Page 58,11 tyugah sapta samudra, &c Cf p 61, 1 3 This line is quoted in the commentary to Sah 234 to illustrate a dāna-vīra
1 3 Sanskrit chiya günüti mahābhūgo garuha- amaniyam mantr ayıtum This passage is almost repeated in Mál IV 1/2
1 5. Verse 37 This verse is quoted in the commentary to Dasar II. 1 to illustrate the madhu a quality of a Hero.
18 Verse 38 This verse is quoted in the commentary to Dasar II 51 to illustrate par rartaha, one of the characteristics of the sättratī vrttı. The Prakrit rendering of the first line is repeated in Bül X. 26/27
1 12 Sanskrit chāyā bhartı - dārzhe preksasva bhastuh saubhāgyam | tvam khalu nitya-par anmukhy åtmanam vañcayası
Page 59, I. 2. Sanskrit chāyā dhūra-masrna ätmano mahatmya-sobhato 'sya vinayah,
1. 4. rajanya-pota. Repeated in Anar. IV 35/36
I 6. apräkrtasya, &c mama hangs a little loose in the sentence. I am sure it is to be construed with hrtasya (thus hrtasya mama) Malyavān has already said that Rama's ahankāra can be grasped only by men of very sharp intellect. Ordinary mortals fail entirely to realize his inner nature. He emphasizes the same view in this verse, and proceeds Although I know full well that he is no ordinary person, and excels all by reason of his marvellous deeds, still I fail to fully comprehend his real nature in general (or his ahankāra in particular). But this much I can say with certainty that he is some uncommon hero in the body of a child' Pick construes mama with bhāvarh, and translates. Though he is attracted by the marvellous acts of me.. still he exhibits indifference towards me', which, however, not only does not fit in with the context, but also falsely attributes indifference to Rāma which he has not yet shown in the least. Jy explains it similarly, and as an illustration of Rāma's indifference, refers to his words, 'Embrace is contrary to what you have commenced'. AB. explains anästhā as lack of trust' Though Rāma has captivated his heart, yet he cannot trust him entirely Rāma is not what he outwardly looks, a mere child, but a great hero and so fit to be dreaded.
1. 11. osapta-bhuvanäbhayao. Repeated in Utt V 33. dāna-punya-sambhārao. Repeated in Mal X. 20. 1 13. sátturka-gunao See Bhag XVII, XVIII
Page 60, 1. 2. trātum, &c. This verse (41) is repeated in Utt. VI. 9. Cf. a similar tone in Utt VI 21
1. 5. āvzrbhūya sthrta iva. Repeated in Utt. VI. 22
1. 9. eta evābhuvartate Repeated in Mv p. 97, 1. 13; Utt. VII 1, Māl. 1. 19/20; Anar. II. 37.
1. 10. gautamas ca, &c. The second half-verse in I. 19 above and Utt. I. 16.
1. 11. Sanskrit chāya. bhartr-dārzke parāgata eva tātah | ehyabhyantaram pravršāman.