yadi ramah praks sta-viryo na syat would depend upon vyhäpуäms, and the following veise is to be taken then as giving the leason for kim na ksame Translate then, 'Why shall I not forgive, if', &e 1e 'I would certainly forgive, if', &c. Pick reads km tu and explains the whole as, 'I will consent to stay, if Rama admits that he cannot contend against me' But his translation, 'I beg your pardon' for atra vo vyñapayams 18 impossible
Page 67, 1 6 nulabha dvesam VR's rendering 'such that a quarrel therein is just (nyayya-kalaham)' is not possible
18. yasas, &c. I take it as locative absolute. It may also be taken as the simple locative, thus, kamvadants... yasası vacaniyam präpya, &c.
naravakase. This word is difficult. Laterally, 'free from space or scope. With VR I interpret it as 'free from scope for censuie'. Or probably it means 'leaving no space for anything else', so fully has it pervaded the various quarters
śvetamāne Fame is, according to the tradition of the poets (kavi-samayas), regarded as white See yasass dhavalata in Sah. 590, and yaso-hasyayoh śauklyasya in Kävyānu. p. 8, 1 29 Cf. Mal. II. 9, Pras p 23, 1 29, p. 150, 1 10, Anar I 35 For the first line of the paraphi ase in Anar II 65 a.
1 11 kaśmala kimvadanti. Cf. the same expression in Utt. I 42, and kamvadanti in Mal I 35/36
1. 12 ayudha-pisacika. Cf the repetition in Anar IV. 42/43, and Bal IV 0/1.
Page 68, 1. 1 ctta-prasadanih, which gives calmness to mind'-Pick. Mantryādi-bhavanah See Yoga I. 33, and the commentary thereon. prasidatu. 'Smile on thee'.-Pick. But AB. renders it as vimala bhavatu, and so also prasada (below) as 'freedom from impurity' (kalusya-vigama)
1. 2 visoka, painless' (dukkha-raksta), AB.; but which destroys all grief', VR.
viskā jyotismati. For the definition see Yoga I 36 and the commentary
18 tambhara Cf the word in Prabodh. IV. 4/5, for its definition see Yoga. I 48
bahih-sadhana. See commentary on Yoga. I. 49. VR. explains it as 'worldly as well as Vedic means other than Yoga', and quotes 'Janausadhi tapo-mantrair yavatır ha siddhayak | yogenäpnote tak sarva nanyar yoga-gater vrajet'.
1. 4. plavoparaga For uparaga see Yoga. IV 16 and the commentary thereon, viplava 18 explained by VR as 'anger, infatuation, envy', and so on; and uparaga as 'passion, avarice, pride, ignorance', and the like. AB and ŚR. translate it as the 'demon (rahu) of misery' VR. quotes Parabara Llesänäm
tu kaaya-karam yogad anyan na vidyate'.
'Jyoth-puñjam nerūkāram laksayen
antar-yotuo darśanam. Of the verse muktidam bhavet'.
1. 7. Verse 5. Cf. the parallel Bal. I. 60, where the first line is almost