Uttararāmacarta. Translated into English by CH Tawney 1st ed., Calcutta,
1871, pp. 81 , 2nd ed., 1874, pp. 101 Uttararāmacarita An English translation by K, K. Bhattacharya. Calcutta,
1891, pp. 142. B. French Le denouement de l'histoire de Rama, Outtara Rama Charta, drame
de Bhavabhoutz, traduit avec une introduction sur la vie et les oeuvres de ce
poète par F. Nève Brussels and Paris, 1880 C. Hindi Uttar Ram Carta, by L. Sita Rama. Allahabad, 1899, pp 96
Our Ancient Theatre, no 2. D. Tamil. Kusulava nataka by Bradhatten, a translation of the Uttararäma
carita, Cat. Mack. Coll., p. 218.
Besides the Introductions in the editions of some of his dramas (for which see · Bibliography of Bhavabhūti's Plays ') the following works may be mentioned 1. Bhavabhutr and his place in Sanskrt Literature. By Anundoram Borooah.
Calcutta, 1878. 2. Theâtre Indren. By Sylvain Lévi. Paris, 1890. (Particularly pp. 211-16,
219-24, 269-72.) 3 Mälatī-madhava. Edited by R. G. Bhandarkar. Bombay, 1905. (Preface,
pp. vi-xvii.) 4. Bhavabhutz in English Garb, by K. M. Banerjea in Indran Antiquary for
1872, pp. 143-7. Bombay 5 On the Ramayana, by A. Weber in Indran Antiquary for 1873,
pp 246-9. 6. Bhavabhuti's quotatron from the Ramayana, by R. G. Bhandarkar in Indran
Antiquary for 1873, pp. 123-4. 7. Select Specimens of the Theatre of the Hudus, by H. H. Wilson. Vol. I,
pp. 275-384; Vol II, pp 1-123, 323–34. London, 1871 8. A Biblrography of the Plays of Bhavabhūta and of Krsnamnsra, by M. Schuyler
in J.A.O.S., Vol. XXV, 1904. 9 A Bibhography of the Sanskrit Drama, by M. Schuyler. New York,
1906. 10. Subhāşıtāvati of Vallabhadeva. Edited by P. Peterson, pp. 77–8. Bombay,
1886. 11. Ueber dre Paddhatz von Bärngadhara (pp. 63-4), by Th. Aufrecht in Z.D.M.G.,
Vol. XXVII. 12. Wrener Zeitschrift fur dre Kunde des Morgenlandes. II. Band. Wien, 1888
(p. 332).