1 3. api, &c Of Anar. IV 65/66
1 4 Sanskrit chāyä sukham kuśalam ca vatsa sadā să prasnutastani madhyamā te mātā parisvajya ajñāpayatı putraha pura pratiñatau dvau varau mahārājam jāpayāma | tasyāh me vigñaptı-hārako bhava esa tātasya kārya-lekhah The construction esā sadā for sadā esā would be pieferable I am, however, now inclined to read vacchaldae să instead of vaccha sada esā.
panhudatthanī Cf Utt III 16/17. 19 astv ekena, &c Of Anar. IV 66, Mahānätaka III. 8 (No. 97)
Page 109, 1 4. mātr-bandhu bandhu in such cases is a term of reproach Cf the similar expressions ksatra-bandhu, brahma-bandhu, &c
1 12 Sanskrit chāyā nama idānim bhagavate samsārāya yatra ādršā api halpadrumāh prarohanto
Page 110, 1 7 Verse 45 This verse is quoted in the commentary to Dasar II 1 to illustrate the rakta-loka quality of a Hero
1 10. carāmah Mark the use of the piesent tense in the sense of the optative. If it is used here for the future, as the present sometimes is, the sense is also clear But we should have rather expected carema for carāmah Cf note on dadātı, p 91,1 7 above
Page 111, 1 1 yady evam, &c of the close parallel Anar IV 56/57
18 yo 'sau, &c Literally, 'begs to receive back the deposit of the two boons' See Rán II. 9
1 10. satya-sandhā Cf. IV 51 below 1 13 astu ekena, &c See IV. 41 above 1 10. Verse 49 Of Anar. IV. 67
Page 112, 1 13 putra-sankrānta', &c cf Ragh I 8, III 70, VII 68 This verse is repeated with variants in Utt I 22
I 14 ksīra-kantha. Repeated in Anar. I 40/41, Bāl VI 30, and My V 11
Page 113,1 1. dhanyāsı, &c Of Anar IV 68/69.
1 6. āpāta-haruna-sneha-samvegah Almost verbally lepeated in Utt VII 6/7.
1 7 pratusiddham ca, &c See IV 41 above 1 13 Verse 53 Of Anar IV 69. raksobhyo valir wa Cf. Utt I. 49 Page 114, 1 2 gagad avrkalam. Cf Māl IX 20
16 Sanskrit chāyā distya anumatā asmi āryena The MSS Cu and K read azgāe and E aãe, and so must be rendered into Sanskut as aryayā But Sitā here evidently refers to Rāma's consenting to her accompanying him We should naturally then have the masculine word ajena I have, therefore, emended the reading.
Page 115, 1. 1 aśrama For the four orders of life see Manu, II 36, III 2, VI 1, and VI 33 respectively.
1 11. yad etad, &c For the story see Räm. II 112. Of Anar V. 2/3. Page 116,1 1 mat-pada-sprstakayā Cf sva-sarira-sprstıkaya in Anar V. 2/3.