Page 20, 1 1. Verse 37. This verse is quoted in the commentary to Dasar. II 10 to illustrate the sättvika guna called sobha (nice ghrnā) to be found in a Hero.
Utpåta That the word means 'a poi tent' becomes clear from a compai ison of the passages, for which see 'Sanskrit word Index'
1. 4 niyuktas tat, &c. Of the parallel Bal III. 3/4, III. 5, and Anar. II. 62
15 vrülnanajanasya, &c Notice the peculiar phrase, which really equals brahmana-jana-sanghātasya mrtyum For the story see Rām. I. 25, 26
1.8 Verse 38 Cf. Anar. II. 58, II 62. For a similar thought cf. Utt. V 23
1. 11 Sanskut chāyā aho parūgata eva | hã dhik, nā dhak | utpāta-vātāli ura hatāśā mahānubhāvam abhrdrarati
Page 21, 1 2 Sanskrit chāyā aye rdānīm svayam era tūtah prasthitah.
1. 4. Verse 39. This verse is quoted in the commentary to Dasar IV. 19 to illustrate marana, one of the vyabhrcārı bhāvas For the story see Rūm I. 26.
1. 8 Sanskrit chāyā āścaryam āścaryam | priyam pryam nah.
Page 22, 1 1 nă ärye.. plavante. This passage as well as verse 40 below is quoted in the conumentary to Dasar IV. 29 to illustrate visāda, one of the ryabhucārı bhāras
1 1. ambune majjantı, &c. Cf the parallel Pıākrit passage in Bâl. VIII. 31/32.
1 6. dutyam. I have adopted this reading only on the strength of the MS K. dainyam' (1. e. 'helplessness'), read by all the other MSS, is very nearly the same thing as garā (old age), or at least the direct result of old age. So piactically darnyam loses its force and reduces the reasons advanced to only one It is, besides, difficult to understand what other "helplessness' he was labouring under dutyam gives an excellent sense, his position as a messenger is to him the chief hindiance Compare the same reason and under similar cu cumstances mentioned by Angada in VI 22 below
1 7. omkārah Cf. the parallels Bâl III 78, IX. 39/40. ayr, &c Cf. the parallel Anar III. 43/44.
1. 11 The readings sa and nah (of Mt) in place of he and sah would be preferable.
Page 23, 1. 1. divyūstrao. For the story and description see Rām. I 27, 28. According to the story of the Rūm. I 55, they were revealed to Visvāmitia by Śiva ; and in Vienu. I, 15 also they are mentioned as sons of Krśaśva himself
1. 2. prakāśam. For definition see Dasar. I 58; San. 425
1. 3. bhagavatah, &c. Cf. Anar I. 40/41 , Ut I 14/15; V. 15; VI. 15/16 ; Būl. III. 7
sarahasya', &c. Repeated in Utt. VI, 14/15.
1. 4. devyāstra-mantra pārāyanasya. Repeated in Anar. II. 8/9; III 20/21. Cf. also Anar. I. 40/41.
1. 6. brahmadayo, &c. This verse is repeated twice in Utt. I. 15 and VI. 15 See also Rām. I. 21, I. 26-28.