savvato-bhaddam The Matsya-purāna gives the definition sodaśāsra-sama yukto nānā-rūpa-samanvrtah aneka-śrkharas tad-vat sarvato-bhadra ucyate.
1 11. asoa-vaņā Sita was imprisoned here See Rām. V. 15
Page 160, 1. 3 padwohedum "To inform him of his danger', Pick. To give him sound advice', JV, AB.
14 patthida ttr. See note on nāma tti, p 84, 1. 7 above.
1. 12 Verse 9 The figure of speech herein is aksepa of the parallel Bal. II. 17.
yadı calañcale, &c. Cf. Narsadha-carta II 8 Page 161, 1 5 athava ka esa Cf. Press, 195, 1 20
1. 6. Verse 10 All the commentators read bhuvana-vibhāgāt, which is syntactically preferable. I tranglate adhrkrtya with Jv., as having subdued' Foi this sense of the word of Bhatt VIII 20, Pan I. 3, 33, and 'satrum adhrkurute' in Siddhānta-kaumudi (tinantātmanepada-prakarana under adheh pra sahane) SR interprets it as 'vidher adhıkāre samsthāpyētı bhāvah', which has practically the same meaning. AB's construction is very complex He explains 'I would crush the entire universe, would then to a certain extent drive away even Brahma from his portion of the world, would myself make my own sun and moon by virtue of my unparalleled and brilliant glory and fame' (asmat bhuvana-vibhāgāt brahmānam kañcid udasya, svam apratima ruci-taram pratāpam yaśaś ca admukrtya sûryendū samvidhāya). Pick, translates 'And then from this division of the world raise up another, and give Brahma his place of authority, and after making his peerless and brilliant glory and his fame into a sun and moon', &c.
1. 9 sakar unam. Pick, understands this to be the stage-direction, which is impossible; for then the foot falls short of four syllables. Jv. supplies āha after it. I wonder why they failed to notice the simplest construction which takes it adverbially as dependent upon anukampyesu, as I do.
1. 12. Sanskut chāyā ita ato bhartretad attalaka-sopāna-marga-dvārakam tad arohatu bhartri
1. 14 Sanskrit chāyā katham eşa mahārāja-dasakandhara upavistas tışthate katham aśoka-vanekā-sammukham pralokayate | Katham idrse'pr mpupakşābhryoge samprāpte rāja-kāryanrrapekso lakṣyate mahārāja-daśakandhar ahl Jayatu jayatu mahārāja-dasakandharah ).
Page 162, 1, 7 Sanskrit chāyā . mahārāja kim atra cmtrtam. 19 Sanskrit chāyā: mpupaksäbhiyoge 1. 12 °drg-danti". See note on din-matangaja, p 152, 1 13
1. 13 dik patin. That is, the gods who preside over the eight cardinal points. For their names see Amara I 3, 2.
Page 163, 1. 5. Sanskrit chāyā. nikhila-valamukha-cakrānugata-sugrīvägresarah saha-kanıştho daśarathi rāma ate śrüyate
1 8. Sanskrit chāyā: mahārāja samudāyah khalu sankyate aparam ca săgara velāsu sarnyam viniveśıya āhūto'nena sāgaro na nergato bhavanāt.
1. 11. samskrtam āśritya As a general rule ladies speak Prakrit. See