different readings Seems to have been copied from an old MS, as is evident from its writing e, ar, o, au in the old way. Very incorrect Mistakes are seldom corrected, but when corrections are made, they are in the hand of the original scribe. It (a) confuses – and r, s and rã, m and bh, 2 and 7, 2 and e, (b) uses - in preference to the class nasal, (c) does not generally double consonants after r, and (d) has a few lacunae, the incapability of the scribe to read its original.
7. W. Bodleian Libiary, Oxford, MS. No. 260, being MS. Wilson 2295.1 Size 125" x 45" (size of folios 69 and 70 125" x 43") Folios 70. Folios 1-7, lines seven a page, 8-70%, eight lines a page, and folio 70”, six lines Complete for Acts I to VII Act I ends at folio 116, II at 206, III at 265, IV at 37, V at 47, VI at 605, and VII at 706 In perfect condition Written on white paper in very clear Devanāgarī handwriting Undated, but date 1820 inferable from paper Correct, as it stands, though many corrections have been made and omissions have been supplied by the original scribe Besides these, there are a large number of corrections in a different hand-probably it is Wilson, who is also responsible for some marginal notes in English. Colophon at the beginning Śr-ganesāya namah 11 il brī-sarasvatyar namah ll ll frī-guruthyo namah | Endcolophon reads samāptam edam vīracaritam nāma nätakam II śubham astu l Numbers verses, though a little incorrectly According to its numbering there are 60 in Act I, 52 in II, 49 in III, 60 in IV, 62 in V, 63 in VI, and 41 in VII. Written by one scribe only, though with different pens. There is a noticeable change in the thickness of letters on folio 27a Besides the yellow pigment used to obliterate or modify letters, it uses a reddish brown pigment to indicate the number of verses and the names of the dramatis personae. It sometimes paints the stage directions and the words indicating the conclusions of the Acts. Has a chāyā on only two passages in Act VI.3 Beginning with Act VI it separates with the (1) mark words in Prakrit passages, not only up to Trijatā's speech after verse 8. In Act VII it separates words only in the first speech of Lankā.
8. Sc. No. 481 of the Sanskrit College Library, Calcutta 4 On the back title-page it reads vīracaritam nāma nātakam Size 91" x 4". Seventy-nine folios with eight or nine lines to a page. Written on white paper in clear Devanāgarī characters. Very correct In very good condition, though worm-eaten in a few places. Complete for Acts I to VII.
1 See Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum ? I have mentioned all these in the Sanscriticorum Postvedicum quot quot in Critical Notes. Bibliotheca Bodleiana adservantur Auc 3 Vide text, p. 155 tore Th Aufrecht Pars I. Oxonu, 1859, * Mentioned as No 242 on p 145 of p 136. Also Catalogue of Sanskrit MSS A Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit MSS in in the Bodleian Library Appendix to Yol I the Library of the Calcutta Sanskrit College, (Th Aufrecht's Catalogue) By A B. Keith, Vol VI Prepared by Hrshikesa Sastri and Oxford, 1909, p 34.
Siva Chandra Guz Calcutta, 1903