16 Verse 44. Cf Utt v. 11, Anar. V 30/31 Foi dāma dattam maghonā cf Anar V 81, for mahān ambuvāhas cf. Utt III. 48
cāru camākarao may also be iead carucamākarao
1. 8 Utpåtāviddha-mūrteh All the commentators except VR have misunderstood the force of this epithet Vali's body is dazzling with the necklace of red-lotuses. He is, therefore, like a mountain of red-chalk with fire burning on it. For this sense of utpăta compare the different passages where it occurs. Ab. and Jv. render it as 'whose body is contracted in an upward flight', SR. as
who has cast his body forward for an upward flight', and Pick., as 'which has been rent by upheavings'
1. 11 vīra gosthi-vinoda-dana-priya-suhrt From the comparison of passages it is evident that vīra-gosthi (literally 'assembly of the heroes') means the meeting of the heroes either in fight or in assemblies Here, as well as in V. 52, it has clearly the former sense and may very nearly be translated by "fight'; while in VI 43 it possesses the latter meaning, though the former is not quite inapplicable Jy seems to understand it rightly VR iendeis vīra gosthivinoda as 'fight, for it causes delight to the assembly of heroes'. SR.'s interpietation 'he who is fond of the tales of heroes and is noble minded' is very wide of the mark. Pick. translates 'a friend, who kindly affords a meeting of warriors' AB remarks that just as duinkers love to give duinking parties, so he loves to give fights. Vira-gosthi-vinoda is repeated in Anar. IV 34 (where the commentator Laksmana Sūli explains it as yuddha-vihāra) Cf. vīragosthi in Anar. V. 31/32.
Page 143, 1 3 Verse 45. Mark the beautiful comparison of the universe to a tree, the different parts of which are likened to the various divisions of the globe.
1. 6 brahma-stamba Of Mv. III. 48, V. 32.
1 8. ayukta-gahvara. Unworthy deeds are here likened to a pit. If a person commits such a heinous deed as Valı has been made to under take, he falls into the pit of evil actions, from which there is no escape One such deed is followed by another, and all hope of his moral salvation is lost. Jv. renders it by 'hell, earned by unworthy deeds ', and Pick. by "unseemly pit'.
19. yad anena . . . asme This passage is referred to in the commentary to Daśar. III. 22, where it is laid down that the unworthy actions of a Hero ought either to be left out or otherwise described. See also commentary to Säh 304
1. 10. grahah The demon', as rendered by Pick., is wrong mām anubadhnan. "He has been urging me'-VR
Page 144, 1 4. urbhisanena, &c. See p 132, 1. 3 above.
15 pratrpanna-lankadhrpatyah refers to Rāma's calling him the Lord of Lanka', p 132, 1 12.
1. 8. Verse 47 Mark the play upon the word Rāma Cf. a similar pun in Mahānātaka I 6 (No. 6).
1. 10 bhavate ca, &c. The sentence is very condensed Literally it means