is to be taken as an epithet of vidyut, while vyakta, a past passive participle (like dhuta and mocsta), is to be understood as describing the effect.
1. 6 khanat-khanikrta An onomatopoetic word, the usual form is khanakhani-krta Here, however, the first form is used because of the exigencies of metre
1 8 Ullola-bhinnambhaso. The waters of which are mixed with huge billows', AB, 'the waters of which are thrown up by huge breakers', Jv., 'the waters of which are divided by huge waves', ŚR
Page 121, 1 1 vaikuntha-varaha For this Boar-incarnation of Visnu see Vienu I. 4. For a close parallel of this line of Anar. VI 76/77
1 7. vprayukta-paksah Formerly the mountains had wings and could fly about Indra clipped their wings Of Kum I 20.
1 10 vibhoh VR remarks Time has been called vibhu either (1) because it possesses sufficient power to destroy objects, or (2) because of the view which is held that 'Space and Time are mightier than the Lord' (dik-kālāv iśvarad atiricyete), or (3) because, in accordance with the couplet, 'kalah kalayatam aham', Kala is a manifestation of Visnu 1. 12 manvantara-purana Repeated in Utt I 30/31 For his age see Rām. III 50 VR. and SR translate it as 'the oldest in this manzantara", and Jv as 'older than a manvantara'
1 14 pura-kalpe See Ram IV 56
Page 122, 1 7. vidya-tapo-vrddha may also be read, though not preferably, as vidya tapo vrddha or vidya tapo-vrddha This compound is repeated in Anar III. 57/58.
1 10. sarabhangasramam, &c. Sre Ram III. 4
1 11 tada ca, &c See Ram III 5/7
1 12 atha, &c. Cf. Anar V 4
1 13 agastya-vacanāt See Ram III 13-15, Anar V. 4.
1 17 tavad asid, &c. 1 e he was familiar with the highest regions in the sky and the most distant regions on the earth
1 18 anos caranah refers to the second of the three studes of Visnu in his Dwarf-incarnation Of Vikramorvaśī, I 19; Śak VII 6
Page 123, 12 lokalokah Name of a mythical mountain that encircles the earth and is situated beyond the sea of fresh water which surrounds the last of the seven continents Beyond lokāloka there is complete darkness and on this side of it there is light It thus divides the visible world from the regions of darkness' (cf. Ragh I 68), Apte in his Dictionary See Visnu II. 4, 94-99 Cf V 45 below
1. 3 vrsasyanti For this denominative form see Pay VII 1, 51 Cf Ragh XII 34, Bhatt IV 80. For the story see Ram III 17, Anar. V 4/5
18 tasyas ca, &c. Cf. Anar V 4/5
1. 9 daśanana, &c. Literally, 'implanted on her the edict of an insult to Ravana'. Mark the reference to the Edicts All the commentators fail to note this sense of the word, which becomes clear from the verb nyavivisat.