vīrānām, Jv. drāk-kārānām in place of prācīrānām. Cf. the account as given in Rām V 54
1 11 °udgādhao may also mean 'excessive, great', and qualify sanka', thus, 'udgādha-kalpānta-sankām' may also be translated, so that a great fear', &c.
1 12. ca trakūtena. B and K read citrakutena instead, which, however, is not possible here Triküta is, according to Rām V2, VI. 39, the name of the mountain on which Lanka was situated , oi perhaps the name of the foit as mentioned probably in verse 7 below. Citrakuta has no connexion whatever with Lankā, though it may, if understood quite literally as 'with variegated peaks', be taken to refer to the mountain Trkuta. Moreover, trihūtena occurs not much further on in verse 7 below, where B and E. have both the same reading trkūtah. It is very unlikely that Bhavabhatı spoke of that mountain here as Citrakūta and there as Thalūta. I have, on this ground, made the necessary emendation
Page 155,1 1 Sanskrit chāyā partrāyatām pantrāyatām kanıstha-mātāmahah
1 4 Sanskrit chāyā kanıstha-mātāmaha kim kathayām mandabhāgini esa Khalu ko'pr dusta-vānarah sakalam vidahya nagaram ksanamätrena tīksna-nakharaniksepa-viksipta-vrvrdha-rāksasa-loko ksena khalu kumārakena anubadhyamānas tasmin krtānta-līlām krtvā Thatrti nuskrāntah
1. 6 akkhena, &c See Rām. V. 47.
17 kumälaena We should rather substitute for this Māgadhi the Sauraseni form humäraena
tassim, &c Literally 'having practised upon him the play of death'. Cf. kaanta-līlārdam kareda in Mál III. 15/16.
Page 156, 1. 5. apr, &c Of Anar. VI. 10
1 7 Sanskrit chāyā: kanıstha-mātāmaha pürta eva koʻpr markata-paramānuh, taya saha mantrayamano drstah | tayāpe unmucya keśabharanam abhijñānam rty asya haste samarpitam etāva, jänāmi
1 7. tie saha, &c See Rām V 34-35 1. 8. tie vr, &c. See Rām. V. 38 1. 10. kapı paramānunā Of. padati-paramánuna in Anar. I. 27/28.
1. 13. Sanskıt chāyā. katham tādršī sukumāra-darśanāpı susnigdha vyavahäräpi manusi api sātäsmäkam räksasānām api räksasi jätā
susinddha-vvähārā may also be su-snigdha-vyähära, 'of sweet speech'. 1. 15. rakkchasi Literally 'demoness', hence, annihilatoi
Page 157, 1. 2. patwratāmayam gyotah Repeated in VII. 4 below, and in Bal X. 8/9.
1 5. Sanskrit chāyā. kanıstha-mātāmaha prathamam khalu dandakāranyaparyanta-paristhita verdha-mahidhara-pradeśesu nwäsa eväsmäkam nāksasänām vrhārah khalu nikhile jambūdvūpe | sāmpratam khaly rha nagare'py aksamo nwäsah kā gatah kah pratrkārah.
1. 6 vihāro. "Pleasuie grounds, Pick. 1. 10. durgo'yam, &c Or: 'here is the fortress Trikata' For the con