18 VI 9 IV 61 II 27 VI 2 (M1) VII 21 III 9 III 23 VI 3 II 29
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________________ 331 II. 37 VI 47 I 20 APPENDIX E yatparyantamahIdhrasImi VII I3 raghukulatilaka sin VIII yaca napi mvamuH karNa VII 19 raghujanakagRheSu garbharUpa IV 32 yata sAndamanandanaH kapi0 ___139 rAjanito hyehi sahAnujasya 162 yathA candrAnoka kumara 52 rAjAno guravayete III 20 *yacAya nidhyAtaH sphurati 1 49 Hr) rAjA mArtaNDavaMzyAnAM VII 29 yathAsamaMtIcyAkaca. 22 rAmaH karmabhiragutaiH zizu III } *yadA vIrasIpariSubhi 11 6r (K) rAmabhadra guNArAma VIII yadAsataM devAdanabhimata __7.58 rAma rAma nayanAbhirAmatA yadi prapadyeta dhanuHpramAthaH II 12 rAma rAma mahAbAho yadarzanAt kimapyetad VII. 34 rAmAya puNyamahase sadRzAya yadbrahmavAdibhirapAsita II 21 rAmeNa patyA sItAyAH 156 yavajrakarSaNe vIrya 13 laghuraghupatireSa rAvasAnA yadAcA viSayamatItya cetasAM 15 *laGkAdvIpagata nizAcaravamaM TI 16 Mr) yavidvAnapi tAdRze'pyabhi. 1 33 *lalATataTasaMviSTa 166(K) yanmayA patriyoccheda IV 37 ' sAilomikhyamAnAyA *yabayAdhiSThitaM yatnAd IT (HI) lokAlokAlavAlamvanama0 yazasi niravakAze vizvataH II 4 * lopAmudrAnusUyAha VII. 36 *yazaHsantAno me vizada 1.47 () vadhyante'sapapuGgavAH prati VI 24 yAcAvaraNiH prazAsti 125 vandyA vizvasajo yugAdi II. 8 yAmoSadhi. 5 ____y 24 *vayaM dhanyAH sarve raghupati va(K) thAvat cilokayAM kila VI 29 vayamiha yathA gRhyo vahni III 1 yAvat phaNIndrazirasi II. 26 vazavAcaH kaveH kAvyaM 1.4 yAvanto ravanIcarAH praharaNo 159 *vasiSThavAta zravaNaprasAd 153 (K yAvayApramAvAharadhigama II. 48 *vasiSThArandhatIbAne II 20 (Mr) yeneva khaNDaparazubhagavAn I 35 . *vasundharAdhIza mahAvasAnAM I 4 (Ir) vairgutAnyakutobhayAni bhuvanA V. 23 , vasvarkaradrasahitaH svayameva VII. 3 yo nastrayIparidhvaMsAt I. 32 vANenakena vidyaH vilasati VII. 16 yo vAzimaM hanti hatA vayaM IV. 10 vivayi Hariyo 18 yo'sau varadayanyAsa IV. 48 vilitaparazurAmaM satva v. 47 yo'haM dAbhyAM suvAbhyAM *viSAdapi sajira v.48 (K) raSotrAni ca maGgalAni virama barapate kathaM diva. raghogAthe sarabhasamitI viviSTamAgadheyAnAM raghonAtho raghUkhAM kharita VI. 56 vizvAmitrAta prApya vizvastra - ni :pari VI. 3x vilaMsayatI parigRhya pacI .
