as white See Sah VII. 590-591 and note on III 4 above
1 13 dundubhi
For the story see Ram IV. 11 Cf Anar V 25 Page 139, 1 2. pādena ksipati See Ram IV 11, 85
14 yat, &c. See Ram IV 11, 47. Cf Mahānātaka, IV 50 (No. 224), sankrandana-nandanah is repeated in Bal III 48
nirmathya, &c. Cf the parallels Mal VIII 9, 10
15 asthe-grad may also be lead as asthi gu-vad 1 6. kankala. Cf. Mal VIII 9
Of Mal II 9, Dasa-kumara-carta, p 2,
praspardhi See Kaya. II. 65
1 7 nir vindhyam Ram. I 65, and IV 11, 85 only mention that Rāma cast it ten yojanas distant But ou reading is confirmed by A's reading in Appendix B, p 13, foot-note
Page 140, 1 1 praśănta, &c Of the parallel Utt II 19/20.
1 2 rsyamaha-pampa, &c. See Ram III. 73, IV. 1.
1. 3 matangāśama-padam
See Ram III 73
VR 's rendering, possessed of a little quantity (gandhi)
1 4 aya-gandhih
of ghee' is absud
16 sesa 'Valety or excellence ', VR., 'excellence', Pick and ŚR.; tapasām visesāh is lendered as 'great ascetics' by AB
1.8 Verse 40 This verse is lepeated in Utt II. 20 Cf. also Mal. IX 15 a, 24, Megh I 20, Anar V. 27.
1 13. Verse 41. This verse is repeated in Utt II 21, Mal IX 6 Cf the close parallel Anar. V 20
Page 141,1 1 sallakīnām. See Vikramorvasi IV 23, Utt III 6, Māl. IX. 32 1 3. abhuta eva. The syntactical relation of this phrase is not very certain. It may he joined either to (a) pravrddha; or to (b) vihanyamāna, or to (c) pariksipya
puurastya-mărutu 15 dhunur, &c 17 garbha bimba prasavesu kalikāsu, ŚR (canin)
1. 8 avikala.
Of Mal IX 17, 25, 41/42 Anar I 24/25 Cf Mal VII 1/2, Anar V. 23/24 garbhasthesu bimbesu prasinesu, AB, garbha-bimbesu VR. 1eads arambha-bemba and renders bimba by 'signs
Not discordant, harmonious Of Śrsu. XI. 10 For the dancing of the peacocks cf Anar V 27. Cf also the kavi-samaya in Sah 590. meghu-dhränesu nrtyam bhavati ca sikhmām.
1. 9. Upar-vighatamana may also be read upar vighatamanaR Cf Utt I. 33, Mal. IX 24, Anar V. 21.
See the kavi-samaya 'meghänām krenatawa' in Kävyānu, p. 10,
1. 14.
1. 11. apr nama, &c. Cf the thought in Megh I. 3, and Anar. V 22/23 rasantarena, i. e. by the sentiment of love (vpralambha-srngāra), for a definition of which see Sah 212.
Page 142, 1. 3. mitrasya. See V 37 above,