Gunaratna 1 (consisting of but thirteen verses), to our poet. Excepting verse 1, which is a mere repetition of Mal. I. 2, the poem has nothing in common with Bhavabhūti's style The last eleven verses are of the nature of proverbs such as are usually met with in works on Nītı All the verses but the first have been included by Bohtlingk in his Indische Spruche, which may be consulted for references to other works where these stanzas are to be found. Below I append the numbers in Bohtlingk's work. Verse 2 = No. 5033, occurs also in Sārngadhara-paddhatz 502 as kasyā pi, verse 3 = No. 6089, verse 4 = No. 2152, verse 5 = No 2130 occurs also in Sārngadhara-paddhatr 295 as anonymous, verse 6 = No. 2138, verse 7 = No 6099, verse 8= No. 4658, verse 9 = No 5960, verse 10= No.5468, verse 11 = No 2445, verse 12 = No 94, but attributed to Vyāsa in Sārngadhara-paddhatr 669, verse 13 = No 2153
Bhavabhūtı must have, however, composed other works which unfortunately have been lost to us, for a large number of verses ascribed to him are not traceable in his three known dramas.
9 a. The following is a list of these verses
(1) in Śārngadhara-paddhatz 8 as bhavabhūteh 43, 2 (No 791), alpatalarr anuyātām, 6, 2 (No 146), niravadyāne padyāni, 41, 2 (No. 749), darvād yady apr tulyo
(2) in Suvrtta-tılaka 4 as bhatta-bhavabhūteh : Commentary on II 37 ajñānād yadi vā.
(3) in Rasika-jīvana of Gadādhara-bhatta III. 22, al-patalarr anuyātām , III. 95, kim candramāh pratyupakārao.
(4) in Vīrarāghava's Commentary on Mv 6 sämbā punātu.
(5) in Anantapandita's Commentary on Āryā-saptaśatī tapasvī kām gato' vasthăm
(6) in Rāyamukuta's Commentary on the Amarakosa on II 5 10, sa eva rauhusām, on III 1, 64, sarasasupāms
(7) in his edition of Kavindravacanasamuiccaya 6 Dr. F. W. Thomas mentions the following verses as having been attributed to Bhavabhūti in some works which exist so far only in MSS..
(a) in the Saduktzkarņāmrta of Śrīdhara II 704, usasi guru samaksam , I 109, kām tapasvī gato' vasthām, I. 62, gādha-granthepraphulla; I. 57, cūdāpida-mbaddha-väsukr, I 897, nah-sasara karā
1 Printed in Haeberlin's Sanskrit Anthology, Calcutta, 1847
In three volumes, St Petersburg, 1870-3
Edited by Peterson, Bom. Sans Series, Bombay, 1888 For the translation of
verses see ZDMG , Vol 27, pp 63-4.
+ Rāvyamālā Series, Bombay, 1886
5 Vide Ratnam Aiyar's edition, p 8, Bombay, 1901
& Bibl Ind Series, Calcutta, 1912