18 Verse 22. This verse is quoted in the commentary to Saras V. 178 to illustrate bhāvānām tria-tandula-prakārena sankarah
hrdr vajra-kala wa Cf Utt I. 47, Mal. IX 37, MV III 40. 1. 9 ghore 'ndhe, &c Cf Mal IX 8, 20, 46, Utt III 38
1 10 tāta-vipattayah täta evidently refers to Jatayu, foi Rama is here enumerating the insults received at the hands of the Raksasas The allusion here to the death of Daśaratha, as understood by SR and AB, is quite out of place. Of the reference to Jatayu in verse 23 below and also the words tāta kāsyapa on p 128, 11 Foi Jatāyu's fight with Ravana see Rām III 51.
dahatı mām Cf. Mal IX 20
1 11 marmänīva, &c. Of Utt I 47. This appears to be a pet phrase of Bhavabhūti, as it occurs very often, thus, for instance, in Mv. alone, in I 39, III 10, 40, IV. 56, p 128, 1. 12, p. 147, 1 10
Page 128,1 1 lokottarany eva Said in iony For lokottara see Utt II 7 1 2 akuto-bhayāni recurs in Utt II 15/16, Anar II 16 abhīsu Cf śrsu I 22 1 6. kā tāta. sambhavah Repeated in Utt I 30/31 tīrtha-bhūtasya Of I 10 above.
1 9. yām osadhım, &c. This verse is boriowed from Rām III 67, 15 with slight alterations
1. 12. hrdaya-marmāvidhah, &c. Cf. the repetition in Utt III. 14/15 Cf. also Utt I. 8,9; V. 25/26
Page 129, 1 2. paribhavātiprasanga Literally, 'insult of outrage', hence, outrageous insult, oi insulting outage
1 9. pracanda-parpindatah, &c Of III 40 and V 21 above.
Page 130, 1. 1 atz-sambhrānta-vividha-mrga-yüthao Cf. the repetition in Utt. II 19/20
Punmatta .. abhrvartante. Repeated in Utt. II 15/16. 1 3 bhavāvah Mark the peculiar sense of this verb here,
1 5. ārunr. This epithet of Jatayu deserves notice He is named after his uncle Aruna, the brother of his father Garuda Jv. defends it by quoting the well-known veise bhrātrnām ekajātānām ekaś cet putoavān bhavet | sarve te tena putrena putrino manur abravīt. For the story see Ram III. 68
1 6 ko 'pr kalah Sometimes kom means 'long' as applied to time, especially in combination with khalu, oi api or wa. Cf. ko 'pr kālah in Māl 0/1, ko 'pr kälah in Ratnávali, III (first speech).
1 7. pratibhaya. Cf. VI 24, Anar. I. 26 1 8 asau ... vbhāgah. Repeated in Utt I 30/31. Kuñjavän nāma Rām. gives it the name Krauñcaranya See Rām III 69
1. 10. kāntāra-mandūka. Literally, "frog of the forest', hence, he who does not leave the forest, as a frog the tank of its residence, it may be out of fear. Cf. Kūpa-mandūka' in Anar. VII. 84, a term of reproach applied to a person who has had no experience of the world at large and knows only his own neighbourhood.