1. 6 sucarta guru-stambhadháre VR ienders this "supported by the huge pillars of holy deeds'.
1 7. yadı, &c Cf. a similar thought in Bal IV. 68 19 krtakrtya, &c Of Anar I 22/23, II 11/12
I 10 purohita is one of the sahāyas of the Hero, see säh 83, Dasar II 41.
1 11. Verse 18 See Kām IV. 32, Sukra II 78-80. Cf Anar II 12.
Page 73, 1. 4 maha-pātahu. Foi the names of the five great sins see Manu, XI. 55
15 kandira A term of reproach See Amara. II 8, 69
kānda-prstha is likewise a term of reproach one who is faithless to his family, caste, eligion, oi profession', &c See Amara. II. 8, 67 Cf also the definition. 'sva-Zulam prsthatah kortvā yo var parakulam vraget | tena duścaritenā 'sau kända pistha ato smrtah ||
asyām apr diś, i e with respect to your behavioui (ācāra)
1. 9. svastı-vācanika is a person who lives by the proceeds of officiating at sacrifices
Page 74,1 5. dhavitra is a fan made of deer-hide See Amara II. 7, 23
16 pranita Consecrated by the recitation of Vedic mantras See Amara II 7, 20
prsadäjya is ghee mixed with coagulated milk. See Amara. II. 7, 24.
tanü-napät. Literally, son of the self'. See Amara I 1,53 The word is redundant here, unless it be taken as referring to a particulaı form of Agni The MSS Mt and Mg are conscious of this redundancy and so omit the word The reading wvā "bhiprao is from Mr which, I have now found, is decidedly the best. The base and the nominative singulai of the word tanūnapāt are identical. This has led AB. to take the word here as a base and join it to samidhyamāna, thus rendering the whole as 'burning with the fire (of wi ath)', &c.
1. 10. parābhrghātād udbhūya The meaning of udbhūya is not clear here. In his Drctionary Apte mentions to rise in arms' as one of the meanings of the root, but no passages are referred to I doubt if more than a few cases could be quoted in support of this meaning Still for want of anything better I am forced to follow him I am, however, inclined to correct the reading to uddhūya (= having been shaken, or roused) The sense of the word 'para' is uncertain. Is it an adjective = 'highest' or a noun = 'an enemy'?
1 11 atatām (atatena vrstārnena sastrādınā ayrtum silam asya Tarānātha's Vacaspatya) Literally, one who is endeavouring to kill somebody', see Amara III 1, 44. There are sıx kinds of such desperadoes (1) the incendiary, (2) the poisoner, (3) one with a drawn weapon, (4) the thief, (5) the robber of land, (6) the seducer of another's wife. Cf. the definition from Sukra agnado garadaś car 'va sastronmatto dhanäpahah | Ksetra-dara-haraś car'tan sad vidyād ātatäynah'. Cf. a similar definition in Vas III. 16 It is considered no sin to kill any one of these criminals. See Manu, VIII 350-351, Vas III. 17. For atatayun see Anar. II. 56