243 the different words denoting parts of the body see Amara. II 62-68, Visnusmrti, chapter 96, Abh. 604 ff Of Bal V. 77.
1 8 snayu-grantha is lepeated in Mal V 14, and granthy asthe occurs in Mal. V. 84; Anar II 54
1 2 vaksoruhantra The passage needs more light from the MSS The present ones note three leadings (a) vaksoduka (the oldest MSS), (b) vakaoruka, and (c) vaksoduka But unfortunately none of them gives any sense The Dictionaries mention no such word as duka, dukā, ruka, ruka, or the like. The difficulty was known to W, which has also 'rula' along the margin. 'vaksoruha' gives a good sense, but the word is applicable generally only to the female breast The reading 'vaksobukantra' would be faultless if 'buka' or 'buka' be the same as 'bukka' (= the heart).
1 7. esa no, &c, 1 e this king is dearer to us than our own body 1. 10 dukkham asmahe. Does this also mean 'we can hardly remain
Page 80, 16 durdāntānām, &c. Of Manu, VII 17 17 dundantas tuam.
found in any of our MSS
1.9 ka... kwa when repeated like this in co ordinate sentences imply 'great incongruity' or 'great difference' between the objects contrasted Ragh. I 2, Sak II 18, Kr. L. 6
SR mentions another l 'durdantatiam' not
1 13. viparyaya See Sankh Su. III. 37
1 16 raja cet, &c Cf in this respect the law in Manu, VII 20-24 Page 81, 1 3 par cara, &c Cf. Bhag IV. 34
1 12 bhrgu... nah. Cf a similar tone in Bal. II. 38/39
Page 82, 1. 2 mrankusah is to be construed also with depal, meaning 'without a goad'
1 5 vrddha-vacana Cf. vrddharh in III 13, and cyavanadi-vākyarh in III 15 above.
1. 6 hrn-marma, &c. Cf. Utt. I 30, II 26, III 37/38, IV 8
1.8 aurvanalah Cf V. 2 below, Sak III. 2a.
1. 11. dasaratha-bale santy upahstah is the leading of all the MSS. but Mt. 'The kings on earth depend upon the strength of Dasaratha', he being the most powerful of them all And so if I slay Dasaratha, I might be said to have conquered all the Ksatryas, or probably, if I succeed in slaying him, I could surely, and with perfect ease, slay all the others. This is the likely meaning I am, however, inclined to adopt Mt's leading emending its uparatah to upagatah 'prthwvyām rājāno dasaratha-kule santy upagatah" gives an excellent sense All the kings on earth find themselves at present in the house of Dasaratha, having been invited to join the mariage ceremony. I can, therefore, now engage up n the twenty-second slaughter of the entire Ksatriya race
Page 83, 14. saked
All the MSS but Mt read mulur' instead. Then
1 I have now found this leading in Mi.
R 2