All render it as 'fame', thus, e g. Pick translates, 'obtained, as it were, the fame of an insult to the Ten-headed one' For the story see Ram III 18 prasasti is repeated in Anar VI 79
1 12 Verse 13 This veise is repeated in Utt II 15 For the story see Ram. III 20-30
1 14 mahat punar, &c. Cf Anar V 4/5 Page 124, 1 3 Verse 14 Anar V 5
1 7. samudre, &c Cf V Swatāti. Of the parallel p
For the first half-verse cf the close parallel
37 c below
12, 1. 1 above
For the first half-veise cf Bal VI 56 swatāti iecurs in
1 10. Verse 15 Mal. VI 7.
I 14 ayam, &c. The passage is repeated in Utt I 25/26 Cf. a similar description in Mal. IX 3/4.
1 15 megha-medurita Repeated in Utt VI. 5/6.
-Page 125, 1 1 duram hatah, &c Cf Mahānataka, III 59 (No 148) and the close parallel Anar V. 7 For the story see Ram III 43, 46
1. 6 parah-sahası arh Cf Anar V 8 See Ram III 49. 1. 9. dhartarah, &c See Ram III. 50.
Cf Ana V. 9.
1. 10 snātasya veda-ratarh I think the reference is to the three classes of snutahas (1) the vidya-snātaka, (2) the vrata-snātuka, (3) the vidya-ratasnātaka, Ravana being a vidya-vrata-snātaha For the definitions of these see Manu, IV 31, and Kulluka's commentary thereon, which quotes from Hairta. 1. 11. jetur, &c. For the story see Ram. VII. 22. Cf. III. 32 above nartala-sadmano. nitala is one of the seven lower regions In the list, as given in Aruneya Upanisad I, the name does not, however, occur.
1 12 nābhajanani A peculiai negative compound from the noun abhijanana. Page 126, 1. 3 tunda, &c. Cp. Mv III. 32, Anar V. 11, Bāl. VI 3, Mahānāṭaka, III. 76 (No. 165)
1 5. atyugra, &c Cf Mv. VI 22.
kikasa See Amara. II. 6, 68
1. 9. kastam, &c Cf. Anar V. 11/12.
1 10 mūrīcāt Marica, at the request of Ravana, had transformed himself into the spotted deer and allured Rama. See Rūm III. 36-43
1. 11 murta wa krodhah Mark Bhavabhuti's characteristic of likening persons to abstract ideas Cf I. 10, 22, 62, II. 15, 23, 25, 39, 41; V. 20, 38, VII. 21, 33
1 12. hrllekha Jv, SR, and AB. agree in taking this compound as an adjective in the sense of 'piercing or touching the heart'.
Page 127, 1. 2 vrtanka is the loftiest point or pinnacle. See Mal X 7/8; Vikr. V. 77, hence, bhrukuți-vitanka means 'lofty' or 'deep frown' It is repeated in Pras. p. 18, 1 8.
1. 4. madhya-palad-vādavo
Cf. Mv. III. 2; V. 2, 26; Śšu. I. 20 1. 5. chāyām samālambate. See Kāvyā. II. 65.