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________________ APPENDIX E VII | satrapratyUhazAnyai dazaratha IV 20 sadA bharatazacughna 62 ( 1 ) sanatkumArAGgirasau vIja yasya videharAjatanayA0 vIrazriyA ca vinayena ca * vIraH so'yaM suparvacitibhRdiva vIrANAM ruuserspravighaTana0 vIreNa te vinayamAGgalikena vIro'strapAragandhio vIryotrya mRtabhujA " vRdhAntalanamUrtiH praNi vRcAtikramasambhRtasya mahato * vedAnta jAlaparizIlana0 vyasane'smin mantratyA VI 32 sampUjita hi mAhAtmya IV 35 sambhAvyamiSTabhuvanAbhayaH IV. 2 | sambhUyeva sukhAni cetasi II 2 sarvadoSAnabhiSvaGgAH 53 (M)) sarvaprANa pravaNamaghavanmukta' IV 25 | * sarve santu parasparaM sumanasaH (VI 5 (M1) | sAcAt kilASTamUrte * VI 2 sAkSAta puNyasamucchrayA * zatruH zaradindukunda dhavalaM VII 10 (MI) | * sAcAdvizvasRjaH suto zatrudhvasAt pariNativazAd I1125 | sAdhAraNyAnnirAtaGkaH III 6 sAnujastvaM prajA zAdhi 152 * sAntvanairabhisampUjya VII 20 * sAhityodayasambhRtovijayatA 160(K) zatru mUlamanutvAya zambhorvarAdanudhyAna zarAsanasya TaGkArAdeg * zAkhAmRgo nirupadhi zAkIrNo maNiriva zitairvANaire mRdhabhuvi zrutaM me jAnAti zrutikavi0 zreSThaH paramahaMsAnAM araut jeffrare sa eSa rAjA janako sa eSa rAmacaritAbhi0 sa eSa rAmaH saumyatvA" saMrodhane svabhibhavA saMvartaprakaTavivartasapta saMstUyante viprakarSAd sakrodhaH prasamamahaM parA saGgrAmeSTasamAptidaM divi0 sapyate vatsatarI viSAdibhiH yadi vA satyasandhaH areer hi raghavaH 3789 11 53 sItAvandigrahaparibhavastasya TI 54 sIradhvajo dhanuSpANi 1115 *sugrIvaH kila kiSkindhA0 15 sugrIvaH syandanasyAgre III 22 prabhutva II 43 suprasiddhaH pravAdo 'ya0 148 * surakSmAbhRtsAra tripurahara * IV 24 | seyaM suketorduhitA IV 8 | sotsAha dhRtazAsanaiH sakutuke 1126 | so'yaM ciHsaptavArAnavikala VII 22 * so'yaM bhavatpadAmbhoja* III. 21 * saujanyaikarasena sAndra IV. 31 saumitriH zatahastatAprabhRti0 (III 2 saumitrevANavacairadhikatara II 20 sauhityAt pRthavaH kathanti IV. 51 skandhAropitayajJapAca IV. 49 | sthitamupanatajRmbhA garbha* A 337 VII 38 IV 42 IV 16 III 10 II40 II 45 I 38 I 45 VII 13 (Mr) VII 9 IV 17 V 52 (K) I 31 VII 15 V 51 (M1) VII 22 (M1) II 4 II42 VII 6 (M1) VI 39 V 62 II 47 V50 (K) I 36 VII 10 II 17 V 65 (K) VII 15.(Mr) VI 41 VI 42 V 33 IV 58 V 42
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________________ 33% fant dhyAyatanta' kimapi khirakhe prazamo bhUyAt sphUrjadvasahasranirmitamiva svamuH sodaryIyAH kathamiva svAmibhaktiva dhairye ca * hatvA hanta dazAnanaM satanayaM hanta sAviva sampan APPENDIX E VII 30 hA vatsAH kharadUSaNaprabhRtayo IV 36 hA vIra hA maghavanandana 1. 53 hiraNyagarbhIdRSayo babhUvu0 V 14 itajAnirarAtibhiH salajyo VI 40 * yAnadyaprabhRti bhuvi naH VII 1 (Mr) imarmabhedi I. 61 herambadantamusalolikhiteka * IV II V 61 III7 IV 5 VII 16 (Mr) I 39 II 38
