Page 102, 1 7 sucarita-paripaka Repeated in Anar I 7. Cf. for the idea in this line Utt. II. 1b
1.9 stuti-pathad° Cf I 51, IV 15 above
1 10 aukala-hsiti-dayınc Cf. II 11, 19, 36 above, also p. 61, 1 3 Page 103, 1 6. bhagirathi See Ram I 43-44, Maha. III 107-109
Cf Utt I 23
sügarah. See Ram I 39. 19 unumodasva, &c Cf
Cf Anar I 20
the close parallel Anar IV. 62-63
1 11 raghu-janaha, &c Cf his words in I 13 above
Page 104, 1 3 kintu anusthāna° This verse is repeated in Utt I 8 Cf Anur II 19, cf. 'gahasthah. nānāhutagmh syāt', Vas, grhāśrumi vavāhikāgnau pāku-yajñān kuryāt sāyam prātas ca 'gnihotram, Visnu-smrti, ct also the quotations agnin adadhita and yāvaj-jivam agnihotram juhuyāt
1 5 grhāt sva-grham, &c. Vasistha thereby means that Visvamitra is always welcome to his house, which the latter should consider as his own. Cf the close parallel Anar IV 63
1 14 vinaya-mangalika. Cf Anar. VII 136
Page 105, 1 1 ksatra, &c. VR offers a second reading hsatra-prakāndagrhini-bahumāna-pūjām, and suggests that ksatra-prahanda-grhini may be taken as an epithet of Saci, but how is India then the best of the Ksatriyas' (Ksatra-prahanda)?
13. samula-kāsam kasitesu For the form see Pan III 4, 34
1. 8. pratyag-jyotih. Repeated in Anar. III. 23
Page 106, 1 9. tad api nama, &c. Mark the expression of this desile by Rama, and the ingenuity of the plot, in that the author makes Manthara enter at this stage to convey to Rama the two boons which her mistress desires to be fulfilled, one of them being (as Rama desnes) his start for the Dandaka forest Rama's speech only prepares us for the entrance of Manthara, as no character should, according to the dramatic formula nānādistasya praveśah, enter upon the stage without its entrance being first hinted at
Page 107, 1. 4 sudhu yad, &c i e it is likely that through her we might know that our mothers are not sorry for our long absence from home. Of Anar IV. 65/66; also pravāsavarmanasya in Anar I. 38/39.
17 Sanskrit chāyā aveśita-manthara-sarīrā Surpanakha aham | vasisthavisi āmitra-gamanena susamāhitam | aho esah parasurāma-vyjayī ksatriyu-kumārako rumah | aho samagra-saubhagya-laksmi-parıgı ahena locana-i asayanam saumyam asya sarira-nırmānam | bho dānim cira-kala-vardharya-dukkha-pramusta-samsarasaukhyasyām janasya cârntra-dhira-supuritam punar api hrdayam parisphorayatı avesta is the Mahārästri form, the correct Sauraseni is āvesida. vasittha, &c. Cf p. 91, 1. 9.
Page 108, 1. 1. pamhusida. The leading pamhasid of the MSS is incorrect I have emended it to pamlusida See Hem. Pr IV. 75, 184 in accordance with which pamhusida may be rendered vsmrta and pramusta respectively.