17. karuna. Laterally, whose internal feelings are mixed with the perception (anubhava) of compassion and heroism ŚR. renders it likewise. vīrānubhava may also probably be heroism and dignity'. bhävita may also be translated as 'purified'
Page 181, 1 4 bahucchalām raksāms Repeated in Anar V. 22/23. 1. 7 jambavat-pratibodhitah See Ram. VI 74
Page 182, 1 2 cumbaka-manım, &c Cf Utt IV 21; Mal I 25/26, Ragh XVII 63
1 8 sambhavana | prats The commentators read "sambhavanaprati", which SR interprets as dharma-yuddhasya sambhavanaya karanena prathata vinata, &c Pick translates: though its chief men were numerous and unshackled by scruples of honourable warfare'
1 12 hatti-vigalat" may also be read "shatiti vigalat
Page 188,1 4 kaya-sätatyena'pi is to be constiued with ahamahamikäkrantamanasah In spite of the fact that then activity is unceasing and that they do. not stop even for a moment in their discharge of arrows or the giving of blows, still then minds are full of rivaliy against the other warriors, and they wish to be still more active in their attacks upon the enemy ŚR wrongly construes it with vidhyanti sma, for, as he takes it, ap entirely loses its force. Pick too follows him and translates. 'pierce each other with repeated blows'
ahamahamika. For definition see Amara II 8, 101, it recurs in Bal VIII 1.
16 prstātaka See Amara II 6, 139
17. tavad antaram, &c The sentence does not fully bring out the meaning of the author When explained in the light of verse 55, it means that just as at the approach of the morning twilight, the darkness of the night goes on decreasing in the same proportion as the light of the dawn keeps increasing, similarly every succeeding minute, the army of the demons diminishes more and more, and that of the monkeys seems to increase in the same ratio
1. 9. kayatetaram. For this comparative form see Pay V. 8, 56. 1. 12 ravaşır laksmanena. See Räm. VI 86-89
1 14 dwyasträṇām, &c. Ravana and Meghanada have to endure the divine missiles hurled at them, while Rama and Laksmana have to submit to a coresponding retaliation from them
1. 15 sanyayoh, &c. In other words, the flames produced by the clash of weapons far surpass in their brilliance those at the time of universal destruction
Page 184, 1 3 kṣvedā 1 10. Verse 58 Of 'heroism'
See Amara II. 8, 107.
Anar VI. 63 vrtta is here synonymous with
1 14. puro. AB. takes this as an adverb and interprets it as 'in front
1 15 pratapanala. Repeated in Pras. p 24, 1 22, 23 Page 185, 1. 4 vismayaniya-vpralambhau
pralambha refers to the illusion