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________________ APPENDIX F INDEX OF SANSKRIT WORDS Roman numerals followed by Arabic numbers refer to act and verse, others to page and line, akalita II 30, 164, II, VI 36, 38 , | anuSThAna IV. 33 VII 14 See also great and afara | anusandhA v. 90, 5, 159, 3 akutobhaya V 23 / anusandhAna 205, 4 See also amanaakramaM 173, 9, 180, 7 sandhAnA akramAt II 50 anokaha 124, 14 akrameNa VI 63 andhatAmisra 13,6 aGgabhaGga I 39 apacAra IV 20, ar ajasra VII 5 apaviddha II. 33, 68, 4 aJc / udaJcat III 32 , aJcita I 54, | apara v. 41, 6, 52, 16, 92, 5 VII 8 n apasAraNa 91, 6. aTTahAsa I 45, III 28 apAsta 203, 13, VII 43 aNDabhedana 17,6 apratisandheya 174, 6 atiprasaGga III 16, 129, 2 aprAkRta I 3, 17, 6, II 39, '73, 1, atisandhAna 159, 8 _IV 12, V 56 See also prAkRta. adabha VII 12 abhicarv 39,9 adhika 42, 3 n degcAra I 62 ananusandhAnA 190, I See also anusandhA abhisandhA v 88, I, 134, 2, 158, 10 anabhiSvaGga I. 38 abhISu V 23 anarAla 49,9 abhyarNa 7, 2 anAsthA II II, 39 See also AsthApya abhyudgata 6, 13, 8, 4 forza III. 27 See also forza abhyupagama I 38 anuplava 35, 8, VII. 19. abhyupapannavAn 201, IO anurasita v. 41 adhaGkaSa VI 1, 201, 16 anuru . 39, 11, 69,6, 104, 6, 17, 9, ambUkRta V 4I. V. 35; 143, 8, 178, I , 205, 8 arara VI 23, 27 1. anurodha III 28, 150, 12, 203, 13 | ariSTa IV 18 . 22
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________________ APPENDIX F pariSTatAti 12, | AviDa v 44 See also Prakrit Word pargana 16 2} See n's nirargala Index parya // AzIviSa III 14 panA 22, 2 Azuga VI 59 pravagraha AsthApya I 13 pravarodha! 63 AsphAlita 146,7 avarodhana VI 20 indukAnta VII 34 avaSTam . 75.14.15, 141, 5 iSTApUrta III 1 n. STabha 56,8 See also avalambha iSvAsa VI56 avaskanda 7 80, 3 ffa VII 43 uktipratyuktikA 99, 1. avaskandina 13, 55 119, 2 ucculup V 32 nAgaritA 158, 9 ucchardita I 35 avyavadhIyamAna 751 ucchRGkhala II 29 See aloo visaGkhala and azmasAra I 6 visaGkhalamANa asaMvidhAta 56 7. ucchrApay I 8 ahamahamikA VI54 utkaTa I 39 , III 29, V 33 , VI 23 Akhira VI. 32 utkopay 61, 6 pATopa VI 32 uttambha V53 prAtaH III 43 uttAla I. 37 AtaGka II, 2r See also nirAtaGka utyAta I 37, III 21, V 44. See also AtatAyina III ar uppAda AtmanAtRtIya 6, 33; 17, ro utprAsa 64, Io AtharvaNa I 62 , II 24. utsArita IV 39 prAdhAnaniranvayapramathana III 13. 1, 158, 10, 178, 16 TUTT (=dramatis personae) I 3. udAharaNa 134, 5 bhAnantarya 88, 10, IV. 1 ugADha VI 4 pApAta 113, 6 udbhUrNata VI 59. Apye 15.9; 49, 10 unnA III. 10. bhAbhigAmika 90, 14. 1. "dvAra II. 49, 99, 10, VI 33. AbhiSecanika III, 4 dvAri III 29 bhAmoga 57, 8. udyAta 128, 12 Ayat / 49%; III. 34. uddAma II 48 ; III. 24, 45 bhAvarvita 56,3; V. 63. | udbuda I 39; V. 33.
