mentioned in the following verse viz the appearance of a new head in place of the one which was severed It is wrongly interpreted as in odhah by SR, Pick seems to have followed him, foi he translates the compound as, 'excite wonder by their combat'.
I 12 chrisyarlo py anantah. See Run VI 107, which mentions regarding Rāvana that a new head sprang up the moment his first one was cut off
kim u sadrsa-quro, &c The sentence is not very clear to me The exact force of lam here I fail to understand Again sadı sa-guno creates another difficulty. If understood to mean that one and an exactly similar head sprang up in the case of Meghanāda too. Just as countless heads instead of one in the case of Ravana, the idea does not find its corroboratun in the Ramayana
Page 186, 1. 4. mahmucyutustruo, &c Pick translatey effectual hy help of remembering the immortal arms of the supreme. For his employment of the vrulmustra see Rum. VI. 108.
Page 187, 1. 2. Sanskrit chuyu : huu mahumlju lushunilhara trailokya-viralak-m2-puty uhana-dur lulitu, lu suhala-sul seisalohu maqualan samartha-cluumuudaUludanda lut sekurite-ul-yurum nume N -HUJAhri-mukha panduthu ha haihase-putra-tiluhu i hi vundhujana-ratsula | kutra mityu tram prchantar yuhhu kumura kumbhaharuhu vatsa meglunuda kutsusi | dehr me patracanum | latham ko'p na mantray te hua duxta-durvu-durcılasıta hasmud cvam parinatum asr athavu ko'tru bhavata upulambhal atmana eva duścurtam etad viparuamat:
14 pasuraro, &c Of VI 14, 15 above
noraunantro In Sau, aseni p is changed to v, hence the emendation 1 5 lckasz, &c See Rum. VII. 9. Page 188,1 11 Sanskut chuyu huthum bhagini me'lahrt
I 12 lohutyutru. Cf p 211, 1 12 below. Cf. also Munu, IX. 25, 27, XI. 183; Mul. IV 6 7; VI. 8/9
Page 189, 1. 1. Sanskrit chuyu ay bhagini kuto mut äśrūsah yuratz-jananätra-sexu sanıyttu'smiehrh puruih kulu-tantuh kumar a-vibhisarus trxthatatı ś? 4yate | so'pi mama mandu-bhaginyu adunyataya ripupaksum eva sevate
1. 7. Sanskrit chaya: kutham rru.
1. 8. tuc ca, &c. The construction is faulty. Probably tat stands for mapupahsatvam. Cf. a similar case, p 203, 1. 13.
1. 10. Sanskrit chuyu. hatham drso'pi. 1. 12. Sanskrit chúyā: katham asmakam svumisv idršo uzparnnatah viparnado may also be read ur parinado = Sanskrit apı parinatuh Page 190, 1. 4. yad ucitam, &c. : said ironically. 1. 6. Sanskrit chāyā: hum tvam punar idrse prastare katram atro'pasthitu'si. 1. 11. Sanskrit chuyä: aho katham Bhagaratuh pasupater apr mitram nidhana.