Of p 144, 1 1.
His desire for the sovereignty of Lanka. For sālīnatā
14 mayapy aviditah
1 11 startha
cf Utt VII. 19
The construction of this sentence is faulty
1. 14 svayam kathayitum, &c 1 17 alasana, would either mean that I may pass my last moments there', or 'that the last ceremonies may be performed there'
Page 152, 19 naradhiryam, &c 'It must not be slighted, and this will be in keeping with your greatness', Pick
1. 10 snehasya niryañjakah qualifies ranah Pick. translates 'to test your friendship'. AB. construes it with angalih, which does not bring out the intended sense
1. 13 karnavarta is translated by Pick.: 'those destructions of the two pairs of sky-guarding elephants bereft of their ears'
din-matangaja. The eight elephants who guaid the eight cardinal points. For their names see Amara. I 3, 3. Cf. VI. 11 below
1. 15. premno garimnas ca. Literally 'excess of love'; hence, 'excessive love', AB
Page 153, 1. 2. raksahpater, &c A beautiful comparison, explained at length in verse 1 below.
1. 4. Verse
Cf. Pras p 5, 1. 16.
1. 7. gamanam. asmat-partyāgena vipaksāśrayanam, Jv.
1. 8. vrddha-buddhir, &c Cf the parallels Bal V 4/5, Anar. VI 16/17 See also Kām. IV. 28-31, which requires the presence of this qualification in a minister.
1. 10. mantra-saktyä See note on p. 85, 1 2.
1. 11. alasasya, &c Cf. Mrcchakatika I. 49 (siddhir nālasasya) Cf. the parallel Bul. I 25
Page 154, 1 2. Verse 3 1. 4 aho, &c. 1 7. yat, &c 1. 9. bhrāntih, &c. The first two lines of the verse are not sufficiently intelligible to me. All the commentators interpret bhrāntih as 'whirls' and render our passage which produces whirls with its red cncles of flames more than seven in number' Fire possesses only seven flames, whence its name saptārais (see Amara. I. 1, 56), but our phrase 'more than seven' is used here simply to express the idea that fire was burning there very furiously. It is extremely unlikely that saptadhikānām qualifies prācīrāṇām. The syntactical connexion of pracîraṇām is very doubtful. I construe: saptadhikānām arcisām arunath cakravalaiḥ prācīrāṇām bhrāntih pravidadhat. The high flames marred the outlines of the city enclosures. VR. and SR read drag-virānām, AB. präg
Cf. the parallel Anar. III. 55/56.
See Rām. IV 40-45