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________________ APPENDIX F 341 udvaha I 13 kaJcukita II 38 uddellita V 2 See also ucvella kaNDU V 47 upajApita 91, 2 kaNDala II 27 upajuSTa III 126 kadarthita VI 29 upanibandha 150, 12 kanda II 16 upaniSad II 3 kabandha II 49, 130, II, VI 63 See upapatti 150, 2 also kAbandha and kAbanthya upallava 89, 1 kambukaNTha II 46 upamarda V 63 karaGka 147, 4 uparAga 68, 4 karapatra V. 29 upazraya 93, I karoTi V 19 upazleSaNa 93, I kalay III 24 See also kalita and upazlokaya 205, 8 " See also zloka akalita upahita I II , III 41 afara II 30, VI 11 See also offer upAdAna 95,8 ____ and akalita upAdhi VII 22 kalila 18,8 ullalad I 35 kalpApAya II 25, III 40 ulalita 204, 9 kallola VI 11 ullikh I 20 (khyamAna), II 38 (khita) | karamala III 4 See also kAzmaya ullola 12 kANDapRSTha 73, 5, 73, 10 RtambharA 68, 3 kANDIra 735 ekatAna III II kAntAramaNDUka 130, 10 ekadezena 46, 3 kAbandha VII 16 See also kabandha ekamaicI IV 8 kAbandhya V 34_See also kabandha ekAyanIbhU v II0, 5 kArtakhara VII 6 n bhAva 86,1 kAlapriyanAtha I, II enas 13, 7, IOI, I kAzmaya 136, 12 See also karamala aikamukhya II 4 kiMvadantI III 4 oGkAra 22, 7 autathya 13, 3 kilakilA 173, 9 aurjitya II 16 kIkasa V 19 kaGkapaca I. 18, 39. kIlAla III 48 , VI 15 kaGkAla V. 39 kIza VI. I. kacAkaci I 3. kuTIra I 39. kirITa I 29
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________________ 42 APPENDIX F DAkA ThAra II 16, 25 46 49 II * pina II 1 nukA sakutuka mArabhUti lAya 120 hara I. . ., 4, VIm hilI ? tihamAtA kA raka . .. kaumIna 11.5, 20p, " kaSa 19,111 paDAyapisva II 16 # III 32, 1 19 vAtha 112 casambhava :34. 10 seDA VI.ST khaNakhaNIta .. eDaparazu II. 33; VI 15. buralI II 34, V. Dopala T 24 marUpa 30, 2: IV, 32 paka 9.15. jA 53 garikAGga 144 godAna 32,5 topura VI 24 goSpada VI_M .34 , III 32, V 4. yaha (= persistency) 143, 10 mAha(Dpersistency) 15. bahAra VI. 23 patra VI. 8 cakravAla IA cacat II 32 caraNa (= Vedte school) 2, 6 caSaka 140, 3 Fanta III. 31 See also Prakut word * Inder. ghulaka 32 choTa 1 63 janatA VII 25 jani II 28, VII 33. jambhaka 23, 3 jImUta II 46 jIvA VI 30, 37 Tan with BC VI 52 1. mA III 29, V 42, 53 thita 159,8 jyotiSmatI 68, 2 jhaJjhAmarut VI 36 jhampA 63 raGkAra I 54, FII 20 TAtkAra V 33 Dambara VI9 DiNDima I 54 DiNDIra III 32 tadAmuSyAyaNa 2, 8 tanUnapAta 74, 6 santra II 17, III 25 tarkottara II 6 tigma II 23, IY 6 titi v II. 12, 91, 7 n. degkSA III 1 gue V 19. tumula 1746 tulAdhRta 174. 1.
