Act I ends at folio 12, II at 225, III at 291, IV at 41, V at 52, VI at 67a, and VII at 786 Dated samvat 1879 (=A D. 1823) Copied near Calcutta by a certain Brahman for Phila-sāhaba', at least from two different MSS., though some readings might have been adopted after collation with a third MS. Begins frī-ganešāya namah and ends with the colophon samāptam zdam vīracaritam nāma nātakan il avi inna-pekkhanyjam sama-suhaduhkham vunna-sabbhāvan Il annonna-hiaa-laggam punnehu jano janam lahar duhkham deto vi Il suham janer jo gassa vaksaho hor li dara naha dūmiāna vi vattar thanānā-romañco Il sri-lambodarāya namah Il mangalam astui norantaram srümatām ir jāte samvatsare nand 9 sarılā 7 sta 8 urdhu 1 sammite il cartre māsy asite pakse cădhake kuja-väsare 1 sasthyām 6 Śrī-vīracaritam nātulcam subha-dāyakam Il śrīmad-gaura-narendrāya phila-sāhabāya sammude 2 udvar-gana-ganānām ca pālakāya dayāvate samlrlekha duyah kaścut kālikattākhya-samnidhar 3 yad atra vzparītam syāl lekhane tat ksamasva bhoh 11 ati vjñaptur esāstu śrīmatsu ca dayānidhe 11 4 11 Has an occasional chāyā (in red ink) of the Prakrit passages, and adds a few marginal notes Numbers the first four verses in Act I, and all the verses in Acts VI and VII For the first five Acts agrees closely with W. In many points it also agrees with I, Thus, for instance, it mostly uses the same abbreviations of the names of the dramatas personae as Il, repeats the doubling of consonants after r in almost the same places as I, and writes o in a peculiar way in nearly all those places where I, does it for the last two Acts it has much closer affinity with I., and assigns the same numbers--sometimes wrongly—to the verses as I, does All this points to a decided double origin of this MS.
9 I, MS No 943 a of the India Office Library, London, (Serial No 4135 in the Catalogue 2) On the front title-page it reads Presented by H. T. Colebrooke, Esq', and bears the seal of E. I. Company's Library'. Size 121" x 41". Contains forty-eight folios, of which No 1l 18 missing a blank sheet being substituted Dated samvat 1857 (=A D. 1801) Begins śrī-stamberamāglayanāya namah. Ends samāptam adam vīracaritan nāma nātakam Il śubham astu II samvat 1857 Has a few lacunae Does not number verses for the first five Acts, and according to its own numbering has 59 verses in Act VI and 36 in VII. Thus its originals were two different MSS. Complete for Acts I to VII. Act I ends at folio 89, II at 142, III at 189, IV at 236, V at 33, VI at 42, and VII at 486. I am inclined to think that the MS. was copied from originals belonging to the seventeenth century, because of the following considerations (a) at the end when giving the date of completion of the copy, the scribe begins 16, then drops 6 and substitutes 8 (then adding 57). 1 Probably Wilson is meant
* p 1,581. See above