Ucculup. To agitate, Apte in his Dictionary
1. 4. yesäm utksepahetuh, &c. The sense is not very clear. What can be their motive for tossing the mountains about? I think the author alludes herein to the sportive nature of the monkeys Just as they, out of love of mere sport, shake and toss the trees about, so they toss the mountains too and with equal ease. If so, we should have rather expected the genitive case instead of the locative szkharisu SR understands it to mean who climb up the mountains for the sake of biead-fruit and figs, or in other words, it is but natural to climb the mountains' Pick translates, and the cause of whose leaping on the mountains is this forest of fig-trees'. Both are distinctly wrong, for, climbing up the mountains, and that, too, foi the sake of fruit, is nothing very extraordinary From the context it is clear that the poet purposes to mention some very marvellous feat in this line too as in the two others which precede and follow.
1. 9 Yojana-bāhoh See Rām III. 71, 13. crta. See Rām. III 72
Page 136, 1. 2. sauhatya This word belongs to the purohrtādrgana. See Pān V. 1, 128 For the meaning see Amara. II. 9, 56, Abhe 426. The word is differently explained by the commentators; thus suhtatvät, ŚR, ucitasamyogät, AB ; susthu hitam agnāv ahitam ata yāvat tasya bhävas tattvät, Jv.;
because of (Kabandha's) satiety (with the flesh of animals devoured)', VR For the different words occurring in the verse cf Mal. V 17.
1 3 tätkära. Of Pras p 14, 1. 5
nalaka See Abhr. 627, Susruta, ndāna-sthana, XV (last verse) sarira-so y (middle).
1. 5 dryah. See Rām III. 71
1.8 Verse 34. The first line is quoted from Rām IV. 8, 14 (Gorresio's edition). In the Bombay edition the line is found in Rām IV. 4, 15, where drteh is read for śryah.
śāpāt refers to the curse of Sthala-śnias, for which see Ram III. 71 1. 9. idrāstrao. See Rām III 71
Page 187, 1. 4. vyäpeksyate. anubadhyate samsagyate, ŚR ; pratipalyate yusmad-ghāta ata sesah, AB. , 'adheres closely to his friendship’, Pick Mt.'s reading is decidedly better.
Page 188, 1.3 Verse 37 Cf Bal. II 48, VII 11.
karläse tulite. See Rām. VII 16 Cf. Megh. I. 58 See note on II. 16 above
nte tribhuvane. See Rām VII. 18-25. 1 4. praksipya, &c. See Räm VII 34 1 5. sändhyam karma. Of p 123, 1. 9 above 1. 7. esa te, &c Said in irony. 19 ctriyate zāva-lokah. Cf. Anar. I. 48/49. 1. 10. purata, &c Cf. Anar. V. 24/25.
1. 12. yasoräser wa. According to the kava-samayas, fame is always depicted 2789