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________________ tUNI I 18 tUNIra II 26, 147,5 tUvara VI 50 viSTa VI 25 tyaksAra VII 12 durdina IV 57 durvyavasthaV 21 dUtya I 40, VI 22 duSatsAra VI. 52 dRSTAdRSTa III 35 daurAtmya IV 53, 46 daurmanasya 7 dhak II 49 dharmAni III 32 V 19, VI 14.34 dhiSaNA VI 8 dhUrdhara IV 17 dhaureya III 46 nalaka I 35, V 33 nAndI 111, II4 nAbhijananI 18 APPENDIX F gAyana I 44 nAsIracara 183, 1 nikAya 26, 9, IV 18 fart III 41, V 14, VII 8 nighna VI. 48 nibandhana 56,7 nibarhaNa III 37 nibhRta 42, 2 II 18, III 14, 147, 13 See also animRta nirargala VI 3 niravakAza III 4 niravagraha 80, 4. nirAtaGka I. 31. nirIhatA II.xx See also argala See also AtaGka nirNikti IV 25 nirvyUDha VII 8,42 nizumbha II 33, V6r fra 14, 3, 58, 13 niHzreyasa 41,6 niHzvas153,9 niSThA IV 28 niSpeSa I 4,34, VI 31 niSyanda 14,41 nIhArIkRta VI naitalasadman V18 nairRta 126,1 nyUnatA II 8 paGgipAvana 2, 7 paJcaSA 177, 2, VI 39,206,9 paJjikA IV 60 patatra parAga VII 17 parikara 140, 4, 174, 1 parikalayitR V 10 parigraha V. IV 4 n ( = husband) 62, 12 343 (= taking up, &c ) 98, 13, IV 28, 169, 15 See also pariggaha pariNam vI 12, 30, 37, 2, II 41, IIIIIII 26 n of II 15, III 25, 124, 7, VI 28 OTH 59, 3, 202, 10, V 40 paridala VI 4,12 paridA VI 56 paridhIraNA 45, 8 paripAka 95, 8, 188, 6, VII also parIpAka
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________________ APPENDIX F parimara 11 , pratikUlika 1498 parilamata / / pratikSipta 62, 10 parivRDa I 25 1 3r. II 48 :45, VI 47 parimara 6. I. BIH IT 33 : 19, 10; pratipad I 33. IT 6, It 5 146,22243 204.13. pratiphalita parisanna 49.770. 54 II pratibhaya 30, 1.11 24 parispandu . . 22 pratibhinna 49,9 1. spanda 15. See also paripphanda. pratibhU III 46. "spanditA , 16. pratiyogin II 1 parIpAka IT 28 16 See also pari- pratisaMvidhAna 179, 17. pAka pratISTa I 58 paryasta . 4. pratyagjyotiH IV. 36 paryApta I + pratyubhUv III 25, III 48 paryAya I 44; 99, II, IV. 15, 202, 12 pratyudyA 205, 16 pAka IV. 14 pradhana I 30, TI 33, TI 37 pAdaspRSTikA 116, 1 prapad II , VII 33 pApman I. I 13, 6, 68, 5, 100, 9 prapA IT, IT IV.23. prabhaviSNu 80, 3 pArakAma I. 24. pramita I 5. pArAyaNa I 14, 23, 4, 150, 4 prayatana VII. 38 pizAcikA 67, 12. pravacana IT 25. piSTAtaka I 54 pravaNa I 45 putrabhANDa II 44 prazasti v_12 purAkalpa v.. praSTha I 30 puSkarAvartaka 49, 9. prasatti 186, 2 pUga VII. 13. prasanna I 2; IT, I 12, I 21, II 15, pRtanA 180, 9, VI. 55 ___IV 14, Ior, 4 , IOI, 9. pRSatka III 30, VI. 57 prasAda 68,3 paurasya 141, 3 prasAdanI 68, I prakANDa IV. 3; V. 48, VI. 34 prastAvanA 5,6, I.54. prakRti I 51, 42, 3, 90, 14; 91, 3, 9, prAkRta 16, 5% III 4, 13, 1 ses also 8, 10, 6, 17, 12, IV.T, VII. 2, aprAkRta VII 30. prAkRtika VII. 39. InstrumentalI 163 80,4, III 12 prArabhAra I 353 III. 32%38 VII. II
