1 11. räksasa kabandha. For the story see Ram. III. 69-71 Page 131, 1. 1 Śramaņā nāma, &c Repeated in Utt I. 30/31.
siddha. Or, probably, 'possessed of the eight supernatural powers called siddhis, enumerated in the veise anima laghima prāptih prākāmyam mahımā tatha isatram ca 'vasitiam ca tatha hämär asayitā It cannot here lefer to the class of semi-divine beings called Siddhas (mentioned also in Kum I. 5), for the simple reason that she is a Sabari. See Rām. III. 74, 6, where the commentator Ramanuja renders it as siddha-yoga, as I do
1. 7. lapana-vinodo 'py asulabhah Repeated in Utt. III. 30. 1.8 rajatu We should have 1ather expected vrajati.
1 11. krüsa
'Cruel', Pick, 'sharp', SR; 'hard', VR and AB
1. 12 nihsarad-asrh Repeated in Anar VI. 68
kur ca-guccham
'Bunch of hair between the eyebrows', VR.
1. 14. raksasa-hutuhalmă refers to Rama's speech on p. 130, 1. 10. Page 132, 1. 6. bandhubhyah, &c Cf. IV. 9 above For the story see Rām. III. 72.
parikramya. Mt 's leading would be preferable
Page 133, 1 8 anasuya-nāmanham. The garment was given to Sita by Anasuya during the former's short stay in the hermitage of Atri. See Ram II 118 She dropped it when being carried off by Ravana See Ram III 54 Cf. Ana V. 25/26 It is shown to Rama by Sugrīva See Ram IV 6
1.9 mahāranya°, &c Repeated in Utt I. 42/43, III 9/10, VII. 2/3, Anar. V. 22/23.
Page 134, 1. 1. tac ca sita-visah The passage is very corrupt. The weight of the MS. evidence favours the leading adopted.
1. 4 hanümün See Ram IV. 4. Cf. Anar II 7/8
vira-vādah. 'His name is often repeated by the brave', VR, 'is the title of a great warrior', Pick., 'vira iti vādah uktih', AB., 'virataya pravāda ty arthah', Jv., 'vira iti vādo vacanam mahavira ity arthah', ŚR.
1. 5. jātamātrasya, &c. For these stories relating to his life see Rām. VII. 35
Cf. Rām. VII. 35, 25 Repeated in Utt. VI (first speech) 1 7. vayra-karsana. Either (a) the thunderbolt-wielder, or (b) he who destroys (his enemies) with his thunderbolt
1. 9. hemagiri-västaryasya, &c For the genealogy of Hanuman see Rām VII. 35 and IV 66. Cf. Anar. V. 50/51 1. 10 ksetra-sambhavah sunuh One of the twelve kinds of sons mentioned by the Hindu Law-books, being the child of a wife by a relative duly appointed to raise up issue to the husband. See Manu, IX. 167, 180; Yājña I. 69, II. 128 Cf. Anar. VI. 6/7
P. 135, 1. 3. culuka The Dictionaries give the word as culuka. See Abhi 598; Anek. III. 37; Medinikosa, K 85 evidence favours the reading culaka. 'mouthful'.
Cf. Pras. p. 110, 1. 14. But our MS. The meaning is either 'handful' or