1 3 tena hr, &c Cf. Anar V. 50/51 1 4 esa, &c. Cf. the close parallel Anar V. 52. cal-kāyao Cf. Rãm IV, 12, I7 16 Osapta-tāla Of VII 16 below See Rām. I 66
1 7. mad-drohāc-chapathāt Pick 's translation, 'take an oath at my death', is impossible The phrase is highly elliptical It means "Swear that you shall be calm, and remember that, if you break the oath, you would be as guilty as by turning traitors against me' See also sva-droha-sapatha, l. 13 below.
1 10. yo 'ham, &c Vált here names his successors. Sugriva is to take Vali's place and Angada that of Sugrīva
1 12 anucarājña refers to the first half of verse 55 above
sangalado I am doubtful about this leading, though all the MSS have it It means 'melting or flowing in them', hence 'piesent in them! All the commentators read sanga-lasad. ŚR. renders sanga by prasaktı and AB by abhılāsa Pick. translates "plainly visible in the assembly'
1 14 sva-droha-sapathao See note on 1 7 above 1 15 parsvangao, &c See Rām IV 22
Page 148, 1. 4. Verse 56 Pick translates The change that brought the death of such as these is painful indeed Alas' death, all-injuring and cruel, works mischief
15 kula-mahādhara For their names see Vesnu II 3, Tmk II 3, 4 Cf Ragh XVII 78
16 vipakah is here the result of actions, done in this life or even in the previous ones' Pick. translates it by 'change', which may be possible of verse 57 below
1. 12 vivartah. Cf. Anar I 25, I 50 Page 149, 1. 6 mālyavatā, &c See pages 90 and 91 above
Page 150, 1 2 dharmopapatti-parisuddhah Literally pure because of the adoption of piety'.
1. 6. Verse 59. A fine definition of friendship Is it a quotation ? Cf., however, the parallel Mal I. 12 The verse is quoted and translated in his Indische Spruche (4316) by Bohtlingk.
1 11 tad anena, &c. See Rām IV. 5. mad anurodhāt 'At my request ', Pick
1. 12. Upambandhah Oath', Pick But that it means 'bond of friendship' becomes evident from l. 15 below
agne-säksikāc ca. Cf. Anar V. 33/34 See Rām. I 61
1 16 mameva, &c Cf Ašv Gr I 21, 7, Pār. Gr I. 8, 8, Śãn Gr II 4, 1; Atharva-Veda III. 8, 6, VI 94, 2
1 17. tvayā, &c Cf p 144, 1. 3, and note thereon Page 151, 1 1. cara-caksusmattā See Kām XII 27-28
1 3. tarhr, &c. The sentence is rather vague I think devena refers to Rama. It may, however, be taken as referring to Vali.