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________________ APPENDIX F 345 prAmaNDala II 13 prAcIra VI 4 prANa (= might) I 45 prAtibhavya I II prAbhava VI 38 prAya I 26, I 35, III 32, V 32 prAsa VI 33 priyatA I 6, II 22 presita I 33 prauDha II 3, IV 6 7 42, VI 4 savaga VI 16, VI 25 plavaGga 134,9 plavaGgama 112,7 plIha V 19 bandhu (as a suffix) III 28, 109, 4 JET VI 33. brahmastamba III 18 V 32, V 45 bhAratI 1.2. bhAvanA 68, 1. bhitti II 38 bhidA IN 3 bhiSajaY IT. 23. bhuti ).9 bhUta (=to go) 130,3 bhUgRha IV 31 madhUka II 21 mAdhvIka II. 13 mArgaNa (= arrow) III 48, VI 63 mAhezvara 8, 8. 39, 7. 10, 168, 6 muSTAmuSTi I 25. mUI (= to merease) 191, 7. with C VI. 12, VII 11 with samud I 36. merita 14, 5. maivAvaruNa 96,6, 99, 5, 99, 13, IV 46 maicAvaruNi I 25, 207, 14, 208, 2, __210, 3, 212,9 yakRt III 32, V 19 yAtudhAna IV 39 181, I yogAcAranyAya 87, 8 yogapadya VI 38 rAkA VII 34 ruNDa VI 32 romakUpa VI 51, 169, 8 lakuca V 32 vatsatarI III 2 vadhUTikA 62, 12 vadhUTI IV 53 , V. 17 vandAra 197, 13 vandina I 59, II. 4, 86, 8, VII 5 vandI VII 6 varAka V 22 vartaya III 23 valg with vi VI 23 (vivalgana) __with vyA VI 26 (vyAvalgat). vasthA VI 44 vAcAra 168, 15 vAnIra V 40 ATSTE VII 43 vikalana V 33 vicikitsa I 37, IV 49 vicicISA VII 19 vijigISu 87, 6 viTaGka V 21 vitardikA VI 24 vidham II 48 vidhi I 25, I 59, I 6r, II 13 III. I, III 34, IV I", IV. 18,
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________________ V 45. VI I VI 28. VII V13. 11: 161 An ! paryasta 161 111 30 TUT 126 9. V 36. 149. 5 malA 1854 java 624 III 3 III 38. THE 180, 6, 184. 1. varta V.37 11 26. revalana VT 51. dhavalagana vie valg zvetA 31.9 APPENDIX F Sasya 1233 kartana 13. 8 kartani 193.9 tRSya V. 49 manasya 107, 4 zAkha II. 38 zikha II. 38 III 14 II44 ragoSThI 14211 V. 52 VI 43 vadha VI. 16 VI 19. mAtRka 190, 7. mAnika 86. yagya VII. 38 37. VI 25. yAtva 31, tikara II 21 II. 23 II. 26 IV. 32, VI. 26, VI 41; 181, 3 karita III. 32. tirekiMna 1.46. mf 17, 6, II. 11, III. 24. visiti VI. 51. pina VI 23 vag. See valg. IV, 37 vyudasa VI 8 VI ro bAta 43 zataghnI VI 48 zAya III 28 zAlInatA 15111 zirA III 32 VI. 22 zivatAti 1247 muNDAra I. 63 loka VII 26. VII. 43lokay saMrabha v II 2576, 8. n zubha I 225 II 1256, 7, V 53146, 10 saMrodhana 91 6 IV, 8. saMvaraNa 133,10 saMvarta VI VI 26 saMvega n I.39 8. 113,6 vegina 20. saMveday III. 47. saMkhyAya 12, 10 See also upa saMstu VII 22, 2043 saMhanana II 46 sakutuka VI 61; VII 10, VII 16 yAvat VII 43. saGghaTTa I 45, 177, 2. saGgAta 205 V 29 saJcapa III satyasandhA IV. 16 IV. 49, IV 51 sanAbhi III. 9 sandarbha 2, 1. sandhA. Seo satyasandhA. samanIka IV 18. samara 172,12
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________________ samucchraya IV 17 samR ( sam + root) 17 sampuTa I 54 sampradAya I 47 150, 9 1 samjhaya VII 5 sambhAra II 40, III 4,207, 15, VII 37 sambhAvanA 182, 8, 206, 13 See also sambhU sambhU II 40 II 45, 116, 2, 116, 9, VI 52 See also sambhAve saraNa VIBI sarvaGkaSa 29.5. V 56 sarvatovRtti III 12 sarvakAraM III 12 sAtatya VI 54 soya 159 184 147, 14 sohitya33 skandhabandha 11 16 II 49 1 APPENDIX F skandhAvAra 11 17 sammAna 6, 1 stoma II 25 styai 25, 1 , straiNa I 37 sthagita V 41 n styAna V 41 43 sphAra 2, TV a, VI 32 sphur I 39 II 23 II 26 II 30, 73. I, VI, V 19, V 21, VI 26, VI 36 with far I 44, II 40 with praVI 12, VI 31 sphUrj vI 53 III 40, VII 12 " with ud VI51 n * VII 12 svayaGGgrAha I 28 svastivAcanika 73.9 svastha II 49, 2, III 16 svAcchandya 52, II 347 42, 2 haThAdezina IV 3 haNI (= to be ashamed ) ISI
