For his presence there with Vamadeva and others
santi refers to the santi-pätha performed in the beginning of all the celemonies even at the present day See Ragh XI 62, Kām. IV. 32.
1 12 vrnotu Not a happy selection of the verb. Page 76, 1. hosaleśvara-videha
Page 75, 1. 10 jābāli see Ram I. 12
Mt's reading is much better, but the evidence of only one MS does not suffice for its adoption in the text
sapta, &c. Cf. Anar IV 51/52.
1. 2. kula-parvata. For the names see Visnu II 3
For the names see Visnu II 2
1. 3. Verse 24 This verse is quoted in the commentary to Saras. V 169 to illustrate a tamasa Hero
1. 5 arāmām, &c Cf. Anar. IV 50, and the close parallel Anar IV 56 1. 10. grhya-tantra-pradhane. AB and SR take this as a Bahuvrihi compound depending upon may, which they supply. That is evidently wrong For, firstly, they have to supply a pronoun, and secondly, they have to construe nairantar yat (which they are forced to take as an adverb) with upalambhat The similarity of construction with the other ablatives, all of which mention the various reasons for the cessation of glory' demand my way of construction. grhya-tantra-pradhane nan antaryāt gives an excellent sense besides. grhya-tantra is repeated in Anar II. 17
Cf I 8 above
1 12 vijay sahajam 1. 13 tvarayate, &c. tvarayatı karmane corresponds in sense with the etymology of karmuka, for which see Pan. V. 1, 103
Page 77,1 2. tvam, &c. Cf Anar. IV 45.
1 3 tvām, &c Of the close parallel Anar III. 13.
vedantesu refers to the Upanishads (cf. Vik amorvasi I. 1) and among them to the Bihadaranyaka
16 praśrayas cete. When 'ca' is used to express inconsistency between two statements it is used in the second Cf Mahabhasya on Pan III 2, 102, Sak I. 15.
1 10 namatu dhanuh Of namatu căpam in II 49 above.
Page 78, 1 1 yājñavalkyānurodhat. SR and Pick. wrongly translate 'by the schooling of Yajnavalkya'
1. 4. Verse 29 Notice the harsh sounds imitating the sense
18 repeated in Utt IV. 29
1. 6 vaktra-yantra is repeated in Bal. VII 22
18 SR leads grmbhu-vidambi katodara as two compounds.
This verse
capam. It is here quite clear that Bhavabhuti uses our word in the neuter See note on p 60, 1 2.
19 Verse 30. Cf. the close parallel Bal. I 57.
For the Parasmarpada
in virama see Kavyal. V. 2, 85.
Page 79, 1. 2. Verse 32.
Note the harsh sounds imitating the sense Cf. the parallel passage V. 19 below. For a similar tone cf. Mal. V. 34 For