struction of a fort and a ditch surrounding it cf. Kām. IV 57, and Sukra. IV. 6 For the situation of Lanka see Ram V 2, VI. 3 Of Bal VIII 5. With its seven walls like the seven elements of the body
Page 158, 1 3. vāmāksi-spandanam. The throbbing of a left member of the body in the case of males foibodes inauspiciousness and danger. Of the verse anga-daksina-bhage tu sastam prasphur anam bhavet | narīnām tu vihito vipar yayena phalagamah
1 4 kim no, &c 'What can our destiny be in connexion with these words? Its sad change is unbearable', Pick 'How is it that our fate, which is to have a bad end, is unable to bear even these words ? Jv
15 kumbhakarnasya, &c. See Ram VI. 60
1 6 Sanskrit chāyā kansṭha-mātāmaha asminn eva krsna-caturdaśı-duase caturtho māsaḥ par samāptah
1. 9 a-vmrsya-kārtā. That is, his alliance with Rama
1 10 kula-pratisthā tantum, &c Cf Anar. VI 9/10
1. 12. Sanskrit chāyā kamstha-mātāmaha hā dhik ha dhik | śāntam pāpam pratihatam amangalam
Page 159, 1 1 Sanskrit chāyā kanıstha-mätämahasyāyam nava-racanopanyāso 'nyasminn eva kasminn | amangale era visräntah | na°. Can it here stand for nava°?
annassim, &c. As it indirectly means the destruction of our entire family save Vibhisana
1 3 na tad, &c 'It was not after due consideration', AB., ŚR. 'It was not because I wished it',
Pick. 1. 4 Verse 8. This verse is very difficult The exact force of this beautiful comparison is not clear, though the general sense seems to be, that Ravana's policy and his keen intellect cannot fail except through great misfortune Mark the defective construction Just as the sun does not descend save on the setting-mountain, so his policy cannot, save on the powerful destiny; while the author means, save through the powerful destiny The compounds nityadhvā and tat-pantha-dhisaṇā are 1hetorically defective, inasmuch as the upamanas and the upameyas should have the same position in both, thus, either nityadhvā and taddhṣnā-panthah or adhva-nitch and tat-pantha dhisana would be correct. The passage has created a still greater difficulty to the commentators because of their wrong readings visuddhawotpattyā and tat-pāpa-dhisanā
1. 6. °ravadhi vya may also be read as oravadhi-vya°.
1. 8. kevalam atasandhana-jrmbhitam Jy substitutes the reading rāmah sumate-sandhārana-niti, not found in any of our MSS.
1. 10. Sanskrit chaya: kanıstha-mätämaha sväma khalu sampratam sarvatobhadram nama aṭṭalakam aruhya tayā raksasa-kula-kālarātryädhisthitam aśokavanikām eva pralokayan testhati | anyat ca | to'bhmukham pravrttyaisā pravrttih śruta etannagara-vṛttāntam anubhūya kım ayı durmanāyamāna svāminī devam pratibodhayrtum tatraiva prasthată tr.