xlvii 19 Alankārasekhara 1 II. 3 = Utt I. 9, IX 5 = Mal. I 5, XX. 12 = Māl. V.7, XX 15 = Mv. I 55, XX 24 = Māl . 16
20 Alankārakaustubha ap 30 = Māl I 32, p 46 = Māl I 32, p 118 = Māl. III 15, p 156 = Māl I. 42, p 216 = Mal IX 26, p 281 = Māl I 24, p 289 = Māl I 27, Utt VI. 12; p 292 = Māl III 8, p 294 = Māl IX 7, p 308 = Utt. III 26, p 323 = Māl III 9, p 324 = Māl II 3, p 372 = Māl I. 19, p 373 = II 8, p 416 = V 18
21 Padyaracanã 3 p 85 = Māl v 30 22 Citramūnāmsā 4 p 18 = Māl I 32
23 Rasaratnahāra 6 45 = Mal III 11, 67 = Māl II 2, 69 = Māl I. 29, 81 = MV II 1, 9, Utt I 24, Māl v 9/10, 10 a , Utt I 35, 82= Mv I 55 a, 39/40, 40, II 9 a, 27, 10, 83 = MV III 8, II 48, I 39, 96 = MV III 44, 98 = Māl V 16, Mv I 35
Text Editions
Mahāvīracarta, or the history of Rāma,& edited by F. H Trithen. London, 1848,
pp 4+ 147. Mahāvīracarita Edited by T. Tarkavācaspati with occasional glosses Calcutta,
1857, pp 2+120 Mahāvīracarita. Edited with notes by J Vidyāsågara. Calcutta, 1873, pp 142 Mahāvīr acarta. Edited by Anundoram Borooah, with a Sanskiit commentary
and a Sanskrit-English glossary. Calcutta and London, 1877, pp 13+ 310 Mahāvīracarta. Edited with various readings and notes in Sanskrit by S G.
Jyotishi. Poona, 1887, pp 135 + 29. Mahāvīracarita, with the commentary of Vīlarāghava. Edited by T. R Ratnam
Aiyar, S. Rangachalar, and K. P Parab 1st ed , Bombay, 1892, pp 260,
2nd ed., 1901, pp. 260. Mahāvīracarita, a Sanskrit drama, with the commentaries of Laksmana Sarı,
New ed , Madras, 1904, pp 270. Mahāvīracarita, with a full commentary by Jivānanda. Calcutta, 1906. Mahāvīracarta Serampore, 1872 Mahāvīracarta, with Sridhara's commentary and various readings. Poona, 1887
1 Kāvy Series, No 50 Bombay, 1895 2 Ibid, No 66, Bombay, 1898 SIbid, No. 89, Bombay, 1908 Ibid, No. 88, 1893. 5 Ibid., Part VI, No. 8, 1890.
The freferences are to the commentary on these passages
From Schuyler's Bibliography' with my own additions