Text Editions. Uttararāmacarta, with a commentary explanatory of the Prakrit passages.
. Calcutta, 1831, pp. 132 Uttararāmacarta. Edited, at the request of (and with a preface by) E. B Cowell,
by Premacandia Tarkabagisa. With a short commentary Calcutta, 1862,
pp. 181. Uttararāmacareta. Edited with commentary by Tarakumara Cakravartı. With
a preface by B. P Majumdar Calcutta, 1870, pp 208 Uttararāmacarita. Edited with Sanskrit notes by Iśvaracandıa Vidyāsāgara
31d ed (?), Calcutta, 1876, pp 15 +246 Uttararāmacarita, with a commentary called Bhāvabodhi by Ramacandra
Budhendra. Madras, 1881 (In Grantha characters ) Uttararāmacarta, with extracts from two Sanskrit commentaries and notes in
English by K B Mande Poona, 1881, pp 75+ 17. Uttararāmacarita. Edited by J. Vidyāsāgara 1st ed , Calcutta, 1881 , 2nd ed ,
1889, pp. 268. Uttararāmacarta. Edited with copious Sanskrit and English notes by S G.
Bhanap 1st ed , Bombay, 1888, pp 212, 2nd ed , 1893, pp 218 Uttararāmacarta, with Sanskrit commentary by Pandit B S. Ghate, together
with a close English translation and notes by V S Patvardhan. Nagpur,
1895, pp. 12+192 +47 Uttararāmacarta, with the commentary of Virarāghava Edited by T. R Ratnam
Aiyar and K P. Parab. 1st ed , Bombay, 1899, pp. 174, 2nd ed , 1903,
pp. 174 Uttararāmacarta Sanskrit text with a commentary by Lakşmana Sarı
Kumbhakonam, 1900, pp 209. Uttararāmacarta Jaipore, 1851. Uttararāmacarta, with commentary by Tarakumara Cakravartı and a Bengalı
translation. Calcutta, 1870 Uttararāmacarrta, with the commentary of Ramacandra Budhendra. Madias,
1882. Uttararāmacarrta, with a commentary by Viraraghava Edited by K. Acharya
Bangalore, 1891. Uttararämacarita, with the commentary of Virarāghava. Followed by the
Vasantikaparıņaya. Mysore, 1892
Translations. A. English, Uttararämacarta. Translated by Wilson Vol I, pp. 275
384 Uttararāmacamta. A literal translation from the original Sanskrit by H. Mukho
padhyaya. Calcutta, 1871, pp. 84. *789