Translations Mahāvīracarita The Adventures of the Great Hero Rama An Indian Drama
in seven acts Translated into English prose from the Sanskrit by John Pickford London, 1871, pp. 16+172. Reprinted 1892, pp. 20+172.
Text Editions. Malatimadhava, with a commentary on the Prakrit passages Calcutta, 1830,
pp 175 Malatımadhavae fabulae actus primus cum varius lectionibus, edidit C Lassen
Bonn, 1832, pp. 48 Malatīmadhava, with a tianslation of the Prakrit passages Edited by K C Dutt.
Calcutta, 1866, pp. 148 Malatīmādhava, with the commentary of Jagaddhara Edited with notes, critical
and explanatory, by R G Bhandarkar. Bombay, 1876, pp 399+76
Bombay Sanskrit Series, no 15 2nd ed., 1905 Malatīmādhava Edited with a commentary by J. Vidyasagala. Calcutta,
1876, pp 185 Malatīmādhava, with the commentary of Tıpurārisūrı, called Bhāvapradipikā,
in Telugu Madras, 1883, pp 176 + 128 Malatīmādhava Satika Part I. Calcutta, 1886, pp. 60. Malatīmādhava, with the commentary of Jagaddhara. Edited with an interpreta
tion of the Prakrit passages by Bhuvanacandra Vasāka. Calcutta, 1886,
pp. 317.
Mälatāmādhava, with the commentaries of Tripurāli and Jagaddhara Edited
by M. R Telang 1st ed., Bombay, 1892, pp 402, 2nd ed, 1900, pp. 402 Matatīmādhava, with Namyadeva's commentary. Bangalore, 1883
Translations A. English. Malatı and Madhava, or the Stolen Marmage, translated by Wilson,
vol 2, pp 1-123 B. Bench Madhava et Malatı Drame traduit du sanscrit et du pracrit par
G Stiehly, précéde d'une préface par A Bergaigne. Paris, 1885, pp. 12+
274. Bibl. Orient Elzévıı , no. 42 C German Malatimadhava, em mdrsches Drama von Bhavabhuti. Zum ersten
Male aus dem Original ins Deutsche ubersetzt von Ludwig Fritze Leipzig,
1883, pp. 125. D Dutch. Malatı en Madhava. Een indisch drama vertaald en verkort door
P. A. S. van Limburg Brouwer. In Tijdspiegel, 1871, 1, 418. E BengalıMalatee Mudhaba, a comedy of Bhubabhootee Tianslated into
Bengalee from the original Sanskrit, by K. P. Sing. Calcutta, 1859. F. Marathi. Malatımadhava. Translated into Marathi by K. S. Rajvade and
revised by Chiplonkar. Bombay, 1861, pp. 152.