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________________ APPENDIX G. INDEX OF PRIKRIT WORDS X.B. -~-References are to pages and lines, ahisANa 156, 8 agarapadAe / ahidaya 20, 12. bhar3Anaca101, Ibt.12 / Auha 56, 4 paNa "Terain jaNa Abhimuha 48, 8. Cr. also dohimuhaM ___160, I. aNujIvittaNa 21 AlAva 57, I. aNuvandhitramANa Avidha 51, 3. aNuhavi 160 : AsAsa 189, I pahAvida 14b . AharaNa 156,8 pnnuhaav| . Nee also mahANuhAva and ' ukkama 24 II mahAnubhAva. uppAda 20, H Seo also utpA bhanadomaha 19 12. unbhanta 48, 1, 48, 8 usalad 19, I adhivaI 1122 uvajujjanta 187, + anera upakSAsa 40, 4, 159, 1 parisamAdhava " uvAlama 188,3 panbhantara 0 // * uttida,0, 3 amibhISa 20ty, !!, than. onlu) , ubigga 47.4 / uveza 1, 2 See also udvelita samma 30.6. eva0, 6 sec also eva and beva. mammo 20 1,473; 190, 1; 2000 13, eba 19. 9. 19, 12, 20, 11 * 21, 2; 47. 203,3 , 49.8, 51, 43 53,1; 60, IL avatha..Sealso avazya 88,7, 188,3. See alho eva and jeva. pa. 88.3 evaM 3.6. 10, 29, ; 38, 33; 87. pahavA 188,3. 4 92, 2 93, 108 188, 2, 190, 12%3B ahilIca 16, 2. feelao mitrIpa. 209. 3
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________________ APPENDIX G 349 zrIdhAre 165,7 jaNa 189, I , 209, 12 See also aNa odhArida 191,6 jadhA5, 10 zrIsanta 57, 1 jaha 38, I ohasa 56, 4 jevva 156,1, 157, 6, 158, 6, 159,2, ohIramANa 38, 2 160, I, 160, 3, 165, 8, 189,3, kajjaleha 108,1 202, 3, 206, II See also ta and kadanta 1551 eva kandoTTa 48,6 jjeba 159, 2, 206, II kappaduma 109, 13 Nahara 155, 6 kasaNa 158,6 NAvi 202, 4 kahaM 16, 10, 33, 10, 39, 6, 45, 6, NAha 191,6 16r, 14, 162, I, 162, 2, 188, I, zikkhe va 155, 6 188, II , 189, 7, 189, 10, 189, 12 , | Niyosa 194, 10 190, 6, 190, II, I9I, 6, 192, I , | NidhANa 190, II 196, 5, 199, 6, 199, II , 200, 13, | Nibbhara 51, 4 201, 3, 206, II , 209, 7, 209, 8 hiravekkha 162, 3 kahaM vitra 189, 7, 209, 8 NivRtta 36, 9 kumAra 45, 7, 48, I, 48, 8, 187, 6, | NivaDida 46, 1 189, 2, 207, 8 NisamI* 192, 2 , 199, 7 kumAra 101, 9 Nisida 51, 2 kumAla 155,7 taha 38, 2 kolINa 209, 3 tahA 168, 4 khu 9, 13, 55, II, 58, 12, 155, 5, 157, 15, 10, 48, 8, 88, 9, 156,9 See 5, 157,73 159, 10, 163,8 ____ also tti kkhu 155, 6, 157,7 tikkha 164, 4 gamatra40, 4 tuvarantI 47, 1 gadA 58, 3 tuvarA 45, 7, 48, 1 garuattaNa 56, 4 See also agruadaa| tUra 192, I ca 36, 9; 86, 9, 88, 7, 88, 8, 92, 2, | tellokka 48, 5 , 187, 2 108,43 160, I, 163,8 See also a tti 38, 3, 47, 4, 49, I, 87, 4, 93,4, cauddahI 158, 6 160, 4, 163, 6, 164, 7, 165, 9, cAritta 108, 2 168,2, 189, 2, 194, 14, 204, 10. cittabheda 19, 12 See also Sans word | See also ti Index diaha 158,6