Evidently the scribe first began mechanically to copy out the date of his original, but afterwards realizing his mistake made the necessary correction, (b) the forms of some of the letters, both simple and conjunct, e.g gg, o, r, jv, jh, rū, rnī, sn and visarga, are identical with those occurring in the seventeenth-century MSS, (c) it often writes sch and sth, (d) after rit doubles the consonants g, c, v, dh, k and p in nearly all those places where I does it, while (:) and a appear as ss almost always where they do so in I, It repeats some of the mistakes of I. These last considerations make its remote connexion with I, very likely.
10 Md Copy of MS No. 5-2-22 in the Government Oriental MSS. Library, Madras As the originals of the MSS kept in this Library are not lent out, I had no other alternative but to request Rao Bahadur M. Rangacharya, Curator of the Library, to cause a copy of this MS to be made for me by a capable copyist, and he very kindly supplied to me a copy with collations from two other MSS, Mt and Mg1 In his letter, dated June 10, 1912, the Librarian informed me that the place from which the manuscripts were acquned, the year of acquisition, and the former owners of the manuscripts are not known'. A brief description of this MS., as supplied to me, runs 'The Devanagari MS is written on country paper and contains ninety pages of eight lines each. The MS. is slightly worm-eaten and gives the following as its date samvat 1907 aśvina sudi budha-väsare likhayatam bharatapura-madhye subham bhavatu Isrir astu.' The MS. is thus a little over sixty years old, and 18 complete up to the end of Act V According to the colophon it was copied at Bharatapura.
11. Alw Copy of a MS. in the Library of His Highness the Maharaja of Alwar. In good condition Very correct Numbers verses. Written in clear Devanagari characters on a strong Indian paper Occasionally writes y for 3, é for s, and s for kh Its original is undoubtedly the same as that of Md, with which it agrees even in the minutest details. Most important among them are its omission with Md (only) of some passages on p. 17, 1 7, p. 24, 1. 13, p. 78, 1. 13, and the readings surpanakha and nihkräntäh for surpanakha and neskrāntah respectively The MS is reported to have been purchased in Benares in the samvat 1911 corresponding with A D 1853 No further particulars are available concerning its previous history*
The Southern Group comprises⚫
1 and 2. Mt, Mg. Nos. 5-3-38 and 2-7-18 respectively of the Government Oriental MSS. Library, Madras. As described under Md above, only collations of these two MSS with the text of Md were supplied
1 See below, Nos 1 and 2 of the Southern Group